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Following are to-day's broadcast pro gram lues :— 2YA. WELLINGTON (120 METRES).

3 p.m.: Afternoon session—Selected studio items. 5.0: Close down. G.O: Children’s hour. 7.0: News session, market reports, and sports results. S.O: Concert session. Special programme in commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi on February 0, IS4O. History of the Maoris broadcast in speech and song. Chimes of the Wellington G.1’.0. clock, 8.1: Overture —Symons - Ellwood String Quartet, “First Movement from Maori Quartet” (Alfred Hill). S.G: Address—Hamiora Hakopa, greetings and introductory remarks. Oration, Ilenare I’oananga, LL.B., prologue from “Scenes From the I'ast ’ (Sir Apirana Ngata). 8.10: String quartet — Symons - Ellwood Quartet, "Tangi,” from “B Flat, Maori Quartet" (Hill). First I’liase. 5.16: Oration—llenare I’oananga, LL.B “Tito Coming of the Maori" (Ngata). 8.24: Chant—“ Thanksgiving Incantation of High Priest” (Ope Wlienarere). 8.25: Haka—Ropu Tamariki (Maori young people of Wanganui), “Thanksgiving Haka.” - Second Phase 8.27: Address—Hamiora Hakopa, "Maoris at Home in the Early Days.” Oration, Henare I’oananga. LL.B.. “The Marae and Hui,’’ from "Scenes from the Past” (Sir Apirana Ngata). 8,38: I’oi—llopu Wahine Tune (girls and boys). “Ancient I’oi.” 8,40: Haka—Ropu Tamariki. "Tau Ka Tau.” 8.41: Koauau solo—Ope Wlienarere. selected. Note. —The koauau (Hute) is the original and only Maori musical instrument, and was played by Tutanekai for Hlnemoa. 8.44: Song—Ope Wlienarere and party, “E Pa Te Hau.” , 8,48: Haka—llopu Wahine Tane, “Haka Poi.” 8.40: String quartet — Symons - Ellwood Quartet. “Maori Lament” (Alfred Hill). 8,54: Haka—Ropu Tamariki, “Haka Whakapapa.” Third Phase. 8.55 Address—Hamiora Hakopa, _ “The Dawn of the New Day”; "Coming of the Missionary.” 8 50: String quartet — Symons - Ellwood Quartet. “Wa.iata Maori” (Alfred Hill). 9.5: Speech—Sir Mani Pomare, "The Treaty of Waitangi.” Fourth Phase. 9.17: String . quartet — Syimns - Ellwood Quartet." “Ka Mate, Ka Mate” (Te Rangihikiroa). 9.23: Chorus—llopu Wahine Tane, "Ope Tuatahi.” 9.25: Speech—lit. Hon. J. G. Coates, Prime Minister of New Zealand, "The Maori’s Part in the Great War.” 9.37: Memorial hymn with string accompaniment—Mangu Tahana. with Ropu Wahine Tamariki. "Piko Nei Te Matenga” (When our Heads are Bowed with Woe). Fifth Phase. 9.40: Address—Hamiora Hakopa, “The Maori in Song and Play To-day.” 9.43: Solo and chorus, with string accompaniment—Raina Kahukura, "Hoki Hoki Tonu Mai.” 9.47: Song, with string accompaniment— K. Takarangi, “Home, Little Maori. Home" (Hill). 9.50: Chorus—Ropu Wahine Tamariki, "Po-ata Ran.” 9.52: Chorus—Ropu Wahine Tamariki, "Haere Haere ra e Hine” (Hill). 9 55: Solo—K. Takarangi. “Waiata Poi.” 9.58: Chorus with string accompaniment— Ropu Wahine Tamariki. “E Pari Ra.” 10,0: Solo and chorus, Mei Perepe, “Hoea rape waka.” 10.4: Oration—Henare Poananga, LL.B., “Maidens’ Welcome" (from "Scenes from the Past"), (Ngata). 10.5: Chorus and short double poi—Ropu Wahine, “Ta Hine Taru Kino.” 10.9: Male chorus—Tons Potae and Ropu Tamariki. “Karoo Karoo.” 10.12: Solo and chorus—Ka Winiata and Ropu Wahine Tamariki, “I’okarekare.” 10.18: Solo with string accompaniment— Ka Winiata, “Hine e Hine.” 10.21: Chorus—Ropu Wahine Tamariki, “Te Taniwha.” Sixth Phase. 10.25: Address—Hamiora Hakopa, “In Reminiscent Vein.” 10.27: Solo, with string accompaniment— Ka Winiata. “Dream Boat.” 10.30: Oration —Henare I’oananga. LL.B.. “The . Warriors’ Welcome.” from "Scenes from the Past” (Ngata). 10.31: Haka—Ropu Wahine Tamariki, “Ka Mate, Ka Mate.” 10,32: Solo witli string accompaniment— Mangu Tahana and Ropu Wahine Tamariki, "Home, Sweet Home.” 10 35: National Anthem, IYA. AUCKLAND (333 metres)—B p.m,: to 11 p.m.: Circumstances permitting Station IYA will rebroadcast the special Maori pageant from 2YA, Wellington. 3YA. CHRISTCHURCH (300 metres).— 3 p.m.: Afternoon session, selected studio items GO: Children’s hour. Uncle Jack and Aunt Edna. Bed-time stories and birthday greetings, 7.15: News and reports. 7.55: Circumstances permitting, a rebroadcast will be conducted of 2YA. Wellington, from which station a programme of outstanding merit is being jroadcast in comemmoration of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. 4YA. DUNEDIN (463 metres).—B p.m. to 11 p.m.: Circumstances permitting, 4YA will rebroadcast the special Maori pageant from 2YA, Wellington. 2FC. SYDNEY (442 metres).—6.3o p.m.: Dinner music. 7.0: "Big Ben.” Late sporting news. 7.10: Dalgety's market reports (wool, wheat and stock). 7.18: Fruit and vegetable markets. 7.20: Weather and -shipping news. 7.26: “Evening News” ’late news service. 7.35: Programme announcements. 7.37: The 2FC Studio Orchestra. conducted by Horace Keats, (a) overture, "Fingal's Cave” (Mendelssohn) ; (b) selection. “Martha” (Flotow); (c) "Andante” from “First Symphony” (Beßthoven). 8.1: Hubert Carter (tenor). (a) “I Hear You Calling Me” (Charles Marshall); (b) “When the Dew is Falling” (Edwin Schneider); (c) “Spring’s a Lovable Ladye” (Keith Elliott); (d) “Little ' Mother of Mine” (Burleigh). 8.10: The 2FC Studio Orchestra, conducted by Horace Keats, (a) “La Paloma” (Yradier); (b) “Prelude in C Sharp Minor” (Rachmaninoff). 8.20: From the Warringah Hall. North Sydney, items from the monthlj’ concert by the North Sydney Orphans, including the following artists: Herbert Browne (tenor), by permission of J. C. Williamson, Ltd., (a) “Ah, Fill the Cup” (Lehmann) ; (b) “Cradle Song” (Kreisier); (c) “Bird Songs at Eventide” (Coates); (d) “Sylvelln” (Sinding). John Morris and Joy Vane (entertaineus). 9.5: From the studio, late weather forecast. 9.(1: The 2FC Studio Orchestra, conducted by Horace Keats, (a) waltz. "Transactioven” (Strauss); (b) march (Norbert Wentzel), 9.18: Two stories by B. J. Hill, told by Brunton Gibb (elocutionist), (a) “The Sapphire Necklace”; (b) “His Airyplane.” 9.28: The 2FC Studio Orchestra, conducted by Horace Keats, selection, “Tlie Arcadians” (Monckton), 9.38: Hubert Carter (tehor), (a) “Yes, Let Me Like a Soldier Fall” (“Maritana”); (b) “There is a Flower that Bloometh” (“Maritana”). 9.44: Jules Van Der Kiel, 'cello solo. “Praeludium” (Popper). 9.49: Brunton Gibb (elocutionist), request number. 9.55: Jules Van Der Klei, 'cello solo. "Romance Sans Paroles” (Goens). 10.0: “Big Ben.” From the Wnrringah Hall, North Sydny. concluding items from the monthly concert by the North Sydney Orphans, 10.30: -From the studio, late weather forecast. 10.31: Len Maurice (popular baritone), dance session. 10.57: Late news and announcements. 11,0: “Big Ben.” Close down.

2BL, SYDNEY (353 metres). —8 p.m.: G.1’.0. clock and chimes. An hour's programme presented by Lindeman’s Wines. 8,1: W'in and Windle (English entertainers). 8.10: The Wurlitzer organ, broadcast from tlie Arcadia Theatre, Cbatswood. Organist, Mr. N. Robins. 8.15: Miss Eleanor Stanton (contralto). 5.22: Air. Ilainiund I’ecliotscli (violinist). 8.29: Miss Camille Alder (soprano). 8.36: King's Mandolin Orchestra. 8.43: Mr. Stan Hudson and partner (entertainers). 9.3: Mr. A, Thomas (baritone). 9.10: Win and Windle, 9.20: Miss Eleanor Stanton. 9.27: Air. Raimund I’ecliotscli. 9,34: Aliss Camille Aider. 9.41: King’s Mandolin Orchestra. 9.18: Mr. A. Thomas. 9.55: Resume of following day’s programme; weather report and forecast by courtesy of Air. C. J. Aiares. Government Meteorologist. 10.0: G.1’.0. clock and chimes. The Wurlitzer organ, broadcast from tlie Arcadia Theatre, Ciiatswood. 10.15: Romano’s Restaurant Dance Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Merv. Lyons, During intervals between dances “Sun” news will be broadcast. 11.30: G.P.O. clock and chimes. National Anthem,

2GB. SYDNEY’(3I6 metres).—7.2o p.m.: Music. 7.40: “Alending Broken Alen,” by Rev. R. B. S. Hammond. 8.0: Opening chorus. 8.2: Instrumental trio—Dan Scuily. Murieile Lang, Ada Brook 8.15: Address by Dr. I’. K. Roest. 8,30: Songs by Lois Zobinski, 8.37: Violin solos by Dan Scully. 8.45: Songs by Gwiadys Edwards, 8.52: ’Cello solos, by Murieile Lang. 9.0: Talk, by Stan Crit.tendon. 9.27: Instrumental trio—Dan Scully. .Murieile Lting, Ada Brook, 9.40: Serial story, “Forty Years on tlie Pacific." by Frank Coffee. 9.50: Songs by Gwiadys Edwards. 10.0: Close down.

3LCL MELBOURNE (371 metres).—A Plantation programme—B.l + p.m.: Birthday greetings and programme announcements. 8.15: Brunswick City Band, selection. “Plantation Melodics.” 8.25: Elin Riddell (contralto), "Kentucky Babe” (Geibel); “My Old Kentucky Home." 8.32: French Bros, (banjoists), "Lindy Lou” "Uncle Sambo.” 8.40: Southern Choral SO'

clety (conductor, Graham Burgin) tation Medley.” 8.47: Brunswick Liiy Band. American sketch, “In Ole tucky,” 8.57: Ella Riddell contralto) “The Old Folks at Home”; Cj “‘ r ‘ V . Back to Old Virginie.” 9.4: I* rench Bros, (ban joists), “Plantation Airs. Jiu. Southern Choral Society. Go Oowu Moses”; “Going to Run All Brunswick City Band, fantasia. American Airs” 9 29: Announcements. A travelogue—9.32: Charles Nuttal. ‘‘The Oakewalk Championship.” Grave and Gay—--9.45: Brunswick City Band, selection, “.Melodious Gems.” 9.55: Eileen Castles (soprano); “The Bitterness of (Dunn); “Habanera” (Carmen) 10.-: “Argus” news service; meteorological information; British ofticial wireless news from Rugby; announcements. 4QG. BRISBANE (355 metres).—Tonight’s programme will be provided by Mr. Erich John’s party of radio artists. S p.m,: From the studio —Grand Opera "Waltz” (from “Faust,” Gounod), instrumental trio; “Chorale of the Cross (from “Faust,” Gounod), double quartet; solo, “Il Balen” (from “Il Trovatore.” Verdi) Mr. Albert Falk (baritone); ‘ liarvest Song” (from "The Favourite,” Donizetti), double quartet; “Gavotte” (from "Iphigenda in Tauris” (Gluck), string .tr* 0 . Manx national songs—Tenor solo, ‘The Rival Cockades.” Mr. Walter Land (with double quartet); duet, “Cradle Misses Mabel Malouf (stwrano) and Mildred Bell (contralto) ; “Happy as a King, double quartet; “La Girouette” (Sanimartini). instrumental trio. Sacred —Anthem, “O Shepherd so Tenderly Leading’ (Burham). double quartet; solo. “Open the Gates to the Temple” (Knapp). Mr. Stanley Tamblyn (bass baritone); contralto duet “Lover of My Soul” (Morrison), .Misses Mildred and Audrey Bell; instrumental. “Bois Epais” (Lully), string trio. 9.0: .Metropolitan weather forecast. Classical — “Contentment” (Beethoven), double quartet: tenor duet, “Spring and Hope” (Rubinstein). Messrs. Jack Lord and Walter Land; “Mutual Love” (Beethoven), double quartet: instrumental, “Filth Hungarian Dance” (Brahms), string trio. Characteristic (songs of Fairydom)—Duet. “With Oberon in Fairyland” (Slater). Messrs. Albert Falk (baritone) and Stanley Tamblvn (bass); solo. “A Fairy Love Song” (Willeby). Miss Mildred Bell (con tralto); “Follow the Fairies” (Baumer), double quartet; instrumental. “Le Tambourine” (Leclair). string trio. Light opera—Solo. “Here’s to Love and Laughter’’ (Rubens), Miss Maye Hughes (soprano) ; duet. “Boy and Girl” (from “A Country Girl.” Monckton), Miss Mildred Bell (contralto) and Mr. Albert Falk (baritone); “We’ll Keep the Feast in Pinka-Bong” (from “San Toy,” James), double quartet; instrumental. “Pizzicati” (Delibes), string trio. 10.0: “The Daily Mail” news: weather news. Part II— Special recital. 10.10: From the studio— A programme of specially selected records, electrically made, reproduced by the Aeolian Vocalion with 4QG’s specially constructed electric reproducer. There are numbers of people who are owners of gramophones, and 4QG proposes to devote a short session once each week for a period of a month to these people. The records used will be specially selected for broadcasting purposes. A new electric reproducer has been designed and built in the station and will be used in connection with the transmission.

Note: —New Zealand time is two and a half hours ahead of eastern Australian time.

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 109, 6 February 1928, Page 5

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BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 109, 6 February 1928, Page 5

BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 109, 6 February 1928, Page 5