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Woman’s World

Matters of Interest i=J ' from Far and Near

PERSONAL ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs Skoglund arc Wellington visitor to -Christchurch... ■ Mr. and Mrs A. G. Webb, of Wellington, arc staying iu Christchurch. ’ Miss Isabel Robertson returned by the R.M.g. Arawa from a visit to Europe, and is now living in Wellington. Mrs J. T. Whatman, who lias been visiting, in the north, has. ’ returned, to Ch’ristdiurch. Mrs S. Carter has returned to Wellington from Christchurch.

. Miss B. Whitehiw, Auckland, who has been the guest of Mrs J. D. Gray, in 'Wellington, and Mrs Gordois Hadfield, ParapaTaumu, has returned home.

Mrs r. Jackson, of Auckland, hns left on a short visit to Wellington, to be the guest of Mrs J, Carr. Miss Jessie Allison. Wellington, who has been staying with Mrs J. I’. Newman, in Timaru, has left for Duiiedin.

Mr. and Mrs J. Adair, together with Mrs 11. 11. De Costa, have returned to Gisborne from a motor trip to Wellington. . ' .

Airs J. McLeod, of Wellington, has been the guest of, Mrs R. J. Reynolds, at “Sandown,” Poverty Bay. Mrs A. S- Taylor, of Christchurch, and Mrs IT. Holdsworth, of Wellington; returned from-the Islands by lhe.Tofua. Mrs George Fox has returned to New Plymouth from Wellington. Mrs Denton and Miss Brown, of Wellington, are staying at Hillsbrobk, Havelock North. Mr. and Mrs A. G. Welch, of Wellington, lire. Visiting Christchurch.

Mrs A. E.' Currie has gone to Christchurch to attend the marriage of her sister, Mis's Doris Russell, -which will take place this'week. Mr. mid Airs'P. Brown, of Wellington, have takgn up their residence.'in Hastings..- -

On Monday- afternoon, Miss Jean Shirtelilfe gave an Afternoon tea at the Adelphi Cabaret to enable her friends to meet Miss' Chrystal Gilder, of Sydney, who. is visiting Wellington. Miss Shirtcliffe, who was wearing a froek of Oriental colouring with black hat and'furs, received her guests in the lOiingc, where tea Was served, and a very pleasant time was spent by all. After the dinner; party .attended by old girls of Chilton House; at the Cabaret on Monday, evening, the annual meeting of the Association wak held,; Miss’ .D. Isaacs presiding. ' Miss Freemap, tjie founder pf- the school, spoke of. the early days, and its christening, the name. Chilton being that of a. small village where her relatives ha.d lived in England. Mrs Henry Smith nlso spoke,, and Mrs Ward told of the present, developments of the school at Island Bay,. Votes, of thanks to Misses Isaacs, Lena Finlay, Ailsa Newton, and Molly Maeassey, for all they had done for the'association during the year, were passed, and the following officers were elected until next July:—Patrons, Miss Freeman, Mrs' Henry Smith, Mrs Ward; president, Mrs Lloyd Clay; vicepresidents, Mrs Arthur Luke, Miss D. Isaacs, Miss N. Hurley; joint secretaries, Misses Lena Finlay and Ailsa Newton; treasurer,- Miss M. Maeassey; committee, Mrs Harden, Mrs A. Murie, Misses H. Dunn, M. Fraser, Danby, M. Arndt, and M, Webb.; •. Yesterday morning the “old girls” were the guests of the Taranaki Street Free Kindergarten, and were greatly interested in seeing over , the Chilton Playhouse, for the building of which sp many, of them worked when at school.

A very pleasant evening -was spent by the staff of Dalgety and Company, at one of their regular dances and socials at the Adelphi. Cabaret,-on- Monday night, Miss Margaret O’Connor and Mr Priestly delighting the company with an.exhibition of the latest ballroom dancing.

VISITING THE CAPITAL. Miss L. Carney, of Christchurch, is on a visit to Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams, of Christchurch, are visiting Wellington. Miss Betty Petre (Christchurch) is visiting Mrs. Vincent Ward, Heretaunga. * ♦ * oversea notes. This being the centenary year of the great moral reformer, Josephine Butler, some observation by her grandson, Mr. xV. Butler, may be of interest. “My grandmother never seemed quite old ; she was- too vital always. That is still my impression of her, and the effect of her interesting personality is now almost as strong as it was over twenty years ago when she died. It was my privilege at school and university to receive letters from her onco or twice a week." She was a tremendous letter writer, he points out, and her letters showed her great love of beauty and art, she herself being nn artist of ability. His words prove the greatness of the sacrifice Mrs. Butler made when she chose to spend her life for the good of humanity amidst what was ugly.

ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED, Irene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J R Tullet, of Westminster Street, St. Albaiis, Christchurch, to William Mortimer eldest son of Mr. W. H. Murgatroyd and the late Mrs. Murgatroyd, laurauga, late of Cheviot. St i* * Doris Mary, elder daughter of Sir. mid Mrs. Eustace Russell, Gladstone, Invercargill, to George Frederick, vounger son of the Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Tobin, of Burwood, Christchurch. * * * WEDDINGS. milward-chapsian. Much interest, was evinced by residents of'Lower Hutt yesterday afternoon in the wedding of Lorna May, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. G. A. Chapman, ot Lower Hutt, to John Francis, son of Mr. and Sirs C. F. Slilward, of Wanganui, which took place at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in the afternoon. The little church was filled to overflowing, and a great many people waited outside to see the bride, as she entered the church on the arm of her father. ■ The bride’s wedding frock was of white -eorgette, lightly beaded at the hem, and ■v'ain at the low waistline, with silver beads. A train of silver lame, lined with shirred georgette, in pale shrimp pink and ornamented with silver medallions, foil from the Shoulders. A knot of orange blossom fastened one shoulder. Her veil of Limerick lace was loaned by Airs. Slacarthy-Reid. and she carried a bouquet of pink and white sweet peas, cyclamen, and maidenhair fern. She was attended bv her sisters, Misses Zita and Cara Chapman, who wore frocks of pillar-box red in velvet embossed georgette, made with draped skirts, falling longer at one side, and finished with a diamante buckle. A wide satin bow finished one shoulder. Their hats were of red velour to match with stitched velvet, and they carried bouquets of red anemones and scarlet leaves, tied with red ribbon and touches of gold. Pattie Paine, niece of the bridegroom, was a train-bearer, wearing wliitO' georgette, with ribbon frills and silver lace cap. The bridegroom was attended by-Mr. S. Paterson, as best man, and Mr. R. Milward (brother) as groomsman. The Rev. Father Daley oinciated. and Messrs. Huthwayte, Ronaldsoii, B. Stott, and J. Clark, acted as ushers for the guests at the church. After the ceremony, a reception was held by Mr.- and Mrs. Chapman at their home at Lower Hutt, where fhe rooms were beautifully decorated with flowers, particularly hydrangeas in all shades. The health of the bride and bridegroom wa proposed by - Mr. Hayward, of Lower Hutt, nn old ‘friend of the bride s family, and Mr. Ashley Duncan proposed that, of the parents. Mrs. Chapman received her guests at the. entrance, wearing a gown of dark cyclamen georgette embroidered with applique velvet flowers to tone, -and a velour hat to match. She carried n bouquet to tone with her frock. Mrs. Slilward, mother of the bridegroom, was in black velvet and georgette, with small, velvet hat with white osprey. She carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas. Miss -Molly Chapman, sister of the bride, wore soft blue crepe de chine and hat to match, and Miss Eila Chapman almond green, .with hat of the same sHhde. Both carried posies of violets. Mrs. Godfrey Paine, sister of the bridegroom, wore jade cashmere de soie, and hat to match, and carried a posy -of flowers. Among the guests were Mr. C. F. Slilward, father of the bridegroom; Sir. and Sirs W. H. Slilward. Sirs. Edward Anderson (aunt of the bridegroom); Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wilberfoss: Sir. and Sirs. G. Howden; Mr. Allen Slilward: Sir. Athol Slilwnrd; Sirs.- • Wilson (Wanganui) ; Sir. Lance Slilward; Sliss- Doris Wilberfoss ; : Sir. and Sirs. Ernest Anderson: Sir. and Sirs. Rutter; Sir. and Sirs. Hayward; Mrs. Leahy (Napier): Sir. and Mrs. Gamble; Sir. and Sirs. Hunt; Sirs. Hardcastle: Sliss O’Keefe; Sirs. J. Hannah; Mrs. W. Pearce: Sir. and Sirs. Slalfroy: Sliss Enright (Christchurch) ; Sir. and Sirs. W. Leicester: Sirs. Sloore: Sliss Barnett; Sir. and Sirs. F. Sleadowcroft: Hiss Sleadowcroft: Sirs. Oliphant; Sliss SL Davies; and Sliss Shirtcliffe. When the bride and bridegroom left for their lioneymoon the bride wore an ensemble suit of nlmond green, with hat to match, and a fur coat. ♦ ♦. • WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES.

The monthly meeting of the committee of the District Nursing Guild of-St. John was held on July 2. Mrs. Albert Stace presided. A busy afternoon was spent dealing with the various branches of the business of the guild. The nurses reported that they had had a very busy month on account of sickness caused by the cold weather. At the same time they expressed their great appreciation of the hearty response to the appeal for coal, The donations to the coal fund have been previously acknowledged. There were' 19 patients registered, 13 •discharged, one had died, and one had been removed to hospital. Visits to homes numbered 267 and calls at the office 94. The following gifts were received: Clothing ' from Khandallah Sick Poor Guild, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Settouvg, Miss Collins, Mrs. Redding, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Dalziell, Mrs. Fabling, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. Fossette, • Miss Muir, Miss Anyon, Mrs. G. F. Morgan, Mrs. Sparrow, Mrs. Smith, Theosophical Society, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. N. Jacobs, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Maudesley, Mrs. Lipscombe; cakes from St. Peter’s Club, St. John’s Club; bread from Bell and Co.; jam, potted meat and cough' mixture from Miss Cartnerbooks and. magazines from Anonymous, the Victoria League, Mrs. Lissack. Mrs. Kiely; apples, Delmonte, Mr. Bolt and Sons; soup from “K.S.” \ ’

The Barltrop trophy for first aid was competed for at the fortnightly meeting of the Wellington Suburban Nursing Division. The winning squad was that led by Miss E. Fossette. Helpful criticism of the members’ work was given by Mrs. Barltrop and Mr. Richardson, who judged the competition. Mrs. Osborn thanked the judges for their attendance and .help, and expressed the pleasure of the members in having Mrs. Barltrop with them again, this being her first visit to the division since her return from her trip abroad. fiootball casualties were reported by members who were on duty at the football grounds. DANCE. Nursing sisters of the Central Nursing Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Wanganui, held a dance on Saturday night, at the Victoria League Rooms-, llie committee had gone to great trouble ,to make the dance a success, and had donat-d a number of prizes, which were presented by Mr. W. Rodgers, Mayor of Wanganui, as follow:—Miss Vine, “Accident,” cheapest costume; Air. Hawkins, “Moonstruck,best sustained character; Miss B. I< acer, “Adam,” original character; Mr. Le Brun, “Half-man. Half-woman,”- most comical Airs. Lc Brun, best character costume (lady) ; Air. R. Hawkin, best character costume (gentleman) i Aliss B. ICnstoi l , “Eve,” most original character (lady). Others present in fancy costume were: Airs, Earftti’ii, “Quaker Girl”; Aliss Abiyes, "Money Io Burn”: Aliss Jones, "Pierrot”: Aliss Thayer, “Chinese Princess” : Aliss Christie. "Gypsy”: Aliss is. Tfawkiiis, “Jazz Girl”; Mrs. Ec Ri uii, “Pierrot” ; Aliss Alyers, “Aliss New York ; Aliss Alarsdens, “Hawaiian”: D. pennant, “Irih Colleen” ; Airs. Williams. Departed Spirit” ; Aliss Doi-otby Loan, “Quaker Lady” : Airs. Dcnuant, "Night” ; Aliss Butler, “Domino"; Aliss Gillory, “.Military”; Aliss C. Hawkins, “Patches”; Aliss L. Kiff, “Old-fashioned Lady”; Air. T. W. Gibbs, “half-man.'Half-woman”; Aliss Ranson, “Eastern Princess”; Aliss Kiff, “Pierrot”; Air. Potbury, “Pierrot”; Aliss Wnkeling. “Alilitary Boy"; Aliss Copley, “First Delivery" ; and Aliss Emily Alarchi ant, "‘Military Dress.’*

PROVINCIAL NOTES. Miss S. Carter, of Palmerston North, is spending a holiday in Auckland. Miss Elsie Simmons, of Hamilton, is a visitor to Feilding. Miss O’Brien, of Christchurch, is at present visiting Palmerston North. Miss L. Treadwell, of Wanganui, is visiting Palmerston North. ’ Mr. and Mrs. H. Denton have returned to Levin from a holiday visit to Auckland, Whangarei, Rotorua, and Taupo. Miss M. Badley, of the Palmerston North Hospital staff, is visiting her par; ents," Mr. and Mrs. F. Badley, Wairoa. Mrs. F. Coombs, of Palmerston North, is the guest of Mrs: S. Shaw, Ne\? Plymouth.

Mrs. S. Baker, of Hastings, is visiting Otane.

Miss Harding, of Greatford, is visiting Miss Horne, New Plymouth. Miss M. Besley has returned to Palmerston North from a visit to Taranaki.

Mrs. Bell, of Wellington, is the guest of Sir. and Mrs. H. Pringle, Palmerston North. Mrs. Chalmers and her family, of Palmerston North, have left for Auckland.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Freeman have returned to Palmerston North from a holiday. The friends of Mrs. W. Jameson, Gonville, Wanganui, will be pleased to hear that she is recovering from her severe illness. .

Mrs. B. Holmes, Wanganui, has returned from a holiday trip -to Wellington.

Mrs. Mcßeth and Mrs. E. E. Short, who have been visiting Rotorua, will return to Feilding at the end of the week. . ’ '

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Millwood, tS. John’s Hill, Wanganui, motored to Wellington, on Monday morning to attend .their son’s wedding. Mr. R. Millwood and Mr. H. Millwood accompanied their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Payne, Wanganui, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Millwood, are also visiting Wellington for the wedding.

Mrs. W. Stewart, Wanganui, was hostess, at bridge on Saturday night. ‘ Miss W. Averill (Auckland) is the guest of Miss M. Newcombe, Wanganui. "Mrs. Simmons (Patea) is a visitor to Wellington.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoare, Wanganui, are Visiting Auckland for the races. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brewer, Waitotara, are visiting Wellington. Mrs S- V. Trask, of Palmerston North, is spending a short holiday in Wellington. ,

Mrs. Barker, Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs. F. Nancarrow, Wanganui. Mrs. G. ; F. Rodgers, Stratford, is visiting Wanganui.

Miss Joyce PowdreAl, Hawera, is the guest of Mrs. Campbell Christie, Wanganui.

' There was a large attendance at the annual dance of the Mount Bruce Tennis Club, Wairarapa, on Friday night. The hall was prettily decorated, and several novelty dances were held. Prizes won during the season were presented a§ follow: -J.L. A. Wadham’s silver cup and H. Dakin’s trophy for ladies’ singles, Miss I. Reader; J. Weyth’s and Y. Welch’s trophy for ladies’ doubles, Misses I. and M. Reader; H. Dakin’s trophy for combined doubles, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wyeth; club trophy for men’s singles, C. Welch; N. Wyeth’s and J. Mclntosh’s trophy for men’s doubles, T. Wyeth and V. Buick; Mrs. West’s trophy for junior singles, O. Wyeth; club trophy for junior doubles, Miss M. Trass and Master E. Wyeth.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Blackmore, of Palmerston North, gave an enjoyable bridge party on Friday night for Miss Mary McGill, whose marriage will take place on July 18. Mrs. Blackmore received her .guests wearing a model frock of blacli sequinned georgette. Miss McGill, ■ who was the recipient of many. beauti- , ful and useful gifts,, was attired in an .apricot georgette frock. Others present were: Miss Blackmore, Mrs. J. McGill, Miss J. Thompson, Mrs. G. G. Keeble, Mrs., Coombs, Miss Coombs, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. L. Wall, Miss West, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Rapley, Mrs. Langley, Mrs. S. V. Trask, Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Eliott, Sirs. Whyte, Miss McVeigh, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Bendall, Miss D, Rodgers, Miss MRodgers, Miss N. Bagnall, Miss P.'Bagnall, Miss M. Bendall, Miss E. Trask, Miss 'P. Hammdnd, Messrs. Blackmore, Keeble, Rapley, Wall, Eliott, Hall, Louisson, Whyte. Rutherford, Langley, T. McGill, J. Thompson, P. Rodgers; J. Redwood, B. and F. Bendall. Ingestre Street Church, Wanganui, was filled on Sunday morning with an almost complete muster of Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Cubs, besides friends; assembled to take part in the memorial service held in memory of Mr. Clifford Choules, Scoutmaster, and Miss Lexie Davidson, a member of Ingestre Street Girl Guide Troop. The Rev. Goring took as his text, "Let your light so shine before men.” Miss Davidson was one of the five original members of the troop, and had endeared herself to all by her loving ways, her love for children and flowers, and her thoughtfulness for ,the sick were also character-; istics noticed by her Guide officers. Mrs. Hatrick, sen., was hostess last week at’a pleasant bridge afternoon m aid of the funds of St. Chad’s Church, Wanganui. The house was decorated with autumn leaves and flowers. The following were among the players: Mesdames Hatrick, sen., B. C. Smith, N. Bain, J. Ballance, T. C. Jones, H. D. Robertson, R. Orton, M. Earle, B. Knight, H. D. Bates, N. Pearce, James Watt, Hay-Campbell, McNab,. C. Ross, W. Sutherland, D. Wilson, R. McNiven, D. Mason, Hughes-Johnson, F. Hatherly, Collins. Alec. Hatrick, R. . Hatrick, Misses Ward ■ (Wellington), C. Bayley,. R. Jones, V. Bayley, P. Collins, Morton Jones, K. Hatrick and M. Couper. Miss B. Strbbin; Wanganui, is the guest of Mrs. Ryan, Stratford.

MADAME MENERE IN WANGANUI. Madame Menere’s Annual Fur Display will be held in Wanganui for the next two weeks at an address which will be advertised later. It is claimed that this is the largest and finest display of furs ever seen in New Zealand and Wanganui. Ladies should on no account miss it. As usual, all furs will be sold under wholesale prices.—Advt.

Miss Coreen Hubner (Feilding) is the guest of Mrs. G. W. Hean, Wanganui.

Sir. and Mrs. Morell Stevenson returned to Wanganui from Auckland and Rotorua yesterday. , Mrs. J. Knight has returned to Wanganui from Auckland.

Miss E. F. McCrae, Waitotara, is visiting her mother at Motukawa.

Miss J. Symes, Hastings, and Miss S. Washer, Hawera, are the guests of Miss M. Brewer, Waverley.

Miss M. Washer, Hawera, was the guest of Miss Walkington for the Waverley Assembly.

There was a very large attendance of old girls of the Wanganui Girls’ College at tbe annual meeting Of the Old Girls’ Association last Friday night at the college, when much pleasure was expressed at the presence of Miss Newcombe (president), after her long illness. The bal-ance-sheet and' report were submitted, and plans made to hold the ball in August. Various donations to charities were discussed. The election of officers, resulted as follows: —Patronesses, Mesdames C. Wood. J. C. Wickham, Mellsop, O; Hales, Miss Frazer, and Miss Cruickshank; president, Miss M. Newcombe (reelected) ; vice-presidents, Mesdames H. G. 'Lewis, E. Cole, E. W. Merewether, Sydney Rankin, M. Hurst; hon. secretary, Miss W. Hean; committee, Misses S. Richardson, M. Hall, C. Hammond, B. Baird, R. Bassett, P. Wall, L. Keesing, D. Doig, D. Deem, E. Werry, M. Meuli, and H. Franklin.

The combined staff of some of the Wanganui warehouses gave a very happy dance at the Wanganui Rowing Club’s hall on Saturday evening. Among the dancers Were Mrs. S. Cass, jn white and pink lace; Misses L. Brown, pink taffeta ; E. Upton, black taffeta; Pascoe, black georgette; Noble, green georgette; Toomath, chenille georgette; Peffer, pale pink georgette; A. Hunger, green taffeta ; E. Kilmer, lemon georgette; R. McGrath, white satin, pale carnation shawl; D. Jensen, green georgette; J. Leslie, scarlet velvet, black rosette; D. Roberts, orange crepe de chine; M. Veitch, heliotrope satin and lace; A. Veitch, ipink taffeta; M. Calver, black beaded georgette; M. Coster, black satin, gold flowers; P. Lumsdon, mauve crepe de chine; E. Delves, tomato georgette; D. Maxwell, pink and silver lace; F. Bromiley, black taffeta and pale lavender shawl; C. Collins, China blue taffeta, pink shawl; M." Brown, apricot taffeta; Benge, salmon taffeta; M. Boulton, green, taffeta; D. Browne, scarlet satin; Messrs. C. Harkness, R. Carr, J. Linssen, R. Eggletoii, A. Hunger, D. Bassett, T. Aitchison, Bolton, S. Stewart, J. Ward, P. Dickson, J. Carter. M. Fraser, B. Upton, H. Dyke, L. Tilley, M. Bourne, Matthews, S. Cass, Mitchell, Wales, K. Allen, Long, A. Graham, Heinold, Cresswell, K. Graham.

A NIGHT WITH DICKENS. A private recital was given by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey in their studio at Wanganui,. on Saturday night. Mr. Bailey appeared as z the Grandfather from the Old Curiosity Shob,” Mr. W. J. Mather as Scrooge, Mrs. J. Barney as the second Mrs. Dombey, Miss B. Tremain as Miss Mowcher, Master J. Scott as Uriah Heep, and Mr. G. 11. Trott as Wilkins Micawber. Mrs. Bailey appeared in a charming child study and two modern ll short plays were given—one by Misses Edyth McNaught, Roma Friend, Ola Coffey, Hilda Newrick, Gwladys Jones, and Mr. R. Hine, and a very up-to-date burlesque by Sir. and Mrs.| W, J. Gilbert, Miss Peggy Gilbert, and Mr. W. Oliver. To celebrate the birthday of a pupil at St. George’s School, Wanganui, recently, Dr. Elizabeth Gunn arranged to give the boarders a treat, and invited a few entertainers from Mr. J., W. Bailey’s School of Acting. Several children/appeared in character studies, and also in a Dickens playlet from “Boots at the Holly Tree Inn.” The performance concluded with a few humorous stories by Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, after which the boys called for three cheers for Dr. Gunn and the entertainers. 1 ' //■/* '■ *'• *■ ASSEMBLY, ■i • ■ The third Waverley Assembly was a great success, many, dancers being present. The ladies of the committee had arranged the supper tables very tastefully, the decorations being of White and cream flowers. . . Among those present were Mesdames Bradmore, Alexander, McFarlane, Bremmer, Hopkinson, Roberts (Patea), in green ahd silver brocade; Simmons (Patea), black -georgette; McWilliam, blue and silver brocade;' Graves, green' embossed georgette; Shields (Patea), black crepe de .chine; Campbell, link georgette and lace; Hunter, cyclamen georgette and lace; James, black taffeta; Misses M. Walkington, white; beaded frock; M. Harvey, pink - frilled georgette; R. Alexander,, gold tissue and georgette; M. Washer (Hawera), green frilled georgette ; M. Brewer, white embossed chenille,' with panels of georgette; A. McGregor, pink taffeta; J. McGregor, mauve taffeta; J. Christie (Wanganui), black frilled net; M. Powdrell (Hawera), black taffeta;- J. Powdrell (Hawera), black taffeta with gold lace; D. Bates, green flowered taffeta; Mathewson, black 1 lace oyer' pink georgette; R. Howie, green taffeta;. M. Matthews, apricot taffeta; J. Symes (Hastings), floral taffeta, top panel skirt of beige georgette; S. Washer (Hawera), blue crepe de chine b’qdice and tulle skirt embroidered with silver; M. Alexander, white georgette and silver lace: Roberts (Patea), cyclamen georgette and silver tissue; Train, silver tissue and pink georgette; A.iTrain, pink shaded ■georgette; E. Rutherford (Opunake), rose velvet and lace; L. Powdrell (Wanganui), apricot frilled net; J. Alexander, lemon georgette, with gold lace; Hopkinson, mauve taffeta; I. Alexander, pink velvet and georgette; R. Honeyfield (Patea). mauve georgette over green; J. Blair (Hawera), blue taffeta, and silver lace. . , ■ , ■ i :

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 240, 11 July 1928, Page 4

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Woman’s World Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 240, 11 July 1928, Page 4

Woman’s World Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 240, 11 July 1928, Page 4