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The hope that the Hutt Valley High School would be able next year to assist pupils who could not afford to buy school books was expressed by the Board of Governors at its last meeting

The resignation of Miss M. Cooley from the teaching staff of the Hutt Valley High School on the approach of her marriage was accepted with regret by the Board of Governors at its last meeting. The board placed on record its appreciation of her services.

, Scores in the Upper Hutt-Trentham B cricket match at Maidstone Park, Upper Hutt, are as follow: —Upper Hutt, 209 for four wickets, the highest scorer being Archer, with 104 not out. Trentham B, 104, Marsden making 43 in the first innings and 17 in.the second. Bowling for Upper Hutt, H. Nunn took six wickets for 17.

Opposing the motion, “That the pursuance of a ‘white’ policy is wise and in the best interests of humanity, the Hutt Valley High School debating team won from Rongotai College yesterday. Mr. W. Nash, M.P., was judge. The High School team comprised Jessie Liver, R. Meek, and G. Eves; and the Rongotai team comprised Amers, Wogan, and Morrison.


Teams for Saturday The following teams have been selected to play in the Hutt Valley banner competition on Saturday: — Lower Hutt: Home —Roundhill, Burgess. Ginger, Baker; Muter, Stonehouse, Teagle, Hodgins; Roche, G. Young, Hendry Davidson; Taylor, Guiness, Cole. Norris; Ball, Wood, Keir, Whitcher. Away—Howe, J. M atkins, Roper, F. Parker; Murphy, Whiting, Brooks, Shearer; H. Parker, Lawson, E. Young, Lopdell; Moore. Brock. Robinson, Fraser ; Arnold, Odlin, McDougall, Shnn. Central: Away, against Petone—Dunderdale, Webley, Ridley, May. Against Woburn —Prentice. Dixon, McDonald, Stone. Against Lower Hutt—F. Hall, Devine. Allen. Howat; Wadsworth, P. Warner, N. Senior, Mosley. Against Upper Hutt: Camm, Frame, Bell, Fisher. At home—Bclsham, Teasdill. Harris, Watkinson; Oakley, Haigh, T. Green. Pawson; ,T. Senior, Campbell, Smith, Ronan: Wilkinson. Rose, Gower, Radcliffe ;G. Warner, Wainscott. Alren, Parker.


Party at Croydon School In honour of Miss Pearl Kirk, who has been on the staff for the last six years, and is to be married at an early date, Mr. and Mrs. Skelley, of Croydon School, Day’s Bay, entertained the staff and boys to a happy dinner party on Monday. The dining hall was brightly and artistically arranged with crimson rambler in profusion. After the toast of “The King.” the healTh of Miss Kirk was proposed by the headmaster. Mr. Skelley, who spoke of the splendid example shown by Miss Kirk in her work in the school. No duty, however hard, was ever shirked by Miss Kirk, who always worked with a keen sense of sportsmanship. Mrs. Skelley presented Miss Kirk with a crystal vase on behalf of her husband and herself, and the head prefeet, Morrison, in a felicitous speech, voiced the sentiments of the hoys.

Other presentations made included a silver toilet set, and a brass tray containing a crystal decanter and six glasses of antique design.


Effort by the Smith Family

Availing themselves of the offer of the De Luxe Theatre, Lower Hutt, the Lower Hutt branch of the Smith Family will entertain the children of the Hutt ' Valley at a picture show next Saturday morning. Admission may be obtained by groceries; salt, however, is not wanted. The doors will be open at 9.30 a.m., previous to which a photograph will be taken. The show will commence at 10 a.m. The schoolmasters of all schools have been given tickets to given to children whose parents are unable to provide them with any article of grocery for admission. This has been done with the idea of ensuring that all children have the same opportunity of attending. All orphanages have also been supplied with free tickets. Parents of children in the Hutt Valley are reminded that all articles received will be used in making tin Christmas hampers for the most needy families in the district. As provisions are urgently required, the Smith Family would appreciate the usual good efforts of residents of the Hutt Valley.


Three Drivers Fined Fines of £3 and costs were imposed on three motor-lorry drivers, Peter Gray, Thomas Scholfield, and Charles Martin, by Mr. AV. 11. Woodward, S.M., in the Upper Hutt Police Court yesterday, for operating heavy motor vehicles with loads exceeding the maximum amount they were licensed to carry.

The Main Highways Board inspector, Mr. J. E. Ainsworth, said that Gray’s lorry was found to be some 15cwt. in excess of the maximum load. The driver admitted being overloaded before the lorry was weighed. . Both Seholfield’s and Martin’s lorries had been tested and found to be overloaded on a previous occasion, but no action had been taken.


For driving in a manner which, in the circumstances, might be dangerous to the public. John Richards was fined £3 and costs by Mr. W. H. Woodward, S.M., in the Upper Hutt Police Court yesterday. Defendant did not appear.

Inspector J. E. Ainsworth, of the Main Highways Board, said that when defendant saw that he was being followed he accelerated to at least 45 miles an hour, and passed and cut-in on two motorlorries. On being stopped, defendant said he did not think he wns driving in a dangerous manner. On a previous occasion he bad been warned, but no action had been taken.


The Upper Hutt Defence Rifle Club fired the first shoot of'the second shortrange series at Trentham on Saturday. Conditions were tricky, and a changeable light and a strong rear wind accounted for the low scores at each range. The best scores at 300 yards were: DeputyPresident B. Dunn (43), and J. Coker (42) ; at. GOO yards, Deputy-President B. Dunn (45). Deputy-President T. Whiteman (42). and H. Whiteman (41). With an aggregate score of 89, DeputyPresident T. Whiteman secured the leg-in for a trophy.

36—37 —10—83; L. Tidwell, 39—39—0 —7B: G. Coker. 42 —22—0—04. Next Saturday the rouses will be 300 ami 500 yards.


Hutt Sub-Association Senior and junior results of the tennis tournament played under the Hutt Y alley Lawn Tennis Sub-Association are as follow: — Senior. upper Hutt V. Hutt Bowlins, Upper H^omen n ’VTn d gles! t Wss ,T. Shiel lost to Miss T. Davidson, 2—9; Miss I. Shiel lost to Miss N. Davidson, 6—9; Miss H. Kobertson lost to Miss P- Babbington, 6—9; Miss B Wilkie lost to Miss B. Davidson, o—-9. Men’q singles: N. Edwards beat T. Willis, Halt beat R- McDonald 9-7; A. McNamara beat A. C. Clark, 9—fl. H* Thomas beat Robinson, 9—B. • Women s doubles * I and J. Shiel lost to T. aud B. Davidson 3-9? Robertson and Wilkie lost to N. Davidson and P. Babbington 5 9. Men’s doubles: Edwards and Hall beat Clark and Willis, 9-7; McNamara and Thomas beat McDonald and Robertson, 9—7. Combined doubles: I. Shiel and Edwards lost to T. Davidson and Willis, no. j, Shiel and Hall beat N. Davidson and McDonald, 9 —B; Robertson and Thomas beat P. Babbington aud Clark, pWilkie and McNamara beat B. Davidson and Robertson, 9—5. Upper Hutt won 9 sets, 114 games; Hutt Bowling won 7 sets. 120 games. Taita v. Lower Hutt, Taita mentioned singles: Miss V. Dyer beat Miss O Sheppard, 9 —6: Miss R. Dyer beat Mrs W. H Smith. 9-8; Miss M. Burgess lost to Miss V. Crawford. 4—9; Miss M. McArthur lost to Miss V. Willis. 4—9. Men s singles: A. Tilbury lost to A. House. 7—9; G. Arms lost to L. Evans. 5—9: M. Sandlant beat W. H. Smith, 9—2: W. Walters lost to M. J. Power, 7—9. Womens doubles: Misses Byer and Dyer lost to Miss Sheppard and Mrs. Smith. B—9, Misses Burgess aud McArthur lost to Misses Crawford and Willis. 4—9. Men s doubles: Tilbury and Sandlant lost to House and Evans, 7—9; Arms and Walters lost to Smith and Power, 2—9. Combined doubles: Tilbury and V. Dyer beat House and Miss Sheppard. 9—5: Sandlant and K Dver lost to Smith and Mrs. Smith. I—9; Arms and Miss Burgess lost to Evans and Miss Crawford. 5-9; Walters and Miss McArthur lost to Power and Miss Willis, 3— Lower Hutt won 12 sets, 127 games: Taita won 4 sets. 102 games. Petone v. Muritai. Petone mentioned A Women’s singles: Miss V. Burns beat Miss V. Shortt, 9—6; Miss .7. Burns lost to Mrs. Robinson, 4—9: Miss M. Gaynor lost to Miss Greig. 7—9: Miss M. Ryan beat Mrs. W. Hollings, 9—a Men.s singles: D. S. Stodart lost to J. B. Black, 4— A. R. Clark beat W. V. Fisher, 9—7; R. G. Havward lost to D. Catley, 3—9; G. Booker lost to M. H. Braund, 8—). Women’s doubles: Misses V. and J. Burns beat Misses V. Shortt and Greig. 9— 7; Misses M. Gaynor and M. Ryan bem. Mesdamos Robinson and Hollings. 9—3. Men’s doubles: D. Stodart and G. Booker beat J. Black and W. Fisher, 9—5: A. R. Clark and R. G. Hayward lost to M. Braund and D. Catley, 6—9. Combined doubles: D. Stodart and Miss J. Burns l-eat J. Black and Miss V. Shortt. 9—o: A. Clark and Miss V. Burns lost to D. Catley and Miss Greig. 7—9; G. Booker and Miss M. Gavnor heat M. Braund and Mrs. Robinson. 9—B: R. Hayward and Miss M. Ryan lost to W. Fisher and Mrs. Hollings, * Petone won 8 sets. 115 games; Muritai won 8 sets. 113 games.

Junior. Petone Tennis Club v. St. Stephen’s Club, Petone mentioned first:— Women’s singles: Miss M. Crooks beat Miss Callender, 6-9: .Miss R. Evison beat .Mrs Folev. 6—o: Miss P. Clark beat Miss G Gi’imwood. 6-3; Miss M. Jones beat Miss N. Feist, 6—l. Men’s singles: A. Pickard lost, to Leyland. 7—9; M. Ross lost to Fisher, 5—9: J. Gaynor beat Renner. 9—B; H. D. Le Souef lost to G. Clark, 7—9 Women’s doubles: Misses Crooks and Jones beat Misses Callender and Feist. 6—l; Misses Clark and Evison lost to Mrs. Foley and Miss Grimwood. 5—6. Men s doubles: A. Pickard' and Le Souef beat Leyland and Fisher. 9 —7: J. Gaynor and W Ross beat Renner aud Clark. Combined doubles: A. Pickard and Miss Crooks lost to Leyland and Miss Callender, 5_6 ; w. Ross and Miss Clark Jost to Renner and Miss Feist, s—B; H. B. Le Souef and Miss Evison beat Fisher and Mrs Folev, 6—2; J. Gaynor and Miss .Tones lost’ to Clark and Miss Grimwood. 4—6. Petone won 9 sets. 101. games: St. Stephen’s won 7 sets, 78 games. Muritai v. St. Augustine, Muritai mentioned first:— Women’s singles: Miss M. Wood beat, Miss S Smith. 6—4; Mrs. M, Braund lost to Miss P. Taylor, 4—6; Miss M Paton beat Miss It. Thornton. 6—o: Mrs 1. Darlow lost to Miss P. Hastings, 4—6. Men’s singles: B. H. Jenkinson beat u. Worry 9—B- R. H. Cnrstens beat H. Sherwood. 9—5: T. S. George, lost to L. Cooper. 4—9: N. Hull-Brown beat M. King. 9—41 Women’s doubles: Miss Wood and Mrs. Braund lost to Misses Smith and Hastings, 5—6: Miss Paton and Mrs. Darlow beat. Misses Taylor and Thornton. 6—2. Men’s doubles: Jenkinson and Carstens beat Wcrry and Sherwood, 9 8: George and Hull-Brown beat Cooper and King. 9—6. Mixed doubles: .Jenkinson and Miss Wood lost to Worry and Miss Smith. 4—6: Carstens and Miss Paton beat Cooper and Miss Taylor, 6—3: George, and Mrs. Braund boat King and Miss Hastings. 6—2: Hull-Brown and Mrs. Darlow lost to Sherwood and Miss Thornton. 3—6. Muritai won 10 sets. 99 games; St. Augustine won 6 sets. RS games. St. James v. Central (St. James mentioned first)... , . Women's singles-: Miss L. Mawson boat. Miss Collie. 6—l; Miss O. House beat Miss Smith 6—3: Miss G. Hansell boat Miss Marshall. 6—2: Miss J. Powlos beat Miss Stone. 6—3. Men's singles; R. G. House lost to Peterson. B—9: E. B. Pyne lost to Mooro. 6—9: J. B. Darnell heat Hoskins. 3_7; a. Maunder beat Lindop. 9—3. Women’s doubles:.House and Mawson beat Collie and Smith. 6—o: Hansell and Powlos lost to Stone and Marshall. 4—6. Mo” s doubles: Pvne and Darnell beat Peterson and Hoskins, 9—B: House and Maunder beat Mooro and TJndoo, 9—5. Combined doubles: House and Mawson bent Peterson and Marshall. 6—5; Pyne and House boat Moore and Collie. 6 —5; Darnell and Hansell beat Hoskins and Smith. 6—5: Maunder and Powlos boat Lindop and Stone. 6—3. St. James, won 13 sets. 168 games; Central. won 3 sets. 71 games. Waiwetu v. Lower Hutt (Waiwetu mentioned first); — Women’s- singles: Miss Barnes lost to Miss D. Hansen. 5—6: Mrs. Craven lest to Miss M. Pain. 3—6: Miss Anstis boat Mrs. Aim 6—5: Miss Browning boat Miss M. Ayson. 6—o Men’s singles: Browning lost to E. G. Thompson. 7—9: Markley lost to A N Toesvrill. 5—9: Mitchell lost, to D. Ronndliill. 4—9: Walls boat D. Moginie. 9—B. Women’s doubles: Miss Barnes and Mrs. Craven lost to Misses Hansen and Pain, 3—6: Misses Anstis and Browning • boat Mrs. Atm and Ayson. 6—3. Mon’s doubles: Browning and Mackloy beat Tosswill and Thompson. 9—B: Mitchell and Walls boat Roundhill and Moginlo. 9—2. Combined doubloa: Mackloy and Miss Barnos boat Tosswill and Miss Pnin. 6—5: Browning and Mrs. Craven boat Thompson and Miss Hanson. 6—3: Mitchell and Miss Anstis bent Ronndliill and Mrs. Aim. 6 —o: Walls and Miss Browning beat Moginie and Miss Ayson. 6—2. Waiwetu won 10 sets. 96 games: Lower TTntt. 6 sots. 81 games, Eastern Hutt v. Upper TTu+t (Eastern Hutt mentioned first).—Women’s singles: M. Fraser bent J. Marshall. B—s; V. Fraser boat T. Wilkie. 0—1: M. Kirkus Inst tn J. Watt. 2—6: V. Sinclair lost to L. Holes 3—6. Men’s singles: H. Flux lost to .Toslantls. B—9: A. Smith lost to Spencer, 4—o; H. Hodkinson lost to Anderson, X— 9; F. Manderson lost to Sutcliffe. 4—9. Women’s doubles: Fraser nnd Fraser beat Marshall and Watt. 6—4: Kirkus and Sinclair beat Wilkie and Woles. 6—4. Men’s doubles: Flux nnd Smith lost to Joslands and Snoncer. 0—0: Hodgkinson and Manderson beat Anderson and Sutcliffe. o—B. Combined doubles: M. Fraser and Smith bent J. Marshall and Spencer, r— 4: V. Fraser and Flux lost to L. Woles and Joslands. 2—o: M. Kirkns and Manderson lost to J. Watt and Sutcliffe. 2—6: V. Sinclair and Hodgkinson boat I. Wilkie and Anderson. 6—5. Eastern Hutt, won 7 sets and 81 mimes: Upper TTntt won 0 sots. 100 games.


Heretaunga Lodge No. 115, 1.0.0. P., held its fortnightly meeting in the Oddfellows’ Hall. Petone, recently. Bro. Woodgate, N.G.. presiding over a large attendance. Accounts totalling £l7 were passed for payment, and various correspondence dealt with. The social committee reported that the Christmas arrangements were finalised with regard to the distribution of hampers for the children of unemployed brothers. The Noble Grand announced that ho intended making official visits to Bellevue and Waiwetu Lodges. Supper brought the evening to a close.

Details of scores are:Hep. Tl. yds. yds. Dep.-Pres. T. Whiteman 38 42 9 89 Dep.-Pres. B. Dunn 43 45 88 Pies. L. Ridgway . 41 36 9 80 J. Bronte 41 34 11 86 H. Whiteman .... 30 41 6 83 D. Purvis, 40 —33 —8—83; A. Scott, on n

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 70, 15 December 1932, Page 14

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HUTT VALLEY NEWS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 70, 15 December 1932, Page 14

HUTT VALLEY NEWS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 70, 15 December 1932, Page 14