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Woman’s World

Matters of Interest from Far and Near

PERSONAL ITEMS. Dr. and Mrs. E. Thomas, of ’Wellington, returned from Honolulu by the Aorungi. Mr. and Airs. Al. McArthur, of Wellington. Aliss T. Al. Grylls, of Wellington, are in Auckland. Aliss Hall-Jones, who lias been spending several weeks in Auckland, left yesterday on her return to Wellington. Mrs. T. G. Lewis, who lias been on an extended tour of the North Island, returned to Cliristchiirch willi Airs. J. W. Al:ir(in-, Wellington, who will spend a holiday in Christchurch. Miss Arobn Clifford, ITcndalton. has returned to Christchurch from Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. C. AL Ollivier. MurrayAynsleyc Hill, have returned to Christchurch from Wellington. Mrs. E. Luke, who Ims been visiting Auckland, has gone to Ilclensvillc. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Plummer, of Wellington, arrived in Auckland by the Aornngi. Mrs N. M. Alackinnon (Napier), who spent race week with Airs George Luke, Lower Hutt, returned home yesterday. Miss Frances Henry, of Wellington, is visiting Airs. Al. C. Keane, Mansfield Avenue, Christchurch. Mrs. Hope, Air. and Airs. MeKissoek. Miss .I'l, Lutz, Aliss E. Meldrum, and Miss V. A. Perry, are Wellington visitors to Christchurch. Airs. Williuni Deans, who has been in Wellington for the races, is going to Hawke’s Bay to visit her parents, Sir Andrew and Lady Russell, before returning to Canterbury. Aliss Hutchings, of AVcllinglou, is a visitor to Auckland. Among recent visitors to AVellington have been Misses Zvcrina, of Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Rose Zvcrina was a fellow assistant with Aliss Joyce Baillie while she was in the Cleveland Public Library service, and her sister is a school, teacher in (he same city. Airs. R- G. Denton entertained the visitors at her home on Alonday night, other guests being Alesdnuies T. AVard, A. (’lark, J. Norrie, and Herbert Baillie, with the members of (he Central Public Library, sluff. Misses Zvcrina left: for San Francisco by tbe Alakura yesterday. Airs. Arthur Biii’nett. of Wellington, is tbe guest of Airs. J. Kniglit, Feildiug. Air. and Airs. F. IL Nolfcon Burns are visitors from AVcllington to Christchurch. Air. and Airs. John Deans, of Canterbury, who have been spending a holiday ill- Honolulu, returned by the Aorungi. ■ ■ ; ■ Dr. nnd Airs. Joseph left by the Atakura vesterduy for America en route to Palestine, where Dr. Joseph will take up an appointment. Air. and Airs. AV. F. Triggs. of Wellington, are visitors to Auckland. Airs. J. Alorton has returned Io New Plymouth from AVellihgton. Air. and Mrs. G. JI. Viper, of AVellington, are staying in Auckland. ' Hat Novelty Seen at French

Race Meeting

VISITING THE CAPITAL. Mrs P. J. Ryan is paying a visit to Wellington. Mrs P. Jackson, of Auckland, has left on a short visit lo Wellington, to be the guest of Mrs J. Carr. Mrs H. Butcher and Mrs Norman Wade, of Auckland, are visiting Wellington. Miss G. Russell, of Napier, left on Monday for Wellington, where she is the guest of her sister, Mrs I. Hart. Miss L. Fisher, of Stratford, is visiting Wellington. Miss Joyce Carman, of Taranaki, is spending a holiday in Wellington. CONCERT AT HOSPITAL. 'Che Rainbow Barty of Entertainers (who are always willing to give their services for any deserving object) visited the male ward of the Ewart Hospital on Saturday with a company of 15 members. A two-hour programme was given, which wus-varied and amusing. A special feature was the (lancing of Edna Reynolds and the “Mystical Maneuviings” of Mr. IT. Russell. All the items given by the company were in costume, which added to the interest, and the patients thoroughly enjoyed the performance. The programme concluded with a song sketch. “The Watehnuin at 1 lie Waxworks Exhibition.” Several of the patients had to be helped buck to bed lifter having fallen out through laughter. Supper was provided by the staff. A vote of thanks to the nurses for their efforts in this part of the programme was passed. OVERSEAS. One of Princess Mary’s recent engagements was to take her two boys to the lloyul Tournament nt Olympia (says the “Queen”). The Princess seemed to enjoy I lie fun as much as I lie boys, nnd iookcil very proud mil delighted when boys from the Duke of York’s Royal Military School, dressed ns toy soldiers, formed ‘ii guard of honour for the two important little visitors. Another of the Princess's engagements was at Lancaster House, whore she Went with Lords Lascelles to receive the guests assembled to celebrate the twenty-fifth your of activity of the National Arts Collection Fund. Such a great art collector as Lord Lascelles would naturally be an interested patron of the fund, and it was most probably due to this that the Princess consented to undertake the arduous task of shaking bands with several hundreds of guests. However, she came through it smilingly, and looked very cool and charming in a white frock sewn nil over with narrow crystal and silver fringe. Her fair hair was bound by a slender dinipoud tiara mid a lovely sapphire and diamond brooch fastened the orders which 1 eba ware on the corsaco her: frock, .

WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES. The annual meeting of the Women's National Reserve of New Zealand will be held on Friday at 3 oclock, in the Red Cross Hall. 63 Dixon Street. Jhe Mayor will preside. Alembers and friends arc cordially invited to be present. Airs I O. H. Tripp presided at the monthly meeting of the executive of the Women’s National Reserve Residential Nurserv on Friday morning. Hie matron's report specially mentioned the new appliances, and the great siitislactioii they have given, adding to the efbeiency of tbe institution in every way. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded the Island Bay ami Kliandallah branches- for hen; gifts. The treasurer reported the subscriptions of £6 (is. from Lndy Benue lamp, for which the committee expressed thanks. Airs Porter presided at the monthly meeting of the management, committee ot the Residential Nursery. Owen Strce . on Friday. Reports trom the muio is branches were highly satisfactoiJ. Hi committee and matron expressed heal J thanks for gifts fi' om tl,e iollowim.. Alls Ilm—ins Lower Hutt branch; Melrose Inam-h/Mrs McWhirter Aliss Bennet . Airs P C Watt, Airs Courtenay, Mis Barken Airs Lowe. Mrs Leslie Bennett. Mrs Hargreaves, Kelburn branch, Aliss Sheppard. Irvine Bros., Airs ! ayloi, A s Dowall. Airs AVilliams,. Airs Hoop i. Khandallah branch (various gilts). A 1.Morris. Airs J. Findlay. Airs Altlli = .in, Aliss Hall, Berhamporc branch. A iumble’salc has been arranged by the Northland .Blanket Society lor tomorrow afternoon and night in St. Anne's Hall. Mrs. J. G. Coates will perform the opening ceremonies at o P-m. and plain, fancy, dolls, sweets, cakes, produce and jumble stalls will provide a large and varied assortment of goods. HANCE. A vitv enjoyable evening was spent, lust Saturday at Wellington College, when the bovs entertained friends al: their annual da’nee. This was the first, dance to be hold in the newly-floored gymnasium of the Alcmorial Hull- The gymnasium was tastefully decorated with long streamers of black'and orange, coloured lights, lycopodium and bunting, while the music and an excellent supper were features of a must successful ga(lH*riug. Mrs Armour acted as hostess, and wore black velvet with a blue cloak, and amongst others present were Air. and Airs Crcsswell, beige ninon and black cloak ; Air. and Airs Renner, Air and Airs Beard, bright, taffeta and gold lace; Air. and Airs Jackson, black; Air and Airs Caughley, green; Air and Airs Crninond. heliotrope; Ala'damc.Bligh, black; Aliases. Alainc, black; Tipping. Veitch, Galbraith, Dorsel. Large, Baigent. Ashby. Parkinson, Faber, Sloinan, McGill, Fabian, Ahearn, Kissel, Sanderson. Mr. W. AArmour (principal), and Dr. Elliot (president of the Old Boys’ Association), were present, and also Messrs Alackay, Griffen. Turner. Ramson, Hislop, Thomson and Russell. The arrangements tor the dance were in the hands of a committee consisting of Alessrs 11. Tomlinson, Paetz (head prefect), Holdeii. Bramwell, Davies, Du Chateau, Kelly, Aliddlebiook, Parker, Somerville, Stevens, Stephenson, and Williams. OBITUARY. The death occurred recently at Shannon, of Airs. Ann Cavanjigh. Born at AVaiwetu in 1842, the deceased lady was a twin daughter of Air. Thomas Parker, an old and esteemed settler, in the Hutt district, and tbe father of a . large family. The late Airs. OaVanagh reared- a family of six sons and five daughters, and was predeceased by her husband, Air. John Charles Cavanagh, whose death took place at Ilamua in 1911. Being a victim to a stroke the year following her husband’s death, the deceased lady had been confined to her bed for over lo years, during all of which she was ever bright and cheerful, and ready to welcome the many who visited her bedside. At the time of her death she was residing with her son-in-law, Air. O. CliffordJohanson, Shannon. The burial will take place at Pahiatua to-day. Mrs. E. J. Hawkins, wife of Mr. E. B. Hawkins, passed away early on Sunday morning, at Greytown. She recently underwent an operation, and was making good progress, but had a stroke on Saturday evening. She came from County Down, Ireland, as a child, and resided at Mosgiel and Wanganui. She married the late Air. J. D. Gilliland, who predeceased her many years ago. Some years ago she married Air. Hawkins, of the Moroa, Greytowh, and latterly they had been living retired at Greytown. Ihc deceased was 72 years of age, and,leaves two children by the first marriage, Air. William Gilliland, of Papatawa. Woodville, and a daughter, who jjesided with her. She was an active social worker.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY. The annual report of the St. ’Vincent de Paul Society (Wellington Particular Council) has just been issued. The report shows the volume of work carried on by the members of the society for the rerelief of the poor and the distressed in Wellington City and suburbs. The Wellington Particular Council has jurisdiction at the present time over four branches or conferences —St. Joseph’s, Buckle Street; St. Anne’s Newtown; St. Patrick’s, Kilbirnie; and Sts. Peter and Paul,* Lower Hutt; also three ladies’ auxiliaries —sewing guilt, visiting guild, and rescue work. . There are nine parishes in the Wellington metropolitan area, and the needs of the poor are catered for in all, but there are active conferences in only four, so that there is no record of the volume of relief work carried out in the remaining five. The figures, therefore, given in the report represent only the works of charity carried out in the four parishes where active conferences are operating. The total receipts for the year reached £1257, the principal items being: Legacy, left by the will of the late Mr. John O’Kane, £500; charity dance and appeal, £261; church collections, £170; grant from the T. G. Macarthy Trust, £150; members contributions, £46; estates of late Mr. Martin Kennedy, £5O; Mrs. Mary Kennedy, £25; late Miss D. Clancy, £5; donations and collections, £26. The total amount expended was £764, of which the principal items were’ General relief, £352 ; rent relief, £3O; clothing. £54; transients, £:;2: institutions, £88; rescue work, £55; seamen, £25; administration, £127. Tbe visiting mid relief of the poor in their own homes is the fundamental work of the societv. This principle, laid down in the beginning by the founder, Frederick Ozmiam, and his companions, is, the report states, faithfully observed by the members. No mere distributor of grocery orders is the Vincentian member. The visiting of institutions for the sick, aged, and the delinquent is another of the activities of the members. In this respect Wellington offers a good deal of scope, and members have taken full advantage of their opportunities. Neither arc the seamen neglected. Regularly every Sunday morning the ships in port are visited, mid papers, magazines, mid objects of niet.v me distributed, mid are eagerly sought after by the men. The report regrets Hint the members, hampered by hick of facilities, arc unable to do more, although it is hoped in the near future to found a Catholic seamen’s institute, where it will bo possible for the sailors to foregather and find entertainment. The court and rescue work is under the management of Mrs. O’Leary, whose work is responsible for the high esteem m which the society is held by the commiimty in gives interesting statistics, which provide n general idea of the scope of the work of the society: Proceeds of the clim'ity ball for the past five years, ■£s64* number ol active members, uo, .sassa’ flu wliexed. U3x mhsc

of persons relieved, 634; visits to the poor in their own homes, 557; grocery orders, 417; coal orders, 265; articles of clothing distributed. 1400; employment obtained. 4; medical md provided, 8; meals and lodging provided, si; passages paid, 12; books and papers distributed, 3781; visits to hospitals and other institutions, 245; ships visited, 106; seamen interviewed, 736. . , . 'This year another big effort is being made to supplement the funds of the society by the charity ball, and it is hoped by a more extensive organisation to eclipse all past efforts, both financial and social.

1 PROVINCIAL NOTES’. Mrs. Forder (England) is the guest of Mrs. J." Miles, Marton. Miss Glasgow, “Headlands,” Wanganui, has returned after a holiday in the South Island. Miss M. Walker, Wanganui, was a passenger by the Aorangi after a. business and pleasure trip to .Great Britain and 'Anierica. Mrs. Barker, of Christchurch, who has been Mrs. F. Nancarrow's guest in Wanganui, has returned to her home. Miss J. Symes (Hastings) is the guest of Mrs. Hawken, Waitotara. Miss McKenzie, of Auckland, is spending a holiday in Palmerston North as the guest of Mrs. 11. Pacey. Miss Alison Good, of Hawera, is visiting Feilding as the guest of Mrs. Henry Hare. Later Miss 'Good will travel to V cllington to meet her mother, Mrs. Alan Good, on her return from England. The Ruapehu Ski Club, Wanganui, hope to leave for the Tongariro. National Park about August IS, when the winter sports will be held. Miss Mary Wardell has returner! to Masterton from a long holiday in Rotorua. Mrs. Gordon, sen., of Masterton, is staying in Hawera with her daughter, Mrs. Bright. Mrs.' L. Wilton, To Raugitumau, Masterton, has returned from a visit to Rotorua. Mrs. Buckeridge has returned Io Palmerston North after spending several weeks wit it her sister, Mrs. G. Ronbie, at Masterton. Miss Ristori, who has been the guest of -Mrs. Ralph Beetham. Brauccpelh, Masterton, has left on a visit to the United States. Mrs. W. P. dames has returned to Masterton after a long stay in Auckland. Miss Molly Sellar bus returned to Masterton from a trip to Wellington, where she was the guest, of Miss M. ■Shand. \ Miss Hindmarsh has returned to Woodville from a visit to Mrs. Harold Beetham, Lansdowne, Masterton. Mrs. Carey, of Wellington, and her daughter. Miss Marjorie Carey, arc visiting Palmerston North for the Thotn-sbn-McGill .wedding, which will take place- to-day.- s Miss Dorothy Dudding. of Palmerston North, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Dudding, Wanganui. Mrs. A. D’Ath and Miss O. D'Atb, who have been on a visit to Palmerston North, have now returned Io Eltham. Miss Morton, of Wellington, is visiting Palmerston North-for the Thomson-Mc-Gill wedding. Miss Wyn Cogswell, of Napier, is at present in Gisborne. Mr.’and Mrs. Frank Quin, of New Plymouth, have been visiting Palmerston North. Mrs'. G. Cheeseman, of Dunedin, and Miss Cheeseman are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill, Palmerston North. Miss Ada MacDonald has returned to Palmerston North from a visit to Dannevirke. ; Miss Vernon Hammond, of Wanganui, has been the guest of Mrs. Arbon, Pohangina, and is uow visiting Palmerston North. Miss Kate Duncan, of Huuterville, is the guest of Mrs. McGregor, Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholl have returned to Turakina from a visit to Palmerston North. Mr. and Mrs. Loughnan, of Palmerston North, have returned from a visit to Wellington. Mrs. Purdeu, of Christchurch, has returned from a visit to Palmerston North. Jdrs. W. Jacob has returned to Palmerston North from a trip to Wellington. Mrs. IV. Olsen, W'aiuku, Auckland Province, returned from Wanganui yes.terday afternoon. .. ' , ■ - Miss Rutherford, Waverley. will be the guest of Mrs. H. Washer, of Hawera, for the Hawera Assembly. Miss Esther Fisher, the well-known pianiste, gave a concert in Wanganui on Friday night at the Girls’ College Hall. Her items included pieces by Palingren, Rachmaninoff, and Debussy. Miss Fisher wore a gown of gold tissue appuqued in black. While in Wanganui, Miss Fisher was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mcßeth, Marybank. In recognition of their services to the Palmerston North branch of the Plunket Society, Mrs. A. Coombs and Colonel Whyte were elected honorary life members at the annual meeting on Monday night. » The Wanganui East branch of the Presbyterian Womens Missionary Union held an interesting afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Barney. Anzac Parade, when Miss Frederick, of the Poona Mission, spoke of her work. Mesdames J. Wright and Jacobs contributed songs, and Mrs. Barney a recitation. Afternoon tea was provided by the Wanganui East ladies, and a pleasant afternoon concluded with a vote of thanks to Miss Frederick for her lecture and to Mrs. Barney. The Wanganui West Bowling Club held a most, successful -euchre and danco social on Saturday night in aid of their club funds. The ladies’ committee responsible for the, arrangements were Mesdarn'es J. White, A. Wilson, Lamonte, A. Anderson, A. Campbel], and B. Grant. Men’s committee: Captain J. White (president), Messrs. A. Wilson, Lamonte. A. Anderson, A. Campbell, C. Melville. The Kashmiri Orchestra provided music. Prizes were awarded for euchre to Mr. J. Lockett, Mrs. A. Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Graham, aud for novelty dance competition to Miss A. li illiams and Mr. K. Dobson - " . • MADAME MENERE IN MARTON. Marton ladies should on no account witness Maxlame Menere’s great display of Russian and Canadian furs which will be held iu the Marton Hotel Sample Rooms on Friday, 20th, Saturday, 21st, Monday, 23rd, and Tuesday, 24th July, when over £IO,OOOt worth of fur coats, etc., will be sold Under New Zealand wholesale 1 prices.—Advt.

Wedding Bouquets of charm and dis tinctiou, presentation posies and baskets, at . Miss Dlurray’s, Vice-Regal FJoriste. 36 Willis Street.—Advt

Mrs. P. J. Ryan, Napier, js the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. A. O’Neil, ,M anganui. .Mrs. A. Doig, 'Wanganui, has returned from a.visit to Napier. Mrs. Murchie is in 'Wanganui for a short visit and is the guest of hey daughter, Mrs. Sydney Rankin, Manganui East. Dlrs. Forscclt, Wellington, Js the guest of Mrs. Ballance, M ieksteed Street, ’Wanganui. Mrs. Ravnev Jackson and her daughter. Miss Hilda Rodgers, have returned to Turakina Valley from Wellington. Dlrs. N. Pearce. Wanganui, has returned from a holiday in the Wairarapa. Mrs. R. J. Jackson. Wanganui, has returned from a visit to Napier. Dliss O’Neil, Wanganui, -Jias returned from Wellington. | Dliss Rita Bassett returned Io Wanganui late last week from a visit to 1 almerston. « • • . ENGAGEMENT. Demon, only daughter of Mrs. and the late Dlr. 11. V. Hammond, of Wanganui, to Geoffrey, second son of Dlr. and Dlrs. F. W. Arbon, "Ruabinc, I ohangina. ?** . * WEDDING. The wedding took place on July 11, at All Saints’ Church. Palmerston J. 0 !’* 11 ’ of Ivy Annie Winifred, daughter of Mr. A. Crook, junr., Ferguson Street, Palmerston North, to Clarence Reginald, son of Dlr. and; Dlrs. N. B. Ford. Millord ■Street, Palmerston. North, '.rhe ■ Re.v. Canon Fancourt officiated. The bride, who entered the church on the arm ol her father, wore a gown of ivory georgette and silver lace, while her veil was caught to the head by a string of brilliants and clusters of orange blossom at cither side. She carried a bouquet of cyclamens, friesias. aud maidenhair fern. There were three, bridesmaids, DJiss Sylvia Perrin, of Welliiiglou, who wore a. paste] blue crepe de chiue frock, Dliss Jean Hunter, who wore mauve crepe de chine, and Dliss Cassie Fahey, who chose eau-de-nil crepe de chine. All three wore, tulle headbands to lone with (heir frocks, and qarried posies. Dlr. F. Dlills". of Wellington, cousin of the bride, was best, man. Jrfter the reception the bride and bridegroom left for the north, Hie bride travelling in a beige repp frock wilh eoat and hat to tone.

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 246, 18 July 1928, Page 4

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Woman’s World Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 246, 18 July 1928, Page 4

Woman’s World Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 246, 18 July 1928, Page 4