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| SUBURBAN SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS Il . V-X DAY'S BAY PAVILION - FOR - I KOWHAI dairy, | A - I /•EASTBOBffi. ..... “Tl _ ■*■*• fUDICTMAC <p£ tONF, I •g~SXre~~~ Ice Cream Sodas, etc. HRISTMAS-TIME — that M|l| BTlk II kJ® |9 ll'* H JM|| Yj® frantically searching shop after shop - FOR XMAS CONFECTIONERY ' ■- ~- t ~4Z__J Don't Forget New Year's Eve Dance. f festive season for which we >®o* ■IBUV& ■ WF 19 IS S 3 0 ® IMF for one particular article that is “dif- AND NOVEL GIFTS. ' |- ' 1 Xm** wait so long—is with us once ferent” ; and. finally, disheartened 1.. — ____________ I ' THE DAINTIES again with all its jovs and its and dishevelled, we decide on someI'HUTCHINSON’S ho ME . M aoe CAK eshop. GREETINGS EVERYONE \ What jubilation there is when I 0 CLIHD Specialists in Fruit and Meat Pies, concerns us most of all at this time the wearying trail home again. I dOOIx orikjr Sponges and Biscuits. of the year—and shopping can be a T f - ,10wevcr - ' ve arc wise shop- A d A INTY g A S COOKER — A I 120 MAIN ROAD bugbear as well as a pleasure. It all *''*''* pers, those days are but memories. Visitors! Make use of our up-to- 1 de P ends U ’ )On h ? W /T g° ab ° ut {t f V The * c ? is T* simp,e DEPENDABLE GAS COPPER _ g lheres so much to be thought of ''avoid all the unpleasantness of A FUMELESS GAS HEATER I date Lending Library during the lry ~ ~ and purchased. Primarily, there are shopping. Your shopping excurI holiday season. THE CAFETERIA numerous Christmas presents to be sion need take you no further than f N ° t \? e Uß ga^ M arrives home with the "Best I DAY'S'BAY, bought—probably the just down to the shops I SHOWROOMS . I Wishes of the Family. An | Sub.: 3/-. r T u .. r: . . most difficult task for ■ and back, because, in Get Your Useful Presents efficient and economical unit .. , For Teas, Cold Lunches, Mdk Shakes, most people, because Y •' ‘ whatever suburb vou the NEW Way means labour plus money I (Speca! arrangement to v.s.tors.) Cream. * ’ ‘ ‘ f may dwell, you can THAT IS THE CHEAP WAY! saved. I ing so much tact, pati- probably effect all | I rm •’ r « SYK & SON, cnce ar *d ingenuity to Ss OH y° nr Christmas pur- I Buy reliable Gas Christmas PresI RIMU STREET, EASTBOURNE, provide the. right gift . A Cl ’ aSeS .' vith , i . n a feW ents and help yourself to more I toys, CROCKERY, XMAS T d* for family and '''wSgB minutes wa kof your leisure time CARDS, CALENDARS, all at «»*. Then there .. ■ . own home. During . I Town Prices. We Deliver. is the selection and '■«- the last few years. I School Requisites stocked. purchase of holiday '' with the growth of PFTONE & LOWER HUTT I RAY TTCIRF travelling outfits, . - ~ f > ■ •- the community, subur- k l *- 1 I NL. W. L—V VL. I \ lIX> I | I UAY b BAY biUK usually a pleasant di- j|» ? { ban shopping centres l-TIKI/-* An FS I Sole agent "The Dominion." For version from the usual , , > C -'Mir* have considerably ex- Qj/\O LIXjH lIIN \J tSOAKL) I ' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRESH routine of Christmas >S* ySF W A'Y'bY-/- ' tended their range of AOOAC.TC oact Acarr FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. shopping, nevertheless 'xY ' W ' v' < •' stock, so that most dis- Showrooms: JACKSON STREET, PETONE. I OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. P requiring just as much / W# x' • ‘ •’'Xf' ' lricts are practically 1,, lce Creom ' btc ~ time and thought. -j W .. x self-contained, in that HIGH STREET, LOWER HUTT. 8 1 , ■ 111 Finally, and by no manv good shops sell I I nVeSt ln ° HOrne cO NSULT W. HURST BARTON m eans the least im- ' Y< Y as wide a range of r., Estote '„„ ssßrok , The Sweetest Story 118 MURITAI ROAD (next School), EASTBOURNE. IE fc mosi ' ; F .® l Ypi' /'■- -,Y.’7, ' ' T, t '■ X%uirgmXnd _ -I- I J . 7 | Agent: NORWICH UNION (Fire). Phone: OFFICE - - 90 imnnrtant nart of -< '-'Y \ a desires satisfied in I k-X/AF* I lAI IC A.M.P. SOCIETY (Life!. RESIDENCE -90 — ow n locality tVCT 1010 — IS I be a fiasco—that part " ..''■'■r-;,?/ : ; .L/ cy - there is little need to I Kirkcaldy’s Central Butchery ■ Al wo vs the A/AiKi Drun ward so eagerly. K'/'. ' ,/Y ' heavy parcels. In fact, ~ . Z ” VV U J Q I , MAIN ROAD. How do you plan to ' some of the suburban I A *?s /*" / x | VISITORS SPECIALLY CATERED FOR, WITH PROMPT-DELIVERY. go about your Christ- Y " 'YO- V- } Y V i shopping centres boast T i rxnA.i-rw AK.r> e a -r, r r a . mas shopping ? To ; far better facilities Viuu/H-Jl | QUALITY AND SATISFACTION. most of us, no matter 'W <>' ' / ; than a great many I how many resolutions ; ; . V country towns. ' The Ideal Laundry we make to shop earlier this , > If, however, the particular article I / , No Freezing Co.'s rejects or frozen meat stocked. Christmas,” we are faced with the V'.. h ;• - . , of your fancy necessitates a visit to Is forever lessening usual fight for seats on hot, crowd- /' < ' ' the heart of the city’s tumultuous the worries of washGIVE US A TRIAL. PHONE 149, EASTBOURNE. cd trams or buses, jostle, push, and - . . cE (HTfeSj and drud 9 er y at j — -— bump through crowds of equally , by patronising your local stores as I £— — - jypO[l»T • J home. For 1938 I YS - - See My Window and Solve That frenzied rival shoppers, each and all much as possible. ~ I , and thereafter your kil pi * /T/M Affe I Gif « Problem - ■ - - " ' —I new resolution must VV l( )WN~ E - S - BUSSELL, I ' -x I be to help the househsssM —— iSfATOUfL «MPORL ...= —fr- cL__ JI ring 63-000 and we collect and deliver the cleanest rx A k/S\A/A\Z I I I ' _— —-— I wash in the quickest tlmQ. RAMWAY HOTEL -SEATOUN RESIDENTS! ~ M'RAMAR RESDENTS! I l\/\l I V V Z \ I I IX/ I Book your Cab now for the Holidays. OSMOND'S da\ %A nc /5 ' GOLD BAND CABS. CORNER STORE, G ° T^eph^^^ ABS COOK S STORE CHRISTMAS CHEER ... q~., mrs l lloyd IDEAL BAGWASH I--....<ul A A J AU k * ■ AU- tend 9 cordial greeting, to residents Of MKb - L-LUYD, Drinks, etc. IL/L/\L Ur\\J ▼▼ I I Such an occasion deserves the best. And the best tn th.s Seatonn and Worser Bay . Corner of LUXFORD STREET and BOOKSELLER AND -STATIONER. XMAS PUDDINGS, BONBONS, « n/vi MOI amaiw instance is Austral Port—the finest flavoured, richest wine ADELAIDE ROAD. Xmas Greeting Cards , Fancy Goods Telephone 37-419. PHONE 63-000. ESPLANADE, obtainable in the city, yet as inexpensive as many inferior V/e stock all Xmas Fruits, etc. ar, d Toys. All School Requisites. I BHTMMK brands. Order your requirements NOW. Try TROUP b PARK ROAD. * I "* AUSTRAL PORT: 3/- qts.; 1/9 pints. FOR GENUINE HOME COOKERY. Let us make up your holiday grocery v Demand. —————Place Your Xmas Orders Early. Agent for Kelly's Bread IDEAL CAKE KITCHEN TRY US FOR XMAS CAKES. I BATTERSBY S 117-T I TAW IB AY | 17 DUNDAS ST., SEATOUN. DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY. S. F. BEAUMONT LTD. QUALITY PAINTS uI IMM£RTHN-“KI L*BIkNI *E— «- et , 52 PARK ROAD ' MIRAMA . R '- JoHNSoNV,LLE& khandallah Fu[(y prepared MasterPa . nter#sheovy „ PureQuQlity „ paint . I LI I’ll’lt l\ IX< IX js' ■■ *™ -, T“ Largest circulating Library in the Agencies—Miss Bondfield and Cash I COLOURS . .. .. .. 15/9 per gal. k F I BUbUrbS - Wholesalers. SPANISH RED OXIDE FOR ROOFS .. .. 12/6 „ „ h " .... " 1 THE SEATOUN TAILOR. W M IDDZ P JJI ITT W , 7 . VISIT THE Boa K k IL Y™CoB RE S E (o7lh. CHAS. WEBB, ii'U L*jl\TlU IJg 'r.Shore'sT'-SOs' o '''” W ' The pigments us«d ore th. best oMolnoM*. WAITANGI TEAROOMS hXl°’ * he 2 ’ avenue. guaranteed for hve years, YV/V.I/MNKJI <_/ rnln dA KI cA d c Tailor-made Suits, Costumes, Whites, \ ALSO NOT TO CRACK, CHALK OR FLAKE. MANA HOUSE (Mrs. T. J. Melville), UULU dANL) CABS Blazers, etc. Satisfaction guaran- . I At Bus Terminus, TITAHI BAY, Telephone 24-324, teed and prices moderate. D TRANTER , BAIGENT MOTORS CRICHTON'S Made in Petone and guaranteed by For Cold Lunches and Dainty Teas. KARLS CONFECTIONERY c. P. McFarlane, Kalkirk Ave., for Sole Agent for Imperial Cycles and Stock Petrol, Oil, Tyres and Acces- SERVICE STATION E Ml II M RA II F R R Y I , COUTTS ST., RONGOTAI. Xn,UB Presents, Calenders, Novelties, I mpex Dynamos. sories. AH work promptly executed. DCKV IL-C j I /A 1 Ik/IN CLz I lUl>i L/ D/ \ I I t IxO D I a.. . and Greeting Cards. Children’s Books n- ni_ fn I J All sorts of Home-made for all ages. a lli C e P«° rS * R ,n 9 U P Phone 34 (Res. 278) for K| fl u/r>L Pmnridtnr I CTRFPT D ___ /br-rirc C-rriDE Confectionery. All Cycle Requirements. Breakdowns or Taxis. A - E - Newrick, Proprietor. 67 JACKSON STREET. POST OFFICE STORE Special Boxes of Chocolates for / DAY'S MAIN RD., UPPER HUTT. Motorists going North fill up at Office: 63-681. Est. Over 60 yrs. Dwg.: 62-149. TITAHI BAY. TRY K POKEY, DAY S GILLBANKS K,A °" A CY “‘°T N ° “'““ V Johnsonville. L = s == s========s==== GENERAL STOREKEEPER AND G , FTS a " d GENERAL STOREKEEPER, , A -. „ K - J ?WITT, REPAIRS, GREASING, WASHING, I 'A, I CONFECTIONER. Stationer. . TRENTHAM . ' Repairs H = Cycle. POLISHING. DJJ H Holiday Requisites for Children. OF DISTINCTION! FOOTWEAR SPECIALIST. ° rder 5 HQm Wreaths supplied to order. Old and New Customers welcomed Lv-/VvtiX IT UI I Lovely Pottery in Art Shades. Prov.s.ans, Seeds, Plants, etc., Stocked. with open arms. J ft All Leading Brands of Groceries ALL CLASSES OF BOOTS STOCKED. - I Slocked al Town Prices. E " 9 “ CW ™ " V °™' y ' ' A. &M. THOMPSON MOTORISTS! PETROL! = - Footwear Repairs a Speciality. Fill up at Wellington Prices at i "dominion" agent. ECONOMIC STORE, p ,„ rA , tAN , „ >Mrk — Pc, ", ”hZ7 COMMUNITY SERVICE cTir2jn P / ' T 7 T Z 3O SEATOUN ROAD. Indies’ and Gents.- Hairdressing Salon! Magazines, Newspapers, etc. STATION IN xj/A I X_z O* \\ t II i XT I—/ f f PVI Al S 3 K \fflo All Smokers’ requisites stocked. Ex- Christmas Cards and Novelties of all ~ . . » . > »<'• I 11/ V r— II I 111 C 1 IJ ill UC / v■<v L I K HOLIDAY VISITORS! — pert Service. Descriptions. LUBRICATION SPECIALISTS. x |/| I A kl RA I I ALLS? I V I II II I VI I IMI I I 1 v v-1 'Phone or Post your Xmas order in — , :: ST) I"!/ \Ft !✓ JILL./ \I I I BIIDIZC onrve . . LANCASTER'S STORE ★ RgY,< TUK CHRISTMAS . . . Telephone 9W. BURKE BROS. B l/JTinilDK] CONFECTIONERS AND GENERAL E. CUMMINS, L fTn iStLttUKW storekeepers. RED ROBIN GENERAL GROCER. LIU. HY-X? 7k Agents for Frosty Jack Ice-cream. TEAROOMS ‘ rzsn SILVERSTREAM. PHILLIP'S STORES, A k shop at fOR ctcles iXaTd" s „T: NGAI °- . RELIANCE CYCLES AX/IC/AM'C T_l ITT rtrtrt C. APREA, served at all hours. All Groceries at Town Prices. , , AVISONS Tel. 17-099 Hairdresser land Tobacconist. BENGE'S GARAGE Hot Dinners Our Speciality. We Deliver. HIGH STREET (R. W. Riggir) LOWER . HUTT. FOUR SQUARE STORE, Specialist in Ladies' and Men's;Hair- Hot or Cold Teas. cuts. Cigarettes Specially Packed Dainty Home-made Cakes, Scones fINKI D\A/ QFPVIIT RTATIAKI In —, , — - » ■ PLIMMERTON. br Xmn. Gita. Repair Wonk . Sp.™!!,,. and Sandwich., Fne.h Doi!,. 37 943 | CHRISTMAS HAMPERS cue. i l r l r j . ’ —■— ■ 97 UPLAND ROAD. Frosty Jack Ice Cream, Confection- KHANDALLAH. H Full Stocks of Fresh Goods at I/1 \ /Ik ■_£, ; Ducoing. Specialised Greasing. ery, Fruit and Vegetables. Iffl Keenest Prices .1/ 1/j jB I Benzine, Oil, Accessories, 111 Full range of Ales and Stouts: Red Top, ■ ReQuality, Economy, Free Delivery nKn/KxTj L»Y 11- GRIFFITHS, Tel. 40M. MAIN RD. Mechanical Repairs. | Speight's Red Band, Tui. All brands of n 44 Upland Rd., Kelburn, Wellington. Tel. 1345. Agencies for India Tyres. | vi ,- , / Z and STOREKEEPER. PRINCES STREET. w | g Whiskeys, Gms, Brandies, Wines, Liqueurs / /fy Cheerful Service. Y.V. .?? phone 2& _ 2&6 + ONSLOW BOOK DEPOT 11 stocked. Z V turner, For Your Preserved Fruits, etc. I 111 111 ' ■ — I (Mrs. Zirface) Im H | c d CTrrnr ' ' f ■" -w / : ‘ — Remember your friends—Large IN D.D. D I ORE Corner of Ohiro Road and Todman ,——>- * , 'T - 1 Assortment of Xmas Cards and IN ■r— j— q f"* f\ WHOLESALE WINE AND ISmng and Bucklandl ' J JZ A D DI L K Cl I Lttb & LU. SP!RIT MERCHANTS. Th.»ta„pre.„.n,. rt n g P,i mm ..- "„d C|V A I I XXTOSI. |> SJS H.GH ST. LOWER HUTT. Ta!., 6S-403. ton. Stock lines of Groceries at , —- L. TflL. L. ,“D fl I ‘ T ° Wn PriCeS ’ I I — 111.1.LU1 ~^ A/K|/c A Quality Product Creates Its Own mMBMmMBnnBMMHimMmm — - Bu, You, Greenes at the S.B. Store |f|A M IN DAV MRS. E. L. SHELL, BROWN S9O ARO STREET. Demand. ATTRACTIONS and save earryinp them from Town. | J l_n Pt D RESIDENTS! and Conte.,,.net. F "“’' TRY US FOR XMAS CAKES. IL- HKIdIIIAdAII ft AL I I kJ IN d ag — Book Now for the Holidays. MAIN RD., KARORI. us l or our Xmas Gifts. S. F. BEAUMONT LTD. Here are suggestions to help you decide the annual question of "What | Free Delivery "Phone 60M n RAklh CADC Daily Delivery. Phone 27-6 QB. -tzma/m ’ > x 4 . . *.. I to givv?" You cant go wrong with these specially packed gifts of t-ree Delivery. oum. -GOLD BAND CABb Book Orders Early. Full range, and at TOWN PRICES. JOHNSONVILLE & KHANDALLAH . Perfumes and Scent Sprays, Bath Salts, Soaps, Brush and Comb Sets, • " 1 Tel.: 24-324. Tel. 53-483. 'Phones J-37-903. K-36-568. | Powder Compacts, Powder Bowls —and scores more of those lovely ' tl„ 11 kZ rpmomhorAd ; ’ I things all women love and appreciate. H. AMES, 365 days—a Periodical Subscription. BURNE'S CASH STORE W . A. BIBER, ARO STREET PHARMACY, A9enCi a:- L ° n aalwa y Or Doiry. radley ' - XA/ . r| Mnr zx k | P “:° F^ E B ?y 0BE ' »-d. y( .,a LYALL BAY TRAM TERMINUS, Eretarer. ,2 ARO STREET. , 0 eot d *,. U! O. W. J. SI M PSO N, ChemiSt PUKERUA BAY. p*. . zn\a/ r CAM For Xmas Groceries. WE DELIVER. Your Family Chemist. BROWN BREAD —at every meal. I Groceries, Ice Creams. Booksellers, Stationers, News Agents, Free Delivery. Best of Service. Ring Phone 26-966. Watch for the Neon If you haven't tried it—Start Now. | HIGHSTREET (Pel. 63-410) LOWER HUTT. Frosty Jack On The Beach. 147 and 364 PARADE, ISLAND BAY. Phone: 16-362. 2 GIPPS STREET, KARORI. All Xmas Gifts at TOWN PRICES. QHBEQHraSimHßiaaGSlirammniia fflamßßanraomnmßHMßßMraß

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Dominion, Volume 31, Issue 70, 16 December 1937, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 31, Issue 70, 16 December 1937, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 31, Issue 70, 16 December 1937, Page 17