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-4 TO-DAY’S PROGRAMMES Following-are to-day’s ■ broadcast programmes:— 2YA, WELLINGTON (420 METRES). 3 n.ui.: Chimes of the G.P.O. cl< /ck. 3.1: Selected gramophone items. •1.3 U and 4.50: Sports results to hand. ■ 5.0: Cluse down. 6,0: Children's hour—Aunt bv Cousins Nita, Hazel, Kathleen, Edith, aud Myles., bong, cousin Nita, •■Come to the Fair (liasthope Mrrtiui- birthdays, Aunt Guen, piano [mJ,,’ Cousin Hazel, le ’ . (Rachmaninoff); recitation, Cous.n Myles, "Teddy Bear" (Milne), song. Cousin Nita, "Cradle Song . ’ story, Aunt Gwen.; musical “onoiogue, Cousin Kathleen, Littl e Gutterhmipe” (Sterudale, piano solo; Cousin Bahs, "Romance in 7.0: reports, and 7 40: L. Ashcroft Edwards, "Of Interest to Motorists. 8.0: Chimes of the G.P.O. clock. concert by the Central Mission Land, under the coiiductorship ot Air. 11. Baker, assisted by 2YA artists. 8.1: March, band, “Pull ot bo (Hutcne* 5.7: Vo'cal quartet, The Warblers, “The Chapel” (Kreutzer). S.ll: Cornet solo, Bandsman V. McPherson, 8.1 S: Baritone solo, Mr. Harry Matthew, "Keep on Hopin’ ” (Maxwell). 8.22: Selection, baud, “H.M.S. Pinafore 8,32: Tenor solo, Mr. Stewart Nelson, A Castilian Lament” (Del Riego). 8.36: Waltz, band, "Fascination (Bimmer). 8.45: Bass solo, Mr. T. C. Mood, The Song of the Flea” (Moussorgsky). 8.49': March, band, “The Rambler (Chap. 8.55: Weather forecast and announcements. 8.57: Lecturette, Mr. Johannes. Andersen, “Native Birds.” 9.9: Tenor and quartet, Sir. W. L. Elliott and The Warblers, “Love is Just a ■ Little Bit of Heaven” (Baer, arr. T.

C. Wood). m 9.13: Hymn, band, “The Tempest (Jack9.19: Baritone solo, Mr. Harry "Dashing Away V ith a Smoothing

Iron" (Sharp).. -«vlvm 9 23’ Petite fantasia, band, sylvan ?S?" .wx ■ "Bonnie Alary of Argyle (traui 9.34: Ba” S al) solo. Mr. T. C Wood, “The 9 38: ™Hean Tour” 9.52: Vocal** quartet, The Warblers, A Catastrophe” (SpUigue). TroP hy” 9.56: March, band, "The Royal Tropny (Rimmer). God Save the King.

IVA AUCKLAND (333 metres.)—3 p.m.: Afternoon session, selected' Auek3.30: Talk by representative ot the Auck,, land Gas Company on Gas Cookug 3.45: Further studio items. 4.0. Littra y selection by the announcer 4 8 dowm 6.0? cfildrenThour, Peter Pan, •insisted bv St. Johns Brownie luck, chorus, the Tack,/a) "? IcNa " , ‘ l a ra Aoudhan’ “The Swing ; solo, Edna Gouunai, Yot! Wonder Where the FaHies Are? _ 4‘hnrns the I’nck, 801 l b Cr.idle bout » letters’ .and birthdays; Part-song, the Pack “Sunset”; recitation, Mavis Nichols, piano' solo, two Brownies. "Kendezvous ,; [horns, the Pack "The Old Umbrella 71 r.. T.nctnrette. Mr. N. M. Iviciimonu, •Thinkers of the Nineteenth CenturyThomas Carlyle.” 7.30: News and market reports. 8.0: Chimes. 8-1. Orchestra, "Tristan and Isolde” (Magner). 8.8. Vocal quartet,- Barry Coney s Quartet, "Song of Liberty” (Bantock). 8.11. Ha, waiiau instrumental. ’Drowsy [' loo ' (Ferara). 8.15: Baritone solo, Mr. H. Barry Coney, "Whither” (Schubert). 8.19: Instrumental trio iHiekland Trio Ires o from Trio" (Breitkopf). 8.2<: Soprano solo Miss Dorothy Youd, ‘Nightingale of June” (Sanderson). 8.30: Sonbrettc, Miss Lynda -Murphy, "My Day Off. 8.31. pianoforte solos, Mr. Cyril Towsey, (a) "Nocturne” (Borodino); (b) HumoresLc (Levans). 8.38: Talk, Mr. Culford Bell, "Great Authors." 8.48: Tonor solos, Mr. George Queen, (a) “Queen of the Eart [> (Plnsutl); (b) “Because’ (d Harde ot). 8.55: Orchestral, “Primrose Selection (Gershin). 9.2: Weather forecast. 9.3: Novelty, the Asquiths, “Thirty Minutes’ Drawing-room Entertainment.” 9.33: Hawaiian instrumental, “My Hawaiian Evening Star" (Sheridan). 9.36: Contralto solos, Miss Martha Williamson, (a) “Yonder” (Oliver); (b) "Just a-wearyln’ for You” (Jacobs Bond). 9.43: Soiibret.te. Miss Lynda Murphy, “The Advertisement.’ 9.48: Baritone solo. Mr. Barry Coney, "Down Among the Dead Men” (Old English). 9.51: Soprano solos, Miss D. loud, (a) “The Star” (Rogers); (b) “Reverie” (Thomas). 9.54: Instrumental trio, Auckland Trio, “Sylvia Ballet” (Delibes). 10.0: Vocal quartet, Mr. Barry Coney’s Quartet, "Drake's Drum” (Coleridge-Taylor). 10.3: God Save the King. 31'A, CHRISTCHURCH (306 metres).— 3 p.m.: Afternoon session—selected studio items. 4.0: Talk by Nurse of the Plunket Society, "The Work of the Plunket Society.” 4.25: Sports results. 4.30: Close down. 6.0: Children’s hour—Chuckle and Aunt Pat. 7.15: News session. 7.30: Talk bv Mr. Crompton on Popular Electricity. 8.0: Chimes. 8.1: Overture. 8.7: Soprano and contralto duet —Madame 'Gower-Burns and Mrs. ’Ann Harper, "Sainted Mother,’ from “Marltana” (Wallace). 8.11: Violin solos—Miss Irene Morris, (a) “Andante (Gluck); (b). “Le Tambourin” (Rameau). 8.20: Baritone solo—Mr. Clive Kindle, “O Star of Eve,” from "Tannhauser” (Wagner) ; Soprano aria—Madame Gower-Burns, “One Dav,” from “Louise” (Charpentier). 8.28: Instrumental trio—Christchurch Broadcasting Trio, "Largetto and Allegro” (Raff). 8.38: Tenor solo—Mr. Harold Prescott, “Rudolf’s Song," from “La Boheme” (Puccini); Contralto solo—Mrs. Ann Harper, “The Gipsy Song,” from "Il Trovatore” (Verdi). 8.44: Shakespearean reeltai —Messrs. Hiram Dunford and W. H. Moses, “The Quarrel Scene from "Julius Caesar” (Shakespeare). 8.54: Soprano and tenorduet—Madame Gower-Burns and Mr. Harold Prescott, “Stay, Stay, Turriddu, from "Cavalleria Rusticana” (Mascagni). 8.58: Weather report. '9.0: Overture. 9.4: Baritone solo—Mr. Clive Hindle, O Draught Divine," from “Hamlet (Thomas). 9.8: Soprano solo and quartet— Madame Gower-Burns and Grand Opera Quartet, “Scena and Prayer,” from “Cavalleria Rusticana” (Mascagni). 9.12: Fln te quartet—“ Carnival of Venice” (Brissaldi). 9.21: Contralto and baritone duet and tenor solo—Mrs. Ann Harper and Mr. C. Ilindle, (a) “Dear Love of Mine,” from “Nadeshda’ (Thomas); (b) “Romance” from “Martha (Flotow). 9.29: Instrumental trios —Christchurch Broadcasting Trio, (a) “Salve Dimora” (Gounod); (b) “Hungarian March (Berlioz). 9.37: Trumpet solos—Mr. Percy Reeves, (a) “Robert le Diable” (Meyerbeer); (b) “The Immortal Choir” (Letter). 9.47: Recitation—Mr. W. H. Moses, “The Debating Club.” 9.50: Contralto solo—Mrs. Ann Harper, “11 Segreto,” from "Lucrezia Borgia” (Donizetti): Operatic sextet— Grand Opera Party, .’’Sextet,” from "Lucia dl Lammermoor”(Donizetti). God Save the Kit “S- , , r... l 4YA, DUNEDIN (463. metres).—Silent. 3ZC, CHRISTCHURCH (250 metres).— Noon till 1 p.m.: News and concert session. 2FC, SYDNEY (442 metres).—S p.m. till 11.30 p.m. 2BL, SYDNEY ((349 metres).—B p.m. till 11.30 p.m. 2GB, SYDNEY (316 metres).— Music. 8.0; Opening chorus. 8.2: Organ recital by Mr. Robson. 8.15: Address by Professor Ernest Wood. 8.30: Songs by Miss Merle Miller. 8.38: Organ solos by Mr. Robson. 8.52: Songs by Miss Merle Miller. 9.0: Talk. 9.50: Violin solos by Mr. Cecil Berry. 9.5 a: A one-act play arranged by Miss Mollie Kirwan. 9.53: Violin solos by Mr. Cecil Berry. 10.15: Close down.

3LO, MELBOURNE (371 metres).—3 p.m. till 11.30 p.m. v o A 4QG, BRISBANE (385 metres).—B.o p.m.. From the studio—An entertainment by the Lyric Glee Party. Chorus, “Tiio Heavens are Telling” (Haydn), Lyric Glee Shigeis. Overture, "Spartan,” Lyric orchestra. Tenor and bass duet, “The Fishermen (Gabussi), Messrs. R. J. Robinson and J. 1. Cornwell. Soprano solo, "Dolorosa (I blllips).' Mrs. H. Gibson. Madrigal, Now is the Month of Maying" (Morley), Tim, Glee Party. Orchestral, (a) “Polish Dance, (t>) “Serenade" (Schubert), Lyric Orchestra. Elocutionary number, 'And let I Doni Know” (Weston). Miss May Aspland. Soprano and contralto duet, Awake (Imis sler), Miss D. McDowell and Mrs. A. ,1. Stoddard. Male voice trio, the Bittle Farm Well Tilled," Lyric Male Trio. Or; Chestral selection, “Lucia di Lanimermoor. Baritone solos. “In Au Old-Fashioned Town" (Squire), “When Song is Sweet (Sans Souci), Mr. E. G. Bellgrove. I artsongs. “Resting” (Cowen), Sweetest Love” (Vincent), The Glee Party. I’opular numbers by the orchestra. A thought for (o-ntght, "Where Do We Stand .’ —» “> Lister. Soprano solo, “A Little Gleam of Sun" (Drummond), Mrs. 11. Gibson. Male quartet (selector!). Lyric Male Q ua ". et - Soprano and contralto duet (selected), Suss D. McDowell and Mrs. A. F. Stoddart. Orchestral selection, operatic (Balfe). weft “Song on May Morning" (McßurneyL ine Glee Partv. Elocutionary number, l.arriienware.” ‘ Miss May Asplaud. Orchestral numbers. “Nirvana.” "Angels Guard rbec. Bass solo—“Tlie Bandolero" I Stuart ', -'llJ. P. Cornwell. Part-song, “Night, LouJy Night” (Berger), The Glee Party. M*™”; “Marine Band,” Lyric Orchestra. 10-U-

“The Daily Mail” news; weather news. Close down. 2YA MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC COMMITTEE. The monthly meeting of the 2YA Musical and Dramatic Advisory Committee of 2YA was held at the studio on Monday night, the chairman, Mr, E. Palliser, presiding. The chairman reported that he was in communication with the Wanganui Band Contest Committee relative to a proposal he had submitted in connection with the championship contest to be held in that city in February next, and he hoped to have something further to report at the next meeting. He believed that the adoption of the suggestion he had made would prove mutually beneficial to the Contest Committee and to the Wellington Bands Association. Relative to the suggestion made at the previous meeting as to the practicability of the Broadcasting Company co-operating with the Hutt Valley Choral Society in connection with the society’s forthcoming concert, a letter from the company intimating its willingness to co-operate in the manner suggested was read. On the motion of the chairman, a resolution expressing the committee’s appreciation of the company’s attitude was unanimously carried. The chairman reported that Mr. I<. Campbell, who was unavoidably absent, had requested him to report to the committee, while the Competitions Society could not see its way to authorise a broadcast of a demonstration night programme, there would be no objection to a successful competitors in the early stages of the competitions broadcasting from the studio. Mr. Campbell was accorded a hearty vote; of thanks for the kindly interest he had taken in the matter. (NOTE.—New Zealand time is an hour and a-half a’head of. Eastern Australian time.)

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 259, 2 August 1928, Page 7

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BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 259, 2 August 1928, Page 7

BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 259, 2 August 1928, Page 7