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Values At Yesterday’s Sales

Johnsonville A large yarding t>f bullocks and large yardings of other cattle, and sheep, were offered by Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., at the stock sale conducted in Johnsonville yesterday. With the exception of a few pens of prime heavy bullocks, the penning consisted of mediumweight cattle with au odd pen of unfinished bullocks. All prime quality cattle met with fervent competition, prices sbowiug a slight firming on those of last week. A flue yarding of heavyweight P.A. cows was offered, these meeting with good competition at prices showing no alteration. Medium quality and unfinished cows were hard to sell, prices being fully 5/- a bead down on those ruling last week. No heavyweight vealers came forward, the penning comprising chiefly heavy runners. Prime quality runners sold at prices firm on last week’s, and unfinished cattle were easier by 5/-'to 10/- a head. A good sale resulted for all classes or wethers, prices showing little alteration. The yarding of ewes was of mixed quality, only a few pens of extra good sheep coming forward. These sold readily, with prices on a par with those ruling at upcountry sales. Mediumweight ewes were slightly easier, and unfinished ewes were hard to sell. Because they were lacking in quality b.f. two-tooths were not sought after, passings being frequent. No prime quality lambs were forward, the yarding comprising light and unfinished sorts. The demand for these was small.

Prices are: — Cattle: Prime extra heavy bullocks, £l4 5/- to £l3/5/-, prime heavy £l3 to £l2 5/-, heavy £l2 to £l.l/17/-, light and unfinished £ll/10/- to £9/5/-; extra prime heavy cows and heifers, £9 to ti 16/-, prime heavy £7/12/- to £6/12/-, cows and heifers, £6/5/- to £3/15/-; runners, extra heavy £5/10/- to £4, average £3/18/- to £2/12/-; vealers, £l/15/- to 15/-. , , Sheep; Prime extra heavy wethers, 22/9 to 21/8, prime heavy 21/6 to 20/-, medium 19/- to 17/4; prime extra heavyewes, 21/- to 20/-, prime heavy 19/6 to 18/- medium 17/- to 14/-. light and uufiiiished ’ 12/9 to 8/3; heavy b.f. twotooths, 21/6 to 19/6; b.f. 18/6 to 16/-; heavy lambs, 21/3 to 20/-; lambs, 19/6 to 15/3. Westfield By Telegraph—Press Association. AUCKLAND, July 12. Cow and heifer beef showed an improving tendency under keen competition at the Westfield stock sale held today. Ox beef was very firm. The yarding was a full average one. Extra choice ox beef made 33/- a 1001 b., choice and prime 30/to 32/-, secondary and plain 27/- to 29/-, choice and prime cow and heifers 28/- to 30/-. boner and rough 20/- to 26/-. Extra heavy prime steers made £l3/5/- to £l4 15/-, heavy £ll/10/- to £l3, medium £lO 10/- to £ll/15/-, light £lO to £lO/15/-, unfinished £6 to £9/12/6; extra heavy prime cows and heifers £lO to £ll/5/-, heavy £8 to £9/15/-, medium £6/10/- to £B/15/-, light £5 to £6/15/-, unfinished £4 to £5/12/6. Veal showed a marked improving tendency on that of last week. In spite of a heavier entry, runners made £3 to £7/15/-; heavy prime vealers, £4 10/- to £5/12/-, medium £3/15/- to £4 7/6, light £2/15/- to £3/10/-, smaller £2 to £2/11/-, small 16/- to 36/-, bobby and rough 5/- to 30/-. The entry of pigs, which was fewer than average, made firm late rates under steady competition. Choppers made from 30/-; heavy baconers, £3/18/- to £4/9/-, medium £3/12/- to £3/17/-, light £3/4/to £3/10/-: heavy porkers, 58/- to 69/-, medium 50/- to 55/-, light 42/- to 47/-, unfinished 30/- to 39/-. Baconers averaged 6Jd. to BJd. a lb.; and porkers 7-Jd. to Bd. a lb.

Sheep were entered in average numbers, and the market, overall, wag firm. Extra heavj’ prime wethers made 28/6 to 30/3. heavy 27/- to 28/9, medium 25/to 26/9, light 22/- to 24/9. unfinished 17/- to 21/9; extra heavy prime ewes, 22/6 to 25/-, heavy 20/- to 23/9, medium 19/- to 22/3, light. 17/- to 18/9, unfinished 14/- to 15/9. Lambs came forward in average numbers, and sold steadily at late rates. Prime sorts made 17/- to 25/-,' others 9/- to 15/-.

Stortford Lodge

Dominion Special Service.

HASTINGS, July 12.

The largest yarding of fat sheep offered so far this season, totalling 3200, met with keen competition at today's sale at Stortford Lodge. In spite of the large yarding, prices were firm on recent quotations, export operators busying themselves mainly with prime ewes and hoggets. Keen competition for quality fat sheep was provided by butchers. Prime heavy ewes made 15/- to 16/9, mediumsorts 11/6 to 13/4, light and barely killable 7/6 to 10/-. The best of the hoggets sold to 17/- and 19/-, and medium and lighter lines realized 15/- to 16/and 12/- respectively. Heavy prime wethers made 20/6, well-finished smallergrown 15/6 to 18/-, lighter sorts to 13/-. A line of prime Down cross two-tooths sold to 15/-. In the store cattle market there was little to indicate the trend of the market. Some of the cattle offered were traded at saisfaetory rates, among these being 20 A.A. steers, chilling proportions, which sold well to £7/15/-. Empty cows in poor condition made to £2/10/-. Except for pens showing up well in lamb, the market for breeding ewes slackened off. Quality was lacking, the yarding including few good lines, and passings were fairly frequent. The top price for good five-year in-lamb ewes was 19/-. Other entries of .similar aged sheep ranged, according to condition, from 11/- to 16/-. Most of the pens were small lots and were very mixed, some being late.lambing propositions. Most of the young ewes were small sheep and did not attract buyers. Several lines of fattening ewes were offered, making from 2/- to 4/4. No wethers were penned. Hoggets made the brightest «elling of the day, very firm values being realized. A line of ewe hoggets, shorn as lambs, brought 18/-. Woolly wether hoggets in forward order made 13/-; and medium lines to 11/-. Finished pens of quality beef sold well in vendors’ favour, and the market was fully firm on late rates. There were several runs of first-class cattle in a smaller yarding of 170 stationbred and 25 Jersey and dairy-raised sorts, and butchers were offered a good selection. The yarding included pens of very young heifers, the size of runners, Which ranged from £4/5/- to fti. These were ideal for young light-beef requirements. Other heifer lines sold well fo 28/- a 1001 b. for extra prime, well finished, and 27/- a 1001 b. for solid quality sorts. Ox beef was again well featured. A draft of heavy extra prime bullocks on account of Matapiro Station sold from £l2 to £l3 15/-, and a draft of mediumweights brought to £lO/15/-. T. H. Lowry topped the market again for heifers with another splendid quality draft nt £9/12/6. Srnnller-grown heifers, well bred, veryyoung, sold to £6/4/-. Young beef cows made up a much smaller percentage of the yarding than usual and, generally, showed better quality. Heavy prime pens brought from £7/10/- to £B/18/-, mediumweight, well-finished pens £6 to £6/15/-, plain quality sorts showing age to £5. Well-done extra heavy vealers, just off mothers, averaged £5/3/-. medium grown £3/12/-, smaller-igrown aud lighter Jrom 30/- to 43/- u




By Telegraph—Press Association.


The stock sale at Addington today was the best of the season for fat sheep and fat cattle. There was an increase in the store sheep entry, and a good demand resulted for nearly all sheep. A feature of the store sheep sale was an extra good pen of two-tooth Romney, ewes which made 32/6. A small lot of fouryear ewes sold at 17/3, a truck lot ot four and six-tootbs at 11/6, and a truck lot of ewe hoggets at 18/-. A small lot of 160 fat lambs was entered. .There was a keen sale, butchers paying to Bd. a lb. for the best. Lighter sorts also sold freely. A small entry of 4000 fat sheep again met a good sale from the outset. Butchers’ prime wethers were up on the rates of last week by 3/- to 4/- a head, and lighter sorts by about 2/- a head. Better quality ewes improved by up to 2/6, aud lighter ewes by up to 2/-. The main demand was for prime sheep, which sold at the best prices of the year. Extra prime heavy ■wethers made to 43/1; prime heavy, 31/6 to 37/-; prime medium, 26/6 to 30/-: light, 15/to 2.1/-; extra prime heavy ewes, to 33/4; prime heavy, 24/6 to 27/-; prime medium. 19/6 to 23/6; light, to 16/-. The entry of fat cattlejiumbered 475, as compared with the 485 of last week. The market opened briskly with an advance of 15/- a head on the prices of last week for the better classes of steers and heifers. Most of the finished cattle made more than 40/- a 1001 b., and the tops made another 2/6. Secondary steer and better cow beef sold at 36/- to 38/-; extra prime heavy steers, to £l9/2/6; prime heavy at £l5/5/- to £l6/12/6; prime medium at £l3/10/- to £l4/17/6; light, to £lO/5/-; extra prime heifers, to £l3/10/-; prime at £lO/10/- to £ll 15/-; medium at £8 to £9/15/-; light, to £7/5/-; extra prime cows, to £l2/17/6; prime at £B/10/- to £lO/10/-; medium, at £6/10/- to £8; light, to £6/5/-. There was a full entry of porkers, some of exceptionally good quality being included. Prices opened on a level with those of last week, but toward the end of the sale there was an easing of from 2/- to 3/- a head. Choppers were forward in medium numbers and prices showed no change on those of last week. Baconers were forward in small numbers, but values were easier all round. Porkers made 39/6 to 58/6, an average price a lb. of GM. to 7(d.; and baconers made £2/17/6 to £4/18/6, an average price a lb. of 6id. to 7d.

By Telegraph—Press Association.

DUNEDIN, July 12.

A large yarding of 418 head of fat cattle was forward at the Burnside stock sale held today. There was little change in values. A fair percentage of the yarding comprised prime bullocks, the balance being medium and light. Some good cows and heifers were forward, but there was also a number of inferior sorts. Prime bullocks met a ready sale with no quotable changes in value. Medium aud light were down by 10/- a head, and cows and heifers as the result of an over-supply were down by 10/- to 15/- a head. Extra prime heavy bullocks sold to £2O/2/6, prime £l5 to £l7/17/6, medium £ll/10/to £l3/10/-, light from £9; extra prime cows and heifers to £l2/17/6, prime £8 15/- to £lO/15/-, medium to £8 5/-, light from £5. Only 50 stores were forward and prices were unchanged. The dairy cows entered numbered only 17, the more attractive sorts commanding a good sale.

A medium entry of 1790 fat sheep, the quality being below the standard of the last sale, were offered. A few particularly good wethers were forward, together with a small percentage of heavy ewes. Competition was keen throughout, with an increase all round of 2/- a head. Hoggets sold firmly at late rates. Extra heavy wethers made to 34/6, prime 27/6 to 30/3, medium 23/- to 26/-, light from 14/9; heavy ewes to 26/-, prime heavy 20/- to 24/-, medium 17/- to .19/-, light from 14/-; prime hoggets to 24/-, average 18/- to 21/-, light from 14/9. One hundred and sixty-two fat pigs were entered, baconers and porkers selling firmly at late rates.

Dominion Special Service.

WANGANUI, July 12.

Average yardings of fat sheep and fat cattle, a good yarding of store sheep, and only oddments of store cattle, were offered by Freeman R. Jackson and Co. at the stock sale held in ‘Wanganui today. Prime ewes and wethers showed a sharp rise in price, as also did prime cows and heifers. A very good sale resulted for all store sheep. Oddments of store cattle made late rates, with good competition for J. J. Taylor’s steers. The dairy section was, generally, aged and backward, and, except for a few good heifers, made low figures. Porkers sold well, a few pens of stores selling readily at an advance on last week. Prices are:—

Sheep: Prime wethers, 22/- to 23/3; 'fat, 17/- to 19/9; prime ewes, 18/- to 20/-; fat, 16/- to 17/9; light, 12/- to 15/6; prime hoggets, 19/6 to 25/-: light, 15/5 to 16/4; medium two-tooth ewes, mated with Down rams, 22/- to 22/9; m.a. ewes, mated with Downs, to 17/-; aged, 13/- to 14/6: broken-mouthed, 9/to 10/8; medium ewe hoggets, 11/6 to 18/10: wether hoggets, 10/3 to 14/-; small, 8/- to 9/-; cull ewes, 3/6 to 8/9. Cattle: Prime cows and heifers, £B/2/6 to £9; fat, £7/5/- to £8; light, £5/2/6 to £6/15/-; light fat ex-dairy cows, £3/15/to £5/10/-; 2-J-year P.A. steers, £7/6/-; store bullocks, £6/15/-; boner cows, £1 to £2/10/-; yearling Jersey heifers, £3 2/- to £3/5/-; good quality springing heifers, £7/7/6 to £B/5/-; dairy cows, low-conditioned, £4/15/-'to £6/15/-; aged and backward, £3/10/- to. £5. Pigs: I leavy porkers, £2/5/- to £2 11/-; average, 35/- to 45/-; light, 29/to 32/-; small stores, 20/- to 24/-. Vealers: Runners, £3/7/6 to £4/1/-; small P.A. vealers, 35/- to 45/-; poor, £l/5/- to £l/10/-; calves, 13/- to 17/-. Masterton Dominion Special Service MASTERTON, July 12. There was a fair entry of sheep and cattle, and a few draught horses, at the Masterton stock sale today. The only' fats to show any improvement were ewes; others remained at late rates. Store sheep, particularly' the breeding ewes, were <5l poor quality, and met a dragging sale. I A small line of extra good ewe hoggets made 21/7. ’The fat cattle met a fair I sale at late rates. I Quotations: — Fat sheep: Heavy fat wethers, 24/6. good wethers 18/- to 19/-, lighter .14/6 to 16/-; fat ewes, heavy 17/7 to 18/1, others 14/9 to 16/-'; fat b.f. two-tooths, 19/-; fat Southdown ewes, 15/- to 18/-. Store sheep: Extra good ewe hoggets, 21/7; good wether hoggets. 13/6; small shorn wether hoggets, 5/6 to 7/3; aged ewes, r.w. Romney rams, 15/7, poor 8/-; b.f. hoggets, 8/6 to 10/-. Cattle: Fat I’.A. cows, £6 to £7/1/-; fat Hereford cows, £5/16/- to £6; Jersey cows, £3 to £3/5/-; m,s. weaners, £.l 10/-. Horses: Five-year draught gelding, £33 10/-; eight-year draught mare, £32/10/-: ; six-year draught mare, £27; aged, gelding,, j £l5.

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Dominion, Volume 32, Issue 244, 13 July 1939, Page 14

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 32, Issue 244, 13 July 1939, Page 14

LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 32, Issue 244, 13 July 1939, Page 14