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Interprovincial Athletics

BASIN RESERVE SPORTS Cameron’s Fine Jumping JENKINS’S FAST 100 YARDS 1 Inter-provincial amateur athletic contests between Wellington -and Canterbury—the first that have been hold/for many years—proivded excellent sport at the Basin Reserve on Saturday afternoon at the special meeting conducted by the Wellington Amateur Athletic Centre. Canterbury was represented by a particularly strong team, including national champions, and of tile 13 events upon which the match depended was successful in 10.

Canterbury won the match, therefore, by 10 points to 3, indicating that the southern province has at the moment much better athletic talent than Wellington. The programme was filled out with a number of handicap events for junior athletes, women athletes, and cyclists, and the competition in these was often of excellent standard. On the whole the meeting was most enjoyable.

■ Weather conditions were good, except for the northerly that was against competitors in the short sprints and hurdle races, the long jump, and hop, , step and jump. But in spite of it C. H. Jenkins, the crack Wellington sprinter, won the test 100 yards in lOsec. dead, showing a turn of speed which has not been equalled here this season. He and and W. Ogg, the quarter-mile and halfmile runner, were probably the two most prominent members of the Wellington team, just as A. A. Cameron, T. G. Broadway, and C. H. Mathews, were the most prominent of the southerners. Cameron’s Record. Cameron’s work was particularly good, and he delighted, the crowd again and again. In the high jump he cleared 6ft. in excellent style, beating the national champion, Crowe, by Ilin. In a subsequent exhibition jump Cameron cleared 6ft. Olin., which broke the record for a.New Zealander jumping in New Zealand. In the long jump he came an easy first from Crowe with a leap of 22ft. din., which he increased in an exhibition jump to 22ft, 6iin. Broadway’s half-mile was a splendid effort, as the time, lmin. 58sec., shows. During the last lap he drew away in front with Ogg, the Wellington man, but during the last 100 yards put on a pace which Ogg could not equal, and finished at a rare bat for a clear-cut win. Ogg, however, was by no means disgraced, and he turned out not long afterward to run in the quarter-mile test. No one, it is safe to say, expected him to do yery much after having participated in a gruelling half-mile, but he made a supreme effort and beat the Canterbury man, D. F. Anderson, by a narrow margin. This was probably, the most popular victory of the day, and Ogg was cheered as he walked through the crowd on his way back to the dressing-room. Mathews and Jenkins. The young Christchurch miler, C. IT. Mathews, who holds the Empire schoolboys’ record for the mile, ran a well-judg-er race against seasoned performers and reached the tape just ahead of C. Gibbons, of Wellington, who had overtaken him in the straight. This was also a most popular victory. Jenkins was expected to win the 220 yards, but he was beaten closely by J. B. McFarlane, the Canterbury sprinter, who, had been second to him in the 100. This was perhaps the only unexpected result of the day. Jenkins is at present running splendidly, but on Saturday, although he himself said nothing about it, it appeared that he was out of sorts. Under the circumstances his time in the 100 yards was exceptionally good. Other Canterbury performers and several of the Wallington team also performed well, but their work was not quite so striking as that which was done by those who have been mentioned. Wellington certainly owes the Canterbury team and its accompanying officials a debt of gratitude for their contribution to a fine day’s sport. The contest between the two provinces was most successful, even if Wellington, on the whole, was outclassed. In the remaining handicap events, which were of considerable variety and interest, there were few surprises, although the success of C. Grant, of Gisborne, in the short sprint, was not quite expected. Placewinners in the rest of the programme, including the men’s, junior, women’s and cycling events, were filled for the most part by consistent performers. The women’s contests were interesting and the girls were liberally provided for with, two sprints, a hurdles race, and a high jump. An Excellent Parade. The afternoon opened with a firstclass parade for the A. C. Kitto Shield, which was presented at the beginning of last season by Mr.. H. Mayer, for competition by clubs in the grand parades held before important meetings during each season. The parade on Saturday was led by the Miramar Band and headed by the Canterbury team, which was followed by the-Kiwi club team aud the other club teams in order. As it moved round the ground the parade looked extremely well, and there is no doubt that such parades make an excellent beginning for important athletic gatherings. Points for general appearance and marching were awarded by Mr. D. Hunter, and the Kiwi club, who won the shield last year, was placed first with 93 points. Scottish Harriers were second with 90 points, the Atliletic club third with 88 points, and the Wellington club fourth with 87 points. In the detailed results which follow, clubs to which competitors belong are indicated after their names by letters or initials in parentheses according to the following list: —Wellington, W.; Athletic, A.; Kiwi, K.; Olymjyc, O.; Combined Old Boys, O.B.; Petone, P.; Miramar, Mir.; Poneke, Pou.; Scottish Harriers, S.H.; Lower Hutt, 11. Results'fif the test events and general handicap events were as follow: — Test Events. 100 Yards Test.—C. Jenkins (Wellington), 1; J. B. McFarlane (Canterbury), 2; W. J. Fitzsimmons (Canterbury), 3. Time, lOsec. Won by a yard and a quarter; foot aud a half between second and third. 220 Yards Test. —J. B. McFarlane (Canterbury), 1; C. H. Jenkina (Wellington), 2; W. J. Fitzsimmons (Canterbury), 3. Time. 22 l-ssec. Won very narrowly. Jenkins was in the better position for most o£ the way. 4-10 Yards Test.—W. Ogg (Wellington), 1; D. F. Anderson (Canterbury), 2; O. C. Harley (Canterbury), 3. Time, 51 2-ssec. Ogg

drew up to Anderson in the straight, and in a flue finish managed to win narrowly. BSO Yards Test.—T. G. Broadway (Canterbury), 1; W. Ogg (Wellington), 2; W. J. Gilmour (Canterbury), 3. Time, lmin. 58 sec. Ogg drew the inside place, with Broadway next to him. They rose together at the gun, and Broadway went at once into the lead. At the bell bo was still in the lead, with Ogg and Gilmour half a yard behind him, and when about a third of the lap was gone he drew away -with Ogg from the remainder. Coming into the straight he turned on the pace and drew away from Ogg, to reach the tape about 10 yards ahead. One Mile Test —C. H. Mathews (Canterbury), 1; C. Gibbons (Wellington), 2; P. Wilson (Wellington), 3. Time, 4m!n. 34 2-ssec< The Canterbury man, VV. J. Gilmour, led the field for the first lap and a half aud then retired. Mathews, who was taken" by surprise, went into the lead aud was ahead of A. Mackay (Wellington) and Gibbous at the bell. Gibbons challenged strongly during the last lap and passed Mathews a hundred yards from the tape, The two fought out a thrilling duel lu the straight, but the younger runner just managed to get home first. , 120 Yards Hurdles Test.—G. McGregor (Canterbury), 1; J. McDonald (Wellington), 2; A. Campbell (Wellington), 3. Time, 15 4-ssec. Won by more than a yard. 410 Yards Hurdles Test.—T. Anderson (Canterbury), 1. Time, 63sec. Thu only other competitor. O. J. Kiehardsou (Wellington), did not finish. High Jump Test.—A. A, Cameron (Canterbury), Oft., 1; T. Crowe (Wellington), Oft. lOJin., 2; F. Brady (Wellington), nnd G. Flighty (Wellington), dead beat, Oft. 2in„ 3. Long Jump Test.—A. A. Cameron (Canterbury). 22ft. 4in., 1; 1. J. Crowe (Wellington), 21ft. Hln„ 2; D. Phillips (Wellington), 20ft. 10!u., 3. In a subsequent jump Cameron did 22ft. Olin. Throwing tbc Javelin Test. —E. It. Hounsell (Canterbury). 155 ft. 41n., 1; H. Griffiths (Wellington), 14t1ft..4iu., 2; A. A. Cameron (Canterbury), 143 ft. Otu., 3. Throwing the Discus Test.—P. -Munro (Wellington), 128 ft. Him, 1; J. T. Frenc!) (Canterbury), 110 ft. 21n., 2; F. H. Jones (Wellington), 108 ft. 71n„ 3. Pole Vault Test.—M. Mulvey (Canterbury), 10ft. 51u„ 1; F. Bradey (Wellington), Oft. Ilin., 2, . .... . Relay Race Test (four.laps each of.llo yards).—Canterbury (McFarlane, Carmichael, Broadway, Fitzsimmons) 1; Wellington (F. H. Stephenson, G. Valk, J. Hamilton, C. H. Jenkins), 2.. Time, 44 l-oscc. Wellington muddled its first change-over and lost ground, which .it could never recover. Fitzsimmons finished seven or eight yards ahead of Jenkins. Handicap Itrents. 100 Yards Handicap.—First heat: C. Grant (Gisborne). 7yds., 1; A. Telfar (W.), 7iyds., 2; U. C. Knoblock (K.), O*yds., •>, Time. 10 2-ssec. Second heat: K. O'Connell (O.), Olyds., 1; M. B. Furlong (K.L, Clyds., 2; A. H. Campbell (W.), 7yds., 3. Final: Grant, 1; Knobloch, 2; O Connell, a. Time, lOsec. Won by nearly a yard. •’2O Yards Handicap.—First beat: A. Welply (iv.), fiytls., 1; A. Telfar (IV.), la yds., 2; R. Ball (K.), 11 yds., 3. Time, 22 l-osec. Second heat; D. Mclilcol (0.), Io vds., 1; H. Marment (A.), Dy ds., -; J>. L. Bryant (P.), 13yds., 3. Time, 22 2-ssee. Final: McNlcol, 1;. Ball, 2; Bryunt, 3. Time, 22sec. A fast close finish. 440 Yards Handicap.—D. O. McKenzie (S.H.), 16yds., 1; C. M. Brown (O.), 22yds., 2; W. Killeen (A.), 13yds., 3. Time, 51sec 880 Yards Handicap.—J. McConchie (A.), 51yds. 1; C. M. Brown (0.), 45yds., 2; G. Strong (A,), 56yds., 3. Time, lmin. 58sec. McConchie ran a dogged race and had a clear win. ■■ ■■ , „ , ONE Mile Handicap.—D. L. Pederson (W.), 75yds., 1; S. Stott (A.), 90yds., 2; H. J. McLeod (K.), 85yds., 3. ,-Tlme, 4mln. 37 t-Ssec. B. Willetts (A.), 100yds., was in the lead at the bell, followed by Pederson, Stott, and McLeod, all of whom overtoolr hlm during the last lap. Pederson won easily. . ~ „ Putting the Shot Handicap.—l. Perry (K.), 10ft„ 41ft. 51n„ 1; C. L. C. Smith (W.), 12ft., 41ft. 1ln„ 2; F. Griffiths (H.), 7ft. i)in.. 40ft. Ilin., 3. . Hop. Step, and Jump Handicap.—J. McDonald (W,), 4ft. 6in„ 46£t. 61m 1; J. W. Roberts (IL), stt. 61n.. 44ft. lOin.; F. Perry (K.), 3ft. 6im, 41ft. Sin., 3. Junior Events. 100 Yards Junior Handicap.—First heat: C. Robinson (K.). scr„ 1; C. Mexted (W.), Byds.. 2; W. Darragh (K.)< Byds., 3. Time, 10 I-ssec. Second heat: 11. Compton (K.i, Byds., 1; I. Holmes (S.H.), 7iyds„ 2; P. McDonald (IV.), 6yds., 3. Time, lOsec, Final: Mexted. 1; Compton, 2; Holmes, 3. Time, 10 3-ssec. Robinson could not get Yards Junior Handicap.—B. Lake (W.), 34yds., 1; C. Mexted (W.), 32yds., 2; K. Coombes (A.), 20yds., 3. Time, Slsec. Won by a foot. C. Robinson (K.), scr., was fourth. Women’s Event*. 100 Yards Women’s Handicap.—First heat: Miss E. Sharp (W.), scr., 1; Miss N. Browne (P.), 61yds., 2; Miss E. Flsber (F.), 7-iyds., 3. Time. 12sec. Second beat.: Miss M. Nelllgan (Canterbury), SJyds., 1; Miss L. Qughton (A.), 10yds., 2; Miss M. Watson (K.), 7yds., 3. Time, 11 4-ssee. Third heat: Miss J. Lark (W.). 7iyds., 1; Miss B. Purvis (IV.), 61yds., 2; Miss M. Watson (K.), 7yds„ 3. Time, 11 4-sscc. Final: Miss Lark, 1; Miss Nelllgan, 2; Miss Ougbtou, 3. Time, 11 2-ssec. Won narrowly. 120 Yards Women’s Handicap.—First heat: Miss M. Nelllgan (Canterbury), 2} vds., 1: Miss J. Lark (W.), 9yds., 2; Miss D. Hurley (W.), 4yds., 3. Time, 14sec. Second beat: Miss L. Oughton (A.), 11yds., 1; Miss T. Kench (W.), scr„ 2: Miss J. Sharp (W,), 71yds., 3. Time, 14 l-ssee. Final: Miss Nelllgan aud Miss Lark, deadheat, 1; Miss Oughton, 3. Time, 14sec. 80 Yards Women’s Hurdles.—First heat: Miss W. Brown (P.). 2yds. bhd., 1; Miss J. Hurley (W.), scr„ 2; Miss J. Sharp (IV.), 4yds. bhd., 3. Time, 14 4-ssec. Second heat: Mitts C. Millar (W.), 4yds. bhd., 1; Miss M. Watson (K.), Iyd. bhd., 2; Miss C. Smith (A.). 2yds. on, 3. Time, 15 2-ssec. Third heat: Miss L. Oughton (A.), 4yds. bhd., 1: Miss J. Lark (W.), Iyd bhd., 3. Time, 14sec. Final: Miss Browne, 1; Miss Oughton, 2; Miss Millar, 3. Time, 14 l : ssec. Women’s High Jump.—Miss N. Browne (P.), 21n., 4ft. Gin.: Miss J. Sharp (W.l. scr., 4ft. sin.; Miss J. Lark (W.), Siu.. 4ft. 3Jln. Relay Il:vces. Men's Relay.— Wellington (A. Welply. A. J. Barlow, C. Campbell, A. Telfar), 1; Kiwi, 2; Olympic, 3. Time, 47sec. Junior Relay Race. (P. McDonald, C. MCxted. R. Wade, J. Waterman), 1; Athletic, 2, Time, 30sec. Women’s Relay Race.—Wellington (Misses D. Hurley, J. Lark, C. Miller, T. Kencb), scr., .1; Athletic A, 2; Athletic B, 3. Cycling Events. One 31 He Scratch Cycle Race.—R. Dimer (O.B.), 1; L. Roberts (W.), 2; C. Ericsson (Mir.), 3. Time, 2min. 32sec. Ulmer rode a well-judged race and overtook Roberts coming into the straight to win by more than a length. Roberts and Ericsson were narrowly separated. 880 Yards Cycling Handicap.—First, heat: It. Lyster (A.). 30yds.. 1; C. Ericsson (Mir.), 20yds., 2; P, Eyton (A.), 50yds., 3. Time, 63scc. Second heat: R. Ulmer (O.B.), scr.. 1: A. Pennington (0.1. 15yds., 2; F. Hull (Pon.), 80yds., 3. Time, 68 l-osec. Final: Lyster, 1; Ulmer, 2; Eyton, 3. Time, G 7 2-ssec. Won by a length. One Mlle Cycle Handicap.—First, heat: R. Lyster (A.), GOytls., 1; G. Staveley (0.1, 80yds., 2; C. Ericsson (Mir.), 45yds., 3. Time, 2mln. 2O'l-ssec. Second heat: L. W. Sowerby (A.), COyds.. 1; P. Eyton (A.), 100yds., 2: A, Pennington (O.), 30,yds,, 3. Final: Lyster, 1; Sowerby, 2; Eytou, 3. Time, 2ntin. 19 3-ssec.

Two Mile Cycle Handicap.—R. Lyster (A.), 120yds„ 1: O. Disley (A.), 50yds„ 2; L. Roberts (W.), scr., 3. Time, smln. 7 3-sscc.

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 101, 23 January 1933, Page 6

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CANTERBURY WINS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 101, 23 January 1933, Page 6

CANTERBURY WINS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 101, 23 January 1933, Page 6