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EOT ALL FEAR OF > CIT U M A I I The y Ende ‘’ Theirs ' jHL I ITe 11 u JHa a Y °p c^Tj n< r « ours< Read i hese Letters —ALSO ATTACKS OF BRONCHITIS, BRONCHIAL FEAR OF NIGHT ATTACKS ASTHMA, CHRONIC COUGHING ENDED Once you have fried Ephazone you will never again IT ON^. T ( O . O 1 K : “ 7 , , , 7 , J 'The very first tablet I took put an end dread Asfnma attacks. to a severe attack in 5 minutes- I was truly amazed, as nothing else I had taken Thousands Now Relieved of Suspense Because They KNOW That ONE Ephazone Tablet Ends The Worst -i certain. effect But Attack In A FEW MINUTES! I without fear of any Asthma trouble.”—J.S. I Miss M.B/s case is typical of thousands. Her life was haunted by the SCARED TO GO TO BED fear of Asthma attacks. Ten years ago she developed asthma. To ~j had a bad attnck of Bronchial Asthma complicate matters —“1 caught a severe cold in September,” she writes, and severe cough After taking 3 tablets “and practically every bieath 1 took gave me pain, while as for the 1111 symptoms ontbely disappeared much to •i. i ciuntv TAr.r’ anm wiir».< • r r .1 my surprise and relief, and since then I have nights, I SIMPLY DREADED THEM COMING. I his fear of asthma nn t had the slightest difficulty. During the attacks is almost as distressing and health-destroying as the attack winter months have several times been itself. Scared to go to bedl Scared to participate in normal pleasures! chair ”—R H°U iaVC * n a Scared to eat! Small wonder that ageing lines of anxiety soon reveal themselves on the countenance I It is easy to see, therefore, what a I NO FEAR OF ASTHMA NOW I great service Ephazone performs by removing this awful dread. Long , <slncc hearing of r ,; I)hazonP j have no f ear before that attack has you in its grip, the wonderful medicaments in of Asthma, as I get instant relief after taking Ephazone have checked its progress, given soothing ease in an unbe- a single tablet. I breathe naturally in les?8 lievably short time and ended the attack in a FEW MINUTES. One ro*# nlinUtes after taking °' le table, ‘' ’ tablet does this. ONE tablet releases the stranglehold of asthma; ' ends the gasping, choking fight for air; ends the coughing that robs you of nightly sleep; that shakes your whole frame from end to end. THE MIRACLE Ephazone is going to make your life one hundred per cent, happier and, . ~ a.ip in doing so, make you look and fee] YEARS YOUNGER. It’s hard ACHIEVED WITH ONE to believe but the FREE SUPPLY proves every word we say is true. TARI FT Send for YOURS as quickly as possible. I Am LEI New Zealander's Amazing Letter! WHOLE OUTLOOK CHANGED TORTURED SO LONG BY ASTHMA—NIGHT AFTER ONE TABLET Akm A V “They have worked wonders in a night. I could ANU UAY eat only two meals a day. I gasped for breath Ur DDEDADrr. TA BMn UIC I ire r on an<l oft for 3 "’eeks. I put a tablet on my nE rKErAKEU IU ENU Hid LlrE I tongue, washed it down with water, and my “My little girl since getting a very a few- persons I really thought a whole outlook differed. —D.P bad attack of whooping cough at lot of to come and see me, she prefour, has suffered from bronchitis vailed upon me to try as a last OKIE TARI FT STOPS WHEEZING every winter, and lately I have given resort, your treatment after read- UIXC 1 .7. 2U? SC ' t,r ’' 3 her halt a tablet with wonderful ing the wonderful adverts, about AS IF BY MAGIC !.Arv' tS ,', afl . er > t F. ylng s’ot expecting any relief I agreed “j [oo k one of j-our tablets on hearing wheezing \cry many treatments, injections, on condition that that would be the coming on and it seemed to have stopped it etc., about six months ago after suf finish .if no relief was obtained, and InstanUy as if by magic ”-J.M.E lering from a choking spasm of now, although far from being a ’ 3 asthma which did not let up over religious man, I thank both God a period of 8 days, I was prepared and you for placing such a mlracu- ONE TABLET KEEPS COUGHING to commit suicide, and, on telling lous remedy on the market."—E.D. nAiiTr .i.r.v my wife and asking her to notify BOUTS AWAY £ I I. fl'll r ' -r “My husband had bronchitis and his breathing I»6ll6r oO VvOnaCFiU! If drill deems Io was very bad. The first tablet he took relieved I!!,- — f ■” him If he takesone tablet they keep the coughoe LiKe a uream. ing bouts away.”— m.b.” “Thank you tor your very prompt. "For 17 years I suffered cruelly and dispatch of my tablets. This is to sUeaUwhmnYha? the'v INSTANT RELIEF AFTER ONE toll you (although I have only taken have done wonders for me and cannot , TABLET a few of them) the result is just too yet possibly realise that lam free from Rlirl , r i SO( i i W}ls the instant relief I cot marvellous for words. My breathing coughing. My breathing is wonder- nf ter taking ti e it mus?be a , dream t ” er T t W t 1 th,l ' k FS Ca ”' lot " ra ' Se the ’ U enollgh ‘”- fo“ 3 days*’ with bronchial asthma* but after It must be a dream. —J.M . U.S. takjng ;i tab]( . ts T was able to get up and abont THE GREAT ECONOMY OF EPHAZONE Every tablet you purchase ends an stopped in a few minutes. What has rxiCTOUCTcn cvrPYTLIIMr attack. With Ephazone you get the aur K ia, !!? r * s SHE DISTRUb ItD EVtKTIHIPHj , , „ . , ’ FREQUENCY OF THE ATTACKS AnVFSJTKFD relief you pay for. No wasted money. HAS BEEN GREATLY LESSENED.” AUVEKI IjEU No disappointments. Every tablet Mrs. A.C.C. hadn’t been beyond her ‘ I have suffered with bronchial Asthma for ACTS; acts QUICKLY; acts SAFELY. garden for years owing to asthma. years and have spent pounds on patent rnediBut here is even better news! Pro- After taking' 3 Ephazone tablets she cines. I began to distrust everything advertised gressive treatment means I’ROGRES- writes: "I have been absolutely free until my daughter sent for free supply of SIVE BENEFIT — and FEWER from asthma and can breathe ‘freely Ephazone and persuaded me (much against my DOSES. Sufferers’ letters substan- sand perfectly. Could 3 tablets really will. I admit) to try the sample. To my amazetlate this fact. Mr. W. W. writes: cure me? It seems Impossible—yet I tnent my breathing was nntch easier at once. “Every attack I have had has been have been free for weeks!” They are so swift and sure."—Mrs. T. "" U and ß hospitals S y° u can * believe this Advertisement Ephazone has been supplied to nsi ft H KBs (IF 1 E 32 ERA iT 3 tf 21 B 1 IRii 0 hundreds of leading hospitals in ®kft BL ffiara Ei ja BL If la bL jJy 13™ w—, vk 1 H l-i/ pLjr J ti'vli'ii I lIEE 3UU u LU Government Departments, as well as thousands of doctors through- — —— m mi m-wwi out the world. The medical pro-- HMM Mng, |ra jM ■SKv B MBH fession approve of Ephazone be- BM In isil liH M /yf /hy VM üßk HI Ki cause (1) IT DOESN’T HARM AOA p/ 13 IM hAU THE HEART OR KIDNEYS; m gw®™ MBr MBH ft/M A/ « fel fclWia fcj (2) IT IS RAPID IN ACTION: a* H IW B M (3) IT IS PROGRESSIVELY Mwn W H Afaai WO’ H BENEFICIAL. “I am using more V u fakuuJa Mi u. Ml cj La for cases every day,” writes Dr. fore’ take tD ßphazon°e U with by writing your name and address mi the margin ni tadvertisemeut imposing 3U. donee no matter or condi- stamps to cover posting and packing and posting to the N.Z. Agents—A. A. Stielibury, Lt(L, tion of health ’ (Dept. BJ), P.O. Box'29C, Wellington, C.l. Sold in two sizes, 4/-and 10/- (three times ' the quantity).

Saturday is the last day of kIIIMAHIIIN PURE SILK PLAIN AND EMBOSSED JKk W CREPE DE CHINE NIGHTGOWNS (W& 1 jMk Mi Ml J\ Another outstanding bargain in extra heavy weight Pure Silk Plain and Embossed Crepe de Chine Nightgowns, with rich insets of satin and hand embroidery. Bias cut and in tie-on- I iffe I 1 shoulder and plain styles. These are really exquisite night- IJ B J/ gP 1 J gowns, available in pastel shades of Shell, Peach, White. yjVb y K HBR J Special Clearance Sale Price Ow 7 V ... sOB YOUR FINAL OPPORTUNITY ! DON’T MISS THE QUALITY BARGAINS ! LUXURIOUS PADDED SATIN Floral, Fancy, and Spotted DRESSING GOWNS PRINTED CREPES Usually 42/-, Don’t miss this wonderful buying opportunity! You must be PRICE Usually 1 11 y early! Beautiful luxurious Padded Satin Dressing Gowns, bargain in fine quality Printed Crepes, feacharmingly finished with contrast hand embroidered designs A 4 / Uo . n 1 ™ ISS C . n ral fancv anc } SDOt designs. 36in. wide and / back and front. Richly padded, self coloured lining, long roil S 1 1 / IftS !bade’' fL.e ™a« c„Z »I 1 make the 1/„ £ ” delightful frock.. See the .pecia! fabric Usually 1/I 1 yard. Special bale Price “ RICH BROCADED SILK PADDED -.2 ======= =— DRESSING GOWNS SMART WOOL FROCKS. Usually 31/6 Usually up to 79/6 These beautiful Dressing Gowns are selling fast, so you must be early for this bargain. Offered at less than half price. Rich p^. an . Don’t miss this final clearance bargain of a collection of smart Wool padded brocaded silk Dressing Gowns. Some have bright floral Price Frocks, suitable for morning and afternoon wear. There are various linings, others have plain linings to tone. Long roll collars, -1™ , smart fancy check and spotted designs as well as plain shades. All Ol O I cosy wrap-over, silk cord girdle and pocket. Shades include | IL / fashionable shades. These are ideal frocks for present wear—-both B| | / Red, Black, Rose, Royal. Really outstanding value. |O' warm and smart. See the special display. Usually to 79/6. is | mm Usually 31/6. To Clear iO' Special Sale Price ksJ W KIRKCALDIE AND STAINS LIMITED - LAMBTON QUAY - WELLINGTON

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Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 264, 4 August 1937, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 264, 4 August 1937, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 30, Issue 264, 4 August 1937, Page 6