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'lnterclub Competitions on Miramar Courts PLAY. IN TRYING WIND . In continuance of the Wellington Lawn Tennis Association’s,, interclub competitions a further series'of matches was played at Miramar' on Saturday afternoon. A violent gusty wind made conditions difficult, and good play for the most part was seen iu patches only. In the men's first division Thorndon, Brougham Hill A and University all had easy wins over Newtown, Wellington, and Brougham Hill B respectively. When the matches set down for the day had been completed, games left unfinished on account of rain on Saturday, November 26, were continued. The Wellington first division team, which had .had a commanding lead of four matches to one, went down to Newtown, four matches all, and ten sets to. nine. Detailed results arc as,,follow:— First Division THORNDON v. NEWTOWN. Thorndon beat Newtown by 6 matches to one. Results (Thorndon players 'mentioned first): — Singles: Wilson beat Sykes, o—l,0 —1, 6—l; Sandral lost to Rollings, 4—6, 6—l. 4—6; Wheeler beat Morgan, 2—6, 6—5, 6—3; Burns beat Lezardj 6—4, 3—6, 6—o. Doubles: Burns and Wheeler beat Sykes and Morgan, 6—.1, 6—4; Wilson and Sandral beat Rollings and Lezard, 6—l, 6—3; Wilson and Sandral beat Sykes' and Morgan, (i —3, 6—2. BROUGHAM HILL A v. WELLINGTON. Brougham Hill A beat Wellington by 7 matches to one. Results (Brougham Hill A players mentioned first): — Singles: D. G. France beat Koussell, P—l, 6 —5; Pearce beat O’Brien, I—6, 6—5. 6—6.: Howe beat Purvis, 6 —l, 5—6, 7 —5; Livingstone beat Wise, 6 —2, 6—4. Doubles: Livingstone and Howe beat Wise aud Purvis, 2—6, 6—5. 6—3: France and Pearce beat .O’Brien aud Roussell, 6—5, 6—2; France and Pearce beat Wise and Purvis, 6—3, 6—5; Livingstone and Howe lost to O’Brien and Roussell, 4—6, 4— UNIVERSITY v. BROUGHAM HILL B. University beat Brougham Hill B by 7 matches to one. Results (University players mentioned first): — Singles: Ferkins beat Moore, 6—3, 6—3; Gosnell lost to Wilkinson, I—6,1 —6, 2—6; McCarthy beat Long. 6—4, 6—5; Whitcombo beat Warsaw, 6—3. 6—l. Doubles; Ferkins and Whitcombs beat Wilkinson' and Warsaw. 6—3. 6—o; McCarthy and Gosnell beat Wilkinson and Warsaw, 6—5, 6—4; Ferkins and Whitcombe beat Moore and Long, 6 —4, 5—6, 6—4; McCarthy and Gosnell beat Moore and Long, 6—2, 6 —2. Second Division TECHNICAL r. THORNDON. Technical beat Thorndon by 7 matches to one. ’ Results' (Technical players mentionc<r first) :— Singles: Paul beat Evans-Scott, 4—6, 6—5, 6 —l; Kent- beat Bollard, 4 —6, 6—5, (>—2; Lander beat Rogers, 6—4, 2—6. 6—4; Gribble lost to Watt, 5—6, 6—5, 3—6, Doubles: Paul and Kent beat EvansScott and P.ollard, 6—4, 6—2; Lander and Gribble won from Rogers and Watt by default; Paul and Kent beat Rogers and Watt, 6—3, .6—4; Lander and Gribble beat Evans-Scott and Bollard, 6—5, 4—6, 6—4. WELLINGTON V. NEWTOWN. .'Wellington beat Newtown '.by 5 matches Io 3. Kesults (Wellington players mentioned first): —, Singles: Fouhy beat Scotland, .6—4, 2—6, 10—8; Webllng lost to Flower, 6—5, 3—6, I—6; Glenn lost to Joblln. I—6, 5—6; McDonnell lost to Clifford-Jones, 2—6, 5—6. Doubles: Fouhy and Webllng beat Scotland and Flower, 6—5, 6—l; Glenn and McDonnell beat Joblln and Clifford-Jones, 6—5, 3—6, 6—2; Fouhy and Webling beat Joblin and Clifford-Jones, 4—6, 6—3, 6—l; Glenn and McDonnell beat Scotland and Flower,' 6—l, 6—4. SEATOUN V. LYALL BAY. Seatoun beat Lyall Bay by 5 matches to 3. Results (Seatoun players mentioned first) Singles: Bedford beat Dunford. 6—2, 6—l; C. W. Morrison beat Matthewson, 6—5, 6—4; Smith lost to Wilson, 6—l, 2—6, 5 — 7; N. Morrison beat Tonks, 6—4, 3—6, Doubles: Smith and Bedford beat Dunford and Tonks, 6—5, 6—-5; Morrison and Morrison lost' to Matthewson and Wilson, d—6,. ■ 4; —6; - Smith and Bedford beat Matthewson and Wilson, '2—6, 6—o, 7 —5; Morrison and Morrison lost to Dunford and Tonks, 2—o, 3—6. Thh'd Division, Women LYALL BAY v. TECHNICAL. Technical beat- Lyall Bay by 7 matches to oue (Technical players mentioned first) : Singles: Miss Buck beat Mrs. Gray, 6—5, 6 — 5; Miss: Harrlss . beat Miss Weils, 6 —4, 6—4; Miss Laygpek lost to Miss McGovern, 5— 6/2—6; Miss Campbell- beat Miss . Incledon,- 6—4!, 6—o. Doubles: Misses Laycock and Campbell beat Misses Incledon and'Wells, 6—l, 6—4; Misses Buck -and - Harries beat Mrs. Gray and Miss McGovern, 3 —6, 6 —-1, 6—2; Misses Buck and Harrlss beat Misses Incledon and Wells, 6 —3. 6 —3; Misses Laycock and Campbell beat Mrs. Gray and McGovern, 6— 5—6, 6-4. Fourth A Division UNIVERSITY v. HATAITAI. Jlataitai beat University by 10 matches to f>. Kesults (IJataitai players mentioned first): — •Men’s singles: Souncss beat Clark. 9—o; Wellings beat Hutchison. 9 —-7; Barnby beat Btjldge, 9—2; White beat Hurley, 9—6. Women’s singles: Miss Highett lost to Miss Phlllipps, 5—7; Miss Wallace Jost to Miss Bell, 2 —7; Mrs. Dew beat Miss Webber. 7—l; Miss Hamburg beat Miss Dunn, 7— Men’s doubles: Souness and Wellings beat Clark and Hutchison, 9—6; Barnaby and White beat Bridge and Hurley, 9—7. Women’s doubles: Misses Highett and Wallace beat Misses Phillipps and Bell, 7—5; Mrs. Dew and Miss Hamburg lost to Misses Webber and Dunn. 4—7. Mixed doubles: Souness and Miss Wallace Inst to Clark and Miss Phillipps, 4—7: Wellings and Miss • Hig'hett lost to nutehison and Miss 8011. 3 —7: Barnaby and Mrs. Dew beat Bridge and Miss Webber. 7—6: White, and Miss Hamburg lost to Hurley and Miss Dunn, 6—7. ROSDNEATH v. DYADH BAY. Roseneath heat Lyall Bay by 9 matches to 7. Results. Roseneath players mentioned first:— Men’s singles: Barr lost to <llbson. o—9; Colson lost to Ashton. 7—9; Hawthorne lost to Gooch. B—9; Dawson lost to Key, 4—9. Women’s singles: Miss McGregor beat

' Miss Clarke, 7—2; Miss Sanders beat Miss Parker, 7 —l; Mrs. Celsou beat Miss Carson, .7—6; Miss Pegram lost to Miss Driller, o— l. Men’s doubles: Barr and Colson lost to Ashton aud Gibson, 7—9; Hawthorne and Dawson beat Key and Gooch, 11—6. Women’s doubles: Misses McGregor and Sanders beat Misses Parker and. Clarke, 7—4;’Miss Pegram aud Mrs. Colson lost to Misses Carson and Driller, 3 —7. Mixed doubles: Barr ami Miss McGregor beat Gibson and Miss Parker, 7 —l; Colson nnd Miss Sanders beat Ashton and. Miss Clarke, 7—5; Dawson and Mrs. Colson beat Gooch and Miss Carson, 7—5; Hawthorne and Miss Pegram beat Key and Miss Driller, 7—6. MIRAMAR A V. TE RAMA. Miramar A defeated To llama by 13 matches to 3. Results (Miramar A players mentioned first) :— Men’s singles: Thompson beat Park, 9—4; Johnston beat Martin, 9—3; Sissons. • lost to Kroskery. 4—9; Lochore beat Kershaw, 9—l. Women’s singles: Mrs. Wallace lost to Miss Witeombe, 6—7; Mrs. Goodwin beat Miss Aimers, 7-i-3; Miss Parker beat Miss Yellowlees, 7 —3; Mrs. Johnston beat Miss Archibald, 7—5. Men’s doubles: Lochore and Johnston beut Park and Martin, 9 —2; Sissons aud Thompson beat Kroskcry and . Kershaw, 9—6. Women’s doubles: Mesdames Wallace and Goodwin lost. to .Misses Wltcouibe and Aimers. 5—7; Mrs. Johnston and Miss Parker beat Misses Yellowlees and Archibald, 7—3. • Mixed doubles: Johnston and Mrs. Johnston beat Park and Miss Archibald, 7—l; Lochore and Miss Parker beat Martin aud Mss Wltcombe, 7—4; Thompson and Mrs. Wallace beat Kroskery and Miss Aimers, 7 —6; Sissons and Mrs. Goodwin beat Kershaw and .Miss YcUpwlees, 7 —2. '■ WADESTOWN V. SEATOUN. Wadestown beat Seatoun by 1.1 matches ito 5. Results (Wadestown plays mentioned first):—

■ Men’s singles: A. Prince beat Keith, 9—7; W. Prince beat Webley, 9—B; Cook beat Rothville, 9—7; Withers lost to-Blytb, B—9. Woman’s singles: Miss Danes'beat Miss Lang, 7—2; Miss Staunaway lost to Miss Grubb, 3—7; Miss Watkins lost to Miss Doherty, 5—7,; Miss Sarginsou beat Miss Anderson, 7—5. Men’s doubles: Prince and Prince beat Webley and Rothville, 9—6; Cook and Withers beat Keith and Bly th, 9—5. Women’s doubles: Aliases Danes and Watkins beat Misses. Laiig and Doherty, 7—3; Alisses Stannaway and Sarginson beat Miss Grubb and Anderson, 7 —3.

Mixed doubles: A. Prince and Miss Danes beat Keith and Aliss Lang, 7 —2; W. Prince and Miss Watkins lost to Webley and Miss Grubb, 5—7; Cook.and Aliss Stannaway. lost to Rothville and Miss Doherty, 3—7; Withers and Aliss Sargiiison beat Blyth and Aliss Anderson, 7 —4. Fifth Division AtARAiNUI V. RAWHITI.

Maranui beat Rawhiti by 9 matches to 7. Results, Maranui players mentioned first: Men’s singles: Sando beat Fulford, 9 —6; Haswell lost to Dunn, 7—9; Marshall lost to Jansen, 2—9; Cook beat Hadley, 9 —4. Wcmen’s singles: Miss Haswell lost to Mrs. Jansen, Miss Olifent/lost to Mrs. de Clifton, 2—7; Miss McKinnon lost to Miss Year, 6 —7; Miss . Wilson lost to Miss Lathan, 5—7. Men’s doubles: Saade and Haswell won from Fulford and Hadley by default; Marshall and Cook won from. Dunn and Janson by default. Women’s doubles: Miss Haswell and McKinnon won from Mrs. De Clifton and Mrs. Jansen by default. Mixed doubles: Cook and Miss Wilson won from Hadley and Miss Datharn. by default; Sando and Miss Haswell lost to Fulford and Miss Year, 2—7; Haswell and Miss Olifent lost to Dunn and Mrs. de Clifton, 6—7; Marshall and Miss McKinnon lost to Jansen and Mrs. Jansen, 2—7. RINTOUL STREET v. TALAVERA. Rintoul Street beat Talavera by. 11 matches to 5. Results, Rintoul Street players mentioned first: — Men’s singles: Pomeroy beat Johnson, 9—B; Page beat McCallum, 9—5; Bailey lost to Hudson, 5—9; Swanson beat Wylie, Women’s singles: Miss Palmer beat Miss Clere, 7—O; Miss Phillipps beat Miss Hill, 7—3; Miss Ouymer beat Miss Orr, 7—l; Aliss Greig last to Aliss Redmond, 2—7. Alen’s doubles: Pomeroy arid Swanson beat Johnson and AfcCallum, 1)—5; Page and Bailey beat Hudson and Wylie, 9—B. Women’s doubles: Alisses Palmer and Phillipps lost to Alisses Clere and Hill, 6—7; Alisses Greig and Guymer beat Misses Orr and Redmond, 7—3. Mixed doubles: Pomeroy and’Miss Phillipps defaulted to Johnson and Aliss Clere; Page and Aliss Guymer defaulted to AlcCallum and Aliss Hill; Bailey and Aliss Palmer beat Hudson .and Aliss Orr, 7—4: Swanson and Aliss Greig beat Wylie and Miss Redmond, 7—5.. TRINITY v. MIRAMAR. Trinity beat Miramar by 9 matches to 7. Results (Trinity players mentioned first): Men’s singles: Castle lost to Tucker, 4 —9; Haigh beat Henry, 9 —4; Morrison beat Goodwin, 9—7; Booth lost to NortonTaylor, .2 —9. Women’s singles: Mis;s Gubbins beat Mrs. Williams, 7.3: Atlss Timwlcy lost to Airs. Houzego, 5—7; Airs. Wakcham' beat Airs. Gibson, 7 —2; Aliss Brooking beat Mrs. Hay,' 7—4. Men’s doubles: Castle and Haigh lost to Henry and Tucker, 5—9; Morrison and Booth beat Goodwin and Norton-Taylor, 9—B. .... . * AVomen’s doubles: Miss Gubbins and Mrs. Wakeham .beat .Mesdames Houzego and Gibson,'7—s; Misses Thawley and Brooking beat Alesdamcs Williams and Hay, 7—l. Mixed doubles: Castle and Miss Brooking beat. Tucker and Sirs. Williams,' ’7— G; Haigh and Miss Gubbins lost to Henry and Airs. Houzego, 5—7; Morrison and Miss Thawley lost to Goodwin and Mrs. Gibson, 6—7; Booth and Mrs, Wakeham lost to Norton-Taylor and Mrs. Hay, BROADWAY v. TECHNICAL. Technical beat Broadway by 9 matches to 3.' Results (Broadway players mentioned first): — ■ - Aten’s singles: Percy lost to Liddle. 6—9; McLean beat Bolt, 9—6; Rishworth lost to Stevenson, 4 —9: Miller beat Lander. 9—B. Women’s singles: Airs. McLean lost- to Miss Dunnet, 3--7: Airs. Steward beat: Aliss Hampton, 7—4; Aliss Duncan lost to Miss Mann, I—7;1 —7; Aliss Cleaver ' lost to Alias Coopgr, 4 —7. Atixed doubles: Percy and Airs. Steward lost to Liddle and Miss Mann, 5— 7; McLean and Airs. McLean lost to Bolt and Miss Cooper, 6—7; Sillier and Aliss Duncan lost to Sterenson and Aliss Dunnet, 5—7; Rishworth and Aliss Clearer lost to Lander and Atlss Hampton, 4—7. Completed Matches The following matches left unfinished on Norember.26 were completed on Saturday' afternoon:— FIRST DIVTSKhN. Newtown beat Wellington by 10 sets to 9, 4 matches all. SECOND DIVISION, MIEN. Seatoun beat Wellington by 9 sets to 8, 4 matches all. FOURTH A DIVISION. Wadestown beat Roseneath by 9 matches ° FIFTH DIVISION. Trinity beat Talavera by 9 matches' to 7. Rawhiti beat Rintoul Street by 9 matches to 6. Broadway beat Maranui by 9 matches to Technical beat Miramar by 9 matches to 3.

Martinborough v. Kelburn The ■ good-itellowshtp which exists between the Martinborough and Kelburn Clubs was further cemented by the visit paid to/Keliburn on Saturday by the Martinborough players. In spite of the' gale of Wind; some excellent tennis was seen, particularly in the game between G. McLeod and D. Ward. Martinborough, and McGill- and Berry, Kellburu. In a stub-bornly-con tested, hard-hitting contest, the visitors won the first game 6— l, lost tbe second 2 —6, and won the third 11— 7. It was hard going all the way, and the win of the Martiuiboruugh pair was loudly acblajmed. The visitors were the guests of.the Kelburn players at lunch, and morning and afternoon tea Were provided by Mesdames G. D. Little, J. McGill, VV. F. Walker, and A. H. Paske. At the con<4usipn of the day’s play, Mr. L. J. Berry, captain ,of the .Kelburn Club, referred to the pleasure the visits of the Martinborough players gave the members of his club, aud Mr. J. Martin, replying on behalf -of • Martinborough, said that the visit to Kelburn was one of the events of the year in, their; club activities. Who won was a secondary consideration iu these contests, which were looked forward to for the joy of the game, and because of the good-fellowship which had been so firmly established between the two clubs. Tbe various games resulted as under: — Berry and Little (K.) won front I). Ward and M. McLeod (M.), 6—2, 2—6, 6—4; J. Martin and Evans (M.) won from Earle and Walker (K.), 6--3, 3—6, 6—l; McGill aud Weston (K.) won from G. aud Con Ward (M.), 6—l, 6—l; Little and L. Blundell (K.) won from Thomas and P. Ward (M.), 6—4, 6—2; G. McLeod and D. Ward (M.) won from McGill and Berry (K.), 6—4, 2—6, P—7: J. Martin and Thomae (M.) won from Earle and Toinjuwon. (KJ,

6—o, 2-45, 6-2; Walker and Weston (K.) won from Pat Ward aud Evans (AL), (5—2, 6—2; Blundell and Tomlinson (K.) won from Con Ward and AL McLeod (At.), 6—o, '4—45, 6—4; McGill aud Walker (K.) won from G. McLeod and Alartin (M.>, 6—l, 6—o; D. Ward and Evans (M.) won from Berry aud Earle (K.), G—3, 2—6, fi —4; Tomlinson aud Little (K.) won from Thomas and Con Ward (M.), 6—l, 6—3; Weston nnd Blundell (K.) won front Pat Ward aud M. McLeod (M.l, 6—3, 6—3.

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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 67, 12 December 1932, Page 3

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TENNIS MATCHES Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 67, 12 December 1932, Page 3

TENNIS MATCHES Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 67, 12 December 1932, Page 3