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AUCTION SALES TO-DAY 8 Willes!on Street, 1.30 p.m.—Sale of gramophones, etc. (E. Johnston and (Co.) TO-MORROW. 8 Willcston Street, 10.30—Sale of paintings, old china, etc. (E. Johnston and Co.) 8 Willeston Street, 1.30 p.m.—Sale of Irish linens (E. Johnston and Co.). FARMING INTERESTS WHOLESALE PRODUCE PRICES Messrs. Laery and Co., Ltd., report wholesale values as follow:—Mixed fowl feed. 5-sack lots or over 6a. 6d., lesser lots 6s. 9d. 1001 b: bag; .inseed meal. 16s. 1001 b. bag; linseed nuts, 14s. 1001 b. bag; whole linseed, 20s. 6d. cwt.; oyster shell grit. 5-sack lots or over ts„ lesser lots ss. 6d. 1001 b,. bag; pipi shell. grit, 5-sack lots or over 55.; lesser :cts ts. 6d. 1001 b. ba"- oats, machine dressed seed Algerians 6s. id., 6s. 3d.. Algerians 4s. 9d„ Duns 6s. id., feed Gartons 4s. 6<1., crushed ss. bushel; shelled oats, for chicks. 6s. 3d. to 6s. 6d.; New Zealand maize, whole Bs. 3d., crushed Bs. 9d. oushel; barley, feed ss. 6d.; Canadian wheat, 7s. 6d, sacks in; wheatmeal, -eed, ton lots, £l5 10s. ton; rye cornA 10-sack lots or over 6s. 7d„ lesser lots 6s. 9d.; rye corn, under-grade, for pig feed. ss. bushel; butter, prime farners’ separator ana dairy bulk and pats. lid. to Is. lb.; turkeys. Is. 3d. to Is. 4d. lb.; eggs, first grade new laid 2s. dozen, storekeepers Is lOd. to Is. Ud. dozen; ducks, runners, young, 9s. to 10s.. large whites 10s. to 13d., old 6s. 6d to Bs. pair; fowls, white Leghorns ss. to ss. 6d.. black Orpingtons and similar heavy varieties 7s. to 10s. 'pair; fungus, New Zealand, lid. lb.; dressed pork, 60’s to 90’s. Bd. Ib.; sucking pigs. BJd. to 9Jd., lb.; honey discoloured), in 601 b. tins. sd. lb.; sucrosino. half-ton 1 lots or over £l2 10s.. lesser lots 13s ; maizemeal, 9s. 6d. bushel: * liarcoal. 14s. 9d. 501 b bag; rock salt. 6s. bag; molasses, ■ in casks 40s. each, in cases Bs. 6d. ; Blenheim chaff, ton lots, prime *lO 15s. ton, good heavy £9 to £lO ton; basic slag, £5 ton: Chinese peanuts in shell, sack lots. 41d. lb.; Java shelled peanuts, sack lots. 41d. lb.; superphosphates. . £5 16s. ton f.o.r New Plymouth, less discounts; barley meal. 12s 1001 b.; »>ran. half-ton lots or over £9 ton. lesser, 'ots 9s, 6d.; pollard, half-ton lots or over £l2 ton, lesser lots 12s. 6d.; chick • aiser. coarse, 21s. IMlh bag: pigmeal. £ll 15s. ton for ton lots, lesser lots 10s. 1001 b : poultry snicc. cases containing about 40 packets £3 10s. case, lesser lots 2s. 6d. packet; black leaf 40 spray. 2lb. tins 135.. 101 b. tins 50s. each net: seeds, white clover Is. 9d., cowgrass Is 6d.. cocksfoot Is. 4d. lb.. Italian rye. 75.. nerennial Bs.. Western Wolths 7s. bushel; potatoes, prime. £7 ton, sacks in; new potatoes, 10s. to 12s. . cwt. JOHNSONVILLE STOCK SALE Messrs. Abraham and Williams. Ltd., and Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., , report on their Johnsonville stock sale held yesterday as follows:—Owing to it being Christmas sale, the bulk of the entry comprised lambs, only a few pens of wethers and ewes being offered. The quality of. the lambs was medium, but there was a fair demand, at prices slightly above export parity. Wethers and ewes met with a ready sale. A' small yarding of-cattle, tomprising good quality bullocks, met with a keen sale, at prices above late rates. This was owing to the better quality stock. Quotations: Wethers, 245. 3d., 245. 2d., 235. 6d., 21s. 3d.; ewes, 17s. 3d., 175.; lambs, good. 235. 6d.. 235., 225. 6d., 21s. 9d„ 21s. 6d.; lambs, light. 18s., 175., 16s. 6d„ 165.; bullocks, £ll 7s. 6d., £l4 ss„ £l4, £l3 15s„ £l3 10s,, £l3 55., £l3. £l2 15s„ and £ll.

SUPERPHOSPHATES SUPPLY DAIRY COMPANY CONSIDERS STARTING OWN WORKS. Dominion Special. Auckland, December 21. Great interest has been caused by an announcement that a proposal to establish superphosphates works < f its own is being considered by the eirectors of the New Zealand Cooperative Dairy Company, Limited. In view of certain rumours which have been current regarding the company’s intentions. Mr. W. Goodfellow, the managing director, explained the position. He said that the general manager of the company, Mr. H. H. Sterling, had been negotiating with local manufacturers for several months with the object of obtaining supplies for shareholders of the company at merchants’ term’. After consideration the manufacturers had refused to comply with the company’s request, which had provided that all rebates should go back to the farmers. Mr. Goodfellow said that be had recently visited Australia for he express purpose of inspecting fertiliser works in New South Wales and Victoria. The result of the visit had been entirely satisfactory. and alternative schemes, to erect new works or to take over existing works at Penrose, had been considered by the directors. Certain details had yet to be finalised, and he hoped to be able to make a further statement regarding the ■ ompany's intentions early next year. ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET DOUBLE MARKET DAY. By Telegraph.—press association. Christchurch, December 21. To-day was a "‘double” market at Addington in view of Christmas. Fat lambs, however, were the only section 1 that were forward in greater numbers than ordinarily. Store sheep, .wethers, and ewes, and lambs provided the main part of the entry. Ewes and lambs sold at late' rates, whilst wethers were scarcely so firn). Two-tooth three-quar-terbred ewes made up to 325. 5d., and two-tooth crossbred evils to 295. Fat Lambs: Good number yarded. Exporters operated on a shade more than parity with theiT export schedule, i.e., Bld. for 36’s and under, 7Jd. for 37-42’s and seconds, and 7d. for’ overweights. 'l’lie big entry was fairly evenly divided between exporters and butters, the latter buying heaviest weights at easy prices. Extra prime lambs, 28s. 6d. to 325. Id.; prime lambs, 255. 6<L to 285.; medium lambs, 235. Gd. to 25 s.; light lambs, 225. to 235. Fat Sheep: A smaller entry than usual, hut prices eased by a shilling per head for wethers, from Is. Gd. to 2s. for ewes. Exporters operated to some extent for wethers on a basis of fjd. to sd. a pound. It was a dragging s la. Extra prime wethers to 335. 7d.. prime 265. to 295. 6d., medium 245. to 25si 9d„ light .wethers 225. 3d. to 245., extra prime ewes to 275. Id., prime 21s. to 245., medium 17s. to, 245., medium 17s. to 20s. 6d„ light ewes 14s. to 16s. 9d., aged ewes 12s. to 13s. 9d. Fat Cattle.—An entry of 575 head. A sightly better sale for prime medium weights and easier for cows. Extra prime beef made 375. 6d. to 40s. per 1001 b., average to good quality from 345. to 375., medium 325. to 345., rough down \to 255., extra heavy steers £l6 to £l7 2s. Gd., prime heavy steers .£l5 to £l6, prime medium-weight steers, £l3 10s. to £l5 10s.: medium quality steers £lO to £l3. light steers <£7 to £9 10s., extra prime heifers .to £l2 17s. Gd., prime heifers £9 10s. to £l2. ordinary heifers £7 to £B. light heifers £5 to £6 155., extra prime cows to £l2 7s. 6d„ prime cows £8 ss. to £ll 155., ordinary cows £6 to £B. light cows £4 to £5 10s. Vealers. —Runners to £7 Ils., medium £6 to £6 155., good calves £3 10s. to £5 10s., small 10s. to 30s. Store Crfttle.—Odds and ends yards cows made from £3 to £5, nnd heifers to £4 2s. 6d. , , Dairy Cattle.—Good demand best second to fourth calvers £8 to £lO, others £4 to £7 10s.. heifers £4 to £7 10s. Fat Pigs.—Small entry. Improved porker sale, hut baconers easier. Choppers £2 10s. to £5 18s. Gd., baconers £3 10s. to £4 17s. Gd.. average per lb. Gid. to 6Sd. per lb., porkerg 50s. to 705., average per lb. Bd. to 9d. Store Pigs.—Good competition, a West Coast consignment selling well. Weaners 20s to 255.. small stores 275. to 3<ts., medium stores 3fis. to 425., large stores 4Rs to 60s.

CANTERBURY PRODUCE MARKET BY TELEGRAPHPRESS ASSOCIATION. Christchurch, December 21. At no part of the year is a quieter time experienced in the produce market than just before Christmas. Nobody 18 paying 6s. for wheat row. and there is reluctance to qive 3d. less, but in any case very little bußlaesa can, be reported. A few parcels of wheat are being bought for February delivery at sb. 9d It is known that 5000 tons of Australian wheat have been bought for delivery in shipi ments over the next *wo months. The oat crops are iikely to be very heavy, and the area in crop is large. Already crops are in stock on land i and near the sea coast, nd in many 1 cases they have cut out fairly well. There should not be much wrong with the sample. • ' There is very little bran <na pollard on the market. Pollard is being quoted at as high as £lO per ton, with 10s. per ton extra for smaller lota. The in- . dications are that North Island poultry- . men are not short of feed. ’ A few dells in potatoes and onions : are reported. Yesterday a Christchurch > firm made some forward purchases of potatoes for April-May-June delivery, at . £3 10s. per ton on trucks at country stations, and onions are round about £4 15s. The potato crops are looking particularly well, and some record yields are certain. If growers do not get Sydney business there is almost certain to be an over-supply. ' LONDON TALLOW SALE

Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having received the following cablegram from their London house, under date December 20: —Tallow: The »ext sales will take place on January 7.


WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES At the afternoon call yesterday sales were reported of the 4J per cent, stock (1939) at £96 155., (1938) at £96 15s. and Manning and Co. brewery shares at 20s. 3d. There was a moderate demand for Government stocks and bonds with buyers of the 4-1 per cents, at £96 155., the 5 per cents, at £99, and the 5J per cents, at. £lOl. ' Bank shares were steady. There were bids of £8 ss. for English, Scottish and Australian Bank, £45 ss. for Bank of .New South Wales, 365. 9d. for •bill Bank of Australia £1 paid, and £l5 ss. for Union Bank. N.Z. and River Plate shares were steady at 235. fid. There were buyers of Wellington Gas, ordinary shares at 265... National Insurance a( £3 13s.' fid.. New Zealand Insurance at 365. -9d., N.Z. Refrigerating, 10s. paid, at (is. fid., ITuddart Parker ordinary at 46s fid., nnd Kaiapoi Woollen, ordinary, at 9s. 9(1. There was very little business offering in other groups. There

wore buyers of. -National Timber■ sharesat 14s„ Manning and Co. brewery shares at PJs. !)d., Burns, Philp and Co. at 395., Electrolytic Zine, ordinary at 365. 6d„ and preference at 375. Yesterday’s buying and selling quotalions were as under: Buyers. Sellers.

SALES IN OTHER CENTRES BY TEIiEGBAPH. — PRCIS ASSOCIATION. Auckland, December 21. Sales—Soldiers’ Bonds (1933, 5J per cent), £101; Moanataiari (con.), Is. lid.. 55.; Lucky Shot (con.), Is. Id. Dunedin. December 21. Sales—Big Beach Mining, la. 9d. (prem.l, (two parcels). Sales reported—National Insurance, 735. 9d.; National Bank, £7 2s. ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, AND AUSTRALIAN BANK For the year ended June 30, 1926, the English, Scottish and Australian Bank showed net profits amounting to £542,308 as compared with £515,981 in the previous year There was brought forward £183,414, making available £725,722. The dividend at the rate of 124 per cent, absorbs £281,250, the sum of. £lOO,OOO is added to the reserve fund, £20,000 to officers’ provident fund, £93,750 for the purchase and cancellation of deferred stock, leaving £230,722 to ba carried forward. The items of the balance-sheet, with those for last year in parentheses, are as follow:—Liabilities : Capital paid up, £2,250,000 (£2,250,000); reserve fund, £1,965,000 (£1,837,331); perpetual stocks, ZJ,125,966. (£2,207,966); fixed deposits, £15,538,685 (£14,065,483); current accounts, £12,379,945 (£11,663,287); notes, £ll2B (£1148); bills payable,£2,393,680 (£1,967,092). Assets: Cash and bullion, £6,502,678 (£5,607,701); cash at bankers and at short notice, £1,230,740 (£1,390,334); Government securities, £1,255,739 (£1,252,760); bills receivable, £5,954,467 (£4,876,855); advances, etc., £21.542,690 (£20,635,697); security for note issue, £3625 (£3625); premises, £762,684 (£782,457). DALGETY AND CO., LIMITED The statement of accounts of Dalgety and Co., Ltd., for the year ended June 30 last discloses a net profit of £295,047, which contrasts with £361,362 in 1925, and £323,988 in 1924. There was brought forward £236,3G4, making available £581,411. The dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10. per cent, absorbs £lOO,000, and the bonus of 7 per cent, on ordinary shares absorbs a further £70,000. The preference shares receive the usual 5 per cent., absorbing £25,000, the sum of £50,000 is written off premises account, £50,000 is granted as a bonus to overseas staff, £25,000 is added to the staff provident fund, and a balance of £211,412 is carried forward. The items of the balance-sheet, with those for the previous year in parentheses, are as follow:—Liabilities : Capital, ordinary £1,000,000, preference £500,000, and reserve £1,000,000, these three items being the same as in the previous year. Staff provident fund, £216,000 (£i91,000); irredeemable debenture stock, £2,475,454 (£2,225,454); terminable debentures, £503,992 (£285.584); sundry creditors,' £2,917,447 (£3,551,422). Assets: Cash and investments, £495,874 (£420.073); bills re-' ceivable, £445.830 (£428.377); sundry debtors, £1,221,607 (£1,275,286); advances, etc., £4.883.403 (£5,241,626); merchandise, £504.779 (£580,711); premises, etc., £392,081 <06421,344); balance in transit between branches, 153,086 (£130,471). PRICES OF METALS. (Rec. December 21, 9.5 p.m.) London, December 20. Copper, on spot, £57 3s. 9d. per ton; forward delivery, £57 18s. 9d. Lead, £29 3s. 9d. and £29 10s. Spelter, £32 16s. 3d. Tin, £3OB 15s. and £299 17s. 6d. Silver.—Standard, 24Jd. per ounce; fine, 26 9-l'6d.

N.Z. GOVT. LOANS £ s. d. £ 8. d. 41 p.e. Ins. Stk., 1939 —— 97 0 0 41 p.e. ditto. 1938 .... 96 15 0 — 41 P.e. Bonds, 1939 .. — 97 0 0 41 n.c. ditto, 1930 .... 97 10 0 —- 51 p.e. ditto, 1933 .... 101 Bl P.e. ditto, 1966 .... 101 0 0 —• 0 0 — 5 p.e. P.O. Ins. Stk., 1929 — 99 0 0 5 p.e P.O. ditto, 1927 5 p.e. P.O. Bonds, 1927 —— 99 o 0 99 0 0 —— banksEnglish, Scottish, ana 8 Australian 0 New South Wales ... 45 *1 0 New Zealand —- 2 19 0 Ditto (rights) — 9 0 6 9 Koval of Australia (.Cl) 1 16 — Union of Australia .. 15 0 — FINANCIAL— 3 N.Z. and Biver Plate 1 0 — Wellington Deposit .. •— 0 10 4 GASWellington (ord.) .... 1 6 0 — INSURANCE— 3 National 13 6 New Zealand 1 16 9 1 17 0 MEAT PRESERVING— N.Z. Refrigerating (10s. 0 6 fi —• TRANSPORT— Huddart-Parker (ord.) 2 6 6 245 P. and O. def. stock.. — 0 0 WOOLLEN— Kaiapoi (ord.) . 0 9 9 — Wellington (new issue) — 6 10 0 TIMBER— Leyland-O'Brien .... —— 0 National 0 14 0 0 16 0 BREWERIES— Manning and Co 0 19 9 1 0 6 MISCELLANEOUS— Burns. Philp, and Co. 1. 19 0 Electrolytic Zinc (ord.) 1 16 6 1 17 6 Ditto (pref.) 1 17 0 —— National Electric .... — 0 IS 0 N.Z. Milk Products (bonds) —— 1 2 6 Sharland and Co •— 1 6 Wairarapa Farmers' (pref.) — 0 16 0 MINING— Kawarau o0 3 0

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Dominion, Volume 20, Issue 75, 22 December 1926, Page 14

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FARM & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 20, Issue 75, 22 December 1926, Page 14

FARM & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 20, Issue 75, 22 December 1926, Page 14