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Tenders for a contract to convey mails to and from Australasia and New Zealand are expected to be advertised for by the Government in a few days. New Zealand will be included in the contract, to enable parties to tender for the conveyance of the mails via Panama and the Pacific, as well as by way of Egypt and India. The new prison in the course of erection at Wandsworth i 3 reported to be rapidly progressing. It is intended to be formed upon .'.he same principle as the model prison at Pentonville. Austria.— We have received intelligence from Vienna, confirming the notice of the execution of Count Louis Bathyani, and thirteen Hungarians. The details, which we publish below, respecting the death of Count Louis Bathyani, had caused a most painful sensation at Vienna. This tragic event was the all absorbing topic of conversation. — "Count Louis Bathyani, (says the

Ost-Deutsche Post,) had voluntarily surrendered to Prince Windischgratz. He was one of the members of the deputation from Pesth that waited upon the imperial comniander-in-chief, to effect, if possible, a peaceable solution of the stroggle against Austria. Since then he remained a prisoner, and his name was scarcely ever mentioned. Suddenly it appeared upon every lip, aud the report spsead that Bathyani was sentenced to die upon the gallows. The effect produced by the report was visible in the countenances of all, and many looked anxiously forward to the morning fixed for the execution ; foralthough the energetic measures of the state of siege set any great demonstration at defiance, still something unusual was expected —either an act af mercy, or an act of despair, me morning came, and the dawn broke upon an assembled multitude of many thousands round a gallows erected on the Wood Place. A rumour suddenly spread through the crowd that Bathyani had attempted suicide in prison. It proved true; but either the hand of the unhappy man or his enerey failed him. Though he gave himself various wounds, he did not deprive himself of life • he, however escaped the rope. Twelve hours after he was led out and shot. The wounds which were in his. neck, were made by a poniard which a French abbe in the service ot Count Karoly gave him on a visit. Bathyani walked, it seems, with a firm step to the place of execution; and, before he fell (shouted in a clear voice, 'Eljen a hazaT or : Long hye my country!" A fearful silence I pervaded the multitude at this solemn moment. Some ladies, apparently of the highest , classes, endeavoured to steep their handkerchiefs in the blood of the dead man, but were driven back by the guards." Another account says : "The Count appeared very amaciated, and if possible paler than usual • he ■ nevertheless walked with a firm step and calm countenance to the fatal spot. The soldiers employed were Riflemen. The silent j multitude were much moved. It would appear that the substitution of powder and ball was not a modification of the sentence, but a necessary consequence of the wounds inflicted upon himself by the count."— Lloyd's says: "The condemned was drassed in suit of full dress black. Though evidently very weak, he advanced without support to the place of execution ; there was a large assemblage of people on the Homok. Having uttered a short prayer, the roll of the drum was heard, a sharp volley, and all was over. The crowd then separated." The Abbe who furnished the Count with the dagger has been arrested- The Press, a reputed ministerial journal, condemns the execution of Count Bathyani in strong terms. It is said that an imperial reprieve was sent to Arad for the prisoners destined to be hanged and shot, but so late as to create suspicion that it was merely intended to give a varnish of clemency to the court, without rescuing the victims from punishment. The "Pesther Zeitung" records the execution of another eminent Hungarian, Csanzi, who has been hanged at Pesth. Nor is this the only victim announced. Baron Jesserak has been subjected to the same fate. The hanging of these men was attended by circumstances of scandal which have operated still more to incense and disgust the inhabitants of Pesth. Both of these victims attempted to address the crowd, but the roll of the drums drowned their voices The Jack Ketch stripped their bodies to the linen ; they were left hanging for an hour, and then conveyed in a cart to the hospital. Lloyd states that the Countess Bathyani, after the execution of her husband, did not go to Toth but to Csargo, to the Countess Karoly, who is also a Zichy From thence they will go, in compliance with the last wishes of the count that she should leave Hungary, to visit a female relative m Bavaria. The dowry of the Countess Bathyani amounted to seven millions of florins, the whole of which has been confiscated to the Austrian treasury. Comorn is at present entirely occupied by the Austrian troops, and not a single Honved remains. The departure of the Hungarian gacrison began on the 3rd. The crown of St. Stephen and royal insignia of Hungary have been conveyed, it is said, from Widdin to England. New Machine pok Printing Type Casting.— A machine likely to create considerable sensation among Typographers 7^ S o^ rivateljr showa in L °nd<m (June l«4y). Jt is an apparatus for the selfacting manufacture of printing type, and the illustrations that were given of the powers of this new process were too conclusive to admit of the slightest doubt of its ultimate introduction and universal adoption. Its facility of action is much in its favor ; and copper type— the durability of which is immeasurably beyond that of the lead and antimony, in common usecan be produced with amazing rapidity " In the ordinary process," states the inventor, " a model of the letter is engraved

in steel relief. This is hardened and tb becomes a punch for the formation O f matrix in copper or brass ; the matru subsequently justified, that is, reduced, absolute precision of form, so as to fit« mould destined to form the body of « letter, and into the compound monld ti formed, the fusing metal is poured, j the new process, instead of fusing « metals, and pouring it into moulds, to &, it the necessary form, the inventor efij* this by a mechanical operation at ordina, temperature, chiefly by means of powetf pressure, and the use of steel dies matrices. We can bear testimony to 5 extreme simplicity of its principle, and u swiftness of its operation — realising ady* tages of the most momentous kind fl " superiority of copper, even in its ordinal and unimpressed state, being admitted! printers to be greater than that of ordini, type, in the proportion of 100, 1. I.'— c tt sequently the permanence of the letfc formed by the appotype machine must I almost without limit. The saving in tt« and tare, is thus obvious; but there 1 another consideration in the fact, thatf copper always bears its original value u hence the depreciation to which ordinal type is subject, is not experienced Her<k A correspondent of the Times states <h the well-known efficacy of chloride of Kj as a disinfectant is greatly increased \ the addition of common alum. The cv 0 lution of the chlorine gas is made nntm t more rapid and abundant by the miitim it is better to dissolve the sulphate of iroi or alum by itself, and to add the solntn? of the chloride of lime when the latter I about to be used. Attention has beend rected to the merits of chloride of zk which is stated to be cheaper and m rapid in its effect on organic miasma tb the chloride of lime. Lieutenant Jacksc; of the Royal Navy, lately submitted tott Lord Mayor a great mass of official cert ticates from the Admiralty authorities 0 its effect m the convict hulks and elsewhen Singapore— The destruction of home life in this settlement by tigers is still t fearful as ever. Within the last ten dap it has been ascertained that eight persoi have been thus killed, and how many mor there may be as yet unreported ! One c the above deaths occurred under ratht singular circumstances. A Chinaman hi concealed himself at about two hundn yards from his hut, with a loaded rauske, watching for the approach of a wild hog,a tiger discovered the man in his hidim place, and carried him off in view o(k comrades. Jt would thus appear that* pits intended for the capture of tigers, n ineffectual ; but some other means ougt to be tried. Cages such as are usedi; Java and elsewhere, baited with a to goat, or monkey, might ensure a bette result. This, or any other feasible pto ought to be tried, as it is certainly lamenf able that such an immense destruction s human life should be allowed to continue — Singapore Free Press, Jan. 21. Murder in Prussia — A few days m a mother and daughter, named Frutzkenei were executed at Marienwerder, in Prussii for the murder of their husband and fatta In February, 1849, at daybreak, foe gendarmes, on their way from Berlin, sai the two women kneeling as if in prayer » Calvary, near the village of Tullich, witfc' large box between them, covered with' blanket. The officers, conceiving sou suspicions, went to the women, and astt what they were about. They seemed fr terrified to reply, and accordingly the off cers opened the box, and to their surprw found in it the corpse of a man, dreadful mutilated. The two women were arrestd and after an investigation had been com raenced, they admitted that the decease , was the husband of one, and father of ti other of them ; and that they had jbw dered him—the mother, to be enabled » marry a farm labourer, with whom she** in love ; the daughter, to escape from vb ,: she called a hateful tyranny. This sn( * der, they said, they effected when the 0 - was drunk, by pouring boiling water mt . the ears and on the face, and by afteiW n cutting and slashing the body. The s* i tence on them was, that they should i crushed on the wheel, beginning at tt q ieet ; but the king commuted this iai 1 simple decapitation. f At a recent examination of the cadet q of the military establishment of the E* I India Company, at Addiscombe, they vr& 1 put through a bayonet exercise, in whit % they had been instructed by Mr. Angel' * *J,° formed it with a view to its be* ? added to the manual exercise of the arm.' J On this occasion its utility and beuei $ were fully appreciated by those who ff>i $ nessecl it, and surprise was expressed* ** its not being as yet adopted in the mM v service.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume V, Issue 280, 5 March 1850, Page 4

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ENGLISH EXTRACTS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume V, Issue 280, 5 March 1850, Page 4

ENGLISH EXTRACTS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume V, Issue 280, 5 March 1850, Page 4