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HBKRt ’ jjSSMi *mh wwh I iiitsss ■fcSfci/l " ' fSW SO MWW W DEPRESSED AND WEAK ■ a EBBaaBBiM ' ; * ‘wWB * ’ ? |gg .'J' f ",l ■HR/tIA 9 THAT s actually BROKE ■ jwiim.ijm’-m gmii■■ MiiiMi-nrrn iwimb— Tf H’ife'fcjJ ■wM INTO TEARS" M ’■ ■ ' .. 9k I Read Amazing Story of Recovery by J. HAYDON, /• ' /' -; 16 Stone Wool Presser, who now loves life again - - ■> WORRIED I’VE MADE YOU J IT'S NO GOOD I TELL YOU. ,t ' s UP TO YOU — BUT | Oh! AU. lERVES ARE SOME SUPPER J ~'\ I CAN'T EAT, AND EVEN IF THERE'S ONLY | THe USE? IT'S 31 DOM AK IS A FOOD. | RIGHT. STATE. .. I DO EAT AND THEN ] STM IGO TO BED,I WON'T GET ONE THING J PROBABLY NO IT GIVES YOU THE H Wt OW WHAT TRY AND GET ANY REST WITH THE TO DO YOU ] < vs) BETTER. THAN MINERALS YOU J4\// k ' ’ —r TO DO. SLEEP. YOU'LL KILLHORRIBLE IRRITATION GOOD. THAT'S) THE OTHER. NEED TO MAKE YOURSELF UNLESS “TV FROM THIS R ID nM A K TON ICS I 1 VE YOU WELL. GET A z <[ / y °U HAVE REST. RASH. LOOK WHAT I TAKEN. BOTTLE -IF IT JS-JJ-. -MA IB\r—l x IT dip doesn't DO you SWA\ RW M f TnralHOJlHlulL, irmnrnUT get your MWWMffiioSr • \ f/wl' ITOmII m 11 money back. w sfe ™WiiRWI MWM m yH '— I ll fcM Ln dsSsSSss, ** I was in such a rotten state of nerves that I hated to talk to “ I couldn’t sleep at night and I lost my appetite completely. work at all. I not only felt sick, but a horrible nerve rasb “ Then my friend —Henrys, who’s a living advertisement for people. I’d just snap their heads off. My nerves were all shot It’s difficult for me to explain how bad this made me feel, spread all over my body. Bidomak, told me to try your tonic. He said, I had to go to to pieces, and I felt so depressed and weak, that I would because I had been a strong,healthy, vigorous man,and spent “I consulted various people and spent pounds on ointments, hospital with my nerves. I did, but Bidomak made me well burst into tears for annarently no reason at all. years in the shearing sheds, until I began to feel too ill to and only to find myself getting Worse and worse. after I left hospital. ■’--•• /'■'*' ’ . • . • . . ■ ' ■ ■-• ■. a BOTTLE OF ) z — —HERE YOU ARE. A . „. nc ' A True Story of a AMAZING RECOVERY BY g I BIDOMAK / TONIC IT IS T 00... I FhErTs^YOUR BIDOft^Kj^^7IE A^NEWM^n'^ 6 I REAL MAN MISS MAISIE CARROLL B youß M A ' Th d , T a a ■ H .zff’SaU SAYS SO THIRD J I l! LIFE S WORTH The wonderful true story told in words»and picGloucesttr St., Sydney. |’j A§>wv) & \ nevrri e.\ LIVING AGAIN— tures above, is typical of the amazing benefits The Douglai Drug Co. ■ U. ' EOT ILE J jy TU4UKC TA Bidomak brings to all who take it. MBMBfe „ U . V M </ ®k W, TSS /7\ BIOOMAK,.-I \W\<f \ \ WlFf »Z Y— — " C/- >=••« Kindergarten, \V- ® fU 1 Camperdown. Sydney 9 Tk ' " SSWOU \ 1 and it you e.„ to write ;o h. m , 1.. w.U Uli you shocking state that 1 was given a strong nerve tonic, H I /<*- 1 /H ® more about his wonderful recovery. sSW which aid not seem to reach the root of the trouble. H fSfc //// f // I ' 'ttV.V.'^ 'Hllil&wL 'IM /A\ >" I — "i ..... . . 99 - 'A\ 1 ' // \\_J J He did not receive one penny for his letter, nor for BRAIN ALWAYS SEEMED IN MUDDLE l| //j\\ WWMWMw '/ his permission to use his photograph. He had My brain always seemed to be in a muddle as I would - - 1 IWI received such wonderful benefit from Bidomak WW walk from the kitchen to get something from my room H " r a;a >, v .u- ia a ju.t. -a a ... r . a, . ... ... that he cheerfully gives his sanction for his story but by the time I reached my room I would quite forget gj 1 didn t think anythlng do me good but I deaded I was a new man—l can eat anything now, and I sleep like Rip Van Winkle. The to be told in the public press. ? W hat I went for, which meant that to stop and think ffiS to try a bottle anyway. At first I did not notice much rash is nearly gone. It’s absolutely wonderful what a difference Bidomak made H H made me feel quite dizey in the head. My nerves were in such a state that if anything ® improvement, and I thought Bidomak no better than to me. I love life once more, and I thank you for your wonderful tonic.” Hjs is a KCnu i n e case, and in publishing it we have startled me I would cry bitterly and practically for no reason at all. H any ordinary mixture. But my wife persuaded me to Yours truly, HU actual not the oicture of an I could not speak to my family as 1 was so irritable. I lost all interest in, not only M H?£P and when I had taken three bottles the ( signcd} j. Haydon. used his actual photograph, not the picture ot an some things, but in everything I used to lose all my sleep and lay awake all night, won- fl difference was marvellous. 1 artist’s model, who has never taken Bidomak at aIL dering what was going to happen next, and it used to worry me to know that I could not |9 . sleep and everybody else in the house-was snoring. Then following all this, 1 got a nasty Wsi zt7 prrir-*u ,/Ti Z?r\ tri yiTy tisi l**. KSK 193 b Tt - 71 r.' iwi pain round my heart, which was as much as I could bear. I was nearly frantic until one I® KTTa R| 'fe'-A./z ML® Kt™ M Bw’ll /', 1 \ I !// M ffl Awk PK® SM jHw f @s? day I thought I would give " Bidomak ” a trial and as I have already stated lam now p 8 HJW H ©CI RTWi SSL, firt A Wsw !®il HIM EH nJv iw MSvllH H\A. SkS W. JKXA Afrgk &J |gt™ on my second bottle. I now eat well, sleep well, have lost the dizzy feelings in my head, ■ 'NifeX w him m W KISU KSB ia XulX ELI Ns u ffl EJ viA, Xaigg ® R H H 9 nS3 Eh Ha® tMßliSss' lost the heart pains, can do my knitting and numerous other things of interest which 1 M had cast aside when my nerves were bad and now I feel like a different woman in every Effl ™—«. —— _„ TL _ _ _— way, "thanks to ‘Bidomak’ ” and you, who make it. I intend taking my full course of Si Imtm tap* Bk'ld S™ E? 3 ® illWk Imfib WK"’/ fyl BHB H K®'WMF SRb .19k "Bidomak" even though lam feeling well again so soon after taking it. ® !g3! fef® M K «J| fT ®Ow IM J® , ix&KO ffij W Nnl W 8 TT UH®. Jflk ■[ ffiw " Bidomak” is the best thing I have had for the small price of 3/6 a bottle and I say gS IsMiY |ggß ® Ksffl BIS B H§ wla WaF VoP' Mva m1 V lh '9EF IS xaa Ka3 La @aJr JlWia WfrEl ■wk a small price because most of the medicines I had taken previously cost me 4/6 0 H| , bottle and did me no good, where the first ® bottle of "Bidomak" removed heart pains, • 71 n a M dizziness and commenced building up my M This amazing guarantee is given by the discoverer of rous, buoyant muscles. It recharges the arteries with a Thncn Oiifl tho Ronpfitc RIDHMAK RfiniiQl body which was _so terribly run-down after |.,i Bidomak because he is positive that if you take it as fresh supply of living, red blood corpuscles and with IHUuu ul 0 Lllu LJUIIUHIo UIUUffIHB Ulillgo. I will beeper ready to praise "Bidomak." // ' directed you must obtain real benefit. He has the whole of oxygen, too, for the purpose of burning up the body’s |, Ends MINERAL STARVATION by adding ferrum, Use this letter as you think fit. No one is fl modern medical science on his side when he asserts that wastes. calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphates, glyceroafraid of the truth. 90% of human ailments result from “ mineral starvation.” phosphates and sucrose. B This lack of vital mineraf elements from our food supply ea rr akir* m cac- aht tai/t - . M causes a great list of deficiency disorders, including all BIDOMAK IS SAFe AND PLEASAN ITO TAKE 2. Gives you a good appetite. m m ZT J |L H nerve troubles, malnutrition, nervous dyspepsia, anaemia, ...THE LATEST PRODUCT OF SCIENCE. 3. Brings sweet sleep to the weary sleepless. CMS iPareni: A• . Bl headaches, lowered vitality, and many other common . . . ~ „ . H illnesses. There is not one single substance contained in Bidomak Strengthens nerves that are tired and inflamed. T %?r^, Drus Co ' ‘ P ° lict sAkmore. N.S.W. H which is not present in a perfectly healthy human body. 5. Relieves stomach upsets and dyspepsia. H .A- . Modern life destroys these mineral elements; Bidomak (< rang me up and said ;** Why don’t you try Bidomak ?. It has curec Ime and iam sure it win do thmgood H GOOD HEALTH DEPENDS ON MINERALS, restores them and thus restores the body to a normal 6. Builds energy, "pep’ and endurance. the same as it did for me." I asked their father about it and he said Try one bottle." With the results fel wwix i iur\u ■i i mui a- . of taking the first few doses they improved splendidly and my doctor here in Lismore was very surprised to B|| ... IlCaltny State. £Jl<iOniak CODtaiHS GO Dlttet, aangCtOUS, ClcatS OUt body WSSteS ffOttl every Cell of the body .ere allied to leave th e h o sp uai. After six .eeks ia m sending you H The most important health-giving minerals are ferrum, narcotic drugs nor opiates. It feeds-does.not.drug—and b increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood the slip out of the paper, where my little son John, age 5 years, was in a bad state when admitted to the Q Calcium, potash, SOaiUm, and phOSphOtUS. lllCSe Vital builds Up permanently, Starved nerves, blood, muscles, ctwam h A‘; t H minerals are all present in Bidomak, and made available heart, and brain. From the first dose you feel it is doing o ' . u , U 1 , UIU „ , kA'epi^'my^chiidre^ori'^sidomak^'ainlir'iug/'fth'ewinter'^ are M verv pleased w,th the resalts ‘ Jo lam H for easy assimilation in accordance with formulae you good, and as you progress with it, you will, yourself, B. Creates rich red blood, new healthy nerve cells, and P People tn Lismore say you would not thM they were the same children. Mr. Pritchard, who is a H developed by the most advanced scientific work on nu- become as enthusiastic about Bidomak as thousands of nerve fluid. " fHr F a Vwsr a^KyVo^a^%oy” e “t h A H trition. A course of Bidomak strengthens the liver, pan- other Australians who every day ring its praises to their 9, Makes you feel we u overJ m«»Aai zwajyiw/wiAem.zjaM; - gorier roM.m« ie jv’BMomo*'and/</w." He’asfcd m« to M creas, and stomach so that we make better use of our closest friends. You’ll like taking it, too, because it tastes . show him it and 1 did. The doctor tasted tt and advised me to continue with it. MS ~ ’ - . , . ... . . . . » > t a -t*...... .a mvu4 vah'll utri.n <> Your, faithfully, (signed) Mr,, d. l. Pritchard. S ordinary food supply. It builds nerve strength and vigo- so nice. IU- lastes so gooa you 11 hkc taxing it. AFTER ILLNESS OR ’FLU OR TO BUILD UP FOR THE WINTER ■ WWfi AND £9S STORES BIDOMAKg The Best Tonic ever made because it’s a Food as well. ««gfc®® the TONIC of the CENTUBT” b,^“zxi.^x‘^ drugc& W WBIBWI SB ™ ® '■MX B U M ® IB W FLUENZOL PTY. LTD., Thorndon Quay, Wellington. If ® GET A BOTTLE OF BIDOMAK TO-DAY! COMMENCING 2ZB Aniriict 12 ’

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Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 266, 6 August 1937, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 266, 6 August 1937, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 266, 6 August 1937, Page 8