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Items of Interest from Near and Far


Her Excellency Lady Bledisloe will be the guest of honour at the afternoon tea which will be given by the Social Progress League this afternoon. His Worship the Mayor and Mrs. Troup will also be present.

Dr. Sylvia Chapman has returned from a visit to Sydney. Mrs. Frank Dyer and Miss Lulu Dyer, of Wellington, are visiting Rotorua.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gilmer, of Wellington, are touring the South Island. Miss A. Tonkin, of 'Wellington, is visiting Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobbs, of Wellington, are visiting Christchurch.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Nevin, of Wellington, are visiting Christchurch. Miss Jocelyn Riddiford, of Lower Hutt, is the guest of Mrs. Herrick in Hawke’s Bay for a few days. Mrs. and Miss Young, of Eastbourne, have returned from their visit to Auckland. . „ , Mrs. R. P. Fisk, of, Heretaunga, has returned to Wellington after a visit to her mother, in Christchurch.

Miss Fancourt, who has been visiting her brother, the Rev. Canon Faneourt, in’Auckland, has returned to PlimmertoMrs. W. B. Taverner, Molesworth Street, has left for a short visit to the South, and will return before the end of the week.

Mrs. Gibson Stott has gone to Hawke’s Bay with Mr. and Mrs. Morton Patterson. Other visitors there are Misses C. and L. Morice, Hi Whyte, and D. Slomnn.

Mrs. E. A. Dawson, Mrs. AV. D. Jones, Mrs. J. B. Moss, and Mrs. H. Hobbs have accompanied their husbands to Christchurch, where the latter are attending the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. Dr. Elizabeth Gunn is spending a few days with her mother, in Christchurch, prior to leaving by the Ulimaroa on Friday for Sydney, en route to England. Miss Dorothy Herbert, of Wellington, will travel with her, and they will proceed via Java, India and the Persian Gulf, and will stay at Vienna. VISITORS TO THE CAPITAL Miss R. Morris has returned to Christchurch after a visit to Mrs. W. Dobson, in Wellington. Mrs. Stanley Foster, of Christchurch, has returned home after a visit to Wellington. Mrs. Andrews, of Dunedin, who has been staying with Miss Enid Bell, at Lowry Bay, has returned South. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham have returned to Christchurch spending a few days in Wellington. Mrs. J. J. Coyle, who has been spending an extended holiday in Wellington, returned to Greymouth on Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Wood and Mrs. J. CracroftWilson, have returned to Christchurch from Wellington. Mrs. H. Wales and Mrs. Philip Greenwood, of Cashmere Hills, have returned to Christchurch after attending the Plunket Conference in Wellington. Sir. and Mrs, A. J Dunn, of Christ's College, Christchurch, who have been visiting Wanganui, passed through Wellington yesterday on their return South. Miss Bromley Cocks, who has been staying with Miss Enid Bell, at Lowry Bay, while attending a conference of Dominion Girl Guide Commissioners, has returned to her home in Christchurch. Mrs. Varley, of Prebbleton, Christ?,, church, is visiting Wellington. -Mrs. ( " Vatley is a half-sister of . Miss MaudBeatty and Miss May Beatty,' well known, in New Zealand. WOMEN FARMERS ' Branch Activities Through the enterprise and energy of branches of the Women’s Division, of the Farmers’ Union much good work continues .o be done throughout the whole dominion. The W.D.F.U. serves all country women irrespective of whether they are farmers’ wives or not. New branches are continually being formed in all districts, where monthly meetings are held, which accomplish wonderful improvements in community life, and create increased interets in public and local affairs. . Levin and Pio Pio branches have each established a beautiful rest room, which reflects great credit on their energy. Last Tuesday the Stratford branch celebrated its fourth birthday' in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thomson, Mayor and Mayoress of that town. About eighty members were present, including presidents from all over Taranaki. Last Thursday the Ilawera branch celebrated their fourth birthday at the Islington Tea Rooms, when a large gathering met. presided over by Mrs. W. E. Carter, president, who after welcoming visitors, urged members never to forget the work of the pioneers who inaugurated this national organisation. . . . The following presidents conveyed greetings and best wishes from their branches, Mrs. Cocker, Eltham; Mrs. Benton, Auroa ; Mrs. Sutherland, Manaia ; Mrs. Cameron, Okaiawa; and Mrs. Bou'rkc, Awatuna. Mrs. Carter expressed regret at the absence of Mrs. Lilburn, of Wanganui, who was unable to be present, and who had first organised the Hawera branch. cancer research A' well-atended meeting of women interested in the Wellington branch of the British Empire cancer, campaign, was held at the home of Mrs; J. 0. Smith, at Khandallah. Ngaio, as well as Kbandallah. was represented. Mrs. Smith introduced Mrs. Morice, who addressed the meeting, giving many interesting details of the work of the campaign. After discussion, Mrs. J, G. Smith. was elected president of the Khandallah lixiincli. with Mrs. Bath as bon. secretary, and Mrs. A. Gibbous treasurer. . For Ngaip, Mrs. McNab was chosen as president, and the other officers are to be finally appointed at the next meeting. Mrs. Smith entertained all present to afternoon tea.. Those organising these meetings express themselves as being encouraged at such a hearty response, and they feel that the work for this great object is being helned most materially.

BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS Pioneer Club Flower Show Each year the exhibits of flowers by members of the Pioneer Club’s Garden Circle get better according to the judge at the show yesterday, Mr. Fox, who congratulated the president of the Circle, Mrs H. Fisher, on the exhibits. Miss Murray, who judged the decorated works, also complimented the exhibitors, this section being always a popular one. The show, which was held in the club reception room, was opened by Dr. Izard, president of the Wellington Horticultural Society, who congratulated members on their show and expressed pleasure at the keenness shown by gardeners, who'had much to contend with in WellFisher introduced Dr. Izard and thanked the judges whose criticism was always most helpful. Miss president of the club, thanked Dr. Izard for coming to open the show and also thanked the donors of prizes who thereby assisted in making the show a success. Donors of special prizes were: Mrs J. Myers, Mrs Magnus, Mrs Potter, Mrs Arlow, Mrs Spear and Mrs Sanderson, while Miss Isaacs donated a silver bowl for roses, to be competed for annually. This was won by Mrs J. Myers, who secured the highest .number of points, showing some beautiful blooms, other prize-winners in this section being Mrs Finlay and Mrs Findlater. The prizewinners for other flowers included Miss Isaacs for anemones, stocks and other flowers; Mirs Bolt, Mrs Finlay, rhododendrons and other flowers; Mrs Houston, pansies; Mrs Roskruge, calendula; Mrs Arlow and Miss Gower, violas; Mrs. Wardell, cinerarias; Miss Jacobsen, Mrs Righton, who showed some beautiful calceolaria, Mrs Sievwright, •Miss Edwards, Miss Boyd, Mrs Prendeville and Mrs Neylon-Butler for collection of stock. In the decorative section prizes were won by Mrs 11. D. Bennett, basket of roses; Mrs Arlow, bouquet and shoulder spray, and bowl of flowers; Miss Boyd and Mrs Gilman, bowl of larkspur ; Mrs Jervis, bowls of roses and Iceland poppies; Mrs D. Isaacs, posy; Miss Woodhouse, basket of flowers; Mrs Batten, decorated hat; Mrs Martin, decorated parasol; Miss Wood, buttonhole. A prize for collection of rock garden plants was won by Mrs Righton and the prize for the highest number of points for cut flowers and vegetables was won by Mrs S A C display of irises was shown by Miss Burgess, of Waikanae. WEDDINGS . . O’CONNNOR— DORSET. The wedding was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church, Masterton, recently, of Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Ernest E Dorset, of Helensville, and the late Mrs Dorset, to Patrick James, son ol Mr.’and Mrs. P. O’Connor, of Mauriceville. The Rev. Father Moore officiated. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. A. J. Kempton, wore a gown of ivory mariettc and laee. and a tulle veil and carried a shower bouquet, lhe bridesmaids were. Miss Katcnne O Connor, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Jessie Kempton, cousi of the bride. Ihe former wore rose crepe de chine, while Miss. Kempton was in lemon georgette. -Both wore beret head-dresses. The best man was Mr!-Ei W. O’Connor, and’ the groomsman, Mr. A. T. O’Connor., After the ceremony, the immediate relatives were entertained at Hugo and Shearer s lea Rooms, where they, were received by the •bride’s aunt, Mrs'. 1 Armstrong, wearing saxe blue crepe de chine, with hat and coat to tone, and the bridegroom’s mother, in brown marocain and a navy blue hat. The bridal couple subsequently left on a motor tour of the North Island. Their future home will be at Grey town.. ARMSTRONG—DRIVER. The wedding of Ethelwyn, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Driver, of Dunedin, to Clarence, son of Mr. and Mrs W. Armstrong, of Greytown, was solemnised at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Audtland, recently, Rev. Canon Fancourt officiating. • The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a gc»wn of ivory-coloured georgette, the bidice relieved with pearl embroidery, and the flared skirt falling to ankle length. -The Jong veil was held in place with sprays of orange blossom, and she carried a bouquet of roses, shaded to deep yellow. She was attended by Miss Grace Driver, in powder blue organdie, with frills of cream lace. She wore a blue crinoline hat, and carried a bouquet of Iceland poppies. Mr. Colin Speight, of Hamilton, was best man. The reception was held at the Domain Tea Kiosk, where Mrs. H. 11. Driver received the guests wearing blue crepe de chine and a black hat, and carrying a bouquet of pink roses and sweet peas. ' OAKLEY—BUNKHORNE. A quiet wedding was solemnised at the Musterton Methodist Church on Saturday. between Miss Milfy Ellen Blinkhorne of’Columba Rond, and Mr; Ronald Arnold Oakley. River Road. The Rev. E. 0. Blamires officiated. ENGAGEMENT WOODHOUSE—SMITH. Frances Lilian, , youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. gmith Dunedin to Francis Noel, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Woodhouse, Masterton. Have a genuine oil wave. Will make a marvellous difference in your appearance. and not become a frizz. The tex ture, quality, or colour of your hair will not be Impaired. Call and see us. Ad vice given free. Mrs. Rolleston, Ltd., Hair, Skiu, and Permanent Waving Specialist.. 250 Lambton Quay. Phone 42—227. And 2 Courtenay Place (CortiIng’s Buildings). Phone 28 —813.--Advt.

Costume Jewellery in Chokers, Earrings, and Brooches, etc., to match frocks in all colours, at Lauchlans Ltd.. 7 Woodward Street, Courtenay Place, and at Wanganui.—Advt. Kirkcaldie’s are showing a most attractive assortment of Continental Jumpers and Cardigans for children. They are made from pure wool in all sizes and colours, finished with embroidery in contrasting shades.—Advt. Bouquets of distinction for the bride am’ her maids. In exclusive colouring and style to suit frocks. Miss Murray. 36 Willis Street.—Advt


Sir John and Lady Luke Hundreds of telegrams and congratulatory messages were received by Sir John and Lady Luke yesterday on the occasion of their golden wedding. Both Sir John and Lady Luke have been so intimately connected with public life in Wellington for many years that the day brought forth hosts of good wishes. Sir John Luke was the fourth son of the late Mr. Samuel Luke, and Lady Luke the eldest daughter of the late Mr. H. -A. McGregor, who was at one time Government inspector of machinery. The wedding, which took place on November 25, ISSO. was solemnised by the - Rev. W. ,S. Potter, assisted by the Rev. J. If.' Luke, brother of the bridegroom, and the ceremony was held at the home of the bride’s parents in Macfarlane Street, which at that time had only three houses. The anniversary was celebrated last evening with a family gathering at Sir John, and Lady Luke’s home at Hiropi Street. Their immediate family and their brothers and sisters were present at supper, which was set in the draw-

ing-room, the table being decorated with golden'tlowers and centred with the gold decorated wedding cake which had been made by their daughter, Mrs. Charlesworth, and decc/hted by their granddaughter. Over the bride and bridegroom of 50 years ago hung a huge golden bell, with ribbons'attached,-which, nulled by the young people, let loose a shower of confetti. Lady Luke wore a gown of grey lace and carried a bouquet of vellow roses and pansies, one of several sent her during the day. The health of Sir John Luke was proposed by Mr. Charles Luke, and that of Lady Luke by Captain Post, and Sir John Luke replied. Mr. J. Pearce Luke spoke for the children and grandchildren, wishing good luck to bride and bridegroom. The relatives present included the four sons of Sir John and Lady Luke, Pearce, Harry and George, with their wives, also Miss Kathleen Jackson, the fiancee of Mr. Frank Luke (who arrived in New Zealand yesterday!, and the 13 grandchildren. Of Sir John and Lady Luke’s own families there were present Mrs. Robinson (who was her bridesmaid) and Mrs. Aiken, of Auckland, Lady Luke’s sisters: Captain Post and Mr. Garrett, Lady Luke’s brothers-in-law; Mrs. Samuel and Mrs. George Luke, and Mrs. G. McGregor, Sir John Luke’s sister; Mrs. Little, of Auckland; and all combined in a very happy party. Later in the evening they were joined by the many nephews and nieces and cousins, all uniting to wish long life and happiness to Sir John and .Lady Luke. Many congratulatory telegrams were read and a number of gifts received from friends here and elsewhere, including a bowl of crystal inlaid with gold from Sir Francis and Lady Bell. TRIBUTE TO NEW ZEALAND A tribute to the Rood work done by the Health Department in New'Zealand was paid by Bishop West-Watson in speaking at the garden party at Bishopscourt on Saturday afternoon, says the Christchurch “Press.” While in Cairo he met Dy, Harpur, whose name is one to conjure with in Egypt, and who is in charge of the C.M.S. Hospital in Cairo. While visiting New Zealand some time ago, Dr. Harpur had noticed an excellent poster issued by the Health Department, dealing with the prevention and cure of tuberculosis. He asked leave to cony the article; which, on his return to Ectpt. he had prated in English and Arabic, and. at the direction of the Sudan Government, five thousand copies had been distributed in Sudan. Bishon Linton, on the other side of the Red Sea, -had been so much impressed with the leaflet that he had translated it into Persian, and had distributed it among his people. Dr. Harpur’s sou, who is also a doctor, lives in Marton, North Island, and he and his wife visited Christchurch last month, when their son, T- A. Harpur, won the junior championship at Christ’s College sports. PROVINCIAL ITEMS Mrs. M. Scott, of Hataitai, who has been visiting Palmerston North, will leave shortly on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. King, of Bayview, Katikati. Miss Best, of Otaki, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stevens, of Church Street, Palmerston North. Mrs. V. Thomson, c£ Havelock North, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. F. W. Sewel, of Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. Dr. and Mrs. EJjvart. formerly of Invercargill, are visiting Palmerston North on their wav south from Auckland. Mrs. Lepner, of Lepperton. Taranaki, is the guest, of her sister, Mrs. Fairbrother, of Church Street, Palmerston North. - Miss Lexie MacDonald has returned to Palmerston North after a visit to Hawke’s Bay. ■ t Miss I. Stewart, of Melbourne, was the guest > of' Misses Fitzgerald, .of Linton Street, Palmerston North, for the weekend. .1;' Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Heffernan, of Palmerston North, are spending 'a holiday at Taumarunui. Last Saturday evening Misses Fitzjxeraid, of Linton Stteet, Palmerston North, gave a linen evening, in the . forrp of a progressive bridge, party. ■ in honour of Miss Euphan Janiieson, Y.W.C.A. secretary, who will leave shortly for Christchurch, where her marriage is to take place.' Just before supper Miss Jamiesqu opened the parcels and expressed her thanks for the numerous gifts. Those present included Miss I. Stuart (Melbourne), Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. L. Laurenson, Miss G. Laurenson, Miss Hume. Miss McLeod, Miss Buchanan, and Miss Pacey. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgius, of Pabiatua, are spending a holiday at Dav's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ramsdep, of Sydnev. who arc on a holiday visit to New Zealand, spent a few days in Martinborough as the guest of Mrs. E. B. Evans, “Brookside.” . . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lowe and family are on a motor camping tour of the Gisborne district. „ ~ . . , Mr. H. Cowan, of Mangatainoka, is visiting Auckland.


Mrs. Sprott presided at the monthly meeting of the St. Mary s Guild, held in the diocesan room. The matron reported all well in the three homes. , The Ladies’ Social Club at Wadcstown. invited fourteen of the gins to sing, and an enjoyable afternoon uas spent, a special afternoon tea being pro-. Tided for them. Fifteen junior.girls were entertained by St. Peter’s Girls Club, and a number by St. .Mary’s Club, Karori. The sum of £l3/10/- was made at a bridge party given by Mrs. Spidyin aid of the homes. The annual sale of work was held at the home on October 15, and the sum of £B9 was taken during the afternoon. . The guild is grateful to .the following for contributions of money and kind:— Mrs. Simm, Mrs. Sprott, Mrs. Hewitt, Girl Guides (Marton), Mrs. Maskell (Rata), Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Gabb. Mrs. Shirtcliffe, Hawera, Masterton and Marton parishioners, Mrs. Arthur Martin, Mr. Selwyn Simcox, Mr. O’Bryan, Raratonga; MrsNicholls, Taranaki Street Mission N.Z. Trawling and Fish Supply Co., Levin an Co., Mrs. J. W. Salmon, a Friend, Newtown; St. Mary’s Girls’ Club, Mr. Meachen, W. H. S. Moorhouse estate, £25; Mrs. Spidy’s bridge party, £l3/10/-; Mr.

and Mrs. Picot and Lady Bell (for sale of work), £5 each; St. John’s College, Auckland. £2; Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. J. P. Firth, Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. Sykes, £l/1/- each; Mrs. Brandon, Mr. King, Mr. Gaudin, Eastbourne, £1 each ; Mrs. Cousins. Miss Cousins, Miss Walker, Mrs. Gol-lfincb, and Miss E. Cooper, 10/- each ; Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Arthur Marlin, Miss Helen Symes, and Miss Drummond, 5/- each. ■ -

Mr. and .Mrs. H. Knight are Palmerston North visitors to Napier. Mr, and Dlrs. lan Mac Ewan, of Elmira Aveuue. Palmerston North, have returned from Wellington, where they stayed a few days with Mr. J. B. Mac Ewan.

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Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 53, 26 November 1930, Page 4

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WOMAN’S WORLD Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 53, 26 November 1930, Page 4

WOMAN’S WORLD Dominion, Volume 24, Issue 53, 26 November 1930, Page 4