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Items o£ Interest from Near and Far

SOCIAL NOTES Miss Joan Travis, Hataitai, is visiting Pirihoa, Featherston. Mrs. E. E. Gillon, Tinakori Road, Wellington, who has been on a motor trip to the South’lsland, has returned home. Mrs. W. S. Bean, The Vicarage, Addington, has returned from a visit to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stewart, Sydney, late of Wellington, will arrive in New Zealand shortly on a visit Miss Helen Stewart, Sydney, and Miss Ivor McEldowney, Wellington, are studying painting and are visiting Holland. Mrs. Rudolph Sprott will be the guest of Bishop and Mrs. Sprott, Mulgrave Street, until Tuesday, when she will leave for Auckland and the Solomon Islands. Sir. Justice Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy, who have been staying, at Warwick House, Christchurch, have returned to Dunedin. The Rawhiti Tennis Club has issued invitations for its 41st annual dance, which will be held at the Mokoia Hall, Fifeshirc Avenue, on Monday, March 30, at 8 p.m. Miss Priscilla Haythorne (England), who has been staying with Mrs. B. Tripp (“Orielton”), Timaru, has left for England by the Rotorua. Mrs. R. E. McDougall, Papanui Road, Christchurch; Mrs. Jack Ferrier, Heaton Street; and Mrs. Guthrie Moore, Wellington, have returned from a motor trip to the Southern Lakes. Mrs. Miller (Wellington), Who has been staying with her mother, Mrs. Edgar Jones ("Otiritiri”), Timaru, has left to stay with Mrs. J. C. Guinness (“Farmleigh,” Ealing). Miss E. K. Morton, of Auckland, is spending the week at Titahi Bay with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morton, of Karori. Miss Morton will leave on Friday for the Franz Josef Glacier, where she will spend Easter. ' VISITORS TO CAPITAL Mr> and Mrs. Wilson are visiting Wellington and are staying at Pendennis. Mrs. R. K. Murphy, of Gisborne, is staying at the Hotel St. George. Mrs. A. McCrae, Auckland, and Misses Betty and Ailsa McCrae, have left for Wellington. Mr. Patrick Carey and Mrs. Carey (Miss Mercedes Gleitze) have left Christchurch for Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mills, who have been visiting Christchurch, have left for Wellington. Mrs. and Miss Page-May, of England; and Miss Turner and Miss M. Jamieson, Christchurch, are in Wellington at the Royal Oak Hotel. Major Harston and Mrs. Harston, of Geneva, who have been the guests of Dr. H. D. Robertson and Mrs. Robertson, Wanganui, are visitors to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bean, Hereford Street, Christchurch, have left for Wellington to visit their daughter, Mrs. H. W. Harris, Island Bay. RECEPTION TO MRS. FORBES At the Pioneer Club yesterday afternoon a reception was held to welcome back Mrs. Forbes from her visit to England, and also to extend the good wishes of the club to Mrs. Bathurst, Government House, who will leave next month for England, and Mrs. Doctor, who will leave next week for England. The reception rooms were decorated with asters and Michaelmas daisies. Miss A. Kane received the guests at the door. The wives of the Cabinet Ministers were present, also a great many other guests. A TOUR ABROAD Miss Molly Hatherly, of Wanganui, returned to New Zealand by the Ulimaroa on Tuesday, after spending eighteen months travelling in South Africa, England and the Continent, where she visited Oberammergau for the Passion Play. Miss Hatherly told a “Dominion” representative that she spent a most interesting time in Berlin, which, in her opinion, is the centre of modern thought, art and culture. “There are three operas running continuously in Berlin,” she said, “while in London there is only one opera season during the year.” In discussing fashions, Miss Hatherly remarked upon the height of English mannequins. “None are under five feet ten inches in height,” she . said, “and though many are not at all pretty, they are beautifully built and very graceful.” WEDDING HOLCOMBE— McLaren. St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Wanganui, was handsomely decorated on Tuesday with masses of hydrangea and greenery, with touches of autumn colouring, for the wedding of Jean Morrison, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McLaren, Anzac Parade, Wanganui East, to Harcourt, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. G. Holcombe, Christchurch.. / The bride, who entered the church with her father, wore a frock of white satin cut on mediaeval lines, the long flared skirt falling to the feet, and caught at the waist with a diamante clasp. The Brussells lace veil was held to the head with a cluster of orange blossom oyer each ear, and she carried a sheaf of lilies, rosebuds, and carnations. There were four bridesmaids, Miss Ena McLaren (chief), sister of the bride, Miss Rona Duigan, Miss Hazel Gilbertson (cousin of the bride), and Miss Greta McLaren. All wore apple-green sleeveless frocks of georgette over heavy silk; the skirts were long and flared and finished at the waist with a diamante buckle. The green crinoline hats had a tiny bandeaux of coloured flowers and were finished with green ribbon, and they wore green shoes and necklets, and carried sheafs of golden chrysanthemums and dahlias. Miss Avonal Holcombe (sister of the bridegroom, acted as flower-girl, wearing an Early Victorian frock bf palest salmon, with silver leaves in her hair, and carrying a silver basket filled with roses. The Rev. John Paterson, M.A,, ofliciaticd, and the service was fully choral. Mrs. John Emmett presided at the organ. Messrs. R. Strachan, K. Armstrong, Purvis Bremer, and E. Handley were in attendance on the bridegroom. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. T. C. Taylor, who received her guests wearing a gown of black chenille, and black velvet hat, and carrying a bouquet of scarlet African daisies. Mrs. David McLaren, mother of the bride, wore black Chantilly lace and black velvet hat, and carried an autumn-tinted posy. Mrs. Holcombe (Christchurch), mother of the bridegroom, wore navy Spanish lace and georgette, with Bangkok straw hat, and carried a bouquet of lemon blossoms. Mrs. T. Redmond (Wellington), aunt of the bride, wore royal embossed chenille and georgette, with toque to tone. Mrs. J. T. Gilbertson, aunt of the bride, wore black crepe de chine and fur coat. When Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe left the latter wore a model suit of fawn crepe de chine, and hat, shoes, and bag to match. Their future home will be in Fiji, where Mr. Holcombe has an appointment to the Lands and Survey Department.

NATIONAL RESERVE Residential Nursery Meeting Dr. Platts-Mills presided at the annual meeting of the Women’s National Reserve, residential nursery, which- was held at the Red Cross rooms yesterday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Porter, read the annual report, which stated that despite tho great financial stringency, work had been carried on in the same way as. in other years. It commended tho work , of presidents; secretaries, and members of the various branches. During the year the nurse’s home had been thoroughly overhauled when the co-operation of the branches had been greatly appreciated. The report expressed appreciation of the work of the following sub-centres, who had assisted the nursery;—Thames, Gisborne, Hawera, Feilding, and Featherston; also to the large number of country districts that had sent flowers for “Violet Day.” All the branches had co-operated in the work, and the sum of £430/12/4 had been raised. It was realised that the extension of work would have to be considered in. the near future. The Kelburn-Northland branch had Mrs. Aubrey-Jones as president in place of Mrs. Salt, who had gone to the Lower Hutt. The Oriental Bay-Roseneath branch had Mrs. C. E. Adams as president, Mrs. A. M. Lewis having resigned. Mrs. Gordon Smith had succeeded Mrs. Alf. Gibbons at Khandallah (the latter having been elected a vice-president of the National Reserve). The following local branches had contributed to the nursery:—Berhampore, £9l/8/5; Kilbirnie, £8; Kelburn-North-land, £34; Khandallah, £B9/18/9; Lower Hutt, £55/8/1; Melrose, £36/14/-; Seatoun, £lB3 ; Wadcstown, £6O/0/9 ; Orien- • tai Bay, £75/12/6; Island Bay, £65/18/-; Wellington South circle, £l5. In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, Dr. Platts-Mills congratulated the women of the National Reserve on the past year’s work and also on th£ work of the past nine years. It was announced that her Excellency, Lady Bledisloe, had consented to become patroness. Officers were elected as follow: —Hon. vice-presidents, Lady Bell, Lady Stout, the Mayoress, Dr. PlattsMills, Mrs. A. Crawford, Mrs. W. Barton, and Mrs. Willis; chairman of executive, Hon, Hr. Collins; president residential nursery, Mrs. Porter; vice-presidents residential . nursery, Mrs. J. Findlay, M.8.E., and Mrs. L. 0. H, Tripp; secretary executive committee, Miss Sheppard ; president management committee, Mrs. Alf. Gibbons; secretary management committee, Mrs. Wiltshire; treasurer, Mrs. Peterson; executive committee, Hon. Dr. Collins, Lady Beauchamp, Mesdames L. O. H. Tripp, James Findlay, M.8.E., Marchbanks, Alec Crawford, Peterson, Corliss, Porter, Misses Freeman and Sheppard; management committee, Mesdanles Aubrey-Jones, Parkinson, Alf. Gibbons, Taylor, Benson, King, McArthur, Harry Mitchell, Beales, A. T. Wells, Tonks, Brooker, Otway, Gardiner, Wakeliii/H. D. Thomson, C .E. Adams, Gordon Smith, Misses Wiltshire, Freeman, Jessie Wilson, Hall and Bennett; advisory board, Hon. Dr. Collins, Dr. Platts-Mills, Mr. L. O. H. Tripp, and Mr. P. C. Watt’. AFTER-CARE ASSOCIATION Past Year’s Work The report of the After-care Association, which was presented at the annual meeting last night, stated that the association had been in progress' for three years, the last year having been a very active one in the effort to raise funds, in which the president and executive had worked well. Among the proposals/ which had been carried out was the compilation and publication of a booking calendar, the preface of which had been written by Dr. Gray, the Director-General of Mental Hospitals. ,A remunerative bridge party had been held at the Lyceum Club, two jumble sales, n raffle, and gifts had added considerably to funds. During the year a club for children had been organised and opened at the Spiritualists’ Hall, Kent Terrace. Gifts for the club had been received from the Rotary Club, Aulsebrook and Co., and Tingey’s. The opening ceremony on July 21 had been in the form of a party, at which the parents aswell as the children had been entertained.’ A’Christmas party had been given to the children of the club, and those attending the special classes at the schools, in St. John’s Schoolroom, which was lent for the occasion, free of charge. Generous gifts of good things and toys were donated by people who had assisted the executive in -giving the children real Christmas cheer. The association had also held a reception at the Y.W.O.A. Hall in July, at which Miss Edna Munro, who had just arrived from England and abroad, spoke on the work of the After-care and similar associations which she had visited '‘during her travels. The association had also been instrumental in obtaining necessities for several families, Six of whom had had Christmas hampers sent them, and others bad been given clothing. It was announced that her Excellency the -Lady Bledisloe, had consented to act as patroness. . ■ Officers were elected as follow; — President, Mrs. Hadlield; secretary, Mrs. H. Chapman; treasurer, Mrs. Henderson ; vice-presidents. Lady Beauchamp, Mrs. Troup. Mrs. T. B. Strong, Mrs. E. J. Moore, J.P., Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. P. Fraser; executive, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. J. C. Andersen, Mrs. Bird, Miss Johnston, Mrs. Coleridge Farr, Mrs. Widdop, Mrs. Moore, J.P., Mrs. H. G. Chapman, and Mrs. G. N. Henderson. A special vote of appreciation was passed to the Mental Hospital Department for tho help given by one of its members. At the conclusion of the business meeting, an address on mental defectives in the community, their care and protection, and the most suitable employment for them, was given by Dr. Russell. WOMEN’S INSTITUTES Stokes Valley Meeting “Great satisfaction is expressed at the wonderful growth if institute work in New Zealand generally, and of this institute in particular,” states the report presented at the annual meeting of the Stokes Valley Women’s Institute. “During the' past year the membership has doubled, members coming even from Lower Hutt and Wellington, but the most satisfactory feature is the growth of the ‘institute spirit’ as evidenced in greater cooperation, tolerance and friendship, making the institute a force to be recognised and to be used for the good of the district concerned. Institute members are now called upon in an emergency, as a matter of course. Representation has been obtained on the school committee, and the Taita Plunket Committee, while the local earthquake relief committee included four members. 'Silvorstream. The SilverstrOani Women’s Institute, which was formed by bliss Stops about a month ago, held its first meeting on March 12. Mrs. Moss, vice-president, presiding. Several new members were elected. During the afternoon a talk was given by Miss Gladys Watkins, on “Bells and Our Wellington Carillon.” About seventeen members of the Lady Jellicoe Gardening Circle spent, the afternoon on Tuesday at Benefield’s Nursery Gardens, where building aufl grafting demoastationa wcra ss®».

PROVINCIAL ITEMS Mrs. A. J. Hunter is a Picton visitor to Wanganui. Dr. J. H. Reid and Mrs. Reid, Wicksteed Street, Wanganui, are visiting Dunedin. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hindmarsh, Rotorua, are the guests of Sirs. R. Neumann, “Netherlcigh,” Wanganui East. The Wanganui Stewart Karitane Home committee intends holding a “Shop Day” on March 25 to augment the funds of the home. Misses Atkins, Blair and Taylor, of the Stewart Karitane Home staff, have finished their training and have left the hospital. Mrs. Scarrow, Sent., was elected president, and Mrs. Somerville, hon. secretary, of Ihe Ractihi branch of the Women’s Division of the Farmers’ Union at tho annual meeting, held at Ractihi, last Friday. Mrs. R. J. Archer, Wellington, is staying with her mother, Mrs. Thurston, Cole Street, Masterton. Nurse Somerville, Hawke's Bay, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gill, Cole Street, Masterton. Miss C. M. McLay. organiser for the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, will arrive in Masterton on March 27, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. McGregor, Essex Street, Masterton. Miss S. Mac Diarmid and Mr. 0. MacDiarmid, Wright Street, Masterton, are visitors to Auckland. Miss V. Hampton, Pahiatua, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Low, Essex Street, Masterton. Miss June Tanner, who has been visiting Mrs. Beetham, “Highmore,” Masterton, has .returned to her home in Palmerston North. Mrs. T. Glover, St. John’s Hill, Wanganui, will leave for Great Britain on Friday. Mrs. Glover will return via America. The Rangitikei Ladies’ Golf Club will hold its opening day on Thursday, March 19, when a match will be held between teams chosen by the captain and secretary. Miss Wood, Melbourne, is the guest of Mrs. H. Strauchan, Gonville, Wanganui. Mrs. L. Satcheli, Wanganui East, will leave for Scotland on Friday, on a visit to her parents in Aberdeen. Miss Adams, Palmerston North, is tho guest of Mrs. Murdock, Somme Paradq, Wanganui. The Westmere (Wanganui) branch of the Women’s Institute held a meeting on Fridav, when the mocassin-making demonstration by Miss Dawes occupied the greater part of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Cross, Durie Hill, Wanganui, are on a motoring tour in the north. Miss P. Walke, who has been the dental clinic nurse at Patea ffii' the past eighteen months, has received notice of her transfer to Masterton. On Saturday a team of tennis players from Marton visited Wanganui East, and were defeated by the Wanganui Bast Club by sixteen sets to eight. Miss A, McGregor, an active member of the Waverley branch of the Women s Division of the Farmers’ Union, was tarewelled recently prior to her marriage to Mr. G. Hughes, of Whenuakura. During the afternoon Miss McGregor was presented with a vase. Items were given by Mes 1 dames McCrea, McWilliams, and Misses Harvey, Kennedy, Beer and Belton, and a competition was won by Mrs. G. Lupton. ■ ■ ■>> Mrs. Arkwright, Marton, was the guest of Mrs. Maurice Earle, Wanganui, during the week. Mrs. Saunders. Perth, is the guest of .Miss Cohen, Durie Hill, Wanganui. JEWELLERY More and more jewellery is now being worn —not necessarily real—‘but good imitations. And it must be large, and elaborate. Earrings must be enormous, and bracelets wide. A single row of beads are not seen, because you are expected to have three or four rows. And Also clips and flowers and jewelled bars are worn in the hair. But flowers must be worn carelessly, just tucked behind the ear or perched on the nape of the neck, not pinned and flattened until they become meaningless, crumpled objects. The same applies on a frock, a buttonhole or waist spray carelessly pinned looks far more chic. For dark heads the right kind of clip on the parting is a crystal and silver filigree one, for golden heads an amber one set in gold.

ART EXHIBITION Visited by Their Excellencies Their Excellencies Lord Bledisloe and Lady Bledisloe, accompanied by Mrs. Vaughan-Hughes and Lieutenant J. Elworthy, R.N., paid a visit yesterday morning to the exhibition of paintings of Miss D. K. Richmond, Miss J. McKay and Mr. Esmond Atkinson, in Miss Richmond’s studio, Hill Street. Three pictures were bought by their Excellencies—“ Spencer Mts.” and “Lake Rotorua,’’ by Miss Richmond, and “Launch Wharf, Picton,” by Miss McKay. In the afternoon a private view was given to invitation-holders. A great many people were present and expressed their pleasure in seeing such a splendid exhibition of work. Afternoon tea was served to the guests. Among those present were: Mrs. Sprott, Mrs. E. Coleridge, Mrs. Rudolph Sprott, Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. C. McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tayler, Miss E. Richmond, Mrs. S. Natuscb, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Joseph Tripe, Mrs, Watson, Mrs. D. Jacksonj Mr. Waucliop, Mrs. Bogle, Dr. Fell, Mrs. T. Hall, Mrs. Heine, Mrs. Gordon Short, Mrs. and Miss Hursthouse, Mrs. Maurice Burnett, Mrs. Hansell, Miss Gwen Hansell, Mrs. 11. Atkinson, Mrs. and Miss Robieson, Miss E. Ferrar, Mrs. and Miss Logan, Miss Lobina Lysaght, Miss England, Mr. N. Welch, Captain and Mrs. Stedman, Mrs. H. Ward, Miss D. Ward, Mr. F. Richmond, Miss Marie Richmond, Mr. Howard Richmond. Mrs. McLennan, Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt, Misses Jean and Elizabeth Menteath, Mrs. A. Atkinson, Miss E. Atkinson, Miss Grant, Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson, Miss E. Becre, Miss Joan Beere and Miss Rhind.

TEN-MINUTE PUDDING It is always useful to know a good recipe for making a sweet Quickly. Here is one for a pudding which can be made in ten minutes. Mix well together three tablespoons of flour, three dessertspoonfuls of sugar, a dessertspoonful of baking powder, and one or two eggs. Grease a tin and pour in the mixture. Bake for seven to ten minutes, then spread with jam, and roll quickly. Serve with custard.

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Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 148, 19 March 1931, Page 4

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WOMAN’S WORLD Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 148, 19 March 1931, Page 4

WOMAN’S WORLD Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 148, 19 March 1931, Page 4