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Entered Inwards. Sept, t7— Gaz?lte, schooner, 175 tons, M<*K?nzie, from Adelaide. Pasiengers — Duncan McKiy, wife and child," Donald, Roderick, John, and I*abella McKay, Donald, Ann, and Margaret McLesn, Kenneth Stuart, wife and child, Thoi. McLean, Mary and C»'herine Stewart, Donald McGregor wife and child, Kenneth McGregor, George McLeod, wife and child, Mary and Martha McGregor, Roderick MtKiiy, wife and child, Duncan Mißae, wife and child, Martba Mcßse, D>nald McKen-ie, and wife, Jessie and Mary \lcKen2ie, John McL-nnon, wife and child, Donald MuDonal.l. and wife, John Frazer, wife and child, Donald and Jessie Fraser John McGregor wife and child, Donuld McGregor, Duncan McKenzie, md wife, 3 sons and duughter, Mr>% Murdoch McKenzie, 1 son and 4 daughter!. — Brown & Campbell, agenti. Sept 17— Nan-y, 22 torn, Hood, from M^takana. Pastengert — Mt?ssr». Florence, Gi'more, Hooper Sept. 19~Phantom, 12 ton», K. DeThiery, from (JoroiU'indel. Sepf, 19— Odd Fellow, 20 ton«, lanii, from Waibcki.

Sept. 19— Highlander, 14 ton» Te vraru.-from ihe Bay of Plenty. Sept 19— John, 28 tons, Lawrence, from Mahurangi. Sept. 19— Delmar, barque, 238 tons, Thayer, from Sydney. PasBsene;ers — Mr. & Mrs. Clough, and Mn. and Misi Thayer, Mus Beloncle.— " J. A. Gilfillan, agent. Cleared Out. Sept. 17— Nsuraai, H tons, Strand, for Herekino. Sept. 19— Noit^ Shore, 18 tons, Hori, for M»hursngi. Sept. 19— John, 28 torn, Lawrence, for Mahurangi. Sept. 19— Odd Fellow, 20 torn. Innis, for Waiheki Sept. 19— Calliope, 18 toni, KoWata, for the Bay of Llandi. Tmports. In the Nancy, 3480 feet sawn timber, 26 tons firewood. In the Phantom, 100 kits kauri gum, 300 feet timber. In the Odd Fellow, 20 tons firewood. In the Highlander, 100 basket* potatoos, 24 pigs. In the John, 400 posts and rails, 20 tons firewood. In the Delmar, 5 hhdi. brandy, 5 }-cisks iherry, 20 cheits, 30 half-chesti congou tea. 54 boxes can dies, 50 boxss soap, 252 bagi sugar, 5 c sks Io«f lugar, 60 bags rice, 20 bags coffee, 20 hhdi. ilp, 5 bBg» pepper, 5 rotli matting, 22 co\ls rope, 60 boxes pipet. 2 bales blankets, 3 bale* canvas, 5 bales sacks, 20 casks rosin, 3 trunki shoes, 70 t boxes cindles, 30 do. do., 10 b«gs rice, 3 pit saws, 1 box axes, 1 buadle handle*. Exports. In the Naumai, 180 lbs. tobarco, 2 casV, 2 bales slops. In the North Shore, 6 bags flmr. \ cask beef, 1 do. pork, 2 bagi sugar, 6 lbs. tobacco, 2 galls, mm. In the John, 10 bags flour. la the Calliope, 10 tons firewood.

The long-looked for barque Delmar arrived in harbour e«ily yesterday morning, after having been exposed to all the violence of the severe gales of the pait fortnight. Wo have been obligingly furnished by Captain Thayer with the following particu'ara : — The barque Delraar, Capt Thayer, left Sydney on the 27th of August; on the 3rd of September, in latitude, 24° 55 , longitude, 167° 24., spoke the American ship Baltimore, from Melbourne bound to Cal!«o. On the 7th of September siw Cape Maria Van Diemen, bearing, by compas». N. by W., distant 12 miles. From the 7th to \h*. 14th she encountered heavy galea of wind from N N W. to W.S.W., a heavy seix running all the time, and the ship layinjr-to under the main spanker. On the 10th hid very heavy thunder and lightning. At 8, p.m , split the fore-top««H; «fc 3, a m., heavy squalls split the fore-iail; at 5, iplit the closereefed main-topsail and fore-top. mast staysail, which forced her to lay-to under bare poles for three days. Passed the North Cape on the 14th, and on the 15th encountered a heavy gale of wind from the S.W. At 12, mid-day, the barren island bore, by compasi, S., 18 milei. On the 18th, ihe came to an anchor under the lee of the island of Rangitoto, in a gale of wind from the N.E. The fine Aberdfen-built ichooner Gazelle, Capt. McKenzie, arrived in harbour on Saturday morning, after an excellent pamge of twelve dayi from Adelaide. The Gizelle brings us «n addition of hurdy and enterprising immigranti (originally from Ross and Sutherland shires), who migiated first to Nova Scotia, and thence to Adelaide, where they have sojourned for the last twelve monthi. We be'ieve they are all more or less conversant with evsry branch of agricultural industry, as well ai with that knowledge of practical colonization for j which the backwoodsmen of America, and thoie of Noia Scotia, are so deiervedly fam'u . They hare j been drawn towards New Zealand by an asmrance of in agricultural, pastoral and great maritime capabilities'; and, as upon their report will mainly depend a further influx of the same Taluable dais of co'onMs, we sincerely hope that they nviy fini this country fully equal to the opini n they have befn lead to cntertaia respecting it. After an unusual detention, in consequence o f thf. long prevailing north-wester y gales, ihe barque Eugene, for Melbourne, the barque Ga'atea and the brig Heather Bell, for Sydney, were enabled to take their departure on Saturday morning. The hull of the American whiling barque Jasper was yesterday exposed for public sale by Messrs. Thos. Weston and Co , and after a good deal of spirited bidding, was knocked down to Mr. Har. gi eaves for £330. The barque Admiral Grenfell 500 tons burthen. Captain J. MClellan, arrived in port last evening, She is one of Wilha' ships, and direct from London, and has had an extraordinary quick passage of 90 dnys, having left on the 14.h May. She brings English intelligence five days later than that which we had previously received via Melbourne and Syd ney, but we are unable to give any extracts in today's issue, on account of the mail not being ready for delivery np to going to presi — It ia now known as a positive fact, that Lord Lyttelson has been appointed Governor- in- thief of New Zealand in the place of Sir George Grey, and his Lordship's arrival may be expected here, at the very farthest in the course of a day or two. — Wellington Independent, August 13. The barque Cornwall, Capt. Dawson, ano her of Willis' ships, has also arrived this morning from London, but we have not, at present, heard any particulars regarding her. — Ibid.

DIED, On Saturday, the I7lh instant, in (he 53rd year of bis age, after a short illne«s, Mr. Thomas Woodward Buckham, for many years a much respected inhabitant of Auckland The funeral will take place to-morrow, at 3 o'clock precisely, in the Church of England burial ground.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume x, Issue 650, 20 September 1853, Page 2

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SHIPPING LIST. Daily Southern Cross, Volume x, Issue 650, 20 September 1853, Page 2

SHIPPING LIST. Daily Southern Cross, Volume x, Issue 650, 20 September 1853, Page 2