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Win for C. F. Johnston SPORTS AT PETONE ■ Good New Miler Good entries and plenty of excellent racing characterised the sports meeting held at Petone on Saturday afternoon under the direction of the Petone Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club. Cyclists were well to the fore, and had more than their usual share of the programme. The principal event was the Laykold Cup, a iive-mile cycle handicap, which has been won in two preceding years by Irank Grose, of Canterbury, the well-known cycling champion. The event was won on Saturday by C. F. Johnston, of Wei* lington, and Grose was beaten for third place by his co-marker, M. Gane, a leading Wellington cyclist. Gane rode as good a race in the Laykold Cup as has been seen here for a long time Over five miles he was better than Grose on the day. In a special invitation scratch mile, howev«r, and in the open half mile handicap Grose, was in typical form and won with plenty in reserve. Gane scored again in the mile event Johnston was in excellent form and was placed in both B grade events as well as scoring his victory in the Laykold Cup. L. Labone and R. Lyster were two other cyclists in good form. As far as athletics are concerned, times in the shorter events read more or less like a fairy tale. Runners in the sprints were favoured, however, by a fairly strong northerly breeze which blew throughout the afternoon. On the whole it was a day when the back-markers met with little success. S. Shore was nrouiinent and was placed good handicaps in the 100, 220 and 440. C. Jenkins, off virtual scratch, won his heats in the 100 and 220 and managed to run into second place in the 220 final W. Ogg, who was placed second in the quarter off 10 yards, had perhaps the most significant success. The half-mile was a disappointment to anyone who expected the better-known half-milers to romp iiome. None of them could make any impression on the three placed men, all of whom ran from good handicaps. Wills a Good Miler. / * The mile run, which was won by L. A. Sinclair at the-end of a particularly good effort, brought to light in B. V. Wills a competitor who will probably be talked about as the season progresses. It was his first New Zealand performance and he ran from the scratch mark with G. Bayne, the well-known Petone. miler, whom he defeated. Wills comes from Queensland and has not long been in New Zealand. Jn Australia he has won State championships over 10,000 metres, three miles and one mile, and has, in addition, twice run second to J. A. Martin, well for perform; anees some time. ago. Wills ran in Kiwi colours on Saturday and showed plenty of style. ' ’ R. Wallace, D. J. Benton and S. Scott stood out among the juniors, and Miss M. Wallace won both women’s events, off good handicaps. Detailed results of the events are as follow: — SPECIAL CYCLE EVENTS. FIVE-MILE LAYKOLD CUP HANDICAP. Limit, 400yds. C. F. Johnston (Wellington), 350yds. 1 C. E. Tinkler (Masterton), 350yds 2 M. Gane (Wellington), ser. 3 F. Grise (Canterbury), Bcr 4 Time, 12mifi. 15sec. There were nine other starters in this event —the most important of the meeting. The others were: V. F. Wilcockson (Canterbury) ser., P. N. Robinson 80yds., C. Ericsson 110yds., D. Toomer 150yds., L. Hall 120yds., J. Morriss 300yds., G, Punitl 330yds., A. Arthurs and G. Clark 400yds. Gane pushed out in front ot the other two scratch men shortly after the start, and the three settled after a while into a fast-moving bunch. Gane led them up to Robinson and Ericsson, and they broke slightly from Wilcockson at the mile mark. With three-quarters of the fifth lap gone, the back-markers had fallen in with Hall, who seemed to swerve slightly, bringing down Ericsson in - what looked a serious spill. Ericsson was having trouble with a pedal just as Hall, who was in front of him, swerved. Both were taken in on stretchers, and Hall was the more severely hurt, although neither had any bones broken. ' It was not until the three-mile mark that Wilcockson took his first lap, during which Toomer fell just where the previous fall had occurred. Morriss rode off the track when 3| miles were gone. By this time it was plain that Johnston and Tinkler, who were both riding great races, would be extremely tough propositions for the scratch men.

After the fourth mile, Robinson seemed to be fading slightly,- and Wilcockson was reaping the benefit of his riding in. the earlier stages. With half a ■ mile to go Johnston and Tinkler were 50 yards ahead of the speedy back-markers. Gane led Grose past the mark itself and the two broke away in great style. Grose led at the bell and the last lap saw a sensational contest between him and Gane. The pace was a hot one, and both were riding wonderfully at the end of a fast five miles. Johnston was cheered as he pedalled down the straight .to Win by two lengths from Tinkler. Gane had put in a magnificent spurt and raced across the line about six lengths or more behind the second man, beating Grose narrowly. Robinson and Wilcockson were the next riders home. Times registered at the various marks while the race was in progress were as follow:—Half-mile, imin. Ilsec.; one mile, 2min. 21 2-ssec.; two miles, 4mln. 52sec.; three miles, 7min, 24 2-ssec.; four miles, Omin. 54sec.; five miles, 12min. lusec. MILE SCRATCH INVITATION CYCLE RACE. F. Grose (Canterbury) 1 M. Gane (Wellington) 2 J. Morriss (Wellington) 3 Time, 2niin. 21 2-ssec. (Standard time, 2min. lOsec.) ' Other starters were: V. ,F. Wilcockson (Canterbury), J. Howe, G. E. Tinkler (Masterton), and P. N. Robinson. Tinkler led Grpse and Gane at the half-way mark, and the order was the same at the bell. Grose sprinted with Gane at his wheel, but won from him with a typical hurst by three-quarters of a length. Morriss had come up and was not far behind. Other (Cycle Events. Half-mile Open Cycle Handicap.—First ■heat: G. Clark (90yds.), 1; G. Punitl (70 yds.). 2; F. Grose (scr.), 3) Time, 63 4-5 sec. Second heat: J. Morriss (65yds.), 1; L. Labone (70yds.). 2; A. Arthurs (100 yds.). 3. Time, 64 l-ssec. Final: Grose, ta Morriss. 2; Clark. 3. Time, 64 l-ssec. Although Arthurs was leading at the bell, Morriss had begun a sprint just before the end of. the first lap. and was gaining ground rapidly, followed by Grose. Morriss was riding well, and brought himself and Grose up to the leading positions just before the straight, at which point Grose put in a characteristic burst and won by half a wheel. Clark was a length and a half behind. (Standard time. 62sec.) One Mile Open Cycle Handicap.—First heat: T. Roe (75yds.), 1; J. Morriss (110 yds.). 2; M. Gane (scr.), 3. Time, 2min. 20 l-ssec. Second heat: F. Grose (scr.). 1: P. N. Robinson (30yds,), 2; G. E. Tinkler (150yds.). 3. Time, 2min. 26 3-ssec. Final: Gane, 1; Grose, 2; Robinson, 3. Time, 2 min. 30sec. There were only four starters in the final, and they kept in a close bunch, moving well, for the greater part of the race. Grose was in front all the time. At the bell Robinson broke through on the inside, but up came Grose, with Gane half a length behind. With seventy yards to go Gane sprinted and won in a lightning finish by about six lengths. Robinson was a similar distance behind Grose? (Standard time, 2min. lOsec.) Half-mile B Grade Cycle Handicap.— First heat: H. Compton (120yds.), 1; R. Lyster (30yds.), 2; C. F. Johnston (40yds.), 3. Time. 65sec. Second heat: G. Clark (60yds.). 1: L. Labone (30yds.), 2; L. Hall (scr.). 3. Time, 68 3-ssec. Final: Labone. 1; Lyster, 2; Johnston, 3. Time, 68 3-ssec. The limit man, Comp, ton, held a good lead at the boll, but faded badly at the 650 yards mark. Labone, who was going well, came up with two companions, passed Compton, and won finally from Lyster by a wheel. It was a fast finish.

One Mlle B Grade Cycle Handicap.—T. Roe (25yds.), 1; C. F. Johnston (70yds.), 2; R. Lyster (60yds.), 3. Time, 2mln. 25 2-ssee. A. Toomer (180yds.) caught tho limit man, Compton (200yds.). early in the second lap. P. Evton (120yds.) was just behind. L. Labone (60yds.) and Lyster fell in with Johnston and Labone led them past the bell at the head ,of the field, with Roe, the back marker, not £ar behind them. Labone

clapped on the pace, but with 120 yards to go the three placed men passed him and staged a good fighting finish in which Roe won at a fast bat. Boys’ Quarter-mils Cycle Race. —Burrell, 1; P. Roe, 2. Time, 35sec. Athletic Events, 100 Yards Open Handicap.—First heat: C. Jenkins (iyd.), IJ.A. Telfar (syds.), 2; C. Kobins (6yds.),-3. Time, lOsec. Second heat: W. Crook (6yds.), 1; W. H. Roberts (74yds.), 2; W. M. Ewart (10yds.), 3. Time, 9 4-ssec. Third heat: H. L.e Grove (31yds.), 1; S. C. Fergusson (6Jyds.) r 2; R. P. McLeod (syds.), 3. Time, lOsec. Fourth heat. S. e Shore (7vds.), 1; K. D. Mclntyre (81yds.), 2; A. Whelply (HYds.), 3. Time, 10 l*ssee. Final: Mclntyre, 1; Shore, 2; Le Grove, 3. Time, 9 4-ssec. Won by a foot and a half, with a yard between second and third. Fleming, off 2J yards in his heat, and Jenkins, in the final, were giving too large handicaps to the Valley men, who both got excellent starts. Le Grove was at the top of his form and ran in excellent style, both in the final and in winning his ■ beat. (Standard time. 10 l-ssec.) 220 Yards Open Handicap.—First, heat. C. Jenkins (Iyd.), 1; S. T e ? gu 3 SS vds.). 2: M. B. Furlong (15yds.), 3. lime, 23sec. Second heat: W. M. Ewirt (20yds.). 1; J. Fleming (2Ayds.), 2; W. B. Babbitt (20yds.), 3. Time, 22 2-ssec. Third heat. G L. Wilson (18yds.), 1; W. E Marlow (19yds.), 2; A. J. Barlow (14yds.), 3. Time, 23sec. Fourth heat: R. McLeod (10yds.), 1, S. Shore (14yds.), 2; K. O Connell (Wds-). 3 Time, 22 l-ssec. Final: Shore, 1; Jenkins, 2; McLeod, 3. Time, 22 l-ssec. Shore led all the way. and although McLeod was in a likely position coming into the straight, he could not quite make the winning trip. Jenkins, running in great style, missed first place by Inches. McLeod was equally close. m Standard time, 22 2-ssec. 440 Yards Open Handicap—W. H. Roberts (26yds.), 1; w. Ogg (10yds.), 2; S. Shore (23yds.), 3. Time, 51sec. Won by two yards. This race attracted a good field, which sorted itself out at the 300 yard mark. Ogg won from Shore by a welltimed sprint, and is going to be a dangerous quarter-miler later in tbe season. Standard time, 51 1-Ssee. „v_. q x 880 Yards Open Handicap.—J. Gilchrist (60vds.), 1; O. J. Richardson (45yds.), E. Watson (35yds.), 3. Time, Imin. 58 4-a sec. In the early stages of the race, 1. Pickering (10yds.), drew well away from his co-marker, G. Bayne. They were the backmarkers. H. W. Ellis (^y*! B ') ahead, and was in the lead at the bell, followed by J. O’Brien (50yds.) and Gilchrist The latter proved the best stayer, and reached the tape before Rlchardson, who was going well at _the finish, v. A. Williamson (20yds.) and C. Campbell (15 vds.), were not sensational. Of the stars, Pickering was in the best form. Standard time, 2min. One Mlle Open Handicap.—L. A. fataClair (70vds.). 1; E. V. Wills (scr.), 2; G. Bavne (scr.). 3. Time, 4min. Slsec. Sinclair was in a good lead at half-way, followed bv M. A. Patterson (120yds.), and C Campbell (55yds.) Wills, who had been ahead of Bayno right from the starL went up into third place. At the bell Sinclair still had a fair lead, and was followed by Wills. Bayne. C, McCarthy (2oyds). and Campbell, spread out. The leader was running well, and could not be headed, but Wills ran into second place, finishing impressively in great style, and at good speed. He was much faster than Bayne. (Standard time, 4min. 27sec.) One Mile Walk.—S. J. Gudsell (scr.). 1: W. Tonkin (50yds.), 2. Time. 7min. 4 2-5 sec This was the usual type, of contest between Gudsell and Tonkin. They had a companion at the start, E. L. Day (120 vds.). who withdrew soon after being passed by both. (Standard time, Grain. 50 sec.) Junior Events. ■ 100 Yards Junior Handicap.—First heat: S. C. Stott (7vds.). 1: A. Mclntyre (6yds.), 2; D. J. Benton (syds.). 3. Time. 10 2-5 sec. Second beat: R. Wallis (6yds.). 1: M. R. Kennington (7yds.). 2; C. W. Stott (6 yds.). 3. Time, 10 2-ssec. Final: Wallis, 1; Kennington. 2; S. C. Stott, 3. Time, 10 l-ssec. Won by half a yard. 440 Y'ards Junior Handicap.—D. J. Benton (14vds.). 1; R. Wallis (12yds.), 2; S. Stott (10yds.), 3. Time. 57sec. Won by two yards, with one and a half yards between second and third. All three men ran good races. Boys’ Quarter-mile Walk. —Alan Byrne, 1- Jack McGurk, 2; Peter Bennie, 3. Women’s Events. 75 Yards Women's Handicap.—First heat: Miss M. Wallace (Byds.). 1: Miss T. Keneh (scr.). 2; Miss S. Corbett (6yds.), 3 Time, 8 4-ssec. Second heat: Miss A. White (9yds.). 1: Miss D. T. Martin (syds.). 2: Miss E. Blatlierwick. (31yds.), 3. Time, 8 3-ssee. Final; Miss Wallace. 1; Miss Martin, 2; Miss Blatherwick, 3. Time, 8 4-5 sec. A close finish, I 100 Yards Women’s Handicap.—First heat: Miss M. Wallace (11yds.). 1: Miss C. Millar (3yds.), 2; Miss E. Blatherwick (4vds.), 3. Time; 10 4-ssec. Second heat: Miss S. Corbett (Byds.), 1; Miss D. T. Martin (64yds.), 2: Miss A. White (11yds.), 3. Time, 11 l-ssec. Final: Miss Wallace, 1: Miss White, 2; Miss Corbett, 3. Time, 11 l-ssec. Won narrowly. Relay Races. Women’s Scratch Relay (four laps, each of 110 yardsj.—Wellington A (Misses Sharp, Willson, Blatherwick and Millar), 1; Wellington B (Misses Powell, Gollins, Lawler and Corbett), 2; Miramar (Misses Martin, Sutherland, Eager and McCarr!son), 3. Time, 48see. Won by 17 yards, with 5 yards between second and third. Men’s Handicap Relay (four laps, each of 110 yards).—Wellington (Le Grove, Welply, Telfar and Jenkins), 1: Petone (Shore, Roberts, O’Connell and Crooks), (syds.), 2. Time, 40 l-ssec.

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Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 69, 15 December 1930, Page 12

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LAYKOLD CUP Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 69, 15 December 1930, Page 12

LAYKOLD CUP Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 69, 15 December 1930, Page 12