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Fields for Opening Day at Trentham BRIEF REVIEW OF CURRENT FORM (By “The Watcher.”) The Wellington Racing Club’s summer meeting will open at Trentham to-day. Conditions are most favourable for an excellent day’s racing. The Cup, Telegraph, and Stakes promise to provide very keen contests. The usual brief summary of the form of each runner is given for the information of readers. The track is in first-class order. TRENTHAM HIGHIVEIGHT HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. One mile. J® ® —jy®! l similar event second day Mnnawatu. Should go well, oaitpot 7 —hailed In recent starts, but ran well in better company Likely sort. Bean°Gnii’.,nt'; In v _ n'° reeent form, but has occasionally Surprised at Trentham. Beau Gallants 10 7 — Record of two recent wins. Big enough to be untroubled by ... weight, very good chance. Nightguard . 10 3 — Touched in wind, but two Wins out of last three starts, and likely. Palace 10 1 —Plenty of galloping ability, but poor public form. Now in dlfP , erent stable, and might improve. Blacksmith . 10 1 —Recent hurdle form no good, but at Fellding on flat ran well Monastic tn 1 third and second to good hacks. Must have chance. Clam-nr 7 —Second and third in last three starts. Must have a chance. Chiu o - —^ Ilo "' in s improved form, and won at Wairarapa. A chance, b. ;! " —Beat very weak company when won at Watrarnpa. 9 0 Z^o^te'fo’rm.’' 1 disa PP ointl A chance. Golden Horn 9 0 —Similar. Cape Fair .. 9 0 —A recent third, but form moderate. amllh" Saltpot Beau Gallant?. Nightguard. BlackNIdHTGUARfi° r ’ BaekelS m!xy prcfcr BEAU GALLANTE, BLACKWELtINGTON STAKES, Of COO sovs. For two-year and three-rear-olds • wf a with penalties. Fite furlongs. Inflation . . 8 fl —No racing since early spring In Australia. Not likely to be ready. Good Hunting 8 0 —lyinner in hack company, but will be troubled here’ I-nck 8 C> —Plenty of pace. but on recent form he will surprise. Midinette . . 8 3 —M on Fellding Stakes over same distance beating Souchong Bns been running consistently, and may trouble the two-year-blds, for she Is brilliant Inrportance .83 —Recent form not good enough. Princess —Leading twrt-year-old. Won Welcome and Foal Stakes, but Dofeen 7 fl failed in Royal Stakes. Sure to run - well. Diatomous .-.73 —Shares two-year-old supremacy with Princess Doreen. Won Royal Stakes last start. Exceptional pace. Counterplay . <1 12 —Has won twice In last two starts, hut not in this company. Guarantee . . Gin —Solid and Consistent colt. Jilst below best class at Auckland, but must have a chance. Fracas G 9 —Second and third at Auckland, and was unlucky. Must have a chance. Golden Hair 6 9 —Will start in handicap. A surprise may possibly eventuate from one of the unpcnal’sod two-vear-olds; but on form barkers will not be far out with DIATOMOUS, PRINCESS DORISEN and MIDINETTE. APPRENTICES' PLATE, of IGO sovs., Special weights and apprentice riders. Seven furlongs. Royal King . 8 5 ■ —No form. Flower .. 8 2 —Roe Hlghwcight. Ben llur .. 8 2 —Third In Champion Hack at Wairarapa to Navaho and Revision. Moderate form. Morepork . 8 2 —Little racing, but won well on second day New Zealand Cup meeting, beating Juniper. Failed since, but on this form has a chance. Niggerhead . 8 2 —Won at last start. Useful form, Ronnie Vale . 8 2 —Third to Drumfire nt Wairarapa last start. Improving. Azalea .... 8 2 ■—Placed at Auckland, and was unlucky. Must Have a chance. Beaconsfield 8 2 -~Hns won his last three races. An Improver who must go well. Aiguille .. 8 2 —Has won his last two races in good company. Sure tq tun well. Eminent .. 8 2 —Second to Pagnnelll at Awapnni, nnd to Autopay in Wairarapa Cup. Good form, but needs riding. Piltse .. 7 (I —Moderate form. Worship .. 7 G —Won impressively In good hack company on N.Z. Cup day; beaten in last two starts, but ho should run Well. Broken Rule . 7 G —No recent form. , Farmer .. 7 G —Showing greatly improved anil winning form. Ran fine race Inst start open company, Manawntu. Very likely. —No form. Sage ..7 6 —No racing. , ~ Lancet .. 7 6 —Showed form nt Waifarapa, but Will have to Improve. Post .. 7 6 —No recent form. . . cho'ek Say ..7 6 —Won last two starts. Has very good form, and Should run prominently. Aroma . 7 6 —No recent form, nnd now trained by owner. . GlenVaOe ..7 6 —Third, first and second, last three Starts. Good hack with Chance. Glowllght ..7 6 —Fair form. , Argoiitie ..7 0 —lti good winning form, and very likely. The apprentices' race renresents very strong hack class. Horses like Morepork. Nlggorhcnd Aznien. lleaeonsflelil, Aiguille. Eminent, Worship. Former. Chock Say, Glimvane. and Argentic, must al! linvo exeetlent clidneM. RJdrrs. howeiet nil! bn a big consideration. Three who should go well ate IARMLw. CHOCK SAI, and argentic. FITZHERBEItT HANDICAP, of IGO sovs For two-year-olds. Five furlongs. Golden Hair . 8 10 —Winner nt Mnnawatu and Stratford. Good form and sure to run well. , t , Porotiti .... 8 4 —Won nt MnnilWatu and Marton. Good improving eolt with great Chance. Cotinterplfty . 8 4 —Won twice during holidays. Moderate chance, pegged Exchange 8 3 —Won nt Rlecartoh, but failed at Auckland. Has a chance. Lady Nan ... 7 12 —Beaten by Golilcn Hair nnd Porotiti at Mannwatu. Won double ‘ at Wairarapa. Should run well. Bon Rapide . 7 7 —No recent form good enough. Quebec 7 5 —No racing. „ .... ~ Gay Coat ... 7 5 —No racing, but bred to lie good .( Hunting Song—Lady Inniond). Sweet Agnes 7 5 —Showed plenty of pace lit Clip meeting and should have Improved since then. Minor plaeings. Likely sort. Catalogue .. 7 .1 —No form. Epigram ... 7 3 —Bair form, but has gone sore, nnd unlikely starter. Safari ...... 7 0 —No form. Dover Patrol 7 0 —No form. Snowball ... 7 0 —No form. ColosSinu ... 7 0 —No form. Hint 7 (l —Nn farm. „ Backers on fbrm must st lek to POROTITI, GOLDEN HAIR and LADY NAN.

WELLINGTON CUP. of 000 sovs. One mile and a half. Antique ... 8 B —Best handicap performer at Auckland meeting. Third Auckland Cup; won 'Supper Cup. Um., beat Conecntrnte; third Cup, Ijm.t second to Gohl Trail Clifford Plate, Um. A good horse, and has a Chance despite weight. Concentrate . ft S —Showed first-class form N.Z. Cup meeting, but did not Ipiprove milch for Auckland. Illis always run well at Trentham, and he should be prnmlmmt. Great Star ~8 0 —Good form at Auckland, winning Grandstand Handicap, 1 m. on Inst day. Ills best form over a dfstanco is nt Ellerslie, ho should 'go well. Gold Trail .. 7 13 — Itr.n good race in Auckland Cup; third in Derby, and won Clifford Ulate. Gohl Trail will run a big nice, put it is difficult for three-ycnr-olds. . . ■Soutown ... 713 —Finished in rear Manawntu Cup; third Stratford Cup. Only racon for 12 months. Will nerd to improve. Jaioux 713 —lias always lust failed In best company. Second to Compels last year, ills Aiieklnild form this year not quite so good as Inst, hut he must have a chance. Red Heckle . 7 11 —Another who hns the "Dear” touch. On his Metropolitan form against Concentrate hq must rg,ve a good chauco. He does best frosh, and goes well at Treniniim. Merry Peel . 7 6 —Good Winter form, and three seconds diirltjg holiday racing at Dunedin, Wnlkoualtl and Oamaru. Twelve futiohgs will be far enough for him lied Sun . 7 6 —As winner of Handicap. 14m.. nt Ellerslie, and an improver. he must be a great lightweight prospect. Retract 7 5 —Third In Mnnawatu and Wairarapa Cups. A likely sort, ns he hns a great finishing run. Tout lo Mond 7 S —Fourth in both Derbies, won 3-ycnr-61d handicap at Cup meeting, also Rahglora Cup. He will have to improve, but cannot . „ _ be discarded. Likes heavy ground. My Own ... 7 .> —Has shown no recent form worth noting for a Wellington Cup. Royal Artist . 7. fl —Unplaced In liirec starts at Auckland. Doos not appeal on season's form. Refresher .. 7 ~ —Recent form good, but over shorter courses. No reason to exbCct innhlilty to run out Cup distance, and he Is a lightweight prospect. Juniper ..». 7 0 —nns shown a steady tmnrovement in form, and might run well. Beat Merry Peel 1n Waikounitl Cup. Lyrical 7 9 —t oo ambitions On anything sho has done. Rocket 7 0 —Second to Silver Scorn In N.Z. Derby, but form hardly up to Fiji 7 0 —Third in Murton Cun: won second day. Won also at Fellding over 7 furlongf. Might show iin. Greenhorn ..7 0 —Developed good form during holidays. Won nt Mnnawatu and Wairarapa. Should be a lightweight outsider. Princess —Won over ten furlongs on second day Southland. Will have to Argosy 7 0 improve. Auckland nnd Riecarton form looks the best. Antique. Coneentrnle. Great Star, Gold Trail. Jaloux. Red Heckle. Rod Sun. nnd Retract, should all run well. It Is 'an open rhee, but oh hand at the finish may be ANTIQUE, RED HECKLE, ami CONCENTRATE. ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. One mile. Arrow Lad .. 9 4 —Showing form, blit hfis never carried weight well. Shatter .... 9 2 —yfn racing for three months. May need some. Awaken 9 2 —Xo recent form. Ranolnch ... 1) 0 —won Oamaru lust start. Hhtmlfi go well. Richfield ... 812 —Raced well nnd won during holidays. Good prospect. Ruling Light 8 9 .—Winner at her last start. From good family and very likely. Martian Chief 8 7 —\o racing for several months. Gay Court . 8 6 —Raced well Ot Awnmint. Failed Marton Cup. Slight go well. Jllnlper .... R 3 —T.lkoly tn run in Cup. La Toupee .. 8 3 —Placed at Manawntu nnd Wnlrarnpn. Will need to ininrove. Rational II , 8 3 —Fresh in after a spell. Would have chance at his best. Tlbming .... s 2 —Nn recent form, lint wns in money earlier. Gpid Pit .... R 2— Second ar Inst start. May show up. Drnm fl -o ... R 0 —Won Inst start ar Walrnrann. Possibility. wise nhoice , 8 n —Half form, hut will need improvement. Tahoma .... 8 0 —Will need to show improvement. Backers may prefer the chances ot RULING Ll&IIT. RICHFIELD and RANELAGH. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. SIX furlongs. Autopay ... 9 4 — Second C..TC, Stewards’: won open snrlnt . Mnnawatu: also Stakes and IVairarnna Cup. Honest, solid, consistent, and good cinss. Grant chance. Golden Wings 9 4 —Failed nt Apcklniid. hot showed winning form In spring there. . Brilliant sprinter nt h!S best. Cricket Bat 8 10 —Hns been rnnlng over longer distances with only moderate succqss. Good horse and n chance, * Orap.ll 8 fl — Good winning form in Folding. Placed during holltlnys. Won _ Imre in snring. Good chnnce. Souchong ..8 9 —Very brl’llmit beginner. Won Fellding. Good holiday form. Wnn Mnnawatu. Should go well, La Moflnrne . R fl —Pnrm n-onrl nt Ellers’le. Won two rnces. Sllon’d have .a cbanco. Iho Qttorn ..8 0 —Won final event NZ. Ciin mooting; non Railway Hnndlenp: r . second NewmarltO*. Sure to run well. Lordly —Promoted hunk. Ran nwhv w'tli Bowen Handicap last tiny Knight 7 S Auekinnd, Likely lightweight. Potnn 7 q —snowing hotter form, bpl will need Ininrovetnont. Grecian _ —T'-mq .n, )f i first nt Oniharq. Showed speed In good company Prince 7 5 '■ z, Cup meeting, but was not right' If nt Ills best a good ft once. The Tiger 7 B —G" :e Tim Ouorn weight nnq n bonflng here In October, Fnjlod nt Sij-ntfprd. but Is exported to go well again nt Trenthnm. 4 Brilliant gnllnnor. MllOtll 7 0 —Rnoo<l wo'l during holidays. Just missed at Awapnni: won (lopbio nt Wn|rnr,ann. A chance, but this company is strong. Gold Pit ... 7 0 _'l'o start tn Anniversary. Hiirllnglinm . 7 0 — Very gontl hno]< form Third tn Grecian Prince nt Onmtiru. This Is a very open race. Severn! have excellent form which cannot bo passed PIUNCE 1,10 flnlSl ' ,I|C fnvo " rile6 tnlly be AU ' rol ’ AV ' TIIK OUORN and GRECIAN

RUAPEHU HACK HANDICAP, Of 160 sovs. Six furlongs. Hula Belle, 8.13. —Won at Invercargill. Form good in South. Navaho, 8.10.—1 n winning form. Must go well. Might, S.7.—No racing here since return from Sydney. Is in good order. Golden Gleam, B.G.—Won at Fellding and Stratford. Brilliant hack. Good chance. Monastic. B.G. —Moderate form. Headmaster, 8.4.—W0n last race Marton Inst start. Plenty of speed and should go well. Solitaire 11. B.2.—Moderate form. Wasteland. B.2.—Moderate form. Zeebrugge. 7.12.—N0 recent racing. Idolize. 7.11.—W0n double nt Banks Peninsula meeting at Riecarton. Good hack. Grand Review. 7.9.—Moderate form. Slippery. 7.8.—W0n nt Hawke’s Bay. Has ppoed, nnd mny show up. Late .Test. 7.8. —Fair form over holidays. A chance. _ ' , Uhimtnnte. 7.7.—Tw0 thirds in last two start!?. Taranaki circuit. Moderate form. Chief Light. 7.8.—W0n at Dunedin. Moderate performance. Nebulae. 7.4.—Form good nt Manawntu; won double Marton. A chnnce. Acorn. 7.4.-Fair form. Won Woodville. Emnntor. 7.(l.—Nd. form. Gallops well. Mercian Prince. 7.6.—N0 form. Pedestal. 7 o.—No form. Shelter, 7.0.—N0 form. Kemal PnsliH. 7.0.—N0 form, but has been hacked and beaten. Form horses are Hula Belle. Navaho. Gold Gleam. TTeadnV’Uor. Westelnnd. Idoli-zo. nnii 1 nte .Test. The favourites mar ho corn GLEAM. HEADMASTER and NAVAHO ___________

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 98, 19 January 1933, Page 11

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WELLINGTON CUP CARNIVAL Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 98, 19 January 1933, Page 11

WELLINGTON CUP CARNIVAL Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 98, 19 January 1933, Page 11