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Items of Interest from Near and Far

LYCEUM CLUB Comedy and Music Evening “VANITY FAIR” SCENES The Dramatic Circle of the Wellington Lyceum Club had au evening of comedy and music last night, which, even had the Beats and surroundings not been luxurious, could not have tailed to ainuSe and charm their audience. The evening began with two seelies from “Vanity Fair,” two that never lose their crispness however often they are seen—Sir Pitt- Crawley's proposal, and Becky’s flight from the Crawley house. Mr. Oswiu took the part of Sir Bitt, and Miss Keddell of Becky. The other parts were played as follow: Mrs. Bute Crawley, Miss Briggs, and Airs. Firkin, by Miss U’Donoguue, Miss McGimpscy aud Mrs. Graham Berry. Miss Ahern, wad is the head of the .circle, and who produced the play, com ; plains of the diiuculty of finding plays that are short, entertaining, and with a preponderance Of women's parts, but in the sketches that followed she seems to have discovered exactly what was wanted, or perhaps it was the pleasantness and skill of the actors who turned the material to such excellent use. "Think Before You Speak” is such good advice that some of us are a little tired of it, or we were until we were made to laugh so heartily as the Hannay family, and Mr. Letts. Miss Ahern herself took the part of Mrs. Hauijay, Miss Martin the daughter, Lily, Miss McGimpsey the maid, and Air. Charlton and Mr. Oswili, John Hanhay and Air. Letts. ‘•Fifty Years After,” or “What it Alay Come To,” and “At the Pictures,” kept up the high standard set them. The first is pure farce, and was played by Aliss AXcGimpsey, Mr. Charlton, Miss Martin, Aliss Hill, and Air. Oswin, with a vivacity and freshness not usually ' allied with ability. The second makes even one’s picture theatre neighbours seem slightly more agreeable, certainly more amusing than usual.

The songs given by Miss McDavit, Miss Webb, Miss Packer, and Miss Dillon, accompanied by Mrs. Webb and Miss Dillon, were Ijght and very delightful. The entertainment ended with a tasteful supper, crowning efforts which, if received with great applause, only received their due. SOCIAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Christchurch, are on a visit to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. R. &. Mitchell, Wellington, are at present in Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cuthbertson, Wanganui, are at present in Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Chivers are Christchurch visitors to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Turnley Jones, Wellington, are paying a visit to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. A. GrMne, Ihvercargill, are on a visit to Wellington for a few days. i Miss I.- Edwin, Wellington, has returned from a visit to her sister at Feilding. " Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Donald, Featherston, are spending a holiday in Wellington. Mrs. W. P. Wilson, San Diego, passed through Wellington yesterday on her way south. , Miss N. Reeves, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. de B. Brandon, Wellington, has returned to Christchurch. ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. Findlayson, Sydney, are visiting Wellington. They will leave this week for The Chateau, Tongarirb. Miss Nancye Jackson, .Toorak, Melbourne; is visiting relations in Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rayner, of London, arrived by the Tofua from Suva. They will spend a few days in New Zealand, leaving by the Niagara next Tuesday for Sydney. Mrs. George Edwards, India, who has been visiting Mrs. D. V. Donaldson, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch, is expected to-day in Wellington, where she will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Stott. She will leave in October on her return to India. “My Lady's Dress," the Edward Knoblock' play, so successfully performed ten years ago with Frank Harvey and Emilio Polini, has been revived in Sydney. Mr. Harvey is in his old flart, playing opposite Miss Iris Derbyshire, an English actress. COMING-OF-AGE PARTY Waipukurau Gathering

A very enjoyable dance was given at the Alasohie Hall, Waipukurau, by Air. and Mrs. W. Adams, of Hinomoa Terrace, the occasion being the coming bf age of their only daughter, Alma; The ballroom was decorated with blue and orange streamers and paper flowers, A dainty supper was served to about 51 guests, the tables being decorated in shades of pink find mauve. The birthday cake, on which 21 candles flickered, was adorned with tiny pink roses. Toasts were proposed by Alessrs. W. Adams,-.J. Campbell, and AV. Sharpin, And all joined in the singing of "She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” Extras were played by Alessrs. T. Lawry and J. Bryce. / Airs. AV. Adams received the guests, her frock being of navy blue crepe de chine.

Among those present were:—Mesdames J. Fleming, W. Sharpin, and E. Broad, Misses A. Adams (blue silk taffeta, trimmed with pink SCqUink and bridge coat to tone), C. Fleming (floral blue georgette with a pink bridge coat), D, Schroder (lemon taffeta), S. Maloney (autumn-tinted taffeta), N. Reidy (apple green taffeta), D. Jones (pink and white floral taffeta), A. Davies (pink satin and lace with bridge coat to tone), JI. Sharpin (black and silver taffeta). J. Findlay (floral blue taffeta with black bridge coat), O. Williams (cau-de-nil satin with shoes to tone), 11. Granger (blue taffeta with contrasting shoes), V. King, Hastings (pink net with bridge coat to tone), M. King (lemon taffeta), G. Ebbelt (buttercup taffeta), W. Vesty (floral pink with, blue net hem and bridge coat to tone), E. Wills (shell-pink taffeta and blue shoes), C. Murray (blue satin .with silk net hem), D. Murray (blue silk with bridge coat to tone), C. Leers (green taffeta), J. Monteith (green lace), McNutt (2). and Messrs. W. Adams, J. Adams. L. Adams, W. Sharpin, J. Fleming. C. Fleming, T.'Lawry (Hastings), B. Tetley (Dannevirke), J. Anderson, L. McCarthy, J. Campbell. S. Peterkin, 10. Stiles, J. Bryce. C. Parker, J. Johnson, L. Kylie, J. Smith, G. Goldwell, D. Sweeney, V. Purcell, J, Elliott, D. Williams (Hastings), J. Turtle, D. Taylor, S. Stowe, and R. Kirkham.

A successful concert was held recently in the Pahautanui Hall by the Judgeford school children, who gave a programme of action songs, playlets and recitations. The following assisted with items: Mrs. McKeown (Parennita). Miss Howell, Miss Abbott and Mary Swainson (Plimmerton). Accompaniments were played by Mrs. 11. Taylor, Mrs. Terrett (Plimmerton), and Miss Abbott. After the concert supper was provided, and the evening terminated with a dance and euchre tourney. The prizes in the latter were won by Mrs. Anderson Miss Murphy and Messrs. Johnson and Tregurtha. A competition was won by Mr. G. Cook (Moonshine).

Bouquets of distinction For the bride and her maids, tn exclusive colouring and style to suit frocks. Miss Murray 86 Willis Street.—Ad vL

. ATHENIAN CLUB Successful Dance MANY GUESTS The dance held in the ballroom at the Pharmacy Building by the Athenian Club, last evening, was, as usual, a most successful event. The hall was wellfilled with pleasure-seekers—Athenians and visiting friends attending in large parties to enjoy a programme of items aud dancing. The host and hostess, Mr. and Airs. E. C. Griffin, who had planned the entertainment, must have felt well rewarded for the keen enjoyment of visitors and members was clearly evinced in the manner in which they entered into novelty dunces, the Athenian Paul Jones, competitions, and by the receptions given to the following artists: Airs. Wilfred Andrews (songs), Airs. F. Taylor (songs), Air. Loader (huihorous songs), Air. Marshall (songs), and Miss Margaret O’Connor and partner (exhibition dances). The accompanist was Aliss Ormi Reid. , Airs. Griffin wore a gown of crimson georgette, with a matching shoulder spray, and a coatee of gold tissue. The latest dance numbers, played by Allen’s Orchestra, in a manner which was in keeping with the happy atmosphere, were-greatly appreciated. Among the visitors were:—Airs. R. McQuarrie, Airs. ,F. McQuarrlC, Mr. and Airs. F. H. Tavlor, Air. and Airs. J. Georgeson,Mr. and Airs. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Alarshall, Air, and Mrs. Wilfred Andrews, Air. and Airs. .T. E. Creed, .Mr. and Mrs. Atartln, Mrs. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fergie, Mr. and Mrs. IV. D. Cooke, Captain and Airs. Gray, Air. and Airs. L. Alexander, Air. and Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. A. Wilis, Misses Ruby Speed, Phyllis Haydon, P. Georgeson, E. Alarshall, M. Langdon, Sawyers, N. Cunningham, E. Divine, Messrs. J. Devine, Alexander, H. White, Hodge, O'Hagan, Conway, L. Athea, B. Shepherdson, Alillman, D. Ramsay, J. J. Nixon, G. Wilson, V. O. Ames. Among the members present were:— Mr. F. AL Sherwood (president), and Airs. Sherwood, Air. and Airs. W, J. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strange-Muro, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. B. Tucker, Air. and Airs. J. C. Burberry, Air. and Airs. A. 11. Young, Airs. Pearce and Miss Mavis Pearce, Airs. J. Bustin, Mrs. R. Jacobsen, Air. and Airs. C. Plrle, Air. and Airs. J. Parry, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Allender, Airs. Dyer, Air. and Airs. E. Loader, Air. and Airs. A. Baudlnet, Mr. and Airs. A. Chappell, Air. and Airs. J. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Monnie, Air. and Airs. R. J. Hayes, Air. and Airs. C. P. Chambers, Mr. and Airs. A. H. Williams, Airs. M. Stuart, Airs. C. M, Howard, Allsses N. Baudlnet, W. Brougham, ,L. Aleatchen, Walshaw, A. Alonnle, R. Hnnnafln, Tobin, G. Humphries, Wilson, M. Strange-Alure, Messrs. L. Aleatchen, A. Thompson, A. F. Clapcott, A.' H. Dyke, R. Walshaw, B. Niinsbailm, J. E. AL Rose, J. Alonnle, S. Rubenstein. WEDDING Struthers—Perrott The marriage took place at Whitely Memorial Methodist Church, New Plymouth, on the evening of July 22 of Emily Slay, eldest daughter of Air. and Mrs. A J. Perrott, Fitzroy, and William Struthers, youngest son of the late Mr. and Airs. John Struthers, of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, ~ The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Clarence Eaton, with Mr. G. White at the organ. The bride, who Was given in marriage by her -father, wore an ankle-length frock of lace and georgette. The ivory veil Was held in place by clusters of orange-blosSoms and formed a train held by little Lila_ Penwarden, who wore au Early Victorian . frock of duchess blue crepe de chine. ' She carried a little posy and her headband , was of tinsel and rosebuds. Aliss Erena Holden was maid of honour wearing pink floral corded silk with hat and shoes to match and a bouquet to tone. Mr. Percy Short, Te Awamutu, acted as best man, and Messrs. L. Slyfield and H. Holden as ushers. After the ceremony a reception was held at “Alon Desir” rooms, where Airs. Perrott received her guests wearing a frocks of black ring velvet and black hat and carrying a posy of daphne and heath. When Mr. and Mrs. Struthers left by car for the north, the latter wore a frock of fawn silk velour with coat and hat to tone. TENNIS CLUB DANCE Johnsonville Gathering A most enjoyable dance was held by the Johnsonville .Tennis Club, in the Parish Hall, on Aionduy evening. The hall was tastefully decorated in the club’s colours, with a background of ferns and bamboo. During the evening the patron, Mr. A. Aloore, described the club’s activities for the year, and Airs. Aloore presented the trophies won during the past season, A feature of the evening were an exhibition waltz and quick-step by Miss Joau Elston and Air. R. Aloore, and a tap dance by,-Misses H. Watt and V. Cathcart. : The music was supplied by the Star Orchestra, and Air. J. Watt was an efficient AI.C. The dtince was organised by an energetic committee consisting of the following members: Airs. Watts, black taffeta and lace; .Misses V. Lutzky, green lace and georgette; N. Turner, green floral georgette; H. Watt, cyclamen georgette; G. McDaritt, flame velvet; and Alessrs. Engel, Watt, Cook, Riddell and Watts.

Among the guests present were:—Mosdames Moore, blue georgette; Neale, black lace; Chaney, black georgette and lace; Catheart, lace; Crichton, flame georgette; Styles, floral green georgette; Misses Keegan.- pink georgette; N. Curtin, red lace; D. Curtin, green voile; J. Curtin, pink georgette; Croft, white mariette; E. Turner, green floral georgette; Sloan, pink (taffeta and net; Nossiter, maize satin; Markle, pink satin; O'Brien, lemon georgette; Liddle, blue satin; Toplin, royal blue satin; Gray, green lace; Chaney, blue mariette; Green, green satin; Mills, white mariette; Embury, red satin; Bryant, lemon satin; Anderson, floral taffeta; I. Hume, pink satin; Hume (2), white mariette and floral taffeta; W. McDavitt, powder blue satin; Dtnsdall, pink georgette; Kirk, flora! georgette and coatee; Georgesori, pink georgette: Parsloe, pink taffeta and georgette; C. Lutzky, turquoise blue taffeta; Messrs. Greer, Styles (2), O'Brien (2), BOwler, Angell. Bryant (2), Nossiter, Stainbridge (2), Keegan, Liddle, Crichton. CliAney, Lee. Hodgson', Parsloe. Moore (2), Croft. Pledger. Short, Hallwelt. Wilson, it. Watt, McWhinney, Hinsdale, Hardy. SOCIAL EVENING The monthly social evening of the V.A.D., held in the Red Cross rooms on Tuesday night, took the form of an oldfasbioned party. Costumes reminiscent of tffe “gay ’nineties” made a quqint but charming picture, and the evening proved a highly successful one. The rooms were artistically decorated with pussy-willow, lycopodium, and spring flowers. Prizes were awarded for the best old-fashioned dress and needlework. A charming evening terminated after a pleasant supper. Mrs. Matthews and Miss Edna Lepper were the hostesses.

OLD BOYS’ DANCE Ex-students of St. Bede’s ENJOYABLE GATHERING The Wellington branch of the St. Bede’s Ohl Boys’ Association held its third annual dance last night. -Miss Gwennethe Walshe’s studio is at all times an attractive little room, but it looked particularly cheerful, and was just the right size for the sixty couples who found the floor so easy to dance ou, and the rhythmic music of the Futurist Four Orchestra so inviting. Possibly the gaiety of the atmosphere was created more by the dancers themselves, by the enthusiasm brought by the old boys to a reunion when they can lapse for once into the spontaneity of the past. All kinds of novelties were provided by a benevolent committee consisting of Alessrs. A. W. Harrington (secretary). T. A. Quirk, C. Courtney, B. Rundell. and Duncan, who arranged for a delightful exhibition of the quickstep and Waltz by Aliss Walshe and Air. McCusker. After a very Rood supper in a supper-rooin decorated by the Alisses Goodson in the college colours of black and red. the evening finished up with a snowball dance, into which everyone entered with an almost alarming spirit. . Perhaps the person who most enjoyed himself was the guest of honour. Father Hogan, an old boy of the school. Among other guests present were: Air. and Airs. R. Ashby, Alisses Fagan. Christie, Goodson, Ross. G. Taylor K. Bonifacio, Hoskins, R. Guscott, G. Guscott, Goodson. McCormack, Beasley, A. Putney, Callaghan, J. Drawbridge, E. Baker, G;'Jones, N. Riddick, E. Newbury, Lawn, Barry, P. Aiarine, T. Marine, F. Cooper, Douglas, .Messrs, F. Slowey. R. Fabiau, G. Easthope. A. Wright, J. O’Shaughnessv, R. Johnstone. D. Gilligan. McGregor Crowe. J. Gribble. B. Gasquoine, Wilson, Davis, Aleech, F. Macedo. V. Dav, Rodgers. A. Pilyne. F. McParland. P. 'O'Connor, J. Kellar. J. McDermott. PROVINCIAL ITEMS Aliss J. Powell. Huntcrville, is lhe guest of Airs. S.'Story, Wanganui. Air. and Airs. Olderidge, Pirinoa, are visiting friends in the Ohariu Valley. Airs. W. Pain, Pirinoa, has returned from a holiday at Honolulu. Aliss Slattery has returned to Wanganui from Napier and Wellington., Aliss M. Peek has returneel to Wanganui from a holiday in Hamilton. Mrs. V. L. Peek, Hamilton, is the guest of Airs. E. J. Durie, Wanganui. Miss White, Christchurch, is the guest of Airs. C. R. White, Aramoho, Wanganui.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gill, of Masterton, will leave to-day for a holiday at New Plymouth. Airs. Wilford has returned, to Wanganui from a visit to Airs. Harding, Wairarapa. . Mrs. Nesbitts Havelock North, is the guest of Mrs. 11. M. Boddington, “Newcombe,” Short Street, Masterton. Aliss Lottie Boddington has returned to Masterton from a holiday in Hawke’s Bay. . . Airs. J. Curran, Wanganui, is visiting her daughter, Airs. G. Alontague, Matamata.

Aliss Joan AlcGregor, of the Ramabai Alutki Alission, India, who has been visiting Wanganui, has left for Auckland. Mrs. G. Nutt, who has been in Allisterton for some months, has returned to her home at Ngaio, Wellington.

. .Airs, AV. liutana,;.of Pirinoa,. is an inmate ,of the Mastertqn Publie Hospital. . ' . . The Featherston branch of the Red Cross Society, through its secretary, Airs. J. G. AlcKenzie, is making an urgent appeal for boots and men’s clothing of any description. There was a good attendance at a concert held by the pupils of the Cape Pallise’r Bay School on Friday,_ and the various items were well received. Airs. Staveley was, the accompaniste. Alesdames Alatthews, Scoblo.. Noble and Bridges were hostesses on Tuesday at Aramoho, AVanganui, at. a large card party given for the Aramoho baby candidate, R. Whetton. The prizes were won by Alesdames Tizard and Purnell. Next week the St. John’s Hill committee for the Plunket baby contest intends holding a novel afternoon in the Victoria League rooms. It intends to hold a stall at which all kinds of goods made from wholemeal can be bought. Alesdames T. Carson and D. G. Flower were the winners of the competitions at the monthly meeting of the Bulls branch of the AVohien’s Institute held on Monday, when. Airs. Mariimaru gave a demonstration of cane and raffia work. Air. and Airs. A. AlcKendry, of Putofino, Al.irton, are leaving the district shortly to return to Scotland. On Friday evening they were fnrewelled by the friends in the district at (lie home of Air. and Airs. C. L. Raine, when a happy evening was spent in singing, games and competitions. Airs. F. S. Johns, New Plymouth, gave an instructive demonstration of art and craft work at the monthly meeting of the Urenui branch of the women’s division of the Farmers’ Union on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Philips (president), gave an outline of the activities of the recent .Dominion conference.

Russell Grace, M. Earle, A. F. AVoollams. E. Gilbert, E. M. Silk, It. Arion, Alisses Currie, 11. Franklin and N. Grace were members qf the Wanganui Ladies’ Golf Club who played a team from the Collegiate School last week. The boys were too strong for their opponents. The teams were entertained at afternoon tea by Airs. C. F. Pierce after lhe match..

GIFTS TO HOSPITAL The lady superintendent of the Wellington Hospital wishes to acknowledge with thanks the following gifts: —Books and toys: Aunty Daisy. 2YA; Alisses Bagshaw and Brass, Wellington East Giris College branch of Red Cross Society. Comics: George Verry, Junior Red Cross, Donald, Cyril and Joyce Rosevearl. Oranges: Air. Wass. Jam and cigarette

cards: Mrs. Robinson, Kelnurn. Drowsing gown, bed jacket, arid toy elephant: Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Thorndon. Old linen: Airs. Jackson, Hataitai. Cigarette books and cards: Laurie Jones. ‘Christian Herald”: Anonymous. Band: Salvation Army Band. Ewart Hospital—Concerts: Hutt Bible Class, Mt, D. Roach and party, Salvation Army Band. Church service: Rev. Christie. Table ffrajnophone: Mrs. E. Alorris, Northland. Victoria Hospital—Books: Victoria League. Mr. Cox, St. Andrew s Ladies Guild, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Returned Soldiers’ Association, South African Veterans’ Association. Flowers: Airs. Nicholas, Miss Dempsey. Eggs, cakes and sweets: Hataitai League of Mothers. Sunday singing: Trinity Alethodist Church. Concerts: Rev. Orange and partv, Island Bay Baptist League, Philomel Choir. Shell Oil Social Club, St. James Presbyterian Choir, Lower HuttAir. L. H Bruscy, Aolian Quartet. Visiting: St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Andrew s Guild, Returned Soldiers’ Association; Air. and Airs. Aloore, Toe Emma, Salvation Army,

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Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 266, 6 August 1931, Page 4

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WOMAN'S WORLD Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 266, 6 August 1931, Page 4

WOMAN'S WORLD Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 266, 6 August 1931, Page 4