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TO-DAY’S PROGRAMMES Following are to-day's broadcast programmes : — 2YA, WELLINGTON (420 Metres). 3.0 p.m.: Chimes of the G.P.O. clock, 3.1: Selected gramophone Items. 4.30 and 4.55: Sports results. 5.0: Close down. 6.0: Children's session, conducted by Uncle Ernest, assisted by Cousins from Thorndon Normal School (under Mr. Tremewan). 7.0: News session, market reports and sports results. 7.40: Lecturette—Colonel F. Burton Mabln, "The Thrills of Sword Fishing.” 8.0: Chimes of the G.P.O. clock. 8.1: Overture—Tlie Orchestra, "William Tell” (Rossini). 8.11: Contralto solo—Miss Madge Freeman, “Wcll-a-Day" (Martin). 8.15: Recital—Mr. Barton Ginger, "Como’

(Miller). , . 5.22: Instrumental trios—Studio Trio, (a) “Air” (Schumann); (h) “The Re-

turn” (Bizet). 8.32: Tenor solo—Mr. Edwin Dennis, "Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes”

(Sullivan). 8.36: Operatic selection —The Orchestra, » “11 Trovatore” (Verdi). 8.46:' Vocal duet—Miss Madge Freeman and Mr. Edwin Dennis, "Night of Stars, Night of Love” (Offenbach). 8.50: Soprano solo—Mrs. Ellison Porter, “Vale” (Kennedy Russel). 8.54: Instrumental—The Orchestra, request

number. 9.2: Weather forecast. 9.4: Vocal trio—Philharmonic Trio, Sec-

ret” (Cadman). 0.8: Pianoforte solos—Miss Joyce Downing, (a) “Hungarian Rhapsody No. It” (Liszt); (b) “Golliwog’s Cake Walk” (Debussy). 9.16: Contralto solo—Miss Madge I>reeman, “Sweet Early Violets” (Sherrington). 9.20: Tenor solos—Jlr. Edwin Dennis, (a) “O Could I But Express” (Malas-

kin); (b) selected. 9.26: Instrumental —The Orchestra, lagliacci'.’ (Leoncavallo). 9.3 G: Vocal duet—Mrs. Ellison Porter and Miss Madge Freeman, Ghosts ot Little White Roses” (Rich). 9.40: Recitals—Mr. Barton Ginger, (a) “First Appearance at Odeon rheatie of Nichols Tacchenardi” (fields); (b) “The Three Trees" (Powell). 9.48: Soprano solo—Mrs. Ellison Porter, Ctirniena” (Lane Wilson). 9.52: Musical comedy selection—The Orchestra, “Lilac Timo,” lart (Schubert-Clutsam). 10.2: God Save the King. Subject to conditions being favourable, the Eucharistic Congress in Sydney wi t be re-broadcast as follows: —11.30 a.m. till I. p.m.; 9.30 p.m. till 10.30 p.m. IVA, AUCKLAND (333 Metres).—-..0 n.m.: Afternoon session—Selected studio items. 4.0: Literary selection by the announcer. 4.8: Further studio items. : Sports results. 4.30: Close down. 6.0: Children’s hour —Nod and Aunt Jeiim Song, Aunt Jean. Dialogue, Party.” Letters and birthdays. Aunt Jean and Aunt Pearl. General Gerald, “Animal Imitations.’ Recitation, Cousin Gwenyth. “Burton’s Curtains. Bedtime stories. Song, Aunt Jean, Goodnight.” 7.15: Lecture —Major J. A. Cowper, “Aviation.” 7.30; News and market reports. 8.0: Chimes. 8.1: Orchestral, “The Merry Wives of Windsor” (Nicolai). 8.8: Vocal quartet—Madame Mary Towsey’s Quartet, “Sympathy” (hriml). 8.1-: Instrumental trio —Auckland Trio, AUegro from Trio in F” (Gade). 8.20: Bantone solo—Mr. John Bree, “Lady Mine (Lohr). 8.23: Vocal and Instrumental— The Bohemian Trio, (a) “Blue Mountain Home” (Robinson); (b) Ramona (Wayne). 8.30: Contralto solo—Miss Edna Peace. “Dawn” (Curran). 8.34: Humour— Mr. J. F. Montague, “My Early Loves 8.40: Tenor solo—Mr. J. McDougall, My Heart is a Haven” (Steinet). 8.44: Cello solo—Miss M. Wright, selected. 8.49: Soprano solo—Madame Mary Towsey, “Ave Maria” (Mascagni). 8.53: Weather forecast. 8.54: Novelty—The Wizard, “Word Wangles.” 9.14: Vocal duet— Messrs. Brcc and McDougall, “The Battle Eve” (Bonhenr). 9.18: Orchestral—“ Hungarian Rhapsody. No. 6” (Liszt). U.-u: Contralto solo—Miss E. Peace, ‘Where the Great Ships Ride” (Sanderson). 9.29: Humour—Mr. J. F. Montague, (a) The Showman”; (b) “Three Stones.’ 9-38: Baritone solo —Mr. J. Bree, The Floral Dance” (Moss). 9.42: Vocal and instrumental—The Bohemian Trio, (a) “Magnolia” (Henderson). 9.49: Tenor solo—Mr. J. McDougall, “I’ll Sing Thee Songs of Araby” (Clav). 0.53: Instrumental Trio— Auckland Trio, “Norwegian Dance’ (Grieg). 10.0: Vocal quartet—Madame Mary Towsev’s Quartet, “Sweet aud Low’ (Barnby). 10.4: God Save the King. 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH (306 Metres).— 3.0 p.m.: Afternoon session — Selected studio items. 4.25: Sports results. 4.30: Close down. 6.0: Children’s session, conducted by Big Brother—Story for the tiny tots, “Adventures of Peter Rabbit,” by Big Brother. Chorus by girls from St. Saviour’s Orphanage, “Farewell, London Town.” Recitation by Cousin Audrey, “The Lamplighter.” Humorous stories and sketch, Cousins Maisie aud Voice. Birthday greetings. Song, Cousin Rhoda, “Roliln Adair.” Fairy tales in story and music by Miss Arpeggio. Story of the bigger boys, by Big BroGicr. Choruses by girl cousins, “Shepherd’s Song” aud “Pilgrim's Chorus.” 7.15: News session. 8.0: Chimes. 8.1: Overture (rebroadcast of 2YA, Wellington, conditions permitting). The Melodious Four will present the song cycle, “Flora’s Holiday” (Lane Wilson), with instrumental accompaniment. 8.6: Vocal quartet—Melodious Four, “Como All Yg Lads and Lassies” (Lane Wilson). Soprano solo—Miss Frances Hamerten, "Love's . Greeting” (Lane Wilson). Tenor solo—Mr. Russel Sumner, “Tell Me. Charming Creature” (Lane Wilson). Vocal quartet—Melodious Four, “Gentle Dawn” (Lane Wilson). ’Cello solos—Mr. Harold Beck, “Aria” and "Danse liustlque” (MathesonSquire). Vocal quartets—Melodious Four, “The Country Danee”; “Maidens, Beware Ye” (Laue Wilson). Baritone solo—Mr. T. D. Williams, “Sound Judgment” (Lane Wilson). Vocal quartet—Melodious Four. “The Pedlar” (Lane Wilsou). Vocal quartet—Melodious Four, “The Commotion of Love” (Lane Wilson). 8.38: Violin, flute aud harp trios—electrically reproduced records, (a) “Herd Girl’s Dream” (Labitzky); (b) “Love in Ideness” (Macbeth). 8.48: Popular song at piano—Mr. Jock Lockhart, “The Message” (Crulckshank). 8.52: Instrumental trios — Christchurch Broadcasting Trio, (a) “Ave Marla” (Schubert): (b) “Pierrette” (Chaminade). 9.0: Weather forecast. 9.2: Overture. 9.7: Soprano solos—Miss Frances Hamertou, (a) “The Orgaugriuder’s Song” (Carey); (b) "April Children” (Carey). Tenor solos —Mr. Russell Sumner, (a) “Go, Lovely Rose” (Quilter); (b) “The Last Watch” (Piusutl). 9.18: Chinese one-step—Willy-ams Dance Band, “Chingy Wingy” (Wclliams). 9.22: Popular songs at piano—Mr. Jack Lockhart, “Osh Kosh” (Francis). 9 26: Contralto solos—Miss Belle Renaut, (a) “Setting Sun” (Peel); (b) “Cuckoo Clock” (Schaefer). 9.30: Foxtrot—Willyains Dance Band, “Sweet Ella May (Renaud), with vocal refrain by Mr. W. A. West. 9.35: Saxaphone duet —Messrs. G. Wilkinson and 11. Bamfleld, “La Paloma (Yradia). 9.40: Baritone plantation songs with choruses—Mr. T. D. Williams and the Melodious Four, (a) “Do Old Banjo (Scott Gatty); (b) “Good Night” (Scott Gatty). Dance music till 11 p.m. 11.0. God Save the King. , „ „ 4YA, DUNEDIN (463 Metres).—3.o p.m.. Town Hall chimes. 3.1: Gramophone concert 3.30: Afternoon tea music relayed from the Savoy. 3.45: Studio music. 4.0: Relay of music from the Savoy. 4.1 a: Gramophone music. 4—a: Sports results. 4 30: Close down. 6.0: Town Hall chimes. 6.1: Children’s session—Aunt Sheila and Big Brother Bill, “Happy Folks Anthem. Riddles, jokes and greetings. The musical part of the programme will be provided by the Moray Place School. National Anthem. 7.15: News session. 7.30: Review of latest books—Mr. H. Greenwood, Librarian of the Dunedin Athenaeum. 8.0: lown Hall chimes. 8.1: Orchestral selection. 8.10: Contralto solos —Miss Dorothy Skinner, (a) “Four by the Clock (Mallinson), (b) “Off in the Twilight” (Tate). 8.16. Cornet solo—Mr. D. J. Robertson, Zanette” (Code). 8.21: Bass solo-Mr. Noil Black. “Aolecn Marie (Adams). ».-•>• Pianoforte solo-Mrs Ernest Drake, Lieboslraume, No. 3 (Liszt). 8.-0. Flu SO I O —Mr. Chas. E. Gibbons, “La Fillo flu Recimento” (Donizetti). 8.3 d: Contralto solo—yiss Dorothy Skinner, Sunrise ami Sunset’’ (Spross). 8.38 i Cornet solos Mr. D .L Robertson, (a) “Un Pou d’Amour” (Silesu); (to “Parted” (Tosti). 8.40. Bass solos—Mr. Neil Black, (a) “Soul of Mine (Barnes): (b) “The Merry Monk (Bevan). q r.o. i?inte solo—Mr. Clins. E- (iiODon.. “Silverv Sands’’ (HowrIII). 8.58: M eather forecast. 9.0: An hours danco music relaved from the Savoy by Alt Carey and liis orchestra. 10.0: Close down. 3ZC CHRISTCHURCH (250 metres).Noon'till 1 p.m.: News and concert session. 2FC, SYDNEY (412 Programme Announcements. 7.3-. otuuio music 7.38: Wilfrid Thomas, basso. 7.40. Studio music. 7.52: Bryson Taylor, tenoi. 8 0- “Big Ben.” Tito New South Males Broadcasting Company’s Orchestra, eondueted by Willie Redstone. M.t.. Ethol Muller, contralto: (a) “I Ask No Reward won Ingumells): (b) “Night” (Landon Ronald). 8.22: Tito New South Males Broadcasting Company's Orcltoslril. S..<•: Ellie McDonnell (soprano) aud C< lon< Hooncr (mezzo): (a) duet, Sainted Mother” (from "Maritnna”) ; (b) ’ lite Song = Ended'' (Berlin). 8.43: The New South M'aVet Broadcasting Company’s Orchestra. 0 0- “Big Ben.” Late M'eather iorecast. ••Mr Medlev and Mr. Motley.” 9.10: The Now South Wales Broadcasting Company s 9.25: Ethel Muller, control o: ?a) “Yesterday” (Lambert); (b) “Beside I the Sen” (nermann Lohr). 9.3-. Carlton I Fnv pianoforte solo: “Pictures of France (Brand). 9.42: "The Mellow Follows. 19.52; Elsio McDonnell (soprano) and Celcnc

Hooper (mezzo): (a) duet, “I Heard a Voice lu the Tranquil Night” (Glover); (b) solo, “M’altz Song” (German). 10.0: “Big Ben.” Carlton Fay, pianoforte solo: "Thro’ the Castle Gate” (Blake). 10.10: "The Mellow Fellows.” 10.20: The Ambassadors' Dance Orchestra, conducted by Manuel Hyman. 10.30: Late weather forecast. Dance music. 10.45: The Ambassadors' Dance OreheStra. 10.57: To-morrows programme and late news. H- 0 -, , ‘if Beu.” The Ambassadors’ Danco Orchestra. 11.30: National Anthem. Close down. 2BL, SYDNEY (349 metres).—B.o p.m.: G.P.O. Clock and Chimes. 2BL Topical Chorus. 8.3: -Mr. Wm. Green (tenor): “Oft in the Stilly Night” x Heard You Go By” (M’ood). 8.10: The M’urlitzer Organ Broadcast from the Arcadia Theatre, Chatswood. Organist: Mr. N Robins. 8.20: Charles Lawrence and His Wireless M’its: 1. Opening chorus. '-. An Interrupted Song. 3. Miss Dorrie Ward, soprano: (a) “May in My Garden (M’ood); (b) “Morning and You (Aylward). 4. Sketch, “A Restless Night, o. Mr. James Peddle, pianist. 6. A Suburban Idyll. 7. Mr. W. E. Lewis, baritone: (a) “Love, Could I Only Tell Thee (Capel);' (b) "The Two Grenadiers” (Schumann). 8. Mr. Charles Lawrence (entertainer at the, piano). 9. Miss Dorothy Dewar, soubrette: (a) “Mary Anne” (Silver); (b) -there Must be a Silver Lining” (Donaldson). 10. Finale. 9.5: M’eather report and forecast bv courtesy of Government Meteorologist. 9.6: Mr. C. Dexter, the “Sun’s” Turf Expert, will talk on the prospects of Saturday 's races. 9.21: Mr. Wm. Green: Believe MO if All” (Moore): Mattinata (Tosti). 9.28: Mr. James Peddle, pianist. 9.34: “Sidelights of an evening spent with the Archbishop of Canterbury at Laml>eth Palace": Mrs. M’. A. Holman. 9.49. Miss Dorothy Dewar: (a) “Adoree” (M est) ; (b) “Like a Virginia Creeper,” (Wade). 9..16. Mr. M’. E. Lewis: (a) “The Arrow and the Song” (Balfo); (b) “She Alone Charmeth My Sadness” (Gounod). 10.3: The M ur-

litzer Organ broadcast from the Arcadia Theatre, Chatswood. 10.20: Miss Dorrie Ward: (a) "Our Little Love” (Clarke); (li) “You Dear aud I” (Clarke). 10A7: Resume ot following day’s programme. 10.30: Romano’s Restaurant Dance Orchestra, under the direction of! Mr. Mcrv. Lyons, broadcast from Romano's. During intervals between dances, “Sun’ news will be broadcast. 11.30: National Anthem. 2GB, SYDNEY (316 metres)—7.lo p.m.: Music. 8.0: Opening chorus. 8.2: 'Cello solo by Miss Marjorie Kennedy. 8.10: Songs by Mr. Cecil Houghton. 8 17: Announcements, Movie Knowall. B—i : -GB Instrumental Trio —Mr. Cecil Berry, Mjss Marjorie Kennedy, Miss Ada Brook. S.lii: Address by D. Steward. 9.0: Weather report. 9.2: Songs by Sir. Cecil Hougaton. 9.9: Violin solos by Mr. Cecil Berry. 9.16: Songs by Miss Alcia Haywood. 9.-3: Humorous recital by Mr. Heath Burdock. 9.38: Dance music by the 2GB Instrumental Trio. 9.52: Songs by Miss Alcia Haywood. 10.0: Close down. 3LO, MELBOURNE (371 metres).—B.l6 p.m.: Collingwood Citizens' Band, march, “King Cotton”; overture, “Diamond Star. 8.25: The Sundowners, quartet, Birth of the Blues” (Henderson). 8.32: Collingwood Citizens’ Band, grand march, Honour the Brave”; hymn, “I’m I raying lor You” 8.42: Herbert Sanderson (baritone), “The Lute Player” (Allitsen); ‘ Out of the Mist” (Sanderson). 8.49: H. K. Love, "Technicalities.” Mr. Love will be glad to attend to your wireless difficulties, and wo ask you to write to him for_ formation you may require. 8.0.1. Lisy Treweek (soprano), “Dove Lono. Collingwood Citizens’’Band, Memories of Wallace.” 9.22: Song cycle, On Jhclum s River,” n Kashmiri love story; Oh .Thelum River,” piano; Jheluni Boat Song,” duet: “The Song ot the Bride, Ashoo: “Will the Red Sun Never bet, Soubahna; “Ashoo at Her Lattice, son “Only a Rose,” Soubahna; interlude, piano; “Kingfisher Blue, duct. 9.44.

Collingwood Citizens’ Band, A Tr p to Blackpool”; march, “Marine Artillery. 9.50: The Sundowners, quartets, 'Coppah Moon” (Shelley); “I Got a Home (Brown). 9.57: Eric Welch will speak on To-morrow’s Sporting Events. 10.7: "Ihe Futurists,” “Tangled Waves.’ lu.zL: Col-, llngwood Citizens’ Band, euphonium solo, ■ “Lizzie.” 10.30: Elsy Treweek (soprano), “Snowflakes” (Coenen); request item. 10.37: “Argus” news service; British oincial wireless news from Rugby; meteorological information; road notes supplied bv the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria; announcements. 10.47: Margaret Clarence (comedienne), “Tip-top Tipperary Mary„ (Carroll) ; “Black Sheep of the h aiiiiQ (Barnes). ' 10.54: Collingwood Citizens Band, waltz, “Hearts of Gold’ ; selected. 11.0: Our great thought. 11.1: The Radi-o-Aces—"Side by Side” (Woods); Cock-a-Doodle” (Tobias); “In the Sing Song Svcamore Tree” (Woods); Our Bungalow of Dreams” (Bailey) ; Coquette (Kahn); "Song of Shanghai (Egau)j “Dancing Shadows” (Golden); Dolores (Kassell); “Lovely Lady (Rupp), 1 H Keep on Expecting’! (De Ranee); Humoreskimo” (Welding'); “Starlight and Tulips” (Welding); “Sing Me a bong of Araby” (Fisher); waltz and chorus, “Good-night.” 11.40: God Save the Klug. 4QG, BRISBANE (385 metres).—B From Bundamba—Opening chorus, Irue Till Death,” Silkstone Apollo Club . chairman’s address, Hon. D. A - GledSon, M.L.A.; musical monologue, selected, Mr. David Owens: solo and chorus. Image of a Rose"; Silkstone Apollo Club (soloist. Mr. T. Westwood); address. His Excellency Sir John Goodwin, K.C.L., C.M.G., DS.O.; baritone solo, selected. Mr. John Thomson; distribution of St John s Ambulance awards by Lady Goodwin, violin solo selected. Mr. Alex Lawrie, chorus, “Neroquav Fisherman,” Sllkstoue Apollo Club; instrumental seteetiou, .the Mrssencers: tenor solo, Marj. Mr. Westwood; distribution of the railway

awards by Commissioner for Railways, Mr .1 W. Davidson: chorus, "Soldiers’ Son”” Silkstone Apollo Club; instrumental selection, The Musical Messengers; address by Captain E. R. B. Pike, representing St John’s Ambulance Association; musical monologue, selected, Mr. David Owens; chorus. “Silly Gry” Silkstone Apollo Club; address by Mr. R. J. Chalmers C.M.E.; solo and chorus, “I ll Take You ’ Home Again Kathleen,” Silkstone Apollo Club (soloist, Mr. D. Griffiths); violin solo, selected, Sir. Alex Lawrie; chorus, “Cure Killed a Cat,” Silkstone Apollo Club; bass solo, “The Miner,” Sir. V. B. Sforris; instrumental selection, The Musical Slessengers: chorus, “Land of Hope and Glory,” Silkstone Apollo Club. 10.0: From the studio, week-end road information for motorists, officially supplied by the R.A.C.Q. 10.15: “The Daily Slail” news, weather news. Close down. Note. —New Zealand time is an hour and a half ahead of eastern Australian time. HEENEY ON THE AIR BROADCAST BY AUCKLAND. Arrangements hare been made -for a suitable reception to be accorded, to Tom Heeney when lie arrives in Auckland by the Aorangi on Sunday afternoon. The whole event will be described by IYA, Auckland, and Heeney, speaking from the deck of the vessel, will broadcast his greetings to the people of New Zealand. The reception is fixed for approximately 4 p.m.

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 290, 7 September 1928, Page 17

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BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 290, 7 September 1928, Page 17

BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 290, 7 September 1928, Page 17