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Chief Marionette , Scores FORM REVERSALS Success of Lifeguard (By Telegraph—From “Poneke.”) Hawera, February 14. There were some form reversals at Hawera to-day when the Egmont meeting was concluded. The winner of the. chief event, Chief Marionette, improved on recent form and paid a big dividend. The stake included a silver tea set which the wife of the president, MI’S. Tonks, handed to Mr. J. Bennett, the representative of the owner. Mrs. G. M. Bennett, of Palmerston North. During the presentation ceremony the president thanked owners who had patronised the club and said the stewards would do all they could to restore racing in the club’s area to the position it held in the more prosperous past. After Lifeguard had won the Electric Handicap the stewards met to consider his first day’s running as compared with

his winning form, and passed a resolution that they Considered Lifeguard had been incapably handled by L. Jarvis on the first day, but saw no reason to suspect any improper practice and desired to take no further action. Again the attendance was good. The day’s totalisator turnover was £10,377, making £21.814 for the .meeting—an increase of £4256. . For interference near the finish of the last race, J. McFarlane, rider of Cereal, was suspended for one month. Successful Debut. Pango, who was making his debut as a jumper, easily won the Okaiawa Hurdles by a length from Colossal after being in front nearly all the way. Pango jumped carefully but well, and Headland, who was considered his chief danger, jumped badly and finished weakly, four lengths behind Colossal. Headland was favourite, but as Pango was ’considered very favourably handicapped he was almost as well back and returned a short price. Close Finish, in Sprint. Golden Hair, who got into the Waimate Handicap at 9st, and Pladie, were tae favourites, and while Pladie. won, Golden Hair finished last. Sanguine King ami Full Throttle led to the straight from Navaho and Pladie'and in a hard finish Pladie won by a short head’from Full Throttle, with Navaho a neck away. Sanguine King was a moderate fourth, and Merrv AVa.v and- Moatoa were next. Golden Hair did not muster much speed and ran lengths in the rear all the way. She looks fairly well, but is backward.

Chikara, getting away well, made the early running iu the Meremere Handicap for hack sprinters, but Harvest Moon, who had been handy all the way, ran him down in the straight and beat him by three-quarters of a length, while Panloi'f was only a head away in third place. Gold Gleam was a good fourth, ami Friesland and Note Issue, who were together at the finish, were well back. The unlucky runner was Panloff, who lost several lengths at the start. A Boil Over. There was a boil over in the Tonas Stakes, which the outsider of the field. Chief Marionette, won in the last few strides. Tiger Gain made the running, and for half a mile was bowling along freely four lengths ahead of Hazoor and Davistoek. who were next, and were closely followed by Aga Khan and Rust. At the five furlongs Tiger Gain was coming back to the field, and crossing the top Davistoek was advancing, while Aga Khan was moving up alongside Hazoor. Davistoek was first to turn for home, but after having Aga Khan and Hazoor beaten, he failed to withstand a late challenge by Chief Marionette, who won by a head. Aga Khan was third, two lengths away, just ahead of Hazoor and Tiger Gain, who were followed by Rust and Moiianui, . The winner’s form was an improvement upon any of her recent efforts, and bettors could not be blamed for neglecting her. Aga Khan and Hazoor ran good races, but tinder solid weights they were folmd oiit by the fast pace. Another Improver. Lifeguard improved even more than he was expected to, and won the Electric

Handicap very easily. He began slowly, but soon ran up behind Fairfax and Eara, and followed them into the straight. Lifeguard had his mouth wide open, and obviously could go to the front at will. He passed the leaders below the distance and was winning easily when Silver Wings, who had trailed him all the way, finished fast under pressure and all but beat him, as he had been allowed to ease up. Lifeguard won by a head, and Eara, who was two lengths away, and Fairfax, were next. The disappointment of the field was Fairfax, who evidently was adversely affected by her first day’s race, or is uot very solid. B. H. Morris, the rider of Lifeguard, was censured for not riding the horse out at the finish. Easy for Favourite. Reipar, the favourite, won the Trial Hack Handicap very easily. He led into the straight with Hard Tinies, and then came away to win by three lengths from Lady Eka, who beat Inveresk by two lengths. Inveresk just beat Hard Times and next were True Measure and Joy Box. The field was weak and Reipar overshadowed it. Concluding Event. The meeting ended with a surprise. St. Clara, who had run badly on the first day. whining the luaha Hack Handicap and paying double figures. Lapel was first away and along the back Onewhetu and Sim .Sox led from Lapel and St. Clara, with Ingenuity next. Onewhetu .’an on. best of the early, leaders, but St. Clara finished fast on the outer and won by a neck from Cereal, who also finished fast and heat Onewhetu by a neck. Lapel was a close fourth, and Dorado, Talmrangi, and Silk Sox next. Details of the Racing OKAIAWA HURDLES, of £100; second £l5, third £5. One mile and a half. 2 J. Brice's br. g. PANGO, by Nigger Minstrel—Cinnamon,- Oyrs., 9.4 (J. McCrae) 1 IT. F. Bolling's b. g. HEADLAND. Cyrs., 10.0 (B. Liddali) 2 3 G. E. Harding’s b. g. COLOSSAL. 4yrs„ 9.0 ; (P. Burgess) 3

Three lengths; four lengths. Time, 2.44 (Winner trained by L. Knapp, Awapuni.)

WATMATE HANDICAP, of £120; second £l5. third £-5. Six furlongs. 2/1 N. Clout’s eh. g. PLADIE, by Paladin—Canal, Oyrs., 7.10 (W. .1. Broughton) 1 3/3 ,f. C.' Kenedy’s b. ni. FULL ; Tl-lIROTTLE, 4yrs.. 7.2, car. 7.4 (.11. N. Wiggins) 2 4/1' B. L. Hammond’s ch. g. NAVAHO, 7.10 .. (S. Anderson) 3 Also started: 1/2 Golden Hair., 9.0 IR. Reed); 5/5 .Sanguine King, 8.10 (I’. Burgess) ; iMoatoa, 7.1 (L. 11. Jones) ; 6/0 Merry Way, 7.0, car. 7.11 (W. E. I’iiie). Short head; half a neck. Sanguine King wns fourth. Time, 1.12 4-5. (Winner trained by M. 'Williams, Otaki.)

MIER'E'MERE HACK HANDICAP, of,£100; second £l5, third £5. Six furlongs. 1/1 W. Kirkland's b. g. HARVEST MOON, by Acre —Hallowroz, uyrs., 8.5 (IV. J. Broughton) 1 3/3 A. Yarndley’s ch. g. CHIKARA, 3yrs., 7.7 (S. Treniain) 2 8/8 IV. O. Williams’s b. g. PANLOFF, 7.10 (G. Duncan) 3 Also started: Friesland. 8.13 (L. Dulieu); Note Issue, 8.1 (W. E. Pine) ; Gold Gleam, 7.12, car. 7.7 (.1. McFarlane). . Three-quarters of a length; a head. Gold Gleam wns fourth. Time, 1.13 4-5. (Winner trained by J- Brown, Ilawera.)'

TONKS STAKES, of £200; second £3O, third £lO. Eight furlongs and a half. 7/7 Mrs. G. M. Bennett's ch. m. CHIEF MARIONETTE, by Chief RulerDolly Fisher, syrs., 7.0, car. 7.1 (W. E. Pine) 1 4/4 A. 11. Trotter’s blk. g. DAVISTOCK, . syrs., 7-0 ' (L. 11. Jones) 2 2/1 C. Jackson’s ch, g. AGA KHAN. (iyrs., 8.13 ' (G. 11. Morris) 3 Also started: 3/3 Hazoor, 9.2 (It. Reed): 6/8 Tiger Gath, 7.13 (S. Anderson): 1/2 Rust. 7.10 (W. J. Broughton); 5/5 Monanul. 7.1. ear. 7.4 (11. N. Wiggins): A head; two lengths, Hazoor was fourth. Time, 1.45 3-5. (Winner trained by 11. Dulleifi New Plymoutli.)

ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of £75; second £lO, third £5. Five furlongs. 1/1 W. ,T. Jarvis’s eh. e. LIFEGUARD, .by Chief Ruler—Nasselle, 3yrs., 9.6 (B. 11. Morris) 1 4/4 W. C. . Simson’s b. f. SILVER WINGS. Syrs., 8.7 (R. Reed) 2 3/3 D. Lupton’s eh., f. EARA, 8.3 (S. Anderson) 3 Also started: 2/2 Fairfax. 8.12 (P. Burgess) ; 5/5 Triniden, 7.4. ear. 7.5 (11. N. Wiggins); 6/6 Dalvet, 7.4. car. 7.(11 (G. Duncan); 7/7 Golden Rill, 7.0 (L. 11. Jones). A head; two lengths. Fairfax was fourth. Time, 1.1 1-5. (Winner trained by L. Jarvis, Marton.)

NORMANBY HANDICAP, of £120; second £l5. third £5. Seven furlongs. Minimum, 8 stone. 1/1 IV. 11. Dwyer’s b. Iu MIDIAN. by Weathervane—Rebekah, 4vrs., 8.6 (R. Reed) 1 4/4 B. L. Hammond’s ch. g, NAVAHO, 8.9 (S. Anderson) 2 2/2 11. ,T. Stanbridge’s b. g. HUNT THE SLIPPER. Oyrs., 8.10 (IV. J. Broughton) 3 Also started: 5/5 Sanguine King, 9.0 (P. Burgess); 3/3 Pomp, 8.13 (11. N. Wiggins); 6/6 Merry Way, 8.0 (S. Wilson). Three-quarters of a length; a head. Sanguine King was fourth. Time, 1.20 3-5. (Winner trained by Owner, Wanganui.)

TRIAL HACK HANDICAP, of £100; second £l5. third £5. Five furlongs. 1/1 ,T. A. Todd's b. g. REIPAR, by Greyspear—Peradeniya. 4yrs., 8.13 (J. Green) 1 5/5 T. Ash junr.’s b. m. LADY EKA, 4yrs„ 8.10 (G. Duncan) 2 3/3 11. E. .Edmunds b. e. INVERESK, • 3yrs., 8.4 (W. J. Broughton) 3 Also started: 2/2 Joy Box, 8.1 (R. Reed): 7/9 Windsoreen, 8.0 (L. I-I. Jones); 4/4 True Measure. 7.13 (S. Anderson); 8/10 Royal Peak. 7.10 (H. N. Wiggins); 9/6 Red Sand, 7.10. car. 8.21 (C. W. France); 11/11 Autumn Leaf. 7.10 (S. Tremain); 6/7 Hard Times, 7.10 (S. Wilson) ; 10/8 Passing Fancy, 7.10 (W. E. Pine). Three lengths; two lengths. Hard Tinies was fourth. Time, 1.1 3-5. (Winner trained by 11. W. Johnston. Wanganui.)

INA HA HACK HANDICAP, of £100; second £l5 third £5. Eight furlongs and a half. 5/4 C. Le Campion’s I>. m. ST. CLARA. by Grandcourt—Cleasanta, syrs.. 8.6 (L. Dulieu) I 6/5 E. Knight’s b. g. CEREAL, S.lO, car. 8.5 (J. Davoren) 2 2/2 J. F. Kiley’s ch. g, ONEWHETU. 3yrs., 8.2 (G. Duncan) .3 Also started: 7/6 Tahurangi, 8.4, car. 7.13: 10/10 Diagano, 8.4 S. Wilson); 1/1 Lapel, 8.4 (B. 11. Morris); 10/9 Dombey, 8.3 (R. Reed); 7/7 Silk Sox, 8.0 (A. Fensy); 8/8 Ingenuity. 7.10 (R. J. Fearn); 3/5 Dorado. 7.S (W. E. Pine) ; 4/3 Flamingo. 7.5. car. 7.7 J (W. J. Broughton) ; 11/11 Prince Reno, 7.1, car. 7.4| (S. Tremain). Neck; neck. Lapel was fourth. Time, 1.40. (Winner .trained by Owner, Hawera.)

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Dominion, Volume 28, Issue 121, 15 February 1935, Page 17

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EGMONT MEETING Dominion, Volume 28, Issue 121, 15 February 1935, Page 17

EGMONT MEETING Dominion, Volume 28, Issue 121, 15 February 1935, Page 17