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THE SOUTHERN CROSS. Tuesday, September 20, 1853.


••It ' have been ettlniru'slied, yet there ri-.e A thousand beacons from the si>aik I bure."

A Pilot for. Manukau. — "We are happy to observe that the admirabfe survey of this noble harboui', by Capt Drury, is not likely to remain a dead letter ; but that an anxiety exists to render it immediately available to commercial intercourse. This is as it should be. Still, we trust that before trading vessels shall be encouraged to enter Manukau, every anangement consistent with their careful pilotage may be fully and finally arranged. We are led to make these remarks in consequence of a correspondence which appears in the ' New-Zealaodcr' of Satmday last; from which we gather that the Superintendent and the Colonial Secretary have both appointed Mr. Marks to the office of Pilot for that port. We believe Mr. Marks to be well qualified for that office; but, seeing it slated that a messenger has been sent to Onehunga conveying to Mr. Marks the necessary authority to undertake the charge, and knowing (as we do) that Mr. Maiks is at present at Taranaki, in command of the schooner ' Sisters.' we can only hope that he has intimated his willingness to accept the appointment, upon

the duties of which we trust he will enter with the smallest possible delay.

By the arrival of the " Delniar," we have been put in possession of our back files of the Sydney Journals, from the sth. to the 26th ultimo, inclusive. All but the earlier numbers have long since been anticipated ; but from the 'Herald' of the 10th ultimo we quote as follows, to place on record the opinion of that independent and influential Journal, of the means by which Lt.-Colonel Wynyard has been enabled to acquire the Superintendency of this Province : "We ('Sydney M. Herald') have Auckland papers to the 16th ultimo One fact is to be gathered from them and one only, Lieutenant-Colonel Wynyard has been elected Superintendent of the Province of Auckland. This is the staple of all the leading articles, of the domestic news, of the correspondence and many of the advertisements. The polling took place on the Ist July, and the following was the result : —

"In Auckland itself it will be seen Mr. Brown had a large majority ; but in the out distiicts, especially the pensioner settlements, Colonel Wynyard was far ahead of his opponent. The Southern Gross, which belongs to the defeated candidate, considers the "people" have been defeated by military despotism ; while the New Zealander considers the " people" have triumphed over an attempt to make them dupes of a would-be dictator. There can be no doubt, however respectable and influential many of Colonel Wynyard's supporters may be, that the scale was really turned in his favor by the military element." A new weekly paper, of which we have received the first numbers, has made its appearance in Sydney. It is called "The Englishman," and is a well printed, and seemingly well arranged double sheet.

By the Overland Mail, whioh arrived in town yesterday, we have a continuous file of the ' Wellington Independent' from the 6th to the 20th ult :— that of the ' Spectator' is to the same date, but copies of the 10 th and 17 th are missing. The final departure of Governor Grey ; and the elections for both the Provincial and Representative Houses of Legislature form the chief topic of discussion, His Excellency embarked on board the Government Brig Victoria on the 18th ulfc , to be landed on the coast road near Palliser Bay, from whence, by way of the Wairarapa, ho was to proceed overland to Auckland ; the brig was bound for Nelson, from whence, we presume, she would return to convey Lady Grey to this port. The following are the results of the several elections : —

House or Representatives, For the City of Wellington, Messrs. C Clifford, 11. Hart, and J. Kelhara } without opposition. For the Wellington County district, there was a contest, which terminated thus : Captain Rhodes 74 Mr. A. Brown, .- 42 Majority 82 Hutt District. Messrs. E. GL Wakefield and A. Ludlam, •weTe returned yesterday without opposition, to represent the Hutt District in the General Assembly of New Zealand. Dr. Eeatherstone was returned for the district of Wanganui, without opposition. For the IVairarapa and Hawke's Bay District. Mr. S. Revans was elected without, opposition.

Provincial Council, For the City of Wellington, No less than sixteen candidates were in the field. The contest took place on the 9th ult., and, according to the Independent, for some time was carried on with great bustle and activity, but towards the close it began to flag, until within the last hour, when those who reserved their votes to the last, come up and revived the polling. The following is the state of the poll ab its close. About 420 electors polled: —■

About five o'clock, or soon after, the Returning Officer came forward to announce the state of the poll, and declared the seven highest on it as having been duly elected to represent the electors of Wellington in the first Provincial Council. For the Wellington County District. The election took place on tho 11th August, when five candidates were proposed. The following was the state of the poll at its close. The thrQe first were declared to be elected :—-

polled. * \ For the Butt Disti id. The seven following gentlemen were nominated, and the first four elected :—: —

For the Wanganui District. There were three' candidates for two seats. The nomination of the following gentlemen, viz , Messrs. H. S. Harrison, Wm. Watt, and J. M Richards, took place on the 12th ultimo, when tke show of hands was pronounced to have been in favour of the two former gentlemen. Mr. Richards demanded a poll, which was to have taken place on the 26th. For the Wairarapa and Hawke's Bay District. Messrs. Donald Golland and . Samuel Revan were returned without opposition.

We, necessarily, abridge the statement furnished by the ' Wellington Independent' of the proceedings at the election of a Superintendent for the Province of Canterbury. There were three candidates for the office, viz.: — J. C. Fitzgerald, Esq., proposed by Mr. J. T. Cookson, and seconded by Mr. J. Deans. Henry John Tancred, Esq., proposed by Mr. John Healey, and seconded by Mr. Packer. Colonel Campbell, proposed by Mr. Moorhouse, and seconded by the Rev. Joseph Twigger. A protest was entered against the Colonel, in consequence of his name not appearing on the electoral roll. Captain Simeon, the Returning Officer, permitted the nomination, intimating at the same time that, in the event of Colonel Campbell | heading the poll, he could not return him i as Superintendent, but must elect the se- ! cond candidate. He therefore impressed upon the electors that, as far as the proceedings went in the Province, all votes for Colonel Campbell would be thrown away. Colonel Campbell spoke at some length, and impressed upon the electors that he was eligible, and that his name had been improperly erased. In the event of his heading the poll, he would be their Superintendent ; and he called upon those present not to be deterred from voting for him. The show of hands was in favour of Mr Fitzgerald. T»e Polling (tayi the 'Lyttleton Time*, of 23rd July) comraen ed at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, and up to 1J o'clock Mr. Tancred was first ; but Mr. Filz Gerald gradually drnr ahead, and at 12 o'clock be was 20 in advance. Mr. Tancred'i friend> made sirenuoua t-ffjrt'i md succeeded greatly in reducing the majority when the pdl closed.

Lyttlelon wai in a state of excitement from an early hour. About 10 o'clock a procession was formfd of Col. Campbell'* supnor'ers headed with a bind led by a drum major flourishing a broon. On two po'ei were displayed by way of barmen a blue and red shirt (lent 'or the occaiion by the Maoriei) furmounfed with loaves of very opposite dimetuioai; thejiurger one intended, we understand t) represent Colonel Campbrll and the fl>od of prosperity bis election would secure ; the small one Mr. Fi 2 Genld and the maximum of prosperity his success would produce.

The following gentlemen Lave been elected members of the House of Representatives for the Province of Taranaki : — F. U. Gledhill, Esq., for the town of New Plymouth ; W. M. Crampton, Esq., for the district of Omata ; and T. King, Esq., for the Grey and Bell district. The two first were returned without opposition ; the latter stood a contest with Mr. T. Hirst, the numbers at the close of the poll being : — King 90, Hirst 36. We hear that His Excellency Sir George Grey had arrived at Taranaki, previous to the departure of the overland mail.

From the Government Gazette, Aug. 4. Civil Secretary's Office, Wellington, 29th July, 1853. His Excellency tho Governor directs it to be notified for general information that from aud after the Ist day of August next, the heads of the undermentioned Departments of the Establishments of the late Province of New Munster will receive their instructions from and make all their Reports to his Honour the Superintendent of the Province of Wellington : The Officers in the Colonial Secretary's Department. The Officers in the Provincial Council's Department. The Officers in the Sheriff's Department. The Officers in the resident Magistrate's Department in the Town of Wellington. The Officers in the police Department. The Officers in the Medical Department. The Officers in the Public works and Roads. The Inspector of Sheep and slaughter Houses. By his Excellency's command, Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary. The following it a lummtrT of « 'Government G»zette' which w»» published oa Monday I*it, the 15'h instant :— A Proclamation that cc t>in allotmenu of Und belonging to the Crown in the Town of NeUon thould b" referred (or public purpoieg ; one allotment bsi been reierred for a Custom House, another for a w«iermg place, and a ihird for military purpciei. A Proclamation under the N*'uml zition Ordinance, na.urrizing Mi-mi. Cker Beyer, and

Johann Heintich Chris»oph Bancke. A noiificathn that Chnrlei Brown. E g., of New Plymruth Encin«r, had been duly elected Superintend nt of the Province of New Plymouth The appointment of Tamihana Te Rmparaha to he an Assessor, un'lfr the Residei t Magistrate** Ordmmci tt Otaki A notificHtion to the effect that all officer* engaged in theCuitomi in New Zealand shall for the futme Wftr duiing houri of business and while on duty, an un dress uniform, ths pattern of which is also §et furih aud deicribed. And a notice that a sitting of ihe Supreme Court will be holdenon Thur«day, the lit September, for the despatch of Criminal, and on Wfdrifgchy, the 7th, for that of Civil, buiinen. — Independent, 20th Auyutt.

The following letter contains an engagement of publication which, of course, was not made without being authorized by ourselves. It is obvious that a paragraph contained in it relating to the 'New-Zealander,' would have rendered its publication improper, pending the action for libel. We now take the earliest opportunity of redeeming our promise by inserting the letter in question ; — Auckland, New Zealand, 26th July, 1853. My Lord, I have the honor to lay before your Lordship the following statement relative to the proceedings of Lieut. - Colonel Wynyard, Commander of the Forces in New Zealand, and of certain officers of the 58th Kegiment in connection with the bringing into operation the Representative Institutions lately conferred upon this Colony by the British Parliament. Lieut. Colonel Wynyard will be furnished with a copy of this statement, which will likewise be published in the Colony, in order that every facility for rebutting it should be afforded. It is proper to add that a statement to the 'same effect, in another form, will be laid before the House of Commons, It is clear that in a small community, the military influence of the Commander of the forces, in command of a regiment and of the artillery, taken with that of the ordnance and commissariat departments, must be of almost overbearing force. (1) It is for your Lordship to say whether it be constitutional, or in accordance with the principles of military discipline that such power should be exercised; more especially when brought to bear upon what is, as yet, but an experiment of the Home Government — Representative Insti tutions newly conferred, and rights bestowed upon colonists as yet unpractised in the exercise of them. I content myself with giving you facts, from which your own conclusions may be drawn. Before adverting to those points which may be supposed to come under your Lordship's more special cognizance, I shall offer you, for your information, a short abstract of the whole proceedings, accompanied by reference to local journals in which the question is set forth at large. . The first public step to be taken towards introducing the New Zealand Constitution was the issuing of writs for the election of Superintendents of Provinces. It had been originally intended that these officers should be appointed by the Queen ; but the Home Government, after consideration, finally decided that they should be elected by the people. The first who presented himself to the constituency of the Auckland province as a candidate, was Mr. Hartley — a barrister of high reputation, — a gentleman universally respected and esteemed, but of no political party. The second in the field was Mr. Brown, a merchant and large land owner, and the acknowledged leader of the opposition to a most unpopular Government. The third was Lieut. Colonel Wynyard, coramandei; of the forces, and ex Lieut. Governor. In stating that he was the third in the field, I do not deny that canvassing had been going on for him before the other two candidates had come forward ; but as he did not declare himself until after their appearance, he cannot be placed in any other position. His declaration wad consequent upon the presentation of a requisition with 506 signatures appended. (2) Of these 320 were enrolled pensioners, and 30 discharged soldiers. The gross number of the constituency is about 2,000. Lieut. Colonel Wynyard certainly possessed a most imposing combination of influences. (3) He enjoyed a certain amount of personal influence remaining to him from his former position as Lieut. Governor, (in which his good humour had won for him much popularity) and from the exercise of patronage. He could calculate upon being supported by the whole body of officials, who are interested in the maintenance of the old official system under the new regime; — by the great majority of the Pensioner corps, who feel his influence as that of their commander during the regular drills, or when in active service, and who besides, would naturally give the preference to a military man over a civilian ; — by the military residing out of barracks, who are allowed, most improperly, to vote ; — and by the civilians connected in various ways with the different military departments. Mr. Bartley, deeming himself unable to contend against such an array of force, retired from the field. (4) The contest now assumed a different character. So long as it lay between two civilians, it had been amicably conducted ; had it remained between two civilians, it is probable that not a single private friendship among their respective supporters would have been disturbed. (5) In one instance an

(1) Southern Crou, iupp. June 29, col. 1. July 5, pige 3, col. I. (2) Southern Crnsi, April 22, p. 3, c, 1. (3) June 10, p 3, c. 3. (4) June 10, p. 3. c. 3. (5) June 10, p. 4. c. 1.

attack had been i.iade upon Mi. Biuwh's private character by sonic of Mr. Rirtk-y't. partisans; but that pcutlciiian at onto came forward and put a stop to tins mode of electioneciing. But when the contest came to lie between a civilian ■Grid a soldier — between Mr. Brown and Lieut Colonel Wynyard, — the bitterest exasperation arose, which indeed has given a shock to the social condition of this province that it will take years to recover from. The most disgraceful charges against Mr. Brown were manufactured by some who belonged to Lieut. Colonel Wynyard's committee, and by the newspaper in Lieufe. Colonel Wynyard's interest, — charges which "will yet become the subject of legal investigation. Indecency, malice, lying, disloyalty, and infidelity,, were imputed to him. He was accused of having obtained a letter surreptitiously ; he was described as a man whom no oath could bind; and Lieut. Colonel Wynyard, the soldier, instead of at once coming forward like Mr. Bartley, the more chivalrous civilian, to forbid such proceedings in his behalf, was content to retrain bilent, and to reap whatever advantage could be derived from them. (6) After two months of such, stormy and acrimonious electioneering as it is to be hoped this colony may never witness again, the day of nomination arrived. Lt.-Colonel Wynyard declined presenting himself at the Hustings ; the consequence of which was ! that neither his proposer nor seconder obtained a hearing, (7) Various causes, (with what truth I know not,) have been assigned for his absence; among others, his disinclination to answer questions which it was known had been prepared for him. It might indeed have been to maintain the appearance, at a distance, of remaining absolutely passive in the affair; of suffering himself to be borne into office by the community. But the active and open canvass made for Lt.-Colonel Wynyard by officers of his own Regiment, to which further allusion shall presently be made, will sufficiently preclude the entertainment, within the colony, of such an idea. (8)

Among those who voted for Lt.-Colonel "Wynyard were 59 military and 48 officials ; these being abstracted, a majority of 5 remains for Mr. Brown. (9) The Pensioners, a quasi military corps, being likewise abstracted, a majority of 259 bonafide colonists remains for Mr. Brown, — a sufficient answer to the defamatory statements, which Lt.-Colonel Wynyard did not come forward to repudiate. There is no gainsaying these numbers. It is clear that Lt.-Colonel Wynyard has been forced upon the community. Even had he been borne in unanimously, there would still have been grave objections to his acceptance of the office. But what excuse can be offered for him who can produce nothing but a trifling majority composed of soldiers and officials, in justification of having deliberately caused a whole community to bo torn to pieces by dissention. Let him argue as he will, he cannot escape from two broad facts, namely, that the civilian candidate has a large majority among the bona-fide colonists; and that party spirit between the respective partizans of the civil and of the military candidate rages here, and will rage still, to a degree that I have never yet seen equalled. Lt.-Colonel Wynyard 4ias indeed been a firebrand among us. Such is the outline of the proceedings in this election. I consider them as an infraction of the constitution, and presume that your Lordship will consider them unmilitory and subversive of discipline, for the following reasons :

Unconstitutional. 1 Because Lt.-Colonel Wynyard, commander of the forces in New Zealand, has obtained a high civil position partly through his military influence. For the officer in command of a regiment has the power of affecting the constituency by making votes. By allowing his own soldiers, as many as he pleases, to reside for a certain time oufe of barracks as householders, they become entitled to electoral privileges. (10) But the exercise of these privileges is entirely under his own control ; for the soldiers cannot vote at all if he be disposed to hinder them. He has merely to order them to remain within their barracks, and they cannot; even go to poll. In point of fact all such votes are at his command, for reasons which will be sufficiently obvious to yourself. When I inform you that the voters of the 58fch regiment were ordered into barracks, and there interrogated — I believe, by the Serjeant Major — as to the use which they intended to make of their votes, you will be at no loss to account for the unanimity with which they supported their Lieut. Colonel

(6) Mbj 17, p. 2, cvT. June 10, p. 3 and 4. June 21, p 2, c. 4. /Sid, p. 4, C. 4. (7) June 21, p., 3, c. I. (8) June 29, p. t c. 1. (9) July 15, p. 2, c. 4. * (10 April 22, p. 3, c. 1. June 12 p. 4,c. 3 June 17, p. 3,c. I.

.it the poll. A list of these ns well ns of other parties belonging to the dn'Foicnt mililaiy departments, and therefore niqie or less under Lieut. Colonel Wynyard's immediate control, it, pi in ted in an uoeompanyiug number of a local journal. (11) It may be pioper to mention that the members of the police force in New Zealand arc prohibited from voting at elections ; and likewise that the ISench of Magistrates at Auckland lias refused to allow military officers to sign recommendations for publicans applying for licenses, on the ground of such officers not being, properly speaking, houscholdeis 2. Because Lieut. Colonel Wynyard might have occasion, in his military capacity, to call out the troops to support himself in his civil capacity. lie might even, in case of an election riot, have had occasion to call out the troops in support of his own private and personal pretensions. ' 3. Because, in case of the Governor's decease or absence from the Colony, the commander of the forces in New Zealand succeeds as interim Governor; for ■which office, indeed, he appears to be selected on account of his supposed non-connection with the Colony, and freedom fiom party. But in consequence of the present violent congest, he has thus far disqualified himself for the office, having destroyed his position by leaguing himself with a section of the community. (12) That although Lieut. Colonel Wynyard, in the event of succeeding as Governor, would be able to resign the Superintendency, yet that there is no power in New Zealand which could dislodge him, were he resolved to retain it ; whilst in holding the two offices he would be serving two masters — the Queen and his own constituency. It is clear that sucb an issue was never contemplated by Parliament when framing the Constitutional Act for this Colony. As well might Governor Grey contend for the Superin tendency as Lieut. Col. Wynyard. 4. Because it is contrary to the spirit of the Mutiny Act, the 54th section of which declares that no person " who shall be commissioned and in full pay as an officer, shall be capable of being nominated or elected to be Sheriff of any county or other place, or to be Mayor, Portreeve, Alderman, or shall be capable of holding any office in any municipal corporation, or any city, boro, or place, in Great Britain or Ireland." You will perhaps consider the assumption of the Superintendency by Lieut. Colonel Wynyard, and some of the proceedings connected with his election, as subversive of discipline, and otherwise

Unmilitary. 1. Because the effect has been to create an acrimonious feeling between the military and a large majority of the bona fide colonists. The latter feel, and felt throughout, that they were being over-ridden by a combination of extraneous or illegitimate influences, — the power, the patronage, and the military votes that have been brought to bear against them by tho Commander of the Forces, and tbey naturally visit the fault of Lieut. Colonel Wynyard upon the class which he represents. Under similar circumstances, and with such a feeling in a more populous and powerful Colony, such as that of New South Wales, the danger of collision at the polling would have been extreme. 2. Because an evil of the opposite nature is likewise involved ; for that while the military are too much at variance with one section of the inhabitants for the interests of the Colony, they have become too intimately linked with another section for the interests of Her Majesty's service. 3. Because military voters have been exposed, notwithstanding the expectation that they would vote for their commanding officers, to the deteriorating influences of canvassing, — influences so well understood as not to need enlarging on. 4. Because of the conduct of some of Lt.-Colonel Wynyard's military supporters. I have the honor to inform your Lordship that certain officers of the 58 th Regt , Capt. Petley, Lieutenants Shipley and Withington, who had not been six months in the Province (the legal time for acquiring the franchise) registered themselves as householders of six months standing, thereby passing themselves off for that which they were n0t.(13) After so getting upon the Roll of voters, attention was publicly called to the fact in expectation that they would at least abstain from exercising a privilege which had been thus acquired ; notwithstanding which, they deliberately went to Poll. I would here call your attention to the fact that officers in New Zealand claiming to vote as householders, acquire that right by means of the Queen's lodging money. That Lieutenant Gladwyn Wynyard attempted to vote for his father in a district for which he had no vote, and that his voting paper was refused by the Returning Officer. That at Russell, (Bay of Islands) one of the three places of nomination, Capt. Parratt, commanding a detachment of the 58th Regt., was an open and active canvasser for his Colonel. So active, indeed, was he, that he did not scruple to use the name of a most influential settler, one of Mr. Brown's chief supporters, for the purpose of obtaining promises; stating that the gentleman alluded to had engaged to vote for Lt.-Colonel Wynyard, an assertion contrary to fact. (14) Capt. Parratt did obtain the promise of several votes by this means; and his conduct was afterwards objected to by the gentleman whose name he used. Ido not bring this forward in the shape of a charge ; but

(11) July )5. (12) June 7 )'. 3. c 3. June 10, p. 3, c. 4. (13) June 17, p 3, c. 2, (14) Ju'y 8.

if evidence be desired by your Lordship it shall be supplied. I apprehend that the statement will not be denied. Of other military canvassers I make no mention; but would call your attention to the facts, that Lt.-Col. Wynyard's nomination at Russell was seconded by Capt. Parratt, and that on the day of polling, the Wahapu, (the Camp at the Bay of Islands,) as I am given to understand by several of the Russell settlers, was left without a single officer} all being absent at once at Russell for the purpose of voting. Such are the main facts connected with the direct military influence exercised by Lt.-Col. Wynyard, .But he has had another source of influence ; the exercise of which, though not strictly unconstitutional, must yet be considered as highly reprehensible. The Pensioner Corps (whose votes form nearly one third of the Provincial voting list) cannot be called civilian settlers except by putting a forced meaning upon word?. They are still under military rule, subject to the control of their officers, which many of them complain of as arbitrary and unnecessarily severe, and are still liable to severe punishment for offences which civilians would consider as merely nominal (15) For instance, should they neglect on three several occasions, within a certain period, presenting themselves at their Sundayparade, — no matter how fj.r distant their daily labours may have caused them to leside, — they are subject, at the discretion of their officers, to being deprived of their hard won cottages and acres. It is clear that the hope of being leniently dealt with, should they vote along with their officers, must suggest itself occasionally to their mmdi It is, moreover, only to be expected that they should be strongly influenced by esprit de corps. I3ut this feeling ought never to have been awakened by Lieutenant -Colonel Wynyard, in his own favour, against a large majority of Civilian Colonists. It is easy to say that they are free agents : &o they are, in theory; but it was notorious from the beginning that three-fourths of them would vote for Lieut.-Colonel Wynyard as a matter of course, and in opposition to a majority of purely civilian colonists. The work of years in amalgamation with the colonists has been thus undone I would specially call your Lordship's attention to the fact that Lt.-Colonel Wynyard, by thus fosteiing a spirit of antagonism between the Pensioners and a majority of the settlers, has most distinctly and unequivocally stood in the way of a fair trial of the Constitution. I am quite aware that observations concerning the Pensioner corps are immaterial to you, in your official capacity. I bring them befoie you merely for the sake of giving as complete a view of the subject as can be afforded. I now proceed to make the formal request, that to prevent the recurrence of a similar state of thing?, and because the colonists do not possess such power in themselves, your Loidship will be pleased to is^ue an Older that neither officers on full pay in Tier Majesty's service, nor privates, be permitted for the future to interfere with Elections in this Colony, either by exercise of the franchise, or in any other way whatever. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant, Walter Brodie. To General The Plight Honourable Viscount larlinge, G.C.8., Commanding in Chief.

(15) June 21 p. 4, c. 4. Address of Auckland nperdtivt-s to pensioners, June 29, fupplrment. Foiuld nddiews.rd to the, ccns^deialiou of pentioneia, Ibul. July. p. 2, c 4.

Wynyaic City of Auckland 245 Suburbs of Auckland... ... 59 Pensioner settlements ... BG7 Northern division 75 Southern division 131 Bay of Islands 45 d. J Brown. 336 26 141 145 121 51 Total votes 922 820

Clifford Dorset vFitzherbert Moore Wallace Lyon Bethune Kelham May Hart King Fawcett Masters Khodes Carpenter Bradey 272 255 253 236 203 195 188 180 171 145 49 154 48 33 16

Brandon Waitt Brown Schultze Gibson 145 poll led! 123 102 9G 43 24

Renall Wakefield Ludlam Geo. Hart Mason Captain Daniell Sellars 170 168 168 158 51 39 37

• Chmtchurch, F,tz Gerald .... 87 Campbell 14 Lyti ttelton. A 46 Alcarost. 7 34 Total 136 94

Brown. Wynyard. ai O o <u o > City of Auckland Suburbs Pensioners Southern Divi&ion (ex eluding Pensioners).. Northern Division (excluding Pensioners). Civilians voting atPen sioner Settlements . . . Bay of Islands 336 26 143 91 245 59 397 33 254 116 18 98 141 69 72' 51 1 6 6 45 Totals 820 185, 922 257 Majority for Wynyard 102

The numbers at the Poll were as follows :

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume x, Issue 650, 20 September 1853, Page 2

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THE SOUTHERN CROSS. Tuesday, September 20, 1853. Daily Southern Cross, Volume x, Issue 650, 20 September 1853, Page 2

THE SOUTHERN CROSS. Tuesday, September 20, 1853. Daily Southern Cross, Volume x, Issue 650, 20 September 1853, Page 2