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Zincali Wins Cup Handicap GOLD BAR UNPLACED Falaise Pays Good Price (Bi Overcheck.) The Wellington Trotting Club's meetins concluded on Saturday in tine weather. The sun shone brightly from a clear sky. but a moderately strong northerly wind tempered the heat of the sun. making conditions pleasant. There was a large attendance, and betting was spirited. £40.612 being handled, making a total of £62.615/10/- tor the meeting, an increase of £1461 over the preceding year —a highly satisfactory result from the club’s point of view. Gold Bar, who was made a warm favourite for the Wellington Cup Handicap, failed to repeat his performance of the first day. He ran to the front early and was the pacemaker for the greater part of the journey, but when challenged over the last furlong he had nothing in reserve and could not withstand the challenges he was called upon to meet. Single Star and Channel Fleet were again successful, but Positive bad to strike his colours to the locally owned and trained Gold Flight, who appears to have a bright future before him. _ It is seldom that a race i« won from lOS yards behind, but Allie Audubon proved equal to the task by comfortably winning the Progressive Handicap. Opposition Outclassed. Allie Audubon outclassed the other runners in the Progressive Handicap and the issue was never in doubt when she raced to the front approaching the three furlong post. Danzie Guy was slow away. Gipsv Lee taking charge from Highrate and Thor. Passing the stand the first time the order was Highrate, Gipsy Lee, Thor, Chateau, Worthy Audubon, Helen Scott. Dauzie Guy. Allie Audubon and Expensive Lady. There was little change in the order over the next three furlongs, but Chateau and Allie Audubon improved their positions racing down the back. With a round'to go Highrate was showing the wav to Gipsv Lee, Chateau and Thor, with Allie Audubon iu a handy position. Chateau got boxed in a bit on the eastern bend. Once the field turned into the back straight Allie Audu'bon was given her head and she took charge about three furlongs from home and came on to win very comfortably from Danzie Guy, Chateau aud Highrate. At one stage it appeared that Chateau might make a race of it with Allie Audubon, bpt be stopped rather badly oyer the final furlong, to be passed by Danzie Guy. At Nice Price. Swagger Jack ruined his chance by a bad beginning in the Woburn Handicap, in which Spencer Volo and Surprise Potts also failed to begin correctly. When the field settled down Castella del Oro had charge from Kaulala, Falaise and All Gallant. Racing down the back Shannon Lass ran through to the front, and with six furlongs to go was attended by All Gallant, Kaulala, Falaise, Castella del Oro, Surprise Potts, Swagger Jack and Spencer Volo. Passing the two mile peg All Gallant had charge from Kaulala and Falaise, but- the first named quitted shortly after. Castella del Oro and Swagger Jack ran up handy as the field came round the western bend. Castella del Oro being first to turn for home closely attended by Falaise and Swagger Jack. In a great finish Falaise wore Castella del Oro down to win narrowly. Kaulala finished better than Swagger Jack to secure third money. With an even break al the start Swagger Jack would probably have won. The winner paid a great price, while the supporters of Castella del Oro also received a nice return. Channel Fleet Again. Oxford Scholar was slow away, and Star Ace entirely extinguished her chance at the start of the Wainui Handicap. Channel Fleet soon had chjU’ge and held his position throughout. At the end of four furlongs Channel Fleet was showing the way to Oxford Scholar, Full Hand, Grattanita. Labour Day. Single Star and Heroic Prince, and this order was practically maintained till the finish, Channel Fleet winning by a neck from Oxford Scholar, with Full Hand less than a length away third, and Labour Day fourth. Gold Bar Fails. Making a smart beginning, Gold Bar, ran through the field to take charge after a furlong had been covered in the Wellington Cup Handicap, but as the others at this stage were well, into their stride Gold Bar did not slip his field as he did the first day, and when challenged over the final furlong failed to hold his position. Zincali was rather slow away, but this did not perturb his driver, who drove a masterly race, making a handy position for the run home. Smile Again broke at the start and lost a good deal of ground. ■ ■ Fremont ‘ was the early leader from Huguenot, Salalon andToceetic, with Gold Bar dashing through to take charge at the three furlong peg. Passing the stand the order was Gold Bar, Fremont, Huguenot, Salalon, Smile Again, Toceetie, Three Tens, Mongolian, Zincali and Cruiser. At the post the second time Gold Bar was still going well iu front from Fremont, Smile Again. Huguenot, Salalon, Toceetie, Zincali, Three Tens, Mongolian and Cruiser. After passing the two mile post Zincali moved up on the outside aud maintaining his effort he had reached a handy position as they turned for home. Gold Bar hung to the lead until within the last furlong, when he was passed by several runners. Zincali’s finishing effort was a fine one and he thoroughly deserved his success.- Tremont came home solidly for second., while Huguenot came again in the straight to secure third place. Toceetie was fourth. The time was slower than that registered on the first day, notwithstanding that the track was faster and the wind not nearly as strong. Gold Bar’s failure was discomforting to a whole army of investors, but it is possible that he was feeling the effects of Thursday's race, after the sea trip and the races he had at I’orbury. Dark Hazard Wins Well. Another good contest was seen in the Navy Handicap, which Dark Hazard won nicely from Reception aud Gracie Fields. Parrish Guide failed to go away correctly and lost all chance. Mohican was first to show out from Reception, Gracie Fields and Tan John, but passing the stand the first time Gracie Fields had charge from Mohican, Franz Derby, Reception, Mute, Tan John, Dark Hazard aud Parrish Guide. There was little change over the next six furlongs, and with a round to •go Gracie Fields was followed by Franz Derby, Mohican, Mute, Reception, Tan John and Dark Hazard. With four furlongs to go Dark Hazard began to move up and Franz Derby to lose ground. Racing for the straight Gracie Fields was followed by Mohican, Reception, Mute and Dark Hazard. Mohican broke two furlongs from home and appeared to cause some interference. Gracie Fields fought on gamely, but could uot withstand the challenges of Dark Hazard and Reception. Tan .John was fourth, and Mute next. A Local Success. The locally-trained Gold Flight scored a. thoroughly deserved win in the Waiwhetu Handicap, coming strongly at the finish after being not too well placed in the running. Don Walla was the first to break the line, but when the field settled down Lough Derg had charge from Don Walla, Positive, Gold Flight, Neutrality and Scapa Flow. Passing through the straight the first time, Mullard dashed into the lead from Positive, Lough Derg, Don Walla, Scapa Flow and Neutrality. Mullard continued in charge down the back her nearest opponents being Neutrality, Positive and Scapa Flow, with the others close up. These four were still at the bead of the field entering the straight, but once iu line for home Milliard cried enough. Positive and Gold Flight came home solidly, the latter do-

ing best to win by less than a length from Positive, with Neutrality right up, third. Scapa Flow was fourth. Gold Flight paid a dividend on the win machine approaching double figures. Single Star Narrowly. Single Star was the slowest to begin in tile Ferry Handicap but ultimately scored nieelv from Little Derby and Sir Julien. The early leader was Stylish Boy from Sir Julien, Little Derby, Axspear and Sister Polly. With a round gone Distributor was piloting the field, closely attended by Little Derby, Sir Julien, Kid Wolf and Single Star. Little Derby and Distributor turned for home together, with Single Star, Sir Julien and Kill Wolf litindv. Distributor was soon done with, and ‘then Little Derby and SingleStar settled down to a ding' dong hgnt. the latter finally asserting herself to win by a short length. Sir Julien did better than Kid Wolf and secured third money. One To Special Edition. After being in the leading division throughout, Special Edition finished much too well for the other runners in the Au Revoir Handicap. Coquette and Pamelus lost some ground at the start. Once on the journey Blue Diamond had charge from Special Edition, Mazaire, Pamelus, and Lady Carol. With six furlongs covered Mnzaire led from Blue Diamond, Special Edition, Lady Carol, Pamelus, Coquette and Cruiser. Mazaire still led down the back from Lady Carol, Bine Diamond and Special Edition. Once bends were turned for home there was little between half a dozen of the horses, but it was not long before Special Edition reached the front, and, pacing soundly, he finally won rather comfortably from Blue Diamond and Pamelus, with Lady Carol fourth. Results in Detail PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP, of £200; 459 class. Two miles. t g/3 ALLIE AUDUBON, T. G. Watkins s br. ill., aged, by Maxegin—Nellie Audubon, lOSyds. behind (R. Motz) 1 3/2 DANZIE GUY, J. Stevenson s b. g., aged, by Guy Parrish—Ethe bingen, q 12vds. behind (A. Buttci field) - 1/1 CHATEAU, N. J. Gatley s b. g., aged, bv Travis Axwortby—Bun- v dura, 4Svds. behind (R. loung) «* Alsu started: 4/4 Helen Scott, scr.; 7/7 Highrate, ser.; 8/S Gipsy Lee, scr.; 6/6 Thor, scr.; 9/0 Worthy Audubon, ser.; a/a Expensive Lady, 84yds. behind. Five lengths; one. Highrate was fourth. Times: 4.34 2-5, 4.44, 4.41 3-5. (Winner trained by R. Motz, New Brighton.) WOBUR'N HANDICAP, of £175; 3.43 class. One mile and a halt. G/G FALAISE, G. Rutherford’s ch. in., syrs., bv Wrack —Key, scr. (J. Bryce, senr.) 1 8/8 CASTELLA BEL ORO, G - Adams’s b. g., 4yrs., by Trevor de Oro —Wildcry m„ scr (Owner) - 3/1 KAULALA. J. Brosnan’s b. in., aged, by Jack Potts-Horotane, ser. ? Also started: 4/4 Spencer Volo, ser.; 1/3 All Gallant, ser.; 2/2 Swagger Jack, scr.; 7/7 Shannon Lass, ser.; 5/5 Surprise Potts, 12yds. behind. Neck; two lengths. Swagger Jack was fourth. Times: 3.24, 3.24 2-5, 3.-a 1-a. (Winner trained by J. Bryce, senr., Christchurch.) WAINUI HANDICAP, of £225 ; 2.57 class. One mile and a quarter. 1/1 CHANNEL FLEET, J. Simpson s br. g-, O.vrs., by Man-o’-War— Needles, ser. (J. B. I nnglc) 1 3/4 OXFORD SCHOLAR, R. Dunlop S hr. g„ 4vrs., by Gratian Loyal— Oxford Queen, 12yds. behind s „ (C. K. Yeatman) 2 7/8 FULL HAND, R. H. Maiden’s b. g., aged. bv Jack Potts—Maureen Galindo, 12yds. behind (L. A. Maidens) 3 Also started: 5/5 Star Ace, scr.; 8/7 Heroic Prince, 12yds. behind; 6/6 Labour Dav 12yds. behind: 2/2 Grattanita. 12ydsbehind; 4/3 Single Star. 4Syds. behind. Neck; length. Labour Day was fourth. Times: 2.48, 2.47 1-5, 2.47 2-5. (Winner trained by J. B. Pringle, Christchurch). WELLINGTON; TROTTING CLUB CUP HANDICAP, of £5OO ; 4.34 class. Two miles. 2/2 ZINCALI, J. Steel's br. g., Gyrs., by Jack Potts —Zara, 24yds. behind (A. Holmes) 1 3/3 FREMONT, F. Wallis jun.’s hr. h., aged, by Real Frisco —Lady Bountiful. ser (T. H. Gunning) 2 9/16 HUGUENOT, Mrs. D. R. Revell’s br. m., syrs., by Grattan Loyal— Hughenden Queen, ser. (R. B. Berry) 3 Also started: 10/9 Salalon, scr.; 4/5 Smile Again, ser.; 5/G Three Tens, 12yds. behind; 6/1 Toceetie, 12yds. behind; 1/1 Golden Bar, 24yds. behind; 8/7 Mongolian, 24yds. behind; 7/8 Cruiser, 36yds. behind. One length; two. Toceetie was fourth. Times: 4.24 1-5, 4.26 2-5, 4.27, (Winner trained by L. A. Maidens, Ashburton.) NAVY HANDICAP, of £350 ; 4.38 class. Two miles. 1/2 DARK HAZARD, M. C. McTigue’s I), g., aged, by Great Bingen—Wild Nita, 48yds. behind (Owner) 1 2/1 RECEPTION. W. J. Wheeler’s ch. in., aged, by Frank Worthy— Oleda, 24yds. behind (J. Pringle) 2 8/8 GRACIE FIELDS, R. Townley’s br. m., aged, by Native King—Reta Peter, 24yds. behind .... (Owner) 3 Also started: 5/7 Parrish Guide, scr.; 6/4 Mohican, 24yds. behind; 7/6 Tan John, 24yds. behind; 3/3 Franz Derby, 30yds. behind; 4/5 Mute, 36yds. behind. Half a length: half. Tan John was fourth. Times: 4.29, 4.31 1-5, 4.32. (Winner trained by Owner, Metbven.) WAIWETU HANDICAP, of £200; 3.1 class. One mile and a quarter. 4/4 GOLD FLIGHT, D. G. Nyhan’s b. g„ 3yrs„ by Rey de Oro —Slapfast, scr (Owner) 1 2/2 POSITIVE, P. P. Gallagher’s b. g., 3yrs., by Quite Sure —Sundock, scr. (Owner) 2 1/1 NEUTRALITY, F. S. Bail’s eb. g., syrs., by Jack Potts —Lily Bingen, 12yds. behind (M. Stewart) 3 Also started: 5/5 Burt Scott, ser.; 7/7 Don Walla, scr.; 8/8 Lough Derg, ser.; 6/6 Scapa Flow, I2yds. behind; 3/3 Mullard, 24yds. behind. Neck; half length. Scapa Flow was fourth. Times: 2.49 , 2.49 1-5, 2.48 2-5. (Winner trained by Owner, Petone.) FERRY HANDICAP, of £250; 3.30 class. One mile and a half. 2/2 SINGLE STAR. B. Grice’s blk. m., syrs., by Nelson Derby—Queen’s Treasury. 12yds. behind (F. Holmes) 1 3/1 LITTLE DERBY, A. Reed’s br. g., aged, by Nelson Derby—Little Joan, 12yds. behind (L. A. Maidens) 2 4/5 SIR JULIEN. Messrs. McFarlane and Scott’s b. g., 4yrs., scr. (M. Holmes) 3 Also started: 7/8 Sister Polly, scr.; 9/9 Stylish Boy, ser.; 8/7 Axspear, 12yds. behind; 1/3 Kid Wolf, 12yds. behind; 6/6 Popeye, 24yds. behind; 5/4 Distributor, 24yds. behind. Length; two and a half. Kid Wolf was fourth. Tinies: 3.19 1-5, 3.19 3-5, 3.21 2-5. (Winner trained by Owner, Ashburton.) AU REVOIR HANDICAP, of £275: 3.27 class. One mile and a half. 1/1 SPECIAL EDITION. W. Gracie’s b. g., Gyrs., by Grattan LoyalDaphne de Oro, scr. (J. B. Pringle) 1 2/2 BLUE DIAMOND, J. Morgan’s ch. m., uvrs., bv Jack Potts—Happy Voyage m., ser. (J. Bryce, junr.) 2 4/4 PAMELUS, D. Bennett’s b. m„ aged, by Jack Potts—Amy Audubon, ser (Owner) 3 Also started: C/6 Mazaire, scr.; 5/5 Coquette, scr.; 3/3 Ladv Carol, 36yds. behind; 7/7 Cruiser, 60yds. behind. Two lengths; two. Lady Carol was fourth. Times: 3.24, 3.24 2-5, 3.25 2-5. (Winner trained by J. B. Pringle, Christchurch.)

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Dominion, Volume 34, Issue 110, 3 February 1941, Page 11

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WELLINGTON TROTS Dominion, Volume 34, Issue 110, 3 February 1941, Page 11

WELLINGTON TROTS Dominion, Volume 34, Issue 110, 3 February 1941, Page 11