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July 20— Zephyr, 5$ tons, Low rle, from Napier^ with 9 c»ski me, S do. tallow, S. J. Edmoudi. Paucngers— Meiirf . Bird, Colenso, »nd Brown.— C. A. HarrU, agent ' 29— Airedale, i.s , 286 tons, R. Johmon, from Nelson via New Plymouth, with.* parcels, Y. B, A.; 1 bundle, Hiclceon ; 1 parcel, Tancred ; 4 ton obee»e, ordor ; 2 cask* tallow, Turnbull j 1 ease, H. M. Custonu } ] 8 kog» butter, Q. Graham j 12 ptoiaijci luggage, Pagan ; SO oaiks bottled beer, older ; 1 bo\, Montgomery, 65th rept.; 4 hhds. beer, order ; 1 ease, PolonialSecictary"; 1 case, Ycms; 1 parcel, Hull, ] parcel, Lieut. Kiddle, 1 do., Mtuor Hutohens; 1 do. Toirett, I case, W. Aitken.— l.C.K.M.Co , ngents. FOEEIGN. July 29— Biondwater, ship, 677 tons, Captain Stockman, from London.— CruicUshanV, Smut, and Co., agents.

The ship, "Broadwater," 577 tons, Captain ! Stockman, amved here from London, ou Sunday • night, after a passage of 114 days. After leaving ' the Downs, on the sth ApiJ, she experienced fine ' light breezes to the line, which she crossed on the sth '■ May, in long. 27° 44" W. The weather continued ' fine until the 6th June, when, m lat. 42° S., she en- 1 countered a perfect hurricane ; the wind suddenly '„ shifting from N. to SW. The ship was completely buried, taking in whole seas, which carried away ' part of her bulwarks. It being impossible for • the men to go aloft, the fore top-sail sheet was let ' fly, and withiu a couple of minutes the sail was ' blown clean out of the bolt ropes, when the ship righted. The gale afterwards moderated almost as quickly as it rose. Gettmg light winds afterwards, she went as far as 52° S ; was off Van Dieman's Land, the only land sighted since leaving England, on Jiily 17, and made the Three Kings on the 25th. The "Broadwater" brings the f olio wing passengers : Revd. Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Lys- : aught, Mrs. Homss and child, Messrs. Jackson, 80l- ! ton, Pemberton, Smith and son, Mr. ancl Mrs. Lawton, Messrs. Chadd, Pulham and wife, Fry, Haynes and wife, Gillies. No births occurred on j board, and one death, of which we extract the followin" melancholy account fiom the ship's log . — " Saturday, 4th May, — This afternoon, Mr. Henry : Leesou, a passenger (who has been for some time very unsettled in his mind) came up on the poop, after having finished his dinner, and jumped from the starboard covering boaid of the poop, overboard, and notwithstanding that the ship was immediately brought to the wind, the life-buoy thiown within a few yards of his body, and the quarter-boat lowered very quickly, his body was not picked up till life was qiute extinct. Aftei every effoit had been made to recover life, the body was buried at 6 p.m., with all usual lespect, in the presence of the majority of the c passengers and crew. The burial service was read by the Rev. Mi. Thatcher.

CARGO OF THE " BROADWATER," 2 cases, 17 pkgs, Thomson, Keith & Co. ; 2 cases, Thomson, Keith & Co., or older of Gilfillan & Co. ; 10 boxes, Manager of Union Bank ; 80 lihds., Brown & Campbell ; 100 casks, Gilfillan & Co. ; 4 packages, Thos. Law ; 4 balea, order ; 1 case, Thos. Phillipson ; 21 cases, General Cameron ; 2 cases, Geo Sergeant Jakins ; 14 barrels, W. S Laurie; 2 cases, J. K. Fry ; 5 cases, Varty ; 17 cases, 11 do., Hon. Colonial Secretary; 21 pkgs, Thos. Short: 1 case, John Bavter ; 311 pkgs, S5 do , order of Great Barrier Co. ; 75 pkg&, D. Nathan & Co ; 1 pkge, Mrs. R. Harper ; 1 case, S. Rout ; 30 cases, Gilhllan & Co. : 24 pkges, Cruickshank, Smait & Co ; 1 case, John Roberton ; 40 casks, oider; 2 cases, W. Graham ; 4 pkgs, Geo. McGuffe ; 60 barrels, order ; 75 pkges, 12 camp ovens and covers, W. McKechney (if landed at Auckland) ; 2 cases, Rev. I. Harding; 119 pkgs, order; 1 truss, S. A. Bell ; 6 cases, E &H. Isaacs ; 117 pkgs, 224 do., Cruickshank, Smart & Co. ; 5 cases, E. fc H. Isaacs ; 2 do., R.Hampton ; 1 case, Thomson, Keith & Co. ; 2 cases, J. Varty ; 213 pkgs, S. H. Smith ; 1 pkge, Rev. R. Laishley ; I box, Rev. J. Hopkins ; 1 case, Rev. I. Harding; lease, Mr. H. Ansell; 1 case, Thomson, Keith &Co ; 1 case, J. C. Hoyte ; 44 packages, Officer Commanding 27th Regt. ; 1 case, Bain, Graham & Co.; 1 case, Messra. Farnell ; 1 case, \V. C. Wilson ; 1 case, Mrs Corpl C. Spurgin ; 1 case, W. C. Wilson ; 50 cases, Gilfillan & Co ; 1 box, Cruickshank & Co. ; 20 hhds., Gilfillan & Co ; 1 case, Col. T. Goie Browne ; 1 case, D. Evett ; 1 do., B. S. Levy ; 2 e*3es, Herbert Ashton ; 22 brls, 211 pkgs, 16 do , order; 11 pkgs, Thos. Short ; 101 cases, Watt, Bros. ; 2 cases, Varty ; 4 bales, A. Clark & Sons ; 2 cases, Geo. Webster , 254 pkgs, Thornton, Smith & Co. ; 9 packages, JohnEdsou; 2 cases, Geo. Sergeant Jakins ; 13 pkgs, A Claik & Sons ; 1 case, Bishop of N. Z. ; 1 case, Varty ; 4 cases, Thomson, Keith & Co. ; 3 packages, S. Rout ; 52 pUgs, J. Roberton , 75 cases, Governor o£ New Zealand ; 3 pkgs , Cruickshank, Smart &Co ; 1 truss, F. Aikinan; 1 case, Hy. Warne; 13 cases, Col. Warre , 1 case, J. E. Cato ; 6 cases, John Baxter ; 4 bales, Cruickshank, Smait &Co ; 9 pkgs, S.Edmonds ; 40 cases, Cruickshank, Smart <fc Co. ; 3 pkgs, Owen & Fendelow ;16 pkgs, T. Keith ; 2 cases, E. &H. Isaacs), 11 pkgs, 25 do , Owen & Fendelow; 1 case, E. H. Power ; 6 trunks, Geo Turrell ; 4 cases, B. N. Manley ; 2 pkgs, Col. Gore Browne ; 3 pkgs, Saml. Blackburn ; 1 case, E Carter; 1 do., John Roberton ; 1 case, order; 2 cases, Officer Com 57th Regt. ; 2 do., W S. Laurie; 1 do., Albin Martin; 1 box, John Fredk. Clark ; 1 case, E Porter ; 1 case, Win. Tagger ; 1 case, Geo. Hodge ; 6 bales, order ; 1 case, T Allen ; 1 case, Capt. J. R, Harrison ; 9 pkgs. , A. Horley ; 1 case, W. Buchanan ; 3 bales, Cruickshank, Smart, and Co.; 60 casks, Order; 1 cask, J. Edson, 3 cases, G. Graham ; 2 ditto, L Harding ; 1 case, Capt. Daldy ; Ceases, James Walmesley ; 110 pkgs. Order ; 260 ditto, Lilewall and Rattray ; 331 ditto, David Nathan & Co. ; 2 cases, Samuel Rout ; 87 pkgs., W. Phillips and. Son ; 43 cases, Cruickshank, Smart, & Co. ; 10 pkgs , Thos. Keith & Co. ; 5 ditto, Owen & Graham ; 73 ditto, Order ; 1 case, Order ; 1 ditto, Herbert Ashton ; 1 ditto, James Anderson ; 14 cases, President Mess Committee : 1 do., Brown and Campbell; 1 case and 1 parcel, J. Going; 60 casks, Lewis James ; 1 case, 2 packages, Varty ; 6 ditto, Thos. Phillipson ; 9 cases, Hon. Chief Justice Arney ; 5 trusses, John Rout ; 11 pkgs., Order ; 9 cases, James Oldham ; 6 pkgs., Gilfillan and Co. ; 3 ditto, Cruickshank, Smart, & Co. ; 20 do., Herbert Ashton ; 1 box, Rev. J.B. Hutton ; 1 case, E King f 1 ditto, Stephen Hooker ; 1 box, Capt. Steward ; 1 ditto, Order ; 1 case, Capt. Crowdy ; 1 ditto, Chapman Ewen ; 1 ditto, T. Mortyn ; 1 ditto, Samuel Brown ; 3 pkgs, Thornton, Smith, & Firth ; 183 do., D. Graham, & Co. ; 34 ditto, A. Clark and Son ; 2 cases, G. E. Reed ; 3 ditto, S. H. Smith ; 92 pkgs., Owen and Graham; 10 232 pkgs., D. Graham & Co. ; 2 cases, E. &H. Isaacs ; 105 pkgs., Brown, Hall, & Co. ; 170 ditto, Order; 94 ditto, E. & H. Isaacs ; 47 ditto, Samuel Brown ; 10 J-tierces, Order ; 10 pkgs., G. &E. Lewis ; 100 casks, Brown & Campbell ; 1 case, Thos. Cowton Law ; 9 water casks, Cnuckshank, Smart, & Co. ; 1 bale, unknown; 2 ploughs, Woolfield ; government stoics as per bills of lading ; 1 brickmaking machine, Order. — Cruickshank, Smart, & Co., agents.

The I. C. R. M. steamer 'Airedale,' Captain E. Johnson, commander, arrived in the Manukau on Saturday evening, on the day the mail was due. She brings the following pnssenget* : Messrs, G. Rich, Cain, Lawrence, and Fairburn, Mhses Mould (2), Messrs Savoy and Young, Mrs. Bews, Mrs. Hobbs , and servant, Miss Greenwood, Messrs. Taylor,, Wilson, Leslie, Hewson, Chittenden^ Burgess, Cols. Chutteand Young, Captains Paul and Toker, Lieuts, Urquhart and Whitbread, Dra, White and Tomlinson, Mesiirs. Sewell, Ryar, Lethbridge, Lorney, Yems, Newell, Read, and Kelly, Major Herbert ; second cabin — Mrs. Hetherington, Mrs. Walker, Messrs. Humphries, Stevens, Brooking, Phillips, Holmes, Chustal, and Clark, 6 soldiers (65th regt.), 4 soldiers (40th regt.). The ' Muanda,' 15 guns, H. H. steam sloop, Com mander Glynn, arrived on Friday evening, from Wellington and Napier. General Cameron, C.8., and suite, were on board. The news, per ' Miranda,' confirms the intelligence regarding the southern gold fields H. M. S. ' Cordelia,' 11 guns, Commander Hume, arrived at Sydney on the 15th inst. She left Auckland on June 23rd. The Sydney and Melbourne papers report very severe weather on the coast, at latest dates ; and casualties are apprehended. It has been reported in town during the week that a ship's ladder, and timber, has -come ashore near the Sugar Loaves and some of the latter north of Waitara. It is feaied that some vessel has been lost in the late tempestuous weather." We are still without tidings of the "Traveller's Bride."— TaranaM Herald, July 20. The natives report this morning that a small vessel, a fore and aft schooner, lies stranded on the beach at fatariamaka, fifteen mile* from town ; that she came ashore on Friday week, and that her crew of three men are staying near the wreck. These are the only particulars we can gather from the natives, and cannot ascertain the name of the vessel, Tbid. X The 'Boanerges,' merchantman, arrived at Spithead on May 13 from New Zealand. She left Auckland on the sth of February, and brought home private passengers and cargo and some government stores. The new schooner 'Sylph,' built by Mr, Nichol for Messrs. Cruick|hank, Smart, and Co, and Captain Andeison, has changed owners. She has been purchased by Captain Norris (who will sail her) and Messrs, Webster and Patterson. This beautiful craft is to be put on the Russell and Xiii Kin trade ; and from her superior passenger accommodation, and the well known courtesy of Captain Norris, the ' Sylph' is

likely to becotne a'frod fSvouri^W'tMs^liiie/'iWe are gtod that our' local taerpKfwitsi retain ifithß-^? 5 of bur port th<J swift arid ''sea-wdrthyrv«iela' whiobPoiir locaTfthip* builder* turn out- from 1 tinie to time. 'It in needless' ft MeM'tWj'faoUTint Mi: Nlchol 'h& eifttfefl' for himself a high reputation as a naval architect; or to' assert that His 6'oiwting Veuels taW* 1 credit to 'this port; These are generally 'acknowledged truths la 'the AuV traliah colonitt. Wo understand tkat Mr. Nichol has 1 been favoured with a commiision , from Mara*. Hen 3 derson and Macfurlane to comtruct a barque ; and we aie litre she will, when finished, sustain the high repu' tation of the builder, which the ' Sylph' has tended to confirm.- * The screw steamship 'Robert Lowe,' 1276 tons register, Captain Oongalton, of London, from Auckland, New Zealand, the 3rd of February); and Fayal the 20th of April, arrived at Plymouth on the 18th of May. She had on board 18 invalid soldiers belonging to the 40th and '6sth Regiments of Infantry, under the command of Captain Marris, and in medical charge of Dr. J. X, Mxirray, and 15 naval invalids from TaranakL Three 'deaths occurred on the passage, viz., two naval invalids by pulmonary consumtion, and one military invalid who, being insane, jumped overboard, and was drowned. The ' Robert Lowe brought about 3,000 bales of wooL She rounded Cape Horn February 28, and crossed the line April 5. Fine weather was experienced all the passane. Off the Horn a seamen named William Smith fell overboard and was drowned. — Home Newt." Ships Loading at London fob Jtfxw Zealand.— For Auckland : 'Gananoque,' Nixon; 'Block Eagle,' Davie. For Canterbury : ' Royal Stuart,' Cornwell ; 'Derwfeutwater, 1 Thornton. For Nelson s ' Gladiator,' Lovie. ' For Otago : 'Remark, Duncan; •'Vicuna,' Wilson ; ' Hound, ' Cbnaway. . — Ibid. Arrivals from New Zealand.— The 'Mermaid,' from Port Lyttelton, Canterbury, February 16th, at Gravesend, May 14. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. Blackiston and ohild, Mr. and Mrs. Cox and child, Mr. and Mrs. Marshman and four children, Mrs.' Campbell and two children, Miis Buss, Messrs. Thompson, Begge, and Gray ; second cabin — Mrs. Champion, Miss Irvine, and Messrs. Green and Lawrence. The 'Boanergei,' from Auckland Feb. 5, at Gravesend May 1 6. Passengers — Mr». Selwjn, Mrs., Miss, and Master Colenzo, Master A Douglass, Mrs. W. Baker, Miss Harrison, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kingdon, Mr. and Mrs 1 . Cogiwell and five children, Mr and Mrs. Hittersay and daughter, Robert and John Oliphant, 'James M'Gregor, Robt. Dentham, Joseph Sandeison, Robert Jones, John ' Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Coxen,' and Mrs. Jerome. The steamship ' Robert Lowe,' from Auckland Feb. 3, at Plymouth May 18. Passengers — General and Mrs. Gold and family, Mr. and Mis. Bain and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carter and family^ Mrs. Marris, Mrs. Kingsley and family, Mrs. Moresby, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Gampbell, Major and Mrs. Smith, 1 Miss Kindon, Commander Blake, R.N., and Messrs. O. Wilson, R. Pitcairn, and J. Thiosby. — Ibid. The following vessels lailed from Great- Britain to New Zealand in April, 1861 : — ' Broadwater,' 571 tons, from London, for Auckland, with carg6 and passengers (arrived) ; ' Henry Femie,' 1549 tons, from Liverpool, for Auckland, with troops (arrived) ; ' Earl of Mar and Kellie,' 429 tons, from London, for New Zealand, with cargo and passengers ; ' Chrysolite,' 1129 tons, from London, for New Zealand, with 'cargo and passengers; 'Norden,' 847 tons, from London, for New Zealand, with cargtf and passengers ; ' Sir George Pollock,' 630 tons, from London, for New Zealand, with cargo and passengers ; ' Storm Cloud,' 797 tons, from Liverpool, for New Zealand, with cargo and passengers. — Ibid. The ' Northumberland, ' Hawkins, sailed from the Downs, for Auckland, on May 13; and the 'Ida Ziegler,' Reynolds, on May 23. — Ibid.

MEAN TIME OP HIGH WATER AT AUCKLAND. A. SI. r. M. July 30, llh. 55m. ... ]2h. om. „ 31, . Oh. 15m. . . . . Oh. 38m. August 1, lh. Om Jh. 15m. Moon : Lost qr., July 30tb, 7.31 a.m.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1422, 30 July 1861, Page 3

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