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Day. hr. in. First quarter .. 8 12 53 a.m. Full moon 15 12 13 a.xu. Last quarter ...21 2 47 p.m. New moon 29 12 30 p.m. SUN. Suu rises to-day 0.21 a.m.; sets 5.23 .p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day 6.34 a.m.; sets 6.44 pan. HIGH WATER. To-day 5 a.m.; 5.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. ECHO, aux. scow (12.50 aan.), 120 tons, Nelson, from Blenheim. ARAHURA. s.s. (5.25 a.m.), 1590 tons, Hay. from Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7-a.ui.), 3488 tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. BREEZE, m.s. (8.10 a.m.), C 22 tons, Stewart, from Lyttelton. HOLMDALE. s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 081 tons, Copland, from Lyttelton. HOLJIGLEN, m.s. (5.30 pan.), 432 tons, McArthur, from Lyttelton. WAINUI, s.s. (0 pan.), 1633 tons, Waters, from Gisborne. TAMAHIN’E, S.S. (6.15 p.m ), 1959 tolls, Kune, from Pieton. WAIPIATA, s.s. (8.50 p.m.). 2820 tons, ChatUeld, from Pieton. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. FUTURIST, trawler (7.50 a.m.), 241 tons, Ormes, for Cook Strait BREEZE, m.s. (noon), 022 ions, Stewart, for Plcton. FAIRBURN, aux. seow (12.10 p.m.), 09 tons. Sawyers, for Westport. HOLMDALE, s.s. (1 pan.). 081 tons, Cop land, for Pieton. RATA, s.s. (3.20 / p.iii.). 974 tons, Vasta, for Westport. .

ARAHURA, s.s. (7.30 pan.), iSUG tons, Hay, for Nelson. MAORI. S.s. (7.51) p.m.). 3488 tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Gael, Hokitika, to-day. Kapuni, Patea, to-day. Hawbra. Patea, to day, Kaplti, Wanganui, to-day. Matangl, Nelson, to-day, 5.30 aan. Rangatlra, Lyttelton, to-day. 7 nan. Ngakuta, Sydney, to-day, 0.30 a.m. Pakura, Lyttelton, to-day. Arahnra, Nelson, to-morrow. 5.30 aan. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Taiualiihe. Pieton, to-morrow, 6 pau. Tanpata, Greymouth, to-morrow. Kalmiro, Greymouth, to-morrow. To Arolia, Hokitika, .to-morrow. Holmdale, Wangannl, to-morrow. Breeze, Wanganui, to-niorrow, Wanganella, Sydney, Auckland, to-mor-

row. Kohl, Nelson and bays, to-morrow. Walrau, Lyttelton, Sunday. Parera, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, fiyt

telton, Sunday. Tohgariro, London, Sunday, Titoki, Westport, Sunday. Kaplti, Wanganui. Sunday. Echo, Blenheim, Sunday. , Mating,ahiil, Sydney. Monday Port Whangarel, Attekland, Monday. Walmarlno, Auckland. Monday. Maui Pomare, Apia. Lyttelton, Tuesday Totara, Westport, Tuesday. Surrey, Bliiff, Wednesday. Rfingltane, Lyttelton, Wednesday. Orepukl, Dunedin, Oamaru, Tlmatu, Lyt telton, Wednesday. Kttimal, Dunedin. Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Thursday. Wairangl, Lyttelton, Thursday. Port Fairy, Oamaru, Thursday. Waitaki, Melbourne, Lyttelton, Thursday. Holmdale Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru.

Lyttelton, Thursday. Karetu, Sydney, Lyttelton, Thursday. Anglo-Ciinddlan, New York, Auckland,

Friday. Orepukl, Wanganui. Friday. Wingatui, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru Lyttelton, Friday. Wainui, Bliiff, Du’-oilln, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton. Friday. Storm. Dunedin, uamaru. Timaru, Lyttelton, Friday.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kapuni. Pate.-i, to-day. Hdwera. Patea', to-day. Kaplti. Wanganui, to-day. Holmglen, New Plymqiith. Waikato,

to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-day. Tamahine. Pieton, to-day, 2.45 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p in. Rangatira. Lyttelton, to-day. 7.45 p.m. Kaimal, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyt telton. to-day. Poolta, Westport, to-day. Wainui, Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru. Lyttel ton. to-day. Fohdstlale, Lyttelton, to-day. Waipiata, Auckland, to-diiy. Arahnra; Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori. Lyttelton; to-morrow. 7.45 p.m Bolindale, Dunedin. Oamaru. Timaru Lyttelton, to-morrow. Pakura, Napier, Gisbot-ne, to-morrow. Breeze. Bluff. Dunedin. Oamaru, Timaru. Lyttelton, to-morrow. Wanganella, Sydney, Melbourne, to ; mor-

row. . Parerii. New Plymouth, Waikato, Mon

. . day. „ Wftinlariho, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff

Monday Port Whangarei, Lyttelton, Dunedin

Tlmarti Monday. ‘ Gael. Greymoitth, Hokitika, Monday. Te Arolia Greymouth. Hokitika, Monday Tatipafa, Tarakohe. Monday. Ngakuta, Grafton, Tuesday; Kttimtro, Greymouth. Tuesday. Maunganui, Sait Francisco, Via Rarotonga and Papeete. Tiiestlliy. Kolit. Nelson ami bays, Tuesday. Tongariro, Lyttelton. Wednesday; Orepukl. Plcton, Wanganui, Wednesday. Ilolindaie. Plcton, Wanganui; Thursday. Kaintai, Nelson, New Plymouth, Thurs day. *• Stiffer. New Plymouth. Friday. Port Fairy. Wanganui, Friday. Storm Plcton. Wanganui. Friday. f Orepukl. Dunedin, Oamarn, Tlmarti, Lyt ■ telton, Friday Monowal, Sydney, Friday Waitakl, Bluff, Melbourne, Friday. Wlngattii, Auckland, Friday.

TO-DAY’S BERTHAGE LIST. Queen’s Wharf--Waipiata (No. 1 north). Holniglen (No. 1 south), Tamahine (A’o. I). Flawera (No. 5). Nora Niven (No 7). Mafangi (No. 12). Echo (No 13), Pakura (No. 11), Walnui (No. 16). Ferry Wharf—Rangatira. Railway Wharf—Poplta. King’s Wharf—Fdrdsdaie, llolmgleii, Kapunl. Plpitea Wharf—Ngakuta, Wainul, Kalinai, Kapiti. Clyde Quay Wharf—Monowal. Miramar Wharf—Walline. Patent Slip—Wahlne. In the Stream—Kaiwarra, Opihi, John. Awaliou, Hlmatangi.

OVERSEAS SHIPS Vessels Discharging PORT FAIRY (C. and D. Line), left Lon don Juiy 5 for Suva. Lyttelton (arr Aug. 15), Dunedin, Bluff (arr. Aug. 23) and Timaru (due Aug. 31). FORDSDALE (Shaw. Savill), left Liverpool July 13 for Auckland (arr. Aug 18). Wellington (arr. Aug. 26), Lyttelton (due Aug. 31), Dunedin and Bluff. WILLESDEN (G. 11. Seales, Ltd ), left Liverpool (N.S.) July 9 for Auckland (arr. Aug. 21), Wellington, Lytteltou (arr. Aug. 29) and Dunedin. NEW ZEALAND STAR (Blue Star Line) left London July 25 for Auckland (arr Aug. 26) and Port Chalmers (due Sept. 2). Dominion Bound CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR (Can Nat.), left Montreal June 29 for Australia. Dunedin (due Sept. 6). Lyttelton, Wellington (due Sept. 10) and Auckland. AORANGI (Union Co.). left Vancouver Aug. 12 and San Francisco Aug. 15 for Honolulu, Suva,. Auckland (due Sept. 1). Sydney and .Melbourne. TONGARIRQ (N.Z.S. Co.), left London July 25 for Wellington (due Sept. 1) and Lyttelton. NARBADA (Union Co.), left Calcutta Aug 2, via Penang, Singapore and Samarang, for Auckland (due Sept. 5). Welling ton (due Sept. 9), Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin and Bluff. ANGLO-CANADIAN (C. and D. Line), from New York, left Philadelphia Aug. 1 for Auckland (due Sept. 3), Wellington (due Sept. 6), Lyttelton and Dunedin. MONTEREY (T & W. Young and Burns, Philp), left San Francisco Aug 20 and Los Angeles Aug. 21 for Honolulu. Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland (due Sept. 6), Sydney and Melbourne.

SHEAF HOLME (Union Co.), left Los Angeles Aug. 11 for Papeete, Rarotonga, Auckland (due Sept. 10), -Wellington (due Sept. 14), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia, CANADIAN PLANTER ,(Can. Nat.), left Montreal July 20 for Auckland (due Sept. 6), Wellington (due Sept. 10), Sydney, Melbourne, Duiiedln and Lyttelton MELBOURNE MARU (Federal Co.), left Jtoji Aug. 1 for Hong-Kong, Australia, New Plymouth (due Sept. 7), Wellington (due Sept. 12) and Auckland. TURBO (Shell Oil Co.), left Balik Papan Aug. 21 for Wellington (due Sept. 9) and Auckland.

MIDDLESEX (Federal Co.), left Liverpool Aug. 4 for Auckland (due Sept. 10), Wellington (due Sept. 1(5), Lyttelton and Dunedin.

MATAROA (Shaw, Savill). from London, left Southampton Aug. 10 for Auckland (due Sept 13) and Wellington (due Sept. IS).

KARU (Union Co.), left Wales July 17 for Safaga, Wellington (due about Sept. 14). MAKURA (Union Co.), left San Fran cisco Aug. 28 for Papeete, Rarotonga; Wei lingtoh (due Sept. 16) .and Sydney. NEW ZEALAND .(Texas Oil Co,) left Los Angeles Aug, 20 for Auckland (due Sept, 15), Wellington (due Sept. 19), Lyttelton and Dunedin.

EMMA MAERSK (Union Co.), left San Pedro Aug 23 for Wellington (due Sept. 18). ZEALANDIC (Shaw, Saylll), left London Aug. 16 for Suva. Lyttelton (due Sept. 25). Dunedin, Biiilf and Timaru. REJIUERA (N.Z.S. Co.), loft London Aug 22 for Auckland (due Sept, 28) and Wellington (due Oct. 4).

AUSTRALINI) .(Federal Co.), left New York Aug. 23 for Auckland (due Sept. 26), Wellihgton (due Sept. 30), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia.

Loading For Overseas

CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR (Can. Nat.), loads at Dunedin Sept. 0; thence Sept 7 to Lyttelton, Wellington; due here Sept. 10; hence Sept., 10 to Napier and Auckland; (lienee Sept. 14 to New York, Boston and Montreal.

FORDSDALE (Shaw, Savill). mads at Bluff Sept. 6; thence to Port Chalmers. Tirharii, Wellington: due here Sept 28: hence Oct. 3 to Wanganui, New Plymouth. Auckland and Port Chalmers; thence Oct 21 to London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas.

HERTFORD (Federal Co.), at Auckland: tlibnee Aug; 30 to Lohdbii; Avonmouth Liverpool anil Glasgow; via Cape Horn and Montevideo, NEW ZEALAND STAR (Blue Star Line), loads at Port Chalmers Sept. 2; thence Sept. 6 to Bluff, Lyttelton, Wellington; due here Sept. 15; lienee Sept. 19 to Napier ihil Auckland; thence Oct. Ito London, via Cane Horn

PORT FAIRY (C. and D. Line), loads at Timaru Aug. 31; thence to Oamaru, Wellington; due here Sept. 5; lienee Sept 0 to Wanganui, New Plymouth nnd Auckland; thence Sept. IS to London, via Cape Hor.-i and Dakar,

RANGITANE ' (NjZ.S. Co ), at Bluff, thence Aug. 3t) to Lyttelton, Wellington; due here Sept. 4; hence Sept. 10 to Napier and .Auckland: thence Sept. 27 to London, via Panama Canal. '

SURREY (Federal Co.j, at Oaniarti. thence Aug. 29 to Bluff, Wellington; due here Sept. 4; hehce. Sept.. 6 to New Plymouth, Opua And Auckland; thence Sept 20 to London. Avonmoutli, Liverpool. Manchester and Glasgow. TONGARIRO (Federal Co.), loads at Lyttelton Sept.- 11; thence to Tiinarn. Wanganui, Wellington; due here Sept 29: hence Sept. 23 to Napier, Gisborne Opiia and Atickiitid; thence Oct, ,15 to London. Avoniriouth, Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow. WAIRANGf (Shaw, Savill). a( Bluff: (hence Sept. 2 to Lyttelton. Wellington: dite here Sept, u: hence Sept. 7 to Auckland; (hence Sept. 14 to Southampton and London, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas.

Loading For New Zealand AKAROA (Shaw. Savill). leaves London September 4 for Wellington (passengers only). Lylfeiton ami Port Chalmers. BRISBANE MARU (Federal Co.), leaves Moji Oct. 1 for Australia, Wellington and Auckland. CANADIAN CRUISER (Cah. Nat.), learp*. Montreal Atig. 23 for Australia, Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington.

CANADIAN CONQUEROR (Can. Nat.) leaves Montreal Aug 30 for Auckland, Wellington and Australia. CANADIAN VICTOR (Can. Nat.), leaves Montreal Sept 30 for Auckland, Welling ton nnd Australia. CANADIAN SCOTTISH (Can. Nat) leaves Montreal Sept. 30 for Australia. Dunedin. Lvttolton nnd Wellington CAPE YORK (Uninn Co), leaves Lok Angeles Sept. 5 for Auckland. Wellington Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. ’city OF BAGDAD (Federal Co.), leaves New York Oct. 8 for Auckland. Wei lington Lrtteltdn Dunedin and Australia CITY' OF FLORENCE (Federal Co.) loaves New York Nov. 22 for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia.

CITY OF TOKIO (Federal Co.), leaves New York Sept. 16 for Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dtinodin and Australia. DIIRSET iFederal Co.i, leaves Liverpool Oet 26 for Auckland Wellington Lyttol ton I'nnedln and Bluff FRESNO STAR (Blue Star Line) leaves Liverpool. Aug. 30 for Auckland, Welling 'on. Lyttelton nnd Dunedin.

GOLDEN BEAR (Burns Philp,, leaves Los Angelos Oct 1 for Auckland Welling ton ami Australia

GOLDEN CLOUD (Burns, Philp), leaves Los Angeles Sept 1 for Auckland, Wellington and Australia.

GOLDEN COAST (Biirhs. Philp), leaves Los Angeles Nov 1 for Auckland, Welling ton and Australia. HAURAKI (Union Co.), leaves Los An geles Oet 22 for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton Diinedin Illnft' ami Australia.

lONIC (Shaw. Savill). leaves London Nov 27 for Auckland ami Port Chalmers MARIPOSA (Bums. Philp and T ami W Yoiing) leaves Sah Francisco Sept 17 nnd I.hs An roles Sept IS for Honolulu Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland Sydney and Melbourne

MAI'NGANUI il'tilon Co.) leaves San Francisco Sept 25 for Papeete Rnrotofign Wo'ltnelon anil Sydney MAKI'RA (Union Co.) loaves San Fran cisco Oct. 23 for Papeete. Rarotonga, Wellington and Sydney MELBOURNE MARL' . (Federal Co.), leaves MoJI Nov 1 for Hong-Kong. Aus tr.nlln Wellington and Auckland. MONOWAI (Union Co.), leaves Vancouver Oct. 9 for Honolulu. Suva. Auckland and Sydney. MONTEREY (Burns. Philp and T & W . Voting) leaves San Francisco Oct. 15 and i.os Angeles Oct. 16 for Honolulu. Pltgo Pago, Suva, Auckland. Sydney and Mel bourne. NORFOLK (Federal Co ), leaves Liver pool Oet. 5 per Auckland Napier. Welling ton. I.vttelton, htihedln and Timiiru NIAGARA (Union Co ), leaves Vancouver Sept 11 for Honolulu, Suva. Auckland and Sydney . . ■ PORT HUNTER (C. and D Line). leaves Liverpool Sept. 14 for Auckland, Welllug-

ton Lvttelton, Dunedin and New Plymouth. PORT CHALMERS (C. and D, Line), leaves Lot,don September 4 for Wellington, Auckland Nahler anil New Plymouth. PORT HOBART, (C. and D. Line), leaves Nei* York 01-t 30 for Auckland Willington l.vfle'tnn and Dunedin

PORT HUON (C. and D. Line), leaves London Nov. 27 for Wellington and Lyttel-

ton. ... PORT WYNDHAM (C. and D. Line), leaves London November 0 for Suva, Lyttelton. Duni'diti and Bluff. RANGITANE (N Z.S. Go ), leaves London Nov. 11 for Wellington and Auckland. UANGITATA tN Z.S Co t ImiVhS i.ondon oct 17 for Auckland and Wellington RANGITIKI >NZ.s Co > leave- t.midon sept 19 for Auckland and Wellington RO't’Oßt'A (NZS Co.) leaves London sept 26 for Suva Wellington ipassi-ngerß inly) Lvttolton Dnnedln and Bluff SYDNEY MARU (Federal Co t leaves Moji Sept i tor Australia Wellington and Auckland

TAINUI (Shaw Savill). leaves London oct 2 for Wellington and Attckland TAIROA (Shaw. Savill). leaves Liverpool Nov. 16 for Auckland; Wellington; Lyttelton nnd Dnnedln.

TAMAROA (Shaw. Savill). leaves London Oet 30 for Wellington nn.-l Auckland. WAIPAWA (Sltaw. Savill). loaves London Oet. 16 for Dunedin. Lyttelton and Nelson.

WAIRUNA 'Union Co), leaves Los Angeles Sept 26 for Auckland. Nnpler, Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin and Australia.

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 28, Issue 286, 30 August 1935, Page 10

Word Count

SHIPS AND CARGOES Dominion, Volume 28, Issue 286, 30 August 1935, Page 10

SHIPS AND CARGOES Dominion, Volume 28, Issue 286, 30 August 1935, Page 10