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WELLINGTON PROVINCIAL TOURNAMENT ' MIRAMAR COURTS OPENED Brilliant sunshine, a complete absence of wind, and unusual heat prevailed for the commencement of the Wellington provincial championship tournament and the opening of the Wellington Provincial Lawn Tennis Association’s grounds at Miramar, thus making a red letter day in th© history of tennis in Wellington. With seven courts, of the IB courts completed, ready for play, the Miramar scheme of 75 courts, which for so long has been in the nature of a dream, is well on the way to actual accomplishment. Due to the fact that the seven courts have not been sealed (the . decision not to seal them was, under the circumstances a wise one), the surfaces are a little untrue. Nevertheless gome really good games were witnessed, although, as always happens, tho_ championship events were shown to include ' players whose hopes of winning were a negligible quantity. Among the largo number present for tho opening ceremony, which was performed by the Mayor (Mr. C. J. B. Norwood) were Sir John Luke, M.P., Mr. JI. A. Wright. M.P., Mr. T. Forsyth, M.P., Mr. M. F. Luckie, and Mr. R. C. Kirk. Congratulatory telegrams were received from tho newly-formed WairaTapa Association. "This is the first time,” said Mr. J. .. C. Peacock, “before asking Mr. Norwood to declare the courts officially open for play, “that the Wellington Association can say that it actually possesses courts of its own. The Wellington Lawn Ten- ■ nis Association is one of the largest sports organisations in Wellington. It numbers 6000 players, but although rich in numbers it is poor in substance, and has to rely largely upon tho support of the public to malie it a success.. “Three years ago,” he continued, “some of us approached the City Council and put before them proposals for these courts. We told them wo would undertake to make the grounds and maintain them, and the grounds were leased to us nt a reasonable rental. We propose to provide suitable grounds for playing all I matches, and wo will ho able to provide for the ever-increasing de-

mand for new courts. Wo propose to put down 75 courts—l 6 grass courts in the centre (they will bo ready by next season), and tho remainder hard surface courts.” Tho scheme, said Mr, Peacock, was estimated to cost .£20,000, which would include the cost of erecting a spacious and up-to-date brick pavilion. To got tho 16 courts ready a big staff had worked hard, early and late, lie cougratulated Mr. D. McKean and Mr, Ct. N. Goldio for the great work they had done in the bringing of the scheme to fruition. Introducing Mr. Norwood, Mr. Peacock said that the Mayor was present as a sympathiser and enthusiast of the game also, as he had undertaken to become a life-member of tho Miramar grounds. Mr. Norwood said he was pleased to see tho big scheme so well ,on the, way towards completion and paid a tribute to those who had devoted their energies to that end. He looked forward to tho Slaying of world tennis events on them. io regarded the provision for younger players in the use of, the courts as being of great importance in the advancement 'of the standard of tennis. On behalf of the Management Committee of the Wellington Provincial Lawn Tennis Association, Mr. Norwood presented Mr. J. C. Peacock and Mr, Cr. N. Goldie each with a silver cigarette box suitably engraved, in appreciation of all they had done in tho service of tennis in the past. After cheers had been given for Mr. and Mrs. Norwood. Mr. J. C. Peacock ■ and Sir. G. N. Goldie,, the Jfayor served two balls across tho net and declared tho courts oificialy open for play. DETAILED RESULTS '

The following aro the detailed results MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES.

First Round.—N. A. Foden beat F. C. Palethorpe, 6—l, 6 —o; S. P. Wheeler beat C. T. Andrews, 6—l, 6—3; A. S. Chandler beat J. A. Reid, 6 —2, 6—l; F. Eales beat C. M- Watt, 3—6, 6—l, 9—7; 11. R. T. Young beat L. Brand, 6—o, 6—l; C. E. Mnlfroy beat 0. Balls, 6—o, 6—l; T. C. Ward beat D. Wood, 6-0, 6—l. Second Round. —E. B. W. Smyth beat IT. N. Burns, 6—4, 6—l; L. France beat F. 11. Paul, 6—3, 6—o; B. R. O’Brien bout W. P. Robinson, 6—3, 6—2; W. IIStainton beat M. A. Castle, 6 —2, 6 —l; R. 11. Donovan beat G. F. Penlington, 7_5, g—i; v. if. Thwaites beat T. Marshall, 3—6, 6—l, 7—5; S. P. Wheeler bent N. A. Foden. 6—l, 6—3; W. I’. Bollings beat J. C. Peacock bv default; C. E. Malfroy beat T. S. Williams, 6—2, 6—4, R. Ferkins beat R. R. T. Young, g—4,. Rhodes Williams beat Poole, 6 —3, 6 —2. 'lliird Round.—L. France beat B. R. O’Brien, G—o, 6—2; W. P. Bollings beat W. 11. Stainton. 6—2, 6—l; E. B. IV. Symth bent V. Thwaites, 6—2, 6—3.


First Round.—Miss. Shortt bent Miss R. Whitwell, 6—3, G—3; Mrs. King beat Miss 'l'. Duncan, 3—G, G —2, 6 —l. Second Pound.—Miss Bust beat Miss Thwaites, 2—G, G—2. G—2; Miss Myers beat Mrs. W. P. Boilings, 6-0. 6-2; . Mrs. Burn beat Aliss O. Rule, G—l, 6—o; Miss Martin beat Miss 0. Wild, G—l, 8—1; Miss North beat Miss Gardner, G—2, 6—3; Miss E. Brady beat Miss N. Howell, G—o, G—fl; Mrs. Marshall beat Miss D. Elliott. 6—o, 6—l; Mrs. Campbell beat Miss G. Thompson. 6—2, 6—3; Mrs. Heald bent Mrs. G. Rhodes. G—2, 6—o; Miss M. Maeassey beat Miss Mountier. 7—5, 6—3; Miss Broody beat Miss Tucker, 7—9, 6—2, 6—l; Miss Shortt beat Mrs. King, 6—l, 6—3. MEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES. First Round.—G. Penlington and Reid boat F. H, Paul and Andrews, 10—8, 6—2; E, B. W. Smyth and M. L. Lampe beat C. M. Watt and F. Cornet, 6—o, 6 —2. MIXED CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES. First Round.—M. L. Tximpo and Miss Myers beat V. Thwaites and Miss R. Gardner, 6—3, 6—l; L. France and Miss M. Tracy beat Eales and Miss Thompson, 6—2, 6—4. BOYS’ CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES. First Round. —R. Howe beat R. F. East, 6—o. G—3; C. McArthur,heat E. A. RoussoH, 6—t, G—3; L. .1. Hills beat M. Mitchell, 4-6. 6—l, 6—3; Cope beat Searle, 6-3, 6-1. BOYS’ CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES. First Round. —MacArthur and C. E. Malfroy heat White and Rainbow, G—l, 6—o; Mitchell and Pringle beat Evans and East, 6—o, 6—3. GIRLS’ CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES. First Round.—Miss N. Bell boat Miss .. N. G. Wheeler, G-O, 6-2; Miss E. Ross heat Miss C. Maeassey, C —2, 6—3; ‘ Miss Quirk heat Miss Walsh, 6—l. 6—2. Second Round.—Miss D. Howe heat Mifjs Wheeler, 6—o, 6—l; Miss N. 801 l heat Miss Quirk, 6 —5, 6—3; Miss Z. Castlo bent Miss Ross, 6 —3. 6—l. MEN’S HANDICAP DINGLES. First Round. —W. I’. Boilings (12) beat IL R. Fisher (42), 60-58; IL Perkins (5) beat D. Wood (30), 60-50; C. M. Watt (20) beat C. Wearno (10), 60—53; .1. B. Parker (5) beat Palethorpc (10), GO —57; L F. O’Brien (32) beat A. J. Conway (35), GO—s4; Clark (30) beat O. Balls (22), 60—49; Mitchell (30) beat 11. N. Burns (12), 60—12; G. A. Dawson (30) boat N. Castle (30), 60 -51. Second Round. —Willoughby (40) beat Donovan (5), CO—33. LADIES’ HANDICAP SINGLES. First Round. —Mrs. Burn (7) beat Miss Whitwell (10), 50—IGi Mirs.. E. Robins®

00) beat Mrs. Penlington (scr.), 50—43. Second Round. —Miss D. Mackenzie (IIL bent Miss Whisker (20), 50 —35; Mr» Beh (13) beat Miss Z. Castle (16), 50—45. TO-DAY’S MATCHES. Tho following matches have been set down for this morning;— 9 o’clock: C. Clark plays J. J. Malfroy, W. H. Entwistle plays G. A. Dawson, F. Cornet plays E. D. Gore, R. Poole playa M. L. Lampe, N. K. C. Wilson plays C. E. Scott, Miss Newman plays Miss M. Whyte, Miss U. Tracy plays Miss Clark, T. Rhodes Williams plays C. E. Swinburne, Burns and Miss Creedy play Williams and Mrs. Penlington. . „ „ . 9.30: Mitchell and Miss Howell play Balls and Miss Tucker, Allan and Miss Bell play Andrew and Miss Short, Stainton and Miss Cameron play Poole and Mrs. Robinson, Brand and Miss Brady play Williams and Mrs. Austin, Williams and Miss Kennedy play Cornet and Mrs. King, Buckmaster and Johansen play Hills and Cope, llowo and Stevens play Searle and Roussell.

WAIRARAPA TOURNAMENT. CHAMPIONSHIP AND HANDICAP EVENTS “Dominion” Special. Masterton, January 21. The first annual Wairarapa lAwn tennis Association open championships and the twenty-eighth annual handicap meeting, under the management of tho Masterton Lawn Tennis Club, opened at the Dixon Street courts to-day in ideal weather. Tho courts arp in splendid order, especially when the dry spell is taken into consideration, while for the convenience and comfort of botn players and public tire appointments could not 'be improved on. , Owing to n clashing of engagements in the. Wellington province, many of tho brighter stars who have for years patronised the Masterton tournament have sougnt higher honours. Consequently the tournament is restricted largely to M airarapa competitors, though tho sprinkling of visitors is quite a generous one. Under these circumstances tho tournament presents a more open aspect than it has done for years, and it cannot be said, as was often the case previously, that tho titles are a foregone conclusion. With the customary smooth management, the tournament made splendid progress yesterday, and to-day s play will see the better players drawn closer to each other. Detailed results are as follow:—

CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS MEN’S SINGLES. First Round.— Pharazyn beat Langdon, 7—5, 6—4; Laverner beat Latham, 60, G—3’; Miller beat Bartholomew, 6—l, 6— 2; Breach beat McLeod, 6—4, 6—2; Booth beat Ewart, 6-0, 6—l; Aitken boat Datson, 6—3, 6—3; Gawno beat G. Perry, G—3, 4—2 (retired); Groves boat Ward, g_2’ 6—2; James beat Ryder, 6—2, 6—3; Cripps beat Tomlinson. 6-8, 6—4, 7—5. Second Round.—Roydhouse boat Louis,on g_3 g—2: F. Bunny beat Dyer, (; j g—o - Willwood boat Curtis, 6 2, G-2’; Hooper beat McLeod, 6-0, 6—2; H. McMaster beat Caselberg, 7-5, 6-1; J. Martin beat Rose 6-1, 6-1; M elch beat Percy, 6-1, 6-2; Beero beat Suerland, 6-2. 6-3; Johnston beat Ward, ft 3 6 —3: Parson beat r. Martin, b 2-6, B—6; Aitken beat Booth 7-5, 6-2 ; Pharazyn beat James, 7-5, 2-6, 6-4; Miller beat Taverner, 1-6, 9—7, J. Third Round.—Roydliouse beat Johnston, 6-1, 6-0; Bunny beat Deere, 6-2, 6_4 ' MEN’S DOUBLES.

First Round— Bunny and Gawne beat Groves and Cripps, 6-2, 6—3; Aitken and C Welch beat McMaster and Latham, 8-6, 6—l; Percy and Kummer beat Ward and 6-3, 6-3; Phanizvn and Taverner beat Sutherland Curtis, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2; Welch and Well, wood beat Ryder and Laing, 6—l. 6 0. J Martin and Gawith beat Baigent and Riddell, 6-0; 6-1; Hooper and I’. Martin beat Person and Williams. 6—O, LADIES’ SINGLES.

First Round.—Miss Toxward beat Miss Raleigh. 7—5, 6—S. . . Second Round.—Miss Napier beat Miss Pragnell, 6-2, 6—4; Miss Eton won by default from Miss Finlayson; Mrs. Parkinson beat Aliss Holmwood, 6—l, 6-1; Mrs. Steel beat Mrs. Balfour, 6-2, 6—3; Miss Carman beat Miss Carlson, g_2, 6—l; Miss Pease beat Miss Armistead; Mr. Groves beat Miss Jervis, g o, g—2 j Miss Poulton beat Miss Cornelius, 6—2, 6—2; Mrs. Booth beat Miss Read, 6—3, 6—3; Miss Gripps beat Miss Hubbard 6—l, 6—l; Miss Nutting beat Miss N.’Welch, 5-7, 6-2. 7-5. Third Round—Airs. Groves beat Miss Eton, 6—3, 6-2.


First Round—Mrs. Potter and Miss Pragnell beat Airs. Balfour and Miss Collier, 6 —2, 6 —4. Second Round—Mesdames Parkinson and Garland beat Mesdames Prior and Watt, 6—2, 6—2; Mrs. Broad and Miss Holtnwood beat Misses K. and M. Martin, 6—2. 6—4; Misses Napier and Walker beat Misses Sutherland and Willis, 6-1, 6—l. Third Round—Misses Napier and Walker beat Mrs. Jenkins and Miss Toxward, 6—3, 6—4. COMBINED DOUBLES.

First Round.—McMaster and Miss Road beat Percy and Miss Fairbrother, 6—3, I—6,1 —6, 6 —3. BOYS’ SINGLES.

First Round.—Hornabrook beat Ward, 6—2, 6—4; Wardell beat Doherty, 6—2, G—l; Keedwell beat IL Bunny, 6 —l, 6 —l; J. Bunny beat Martin, 6—2, 6—2; C. J. Bunny beat Riddell, 6-1, 7-5; Perry beat Tatham, 6—4, 6—5. GIRLS’ SINGLES. First Round.—Miss M. Nelson beat Miss At. Raleigh, 6—l, 6—3; Miss D. Allan beat Miss P. Tatham, 6—3, 6—l; Miss At. Lony beat Aliss N. Evans, 6—2, 6—l; Aliss N. Boddington b«it Miss At. Tomlinson, 6—o, 6 —l; Aliss A. Pragnell beat Aliss At. Sellar, 6—3, 6—o; Aliss G. Rue heat Miss C. Smith, 6—2, 6—o; Aliss At. Donald beat Miss L. Payton, 5—6, 6—3, 6—3. HANDICAP EVENTS MEN’S SINGLES. iA Grade. , First Round.—Holmwood (35) boat Breach (25), 70-67; Booth (20) boat Sutherland (35), 70—GO; J. Martin (scr.) beat Free (20), 70—56; A. Cripps (25) beat Datson (10), 70—55; Wellwood (scr.) beat C. Williams (25). 70—65; Mclntosh (20) heat Louisson (25), 70—63. Second Round.—Rose (20) beat Johnston (15), 70 —53; Bcere (15) beat Caselberg (25), 70—18. B Grade, First Round. —H. Bunny (15) beat Riddell (20), 70-60; Ryder (20) beat R. Bunnv (25), 70-65; Mood (10) beat Horne (20), 70—G5. Second Round.—C. I. Bunny (12) boat Rainy (20). 70—55; J. Allan (15) bent Landon (20), 70—61; Burnip (25) beat IL Bunny (15), 70—60; McEwen (10) beat R. Perry (10), 70—59; Hornabrook (25) beat Nightingale (15), 75—73; Doherty (15) boat AV. Martin (35), 70-58; Bonnett (20) heat Riddell (25), 72—70; Carman (20) heat Bird (15). 70—11: Gardiner (15) heal Baigont (20), 70—58; Hatch (10) beat McMinn (scr.), 70—50; Ward (15) beat I. Bunnv (10), 70-60; Keedwell (scr.) boat R. Allan (15), 70-55. MEN’S DOUBLES. A Grade. First Round.—Hooper and F. Alartin,

Hovne and Horne (30) 'boat McLean and Mol.eod (30), 70-57. Second Round. —Tatham. and McMaster (30) beat Gawith and J. Martin (scr.), 76-58. B. Grade. First Round. —Giraes and Gardiner (10) beat McMinn and Bird (10), 70—51; Baigent and Riddell (20) beat Dyer and Chesterman (scr.), 70—53. Second Rc and—Keedwell and Nightiimale (10) beat Martin and Hood (30), 70—59; Bunny and Bunny beat Bennett and Barman (20), 70 —52; Mclntosh and Wood (ser.) beat Hatch and McEwan (10), 70—60; J. and R. Bunny (20) beat Ward and Ward (15), 70—52. LADIES’ SINGLES. First Hound.—Miss M. Martin GO) beat Miss Tatham (15), 50—17; NI'SS Prior won by default from Mis. 1 aikinson; Miss Carlson (15) beat Miss lydee (20), 51—19; Miss Thurston (20) beat Miss Nutting (scr.), 50—45; Miss Lenz 125) 'beat Miss P. Stringfield (25), 50-41; Miss Rutherford (15) beat Miss McCalmont (15), 50-48; Miss Jervis (10) beat Miss McArman (10), 50—39; Miss Armistead (8) beat Miss Finlayson (10), 50—14 ; Miss Boddington (20) beat Mrs. Garland (10) 50—37; Miss Walker (15), beat Miss Bayliss (25), 50—41; Miss M. O. Lenz (5) beat Miss . D. Stringfellow (25), 50-35; Miss Gnpps (10) beat Mrs. McEwen, 50—14; Miss Wickens (15) heat Mrs. Broad (10), 50— 45; Miss A. Pragnell won by default from Mrs. Potter; Mrs. Steel (5) bent Miss N. Hubbard (15), 50-43; Mrs. Jenkins (10) beat Miss P. Tatham (25), 51— 49; Miss Welch (5) beat Miss Evans (10), 50—10; Miss Reid (10) beat Miss McGre. gor ;oq) ,50—40; Mrs. Free (20) beat Mrs. Holmes (15), 50-39; Miss M. Bunny (15) heat Miss Cornelius (10), 50 —35; Miss Poulton (15) beat Mrs. Watt (15). 50—44; Miss Payton (25) beat Miss Ray (10), 50— 41; Miss Toxward (15) beat Miss K. Bunny (20), 50—37; Miss Nelson (15) beat Miss Collier (20), 50—48; Miss Raleigh (15) beat Mrs. Baird (15), 50—35. LADIES’ DOUBLES. First Round—Airs. McEwen and Miss Finlayson (15), beat Misses Tatham and Jervis (15), 50—38; Misses James and Herbert (25) beat Mesdames Watt and Prior (10), 50—48; Misses Napier and Walker bent Misses Sellar and .Armistead (15), 50—30; Misses Evans and Smith (25) heat Misses K. O. N. Bunny (20), 50—15: Misses Allan and McGrath (25) beat Miss Holmes and Miss Fairbrother (15), 50—30. Second Round—Misses M. and E. Donald (25) beat Misses Poulton and Tylee (15), 50—37; Mesdames Parkinson and Garlnnd (10) beat Misses Nutting and Pearse (scr.). 50—43; Mrs. Potter and Miss Pragnall (scr.) beat Misses. Thurston and Wickens (20), 50—46; Misses K. and M. Martin (15) beat Mrs. Hatch and Miss McCalmond (20), 50—43; Misses McGregor nnd Barrow (25) beat Airs. Baird and Aliss Eton (20), 50—35. COMBINED DOUBLES. A Grade. First Round.—Beere and Aliss Kummer (20) beat Ewart and Mrs. Balfour (20), 61-59. Second Round.—Free and Airs. Free beat Perry and Aliss Bunny (20). 60 —58; Holmwood and Aliss Walker (25) beat Gawith and Airs. Parkinson (5), 60—10. B Grade. First Round.—J. Allan and Aliss Allan (10) beat Stewart and Aliss Rutherford (5), 60—43; Bunny and Aliss Neilson (5) beat Wood and Miss Donald (5), 60—37; Ward and Aliss.Sellars beat Hornabrook and Aliss Boddington (15), 60—57; Wardall and Miss Corneilus (10) beat C. C. Bunny and Aliss Brunton (10), 60—55; Keedwell and Aliss Collier (scr.) beat Horne and Miss E. Donald (15). 60—50; Langdon and Aliss Eton (15) beat McMinn and Aliss K. Bunny (5), 60—40: Bayliss a.nd Aliss J. Bayliss (15) beat Lawrence and Aliss James (10), 60—51.

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Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 100, 22 January 1926, Page 10

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LAWN TENNIS Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 100, 22 January 1926, Page 10

LAWN TENNIS Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 100, 22 January 1926, Page 10