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Messrs. Levin and Co., Ltd., Wanganui, reiKirt as iullows: the second sale of the 1925-26 season began ou J uesilay evening, and was continued yesterday. 'The total offering was 20,000 bales, to which our eontiibulion was 2<!X> balm. There was a good muster of buyers, scleral new operators being m al leudam e. Tho demand Horn Bdudlord was more noticeable limn in the ease of ths last sale ill November. The Continent yosterdav was helping to make the pace. <inee the sale Ir.-rc in November, there has been an average fall in values ol crosabred wool at other centres of 2d. per lb. We recovered Id. of this yesterday, and prices cun therefore be quoted •is ’at Id below our November rates. The bidding was very brisk, niueli mor.' so than in November, and consequently the market appears firmer. Lambs’ wool was selling very erratically. Some lines which were passed in November were sold at tho same prices to-day, whilst others sold at Id. to IJd. better. On tho other hand some were passed in a-ain at still lower prices. Hogget vool <it previous sulcs in New Zealnnci this season has not ifiet with tho usual demand, as compared with ewe and wether wool, but yesterday it seemed to come into its own again. Bellies and pioc-s met with good demand from the Continent. We sold 94 per eent. of our catalogue. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited. report:—The tone from tho commencement was sound, competition being very general, all sections being keenly interested, with bidding at times spirited. Bradford were well in the market, with good support also coining from Germany ami France. The woo s generally were not well grown, lacking "•row’th and character, and in many instances seed was much in evidence. Tender wools were not hard to find, and the clip generally showed unmistakable si"lis of a hard winter and spring. Considering these defects, the sale, under present conditions, can be reported as most satisfactory. After taking quality and condition into account, good crossbreds cun bo. quoted Id. dearer, medium and low crossbreds Id. dearer than last Wellington sale. Lambs’ wool was in keen demand. France being the principal operator, and prices were better by Id. Germany and Italy bid solidly on bellies and pieces and rates generally were well in sellers’ favour. Growers were in most cases prepared to accept current rates, with the result that good clearances were effected at auction, about 96 por cent, being sold under the, hummer. It appears now a.s if prices are fnirlv well stabilised, and probably vorv littfo. variation will now take place during tho remainder of the soiling season. Super American wools, which are in short supply, may bo an exception, and as United States Amoiican stocks arc low. with business in tins textile trade, sound rales for super wools may show a hardening tendency. Our calaloguo was mostly comprised of medium and low wools, with a tow g<xul lots, some of our principal sales being as under: — I’G. 5 bales X-brcd A. 15d., 21 X-bri'd B. 13d.. W X-brod C. 12d.. 5 hoggels. loi,l. • THW. G hoggets. 13Jd.. 4 ewes, liid.. ’l2 owes. t2Jd.; Horse. 5 hoggets A 13.’.d., 13 owes. 13Jd.. 7 owes Tl, 12' ( d.; CCT'3 X-brod A. 12jd„ 13 X-brod B. 11'd ■ X/Wll. 3 X-brod B. 113<1.; HB/OK, G hoggets, 12d.; HRP. 7 X-bred. Il’d.; RG/Ilawa. 5 hoggets. 12d., hoggets, 12Jd.; Opko/T. 12 hoggets. 121 d.. 13 owes. 12d.; 88/A. 20 X-brod, 121(1.; Glonnui. 7 hoggets A, 13? d„ 4 hoggets B, 12? d.. 11 ewes A. 13? d., 15 ewfts B, 13d., 13 wether A, 121(1., 12 wether B. 12(1.: H/NZ, 3 hoggets A. 13Jd., 5 hoggets B. HJd., 4 x-bred A. 13’d.; HGG. 8 hoggets, 12d.; Galmn/J. 5 hoggets A. 123 d., 19 ewes A, 121 d.; SB/K. 12Jd.; SB/K, 4 hoggets 4 T’d.; A A eyebrow, 7 ewes A. 121 d., 9’ewes B. 115(1.; Rodcliff, 5 X-bred A, 123 d., 10 X-bred B, 12R1.; HMB, 7 hoggets, 13d.. 20 ewes A. 121(1.. 6 ewes B, J°d • XX/O, G hoggets. 12(1.. 8 owes, 113 d- FT/R. 8 X-bred. Iljd.; JKX & S, 11 AA. 133 d.. 10 hoggets A, 13d., 5 hoggets B. 12d„ 10 X-bred AA. Mid.. 31 X-bred B. 13RL, 33 X-bred, 12d.. 5 nieces, 10d.; Kawhatau, 7 hoggets, 13d., 4 X-brcd A. 121 d., 9 X-bred B, 11 Jd.; Tawariki, 4 hoggets, 12d., 6 X-brcd. 12d.; Triangle. 5 Southdown, 151 d.. 4 Southdown,” 15}d.; Dura, 19 ewes, 13d., 4 hog"ets Mid.: AA eyebrow, 7 wether A. I°d.’: Wt'M. 3 wether A, 13?.d., 4 X-brcd B, 12’(d.; RSB. 4 owes. 12d.: PE/W, 8 hoggets A. 12:1(1.. 9 hoggets B. Did 3 owes A. Hid.. 28 EB. 11-ld., 11 wether A Did.. 23 wether B. Did.; Memo, 3 X-bred AA. 143 d.. D X-brcd B. Ikl.. 3 hoggets AA, 14? d., 5 hoggets A, ltd., G hoguets B. 12d. Lambs.—Ruatangata. 3 A lnmbs,«l6ld.; Memo. 3 lambs A, 141 d.. 4 B. iRd.; JKX & S. 10 lambs A, 14d„ lambs B. 113(1.• ND/R, 3 lambs, lid.: Horse. 3 lambs, 135<1.; Gahan/J, 3 lambs 123 d.; A A eyebrow, 3 lambs, 13d.; HMB 5 lambs, 12d.; Kawhntau, 3 lambs, l+Jd.; Dura. 3 lambs. 14(1. Bellies and Pieces. —Horse. 3 pieces. 93d • PG. 8 pieces. 10d.; Glen Nui. 16 nieces. 93d.; H/NZ, 4 bales. Bd.; Rodcliff, 5 pieces. 10J(L; Wythall/EV, 3 bales 83d.; ITMB, 3 pieces. 83d.: JK & S. 10 bales, Bd.. 5 H pieces, 10d.. 22 pieces, 9{d.: Tawariki, 3 pieces. 9’d.; Momo. 19 pieces. 9Jd„ 9 II pieces, 10R1., 6 bales, Bld. By TEt.iiciiAi'H— Special CoriiEsPonoent-

Wanganui, January 13. The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Distributing Co., Ltd., reixirt us follows: — “We submitted a catalogue comprising approximately 2800 bales, consisting of average wools, with a few bright lots. There was a full attendance of buyers and competition though keen was only fairly animated, a. good clearance being effected. The demand came chiefly from Bradford, although Continental buyers lifted fair parcels and the United States took a few suitable wools. The bulk of the offering was tender, and as usual this season a little shabby and thin, sound wellgrown lots not being much in evidence. On tho whole tho sale is about l.ld. to 2d. down on tho opening salo here in November, but is about on a par to a little firmer with the December sale held in AVellington, and it would appear that the downward tendency that was in evidence last month has l>ecn arrested. It is to 'bo sincerely hoped that tho market will remain steady at least .at to-day’s levels, though there seems littlo prospect at the moment of much better prices ruling later on. The following are some of our best realisations :-GLM/Hessett. IL '23(1.; T/OHT crossbred llfd.; DDT, H 13d., E 122<1.: Kostrals. IT 12-Rl.. E 12R1.; GFZ. H 12Jd.; MP/U, H 12d.; VWH. fl 12-ld.; FGF. A 12-}d.; Waireka. IT and E 12d.; Horseshoe, II 123 d., E 12’ t d.; LBS A 141 d.; AJS, crossbred 12jd.: Birdgrove. GA 12? d„ HB 12Jd„ AA 12-ld.. A 122 d., B 12d.: Kaitui, A 12d.; Anchor Alania, A 12RL: FE, H 12}d., E 12Jd : LBS, 13d.; ONGO. crossbred, rid.: ATT/TE Matai. H 12? d„ E 12RL; .TDL/MT Curl. H 12d.. E 12d.: ANB/Te Toki E 12(1.; Ringa, H 12d., WA 12(1.; Ngaturi. HA 13d.. A 121(1.. B 113(1.:' A"LBS. Hid.: PFH, A. 12]d.; SL/fl E r’d ; AG/A, H and E' 12d.; Lon? Pino. A A 1-Hd., A 1?ld.: LXW. H 121(1.. W rd FA 13d.; OETA, HA 13(1., A 12ld„ B~ il?d.: LBS. 13Jd.. HA 12(1., B 113 d.; Kaukatea, H I°3d., W 113 d.: Pickwick. IT r’d : GWB/Moawlmnco ITAA rd., HA ‘l2d.. EAA 12.jd.. EA 1”3<1.. TTA rid HB 12(L. A 12d.: TBS. rSd.; HJM. TBS 133 d.: 512, H rid.; TDW T . crossbred 12(1.: Aramairc. HA 12d.. A p’d • Omnia E 121(1.; LBS r|d.; Kosfmis LBS IMd; Okota. H and E 12M.. E rd.: WPN, LBS 13-3 d.; GAG. HA r-ld.. HB 113(1.. A r?.d.. B 12d.: B n<vl Ar H' 12d.: Tengei. HAA 14’6., HA i’ld EAA 12Jd.. EA 121(1., F-B 12d.. FM"l23d., A A 13’.d-. A 13d.. LBS It?’i ENGLISH WHEAT MARKETS. (Rec. Jammrv 13. 8.10 p.m.) London, Janmrv 12. Wheat cargoes nre neglected. Aus|r;ilinns arc pressed for sale, and lower Argentine options have caused prices in recede to 6(1. to 9d. nor quarter. Parcels are in noor remicst at I s. to fld. lower. Liverpool fulnres: March. p-, s e.i,l . 1(, 1T . 11s. 103 d.: .Tiilv. 11s. Sd. TARANAKI OILFIELDS. New Plvmouth, January 13. Taranaki Oilfields ltd. renorl : Taratx bnJ’ Drilled to 1160 ft. in shale; underrcnniim’ to “ct S'in. in cosine on bottom prenaratorv to ccmo>ding. Mo-Im-nn bore: Dri’lod (n 32|0ft. in shMo sji'd-Hv border dr-Hine- now rco:n>"” f 0 ’ sfionc'l'ou holo, prc-aralory to 6li- casing again*

BIJRNSIDE MARKET HIGHER PRICES REALISED. Bi Tblbgbafb—Press Association Dunedin, January 13. At the sale at Burnside, to-day prime fat cattle, sheep and lambs and porkers were up in price. Sheep.—A small entry of 2397. The quality was not up to that of last week’s yarding. The bulk of the entry was made up of medium and light-weight wethers, though there were a few pens of similar qualify’ ewes. On account of the short yarding, butchers were keen, and consequently there was a rise in prices, averaging about 2s. per head. Prime wethers brought from 38s. to 435. Cd.; medium wethers from 335. to 365., and others made from 2bs. to 31s. Primo ewes sold nt from 325. to 375., mediums at from 28s. to 305., old and inferior at from 20s. to 255. Lambs. —A small entry of 1546. The sale was keen, and prices were up several shillings per head. Prime animals realised about from 335. to 375., mediums from 28s. to 325., ano others from 255. to 275. Fat Cattle.—A short voiding of 227. The entry was composed principally of mcdiuiu uixl light-weight bullocks with a number of medium cows and heifers throughout. Really prime cattle were few. Prime beasts were up about 10s., and medium and light-weight bullocks, cows and heifers wore firmer than at lust week’s sale. Prime bullocks brought from £lB to £l9 155., medium from £l5 to J 217 10s., light from jCll to £l3. Primo cows heifers made from £lO 10s. to 4113 10s., medium from £8 to £9 155., old and inferior from £4. Store Cattle.—A yarding of 156. The spiall entry was composed almost entirely of nondescript cows and heifers. Competition was dull and prices did not advance. A line of two-year-old steers brought £6 6s. Pigs.—A penning of 116 fats and 71 slips. Baconers sold at prices on about a par with the last sales, while prices for porkers firmed by fully ss. Stores were in gooil demand, and went at a rate more than up to last week’s. JOHNSONVILLE STOCK SALE Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., In conjunction, report on their Johnsonville sale, held yesterday, as follows: —There was an average yarding of sheep and lambs. Competition was good, and a total clearance was effected at prices on a par with late rates. An average number of good quality bullocks were yarded, but the sale was lifeless, the bulk of the bullocks being passed in. Prices showed a decline on last week’s sale, but this doos not represent values, butchers’ stocks being heavy; consequently there was no competition. A small yarding of poor quality vealers were penned, and these met with little competition. Quotations: —Bullocks, £l4 155., -£l3 10s.. £l3, £11; vealers, 275. fid.. 905., 155.; wethers. 305.. 295. 9d., 28s. fid., 275., 205.. 255.; owes, 255. 9d., 245. 6d„ Sis.. ISs.. 175.: lambs. 265. 9d.. 265., 245., 235. 9(1.. 225., 21s. (id., 205.. 18s. 6(1,

Messrs. Abraham and AViuiams, Ltd., report on their Marton sale on January 12 as follows:—For the opening sale of Tile season wo had a yarding of 450 sheep, 15 pigs, and a few cattle. Competition was good, and we have to report a complete clearance at the following prices:—M.s. woolly lambs, 175.: woolly wether lambs. 16s. Bd.; cull lambs, Bs. fid. (o 9s. Id.; need ewes. 95.; cull agfd ewes. 3s. to 3s. 3d.; two-tooth wethers, to 235. lOd. Pigs: Porkers, 28s. to 295.; wcaners, to 18s. Cattle: Fnf cows, £4 10s. to £5: forward cows, £4 to £4 55.; empty cows. £2 Messrs. Dalcetv and Go.. Ltd., report a fair entry of sheep and also of pigs cl Levin sale on Tuesday last. Sheep sold readily at prices on a nar with central markets, while nigs sold at late rates There was a good yarding of cattle, practically all being sold nt prices equal to recent sales. Quotations: M.«. shorn lambs. 11s.: store cows, to £2 55.: 18montli heifers, r.w.b., £2 95.; porkers 3P«. to (to Is.: store pigs, 225.; weanei pigs, 17s. tu 19s.

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Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 93, 14 January 1926, Page 10

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WANGANUI WOOL SALE Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 93, 14 January 1926, Page 10

WANGANUI WOOL SALE Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 93, 14 January 1926, Page 10