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Woman’s World

Matters of Interest from Fat and Near

PERSONAL ITEMS. Miss Nanoya. Baudinet is at present visiting Christchurch as the guest of Miss Joy Woolf, Suuiucr. Airs. J. McMaster (formerly Miss Joan Quane, of Christchurch), accompanied'by her small son, arrived from England by the Tainui yesterday ou a visit to her parents. Miss Hill, of Wellington, is staying in Christchurch. Mr. and Airs. Smith and family are visitors to Christchurch from Wellington.

Air. and Mrs. H. F. O'Leary have returned to Wellington from Napier. Miss J. Handyside (Napier), Aliss Al. Giles (Christchurch), Aliss E. Woodcock (Christchurch) and Airs. C. Hamner (Christchurch), arrived from England by the Tainui yesterday. Airs. Harper-Tapp, Wellington, is at present the guest of Mrs. Bremer, Mission Hill, New Plymouth. Airs. Wright has returned to Stratford from Wellington. Airs. J. F. Studholme, Fendalton. Christchurch, has gone to Auckland to attend a conference of officers of the Girl Guides. Air. and Airs. Allan Bruce (Wellington) are among the visitors in Christchurch. Air. and Airs. Ivan Jones are visitors to Auckland from 'Wellington. Air. and Airs. H. Griffiths, of Wellington, are visiting Auckland. Aliss W. Alarriott, of 'Wellington, who has been spending a holiday in Auckland, has returned home. Air. and Airs. C. Roberts and Aliss L. Roberts (Dunedin) arrived from England by the Tainui yesterday. Aliss Alary Cox, of Christchurch, is in ■Wellington. She hopes to leave for Auckland on Friday, returning to Christchurch the following week. Air. and Airs. Gordon Stewart, who were recently married at Christchurch, are visiting Wellington. They will leave by to-night’s Limited for Auckland, where they expect to remain for some time. Aliss Gwen Alajor has returned to Afasterton from a holiday at Pllmmerton. Aliss Sectt, of Ponatalii, Wairarapa, will leave next week for England. Airs. A. Hollings, of Wellington, is the guest of Airs. Stanley AlcLaren, of Lansdowne,. Alasterton. Airs. lan Alcßae, of Tyneside, Alasterton, is staying with her mother, Airs. Duncan, 'Wellington. Airs. Colin Macdonald, of Christchurch, is staying with Airs. Ronald Alacdonald, Levin. • r • VISITING THE CAPITAL. Aliss Bettie Riddell will arrive from Sydney by the Alaheno to-day on a visit to her mother, Airs. Robert Burnett. Aliss Joan Hawkeu, who has been spending the last few days as the guest of Airs. T. B. Crump in Eltham, came to Wellington on Friday. Aliss Malone and Aliss Redmond are visitors to 'Wellington from Stratford. Aliss Jean Mariner, of Auckland, is the guest of her sister, Airs. Halligan, in Wellington. Airs. ■ Sydney Tlsdall, Avonside, Christchurch, is visiting her mother, Airs. IV. Alan tell, in 'Wellington. , Airs. 11. R. Elder, Havelock North, is a visitor to Wellington. Aliss Elaine Wall, Kairanga, is staying with Aliss Mollie Gillespie at Eastbourne. Aliss Roberto Simpson will leave Dunedin this week en route to Wellington. She will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Beveridge, Kelburn. Aliss Simpson will leave next month on an extended tour of America and Great Britain. * * ♦ BRIDE-ELECT HONOURED. On Saturday evening the senior, students of Aliss Florence Ruth George’s elocutionary classes entertained one of their number, Miss Florence Ada George, who is shortly to be married to Air. Al. Alanthell. The guest of honour was the recipient of many good wishes, as well as presents, made by Alisses A. Woodward and Rita Fletcher, on behalf of the students. Competitions were won by Alisses Aliriel Aitchison and N. Lea. Miss Florence Ada George and Air. Manthell both thanked all for their hospitality and good wishes, and a happy evening was brought to an end by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne.” « « « TRAVELLING SCHOLAR RETURNS. AIISS UNA CASTLE. Aliss Una Castle, M.A., of "Wellington, returned by the Tainui after two years abroad. Aliss Castle won the French travelling scholarship of the New Zealand University, and has been pursuing her studies in that language ,abroad. She went first to France, via England, and after three months in the provinces went to Paris, and studied at the Sorbonne, spending vacations on trips to different countries. AVith her sister she visited Spain ami Cadiz, being in Spain when the King and Queen were there. The bullfights Miss Castle found very impressive. On returning to London Miss Castle stayed tit Crosby Hail, the International residential hostel for university women, where she occupied the room provided by New Zealand university women. Aliss Castle was present at the opening of the building, which was performed by the Queen amidst a notable gathering. Aliss Alary McLean also was present. A stay at Oxford followed, and there Aliss Castle pursued her studies, which were varied by visits to Devon and other places, and site later returned to the Sorbonne to study methods of teaching French, for which she was awarded the diploma. Aliss Castle considers the French schools of a very high standard.

During iter time abroad Aliss Castle visited Germany, Holland, and Belgium, and was present at the festival at Nuremburg to celebrate the fourth centenary of Albrecht Durer, the famous etcher and engraver. An exhibition of ills works, gathered front all over the world, was held.

In Paris Aliss Castle enjoyed many concerts, especially those at the Salle Pleyel, which has since been burnt. Hoiiand, which she visited also, Aliss Castle found a very delightful place, both prosperous and happy. She thought the Dutch customs very like the English. Aliss Castle finds herself very pleased to get back to Wellington, though site enjoyed iter time abroad to the full. She intends to continue teaching French here

ENGAGEMENT. Helen Alarv, eldest daughter of Air. and Mrs. R- E- Glover Road, 11awera to Frederick Vincent, only son of Air. and Mrs. C. V. Powell, 'Wanganui. ♦ * * WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES. Mrs. 'Wallis opened the fete hold In the Prime Alinister’s grounds on Saturday afternoon in aid of the Girls’ Friendly Society, and many old friends greeted her warmly. The arrangements were in the hands of the diocesan secretary, Miss Jcnkyns, assisted by Mesdam'es Yeats, Alitchell, Redgrave, and Alisses Houghton, Herons, and Rawsley. who served the tea while Misses Ballinger and Gleeson held a sweet stall and ice creams. Aliss Walker, took charge of the gate and many friends assisted, while thanks are due to St. Paul’s Mothers’ Union for the loan of crockery and to Mrs. Curtis for tallies and forms and free cartage. Airs. Sprott and the committee wish to thank also all who attended, and the Prime Alinister and Airs. Coates for the loan of their grounds and for their presence at the fete.

Following is the list of hostesses for the Community Club this week:—Yesterday, Airs. Pocock; to-day, Airs. S. 11. Rasta 11; to-morrow, Mrs. E. L. Al. Ateachen: Thursday, Mrs. A. Buck; Friday, Airs. Pow: next Alonday. Wellington Suburban Nursing Division.

The monthly committee meeting of the Levin Alemorial Home was held on Tuesday last. Miss Archibald presided, and there were present: Alesdames Stace. AicEldowney, Aleek. Poole, and Gillespie, and Misses Alorrah, Greenwood, Young, Barry, and Chalmers. The matron reported the health of the children to be good, and that thov were settled down again at the Britomart Street School, the move from the temporary home at Aliramar having been effected on November 3. The committee recorded thanks to the teachers of St. Alden’s Church and Sunday School, and the Girls’ Club for interest taken in the children during their stay at Aliramar. to Mrs. Phillips for use of tables and forms, to Mrs. Parsons for use of tables and forms, and many other thoughtful deeds. The date fixed for the annual gift tea was November 21. Tito following gifts were received during the month: —One dozen cottons, from Airs. Stace; fruit, Aliss Archibald; cake. Airs. Lyon: jam, shoes, and clothing, Airs. T. Young: clothing. Miss Reeve; cakes, buns, and scones, Velma Tea Rooms; sandwiches, buns, and cakes, Aliramar Tennis Club; teacakes and buns, Aliss Chalmers; baking dish. Airs. Stevenson: settee, Airs. AicEldowney: clothing, Airs. Wauchope; magazines, Airs. Heenan, Eastbourne. Thanks were also accorded to Airs. Aleek and Mrs. AicEldowney for making curtains, cushions, etc., for refurnishing the home, and to Messrs. Brewin and Steel for assistance while moving. * * ♦ Airs. Robert Gibbons presided at the annual meeting of the Khandallah branch of the 'Women’s National Reserve. Aliss Bennett (secretary) presented the annual report and balancesheet, which were gratifying to all concerned, £6B 19s. 3d. having been received for the year. The president’s garden party in March had proved most successful. Mrs. Innes-Murray had given the profits from a recital to the funds. Mrs. A. Gibbons had given a most enjoyable afternoon, the result of which provided a fine amount of house linen for the nursery, as well as adding nearly £4 to the funds. Airs. Bennett and Airs. Doull were thanked for a large amount of sewing done, the former having been a most generous helper since the inception of the nursery. The violet day effort was well responded to, it was reported, £32 13s. 7d. being raised. Also £l3 had been paid in for special needs for the nursery. Over twenty-nine dozen eggs had also been collected, and were greatly appreciated at the nursery. A most liberal hamper had been sent to Porirua from the branch. Airs. Porter, in seconding the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, congratulated the secretary upon her work, both for the branch and at the nursery, where she had given valuable voluntary help for years She thanked all also for splendid work done. The resignation of Mrs. Al. Gibbons was received with regret. The report was adopted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Airs. A. Gibbons; secretary, Aliss Bennett reelected) ; vice-presidents, Alesdames Bennett, Nicholls, Seed, and Al. Gibbons ; committee. Alesdames Davidson, Hitch, Gledhill, Hollis, Alurray, Grqen, Gentry, and Griffiths. All were entertained at afternoon tea after the business of the meeting. * » * DISTRICT NURSING GUILD. ANNUAL MEETING. Th Alayor (Mr. G. A. Troup) presided at the annual meeting of the District Nursing Guild of St. John yesterday. Air. Troup, in proposing the adoption of the report (already published), which was adopted, remarked that the work of the guild went on each year, thanks to those who had raised an endowment fund, without undue anxiety as to ways and means. He recalled the efforts made in the early days by a band of workers under the late Airs. S. A. Rhodes, who had wished to see the work secured for all time. They were far-seeing in preparing for difficult times ahead, for it seemed that there would always be congested areas in big towns, and many people requiring such help as the guild gave. At present the money invested, £llOO. was earning 4 or 4-J per cent, only, but most of those loans (City Council) were maturing shortly, and the guild should be able to get 5 or 5} per cent, for its money, and thus increase its income to pay for a third nurse. The money invested could not be used, only the interest being available for current expenses. As Alayor of the city, he was glad of the work, and wished it continued success. Dr. Macdonald Wilson also congratulated the committee. The followup work now being done in conjunction with the hospital was of great value. Such work was started in America, and was done a great deal in England now. It was of great benefit to patients and to the hospital., as patients could be discharged earlier, and in that way assisted the council, which had to provide some of the hospital funds. It was community work, and he stressed his feeling that only in voluntary work could the real community spirit be found. ■ The other point was that the district nurses had assisted the Department by giving instruction to the nurses taking postgraduate courses in social service. That was a new venture, and it showed that the work of the guild must not

be done in water-tight compartments, but must be parallel with other departments. Dr. Shirer also spoke, ana said that he felt the guild could easily employ six nurses. He knew many people who regarded Sisters Gray and Collins as much more useful than any ministers or doctors. Air. Troup spoke of the work of the president, Airs. Stace. She was one of those who “hang on,” and lie hoped she would continue to do so for many years to come. All those interested in public life must lie deeply grateful for what that and kindred societies were doing. Airs. Stace thanked the committee, especially the lion. secretary and treasurer and the nurses, for their work. She mentioned that they intended to appoint a third nurse immediately, and that Miss Carwell Cooke’s dance recital to-night was being given to assist in that. The following officers were elected:

—Patroness, Her Excellency Lady Alice Fergussou; president, Mrs. A. Stace; vice-presidents, Alesdames S. D. Tripe and A. A. Corrigan; committee, Alesdames E. Balcombe Brown, G. Barltrop, W. Young, E. Al. Lu Ice, D. Alacdonald Wilson, Al. H. Pearson, Misses E. AL Rowley, Littlejohn, and E. Young; hon. secretary, Airs. Afurdo Mcßae; hon. treasurer, Airs. W. J. Osborn; trustees, Alessrs. W. H. Sefton Aloorhouse, G. A. Troup, T. Al. Wilford, ALP., O. S. Watkins, and Airs E Balcombe Brown

Miss Hazel Bramwell, of Feilding, has returned to her home, after spending the week-end with Mrs. 11. Scott, of Palmerston North. Mrs. R. T. Thomson, of Waipukurau, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. McGill, of Palmerston North.

Miss Ester Holst, of Foxton. has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hornblow, of Palmerston North. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hodder have returned to Palmerston North, after a visit to Taihape. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cooper, of Palmerston North, are visitors to Christchurch.

The Rev. and Mrs. G. T. Brown, of Palmerston North, left last night for Auckland, to attend the meeting of the Presbyterian General Assembly. Mrs. F. Rosvall is a Palmerston North visitor to Hastings. Miss Rita Saunders has returned to her home at. Glen Orona, after a two months’ holiday with friends in Sydney.

.Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cooper, of Palmerston North, spent the week-end in Wellington.

At the presentation of trophies at the Hokowhitu golf links on Saturday afternoon, when a mixed foursome competition brought the season to a conclusion, the president, Mr. Martyn Abraham, made special reference to the work of Mrs. L. Seifert, who, although ladies’ honorary secretary, was always ready to give able assistance ‘to the men. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Harrison, Wanganui. arc visiting Wellington. Mrs. E. Johnston, Wellington, is visiting Wanganui.

.Mrs. Cooper. Palmerston North, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Treadwell, Wanganui. .Mr. and Mrs. T. Wright have returned to Wanganui for a short visit to Levin.

Mrs. T. Vaughan. Mrs. lan Higgle and Miss IL Rogers, Wanganui, are spending a short holiday at the Mountain House, Mt. Egmont.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Russell have returned to Wanganui from Sydney. Mrs. W. Russell, Wanganui, is visiting Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arthur and Miss Arthur, Taihape, arc visiting Tnntnarunui. Miss N. Cowper, Wanganui, is visiting Wellington. Miss L. Keesing, Wanganui, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. J. Solomon. Wellington. Miss J. Barton has returned to Wanganui from "Wellington. Mrs. W. Draflin, Wanganui, was hostess at bridge on Saturday night. .Mrs. W. Best. Wellington, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. E. Jefeoatc, Wanganui. Misses N. and K. McCarten, Taihape, are visiting Wellington. Mrs. A. .Sutherland has returned to Wellington from Fordcll, Wanganui. Miss M. Harvey, "Wanganui, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. 1 isbei, Duric Hill. "Wanganui. Mrs. Lewis and Miss I.ewis, W ellmgt.on, are the guests of Mrs. D. Dickie. St. John's Hill, Wanganui. MADAME MENERE’S HINTS ON FURSTHE BEST WEARING FURS. . Natural coloured skins of every kmd wear better than those that have been dve.l, as the dye. in tune rots the jelt vvhich accounts so often tor the and ripping of a comparatively new lui "arment. Although the colour may not be (mite so effective, the natural coloured skin is the better wearer by many years.—Advt.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hobson arc Wellington visitors to Wanganui.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Frost, who have been visiting Wanganui, have lett to take up residence at Te Kuiti. Last Thursday afternoon members of St. Stephen’s Ladies’ Guild, Marton, made a presentation to Mrs. A. IL Bill, who lias been secretary to the Guild for some ten years. St. John’s Ambulance Brigade, Wanganui, were instrumental in raising over £6O recently for the Blind Institute, by selling at the Wanganui Agricultural Show and the Horticultural Show baskets made at the ins.itnte. The many friends of Mrs. Alfred Burnett, Wanganui, will be pleased to hear that she is recovering from her recent severe illness. The Gonville Croquet Club, M auganui, held several interesting challenge games during the week. Mrs. Wallace succeeded in winning a mallet, MrsMullins in retaining a mallet, and Mrs. Body won by default. Mesdames -L Thomson and Strang secured the buttons for doubles, and Mesdames Turvey and Parker also won buttons m their section. Mr. 11. Williams, formerly manager of His Majesty’s Theatre. Wanganui, has returned to Taihape from a visit to Australia. The death occurred on Saturday morning, after a long illness, of Mrs. Annie Jane Nairn (nee McDowell), wife of Mr. J. Nairn, of College Street, Palmerston North, at the age of off years. The late Mrs. Nairn, who was born in Christchurch, came to Palmerston North 34 years ago after her marriage and had resided there ever since. As a keen welfare worker, the deceased lady had endeared herself to a large circle of friends, and was very highly respected. She was actively interested in the Presbyterian Church, and had held various offices in conjunction with that body. Her demise has caused widespread regret. She is survived by a widower, two daughters, Misses I. and M. Nairn, and one son, Mr. S. Nairn. Mrs. M. T. Munro. “Twyford.” Hastings, and Miss Judy Munro, are on a week’s holiday nt Morcre. and are guests nt the Hot Springs Hotel. ADELPHI CABARET. Attractive afternoon tea sessions are a feature at the Adelphi Cabaret. Dainty afternoc” teas are served in pleasant surroundings, to the accompaniment of good music, at a price which includes dancing during the week. In addition, there is always some special entertainment featured at the afternoon sessions. This week Miss Kathleen O'Brien and her clever pupils are staging "A Juvenile Ballet at every afternoon session. The mannequin fashion teas at the Adelphi every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon are a popular'attraction. To-morrow and on next Saturday afternoon there will be a display of inexpensive summer frocks. Mr and Mrs. T. Hughes, Petone, spent the week-end nt Woodville, and were the guests of Mrs. Barkwith. Mr Sil verwood, postmaster, Tualape’re. with his wife and family, have left for their home, after a holiday as the guests of Mrs. Whitelaw, Woodville Mr. and Mrs. Silver-wood. Petone, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverwood, the Hutt.

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Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 48, 20 November 1928, Page 4

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Woman’s World Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 48, 20 November 1928, Page 4

Woman’s World Dominion, Volume 22, Issue 48, 20 November 1928, Page 4