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AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Salcvards, Dnnnevirkc, 1030 a.m.—Annual salt) Aberdeen Angus cattle (11. B. Stock Auct. and Wright, Stephensou and Co.) Salcvards, Dannevirko.—Annual _ sale Angus stud bulls and K. and Colutubii Road Yards, noon.-Snlo 1500 head cattle (Dalgety and Co., and Wright, Stephenson and Co., N.Z. Loan). Levin.—Stock sale9 Goriug Street, 10.30 a,in.—Sale of furniture (D. Johnston and Co.). 173 Cuba Street, 1.30 p.m.— Sale of furniture (C. W. Price). TO-MOBROW. 75 Ridgway Street, Wanganui, noon.— Salo of land (C. L. Duigan and Co.). Hawora, noon.—Jersey fair (F. Co-op. • Org. Society). Johnsonville.—Stock sale. 38 Ellice Avenue, 10.30—Sale of household furniture (E. Johnston and Co.). THURSDAY. Gisborne 11 a.m—Sale of service car (rBarwick). Upper Hutt.—Stock sale. 8 Willeston Street. 2. p.m.—Sale of carpets (E. Johngton and Co.). 8 Willeston Street, 1 p.m.—Sale of carpets (E. Johnston and Co.). WOOL SALES WELLINGTON DATES. The following dates for wool sales in the Wellington province during tho cominMsr season have been arraiigcc!:Wellington—November 14 December 5, January 11. February 16. March 26. Wanganui.—November 32, January 20. February 23, March 19. NEW CUSTOMS DUTIES A FARMER’S VIEW. Dominion Special Service. Marton, October 10. The Wellington provincial executive of the Farmers’ Union to-day resolved to support the Minister of Customs in his new tariff proposals in so far as such proposals were in the direction of reducing protective duties. Tho opinion was expressed that it tno Government did away with the Arbitration Court, wages and awards would bp placed on a better footing and protection would be unnecessary. ARGENTINE MEAT WAR ’ENDED London, October 9. It is interesting to note that a complete agreement between the great Argentine packers has been reached, the Blue Star Line having joined tho South American Shipping Conference.

FARMING INTERESTS LONDON MARKETS HIGH COMMISSIONER’S CABLED REPORT The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram dated October 8 from tho High Commissioner for New Zealand, London i— Tallow. Spot market steadier and improved demand at auction. Present quotations are:—Mutton: Fine, 365. 6d. to 375. per cwt.; fair to good, 345. fid. to 365. 3d.; dark to dull, 325. to 335. 6<i. Beef: Sweet and/or mixed, 365. 6d. to 405.; fair to good, 345. to 365. fid.; dark to dull. 31s. fid. to 335. Mixed: Fair to good, 345. to 365.; dark to dull, 30s. fid. to 325. Cd. Gut. etc.: 275. fid. to 325. Apples. Market quiet. English : Cox's Orange, Bs. to 12s. per half bushel; Worcester Pcarmnin, 3s. to 65.; cookers, 25.. to Gs. American: Californian Newton Pippin, Ils. to 12s. per case; King David, 125.; Jonathan, Its. Hemp. Manila market has declined. "J” grade October-December shipments, £42. Better inquiry for afloat at lower level. Sisal easier. No. 1 afloat sold £36 10s.; October-December shipments, .£37. New Zealand market quiet. Business has been done at £35 to .£35 10s. tor highpoints. £33 10s. for fair, and £32 10s. for common. Wool. Bradford quotations for spot tops are firmly maintained. Moderate busings is licing done in medium and low crossbred. Current quotations are :- 6-I’s (merino), warp 4s. 2d. to 45., 3d. per lb., average 4s. Id. t°, 4s ; 2d.; 56 s (super halfbred), 35.; sffis (halfbrod), 2s. 4d.; 40’s prepared, Is. Bjd. . . It is reported that fair business booked for January-February delivery at 4s. Id. per lb. for average 64 s. Linseed. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram dated October 10 from Messrs. Eandale, Clark and Co., Calcutta —"Linseed: We quote £l6 2s. fid., per ton net c. and 1. bjdnw for immediate shipment. Market d 11.

BUTTER AND CHEESE DAIRY BOARD’S ADVICES. The New Zealand Dairy Produce Board has received the following market report from its London agency, dated October 7:— Butter. 7-10-27. 30-9-27.

Retail prices unchanged. OTHER ADVICES The Bank of Now Zealand, produce department. has received the following advice from its London office, under date October 7:— _ nA . Butter.—Slow; 178 s. to 182 s. per cwt. ..Cheese-Quiet, but firm; 102 s. to 106 a. P Frozcn"Meat.—The market is firm for wether mutton, and moderate business has been done. The market shows a weaker tendency for ewes. The advance in price has checked the demand for lamb. Wethers, light, 6Jd. to 7d. per Ib.j wethers, heavy, 5Jd. to 6Jd.; ewes, 4jd._to 5d.; lambs. 2’s. 9Jd. to 93d.: lambs Bs, 9id. to 91d.; lambs, 4's. 83d. to. 9d.; lambs, -.seconds, 83d. to 9id.; lambs, (Argentine, Bld, to 9Jd. VERY YOUNG VEAL NOT ALLOWED INTO ITALY Tn connection with a recent trial shipment to Italy of very young New Zealand veal, the Consul for Italy, Signor M. Blunno. states that ho has just been advised from his Government that Italian regulations do not allow the importation in the kingdom of meat from beasts but a few days old. The shipment in question contained also some pig’s liver, and Signor Blunno states that only liver is allowed which is left intact in its place and adherent to the meat. PALMERSTON WOOL, SKIN, AND TALLOW SALE Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report having held their monthly wool, skin, hide and tallow sale at Palmerston North on Thursday, when a very large catalogue of all classes was offered to a full attendance of buyers They report as follows:—Wool: The catalogue comprised mostly crutchings, which sold on a par with last sale. Sheepskins were in very strong demand, and values frequently advanced id. to Id. per lb. Hides: Market animated; all grades advanced id. to 3d. per lb. Calfskins again sold at very high prices. Tallow: Slight improvement. We quote:— Wool.—Crossbred medium, 133 d. to 14jd.; coarse, 113 d. to 123 d.; dead, lid. to 113 d. Crutchings:. Stained, Bd. to B}d.; short and seedy, 7d. to Bd.; locks and pieces, fid. to 7d. Sheepskins.—Crossbred: Fino, Hid.; medium. 131 d. to h133d.; coarse. Hid. to 13d.; damaged and inferior. BJd. to 103 d.; dead. 9Jd. to 103 d. Salted skins-. Medium weights, 9s. 7d. to 10s.; light, Ba. 9d. Hides.—Ox: Heavy. 93d.; medium. 9Jd.; light, 9Rd. Cow: Heavy, 9Jd.; medium, 93d.; light, lid.; cut and inferior, Bd. to Bgd.; horse hides. Bs. 6d. to Us. 6d. each. Calfskins.—Best lines, 163 d. per lb.; calf, good. 15Jd.; stained, 14d. to 14Jd.; cut and inferior, lOd. to 12d. Tallow.—ln casks, £26 per ton Horse-hair, 25Jd. per lb. STOCK SALES Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Master ton. report on the Martinborough sale as follows.—A m.edium yarding of sheep and cattle was submitted to a good attendance. Competition was on a par with recent sales, with prices ruling as follow: Fat medium ewes, 395.; medium fat wethers, 365.; light fat cows. £6; fat heifers, £6 10s.; store cows, 325. fid. to .£2 10s.; dairy cow, £5; weaner pigs, 17s. and 18s. JERSEY SALE. Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Co, Ltd, report: We held our fourth annual Jersey cattle breeders’ sale at Woodville on Fri,day> in conjunction with the Eawke’s

Bay Farmers’ Cooperative Association, litd. There was only a small entry, ami bidding was not brisk. 1)1 most cases, vendors met tho market, and practioally nlf tho cattle catalogued were sold at the following prices:—Account J. Murray: Bulls, .50 guineas. 14 guineas. 19J guineas, 21 guineas. Account B. R. Grinlinton: Bull, 7 giiiucns. Account A. B. I/. McMillan: Bull. 7 guineas. Account E. Harding: Bulls, lt> gnuioas, 164 guineas. Account W. G. Handling: Bull. 12 guinens. Account K. L. Hold): Bull, 10J guineas. Account A. 0. Lovelock: Female. 104, guineas. Account It. 0. Lcuoll: Female, K guinea).

Messrs. Abrtihnm and Williams. Ltd., report on t-hoir Owhango sale on October 6 that tho sheep advertised all camo forward, and wore keenly competed for by buyers from Palmerston. Taihnpo, llactihi. Waikato, and Auckland districts, as well as many local farmers. The hoggets were in very good order, and woro favourably commented on by all present. Tho top price of tho day was 31s. 6d. for a. small lot of extra good ewe hoggets. The principal sales were: '332 owe hoggets, 295. 2d.; 489 owe hoggets, 28s. Kid.; 254 second ewe hoggets. 255. 7d.: I£O ditto. 255. 3d.: 97 ditto. 245. lOd.; 467 wether hoggets, 265. Id.; 267 wether hoggets, 245.; 162 wot her hoggets. 235.; 135 wether hoggets, 225. ‘ld Other small lines sold as follow: M.B. hoggets, 20s. 3d. to 265.; small hoggets. 14s. 2d.; M.A. wethers. 235., 4d. to 28s. lOd. . ‘

The Wairarapa, Farmers’ Cooperative Association, Ltd., report as follows:—At Pahiatua on Tuesday we offered a heavy entry of dairy cattle and one line of sheep comprising 119 ewes and 131 b.f. lambs at foot, which made £2 per head. Only best sorts of dairy heifers and cows were sought after. Two exceptionally good cows made £l5 15s. and £l7 ss. respectively; others £8 to £4O; and dairy heifers, £5 15s, to £8 155., according to quality. ■Messrs. Dalgety and 00.. Ltd., report on the sales of last week as under: — There was a small entry of stock at the Bulls sale on October 3. Quotations: Wether hoggets. 255. 6d.; shorn fat ewes, 175.: 2-year heifers, r.w.b., £5; dairy heifers, £5 10s., £7 405., £7 155.; dairy cows. £5 to £8 155.; yearling steers, £2 Us. to £2 135.; empty cows, 355. to 38s. 6d.; weaner pigs, 14s. 6d., 15s. 6d. to 20s. 6d.; slips, 245. to 275.; store pigs. 30s. to 345.

A very successful clcariug sale was held on account of Mr. W. Blenklron, at Ashhurst, on October 3. The cows, which wcro principally young Jersey cross in good condition, met with very keen demand, the whole herd averaging £ll Bs. Implements and sundries, etc., also sold well. Quotations: Cows in milk, best, £lO, £ll, £l2, £l5 to £l7; others. £8 10s. to £9 10s.; three-quarter cows, £8 10s.; yearling Jersey heifers, £4; gelding, all work, £2/ 10a.; mower, £l9 155.; discs, £l7 10s,; sundries sold at Into rates.

There was a fair entry of sheep and a good entry of dairy cattle at the Ashhurst sale on October 4, a total clearance being effected, dairy stock especially meeting with a keen demand. Quotations: Bhorn fat ewes, 155., 195., 19s. 9d.; Jersey springing heifers, £5 17s. 6d., £7, £9 12s. 6d. to £ll 55.; dairy heifers, in milk, £6 7s. 6d., £7 55.; dairy cows at drop. £6 17s. 6d., £lO, £lO ss. to £l2; jyear Jersey bulls, £7 2s. 6d„ £7 17s. 6d.; yearling Jersey bulls, £7 2s. 6d.; 2-ycar crossbred bulls, £6 55., £6 12s. 6d.; pedigree Jersey bulls, £8 Bs.; fat cows, £6; heavy < fat cows, £8; store cows, £2, £2 195.; empty heifers, £3 15s. to £4 2s. 6d.; totara posts. 2s. 3d., 2s. 4d.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report holding their fortnightly sale at Itaetihi on October 7, when they yajdcd about 2000 sheep (including 1200 4-tooth ewes and wethers), and a small entry of cattle. There was a good attendance of buyers, bidding was brisk throughout, and they disposed of the entries under the hammer at very satisfactory prices. They quote: Four-tooth maiden ewes, 335., 335. 2d.; medium ditto, 275.; 6-tooth ditto. 28s. 6d.; 4-tooth wethers, 305.; medium ditto, 275. 3d.; m.s. hoggets (medium), 225. 4d.; culls, 14s. 6d. . SYDNEY WOOL SALES INFERIOR BORTS EASIER. (Rea. October 10, 11.10 p.m.) Sydney, October 10. K At tho wool sales the market reopened to keen competition. Prices for best wool ruled on a par with closing rates of last, week, but average and inferior corts showed a decidedly easier tendency. Greasy merino sold to 29id. per lb. EGG-LAYING COMPETITION MASTERTON CLUB. ‘ Dominion Special Service. Masterton, October 8. The following are the results of the egg-laying competition, being conducted at the Solway Poultry Farm under the auspices of the Masterton Poultry Club, for the twenty-seventh week, ended today :— SINGLES.


MR, F. SMEDLEY’S HERD A dispersal sale of the "Sunnyhurst Friesian herd was conducted by Messrs. Abraham and Williams. Ltd., and Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co., at To Kawa, on Friday. The vendor. Mr. F. Smedley, has been breeding for fifteen years. The majority of tho females wcro in milk, and competition on tlicso was somewhat restricted. The calves from the majority of the cows elicited keen competition, and counting these in with their dams, the average price was well over 20 guineas. The junior herd sire Bainflc d Pictcrjo Topsy King, bred by Mr. W. ,D. Hunt, realised tho top price of 40 guineas, the buyer being Major It A. Wilson. of Turiikina. Most of tho young bulls were sired by this bull. Ho was sired bv Picterje of Bainfield (son of Westmere Princess Picterje, 9391 b. of fat at throe years), from tho great heifer Bainfleld Topsy 13t, i WBb. fat -at ‘wo years, average ttest 4.26). 9ho sons of Picterje Topsy King also recorded good nricca. Mr. F. Jary. of Ohaupo. paiu 31 guineas for a yearling son. Mr. It. 11. Hole secured another yearling by this •sire at 3?1 guineas. The top price for two-ycar-old bulls was 32 guineas, also paid I»y Mr. Jary for a son of Black and White King of Ashland (a famous herd sire who shows five tested dams had rccofds averaging 7121 b. fat, average tost 4.1). Tho top price for females was 32 guineas, for the eight-year-old :ow Topsy Corona. This was tho picked -.ow of the herd. Sho was purchased for the Wesley College, Pukekohe. Another Anc cow was Alice Alcartra Pietjo, a ikmo-votvr-old cow of great conformation, purchased by Mr. A. Thirwill, of Matamata, for 26 guineas. Bull calves made up to 20 guineas, and heifer calves up to 15 guineas. „ _ Tho principal buyers were Messrs. J. Emett (Ohaupo)/L. S. Montgomery (Mangerc), 11. Pihama (Taumarunui), A. K. Weal (Pukeatua). A. R. Gemmell (Morrinsville). G. I'l. Glutrches (To Awainutu), H. V. Wells (Kiwitahi). T. Sowcrsby (Kopaki). J. Appleton (Te Kuiti), L. H. Coleman (Oltnhukura). A. Wallace (Te Awamutu), E. R. Sutherland (Taupiril. 0. J. Jollie (Otorohanga). F. Gooder (Wharepuhunga), J. W. Morgan (Pukekohe East). J. W. Oole (Horsham Downs). 8. Thomas (Kio Kio). 8. W. Mitehell (Te Puke), A. Carr (Auckland), J. Sterling (Kaoo), J. Bowe (Karamu). M. Fletcher (Kaipara Flats), A. A. IVhittaker (Pahu). J. T. Walker (To Kuiti), A. Redfern (Pukeatua).

COMMERCIAL ITEMS WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES A sale of Christchurch Gas shares at 225. fid., reported at the afternoon call, was the only transaction recorded yesterday. 'There was an active demand for Government stocks ami bonds, with buyers of the 4J per cents, at £96 aud the 5J per cents, at £lOl. Wellington Gas (debentures) were Ann at £99 ss. and New Zealand Milk Products (8 per cent, bonds) at 20s. Cd. Bank shares were dull. There were bids of 275. 9<l. for Commercial Bank (ordinary), £43 10s. for Bank of New South Wales, and 10s. sd. for Bank of New Zealand "D” shares (10s. paid). Sellers quoted £l4 12s. fid. for Bank of Australasia, £7 for National Bank of New Zealand, 58s. for Bank of New Zealand, and £l4 19s. for Union Bank. Goldsbrongh Mort and Co.'s shares were wanted at 40s. Cd., New Zealand Guarantee Corporation (ordinary) at Ss. Cd., New Zealand Investment at 9s. 3d., and Wellington Investment at 10s. Cd. Christchurch Gas were steady at 225. sd. National Insurance were wanted at 80s. 3d. Meat shares were in fair demand, with buyers of Gear Meat at 3lis., New Zealand Refrigerating (10s. paid) at 7s. 3d., and Wellington Meat Export (ordinary) at 7s. fid. HuddartParker (ordinary) were wanted at 4Cs. 3d. There was a bid of 245. 9d. for Tauplri Coal and 345. Cd. for Westport Coal. Leyland-O’Brien Timber were firm at 355. Brewery shares were steady, with bids- of 375. for Staples nnd Co., and 395. for Tui Brewery. In the miscellaneous section there were buyers of Burns, Philp, aud Co. at 365., Colonial Sugar at £52 55., D.I.C. (preference) at 20s. 9d., Electrolytic Zinc (ordinary) at 305., preference at 30s. 9d., and Wilson’s Cement at SCs. 3d. Yesterday's buying and selling quotations were as under: —

SALES IN OTHER CENTRES B? TELEGBAPB.- fbess association Auckland, October 10. Sales.—Commercial Bank of Australia. 275. 10'8;; Bank of New 6'outh wales, £43 10s.; New Zealand Insurance. 395. 3d.; Auckland Gas, 225. lid.; Bycrofts, 305.; Taranaki Oil, 6s. 9d ; Ohinemuri, 7s. lid., Bs.. 78. Ud.. 7s. lid.. Bs.; Waihi. 225. 6d. Christchurch, October 10. Sales Reported.—National Bank of New Zealand, £6 19s. 5d.; Union Bank. £l4 18s.; National Insurance, 81s.; New Zealand Refrigerating (contrib.), 7s. 7d. Sales.—Australian Hank of Commerce. 325. 7d. (three parcels): Union Bank, £l4 18s.: New Zealand Refrigerating (contrib.). 7s. 7d. (three parcels). Dunedin, October 10. Sales.—Bank of New South Wales, £43 10s.; New Zealand Refrigerating (contrib.). 7s. 9d. Sales Reported.—Westport Coal, 345. lOd.; Ohinemuri, Bs.; Bank of New Zealand. 585.; National Bank of Now Zealand, £6 19s. 3d.


A proposal to amplify the Paterson plan and to stabilise the dairying industry throughout tho Commonwealth was submitted to a meeting of representatives of co-operative butter factories held in Sydney’recently. The plan was designed to prevent factories from competing for the Australian trade, and to protect, them from inter-State competition. This was to be brought about by an all-Australian price of butter, which would “obviate cutthroat competition and stabilise the industry." A pool was to be established in each State, and equalisation of prices would be operative in each State. In this way each factory would receive a similar return for all butter sold, those sending all their butter to the London market sharing the profits on local sales with those confining their operations to itustralia. The all-Australian price would of course return a handsome profit to those in the industry, and any discrepancy between it and the London parity would fie regarded as a loss and be apportioned equally among all the factories in Australia. The bugbear of f.o.b. selling would thus be overcome, as London buyers would not be able to operate in Australia unless they paid the fixed price. The co-operative ideal of consignment. selling would be realised. It is suggested that promoters of the plan might find that actually it would not be easy to obtain the assent of all States to fixing their prices in accord with tho wishes of that State which happened to have the least, or the most,' butter ready for the market.

MORTGAGES AND INVESTMENTS In their annual review, Messrs. Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd., state with respect to mortgages, that “there appears to have been sufficient money available to meet reasonable demands. The State Advances Office, no doubt, has to some extent supplied a want, but except at the early part of the year the demand for mortgage money on good securities has not been great. For the most part mortgagors have already obtained on mortgage as much, or more than they are entitled to upon their land. Very few mortages have been repaid, but the main reason why the mortgage business has been dull for some time is that very little land has been changing hands. Where it has changed hands it has been very often at the instance of the mortgagee. in which case the mortgagee has left the greater portion of his money still upon mortgage on the property, and it is thought that this state of affaire must prevail for some time. Even if the price of land conies down still further, investors in land will not become plentiful until those now on the land have made sufficient to justify them in launching out further. During the past few years the amount borrowed by local bodies must have run into many millions. Previously much of this money came from outside, but now it is apparently furnished from sources which previously supplied mortgage requirements. The money available for investment upon mortgages in New Zealand is practically all what may be termed as local money, but the amount available is undoubtedly very largely affected by the attractiveness or otherwise of other trust investments, such as local body loans.

PRICES OF RAW MATERIALS. London, October 8. Rubber.—Fine hard Para, 14d. per lb.; plantation, first latex crepe, 16d.; smoked ribbed sheet, 16d. New Zealand Hemp.—October-N ovember shipment, £35 per ton. Copra—Bagged South Sea, October-No-vember shipijient. £26 10s per ton. Linseed oil, £3l per ton (equal to 2s. 5Jd. per gallon). , , x . Turpentine, 375. per cwt. (equal to ~s. 9 3-sd. per gallon). Osmiridium is dull and unchanged. CUSTOMS REVENUE. The Customs revenue collected at the port of Wellington yesterday totalled £5872. s

New Zealand— 178s.-182s. 178s.-182s. llrtanlted 186s.-190s. 184s.-190s. Market very quiet, but torwara petition. till Christmas still' good. Australian —F inest salted Unsalted Argentine—Fin-174s.-178s. 178s.-180s. 180s.-lS4s. 171s.-176s. est unsalted ... 174e.-178s. Irish creamery— 174s.-178s. 176s.Salted Unsalted ....... 174s.-180s. 180s. Dutch—Unsalted 191s.-198s. 19Gs.-198s. Esthonian—Salted 174s.-17Gs. 180s.-182s. Unsalted 17Gs.-178s. 182s.-184b. Lithuanian 170s. not quoted Siberian Danish 156s.-l60s. 194s.-196s. 158s.-162s. 191S.-1969. Detail prices unchanged Cheese. Now Zealand — white & coloured 101s.-106s. 104e.-106s. Market quiet but firm. Forward position till December still good. Canadian—Finest white & coloured English—Finest 10-ls.-10Cs. 105s.-106s. 120s.-124s. tarmers Australian — 124s.-128s. not quoted White lOls.-iais. Coloured 100s.-103s. not quoted

Light Breeds. G. Masters, W.L., No. 2 J. Bradbury, W.L., No. 1 Week. .. 7 .. 6 >* 5 Totals. 144 134 120 G Srllfir .. 7 131 .• 6 122 120 110 .. 6 105 . 4 98 L. B. Maunsell E. A. Tozer .. 5 .. 5 98 92 Heavy Breeds. A. A. Hoare, ll.I.R B. Pimm, B.O Raynor Bros., B.O F. Maunsell, B.O P. Bailey, R.I.R '• 5 7. 6 . 5 144 119 103 89 47 TEAMS. Light Breeds. 85 1785 c. H. Robbins, W.L., No. No. 2 * 6 143 ■' 120 ” No. 3 178 L. 15. Maunsell. No. 1 No. 2 .. 3 . 6 441 113 118 „ No. 3 .. 5 147 • 5 40S 139 No. 2 .. 4 102 " No. 8 , 6 123 A. A. Hoare. No. 1 No. 2 . 5 . 6 3tU 135 126 No. 3 ► • 6 102 303 B. W. Tooby, No. 1 .. <5 . f» 138 132 .. 5 92 q Wefrh No. 1 5 362 95 No. 2 .. 7 132 3 No. 3 ,. 6 133 F. S. Allen, No. 1 No. 2 .. 6 . 6 3C0 123 128 No S 108 J" Wing No. 1 ......... „ 5 359 109 No 2 >• 7 127 ” No 3 »« 7 108 4 344 113 No. 2 . 5 102 105 320 92 arm .. fl 97 88 v nu. o • • • • 277 40 No, 2 81 No 3 6 155 Heavy Breeds. P. Bailey,- R.I.R., No. 1 . No 2 ....j . 3 .. 6 278 150 134 ” No. 3 ....? . 4 112 X H. Klssllng. L.S., No 2 ... 1 6 0 393 118 148 ” Xo. 3 ..... 110 X H. Klssllng, B.I.R., No. ” I 1 « . 6 .. 5 sn 90 139 117 „ x'V. U •• •••••••« W. H. Ellis, L.S., No. 1 .. No 2 6 346 99 70 »» ho. 3 90 F. Taylor, B.O., No. 1 ... „ No. 2 . 4 5 265 145 78 o n No - 3 0. Nation, S.W., No. 1 ... No 2 •« . 4 .. 7 225 12 68 M No 3 . 7 50 130 s’eao

Buyers. Sellers. N.Z. GOVT. LOANS— £ 8. d. £ s. d. 44 p.c. Ins. Stk., 1938 90 0 0 —- 44 p.c. ditto, 1938 .... 96 0 0 — 54 p.c. ditto, 1933 .... 160 17 6 — 5j p.c. ditto, 1936 .... 100 17 6 — p.c. ditto. 1027/1941 97 17 6 98 10 0 4* p.c. Bonds, 1941 .. 96 0 0 — 4i p.c. ditto, 1939 .... 96 0 0 —— 4 4 p.c. ditto, 1938 .... 96 0 0 —- p.c. ditto, 1933 ..., 101 9 0 —• 54 p.c. ditto. 1936 .... 101 0 0 —— DEBENTURES— Wellington Gas 99 5 0 N.Z. Breweries <sto6k) * 1 3 10 Ditto (bonds) — 1 3 0 Devonport Borough, 6 p.c., 1936 —— 102 10 0 N.Z. Milk Products (bonds, 8 p.c.) .... 1 Napier Harb. Bd., 54 0 6 —— p.c., 1913 BANKS- —— 96 *10 0 12 Australasia 14 6 Commercial of Aust. (ord.) 1 7 9 1 8 3 National of N.Z ~- 7 0 0 New South Wales .. 43 10 0 —— New Zealand — o IS 0 Ditto “D" shares (10s. paid) 0 16 5 Union of Aust. .'....• 14 19 0 FINANCIAL— Goldsbrough Mort .. 2 6 6 2 7 0 Equitable Building . —— 9 2 6 N.Z. Guarantee Corp. (ord., 8s.) 0 8 6 0 9 0 N.Z. Investment 0 9 3 - Wellington Investment 0 10 5 GAS— Christchurch 1 2 o — INSURANCE— National 4 0 3 4 1 0 MEAT PRESERVING— Gear 1 16 0 — 8 N.Z. Refrigerat. (10s.) 0 7 3 0 7 Well. Meat Exp. (ord.) 0 7 6 TRANSPORT— Union Steam (pref.).. 1 0 5 Huddart-Parker (ord.) 2 6 3 —-- Ditto (prefrt — 1 0 6 P. and O. def. stock.. 275 0 0 COAL— Tauplri (ord.) 1 4 9 —— Westport 1 14 6 — Westport-Stockton (pref.) —— 0 3 9 TIMBER-Leyland-O’Brien .... 1 15 0 •—. National — 0 13 3 BREWERIES— New Zealand V. 4 9 Staples and Co 1 17 0 Tui 1 19 0 —- Ward and Co .* —. 1 18 6 MISCELLANEOUS— Burns, Philp, and Co. 1 16 0 —. Colonial Sugar 52 b 0 53 0 0 D.I.C. .(ord.) 0 0 0 0 10 6 Ditto (pref.) 1 0 9 — Electrolytic Zinc (ord.) 1 10 0 —. Ditto (pref.) 1 10 9 1 11 5 Newton King (pref.).. 0 12 6 N.Z. Paper Mills .... •— 0 17 3 Sharlanrl Co. (ord.) 1 1 0 Wilson's Cement .... 1 16 3 —_ MINING— Mount. Lyell —- 1 7 6 Waihi 1 2 3 1 2 6

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 14, 11 October 1927, Page 12

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FARM & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 14, 11 October 1927, Page 12

FARM & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 14, 11 October 1927, Page 12