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CROSSBREDS IN STRONG DEMAND DROP IN VALUES OF BELLIES AND PIECES Bearing in mind that most of the wool Offered at the Wellington wool sale, on Saturday, was crossbred, the sale must be reported a very successful one, for this class* of wool was under keen coinpetition throughout, and the bidding caihe frorii all quarters, showing that it is the fashionable staple to-day. That merino wool was hard to quit, that hrilfbreds received scant support, and that there were tangible price recessions in the poorer qualities of wool, such as bellies and pieces, does not detract froni the sale for these neglected Wools, formed a very small proportion of the offerings. If these are eliminated, then the sale was an excellent one, and the results should give satisfaction to the growers of crossbred wool.

The third AVellington wool sale of the season was held in the town Hall on Saturday and there was as usual a full bench of buyers. The tone of the sale was cheerful, the bidding was animated, and the results may be said to be fully up to tlie expectations of brokers. The Outstanding feature of Saturday's sale was the keen arid all-rourid demand for crdsSbrCds. Representatives of Bradford and Continental countries, including Russia, were keen after such wools, and under the stress of this competition December values were frilly maintained and occasionally exceeded. This must be particularly pleasant riews for the woolgrowers of the AVellington district, as fully 93 per cent, of the wool marketed here is crossbred. There was very keen competition for super crossbreds of all counts, the class of wool often described as American style, and the competition for this wool was from all quarters. The bulk of the hogget wool offered Vas not up to the quality of the same class of wool offered at the earlier sales. iterino wool was listless, and the deriiand Avas poor. The demand for halfbred wool was very, disappointing, arid prices were about 4d. below December rates, except for good attractive lots suitable to the requirements of the Dominion mills, which realised up to December prices, but ariytliing less attractive in quality was id. down. It seems that the weakness of both merinp and halfbred is due to changing fashion, and ■ neither brokers nor buyers can value these wools to-day with any certainty. There is practically no merino wool, arid very little h.alfbred .wool produced in this district. It is Marlborough that will, feel the setback experienced by, fine wools. Meririd wool was hard to sell, for the Dominion mills, which are usually eager fcr this Class of wool, (lid riot seem to require it, and Bradford, which seems always ready to take any class of wool “nt a price” conld not be induced to offer anything like the reserve prices of the growers. . Lambs’ wool met with exceedingly strtitlg coriipetitiori.and registered slightly better price's than at the December sale. Competition for bellies and pieces was not aS strong as at the previous sale and prices dropped -Jd. to Id. There was a very fair clearance .and taken all round woolgrbwers in the Wairarapa and AVest CriaSt districts hiive rio cause for complaint, and if current prices for crossbred wools are maintained the season will prove, to be mie of the best. On January. 26 the AVellington woolbrokers will be pbstirig cheques to their eb'erits for an aggregate of about £550,000.

RANGE OF PRICES Following is the official range, of Prices, together with the prices realised at the

BROKERS’ REPORTS WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO. Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co.. 111 fconjUhctidri with Abraham and report an follows; — .V ®.ottered 365 G bales and disposed of 09 per cent; of oiir catalogue under the hainmer k We offered some very fine clips, the majority of wool beirig welFgrown and of attractive appearance. Bradford was very much to the fore iri the bidding, as iras to be expected from recent reports of better trade at the consuming end. .The Continent was also bidding keenly for the shorter arid finer wools and America, for anything suitable, was a keen bidder. Compared With the last sale prices all through were more stable, the bidding being at no time erratic. Some of our best realisations were as follow.:— Halfbred.—Challenge, 5 bales at 201 d., 4 bales at 19d., 5 bales at 17*d.; EBUX/ Huinga, 5 bales at MJd.; NSA. 9 bales at i9d..; Auutsfield. 3 bales at 203.; EBUX/ AAVT. 1 bale at 20d.: Highfield, 2 bales at 20d.; 1 bale at 201 d.: Ngaionui, 1 bale at 20d.; WM/SC. 1 bale at 20d„ HG. 1 bale at 20d.; EBUX/MKF, 2 bales at 20fd.: Waimapu. 1 bale at 201 d.: ZZ/Tadcroft, 1 bale at 20}d.; lE, 1 bale at 20id.; MB/S, 1 at 20}d. Fine Crossbred. —Challenge. 5 bales at 19d.. 19 bhlbs at 17»<1.. 6 bales at ISd.. 6 . bales at IGJd.; E and M, 7 bales at ISld.; Mataikona. 10 bales at ISd.: 0 bales at 17}<1.: Tiipurupiiru. 5 bales at ISJd.; Kit, 8 balris at, i7Jd.; 2 11 bales at 17jd.; AUntsfteld, S bales at ISd.; HH/J, 5 bales at 17d.; NSA, 5 bales rit 17d.; AV&P/P. 0 bales at 17}d.; EBUX/CCD, 0 bales at 4 bales at Mid.; JD. 5 bales at 1743.; D, 4 bales at 173.; EBUX/BH/W, 1743.: EBUX3DHB. 5 bales at 17}3.: EBUX3A, 6 bales at 1(513.:. EBUX/RLAV, 4 bales at 183.: EBUX/HWF. 4 bales at 173.; EBUX/LEE. 5 bales at. 1743.; EBUX/ CJ/R; 7 bales at IGJd.; EBUX/AVHB/O, G bales at 18}d.UB.UX/FHG. 4 bales .at jiljd.; EBtlX AB. 4 bales at 17}d.: EBUX/ FFtD, 4 balds kt M1.d.:...E8UX/FF/SB. T> bales at Mid.: EBUX/SF, 4 bales at Md. Crossbred" Hoggets.—Challenge, 4 bales

at lOjd., 5 bales St I’d.; nC/Walkukti. 1 bales at ISjd., 9 bales at ISd., AU, 4 bait at ISJd.; Bywell, 10 bales at l“jil.. 5 bah at IGd.; Ttipuriipiiru, 11 bales at ISld., : bales at ISid., 5 bales at lild.. S biles 17d., 4 biles at Ifild.; AViimap'ii/BV, bales at ISld.: Mataikona, 4 bales at 19Ji 5 bales at ISJd,, 15 bales at 17id., It) bal at ITJd., 12 bales at Ifid.'; CKB/Tawaha. bales at 18d.; Admiral/AVMcK, 21 bales 19d., 10 bales at 17£d.: DP/K,. 6 bales 174 d.; Paretai, 4 bales at ITU.; RP., biles at ISd.; AVEMT, 4 bales at 17’ t ZZ/Tadcroft. 31 bales St 16Jd.-;- XXX. bales at Ifid.; Slakaiiui, .0 l(ii< JOB, 7 bales at IGJd.: Ramil, .6 bales 15W.; Mara. 10 biles at IGJd.: Ec/Tita 10 bales at ICJd.: TS/Gore, 7 bales at lG4t EA-CO/Oporae, 11 bales at ISJU. : , 0 ba at 174 d., 7 bales at IGld., 5 bales at 16i RAC/M. 7 bales at 17d.ATI. (1 bales 101 d„ 12 bales at lOd.; Ngamatai/CR-T. bales at 16Jd.: EA’/A, 7 bales at 17j< RA.tD/36, 13 bales at Ifid.; Xgaionui. bales at ifid.; Kohunu. 7 bales at Ifip FCL/O. 0 bales bt ifild.; DIR, 13 bales JfiJd.; SET. S bales at 17? d.: DC/Raw 5 bales at ICid.; Matipo. 4 bales at ifid Medium . Crossbred.—Tupurupiiru. bales at 174d. t 29 bales at 17d.: E and 12 l-.aies at’l7d.: C.TM/H. 13 bales at 13 CRB/Tawaha, 14 bales at ICJd-l EPS. bales at Ifid.: Matipo, 9 bales at 10 AM/AV, 5 bales at Ifild.; TC/G, 5 bales Ifild.: Admiral/WMcK. 9 bales at Ifi: 23 bales at 16J<t.; AV/P, <> bales at 104 AA’aimapu/BA 7 , 15 bales at IOJd.; Mat kona. 13 bales at ifild., 34 bales at 1C Ranui, 12 bales at ISld.; RAC/M. 0 ba at 16}d.; JHC, 10 bales at ifild.: HA, 20 bales at Ifid.; J3H. 5 bales at Ifii Xgamatai/CR.T. 5 bales at Ifid.: Pali 0 bales at Ifid.: JRX. 4 bales at IGJ EA’/A;. S bales at Ifid.; AVP/LIX, 0 ba at 17(1.; AU., 5 bales at .l7}d.; HH/.T, bales at Ifijd.': Kereru. 9 bales at 16. FCL/O. 6 bales at 17*d;: JH. 6 bales Ifild.: F.L; 5 bales at 16»d. : .H.T, 6 bales Mid.; HCW. 6 bales at Md.: AKA/G. bales at ifid..: Vaimana ByWell, 4 bal at ifild.; IRS. 44 bales at Md.: SET bales at 17d.: 5 bales at Ifijd.:. Cliallens 28 bales at 10}d., 21 bales at Md., 7 bal at 103 d. . , Coarse Cfbssbred.—Tiiptirnpiirn. 17 bal at 10»d., 5 bales at Ifid.: E&CO/Opore 13 bales at ifid.. 17 bales at 15? d.. 6 bal at laid.; WBM/P.iirnatanga.. t?l bales : Ifild.. 4 bales at ifild.: RAC/M,. 13 bal< at'lliJd.; A.TC, 8 bales at Ifild.: Willman M bales at ifild., 14 bales at Ifild.; Bywe 11 bales at lfi|d.. 6 bales at 15ld. Lariibs.— Challerige. 4 bales at 224 d., bales at 17jd.: Wharehaii/.TH. 3 bales 201 d.: Logie. 1 bale at 201 d.: HC/V aikuk 5 bales at 21d.; Bywell 5 bales at 20 k Matino. 2 bales at 20Ad.: Paeroa. 1 br nt 20d.: E & M. fi bales at 201< E * CO/Oporae, ,4 bales at 20M.. 4 bal rit 1743.; Ureovale, fi bales at 17? d.: AM. fi bales at 19d.t -Mataikona. 0 bales 18ld., 14 bales st 171 L; Walmapu/BA. bales at 1743.: OK/Riiru. fi bales at l.< A.TW/Mahoe, 4 bales at 1843. Necks—E & M. 1 bale at Md,: CR TawnHa. 1 Hale at Ifid.: WBlt/Puru an f 1 bale at 10d.: Admlrnl/W McK,'4 bales 17d.: Tiipiifiiriririi. 6 liaFs at I<*( E&CO/Oporae, 9 bales at litfi. ,

MURRAY; ROBERTS AND CO. ! Messrs. Murray, Roberts and Co.. Lt< report that thrilr catalogue cdnSisted , 3128 bales, principally crossbred woo With seme few lots of Corriedale and ha! bred; besides lambs. They had.some ve attractive .lines, blit on the whole, t ■ high standard of last sale was not mai tained, arid many .lots. of wool showed . : affected with seed, which, owing, to t continued Wet season, has come aw: earlier than usual. n, . Thev sold under the hammer 91 per ce, • of their offering, several lots carrying i serves Which were not quite realised. Some of their sales are. as follow KG, crossbred H., 17M.; J.B diagonal fine, crossbred fe-L. loid- i crossbred E. 154d.i crossbred C,E„ 141 d..; lambs A.. 2 Craigieburn over KIV, crossbred A-Mn crossbred B„ 15 Jd.r half bred; -Gid, 7C o Tawa, crossbred H.. Add-; rrossb.ea 151 d. J.TB, crossbred E.A.. 16d.; crossbi E B 14Jd. V.’S over 'Waihinga. fine cro: brdd H;A;,- 1843.; fine crossbred. E.A., Ist pcs. A., 14irf.. GGJ.ovef Waione, cro bred E.A.A.. MJd.; crossbred - E-A.. 16}< crossbred E. 8., 15d. CR over likajamo ga, crossbred H., 17d.; crossbred L.,_ !■>' AVakariia, fine crossbred A.E., ISd., n crossbred BJh, 173.; crossbred CE„ M* crossbred laid.; lambs A.. lambs B„ 17id.; necks, JGd.; first pcs 1Port Hardy; halfbretl V .A., 19d:, halfbr H.Ai; 1843.; halfbred A.. 194(1- Imlfbr W.8., ISid.: halfbred H.E.8., l‘4. a - ha bred A., 174 d.;. crossbred A Mil., fi halfbred pcs., 15id-1 halfbred bls., 14 AH-AH AH; crossbred E.H., 1‘4.d., D i versed before TS„ fine crossbred, M}c Wharenui, crossbred H., 1643.: crossbn E„ laid. T R and S. crossbred H., Md crossbred E., 15J-3 W over .T J over W diamond, crossbred M 7 104 d.. fine Cros bred H., Mid.; crossbfed E„ IBJd.. Glen thol over 7C. sup. fine HAAA, 1843., n crossbred HAA. 17JU;: crossbr, EAAA, ISd.: fine crossbred EAA. MK lambs A., 21}d.; Ist. pcs. and necks, 14c IS B. Rota.Adt 16}d.; S. river Maliua Rot 8.E.. 1543.; Rewa Rewa, sup crossbred H. A. 184 d.; Slip, crossbred H.A., lajd., lam A 19'43 • lambs 8., 17id..;. crossbred 1 Md. DMti., half-bred, ,18}d.; fine cro? bred A.A., 16}d.; fine crossbred A., 171 MiThwsSbrod A.E : ; Bexley; errit 204 d.; half-bred A.H., IBd. 1 crossbred 1 Hoover . fine crossbred A.H.A.. 17JC crossbred E. 8., Mid.; crossbred E.C., M A X’ over P. crossbred A. ISd.. crossnr B. Mid. D F over C B, crossbred A. la}d crossbred B„ d ir;tl’- fl Laareund; fine crofesbi-ed H.A.; l«4d-, « crossbred A„ 1743.; crossbre3 B.H 17< crossbred 8., 154 d, Inaru oxer I P, n crossbfed H.A.. ITJd.; fin® ci-ossbred E Md.; crossbred H. 8., IBld- 888 oi Opango. crossbred E-, lad-: crpS.sbred . Mid. Mills and Mills over Brightlan Corr A.A,, 20? d.; Cofb. A., 19J(I. . Corr. 18>d.* H R over Bushlands, superfine cro bred A.A.E., 1943.; fine crossbred A 17(d. ;.fine crossbred A. H„ 4843., cro bred B E., M»d.: first pieces, 14d S circle over Ware Ware. crossbred A 17? d. KbwhiYvhf. crossbred A.IL, lu crossbred B.E„ laid-;. crossbred “ lanibs A., 19}d. Rnnwaka. fine erossb. A.A.A.. 17jd,. Rotlghhill, Corr. H A 19itL; Corr. E.. 204 d.; Corr. M., ISJd., 1 levin and co. Messrs. Levin “nd'Co.; Ltd., report H their catalogue representedbale...l bidding was strong, keen and sustained, sections operating for the ‘C p nct_ icular quiremnts, and they sold 94 per cent our catalogue under the hammer. The r Merinos offered were not of super qual and met with a slack demand and a n.Rsed in Super crossbreds . 48/50,'46/48, 44/4(1 a nd 40/44 qualities we wanted by America. Australia and Bra ford, and eager competition cns’ied at fu. last sale prices, and for special parcel, advance of id. to Id was frirthcom f Average crossbreds of the same grade fou an all-round competition, -with the Cont. cntal section making, their influence fe with Bradford and Russia very much the running. The competition for the qualities was of the keenest, and pric were very fitin and occasionally uhovy better tliaii December, and can be quot par to 43. higher. The small <iu«nhty and inferior cros'sbreds, 30/40 S (Li coin) were eagerly taken by Bradford a. Germany at par. Lambs’ wool was in goi supplv and met with a good demand fro France. Bradford. Aiistfalla and Dominil mills at' December prices and better, .

high as 23Jd. being paid against 21td. in December. The following are some of the results: — Ilall'bred: The Throne, 5 bales 191 d., 6 bales 180., 9 bales, 191 d., 10 bales 17ld„ 5 bales ISJd., 4 bales 17Jd., 8 bales 171<1.; Mounganui, 0 bales 18Jd.; 311 over T in diamond, 30 bales at ISJd.; Riverina, 11 bales 21Jd., 16 bales 191 d.; Waterfall, 12 bales 2140., U bales 21d., 9 bales 21Jd.; Haldons, 17 bales 21ld„ 17 bales 19Jd., 7 bales Ibid.; Waihopai, 5 bales 20d.; Redlauds, 6 bales ISJd.; Pyramid, 21 bales 19Jd., 18 bales. 18jd., 4 bales ISJd., 4 bales I 18d„ 4 bales 18d.; Kaiwarra, 3 bales 22J0., 9 bales 21jd., lb bales 19Jd., 4 bales Ibid., 5 bales ISJd. ■ Down: Wai-iti, 4 bales 21d., 4 bales 200.; Clovelly, 4 bales 21J0., Kaiwarra, 16 bales -221 d. . Crossbred: HS/M P, 11 bales 16$d., 4 11 IGd.; Turanganui, 13 bales 17Jd.; G Z, 12 bales' 160.; Tinakori, 31 bales IGJd., 7 bales 1540.; Awatoltoi, ’ 37 bales 17d., 18 bales 19{d., 11 bales H ISJd., 15 bales H 18d., 20 bales ISJd.; 'Te Kiwi, 10 bales Ibid.; CR/Claremont, 20 bales. 14-Jd.; Corrow Hill, 8 bales 16d., 7 bales H 15Jd.; C B Y, 25 bales Ibid., 9 bales H lOd.; PB/G, 11 bales 13d.; JDC, 12 bales 14Jd.; Waikanapa, 14 bales 17Jd., 7 bales 15Jd.; Hiwi, 4 bales 17d.; Hillside, 11 bales 16|d.; JSS, 10 bales 19d.; JPS, 12 bales 15ld„ 12 bales H 15|d.; Paparata, 7 bales laid.; Whare, • 12 bales 1710.; Hawaiki, 34 bales 170.; Hoheria, 16 bales 17id.; BK/K, 9 bales IGd.; Rem/Ruru, 5 bales IGd., 22 bales H ISJd., 7 bales H 17Jd., 5 bales H IGld., 5 bales 160.; Kotu, 11 bales 20d., 9 'bales 17id., 4 bales laid.; Kopjes, 9 bales 16Jd„ 5 bales 14Jd.; UK, 4 bales H IGld.; FC/W, 6 bales 15J0., 10 bales lad.; Peggioh, 10 bales 17jd., G bales IGld.; LS, 5 bales lad.; WWW, 7 bales 14Jd.; MTU, 6 bales laid.; B in circle, 12 bales laid.; LWW, 7 bales 174 d., 11 bales IGld., 8 bales 184 d.; Cliffside, IS bales 18Jd., 13 bales 18« d., 7 bales 16id ; , 14 bales H ISJd., 8 bales. H BllC, 4 bales IGd., 8 bales 150., 5 bales H IGld., HKS, 9 bales IGld.; Woodendean, 19bales IGld., 9 bales laid., 11. bales H 181 d„ 5 bales II IGld.; Woodstock 6 bales H IGld., Tarata, 13 bales 15d.; RV>M in heart, 7 bales laid.; Ardilea, 18 bales 1810., 11 bales 10}d.; Tl2, 11 bales lad., TD/S, 9 bales lad.; Glengarnock, 12 bales 18J.d., 8 bales 171 d.; Orui, 6 bales 20d., 44 bales 1840., 42 bales 17d., 8 bales laid., 14 bales 1440., 6 bales H 19id.. ? bales II 170.; AHE/Te! Rata,7 bales IGd , Mounganui, 8 bales ISJd., 44 bales 17|d., 15 bales 14Jd., 7 bales 10id., If bales lid-, WEH, 12'bales 151 d.; Manawa, 4 bales 21d., 31 bales 1810., 40 bates,lGJd., 7 bales IGld., Tyne Hall, 3 bales ISJd.; Mount M elcome, 36 bales IGld.; RSW, 25 bales W., 9 bales laid.; Rewa Rewa, 10 bales 184 d., 1J bales IGld., 4 bales 17d., 9 bales IGd., 6 bales 1910., 8 bales 17Jd., 5 bales H Ibid., .5 bales 15id. 4 bales 15Jd., 9 bales lod.; MJG, 8 bales 17d.; Bramerton, 20 bales W- So bales 18d„ 23 bates 16Jd., 11 bales H 200., 21 bales 190., 10 bales 1710.; LSK, 6 bales 15}d.; The Knoll, 9 bales IGid., 4 bales H IGd.; Wai-iti, 4 bales H 1810., 7 bales H 170.; VEV, 18 bales 151.; Glentanna, 5 bales IGd., 5 bales 15}d.; Kai Kai, 5 bales 153 d., 8 bales 1440., 14 bales 13J., 4 bales 12{d , 12 bales H 154 d., 4 bales 13d.; Ocean View, 24 bales 171 d., 9 bales 170., 5 bales 1510., 17 bales H 19d., 4 bales H 170.; AOM, 13bales 141 d., EtJ/W, 4. bates 18d., SG/W, 7 bales 1740.; ADJ, 10 bales 150.; ACH/W, 5 bales 18d., 7 bales laid.; Te Maire, 13 bales 17i’d., 15 bales IGJd., 5 bates laid., 5 bates 140.: Nonda, 5 bates IGd.; Mona J 35 bales IGd., 10 bales 14|d.; MB/T, 25 bales 170., 8 bales IGld., 10. bales H 19Jd.; Riverilia, 20 bales 17d., 25 bates IGld., 6 bales 150., 9 bates ISJd., 5 bales H IGJd.;. WIW, 9 bales 181 d„ 5 bales H 17d.'; Monavale, 25 bales IGld.; Maraekowhai, 02 bates IG-JO., 45 bales 1510., 24 bates 17d„ 12 bates 1610., 4 bales 140.; Beaumaris, 11 bates IGld., 8 bates 15Jd„ 7 bates ISJd., 5 bates 16jd.; Weka, 41 bates 16Jd., 19 bates ISJd.j Makaraka, 55 bales 16J.; The Lakes, 15 bales 17{d., 4 bates 15Jd„ 7 bates 170.; Ferny hurst, 5 bates H 19J0,, 10 bates H ISJd., 4 bates H 171 d.; JET, G bales lOd.; HJIG, 11 bates 15Jd.; SF over bar, 5 bates 15Jd„ 4 bates H 15Jd.; HNK/NP, 12 bates 17J0., 18 bales IGld., 8 bales laid., 4 bales 1510.; Flatspur, 5 bales 170., 4 bates IGd., 5 bales 16d.; Waihora, 4 bates 14|d.; Matahiwi over diamond, 10 . bales 190., 30 bales 18d., 19 bates 17J0., 4 bales 150., -5 bales 140.; Waterfall, 19 bales 19}d., 8 bates 150., 6 bales 191 d.; TC/M, 12 bales 1510.; TEC, 15 bales"l7d.; HH/B, 10 bales 15d.; JMT, 4 bates ISO.; Morland, 11 bales 21Jd., 19 bates 19d„ 30 bales 1810., 13 bates ISJd., 19 bales IGJd., 6 bates. H 21d., 7 bales H 191 d., 15 bales H 191 d.; Te Moana, 19 bales IGld., . 9. bales H IGld. ; SH/P,. 31 bales laid.; Vald’or, 24 bales IGd., 11 bales H 171 d. Bush Grove, 13 bales 1910., 47 bates 17J0.; Bush Groce. 40 bates laid.. 20 bates 141 d., 5 bates 1810., 9 bales IGld.; SE, 5 bates II 100.; JO. 10 bates 150.: HBRS/TAN’E, 28 bales 17J0., 12 Kites 15Sd., 12 bates H 18id. ; JOBP, 8 bales 174 d.; Winiata, 5 bales 1510., 4 bates 15d.; Rawhiti, 13 bates 19J0., 22 bales’ 1910;, 5 bales' 1010., 4 bates 15d.,.1l bales H 190., 12 bates 18id.; Arawa, 17 bales 17(1., 6 bates H IGd.; ARC, 32 bales 170.. 25 bales 160., 4 bates 1810.. 17 bales 18ld., 8 bales lujd., 6 bales 1410.; Burnside, 4 bates 170., 7 bates 1610.; DRL, 6 bates IGJd.: Maungawhare, 28 bates 16J0.. 7 bates 16}d.. 14 bales H 18d.; WL, 47 bales 1640., 9 bales 1510.: Pines. 6 bates 1510.; Waipuna, 5 bates ISld.: BT/R, 70 bales 1610.. 16 bales H 180.; The Grange, 4 bates 1610.; E I MeL, 4 bates 171 d., 4 bates H IGld.: Kourarau, 27 bates ISO.. 35 bales IGld.. 19 bates 160., 14 bates 1410., 20 bates H 18-10.. 14 bales H 16.}d„ 4 bates H 1510.: JOB/Pihautea, 4 bates H 17Jd.; JJBC/ in circle, 12 bates 161 d.; Roaha, 4 bales IGd.. 4 bates lOJO.; Glehtiii, 6 bates IGld., 7 bates ISd.; Springhill, 5 bates 17i|d., 25 bales IGld.. 13 hates ISJd.. 13 bates 16-}d.. 6 bates H 19J0., 16 bates H ISd.; WIIW. 8 bates IGld.; HH/H, 4 bates 19-}d.; DSJP conj'oined Brooklands/, 8 bales 16^1.; Tiraumea. 32 bates 1910.. 24 bates 17id.. 14 bates IGJO.. 14 bates 16-Jd.. 5 bates IGJO., 7 bales 1740.; Seafield, G bates 1217 T.; CBW, 5 bates IGd.; WCA/BW, 4 bates. 14J0.; Miro, 15 bates 15|d.; NB/K, 11 bates 18|d„ G bates IGld.; FK/E, 9 bates IGtete; Rosemead.'l7 bates IGd.: Tikapu. 100 bates. 17d., 5 bates 1510., 35 bales H 17ld„ 4 bates 15d.; Bankview. 11 bates ISO., 14 bales 1510., 11 bates 190., 5 bales 141 d.; HM-S, 8 bales 18J0., 12 bales ISJd.,

5 bales H 19d.; KMcL., 4 bales 19d., 5 bales 16id., 8 bales laid., 5 bales H 19id., 6 bales H 17id., 4 bales H 16d.; Koraha, 9 bales 16d.; Moikau, 9 bales 17id., 9 bales 15Jd., 5 bales 14Jd.; CHD, 6 bales 16(1.; EKA, 6 bales 16id.; C/DR, 8 bales 16Sd.; 4 bales H 17Jd.; HHH, 4 bales 15Jd. ; JSB/XYZ, 10 bales IGid.; WTW/The Glen, 5 bls. laid.; 5 bls. 14d.; JAP, 4 bls. 16d.; Reiki, 10 bales ISJd., 9 bales IGid., 4 bales laid., 4 bales 164 d., 9 bales H 17id.; RW/M, 4 bales 15id.; Opunake, 8 bales IGd., 10 bales 15id1, 4 bales 13:id., 4 bales II 174 d., 5 bales H 163 d.; SBROS/K, 4 bales laid.; SJA, 13 bales laid., 8 bales 144 d., 17 bales IGid.; WTP/A, 9 bales 144(1.; SE/T, 19 bales 14Jd.; Mangaone, 9 bales 163 d., 9 bales 15id„ 4 bales 14d., 4 bales 17{d., 4 bales II 16id.; Oxton, 8 bales laid., 9 bales laid., 5 bales 14}d.; 8 bales laid.; Kaiwarra, 11 bales fine 19id, 4 bales tine ISJd., 17 bales fine 203 d., 7 bales 183(1., 7 bales med. 165 d., 4 bales med. 15Jd., 6 bales fine 20d., 14 bales tine, 21id.; Kaiwarra, 21 bales F 18d„ 10 bales F ISJd., 22 bales F 17id., 23 bales F 184 d„ 102 bales F 18id., 28 bales H 193 d., 30 bales 17d., 10 bales H 183 d., 51 bales 16d., 16 bales laid., 19 bales 153 d., 102 bales med. 17d., 2S bales med., 16d.; 32 bales case. 17d., 12 bales cse. 144 d., 15 bales cse. 14Jd., 8 bales low 143 d. Lambs. —Awatoitoi, 12 bales, 214 d.; Waikanapa, 4 bales, ,20d.; Kotu, 4 bales, 19id.; L W W, 4 bales, 19}d..; Ardilea, 4 bales, 20Jd.; Mounganui, G bales, 19jd.; Manawa, 10 bales, ISjd.; Bramerton, 9 bales, 18fd.; V E V, 4 bales, 19id.; Riverina, 4 bales, IGJd.; Maraekowhai, 8 bales, 163 d.; Makaraka, 7 bales, 20d.; The Lakes, 4 bales, 20}d.; HNK/NP, 4 bales, 173 d.; Morland, 10 bales 233 d., 5 bales 17Jd.; SH/P, 6 bales, 18}d.; HBRS/Tane, 5 bales, 203 d.; ARC, 4 bales 20}d., 5 bales 17id.; Burnside, 4 bales, lOld.; Maungawhare, G bales, 18d.; BT/R, 9 bales 21Jd.;, 5 bales 16Jd.; Kourarau, 10 bales, 20Jd;; JOB/Pihautea, 4 bales, 18d.; Brooklands/Tiraumea, 10 bales; 21id.; Tikapu, 12 bales 233 d., 8 bales 17Jd.; Bankview, 6 bales, 21d.; JHT/Homewood, 6 bales, 21d.; WHD, 4 bales, 183'd.; Oxton, 4 bales, 17d.; Kaiwarra, 10 bales 18Jd., 8 bales lOd. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company report that their catalogue comprised approximately 3900 bales. On the whole the wool opened up well, and ineluded in their catalogue were several lines of super Romney qrossbred wools, which elicited very keen competition. It was evident from the commencement that while the Continent was as strong as ever, Bradford evidently in some cases had had their limits increased, with the result that Bradford representatives were securing more wool than at any previous auction this season.

Taking all through, the sale must be described as an excellent one, and they succeeded in selling 98 per cent, of their catalogue. Some of their prices were as follow:— VM, crossbred 151 d. to ISJd.; S&S/OV, crossbred 14Jd.; Linside, super three-quarter-bred 195 d. to 203 d., super hoggets 183 d., first fine 183 d., crossbred 173 d., necks and pieces 16d.; JHS/M, fine E IGJd.; NPN, Romney E 15}d.; D&NAT, halfbred 19jd.; Leedale, crossbred 163 d.; WT, crossbred E 153 d.; Z/Rimu, H 18(1., E 17id.; ES/P, crossbred 153 d. to 15}d. ; Brownhill, first H 184 d. to 19Jd., crossbred laid, to 16d.; Tukiwaha, fine E 16Jd.; DW/OJ; crossbred 164 d.; Kakaridges, half bred 20Jd., three-quarter-bred 18d., crossbred 153 d., B and P laid.; Flag, crossbred IGJd. to 17d,; 888, hoggets 164 d., ewes 15d.; HO/Apiti, Hoggets 164 d., ewes 17) d.; AW/M, crossbred 144 d., lambs 173 d.; Melton, ewes 16d.; WF/H, crossbred 143 d.; AS/RAI, halfbred 18id., crossbred 17d.; AB/1-1, crossbred 15d. to IGd.; TB, crossbred 18id.; Ngupake, crossbred 153 d.; UL/K, crossbred 143 d.; EDC/Temuna, halfbred 204 d.,. first hoggets 184 d., three-quarter-bred 18Jd.; CCL/ Mikimiki, HA 193 d., EA 17Jd., EB 15id., lambs 19d.; B/Wainella, three-quarter-bred 17-Jd., first, fine 17Jd., crossbred 14-ld.; GB/ first fine ISd., crossbred 154 d.; Seabright, crossbred IGd.; EBT, crossbred 143d.'; PTE, crossbred 143 d.; AEL/ Pineview, crossbred 153 d.; FRT/AHR, H 17d.; JH, crossbred 163 d.; RTL/CV, Corriedale 20d. to 203 d.; Wrekin, halfbred 20d. to 203 d.; JT/Springgroye, H 19d„ W 17d.; SVFJ/K, crossbred 163 d. to 183 d., pieces and B lambs 19d.; R&T/Majuba, Corriedale 163 d. to ISd., crossbred 14d.: RRS, crossbred 143 d.; EF/Weraroa, Ryeland ISJd., IGd.; Netherwood, Merino AH 793 d., AW 191 d., AE 19Jd., P and B IGid.; SHE, crossbred 16d.; DYY, crossbred lojd. , Waima, hoggets 183 d., crossbred 14Jd. to 164(1.; Taumata, first fine 18td., crossbred 14’d to 154 d : Bfanch, super Merino 20fd., AAA Merino 191 d., AA Merino 20d. to 20311., A Merino 19id., pieces and bellies 163 d., DJ/AV, halfbred 183 d., crossbred IoU-> CHW/M, halfbred 19(1., Cornedals 193 d., HTK, crossbred li>3d. to 163 d., "Al, crossbred 16d. to 16Jd.; J]~AF rSthtee17d„ crossbred 13Id. to lojd., LAF, three quarter-bred Ifljd., first 181 d., crosshrofl 1G4(1 lambs 18$d., hDJ/WAJi, crossbred fed. to 16d.; Tehunga crossewe 193 d„ A Cornedale 201d.,_ A pieces 163 d., three-quarter-bred 18Jd., JT/Bar dAwii fine E 173 d., crossbred 13Jd. to 153 d ’WHL, halfbred 19jd.; dr ® s ®' nrid 154(1 to 153 d.; Karakanul, first fine w ->5171 super E first T 16!d„ first w _ i74d first E 173 d., necks and pieces 15? d Jambs 183 d.; Welbeck, super CorriedX’2O3d to 223 d ; PAG three-quar erbred 173 d., crossbred l ud - , t 0 16=“'.’ M/Field, Corriedale 184 d. to JSi, three-ciuarter-bred lG*d., crossoreu ilh." to 16d.?HL/PK, tbre e -quarter-bred 17id., crossbred 143 d. to lo|d., a rara, three-quarter-bred I, i“iiid to ISd ■ Ardlui, crossbred 143 d. to 16d ' JB three-quarter-bred 18d., cl - oss " . i.-n tr. KPd ■ TC/R. fine crossbred bred lud. to l<u«” . .%Vr T /R - P r OSS bred 181 d, crossbred lu3d., SHL/K, crossoreu 154<1 to 164 d ’ Tawa, crossbred 14d. to lojd., FE/W? crossbred 153(1. to 163 d ’, Seaview, halfbred IGid. to 183 d., crossbred laid , TT/r Merino 193 d. to 203 d. t Hignrangt. crossbred 153 d. to IGd.; DEN, Isid to IGid?; Parinui, crossbred laid.. to 174d.’ Longvale, crossbred lad. to 163“-• RH/W, crossbred Ib^d.; -Koromiko, fine 74,01,1 i? 151(1 • P/Tividale, AAH 18Id., AH IS I"6id. E B I H idd., AIE 19d AE 163<L, l“)d crossbred 14d. to lad., HLO/Ix, fine H 17d HV Merino 194d. t comeback min -on crossbred laid.; DMcG, cross- , »15id D ’ to r iG S 3d 5a Js 183 d.; High and Honie, t tbree-<iuarter £ bred e _ bred 143 d.° id ’to 163 d.; JK/Glenfield, Corrledale* Mid. to 213 d, three-quarter-bred 173 d.; °P OU 1 I '?t ; i(i’,l to 19d, crossbred IGd. to. ioju., VJ/B, three-duarter-bred 19d.; Naumai, WE’toVtoe 1 !! 19d d -’crossbred 6 153 d." to io'.<l nieces 15}(1, bellies 15id., Craig neuk halfbred 19d. to 203 d Corriedale qimrter-bred ISd. to 19d, first fine: H and F 174 d first fine W IGd, crossbred Hid. L, ici’■ T’W/L three-quarter-bred l<‘ 4 d, t 0 to 193 d, crossbred fine quar e crossbred medium 14| crutchings 7Jd. to 104 d.


The Wairarapa Farmers’ Co-operative ?rTmV?» vwire districts, elicited exceptionally keen competition particularly from the Amencan interests, and they effected Practically a total clearance under the hammer at very satisfactory prices. f The following summarises the trend or the sale:—Merino, no demand. . Half bred, par to Id. down. Super crossbred, in sellers’ favour. Average crossbred, par to 4d up. Low crossbred, par. Hoggets, par. Lambs.; in sellers’ favour. Belies and pieces, par. Bellies and pieces (lacking quality),, id. to Id. down. The following are some of the lines sold bv them:—Southdown: Various, 6 bales at 20d. Corriedale: WR/The Cliffs, 3 bales at lioggets.v-Pukeatiia, 15 bales at 20}d„ 17 bales at 19R1., 7 bales at 18? d., 8 bales at IGId. K Bros., 9 bales at 19d. lawhero,. 12 bales at 19Jd., 13 bales at 18id., 27 bales at 18d .TAC, 5 bales at 19}d.. 9 bales at 161,1 . 12 bales at 15R1. ARKLOW, 6 bales at 19>d., 4 bales at 17Jd. DS in block, 16 bales'at ISRI.. 16 bales at 17d„ 6 bales at 161,1 HS/Miro, 7 bales at 17d. Gorge End, 5 bales at 17d. RW & ES/ Hoarirl, 7 bales at 181(1., 4 bales at 18Id. MF conj., 4 bales at 17d. JH/Rangitummi, 5 bales at 185<1. Quav, 4 bales at 1946., 6 bales at 181,1. RCE/Mangahuia. 5 bales at ISJd., 7 bales nt ISJd., 11 bales at 154 d. Taki Taki, 8 bales'at 174 d. JWS/lliwinni, 5 bales at JB4d., E rev. W conj., 5 bales at 19}d.. o bales at 16d. JIS, 4 bales at 16(1. Various 12 bales at lS4d. Mount Arthur, 6 bales at Ewes and Wethers.—Pukeatua, 7 bales at 2->d 30 bales at 1946.. 24 bales at ISd., s’bales at 15}d.. 15 bales at 154,1. K Bros.. ,1 bales at 18»d., 22“ bales at 165,1.. 16 bales at 16d. Tawhero, 17 bales at 19(1.. 9 hales at 161,1. Arklow. 8 bales at 191 d„ 26 bales at 174(1. DS in block. 27 bales at 18d„ 25 bales'at 164,1.. 26 bales at 154 d.. 26 bales at 174(1., 19 bales at 16Id„ 18 bales at lod. Pine/Grove, 17 bales at IOJd., 18 bales at 164 d. MF/Putiki, 11 bales at IRiil., 11 bales at 165,1. Annedale, 88 bales at J9jd., 62 bales at 184 d„ 11 17d„ 24 bales at ISld.. 9 bales at 151 cl. HS/Miro, 7 hales pt 17(1. Kuinuhunprn. 8 bales at 16(1., *> bales at 15d. ATP, 9 bales at 14id. G & Y/

Ngarata, 12 bales at 16-Jd. Gorge End, 14 bales at 16id. BM/Mangarawa, 7 15|d. CJ/Mangarawa, 7 bales at 143 d. RW & ES/Hoariri, 6 bales at 173 d, 12 bales at 17d, 8 bales at 16(L Te-Taumata, 7 bales at 17id, 6 bales at 16}d. WR/Tbe Cliffs, 10 bales at Mid. C/H, 5 bales at 164 d, 4 bales at 153, MF Conj’, 34 bales at 154 d. Pahiatua/MA, 6 bales at IGd, 4 bales at 15d, JH/Rangitumau, 10 bales at IGid, 6 bales at 15id.; RCE/Mangahuia, 19 bales at 163 d.; JLH/Namoi, 7 bales at 193 d.; G and Y/Ngarata, 4 bales at 193 d.; CB/Ngaturi, 10 bales at IGd, 5 bales at IGd.: CD/ Mt. Donald, 11 bales at 16d, 5 bales at 15d.; JAC, 9 bales at 174 d, 6 bales at 15id.; ALA. 10 bales at 163 d, 5 bales at 153 d.; Toi Flat, 13 bales at 183 d, 9 bales at 16d.; E rev. IV conj, 11 bales at ISd, 21 bales at 153 d.; WDT, 6 bales at 16id, 6 bales at. 163 d.; HJF, 6 bales at 16d.; G2, 10 bales at 16(1.; JJS, 4 bales at 16d. Lambs: Pjikeatua. 15 bales'-at 23id, 8 bales at 173 d.; K. Bros, 7 bales at 22id.; Arklow, 7 bales at 21d.; RCE/Mangahuia, 5 bales at 20id.; E rev. W conj, 3 bales at 20d.; Quay, 6 bales at 20d, 5 bales at

Necks: Annedale, 15 bales at 173 d.; DS in, block, 8 bales at 17Jd.; Pine/Grove, 4 bales at ISJd.; Tawhero, 10 bales at 183 d.: various, 11 bales at 17 l-Bd.

Bellies and Pieces: Puketua, 10 bales at Lid.; 6 bales at 13id, 12 bales at laid, 6 bales at 12id.; TaWhero, 23 bales at 154(1, 10 bales at 13d.;. K. Bros, 5 bales at 14i<L, 5 bales at 13d.; Pine/Grove, 6 bales at 144 d. ; 6 bales at 13d.; MF/Putlkl, 6 bales at 14id, 5 bales- at 13id.; Annedale, 43 bales-at 15d, 20 bales at 134 d, 8 bales at 133 d.; DS in block, 18 bales at 14id.; Arklow, la bales at 13id.; RW and ES/Hoa--7 S. ales at 14ia - • Toi Flat - 7 bales at 15id.; E rev. W conj, 8 bales at 1.33 d. N.Z. FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTING CO, LTD. The N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Distributing Co, Ltd, report as follows:— We offered a catalogue comprising 3408 bales to a full bench of buyers, representing all sections of the wool trade. Our catalogue was a most attractive one, a few choice lots of locajjy-grown halfbred being included amongst a fine display of lambs’ wool, Southdown and Romney cross hoggets’- and ewe wool, with a sprinkling of Lincoln and Lincoln cross clips. Competition was animated from the commencement of the sale, and we sold our entire catalogue at auction, with the exception of 15 bales, at prices which must be considered highly satisfactory* to growers. Our principal realisations were as. follow :—Halfbred A “Aim,” 23d, hgts.. 20d. B, 193 d.; Co-op. A 201 d, B 194 d.; DGG/ Wairere, A 193 d, S’down. halfbred, 23d.; Co-.op. A 21d„ B 193(1 ; S’down. crossbred A Co-op. 19jd, B 184 d.; -Tre, S’down. crossbred H 193 d. Romney Hoggets: Mangaone/S, ISd.; F and HP, 1843.; FT/Pukeokhahu, 185 d.: DGG/Wairere, 18d.; JY/A, ISd.; Matauia, 18jd. CW/WlUowbank, ISid.; LGN, 18d.; Kiwi, ISd.; Flag Creek, 183 d.- O—O/Makarewa, 183 d.; Ongo, 183 d.; Myani,l9d. to 20d.; Co-op, 19d.; Tonawbai ISJd. Romney Ewe.—TßH, 17d.; F and H P, 173 d.; RFM/MV, 173 d.; Crosskeys, 184 d.; Matauia, 17d.; Link, 17d.; Flag Creek, 173 d. and.lSd.; O 0/ Makarewa,'l7d.; Ongo, 17d.; Myani, 18d.; XXX, 18Jd.; HB, 18d.; HB/Terrace, 19d.; Lae, 17d.; JB/Brooklands, 18d.; CXZ, 17Jd.; Co-op, 183 d. and 19d.

a Crossbred A, —Tonawhai, 163 d.; RM/ - Springhill, 16’d.; Mangaone/S, 163 d.; San--1 dyford, 163 d.; F & H P, 163 d.; FT/Huia, 1 IGJd.; Dochroyle, 17d.; F/Pukunui, 16}d.; - DGG/Wairere, 163 d.; Kintail, 163 d.; HD/ 8 HR, 164 d.; Aim, 164 d.;; HB/Terrace,’ 163 d.; :> AFLs 16Jd.; Co-op, 164 d.; Various, 163 d.; • Tokoroa, 163 d. - • > Medium Crossbred.—JJD, 16Jd.; JB/ 5 Opakl, 16d.; AR/Pukenui, 163 d.; Green- > woodside, 16Jd.; CCD/C, 16d.; F and HP, I 16d.; Wairepo, 16d.; JMW, 16d.; RFM/MV, ' 16d.; ■ ‘ Crbsskeys, 163 d.; RST/Mangaio, ' 163(1.; MG/Raumunga, IGJd.; Link, IGJd.; ■ Kiwi, IGd.; Kilmory, ‘ IGid. ; Flag Creek, ; IGd.; Myaiii IGd.; Pariroa, IGJd.; Kiwi, • 163 d.; Hlhau, 16d,; T/KK, 16d.; WN/Fern- • hill, IGd.; HB/Terrace, IGd.; Co-op, IGd. ■ and 163 d.; Various, IGd.; NMK, 163 d. ’ Strong Crossbred.—Foxley, 14d. and- > 14Jd.; HBM/Rathkeal, 153 d.; Ederdale, • 14? d.; JT/M, 14Jd.; RB/K, isd.; CS/Llnk- ’ field, 154(1.; HME, ISJd.; The Pines, 153 d.; [ TRE, lojd.; AFL, 15Jd.; OBX, lojd.; JB/ J Brodklands, 153 d.; CXZ,-154(1.; Co-op, 15d. > Lincoln;—Otawhao, 14d. and 144 d. I Lambs, Super.—Link, 22Jd.; Motu/Kd- ; whai, 20Jd.; RFM/MV, -203 d.; Flag Creek, • 20Jd.; JD/T, 21Jd.; Co-op, 20}d.; Diichroyle, 22jd.; JD/Ngatawa, 213 d. I Pieces and Bellies.—Aß/Pukemil, 153 d.; > Aim, 15d. ! Pieces.—Link, 17Jd.; Flag Creek, 153 d.; 1 Co-op, 15Jd. ’ Neck Pieces/—RFM/MV, 18cL; Various, I 17Jd. ' : DALGETY AND CO. ’ Messrs. Dalgety and Co. Ltd. report ; that the majority of the offerings consisted 6T well-grown and light-conditioned crossbreds. There was a fair quantity of niceconditioned half-breds from the Marlborough district. The offering of merinos was small,' -and, unfortunately, as at the two previous sales, the demand and competition was extremely limited. Under present conditions it is evident that local mills are only interested in fine combing merino, the broad type under the present fashions not being required for their trade. As previously explained, the Dominion mills appear now .to .be using a great cniantity of the fine half-breds; they find that” this class of wool is to a large extent very suitable for their requirements. -We catalogued a few nice lines of merinos from the Marlborough district, and were fortunate in being able to dispose of the bulk of the offering under the hammer. Our top price was 213d_ for a nice line of CO/4J4 quality GHB from Blenheim. Other notable sales .were 20Jd. for AA Brancott ewes, and AA Benopai ewes. For 16 bales of RU in D merino ewes we made 21d. Merino skirtings were in good demand, French competition' taking the majority of the super lines catalogued, prices in our catalogue running up to 163 d. For a nice light conditioned line ot halfbred, HB/Ketu, 56’g quality, we made 22Jd.; . halfbred ewes Lakeview making 21Jd. The local mills were keenly interested in good halfbreds and were the largest buyers, but good competition for these wools alsp came from English and American trade. Crossbreds commanded a wide range of competition' and as Wellington district crossbreds are noted for their character and yield, these wools are' eagerly sought after by all overseas-competitors. The Continental demand was strong and again this section of the trade were the largest buyers. We estimate that out of the total offering.of 27,000 bales that the English purchases amounted to 10,000 bales. ■ Tha majority of the balance being secured by the Continental and United States trade. Australia was in the market for good lambs’ wool and for super style Romneys, A good order was also being operated on for Russia and this trade secured a fair quantity of medium to good topmaking wools. American orders this season have been good and from our knowledge we make their purchases for the season to date somewhere in the vicinity of 17,000 bales, as against up to the same period last year of 7000 bales. Both Germany and France have purchased heavier this year than last and considerably more wool is going to Russia. Japan have all along been in the market for their special style of wools and their purchases ’amount to a fair weight. Southdown wool was in strong demand and we made the satisfactory price of 233 d. for 5 bales offered on account of Messrs. A. and J. Gray, Masterton, brand JG/Parkvale. For a super lot of Southdown cross offered on account of Mr. T. Maher, Porirua, made 22d, the hogget wool of the same clip making 213 d. for A and 204 d. for B. Five bales of necks from the same clip brought 18d. For a super line of 48/50’s super hoggets on account of G. Durrant, Taihape, branded GD/ Matuku, we made 203 d.. Six bales same quality super hoggets brand EAZ bringing TJJd. Out of our catalogue of 4800 bales we ■ had a wonderfully good clearance, disposing of 97 per cent, under the hammer. It was also very noticeable what keen competition ruled for. our binned and intertolled wools, extremely high rates being secured for these. The list of the principal lots sold by Messrs. Dalgetj- and Co. will appear ip to-morrow’s issue. ■ A RUSH OF WOOL. As showing the eagerness of wool growers to market their , clips at the local sales, it may be mentioned that the next wool sale will not be held in Wellington until Tuesday, February 19, when, according to the limit fixed by the wool committee, only 27,000 bales can be offered, yet on Monday last, January 7, woolbrokers bad in store 30,531 bales, and of course the catalogue had to be closed. This means that 3531 bales must be held over until the sale on March 20. This may seem hard to some, but it would never do for each centre to have unlimited offerings. The order of sale and the quantities to be offered at the February sale are as under:— _ . Bales. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile ........ 3085 N.Z.F. Distributing Co. 2911 Wairarapa Farmers 2123 Wright, Stephenson and. Co. and Abraham and Williams .... 4402 Dalgety and Co 5028 Murray, Roberts and Co. and Johnston and Co - 3273 Levin and Co 61<8 ' 27,000

logeiner «im last sale in Decfcriiber:— _ Dee. Sale. Sat. Sale. d. d. d. d. Merino. 64/70, 60/64—_ Siirinf* 224 to 244. None offer. Average Inferior . 19 to .205 None offer. 18 17} to 20} to 17} Corriodale— . 204 to 21} 20 to 22} Super ...'.i.;.t Average ....... Inferior . 18? to 20 . 16} to 174 18 16 to 19} to 17} Fine Ildlfbred, 56/58— 21} to 22* Super None offer. Average . 18} to 21} 18t to 21} Inferior . None offer. 16} to 18} Medium Halfbred, Super . . 20 to 21 19} tb 21} Average .;.... . 17} to 2Q 17} to 19} Inferior . 16} to 17 15} to 17 Extra Fine Crossbred, .48/50-t: 19} to 22 Super 18} to 20} Average ..... 16} to 18} 17 to 19} Inferior 15 to 10} 15} to 16* Fine Crossed. 46/48—< 17} to 19* Super 17} to 19} ti£e ..... 15} to 17} 15} td 17} Inferior 13} to 15 14} to 15} Medium Crossbred 44/46— 17 to 19 Super 17 to 18} Average ....... 15 to 16} 15} to 10} Interior 13} to 14} 13} to 14} Coarse Crossbred, 40/44— to 17} Super ; 10 to 174 16 Average 14} to 15} 14} to 16 . Inferior 12 to 13} 12} to 14 LoiV Crossbred, 36/40 — 15 to 16 super 15 to 16 Average 13} to 14} 13* to 15 Inferior 11 to 12} 16} to 21} 11 to 13 Hoggets,.48/50 ... 16} to 21 Fine. 46/48 15} to 20 16} tO 20} Medium, 44/46 .. 15} to IS* 15} to 18} Coarse. 40/44 .... 14 to 16} 14 to 16} Low, 36/40 Lambs— None offer. 17one offer. 14 to 15 ilbivn, 50/50 ... Fide, 46/50 ;... 17} to 21} 17} to 23} . Seedy and Inf. . None offer. 14 to 16} Bellies and PiecesMerino— Good to Super 154 to 161 15} ‘0 17 Lbw to Med. .. Halfbred— — to 14| 14 to 14} Good to Super 15 to 17} 15* to 18 Lbw tb.Mcd. .. Crossbfed— 13 to 14} 12} to 14} Good , to Super 13 to 18} 12} o 16 Low to Med. .. 9} to 12} 9} o 12 Crutchings— Medium to Good 11 to 14* 11 o 12} Inf. and Seedy .. Looks— 6} to 10} to 10} Merino 13} Halfbred None offer. 10 Crossbred 7 to 9} 7 o 9}

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Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 93, 14 January 1929, Page 10

Word Count

THIRD WELLINGTON WOOL SALE Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 93, 14 January 1929, Page 10

THIRD WELLINGTON WOOL SALE Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 93, 14 January 1929, Page 10