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WANGANUI SPRING MEETING MARANGAI HANDICAP WON BY CIVILITY LYSANDER WINS GUINEAS FLYING HANDICAP TO MIREUSONTA (By Telegraph—From “The Watcher. ) Wanganui, September 9. The spring meeting of the Wanganui Jockey Club was opened to-day in fine weather, and the racing was hold on a track in perfect order. Special interest centred m the Wanganui Guineas, the first three-year-old classic of the ' season. It was disappointing as an actual contest, as there was only one horse in it, and that was Lysander, who galloped away from his four opponents. ’ Civility won the Marangai Handicap from Tanadees and Mandane after a fine race. The winner was well handled by B. H. Morris, and the win of the local mare, who was a staunch favourite, was very popular. The Flying Handicap went to the veteran sprinter Mireusonta, who ran his usual race in front all the way. The unlucky Licinius added another second to his consistent record, and Yoma was third.

There was a fair attendance, but one or two outsiders got home, only' fhiee favourites winning, and speculation was oss than for the corresponding, day last year. Tho total was £20,1t0, as against .£29.263, a decrease of £4<)JB. Inquiries were held into the running in tho Hurdles and Putiki Handicap. Santiago was found to have been accidentally bumped, and tho bumping in the Putiki Handicap was unavoidable, being due to Bonhomme 6 running about. A presentation of a P l l‘' se S°, v ? reiB , n ® was made to Mr. G E. Cutfield, who for many years filled the office of treasurer to the club. MALDEN RACE. The New Plymouth trained tliree-vcar-old Resinous was considered a good thing for the Maiden Race, and lie was .£BO better favourite than High Pitch Schorr and Tea Time were next in order, half as well backed. Resinous drew No. 16 and lay right back early, but High Pitch, Horn No. 5, began slowly and was even and this pair showed remarkable finishing speed to get fourth and third respect.ivelv Tea Timo began best, m slightly ahead of Schorr, led from Atone and All Bright, On the turn Tea Time and All Bright led from Atone. Limonite, Airtight, Bronstell, and Schorr, air bunched. Tea Time rounded the turn ahead of, the field, with High Pitch flashing up fast on the outside. Then Schorr put in his claim and after a good struggle finished oyer Tea Time to win by a mug head. High Pitch could not sustain his brilliant effort and was a. couple of lengths wav, and close up were Resinous (finishing well), Limonite. Airtight, haukura, and Alarm. Of t]io last-named quartet, Raukura was doing best. On a more roomy course the places would have gone to High Pitch and Resinous. OKEHU HURDLES. Koauau was £ll5 ahead of Nukumai when the machine closed on the Okehu Hurdles, and there was good backing for all tho others except To Marne, Reve and Santiago. Koauau made a bold bid to pull his supporters through, but had no chance with Nukumai over the last furlong. Tawehi, To Maire, Alaric, and Revel led early, with Koauau heading the bunch. Alaric began to driit through indifferent fencing, ami at the first hurdle in the straight tho battens were knocked flat for three panels. Comedy Prince come up in tho straight and was abreast of Revel and Tawehi past the stands, with Lucullent and Koauou next. Down the back again Santiago went up fast and led Tawehi, Comedy Prince, and Koauau, with Alaric making another appearance. On the homo turn Santiago was nearly down on the flat, Koauau, Tawehi, and Comedy Prince being the leaders for homo, with Nukumai coming up fast. Koauau and Nukumai wore together over tho last and flattened fence, and Nukumai held off his opponent to win comfortably by three-quarters of a length. Tawehi was four lengths awa.y, three lengths in front of Comedy Prince, and Alaric was ne.xt from Santiago, Te Maire, and Lucullent. PUTIKI HANDICAP. Mah Jong wms a little over £5O better avourite than Mint Leaf for the Putiki Hack Handicap, while Bonhomme was almost as well backed. Hathor carried most support amongst the others. Mali Jong was responsible for another great performance, as he dwelt at the start and lost some ground, fa the finish he won well. Kilperon. Hathor and Mint Leaf, was the ear'y order in front and entering the back stretch Kilnoron led .Tovense. .Vint Leaf, and Tnoe. ’"ca-ing tho half mile Kilperon broke his bridle and was nulled up. .Toyeuse, Hathor and Take Take going out together from Ponhomme. Mah Tong and Mint T eaf. This was the order running for the sfrai"lit. but before thev straightened Bonhomme and Mah Jon l - had the M'sure of the Tenders. Bonhomme and '.'ah Jone fought out a close finish in which ' r int Leaf mined over tho test and tlmro was little more then necks ! n it at the noct n-ifh '<int leaf travelling verv fa-t. Tnno nnd T n ke Take finisl>ed best- of the others who were really outclassed No line could l>« not bow-o’-or cm how K’lnoron would have, finished. 'Tint Teaf is a highly promising colt. SEAFTET.D HANDICAP Archeen was a warm favourite for the Seafield Handicap, some £460 ahead of Kilbronsyth, while Kilia and Ticga were well backed. Kilia hogan bast from Oration, Archeen and Tiega. When sotted down Oration and Archeen together >cd Kilin and Ticga with Kilbronsyth, who was sore, last On the turn Tiega -'ronped in behind tho lenders. Archeen led into the straight from Tiega. Oration,

Kilia, and Santonin, tho last named havin'- come fast from the half mile. liega had Archec.n’s measure with 100 yards to go and won by a neck, Kilia was three lengths off just a neck in front of Oration and the best of tho others were Kilbronsyth and Vaward. Kilbronsyth pulled up very tender. Backers of Archeen , lost a good proportion of their investments. WANGANUI GUINEAS. Kiosk was scratched early in the day for the Wanganui Guineas, leaving five runners. Lysander was a very hot favourite, carrying just over half the pool, and more than twice ns well backed as Seatown. From start to finish Lysander galloped all over his opponents. Rascal joined him in the lead after a couple of furlongs, and they led David Garrick and Seatown to the half-mile post. Seatown was three or four lengths away still entering the straight, and once in tine Lvsander galloped away to score hollowly by four lengths. Rascal bung out badly on the turn and ran wide out under the judge’s box, enabling Sentown to head him for second money. The other pah- were three lengths away, outclassed. . „ DUR.IE HANDICAP. Paddon, who drew the outside of the 17 runners in the back sprint, was a solid favourite, nearly £5OO better backed than the second favourite. Pop Off. Elysia.nor and Sovena were the best backed of the others, amongst whom the betting took a wide range. Most of the well-backed horses lost their chances through failing to begin smartly. Gleb Innes shot out from Penman and QuHlfire, and past the half-mile Qnillfire bad dropped out, Glen Innes ana Penman being attended by Flying Juliet, Monaghan, Sovena, aud Volplane. Pcnma led Lute tho straight from Glen Innes, Monaghan, Volplane, Sliver Tray, Sovena, Elysianor, and Paddon. Penman was never troubled afterwards, winning bv two lengths. There was a. great finisb for second plane, Volpiano o home a head in front of Sovena, who was a little unlucky in the running. Monaghan was only a bead away, and Paddon, Pop Off. Qnillfire, Silver Tray, and Glen Innes close up. The winner, who was favourite at Awapum on Saturdav, gave an excellent return to his supporters, and Volplane was also at a good price. MARANGAI HANDICAP. Beacon Light, who was seratebed at 330, was the only absentee for file principal handicap.. Civility was a warm favourite, carrying nearly- £lOOO, while the second favourite, Mandane, did not have half that total. Ring Potea, Euphonium, and Koiicx were the best backed of the others. Hipo,and To Atenanui were at extreme prices. The.v both ran prominently, .being paired in tho load io the straight, where they retired. After them in the early stages were Euphonium, Star Ranger, Shining Armour, aud Mandane. Koiiex getting away very badly anil losing several lengths. As. they ran down the Track Te- Mounnui and Hipo led Mandane and Star Ranger, with Shining Armour. Euphonium, and Civility next. From the five to the three furlong post Rones put in a brilliant run, and the order across the top was Te Monnnui and Hipo, from Rouex, Mask, Civiutv, Mandane and Euphonium. Rouex headed To Monanui and Hipo into. the straight, closely attended by Civility, Mask, Tanadees, and Mandane. A fine race home saw Rouex weaken aft fi rJns r-reat effort, and Civility forged ahead, going over tho line half a length m front of Tanadees. who Treat Mandane by a length, both of these staying on. Roups was a close fourth, with Lo Monanui, Eunhonium, Hipo, and Beaumont all well up. Rouex was unlucky and so was Tanadees, who also came from a long way back. FLYING HANDICAP. The scratching of Archeen left twelve runners for the open sprint, Reremoamr

being a solid favourite, carrying £7OO more than Inferno, with Licinius, Orchid and Mireusonta tho best backed of the others. Inferno played up at the post and was sent off three or four lengths behind the field, and. he never was in the running. Lieinius and Mireusonta began a. little better than Orchid, Merry Jest, and Avola, and this was the order for a furlong, when Mireusonta hit the front and led Licinius, Merry -Jest, Orchid, Yoma, and Avola. Across the fop Licinius dropped back three or four places. Mireusonta and Orchid led into tho straight from Yoma. Merry Jest, Licinius, Graud Knight, and Reremoana. Licinius gradually forged his way up on the rails, while Orchid collapsed over the last bit, Mireusonta going ou to win nicelv by a length from Licinius, who beat Yoma by a short neck. Close up were Merry Jest. Avola, Reremoana, and Grand Knight, followed by The Lamb and Inferno. A more roomy course would have seen Licinius win. His long striding action was ill suited to tho turns. DETAILS OF THE RACING MAIDEN RACE, of 200 sovs. Six furlongs. 3 Mr. B. E. Hart’s b, g. Schorr, bv Day Comet-.—Bed Pine, syrs., 8.0, carried 8.2 (A. CcCormac) 1 -1- Mr. J. Williamson’s b. g. Tea Time. 3yre., 7.7. (H. Wiggins) 2 2 Mr. W. G. Stead’s b. c. High Pitch, fiyre., 7-.7 (C. Eastwood) 3 (Winner trained by C. Hodder, Ellerslie.) Also started: 9 Autumn Day, 8.0; 11 Musket Vein, S.O (carried 8.11); 8 Airtight, 8.0; 16 Alarm, 8.0; 13 Lady Estelle, 8.0; 15 All Bright, 8.0; 12 Limonite, 7.7; 7 Atone, 7.7; 17 Gourmet, 7.7 (carried 7.11 J); 1 Resinous, 7.7; 8 Macroom, 7.7. (carried 7.91); TO Bronstell, 7.7 (carried 7.91); 6 Raukura, 7.7. Won by a head, two lengths between second and third, with Resinous close up fourth. Then camo Limonite, Airtight, Raukura, and Alarm. Time, Imin. Ifeec. OKEHU HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 260 sovs. One mile and threequarters. 2 Mr. S. G. Davidson's br. g. Nukumai, bv Manchineel —St. Clements mare, aged, 11.13 (W. J. Bowden) 1 1 Mr. J. B. Gaisford’s b. g. Koauau, aged, 10.12 (P- Mcßrearty) 2 6 Mr. J. O’Driscoll’s b. g. Tawehi, sjts.. 9.3, carried 9.1 (A. McDonald! 3 (Winner trained by A. M. Wright, Foxton.) Also started: 3 Lucullent, 10.9; 5 Comedy Prince, 10.5: 4 Alaric, 10.3; 9 Santiago. 10.0: 7 Tame Fox, 9.5; 10 To Maire, 9.2. carried 9.3; 8 Revel, 9.2. Won by three-quarters of a length, four lengths between second and third, with Comedy Prince three lengths away fourth. Four lengths further back came Alaric. Santiago. Te Maire, and Lucullent. Time, 3min. 15sec. PUTIKI HACK RACE HANDICAP, of 125 sovs. One mile and 110 yards. 1 Mr. C. K- Stanfield’s blk. g. Man Jong, by Comedy King—Chu San, 4vrs., 9.2 (R- J- Mackie) 1 3 Mr. T. A. Duncan’s ch. g. Bom homme. 4yrs.. 9.2 .... (J. Barry) 2 2 Mr. E. George’s br. c. Mint Leaf, 3yrs.. 8.7 (B. L. Morris) .3 (Winner trained bv H. H. Doyle, Palmerston North.' Also started: 5 Kilperon, 5.6: 4 Hathor 8.2: 8 Tnoe. 7.0; 7 Joveusc, 7.0; 6 Take Take. 7.0 (carried 7.131). Won by a neck, tho same distance between second mid third. Take Taka was fourth, followed by Inoc. Hathor, and .Toyeuse. Kilperon broke his bridle, and was pulled- up. Time, Imm. 51 4-5 sec. SEAFIELD HANDICAP, of 245 sovs. Alwut seven furlongs. 4 Mrs. M. A. Perry’s b. g. Tiega, ) 1 TiX) 2 3 Mr. T. A. Duncan’s Kilia. 5 yrs. 7.7••• (J. Barry) 3 (Winner trained by W. J. Donovan, Taradale.) Also started; 2 Kilbronsyth. 8.J1;. 6 Oration, 8.5; 5 Vaward, 8.3; 7 Santonin, ‘ Won bv a neck, three lengths between second and third. Oration was a neck away fourth, followed by Kilbronsyth and' Vaward. Time, train. 31 4-ssec. WANGANUI GUINEAS', a sweepstake of 10 sovs. each ter starters, witli 500 sovs. added. For three-yea r-oide l . Ono mile. ... • » I Mr. G. AL Curries b. c. Lysander, bv Absurd—Pennon, 8.10 (L. A. Pine) 1 ‘i Mr. J. Frederic’s ch. g. Seatown, qg (L. A. Morris) 2 :!A ts j/ ' b .-... C ;™ O . D . d .’ S VwaddeUj 3 (Winner trained’ by W. Rayner, Wanganui). Also started: 5 David Garrick.. 8.0 CT. Barry): 4 Alyson. 8.5 (R. McTa.vish). Won bv four lengths, a head between second and third, with Alyson four lengths away fourth. Time, Imm. 43 3-ssec. DURIE HACK HANDICAP, of 215 sovs. Six furlongs. II Mr. P. P. Neagle's b. g. Penman, bv Wormwood—Sarah Grand, 4vA 7.10 (E. A. Keesing) 1 8 Mrs. Sleightholme’s b. c. Volp one, n 3yr«. 7.0 (C. Fastwood) ~ 4 Mrl T.' O’Donnell’s b. m. Sovena. 4 yrs., 7.9 t L. A. Pme) (Winner trained by owner. Hastings) Also started: 1 Paddon. 10.2; 12 Quillfire, 8.10; 14 Gleninnis. 5.9; 3 Elvsianor, 85- 7 Note, 8.5; 6 Firms- Juliet, 8.3; 9 - Roval Elm. 8.2; 5 Monaghan, M. carried 8.11: 2 Pop Off. 7.13. carried 8.0; 5 Tip Tree. 7.6. carried 73 (bracketed with Monaghan); 15 Silver Tray. 7.9, carried 7.10; 13 Te Karere. 7.< ; 10 Tannadice. 73. carried 7.4: 16 Luxurious 7.0. Won bv hvo lengths, a neck between second and third. Monaghan was a head awav fourth. Then eanie Paddon Pon Off. Qnillfire.. Silver Tray and Gleninnis. Time, Imm. 15 l-teec.

MARANGAI HANDICAP, of 375 sovb. One mile and 110yds. 1 Mr. 11. M. Speed’s b. m. Civility, by Elysian—Civilisation, 6yrg., 8.5 J (B. H. Morris) 1 7 Mr. W. J. Jorgensen's b. g. Tanadees, syrs.,. 8.1 (R. J. Mackie) 2 2 Mrs. M. Blackmore’s b. m. Mundane, syrs., 8.3 (R. McTavish) 3 (Winner trained by F. Lind, Wanganui.) Also started: 11 To Monanui, 9.7; 8 Mask, 8.11; 4 Euphonium, 8.5; 13 Hipo, 8.2; 12 Opa, 8.0; Shining Armour, 7.13; 10 Star Ranger, 7.12; 5 Rouex, 7.8; 6 Beaumont, 7.8; 3.Ring Potoa, 7.2 (carrier! 7.9 J). , ~ , Won by half a length, one length between second and third. Rouex was fourth, with Te Monanui, Euphonium, Hipo, and Beaumont close up. Time, Imm. 48 4-ssec.

FLYING HANDICAP, of 325 sovs. Six

furlongs. 5 Mr. R. A. McKenzie's ch. g. Mireusonta, by Absurd —Rosie Desmond, aged, 8.10 (F. Waddell) 1 3 Mt. C. Elgar’s b. g. Licinius, lyre., 7.8 (E. A. Keesing) 2 10 Mr. A. W. Budge’s br. g. Yoma, aged, 7.12, carried 7.9 (M. Gray) 3 (Winner trained by T. Lloyd, Woodville.) Also started: 1 Reronioana, 10.3; 6 Grand Knight, 9.10; 4 Orchid, 9.7; 2 Inferno, 8.10; 11 The Lamb, 8.4 (carried 81); 9 Merrv Jest, 8.2; 7 Avola, 7.4 (carried 7.61); 12 Modern, 7.3; 8 Bonogne, 7.0. , Won by a length, a neck between second and third. Merry Jest was fourth. Then came Avola, Reremoana, Grand Knight, The Lamb, and •Inferno. Time, Imin. 14 l-ssec.


Wanganui, September 9. Following are the weights for the second day (Saturday):—

GONVILLE HURDLES HANDICAP, of 225 sovs. About one mile and five furlongs.—Nukumai, 12.11; Koauan, 11.3; Lucullent, 10.7; Comedy Prince, 10.4; Enare, 10.3; Alaric, 10.1; Santiago, Brigadier Bill, 9.13; Tawehl, Tame Fox, 9.3; Diamond Ring, Te Maire, Festive, Kareao, 9.0.

SPRING HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Six furlongs.—Paddon, 10.1; Quillfire, 8.8; Glen Innis, 8.7; Note, 8.4; Royal Elm, 8.1; Bisox, 8.0; Pop Off, 7.12; Sovena, Alloway, 7.11; Helen, 7.8; Volplane, 7.6; Tip Tree, 7.44; Tannadice, Resinous, 7.2; Macroom, Autumn Day, Lethal. Star Chamber, Barryander, Musket Vein, Porthus, Bronstell, Limonite. Mountain Star, Midnight Camp, All Bright, Gold Fisher, Atone, Gourmet, Luxurious, Raukura, Apathy, Glrribillie, Kiwini, Skypoint, Flying Shot, Dale Ogden, Erin-go-bragh, Whakahihi, Lady Estelle, 7.0.

NEW ZEALAND ECLIPSE STAKES, of 400 sovs. One mile.—Reremoana, Grand Knight, 9.3; Licinius, Mask, Oration. 0.0; Civility, 8.12; Rascal, Lysander, Kiosk, Sentown, Resinous, Vertigern, 7.13; Alyson,

RAILWAY HACK HANDICAP, of 225 sovs. About seven furlongs.—Kllla, 0.3; Penman, 8.13; Demure, Eiysianor, Kflperon, o. 8.12; Schorr, 8.8; Monaghan, Flying Juliet, 8.7; Hatlior, 8.5; Lin Arlington, 8.3; Sovena, 8.1; Silver Tray, Te Karere, 8.0; Empire Camp. Royal Mint, 7.13; Tea Time, 7.9; Tannadice, Gay Comet, Joyeuse, Gold Collector, Take Take. Alarm, All Bright, Luxurious, Flying Shot, Strongholt, 7.7.

BIGGIE HANDICAP, of 375 sovs. One mile and a quarter.—Te Monanui, 9.7; Mask, 8.11; Civility, 8.10; Tanadees, 8.5; Mandane, 8.4; Tiega, 8.1; Euphonium, 8.0; Hipo, Nippy, 7.13; Kilbronsyth, Opa, Shining Armour, 7.11; Star Ranger. <.10; Eden Hall, 7.9; Muraahi, 7.7: Rouex, Vaward, 7.6; Novar, 7.5; Alaric, 7.4; Beaumont, Olympic, 7.2; Beacon Light, King Potoa. Subjection, Alyson, Wenday, CrossflrMOUTOA HACK HANDICAP, of 215 sovs. Ono mile and 110 yards.—Mah Jong, 9.10; Bonhomme, 9.7; Mint Leaf, 8.9; Kilperon, 8.6; Brigadier Bill, 8.0; Hathor, 7.13; To Karere, Closefire, <.7; Airtight, 7.0. OWEN HANDICAP, of 325 sovs. Six furlongs.—Grand Knight, 0.9; Mireusonta, 05; Lysander, 8.8; Inferno, Le Choucas, 8.6; Kiosk, 8.3; Merry Jest, 8.2; Tbo Lamb, Nadarino, 8.1; Oreum, 8.0; Yoma, 7.13; Licinius, 7.12; Archeen, 7.11: Star Area, 7.11; Oration. 7.10; Black Cat, 7.9; Gaillard, 7.8: Rascal, 7.7; Avola, 7.4; Santonin, Joy Bird, Bonogne, Vertigern, Hying Juliet, Blsox, Bonidecr, Sir Pam, 7.0. FIXTURES. September 9, 11-Wanganul J.C. September 15--Dannevirke R.O. September 16—Dannevirke Hunt Chib. September 24. 25—Napier Park R.O. September 24 . 25-Ashburton County R.O. September 25. 27—Avondale •LO. September 30. October 1-Geraldine R.O. October 2—Hawke’s Bav J.C. October 7—Kurow J.C. October 7. 9-Whaneare! ICO. October 8. 9-Otaki Maori R.O. October 9—Oatnaru J.C. October 14. 16--Dunedin J.O. October t6—Carterton R.C. October 23. 25-Wellington R.C. October 25-Waikato Hunt Chib. October 25-Wainawa County R.C. October 23. 25-Waverley R.O. October 25- North Canterbury R.O. October 25. 27-Gore R.O. October 28 30-Povertv Bav Turf C'ub. Oct. 29. 30—Masterton R.C. at 'rrenthami. October 30--Banka Peninsula R.C. 7

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Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 296, 10 September 1926, Page 14

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THE RACING WORLD Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 296, 10 September 1926, Page 14

THE RACING WORLD Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 296, 10 September 1926, Page 14