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STOCKS AND SHARES Good Demand for Gilt-edgeds MARKET STEADIER Trading was rather quiet on the Wellington Stock Exchange yesterday, but the market, held a stea.dy tone, with a well-spread demand. . Government loans showed minor fluctuations in quotations, with little response from holders. The 4 per cent, stock, lJ4b. wa« sold at £lOl/2/6. •No change was seen in the .market for local body and debentures, ■which were firm. . I Banks were quiet, sellers predominating. Commercial of Australia were 2d easier at 16/8, sellers asking'Ti/l. New Zealands were 3d down at 4i/6, sellers 48/-. Others were unchanged. . There was a good inquiry for financial and pastorals, the latter being fully firm at late rates. Dalgetys were strong at £lO/17/6. but sellers stayed out. Insur•ance shares were quiet. Queenslands firmed to 56/-, but South British were slightly easier at 73/6. , ■ Meat shares were dull and easier. Gears were wanted at 31/6, sellers asking 1/- better. Union Steam preference sold on ’change at 24/6. and more were wanted at that price. Huddart-Parker ordinaries were firm at 29/6. Staples were steady at 28/-, and Tooths advanced 1A to 42/-. ’ There was a good demand for miscellaneous shares, which were mostly Min. Colonial Sugars eased 10/- to £<>B/10/-. sellers staying at £59/15/-. Electrolytic Zinc, preference, were 3d better at 34/9. Howard Smiths sold firmly at 14/3, and more were wanted at 14/-. New Zealand •Newspapers had a deal .at . I A slight improvement was seen in the demand for goldmining shares.- Wathis irecovered to* 26/-, sellers 2</-» 13elt Sera .sold af 1/1, and- Bell Kilgours at 1/7}.- Mount Lyells were easier at 23/6.A '■■■.' _____ •'' WELLINGTON_EXCHANGE Latest Quotations Tim latest- buying and selling quotations on -the;. Wellington Stock Exchange yesterday were as follow■

POULTRY MARKET Wellington Prices Current Prices of live poultry ruling in the Wellington market this week are reported by Townsend and Paul, Ltd., as follow:— Fowls: White Leghorns, hens, 2/- to 3/- each: cockerels, 1/9 to 2/3; pullets, 3/6 to 4/-. Black Orpingtons, hens, heavy, 4/- to 5/-; hens, medium, 2/6 to 8/-; cockerels, heavy, 3/6 to 4/0 ; cockerels, medium, 2/- to 2/6. Ducks: Indian Runner, young, 3/- to 4/- each; old, 2/6 to 3/-; White, heavy, </- to 5/-. Geese: 4/- to 5/- each. Turkeys: 9<i to lOd par lb,

THE MONEY MARKET Bank of England Return t INCREASE IN RESERVE By Telegraph. —Press Assn.—-Copyright London, October 12. The Bank of England return for the week ended October 11 is as follows:— Issue Department. £ £ Notes issued: Govt, debt 11,015,100 In circu- Other Govt. lation 372,423,990 securities 243,010,u81 In bank- Other Ing dept. 77,933,300 securities 2,33;>,09 Silver coin 3,f>38,.2.> •£260,000,000 Gold coin ■ & bullion 190.377,209 £450,377,290 £450,377,200 •Amount of fiduciary issue. Banking Department. £ ~ Capital 14,553,000 Govt. a Best • 3,111,845 securities 81,102,iu8 Deposits: Disets., Public 10,685,808 advances 10,93u,616 Bankers 111,327,243 Other Other a/cs 44,221,502 securities Ir-’l'-SOO Seven-day, i <,J03,300 etc., bills 1,160 Gold and t silver coin 1.301, £183,0001,657 £183,900,657 < Proportion of reserve to liabilities, 47.70 per cent., compared with 47.40 per cent, last week. . . , The principal items of the above return compare as follow with those of the previous week:D p’ubUc : 9,520321 10,685.808 Bankers 108,027,073 111,327,243 Other accounts . 46,307,864 44,221,502 £164,455,358 £166,234,643 s Government ... 81,127,088 81.102,758 Discts., advances. 11,056,370 10,93a,616 Other securities . 11,860,306 12,517,209 Reserve 78,064,457 70,344,384 Note circulation ... 373,711,831 372,423.900 Gold coin & bullion 190,376,131 190,377,299 Short Loans and Bills. The Bank of England rate of discount was reduced to 2 per cent, as from June 30, 1932. Short loans are quoted at 5 per cent., the same as last week. The market rate of discount for best three months’ bills is 23-32 per cent., the same as last week DEALINGS ON ’CHANGE Yesterday’s Sales

Tha following sales were recorded yesterday on the stock exchanges mentioned :— WEDDINGTON.

SYDNEY STOCK EXCHANGE Market Slightly Easier By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright (Received October 13, 8.40 p.m.). Sydney, October 13. After two weeks of almost uninterrupted advances on strong buying, the investment market to-day was inclined to give way a trifle on profit taking. The back, however, was not of serious proportions, but there were several exceptions to the downward movement, showing that buyers are still in the market for favoured securities.

Sales: Bank of New South Wales, £34 5/-; Commercial Bank of Sydney,v £lB 10/-; National Bank, £lO paid, £6/14/6; Bank of Australasia, £l3/7/6; Adelaide Steam, 25/-; Howard Smith, 14/4; Dalgetys. New Zealand delivery, £ll/6/6; Huddart Parker. New Zealand delivery, 32/1J; Australian General Assurance, 12/- ;Associated News, 20/9; British Tobacco, 37/9 ; Dunlop-Perdriau, 19/1} ; ditto, pref., 34/4}; Truth, second pref., New Zealand delivery, 21/9: Australian Gas, A, £7/6/-; Australian Glass, 52/6; Anthony Hordern, 13/3; ditto, pref., 21/9; Farmers, 16/7}; Lustre Hosiery, 17/1}; David Jones, 34/9; Australian Iron and Steel, pref., 18/9; Henry Jones, 39/6; Morris Hedstrom, 20/3; Electrolytic Zinc, 26/9: Wilcox Mofflin, 9/9; Wunderlich, 23/-; Millaquin Sugar, 29/9: Meggitts, 22/-; Tooths, 43/3; Tooheys, 25/3; Carlton Brewery, 41/6 ; Bulolo Deposits, 1/8}: Mt. Morgan, 47/3; Broken Hill Proprietary, 41/-; South Broken Hill, 65/9. Commonwealth Bonds were quiet and steady. Morning sales included : Commonwealth Bonds, 4 per cent., 1938, £lO4/3/9; 1941, £lO4/17/6; 1944, £lO5/5/-; 1947, £105; 1958, £lO4/17/6; 1957, £lO5/8/9; 1961, £lO5/1/3; Bank of New Zealand, 49/-; Tooheys, 25/3; Tooths, 43/9; Associated News, 20/10}; pref., 20/9; British Tobacco, 37/9; Broken Hill Proprietary, 41/-; Colonial Sugar, £59/17/6; Howard Smith, 14/4; Wilcox Mofflin, 9/9. Melbourne, October 13.

The Melbourne Stock Exchange was closed for the funeral of a member, Mr. & Wertheim,


General Demand for Staple BRADFORD TOPS FIRMER By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright. London. October 12. The “Financial News,” reviewing the closing of the London wool series, states that the sales have proved the general demand of wool for urgent requirements. It was a considerable achievement for London to clear stocks so advantageous!}' in view of the slight decline noticeable in the Australian markets. The general trade trend appears toward a higher level of activity, with wool participating in the general recovery. The Bradford tops market has a firmer tendency and there is rather more business doing. To-day's quotations, compared with those previously cabled, are as follow: — Sep. 21 Sep. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Per lb. Per lb. Per lb. Per lo

Wright, Stephenson and Company, Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., are in receipt of the following cabled advice from their Bradford agents:— Market hardening. Average quotations do not show any rise, but topmakers will not consider the concessions that they would recently have accepted and actual selling prices are slightly higher. There is a good deal of inquiry, but only a moderate amount of business is passing. SYDNEY WOOL SALES Average Prices for Week By Telegraph.—Press Assn. —Copyright Sydney, October 13. Average wool prices current in this week’s Sydney auctions were as follow : — Greasy merino fleece, best, to 23}d; light seed or burrv skirts, best 18d to 19dJ good 16}d to 17}d. average 14}d to 16d; greasy merino burry, best 15d to 16d, inferior lid to 13d; broken and first pieces, hurry, 14}d to 15}d; inferior, 10}d to ll}d; bellies light in seed or burr, best to lid, inferior 7d to 8d ; locks, best, to B}d. Lambs light in seed or burr, best to 16d, good lid to 12d, burry 9d to lOd, inferior 4d to'4}d. Comeback light seed or burr, good 16d to 19d: inferior, lljd to 12}d. Crossbred light, in seed or burr, fine 14d to 17d, medium lOd to lid, coarse 5d to 6d. FOREIGN EXCHANGES Position of Sterling By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright Rugby, October 12. The following rates on foreign exchanges were current to-day, compared with those ruling on October 11: — Oct. 12. Oct. 11. Par.

Gohl and Silver. London, October 12. Gold.—£6/13/5 .per fine ounce. Silver.—Cash, 18 5-16 d per ounce; forward, 18 7-16 d. BASE METALS MARKET Further Slight Easing in Prices By Telegraph.— Press Assu.—Copyright (Received October 13, 8.40 p.m.) London, October 12. The official London (middle) quotations for Thursday, as reported by the Australian Mines and Metals Association, compare as under with those previously cabled:—

BROKEN HILL PROPY. Half-yearly Dividend Broken Hill Proprietary Limited yesterday advised the .Stock Exchange Association that the directors had declared a half-yearly dividend of one shilling per share, payable in Australian currency on November 15. Transfer books will be closed on October 25. The dividend is at the usual rate. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE A Cheerful Market (British Official Wireless.) London, October 12. Following the excellent overseas trade figures for September, the stock market today presented a cheerful appearance, and the advances in prices registered when business cloned were almost general under the lead of gold, iron, steel and textiles. British Government stocks finished firm under the influence of the success of the South African loan, for which the lists for cash subscriptions were closed five minutes after opening. It is assumed that there has been a substantial oversubscription. War Loan 3.4 per cent, finished at £lOl/10/-. P. and 0. deferred stock, 19/9J. Mount Lyell, ISA


Butter Prices Easier CHEESE MARKET DULL By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copy right. London, October 12. The butter market is steady. Danish, 10S/- per cwt.; choicest salted New Zealand, 100/- to 102/-; Australian, 99/- to 101/-; uiisalted New Zealand, 106/- to 110/-; Australian, 104/- to 106/-. The cheese market is slow. New Zealand coloured, 49/- per cwt.; white, 50/-. Wheat cargoes are dull. A. S. Paterson and Co.. Ltd., received cable advice from J. and J. Lonsdale and Co. (Loudon), Ltd., as follows:— Butter: Market slow. New Zealand, finest. 99/-: first grade, 96/-. Australian, finest, 99/-; first grade, 97/-. Danish, 108/-. Cheese: Market slow. White, 48/6; coloured, 4S/-. Cabled advice received by Air. G. A. Mills from A. J. Mills and Co., Ltd., London, gives the following market prices as ruling at the closing of business on Thursday:—Butter: The market is slow. New Zealand, finest, 100/-: firsts, 96/-. Danish, 108/-; Danish, f.0.b., 89/-. Australian, 96/- to .100/-, Siberian, 82/- to 84/-. Baltic .States, 88/- to 90/-. Cheese: The market is slow. New Zealand, white, 50/- to 51/-; coloured, 49/- to 50/-. Canadian, white and coloured. 54/- to 56/-; Canadian, c.i.f. quotation, September make, white, 54/6; coloured, 54/-. Samuel Page .and Son, London, report to Dalgety and Co., Ltd., tinder date October 12:—Butter: Market slow. Danish, 108/- (106/- to 108/-). New Zealand, finest salted, 96/- to 100/- (98/to 102/-). Australian, finest uiisalted, 102/ to 104/- (102/- to 106/-); finest salted, 96/- to 100/- (99/- to 102/-) ; Australian, G.A.Q., 94/- to 95/- (97/to 98/-). Cheese': Market slow. New Zealand, white. 50/- to 51/- (49/- to 50/-) ; coloured, 48/- to 49/- (49/- to 50/-). Spot price for Canadian, white, 52/- to 56/- (52/- to 56/-) ; coloured, 52/- to 56/- (52/- to 56/-). Last week’s quotations shown in parentheses.

GOLD MINING Bell Kilgour Company The secretary of the Bell-Kilgour Gold Mining Co., Ltd., reports that the straightening and retimbering of the main drive is now nearing completion, there being only about 20 feet to do to reach the old- face. This drive will be pushed on to test the ground to the northern boundary. Practically all the work done so far has been in sandstone. A start will now be made to develop and prove the ground in the direction of the Murray area. The treatment plant is completed and the pump and winch installed and are working satisfactorily.. All wash mined will be discharged into the bju and treated. Nevis Diesel-Electric Dredge The Nevis Diesel-electric Dredging Co., Ltd., yesterday advised the Dunedin Stock Exchange that a final call of threepence per share was struck on October 10, payable on October 24. Golden Dawn Return Golden Dawn reports that for the 12 working days ended October 7, 280 tons, all company’s ore, was treated for a return of £679, exclusive of premium on gold and exchange. Goldfields Dredging Co. By Telegraph.—Press Association. Dunedin. October 13. The Goldfields Dredging Company reports a return for the week ended to-day of 240 z. for 126 hours’ work. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Canterbury Markets By Telegraph.—Press Association. Cliristchurch, October 13. Steady business .continues in the export of ryegrass. Seed values are unchanged, good Italian and perennial being worth up to 2/6 a bushel on trucks. The Italian seed is going from Canterbury and most of the perennial from southern quarters. English offers for cowgrass are still on the low side to permit of export. Values to" farmers are 8d to 9d a lb. There is very little white clover now in farmers’ hands, and the market for it is quiet. The cocksfoot market is firm; Akaroa is worth 6d a lb to farmers, and Plains sd. Little interests exists in the potato market, and values remain unaltered. Small lots are going north and in diminishing quantities. Whites are quoted nominally at £3 a ton, f.0.b., s.i., and Dakotas At £3/15/- to £3/17/6. Pukekohe Potatoes Dominion Special Service. Pitkekohe, October 13. IT. H. Pattie, Ltd., report good quail ity new potatoes, Monday’s delivery, 15/6 to 16/3 a cwt. Overseas Grain Markets By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright New York, October 12. Chicago forward wheat is quoted December 83} cents per bushel; May. 87 7-8; July, 851-8. New'York, cash quotation, 93 1-8 cents. Loudon, October 12.. Wheat cargoes are dull and parcels inactive. Futures: London, December 19/4 pei- quarter. February 19/7. April 19/11; Liverpool, October 4/4} per cental. December 4/6, March 4/B}, May 4/9}. Spot trade is quiet. Australian, ex ship. 22/3 to 25/- per quarter. Flour is slow. Australian, ex store, 18/3. Oats are slightly easier. Peas and beans are unchanged. Melbourne, October 13. Wheat, 2/6 per bushel; flour. £7/2/6 per ton; bran and pollard. £5; oats, 2/3 per bushel; barley, English. 2/6; maize, 4/4 to 4/5; onions, easier, £l/15/- to £2 per ton. Jersey Bull for New South Wales Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., shipped a yearling Jersey bull to Australia by the Marama to the order of St. John’s College, Lismore, N.S.W. This bull, Ku Ku Ambassador, was sold on account of the well-known breeder, Mr. R. L. Horn, Ohan. He is by the champion breeding sire. Les Niemes Emperor (imp.), his dam being Kit Ku Neathead. AUCTION DIARY TO-DAY. 6 Valentine Street, Lower Hutt, 1.30 p.m. —Furniture (Davis Bros.). TUESDAY. 41 Panama Street, 2.30 p.m.—Property Makara Road (Harcourt & Co.). Levin sale (A. and W. Ltd.). Johnsonville fat stock sale, 12.80 p.m. (W.S and Co., Ltd.), ,


London Market Quiet


The Loudon frozen meat market is quiet this week. Cathie, Dempster and Co., Ltd., ■Wellington, yesterday received the following report from their principals, Sheed, Thomson and Co., Ltd., London : — Lambs: Market steady, but demand slow. Wethers: Market slow; prices easier. Ewes: Market steady, but. demand slow. Beef: Market slow. Porkers: Market firm for lightweights; slow for heavyweights. Baconers: Market slow. Tallow: Market steady. , Lambs, 2’s, 7 l-8d to 7}d; B’s, 6}d to 7d: 4’s, 6d to 6 l-8d ; seconds, 6}d to 7d. Wethers, I’s, 7’s, 4 5-8 d to 5 1-Sd; 3’s, 9’s, s’s, 31d to 4d. Ewes, l’s, 7’s, 3}d to 3}d : 3’s, D’e, s’s, 3d to 3}d. Ox beef, hinds, 27-8 d to 3d ; fores, 2}d to 2}d. Cow beef, binds, 23-8 d to 2}d ; fores, 2d to 2 l-Bd. Porkers, s}d to 6}d ; baconers, 6d. Tallow: Fine mutton, 24/-; sweet beef, 23/6; good mixed, 21/-. M. A. Eliott, Ltd., Palmerston North, have received the following cabled advice from Gordon, Woodroffe and Co., Ltd., Loudon, dated Thursday :—Lamb, wethers and ewes, no change. Market very quiet and little doing. Smithfield delivered prices are quoted as follow: —Best North Island prime lambs, under 361 b. 7}d:, 361 b to 421 b, 7d ; 421 b to 501 b, 61-8(1. Ordinary North Island lambs, unde- 421 b, 6 7-Sd ; second quality, under 421 b, 6}d. Best North Island wethers and/or maiden ewes, 481 b to 561 b. 561 b to 641 b, 4}d; 641 b to 721 b, over 721b', 3 7-Bd. Ordinary North Island wethers aud/or maiden ewes, 481 b to 561 b, 561 b io 641 b, 4 3-Sd ; 641 b to 721 b, over 721 b. 3 7-Sd. North Island ewes, under 641 b, 3}d; 641 b to 721 b, over 721 b, 3d.


Good Prices in Hawke’s Bay

It is reported that Hawke’s Bay buyers are paying 9d a lb for firsts and . Sid for “overs” and seconds for lambs to be included in the first shipment of the season for the London market. A fairly substantial shipment will be loaded at Napier and Auckland by the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tamaroa, which is to sail from Auckland on November 8 and is due at London about December 10. Shipments are. also to be taken by the Port Alma and another ship. LIVE STOCK MARKET / Feilding Cattle Fair Dominion Special Service. Feilding, October 13. Three thousand cattle were yarded for the annual cattle fair to-day, drafts coming forward from a very wide district. There was an optimistic tone throughout and, compared with last, year, prices for young cattle were up 10/- to 12/6 a head. Grown bullocks were at the same rates ruling of late, while young stock showed a firming tendency. There was a very good demand for P.A. yearlings and steers, while P.A. and Hereford heifers sold readily. Jersey heifers were likewise in good demand. The dairy cattle market showed an improved tone, and springing heifers brought quite satisfactory prices. The fat cattle pens held a small yarding of fair quality, but' the deniand was not keen and prices were somewhat easier.

Fat sheep met a very good sale., with higher prices for a few small lines of extra prime quality, blit for medium quality ewes there was no advance in prices. Store sheep sold at late rates. Prices were:—

Fat sheep: Very prime extra quality (vethers, 26/6 to 27/9; prime to 25/4; lighter, shorn, 17/6 to 19/3; prime ewes, woolly, 19/3’ to 20/6 : good, 18/5; shorn, 13/6 to 17/-; primest 24/-; good, 19/3; shorn, 15/9 to 17/3. Store sheep: Two-tooth ewes, attractive pens, 19/9 to 22/1; others, 14/- up; two-tooth wethers, good sorts, 16/- to 17/9; fair, 13/6 to 16/2; black-face two-tooths, 11/-. Dairy cattle: Springing heifers, close to profit, £6 to £6/10/-; late calvers, £3 10/- to £5/5/-; cows, at drop, £3/10/- to £6. Store cattle: P.A. two-year heifers, good, £3/1/- to £3/10/-; fair condition, £2/6/- to £2/12/-; yearling heifers, £2; P.A. cows, good, £3/10/-; fair, £2/19/to £3/2/-; P.A. heifers, r.w.b., £3/16/-; P.A. four-year bullocks, good, £5/13/-; fair, £4/14/-; three-year, £4 to £4/16/-; P.A. two-year steers, good, £3/8/- to £3/13/-; yearling steers, good, £3/7/6 to £3/11/-; fair, £3. Hereford two-year heifers, good, £3/15/-; fair, £2/0/6 to £3 1/-; Hereford bullocks, £4/5/-; threeyear steers, £4/3/6; bullocks, mixed colours, good qualitv, four-year. £4/16/- to £5/3/-; others, £3/14/- to £3/15/-; twoyear steers, mixed, good quality, £3 to £3 14/-; yearling steers, very £3/11/-; other fairly good lines, £2/6/-: poor, 26/to 36/-; yearling Jersey heifers, good, £3 to £4; fair, £2/2/6 to £2/14/-; mixed run cows. £3/3/-; empty cows. 34/-. Fat cows: Prime, £4/7/6; good, £3/6/- to £3 14/-; light, £2/7/6 to £2/15/-; fat heifers, prime, £4/17/- to £5/2/-; good, £4 to £4/2/-; light sorts, £3/10/-; fat bullocks, heavy, £7/4/- to £7/6/-; good, £6/5/-.

Carterton Sale

Dominion Special Service.

Mastertoil, October 13.

Prices for cattle realised at the Carterton sale to-day by Wright, Stephenson and Co.. Ltd., remained about the same as last week, buyers showing very little interest in springers. A large yarding of all classes of pigs sold readily, prices generally being about best so far this season. Prices were : —Cattle: Springing heifers, £2/10/- to £3/15/-; heifers, just calved. £2/7/6 to £2/10/-; cows on drop, £3 to £4; springing cows, to £2/15/-: fat cows, £2/18?- to £3/19/-; forward cows, 30/- to 40/-; cows, 10/- to 15/-; yearling Jersey heifers, 84/- to £2/5/-; Jersey bull. £3. Pigs: Weimers (small), 9/6 to 12/6; weaners, 13/- to IS/6; slips, 19/- to 22/6; porkers, 25/- to 31/6; baconers. to £2/7/-. •

Akitio Aberdeen Angus Bulls

The seventeenth annual sale of Aberdeen Angus bulls was held yesterday on account of Mr. Hamish Armstrong, Akitio. Competition was particularly keen throughout. Appointments for the conduct of the sale were arranged by Mr. L. Cowan, Timber Bay, on whose property the sale was held. The auctioneers were the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., and Williams and Kettle, Ltd. The ton price realised was 50 guineas. The whole line of 44 bulls made the very satisfactory average of 29 guineas, and the following is the detailed list of buyers and prices:—G. Ilartgill, Otawhao, 15gns.; H. 11. Miller, Pahiatua, 27gns.; J. Bowie, Pongaroa, 30gns.; B. Armstrong, Akitio, 41gns.; Brian Armstrong, 50gns.; Brian Armstrong, 40gns.; Mrs. E. A. Russell. Masterton. 41gns.; A. S. Aldrich, Takapau. 24gns.; B." Armstrong. 37Jgns.; Est. F. Lowes. Eketahuna. 37gns.; New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. Society N.Z., Ltd., Hawera. 31gns.; W. S. Marshall, Rangiwahia, 37}gns.; Poulton Bros., Kumeroa, 25gns.; Wyllie Bros., Fordell, 35gns.; H. N. Kebbell, Alfredton, 25gns.; J. A. McDougall, Martinborough, 27}gns.; J. W. Sergeant, Ngapneruru, 26gns.: New Zealand Loan Co., Ltd., Whangarei. 25 gns.; J. H. Davidson, Wanganui, 35gus.; B. Armstrong, 42gns.; J. Hartgill, Wbakawahine, 22 jgns.; G. Hartgill, Otawhao, 22gus.; J. H. Davidson, Wanganui, 22 gns.; H. H. Miller, Pahiatua, 32gns.; D. G. Speedy, Dannevirke, 20snu.; A.

S. Aldrich, Takapau, 20gns.: Est. C. Martin, Pongaroa, 17}gns.: Est. C. Herbert, Herbertville, 3Sgns.; R. J. Guerin, Herbertville, 15gns.; J. H. Davidson, Wanganui, 37}gns.: J. H. Davidson, Wanganui, 2Ggns.; A. McLeod. Dannevirke, 31gns.; Mrs. W. Brown, Dannevirke, 26 gns.; Williams and Kettle, Ltd., Waipukurau, lOgns.; New Zealand Farmers' Co-op. Society N.Z., Ltd., 26gns.; New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. Society N.Z.. Ltd., 20gns.; H. N. Kebbell, Alfredton, 22gns.; E? Riddiford, Torn Station, 35 gns.; Levin and Co., Masterton, 3Sgns.; D. Patterson, Tatarainoa, 22gns.; Est. A. Giblin, Dannevirke, 29gns.; New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. Society N.Z., Ltd., Hawera, 23gns.; New Zealand Loan Co., Masterton, 36gns.; Levin and Co., Masterton, 28gnfl,

N.Z. GOVT. LOANS. ' ' ' Buyers. • . • £. s. d ■ Sellers. £ s d I pic. Bonds,'1940 .... 101 10 0 4 p.c. ditto, 1946 .... 101 0 0 I p.c. ditto, 1940 .... 101 17 6 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1035 .... 101 0 - ~ 31 p.c. Ins. Stk.. 1939-43 100 lo 0 101. 5 0 d p.c. ditto, 1939-52 ..101 0 0 • - • —— SI p.c. ditto, 1938-43 .. 100 15 0 ' — 31 p.c. ditto/ 1038-52 .. 101 0 0 — i p.c. ditto, 1940 .... 101 5 0 — 4 p.c. ditto, 1946 .... 100 lo 0 —— 4 p.c. ditto, 1949 .... 101 15 0 —— 4 p.c. ditto, 1955 .... 101 0 0 — DEBENTURES. Auck. City, 54 p.c., 1944 101 0 0 — Chch. City, 5} p.c., 1944 101 0 0 — Dunedin City, 5| p.c., 1944 101 0 0 — Wgtn. City. 5} p.c., 1940 101 0 0 —• Wgtn. Harb. Bd., 5} p.c., 1940 101 0 0 — Waitomo County Council, 6 p.c., 1961 — 102 10 0 Wairere E.P. Bd.; 6 p.c., 1/12/1961 — 102 10' 0 Wgtn. Gas Co 101 0 0 r— Wgtn. Racing Club .. 95 0 0 —• Amid. Brick and Pipe (Wgtn.) 92 0 0 94 10 0 BANKS. Australasia — 13 5 0 Comrcl. of Aust., ord. . 0 16 8 0 17 i Eng., Scot, and Aust. . 5 18 0 6 0 0 National of Australasia, £5 paid 6 11 0 6 13 0 New South Wales .... — 34 12 6 New Zealand 2 7 Ditto. "D” long term — 6 2 8 0 1 13 8 Union of Aust — 10 8 0 FINANCIAL. Abraham and Williams — 3 0 0 (Dalgety and Co 10 17 6 Goldsbrough, Mort and Co. .... 1 8 National Mortgage, "A” 2 10 Ditto, “B” 1 7 9 0 ■19 2 3 —— •N.Z.- Guarantee Corpn., ord., cum. rights .. *0 8 0 — Ditto, pref., cum. rights *0 li ) 9 N.Z. Invest., Mort, and Deposit 0 3 3 N.Z. Loan and Merc., ord. stock — 67 0 0 N.Z. and River Plate . 1 4 0 —M Wgtn. Invest., T. & A. 0 5 9 — Wellington Trust, Loan 4 0 0 ■■ ii. Wright, Stephenson, pref. 0 13 9 — GAS. kucklaud — 1 3 9 Ditto, contrib — 0 17 9 Wellington, ord —- 1 14 6 INSURANCE. Kational of N.Z 0 18 2 — Queensland 2 16 0 — South British »3 13 6 3 14 0 MEAT. Goar Meat. cunt, rights 1 11 6 1 12 6 N.Z. Refrig.. £1 paid .. — 0 19 9 Ditto, 10/- paid .... 0 8 Wgtn. Meat,Exp., pref. 0 15 10 -— 6 — TRANSPORT. Huddart. Parker, ord. 1 9 6 Union Steam, pref 1 4 6 — WOOLLEN. Wellington, ord. — 5 15 0 Ditto, pref. — 5 15 0 COAL. Westport-Stockton, pref 0 1 0 — TIMBER. National ■ — 0 7 0 Taringamutu Totara .. 0 2 0 BREWERIES. N.Z. Breweries — 1 18 3 Staples and Co 1 8 0 1 8 9 Tooth and Co 2 2 0 MISCELLANEOUS. British Tobacco, Aust. . 1 17 0 1 17 6 Burns, Philp and Co. .. 2 12 0 Colonial Sugar 58 10 0 59 15 0 Dunlop Perdriau 0 18 8 Electrolytic Zinc. ord. . 1 5 9 .—. Ditto, 8 p.c. pt. pref. *1 14 9 Howard Smith, ord 0 14 0 0 14 9 N.Z. Farmers’Fertiliser 0 15 6 N.Z. Newspapers 1 7 6 Prestige (N.Z.), Ltd., pref — 1 2 0 Wilson’s Cement 1 5 9 Dominion Fertiliser .. 0 13 9 Northern Roller Mills . *1 7 6 — OIL. Moturoa, ord. .......... 0 1 9 Ditto, pref — 0 5 0 Taranaki 0 2 0 MINING. Alexander .... o 14 9 0 15 0 Bell Hooper 0 1 0j 0 1 o Ditto, fully paid ... — 0 1 3 Bell Kilgour 0 1 5 0 1 7i Big River — 0 1 Central Shotover 0 1 1} 0 1 3j Consol. Goldfields ... — 0 16 3 Golden Dawn — 0 2 1 0 King Solomon ....... 0 3 3 Kawarau — 0 0 9 Mahakipawa 0 0 1 Mataki _ 0 2 4 Mount Lyell 1 3 6 1 4 0 Nokomai 0 3 0 0 3 3 Okarito 0 10 6 L ailii *1 g 0 1 7 0 nihi Grand Junction — 0 4 llaitahu 0 7 0 0 7 3 *Cuin. dividend. Unofficial List Buyers. Sellers. £ s d £ s d National Tobacco .... 3 3 0 Invest., Exec. Trust, “B” debentures .... 97 0 0 Moonlight Nelson Creek — 0 1 3

£ s d Inscr. Stock. 4 p.c.. 1946 101 2 6 Union Steam, pref 14 6 Howard Smith 0 14 3 N.Z. Newspapers 17 7} Bell Hooper *0 1 01 Ditto Oil Bell Kilgour •0 1 7} 0 1 7j Ditto •Late sale Thursday. AUCKLAND. Inscr. Stock, 3} p.c., 1938-43 .. £ s d 100 12 6 Ditto, 4 p.c., 1040 101 10 0 Mt. Eden Borough, 51 p.c.. 1963 OS 10 0 Comm. Bank of Aust 0 16 11 Bank of New Zealand (2) .... 2 7 9 De von port Ferry Kauri Timber 10 6 0 13 6 N.Z. Breweries 1 18 0 Ditto 1 17 9 Dunlop Rubber 0 19 0 N.Z.. Refrig., 10/- .paid 0 8 10 Bell, Hooper, 9d paid Oil King Salomon 0 3 5 Walbi (2) 16 3 Ditto 16 4 Unofficial— Smith Wylllc (Aust.) 0 13 9 Mahara Reefs, 7/6 paid 0 2 6 Ditto, 10/- paid 0 4 6 CHRISTCHURCH. National Bank of N.Z £ s d 4 4 9 Union Bank of Aust 10 6 I) Goldsbrougli, Mort 19 0 N.Z, Guarantee Corp., com div... .082 N.Z. Refrig., 10/- paid (2) 0 8 9 Ditto, 10/- paid 0 8 10 Kaiapol Woollens, 7/- paid .... 0 13 N.Z. Breweries 1 17 6 Beath and Co., 1/- paid 0 6 0 Dunlop Rubber 0 19 1 Howard Smith 0 15 0 Ditto 0 14 7 Ditto , 0 14 8 Bell Hooper, 0d paid (5) Oil. Big iRiver 0 16 Nokomai (5) 0 3 2 Ditto 0 3 1} Nevis Diesel Electric, 9d paid .. 0 0 o in 7 Okarito Oxenbridge Shotover, 9d paid .. 0 0 !»* Waitahu 0 7 1 Ditto (3) 0 7 0 Sales reported— Inscr. Stock, 4 p.c.. 1040 102 10 0 Comm. Bank of Aust 0 16 10 Bank of N.S.W 34 7 6 Dalgety and Co 11 0 0 Canterbury Frozen Meat 10 0 0 N.Z. Refrig., 10/- paid 0 9 0 N.Z. Breweries -. 1 17 9 DUNEDIN. N.Z. Refrig., 10/- paid Dominion Fertiliser £ s d 0 8 11 0 13 9 Central Shotover (2) 0 1 2$ 0 13 Ditto Bell Hooper 0 1 1 Ditto 0 11} Mahakipawa (.3) 0 0 2* Sales reported— Comm. Bank of Aust 0 17 0 Nokomai (3) 0 3 4 Waitahu (2) 0 7 1 Bell Hooper (3) 0,1 1 Ditto 0 11} Bell Kilgour 0 17 Nevis Diesel. 1/- paid 0 10 Lawson's Flat 0 0 7

(1 4 <1 _<1_ 4 0 S •••••• 3(5 35 35 64 s •••••■ 333 331 33 33 60’s •••••• 32 J 32 311 314 56 f s 50 s •••••• 22 J 151-22-1 154 221 154 221 15} 4G’s * ni 11-4 111 114 40’s 104 101 101 104

N. York. <lol. to £ 4.66J 4.65} 4.666 •Monti eal. dol. to £ 4.7-7 { 4.761 . 4.866 Paris, fr. to £ 79 5-32 79 9-32 124.21 Brussels, bel. to £ 22.275 22.30 35.00 Geneva, fr. to £ 16.02 16.03 J.J.JC.J Amst’dam, fl. to £ 7.695 7.70 12.107 •Milan, lire to £ 59 59.125 92.46 Berlin, mks. to £ 13 13.025 20.43 St’liolm, knr. to £ 19.40 19.39 18.159 C’hagen, knr. to £ 22.40 22.40 18.159 Oslo. knr. to £ 19.90 19.90 18.159 Vienna, schgs. to £ *28 •28 34.585 Prague, knr. to £ 104.375 104.50 164.25 Hel’fors, mks. to £ 226.75 226.50 193.23 Madrid, pes. to £ 373-32 37 5-32 25.225 Lisbon, esc. to £ 102.50 102.75 iiii’ Athens, Grach, to £ 557.50 557.50 375 Belgrade, din. to £ 225 _ 225 276.31 Bucharest, lei to £ 522.50 522.50 813.60 Warsaw, zloty to £ 27.67 — 43.38 Bio de .7.. p. to mil. 74 3-8 74 3-8 5.899 B. Aires, p. to peso 74.5 745 47.02 M. Video, p. to peso *37 *37 51 Calcutta, p. to rup. 18 1-16 18 3-64 IS Shanghai, p. to dol. 15 3-8 15 5-16 -— H.-Kong. p. to dol. 171-16 17 — Y’hama. n. to yen 14 3-16 14 3-16 24.582 Batavia, fl. to £ 7.70 — ♦Nominal. fOfflcial. 12.107

Oct. 11. O et. 12. Per ton. Per ton. Copper.— £ s d £ s d Standard, spot ... 33 6 3 33 3 n Standard, forward 33 9 4J 33 t; luj •Electrolytic 30 10 0 30 0 0 to 37 5 0 O 0 Wire bars 37 5 0 37 0 0 Lead— Forward 11 Iff 3 11 17 6 Spot 12 3 9 12 2 6 Spelter— Spot 10 10 0 10 10 0 16 15 0 Tin— fSpot 224 0 0 223 17 G Forward 223 IS 9 16 3 Silver— Standard, per oz. . 18 5-lGd IS 5-10d Fine 19Jd 19 id tAnieriean, 40.00 cents a lb. ♦American, not quoted. Position of Lead. London, Qctobei .• 12. Statistics of lead for the United Ki) igdoni at the cud of September, compared with the two previous months, are:— July. Aug. Sept. '1 ons. Tons. Tons. Imports 23,995 22.69." 21,469 Australian 11,029 9.391 8,019 Exports , 9-12 S57 1,487

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Dominion, Volume 27, Issue 17, 14 October 1933, Page 10

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FINANCE and COMMERCE Dominion, Volume 27, Issue 17, 14 October 1933, Page 10

FINANCE and COMMERCE Dominion, Volume 27, Issue 17, 14 October 1933, Page 10