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w/f m /ssi aa / «x ~«Wx E 3 ifaaap g g z}-\x F/—/XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS mii ß I Give HIM Something he can WEAR SLAUGHTER ® ~ ■ ■ - ■' / ■/.•“.■ ’ MHlzs 1 Take It from us (our business is to know men and tbeir needs) » C A I [“ ■ WK’ , ’ lie will appreciate notitins so much as something to wear, a A /-* I [" 9$ ‘ H w!?\_ / -Jt ’ ' especially if you choose It here, where he probably shops him- / \ Ihbb ■ j * * 1 < SClf * ° Ur ' St ° Ck neW ’ ° f fIDCSt QUaHty ‘ s ' et nOt 3bU CXpeUS Ve ’ ifßfc_ I Xuet US -w£ss*=tm RADIO and ELECTRICAL ! Z*k 1 ~y*V VO 11 ? ' ' / WITCO'POPLIN PYJAMAS. Latest rich designs. 7/11 KWKVJ i S' llvl kJ yVr l•••\'--r-i.. >/ yl GIFT PYJAMAS, in the newest "Fasula" Fabrics Exceed- c *• i i n i g£< JL •/ f r.'-’A . / HkV/ //* // l “ sly attrai -’ tive and latest st J’ lcs - 12/6 ' 1 14/6 / |i sensational values will rule at _ -a -m I ’• •' l‘! i CAMBRIC shirts, with - collars to match In the A, /~l 1 Royal Radio Supplies tor the . I „_„ I x' 1 r " WD /i / latest multi Stripes. Guaranteed fast colours .. */ ->- . / , next f ew d ays< £) 0 no t f a j| to A IH!IK| tn ChOOSe. • © ! I XV vl /// / SU^ A SXnX^“... 5/ll • ipaya visit. It is a safe assump. WrlW I Priced from 1/6 2/6 3/6 '° 5/6 y the values offering. y -WT- I //1 ' V lov za OZT mnnv -nprmlp to I < " i Jr O W Ll/u Centre Manners Street ’ 933 h lou nave so many peopic tv E.L. REY FOUR, using the very -■ fr junttMiat*■nnnnilJJ.Win- H—r—r-w-^—t- latest valves. To introduce this | remember that you wz/J/ be fB! | •i• »d yet you i S£S£B F H i r? r»-v>+ ■ ■cr/biil’ friftQ to 11P (food Ito the average Five, and will posi- K | fll bi TVailt ■' yOUI i— lllS I _ I tively separate the two - local » Iff I ■'■ -' ' •■' ’ ■ ; < station,. Fully guaranteed. I I l| I We have just . I “S” | f I opened up some gorgeous W&S l£ I 3-19-6 Terms I P (London novelty jewellery, g|g||gF WH® £ 1 I ' l C “ h ’ I leach piece exclusive, but Hhfelll; I Roval ■ Radin Rnnnlioc I g specially discounted in price. A®B|f ! 43 vL Street (Cr. of ! L a .. Littlejohn’s O O#llß<SSfci® IS I H W. Littlejohn & Son Ltd., Jewellers and Op'icians, ®i> .-J ; ; V/ W 'BOOKS . f g. Lnnthtor. Quay ■ . - (Opposi.a Kirks.) gg|| I^ iWOiHO Wil I Grave & Gw-I f ' ■ ■' ' ' ■■■■C.LyjgMHk ■■■• Sis I <□ rave & bay. jffl it lOHiilftWiilliifl•« «f I ALL THE LATEST! ® z» J» V If _ ESftsffltiifiSS.' fc,/vfcWji. ■ ,,, ,- , >o-'< -< ->r. t New Novels—hot from the presses. !. t® •/< / f J n. Vs'VV? ; ; —^’ ew Books 0“ Travel and I ■ ITTQ ThW B hl hl Ifl Sk 1’ \ ■'W 4 ,'- Cl' 4 : History—new books for every taste ZZ3BBBBII I /'- <T7/ / • > / (7 1 7 Uvtv"AVAS?a t ’ r $ »: A' ' v k ■ JOgßl us to present a selection second to i sk-xs.~ThAZ? WO >Sw i books for Christmas gifts? a wide range, of shades. g/JJ i"ng pure silk. I A/I 4 ’ s " 1 selection of GIFT BOOKS affords Wonderful . Choice.. B- n-t. opt ctovp of -amulet tilk. . .AVgr-v/ ~ x Z ~ sV * ' S Please feel free to come in and look around. iu toucs of x " » 4 V . .' > I NOTE NBW XAME AND ADDRESS: Brown and Beige atI u-Z^LHloves. .?™ nvrntxo kW> / ..■ • ‘ :i,,>i s-W -«ftW i Souths Book Depot Ltd., i I? appealing designs A smart fiukb "coions. 1 0/6 v ‘ \b ' 4 * ' '-b/// ? | . (Formerly the N.Z. Book Depot, Ltd.) I MW wMv.' u x«if..' •■ ■. ; ,- h\UJ a Classic Lockoit BLOOMERS are m Manufacturers sample ft/A - I -j A *W>L «Z'* - 'Z/HB-’ii ft ; b '”E'"^ , ” l :.*‘ 4/11 Sn-aiilii-rrwu? IVwSa f { >v , H ‘ » ,VT«/ eB>U) W Ano«r«v /.ive Him o Rirvrla I | i;^ ,^s,, -/:." 1 23/g x W %-.-? •" ‘ - '’ W W lAiiswer•I Aiis wer • .^ lve Him ® a Bicycle UOESKtX WtnHMH gaunt- m.nt at SCARVES » I I X '.--V’? -I'--*i S -..' V -,.•’ J-Mt l : . I, T? p-4 let euffs. in shades of w i! tea ” <l c . nsio 1 From 1/1 1 I WW , ,’Z •'? f J ====s ; I x. t u,. 11 ..E„..,„. 5 . ; .. x/11 c,„„.». v-1/11 Wtßgatt eWWIsSM i From —Afe. T 8 COUNTRY CLIENTS are specially invited to Inspect , ~ - ... \.; - / > (J- , Ire in_n /gKWSw lenOS | I Perry’s Popular Prices | JIW | | . „ . 'T„ . COUCHMAN’S | CHRISTMAS HAMS i - Slippers This Xmas~l D’AfCV ~Ford | “STRAND” F Kto I Uhl U W*j2~ -j childrens pussy slippers— Direct Imoorter of Irish Linens I Tailors and Mercers i ‘ .Ok tram car (as illustrated). T OT TA V A Large and Varied Assortment of Appreciable d we have JV < s’s & 6’s 3/6, 7’s to’9’s 3/9, 1 0’s 4/6 LAMB ION QUAY, l_ ■s» our usual »f 7 \ 3 r A nnx- L'CAQV TCP SI IPPFRS in Also at 174 LAMBTON QUAY (next to Wairarapa. Farmers). Lil TLS TO I I IG II Ah' stock of J, \ i c AD p ft r awn ’ HIGH-GRADE IRISH DRESS LlNENS.— Guaranteed Fadeless. .Tn a | O Turkeys. :! * :'••'.'■•'■•'■ tP* z\ U. i ’ » axc ’ ose Cherry and Fawn. good range of shades. 36in. wide. 2/6 PER YARD I silk ELASTIC BELTS AND BRACES ■ j; / *** - L*- **••*•*^3s J 'l A 1 j ' *Q n# > r ntaJr What could be nicer than a Dress Length of this beautiful Linen as a , racked in Colourful Xmas boxes. Iks Ducks. Ca- ▼ W | 4'4®» 1 P P Xmas Gift. i SJfART DESIGNS IN MEN’S half BOSE. . '•■ ■ «,»« rhlf. i xi R M cn<-vr>-rc' curtCC D j XY/L-, < Silk. Silk and TVool, Art Silk and Pure Wool, pons, Chic- . ; .,-.,. ? ygK®Ky xak \\ | |<^OC«i!3G^>ly? l SPORTS SHOES —Brown and White —* A F" I s self coloured a fancy stripe a check shirts ® kens. etc.. •/.••.’-.'■'-':; \?y?wßy xk U With crene soles I I A “ IVith 2 Semi-Stiff Collars and-Double Cuffs. „ ■BflWigWflKrjanVft■• •' ■■•;•..-. . • I with crepe soles. [ J \ C y r(jr CJ ! C, lr xm;t Pviom-> c Introducing the latest .contrasting coUar snt ij now wait- I '. Youths’ll’s to s's.... 5/6 Mens .... 5,6 * '* '*’/ I WI VI 4 Summit r/jamas cuffs, also smart stripes and cheeks. i-’’j inR their \S\. / ' With heels .... 6/6 LINEN SHEETS— FuII Double Size (SO x 991. with hand-drawn H.S. tops. ? Q -f-»»o vt rU Ttlilnr«t spe p’“ L,i’ eW Trousers to IM call to rest ; \/f ,\ XT XT ’ Reduced from 37/6 to 20/6 DLL dll Cl IdllOIS of Flannel Trousers, to Cumberland Cure. J ~c , I ix. mv FINE LINEN DOUBLE DAMASK CLOTHS— S im A Will IS STREET measure. rom >-• ]77 CIBA STREET WELLINGTON. 72 x 90.22/6. 72 x 72.18/6 f 101 A WILLIS STREEI TC/Il |;V - Delicious! j ALSO HIGH STREET, CARTERTON. SERVIETTES TO MATCH 11/6 PER HALF DOZ. j. (Almost Opp. Majestic.) ■“•*/** 8 • * _l _LM——»>—<TlT "*■ lll — wirJ ~i' ‘ »<■« -~ ~iMiiMmilrTT-~nwinT~irr ■■ miwgw - nTmrlMfflriirirr , r — TTm-iwnn imuumi »i ur ‘j uinrr >*-',^^^ <HAt><>^>»^^<n^MA^^'rww^.a«>w:rT | « | rwT<^« | iT || «mir-Mv^w^M^.<yovrpr*.'*«*-wiwa | <i.nLrlri | <i |, tir.Yi n iiT l JWi»^«»«J"r^-r-<*/VP‘ u, » gu^iwwjVirnratiirirTiirnCT.iimaT>e*r iijiaijju<T«iTTiaT l T«>.3uniiTrij :i tiiiji«nn<w^v-faTa»rMPi’<mr~g-*iHr« l .v>»M>»i--Lw-..n < «-^v.v..-.^ J .-^ mmommmmmwumCMMmmmm* H T/jZS Christmas — Comb ne i w tßk_ —„,™ w \ Specials ymaq (FURNITURE I all your family sifts mio ONE ITREASUREDk: ?71 in AIVIA & „ .f artistic ' ( I ATWATER - KENT -FOUND Gift. Suggestions \ design are always very acceptable j I d Anin cis:: jgiaME at I . BEAUUFUL i Make it a JANES XMAS j j RADIO jg|Jg|K \ China and Crystal ( THESE ■ES.fS I GlFrs ■- 1 ~ , r, -ii ‘‘Ui’l'VA Wellington Agents for F F : AXf tssldLal , i Here s a Present you will H- * “TANIKO WEAVERS” . 3W£ET T Special Selection of beautiful • I-j all enjoy for CHRIST- ;fefaiLhOM | (Sybil & .Tosenhino Muivany, I-., —- ■ L erpe Lrf at i e y °r S DISHES •...2/9ea. | SATIN CUSHIONS ... ' 6/6 each I I MAS and the years to 3 Darby st ” Auck . land - ’ thoughtfulness to Engl . gh Cryg;al VASES 2/6 ea. 1 Chintz CUSHIONS, Kapoc filled, 2/3 each y comc ! fili ■ ——~ Her this Xmas English Crystal SALAD BOWLS • io/6 ea. ; SHADOWETTE and SATIN CUSHIONS COm ’ Sira I ~TI IF D<\Dl II AP C" IPT /> either a gift English Crystal ROSE BOWLS ... 10/6 ea. * 7/0 each j THE POP U LAK kJ II I of China or Crys- Fine English Crystal Hand-painted TEA | puaidc 7 THE GIFT THAT 5 Good Stockings are always popular ns n gift. tai from OUr new SETS ( 21 piece) 22/6 set | Well-made SEAGRASS CHAIRS—CFYNJ'TTNI TAT T Y Ifc l I particularly when priced so low as those listoj i u • Meakin’s DINNER SETS—Latest designs t From 12/6 each U CONTINUALLY '-V "\ *"£ B <” sdis % .’.I British-made CARPET SWEEPERS- : u>3 Llvco. g standard oi quality. \.' \ range. Best English SALAD SETS6/6 set . 28/6 each I “Hose of Distinction,” fine quality English, ; A See the Latest and Best at ( .».h.a..- j/u -./y.) TTTT T?O OPEN CHINA ( /-' I A IXII7Q j?z C’rx Atwater-Kent Dealers j s 1 \\ JIIIJLJL O WAREHOUSE I Jr - J2I.INJC/D 4X VO., J NZ Distributors - 8/11 value for d co)our ) M \\ i 173-174 RIDDIFORD ST., and 8 WILLIS ST. I C. &A. ODLIN & CO., LTD. j CONYNGHAM’S Quality Stores M VICTORIA STREET (Next George & Doughty’s j (Newtown). (Near Stewart Dawson’s)’ WELLINGTON j- 13 C n u r, » n "r rlnee and 11* wlllln St. t Iv

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 69, 14 December 1932, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 69, 14 December 1932, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 69, 14 December 1932, Page 16