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Although the weather on Christmas night was anything but promising for bowls, Saturday’ dawned beautifully fine ami throughout the day the sun shone brightly and a fresh breeze helped to dry up the greens, which! had a good soaking the night before. In opening the tournament at the Wellington Bowling Club the president of the centre (ifr. S. Stone) said that it was his pleasing duty, for the first time, to open the Wellington Centre’s Christmas tournament, and he was glad that the weather was fine, and he hoped it would continue for the next three or four days. He was sure that bowlers would fi dnthe greens to their liking, especially those clubs who were fortunate enough to win. Those skips who lost would be sure to hold their leads, No. 2’s, or No. 3’s responsible. (Laughter.) He wished everyone concerned the compliments of the season, and hoped that the best team would win. He had much pleasure in declaring the tournament open. The rinks engaged are as follow:— THE RINKS ENGAGED SECTION A. Lyall Bar: Howse, Allen, Hack. Noad (s.). Scarlet and brown. Newtown: Smith. Powell, J. M. Brackenridge, J. Brackenridge (s.). Black and white. ... Wellington: Martin, Mappiebeck, Beid, James (s.). White and sultan. Kelburn: Forgie, Briggs, Newton, Caughley (s.). Bed, white and blue. Hataitai: Bennett, Bolland, Fielding, Martin (s.). Maroon and gold. Karori: Richards, Hazelwood. Lyall, Crawford (s.). Navy blue and orange. Victoria: McGill, Thornley, Pole, Bolton (s.). Black and gold. Island Bav: Duncan. Reece. Willoughby. McLean (s.k Brown and yellow. ‘Seatoun: Scarfe. Lynam, Hickson Webb (s.). Dark green and gold. Thorndon: Perry, Nancarrow, Grange, Goodwin (s.). Royal blue. SECTION B. Lyall Bav: Purchas, Leuchars, Webley. Millner (s.). Scarlet and brown. Newtown: Johnson, Guise. Grenside, Robbins (s.). Black and white. Hataitai: Wells, Moston, McCune, Ramsay (s.). Maroon and gold. Kelburn: Hannah, Watkin. McCallum. Red, white and blue. Wellington: Haldane. Innes. Goodor, Porteous (s.). White and sultan. Victoria: Jeffrey, McGill, Scolon, Robinson (si. Black and gold. Thorndon: Hardie, Carey. Buck, Munro (s.). Royal blue. Central: Green. Ridley. . Senior (s.). Dark blue and yellow. Karori: Neilson. Sedgwick. Homsley, Gapes (s.l. Naw blue -and orange. Island Bay: Hobbs. Clarke. Jenkins; Edwards (s.). Brown and yellow. SECTION C. Wellington! Davy, Gray, Haldane, Pettigrew (s.). White and sultan. Newtown: Middlebrook, McLay, Barker, Pollock (s.). Black and white. Wellington: Muir, Tregonning, Blake, Hunter (s.). White and sultan, Lyall Bay: Haswell, McKenzie. Topp, Dustin (s.). Scarlet and brown. Kelburn: Paton, Patrick. Smith, Compton (s.). Rod, white, and blue. Hataitai. Ridley, Hunter, Wearne, Claridge (s.). Maioon and gold. Thorndon: Hyams. Johnson, M hite, Thomson (s.). Royal blue. Mastertoll: Cresswell, Pragnell, Ewington, Perry (s.). Light and dark blue. Karori: Sunley. Jolly, Burn, Cooper, (s.). Navy blue and orange. Victoria: Yardley, Renner, Clarke, Keith (s.). Black and gold. SECTION D. Wellington: Ridler, Tanner. , M. Smith (s.). White and sultan. Newtown: Davis. , Pollock, Russell (s.) Black and white. Lyall Bay: Marshall. Gorman, Sherwood. Raven (s.). Scarlet and brown. Kelburn: Gannaway, Hay-Mackenzie. Marris, Doherty (s.l. Red, white, and blue. Hataitai: Luke, McCrae. Hatch, Shepherd (s.). Maroon and gold. Wellington: Ingram. Warwick. Spiller, Fairway (s.). White and sultan. Lyall Bay: Maddocks. Wilmshurst, Sands. Moran (s.). Scarlet and brown. Petone: Cooper, (Irwin, Walton, Laurie (s.). Light and dark blue. Seatoun: Binning. Jones. McFarlane. Parry (?.). Dark green and gold. Victoria: Madle.y, Haughton, Hatch, Scott (s.). Black and gold. SECTION E. Island Bay: Lovett, Hart, Parsons, Wilkinson (s.). Brown and yellow. Newtown: Carman, Hodgson, Warwick. Priddle (s.). Black and white. Kelburn: Johnson, Porter, Meadowcroft, Gannaway (s.); Red, white, and blue. Hataitai: Huttop, 'Murrell, Cariad, Watts (s.). Maroon and gold. Lyall Bay: Kennedy. Hyams, Reid, Hazelwood (s.). Scarlet and brown. Wellington: Marshall. Churchward, Finnigan, Hill (s.). White and sultan. Petone: Harman, Bargh. Coles, Beynon fa.). Light and dark blue. Kelburn: Wright. Rist. Widdop, Lomas is.) Red, white, and blue. Wellington: Sykes, Baty. Grenfell, Duncan (s.). White and sultan. Hutt: Campbell, Stonehouse, Murphy, Young (s.). Dark blue and cardinal. SECTION F. Island Bay: Shorland, Earnshaw, Taylor. Hale (s.). Brown and yellow. Wellington: , Robson. G. S. Hill, J. J. Roberts (s.). White and sultan. Lyall Bay: Scott, Wells, Newcombe, Ryder (s.). Scarlet and brown. Kelburn: Tomkins. Cockayne, Clater, Colley (s.). Red, white and blue, Karori: Leggat, Watford, Adams, Cathie (s.) Navy blue and orange. Thorndon: Simpson, Holder, de Tourettes-, Stanford (si). Royal blue. Hataitai: Donald, Smith, Cometti, Halliday (s.). Maroon and gold. Seatoun: Page, Hill, Houldsworth, Clouston (s.). Dark green aird gold. Newtown: . Hodgson. Parkhouse, Levestam (s.). Black and white. Wellington: Miller. Redmond, Ramsay, Me Arthur (s.). White and sultan. DETAILS OF THE PLAY SECTION A. First Round (Hataitai). Noad (Lyall Bay) beat Brackenridge (Newton), 20 —14. James (Wellington) beat Caughley (Kedburn), 17-8. Crawford (Karori) beat Martin (Halo i tai), 32—7. Bolton (Victoria) beat McLean (Island Goodwin (Thorndon) beat Webb (Seatoun), 30—11. Second Round. Martin beat Goodwin, 29—9. Crawford beat Brackenridge, 21—13. Bolton beat Webb, 20 —17. Caughley heat Noad, 20—12. James beat McLean, 20 —It. Third Round. McLean beat Caughley. 21—16. Bolton beat Martin, 21—17. Brackenridge beat Goodwin, James beat Welch, 23—17. Noad beat Crawford, 21—14.

SECTION B. First Round (Victoria). Robbins (Newtown) beat Millner (Lyall Bay), 30 —17. . . . n inRamsay (Hataitai) beat Dempster (Kelburn), 17—14. , Robinson (Victoria) beat lortcous (Wellington), 21—18. . Munro (’Thorndon) beat Senior (Central;, 20 —15. , , Gapes (Karori) beat Edwards (Island Bay). 23-22. Second Round, Porteous beat: Edwards, 29—11. Robinson beat Robbins, 28 9. Munro beat Gapes. 21 —14. Dempster beat Millner, 24—13. Ramsav bent Senior, 24—15. Third Round. Dempster beat Senior, 16—14. Porteous beat Munro, 21 —19. Robbins beat Edwards. 19—17. Ramsav beat Gapes, 22 —21. Robinson beat Millner, 22—18. SECTION C. First Round (Kelburn). Pollock (Newtown) beat Pettigrew (Wellington). 24—15. Hunter (Wellington) beat Dustin (Lyall Bay). 19—17. . Claridge (Hataitai) beat Compton (he!burn), 32 —IS. , ir Thomson (Thorndon) beat Perry (Masterton), 19—15. .. Keith (Victoria) beat Cooper (Karon), 19—13. Second Round. Keith beat Compton, 21—18. Pollock beat Claridge. 23-21. Cooper beat Thomson, 19—18. Pettigrew beat Dustin, 23—22. Perry beat Hunter, 21—13. Third Round. Perry beat Dustin, 26 —25. Thomson beat Compton, 19 —16. Pollock beat Keith, 26—9. Cooper beat Hunter, 28 —17. r Claridge beat Pettigrew, IS—la. SECTION D. First Round (Newtown). Russell (Newtown) beat Smith (Wellington), 30—16. . Raven (Lyall Bay) beat Doherty (Kelburn), 21 13. , . Fairway (Wellington) beat Shepherd (Hataitai), 28-10. Lawrie (Petone) beat Moran (Lyall Bay), 23—16. , .... . . Parry (Seatoun) beat Scott (Victoria), 30—6. Second Round. Shepherd beat Scott, 21—20. Russell beat Fairway, 24--13. Parry beat Moran, 23—10. Smith beat Doherty, 24 — 18. Raven beat Lawrie, 30—17. Third Round. Doherty beat Lawrie, 20 —19. Shepherd beat Moran. 23—19. Russell beat Scott, 30 —17. Raven beat Parry, 37—14. Fairway beat Smith, 27—7. SECTION H. First Round (Thorndon). Priddle (Newtown) beat Wilkinson (Island Bay), 19—17. Watts (Hataitai) beat Gannaway (Kelburn), 18—17. Hazelwood (Lyall • Bay) beat E. J. Hill (Wellington), 19-16.. Beynori (Petone) beat Lomas (Kelburn), 21—14. Duncan (Wellington) beat Young (Hutt), 25-21. Second Round. Young beat Hazelwood, 25—15. Hill Teat Priddle, 24—20. Bevnon beat Duncan, 21 —18. Watts beat Wilkinson, 21—14. Gannaway beat Lomas, 23 —13. Third Round. Lomas beat Watts, 19 —11. Hazelwood beat Beynon, 20—13. Young beat Priddle. 25 —22. Gannaway beat Dunean. 21—16. Hill beat Wilkinson. 22—12. SECTION F. First Round (Wellington). Roberts (Wellington) beat Halo (Lyall B Ry’der (Lyall Bay) beat Colley (Kelburn), 33—13. Stanford (Thorndon) beat Cathie (Karori). 16—15. Halliday (Hataitai) beat Clouston (Seatoun), 23—12. McArthur (Wellington) beat Levestam (Newtown), 21—9. Second Rqund. McArthur beat Cathie, 31—21. Roberts beat Stanford. 18—15. Levestam beat Halliday, 21—15. Halo beat Colley, 25—21. Ryder beat Clouston, 19 —17. Third Round. Clouston beat Colley, 21—19. Cathio beat Halliday. 22—15. Roberts beat McArthur. 23—13. Levestam b-at Ryder, 26—12. Hale beat Stanford, 27 —9. WINS AND LOSSES SECTION A. Wins. Losses. James 3 0 Bolton 3 0 Noad 2 1 Crawford 2 1 Caughley 1 2 MeLean 1 2 Goodwin 1 2 Brackenridge 1 2 Martin 1 2 Webb 0 3 SECTION B. Ramsay 3 0 Robinson 3 0 Robbins 2 1 Dempster . 2 1 Munro 2 1 Porteous 2 1 Gapes 1 2 Senior 0 3 Millner 6 3 Edwards 0 3 SECTION C. Pollock 3 6 Claridge 2 1 Thomson 2 1 Perry 2 1 Cooper 2 1 Keith 2 1 Pettigrew 1 - Hunter 1 ~ Dustin ■ 6 3 Compton 0 3 SECTION D. Raven 3 • 0 Russell 3 J Shepherd 2 1 Fairway - } Parry 2 1 Smith 1 2 Doherty 1 - Laurie J - Moran 0 3 Scott 6 3 SECTION E. Gannaway 2 J Waits 2 J Hazelwood 2 I Hill 2 Beynon - J Young - ‘ , Priddlo 1 J Duncan ’ “ Wilkinson 0 3 SECTION F. Roberts 3 2 Hale 2 1 Hyder - | Levestam 2 J McArthur 2 1 Cathie 3 2 Stanford 1 ~ Halliday 1 2 The tournament will be continued at 9.15 a.m. sharp to-day. THE BRITISH TEAM TIES WITH SOUTH AUCKLAND. By TntrcttArH. — Press Association Hamilton, December 26. A four rink match played between the members of the British bowling

team and the South Auckland clubs resulted in a tie with an aggregate of 74 points.

Auckland, December 25. A match between the British bowlers and teams from nine local clubs on Thursday afternoon resulted in a victory for the visitors by 187 points to 164.

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Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 79, 28 December 1925, Page 3

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BOWLS Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 79, 28 December 1925, Page 3

BOWLS Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 79, 28 December 1925, Page 3