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TO-DAY’S PROGRAMMES Following arc to-day’s broadcast programmes:— . 2YA. WELLINGTON, 420 METRES. 3 p.m., Afternoon concert and relay of Manuel Hyman’s Exhibition Band from Adelphi Cabaret. 3.30: Levin rot to—Miss Marion Christian, “Gas Cooking.” ■1.0: Resumption of programme. 5.0: Close down. 6.0: Uncle Ernest and Party. 7.0: News session and market reports. 7.35: Lecturette—Mr. Byron Brown, “How Modern is Shakespeare?” 8.0: Chimes of the General Post OHice clock, Wellington. 8.1: Instrumental—Studio Orchestra, selected. 8.17: Mezzo-soprano solo, Mrs. Vernon Brend|ill, “Conic, Sing to Me,” Thomp-

son (Enoch). 8.21: Violin solos—Mr. Frank Martinelli, “Rondino,” Kreisler; “Polichinelle,” Kreis let*. 5.26: Baritone solos, Mr. W. McDonagh, (a) “Kashmiri Song,” Woodforde, (b) “Less Than the Dust,” Fin den (Boosey). 8.31: Saxophone solos—Mr. 11. Diaper, “Liebestraume,” Liszt-Ben nett (Cecil Lennox). 8.35: Contralto solo—Miss R. Burge, “I’ll Never Forget,’’ Kosse (Hawkes). 5.39: ’Cello solo—Mr. Wynne Watkins, (a) “Berceuse.” Fernfcldt; (b) “Czardas, No. 1,” Miehiels (Brietkoff and Ha riel). 8.43: Tenor solo—Mr. Samuel Hall, “A Norwegian Song,” Aspinall (Cramer). 8.47: Instrumental—Studio Orchestra, selected. 8.59: Weather forecast. 9.0: Lecturette—Editor-Announcer, “Imperial Affairs.” ' z 9.15: Instrumental—Studio Orchestra, selected. 9.21; Mezzo-soprano solo—Mrs. Vernon Brendall. “If 1 Might Come to You,” Squire (Boosey). 9.25: Violin solo—Mr. Frank Martinelli, “Scene de Ballet,” De Beriot (Angelico. 9.29: Baritone solo—JU*. W. McDonagb, “The Little Town in Old County Down,” Sunders (Allan). 9.33: Saxophone solo—Mr. 11. Diaper, “Saxo-phun,” Wledoeft (WiedooCt). 9.37: Instrumental—Studio Orchestra, selected. 9.43: .Coni ralto. solo—Miss R. Burge, “Gifts of the Gods,” Kosse (Hawkes). 9.47: 'Cello solo— Mv. Wynne Watkins, “MinuptLo,” Becker (Schott). 9.51: Tenor solo—Mr. Samuel Hall, “Till Death,” Mascheroni (Bosworth). •9.55: Instrumental—Studio Orchestra, selected. IYA, AUCKLAND (333 metres).—3 to 4.30 p.m.. Afternoon session, selected items, 6.30, Children’s session. 7-.15, News and reports. . 7.30 to 7.45, Talk’,on “Motoring,” by Mr. Geo. Campbell. 8.0, Chime,s. 8.1, Relay of concert ; from Messrs. John Court’s,.. Ltd. . 8.30, Quartet, St. Andrew’s Quartet, “Love, -is Meant to Make Us Glad,” German. 5.4 Z 5, Tenor solo, Mr. Robert Peter, “Farewell in the Desert,” Adams. 8.49, Violin solo, -Miss M. Stoddart. §.54, Contralto solo, Miss Phyllis Gribhen, . “When a Merry Maiden Marries,” from Hie “Gondoliers.” 8.58, Elocutionary recital, Miss Gladys Gammon. 9.2, Soprano solo. Miss Adelaide Taylor, “May .Morning,”- Denza.- 9.6, Bass soln, Mr. Arthur College, “The Sentry’s. Song”, from “lolanthe.” 9.15, Weal her report. 9.20, Piano solo, Miss Nellie . Gammon, “Keve Angelique,” Rubenstein, 9.25, Duct, Miss Taylor and Air. .rotor, “There Was a Time,” from the “Gondoliers,” 9?25, Vio* lin solo, Alias Al. SI oddart. 0.29. Dnct, .Miss Taylor and Air. Peters, “O, That We Two Were Maying, u Nevin. 9.35. Recitation, Alias? G. Gammon. 9.45, Contralto solo, Alias. Phyllis Gribben, “0, Foolish Fay,” from ‘“lolanthe.” 9.49, Piano polo, Miss N. Gammon, “First Waltz of Bohemian Suite,” Coleridge Taylor. 9.53, Duet, Miss Gribben and Air. . College, “There Grew a Little Flower,” from “Rud--digore.” 9.57, Finale, St. Andrew’s Quartet, “Hush, Thee, Aly Baby,” Sullivan. 10.1, A thought. 10.2, God Save the King. 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH (306 metres).— 3 p.m., Afternoon concert session. 7-15. News and reports. 8.0, Chimes; Relay or orchestral selections from Grand Picture. Theatre Orchestra, under direction of Mrs. Black. 8.15, Contralto solos. Alias Alary Taylor, (a) “Ships That Pass in the Night.” Stephenson (Boosey), (b) “If I Can Livo.” 8.19, Pianoforte solo, Miss Aileen Warren, “Widmug” (Devotion), Schumann-Liszt (Ashdown). 8.23, Instrumental trio, Christchurch Broadcasting Trio, “Scherzo.” from “Trio,” Brahms (Augener). 8.31, Recitation, AHss Lucy Cowan, “Bacon and Eggs,” Herbert (M.S.). 8.35, Organ solos, Air. Robert Lake, (a) “In Springtime.” Hollins (Ndvcllo), (b) “Processional March,” Birch (Vincent), (e) “Twilight,” Frinil (Lengnick); 8.55, Contralto solo, Aliss Alary Taylor, “The Silver Ring,” Chaminade (Enoch). 9.0, Talk, Rev. J. Robertson, 8.A., “Romance of the Discovery of Australia,” llrst of series of three talks (ALS,). 9.20, Relay of orchestral selections from Grand Theatre. 9.35, Alusic with a monologue, Aliss Lucy Cowan, “Aly Rival,’’ Kipling . (Hodder and Stoughton). . 9.39, Organ solos, Mr. Robert Lake, (a) “Interlude for Piano, Op. 152,” Chaminade (Enoch), (b) “Offertoire In C Afinor,” Batiste (NOVello), (c) “Lied,” Wolstenholme (Paxton). 9.54, Contralto solos, Aliss Alary Taylor, (a) “After,” Neale (Enoch), (b) “Life’s Recompense,” Del Riego (Chappell). 10.1, Pianoforte solo, Aliss Aileen Warren, “Alarch of the Dwarfs,” Greig (Peters). 10.5, Instru- I mental trios, Christchurch Broadcasting Trio, (a) “Traumerei,” Schumann (Aletzler), (b) “April’s Lady,” Ancliffo (Cincaf) 10.16, Recitation, Aliss Lucy Cowan, “Airs. AlvLeerie’s Counti\v Visit.” J. Bell (AI.S.). 10.20, Organ solos, Air. Robert Lake, (a) “Fugue in G Minor,” Bach (eiovello), (b) “ATinuett and Toccata”- from Suite “Gothique,” Bocllmanu (Durand). National Anthem. Close down.

4YA, DUNEDIN (463 metres).—3 p.m.. Town Hall chimes. 3.1, His Master’s Voice recital. 3.15, Afternoon tea. music from the Savoy. 3.30, Studio music. 3.45, Humorous reading, by Mrs. I. W, Cowie. 4.0, Mtisic from the Savoy. 4;15, His Master’s Voice recital. 4.30, Close down. 7.0, Town Hall chimes. 7.1, Children’s session, Big Brother Bill. 7.40, News and market service. 8.0, Town Hall chimts. 8.1, Special relays.

2FC, SYDNEY (442 metres),—7.3o p.m.. Programme announcements. 7.35, Eleanor Stanton (contralto), (a) “O Del Mio Dolce Ardor” (Gluck), (b) ‘‘Still as the Night” (Bohm). 7.43, Mr. Graham Kent, “Ethics of Bridge.” 7.54, Maurice Burkitt, pianist. 8.0, “Big Ben”; from Her Majesty’s Theatre, Pitt Street, Sydney (by permission of J.C. Williamson. Ltd.): The first act <»f “The Chocolate Soldier,” featuring Strolla Wilson. James Hay, Lance Fairfax and Charles Walenm in this popular.musical comedy. 9.15, From the studio, latest weather forecast. 9.16, Maurice Burkitt, pianist. 9.23, Raymond Ellis (English baritone) and Enid D’Arcy (soprano) will present tho. fifth of a series of operatic numbers representing the comedian and soubrette in opera. Miss D’Arcy will sing: (a) “Voi che sapeto” (“Figaro”), (Mozart); (b) “Quando m’en vo” (“La Boheme”), (Puccini). 9.43, Eleanor Stanton (contralto), (a) “Lie There My Lute”

(MeCuina), (b) “The Arrow and the Song” (Balfe). 0.50, Scott Alexander will present the seventeenth of the Marlin Meek dlssertiitioiiH, entitled “There’s a Keason for Everything,” specially written for llb'C by Codringion Ball. 0.57, Haymond Ellis (English baritone) and Enid D’Arcy (soprano) in further musical numbers. Miss D’Arcy will sing: (a) ‘'Cradle Hung” (Schubert), (b) “Hark, Dark, the Lark” (Schubert). 10.16, Scott Alexander will give tin original travesty specially written for broadcasting by Codrington Ball, entitled “The .Night I was Be(k)nighted.” 10.24, The Wentworth Symphonic Dance Orchestra, under tlie baton of Mr. Cyril Kaye. 10.35, Studio music. 10.43. 'The Wentworth Symphonic Dance Orchestra, under the baton of Jlr. Cyril Kaye. 10.57, Late news and announcements ILO, “Big Ben”; the Wentworth Symphonic Dance Orchestra in popular numbers until 11.30 p.m. .Musical items front the studio during the intervals at the Wentworth. 11.30, National Anthciu. Close down.

•mil, SYDNEY (353 metres).—B p.m., G. 8.0. clock and chimes; Broadcasters’ topical chorus. 8.3, Broadcasters’ light orchestra, under the direction of Mr. J. Knight Barnett. 8.13, Mr. .Mark Leslie (comedian). 8.20. Mr. .lack Elliott in a whistling aet. 8.30, Broadcasters’ all sports expert will talk on football. 8.45, Mr. Mark Leslie. 8.52, Ccc Morrison and his Glooinehascrs broadcast from the ballroom of the Bondi Casino. 0.0, G.1’.0. clock and chimes, li.l, Mr. Frank Herbert (entertainer). U.S, Broadcasters’ light orchestra. 0.18, Mr. Cy. I'eir (ukulele troubadour). 0.25, Cec Morrison and his Gloomchasers broadcast from the ballroom of the Bondi Casino. 0.32, The sporting editor of tlie “Sun” will talk on the prospects of Saturday’s racing. 9.52, Cec Morrison and his Gloonichasers broadcast from the ballroom of the Bondi Casino. 10.0. G.1’.0. clock and chimes. 10.1, Mr. Mark Leslie. 10.8, Broadcasters’ light orchestra. 10.18, Mr. Frank Herbert. 10.25, Cec Morrison am) his Gloomchasers broadcast from the ballroom of the Bondi Casino. 10.32, Mr. Cy. I’eir. 10.39. Cee Morrison and his Glooincltascrs broadcast from the ballroom of tlie Bondi Casino. 10.46, Kesume of following day's programme. 10.50, Cee Morrison and his Gloonichasers broadcast from the ballroom of the Boudi Casino. 11.0, G.L’.O. clock and chimes. National A n I hem.

2GB, SYDNEY (316 metres).—S p.m., .Music; address; instrumental trio: National Association of N.S.W.; instrumental quartet (Dan .Scully, Monica Horder, Murlelle Lang, Ada Brook); snugs by Madame Weidide; ’cello solos (Muriclle Lang). (1) “Air” (Bach), (2) “.lulla’s Hair” (Koger Quilter); vocal duets and songs (artists Elsie Brown, Clement llosking); violin solos (-Monicit Horder), (1) “Tlie Lament of the Bose” (2) “Indian .Snake Dance” (Cecil Burleigh); address by Professor Ernest V»ood; instrumental trio (Dim Scully, Murielle Lang, Ada Brookji songs by Madame Weidele; instrumental trio (Monica Horder, Murielle Lang, Ada Brook); address by National Association of N'.S.W.: close down. 3LO. MELBOURNE (371 met res).—7.3o p.m., Collingwood Citizens' .Band —March,

“Under the Double. Eagle”; overture, "Gnbriana.” 7.40,' Anita Slmwe (comedienne), “At Sundown,” “It Don’t. Do Anything but Kain.” 7.47, Mr. H. K. Love— The construction of a ”B” Eliminator., Mr. Love will be glad to attend to your wireless difficulties, and we ask you to write to him tor any advice that you may require. 7.57. Announcements. 8.0, The Health Association’s message. 8.1, Collingwood Citizens’ Bund —Fantasia, “Lohengrin”; fox-trot, ““A Lane in Spain.” 8.11. Eileen Castles (soprano), “Clmrnmnt ► Oisenu”; “A Barque nt. .Midnight.” 8.18, Mr. C. J. Williams will comment upon “To-morrow’s Stadium Event.” 8.28, Guy Moore (tenor) —“Far Off 1 Hoar a Lover’s Flute”; ‘.‘From the Land of the Sky Blue, Water” (Cadman). 8.35, Colhigwood Citizens' Band—Selection, “A Garden of Classics.” 8.45, Eileen Castles (soprano) — “Ermmi” (Verdi); “Would God 1 AVero the Tender Apple Blossom,” Londonderry Air. 8.52, Announcements; tlie Royal Automobile Club of Victoria's safety message. 9.0, Extracts from “Miss Hook of Holland” by Shcpparton Choral Society. 10.0, Melbourne Choral Union will sing the test pieces for the Ballarat Competitions Graud Choral Contests—Madrigal, “The Silver Swain”; “Psalm No. 2” (Holst); ‘’Hallelujah Chorus” (Beethoven). .10.10, “Argus” news service; meteorological information. 10.17, Collingwood Citizens' Band—Waltz, “Gems of Gungal.” 10.27, Road notes, supplied by the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria. 10.32, Joe Aronson and his Synco-Symphonists—“Sam the Old Accordeon Man” (Donaldson); “The More We Are Together”; “Sunday” (Miller). 10.45, Anita Shawe. 10,52, Joo Aronson’s Synco-Symphonists. 11.0, Our great thought. 11.1, .100 Aronson and his SyncoSymphonists—“ Let’s All Henry Ford” (Root), “Tlie Original Black Bottom” (Henderson); “1 Didn’t Know” (Swift); "Upright and Grand," piano solo; “Perhaps You’ll Think of Me”; “Muddy Water” (De Rose): “Camille” (Sherman); (Tin On My Way Home” (Berlin); “Looking For a Boy” (Gershwin); “That Certain Feeling” (Gershwin); “Chinese Moon” (N'ausbnum) ; "Because I Love You” (Berlin); “For My Sweetheart” (Brown); "If You See Sally" (Kahn); “Forgotten” (O’Hngan); “Brown Eyes in Your- Dreams” (Tcnnent); “Hello, Bluebird” (Friend). 11.10, God Save the King. 4QG, BRISBANE (385 metres).—S.O p.m.: March, “Royal Hussars" (King), the Studio Orchestra (conductor, Mr. A. It. Featherstone) : the “Music Makers” introduce themselves; quartet, “O Mistress Mine,” the ".Music Makers"; vnlse, “Love’s Proposal” (Moscs-Tobanl), the Studio Orchestra; tenor solo, “Lay Sty Head Beneath a Rose,” Signor Corti (with orchestral accompaniment) ; bass solo, ‘“Big Ben." Mr. Davies; vocal duct, “Under the Desert Star,” Messrs. .Smith and Sheridan; melodic, “Clierie” (Leigh), the Studio Orchestra: tenor solo, “O Flower of All the World,” Mr. Ted Colbert: quartet, “Softlv Over the Sea.” the Music Makers; fox-trot, “Sweet Yvette” (Davis), the Studio Orchestra; tenor solo. "A Dream” (Bartlett), Signor Corti (witli orchestral nceoiiHianiniciit); baritone solo. “Mandalay," Mr. L. Sheridan; characteristic, "General Mixup" (Allen), the Studio Orchestra; Ichor solo, “Goodbye” (Tostl), Mr. Arthur Smith; quartet, “The Volga Boatmen." tho Music Makers; march, “Faustina” (Watson), tlie Studio Orchestra. From the Centennial Hall: p.m., Dance music. 10.0, “The Daily Mail" news; went iter nows; sporting news. 10.30, Close down. , Xotc:—New Zealand time is an hour and a half ahead of eastern Australian time. CABINETS FOR RECEIVING SETS DUTY INCREASE EXPLAINED. Under the revised tariff schedule it is proposed that wireless broadcast receiving sets mounted in cabinets shall be charged with duty at the rate of 10 per cent. under the British preferential tariff, and at the rate of 30 per cent, under the general tariff: that tho electrical components of the sets when imported apart from tho cabinets shall be admitted free under the British preferential tariff or charged with duty at 20 per cent, under the general tariff; and that the cabinet work for the sets when imported separate therefrom, or when not containing any substantial portion of the set, shall bo classed as cabinetware n.e.i., 25 per-cent, under the British preferential tariff or 45 per cent, under the general tariff. "It is believed," states an explanatory memorandum issued by the Minister of Customs "that there is considerable scope in New Zealand for the manufacture of cabinets, for wireless receiving sets, as the next few years will undoubtedly provide a considerable increase iu the number of sets sold. The encouragement of the building of the cabinets in New Zealand will also tend to encourage the assembly of sets locally, which will give a certain amount of skilled work to electricians. It ia considered that an increase of 10 per cent, in duty on the made-up sets in cabinets as against the rates of duty charged on the components will give ample protection to the cabinetmaking industry.”

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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 11, 7 October 1927, Page 7

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BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 11, 7 October 1927, Page 7

BROADCASTING Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 11, 7 October 1927, Page 7