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THE WINTON MEETING The annual meeting of the Ashhurst Club was held-in warm and sunny weather. The track was in first-class order, and there was a large attendance, which included the Hon. R. F. Bollard. The latter presented the Ashhurst Cup to Mr. W. H. Ballinger, owner of the winner Waetea. Afte? the third race, E. Rosewarne, rider of Coot, was called before the stewards for interference with Gold Box, and was suspended for seven days.

(By Telegraph—Special Reporter.)

Aslihurst, November 18. The totalisator handle# against £16,351 last year. HACK HURDLES. Slump and Toa Taua were the only ones supported to anv extent in the hack hurdles, but it was left to Axle, a liberal priced fifth favourite, to lead the field home. In the scramble for the first fence, Woden, Slump, Daphne Bruce. Axle, and Toa Taua were in the lead, but once it was cleared Woden and Axle were left well clear of Daphne Bruce and Slump. Merry Queen refused at the second fence, and there was no change passing the stands. Suspicion moved up in the back' straight and at the second last fence Woden and Axle were Just in front of Slump, Toa Taua, /Suspicion and Hot Fire. Woden tired and Axle led over the last fence, going on to win by two lengths from Suspicion, with Mixed Heather half a length away third. Slump was fourth and Woden, Comedy Prince and Supporter next. Novar refused three fences from home. MAIDEN STAKES. Benzora was a very decided favourite in the maiden stakes, carrying more than the total on the second and third favourites, Desert Knight and Break o’ Day. Both division winners were fairly well backed, however. In the first division Break o’ Day, Thomond and Windy Night showed the way to the turn, with' Desert Knight at the head of\ the others. Break o’ Day \ took charge in the straight, ’ and defeated Desert Knight bv half a length. Trance was five lengths away third, and Windy Night and Thomond next. Telephone was left at the post, and Lampyre led out from Sleet, Benzora, and Bent. Benzora seemed to be interfered with round the top turn, and Sleet, wearing down Lampyre in the straight, won by a length. Benzora was a length away third, and Bent, Rawhero, and Takaroa next.

POHANGINA HANDICAP. Cold Box, Civil form, Shut Eye, and Lady Fingers all carried over 200 tickets in the Pohaugina Handicap. Civilform, Allmarimba, and Lady Fingers began best, Prince Hal and Shut Eye both being' left. Lady Fingers soon lost her place, and Civilform led across the top from Papaponga and Allmarimba, with Shut Eye at the head of the others. Shut Eye was up with the trio named at the turn, and Papaponga and Allmarimba dropped back. In the straight Miss Hupana eame through on the instde, and at the finish was going away to win by three lengths from . Civilform, with Shut Eye a length badk in third place. Bitkie was a close fourth, and Allmarimba and Gold Box next. Shut Eye was a certainty beaten, for he was left 50 yards. KOMAKO HACK HANDICAP. Catcall was about an ?ven money favourite for the Kdrnako Hack Handicap, Fillette being a decided second choice, and Lin Arlington the only other backed with any spirit. Mountain Top was slow away, and Twink began best from Lin Arlington, Catcall, Sole Mio, and Te Slaire. Demure and Mountain Top made up ground fast in the back straight, and going to the turn Demure and Lin. Arlington led Twink, Catcall, and Fillette. Demure stayed on to beat Lin Arlington by three lengths, with Catcall half a length away~'third. Fillette was fourth and the rest practically in line close up behind her.

ASHHURST CUP. Waetea and Stream, who were coupled on the totalisator, were the prime picks for the Ashhurst Cup, for which all the acceptors went to the post. Crown Gem began best from Tari, Waetea, and Pantagruel. Six furlongs from home Tari shot away from his field, but Waetea hung to him, and they opened up a big break on their opponents, who were here headed by Crown Gem, Pantagruel, and Killoch. Tari and VVaetea were just ahead of Killoch. Pantagruel, Lady Joyce, Askari, and Imperial Spark at the turn, but when straightened up for home Waetea had no difficulty in coming away, and beat Tari by a length. Imperial Spark was three lengths away third, and Killoch fourth. Askari, Pantigruel, and Son o’ Mine were next. SIBERIA HACK HANDICAP. Newbury King, Argue, and Miss O’Dille were the favourites in the Siberia Hack Handicap, but the betting took a wide range and fair prices were Coing. Argue began best and led down the back straight from Moutoa Lady, Gold Clip, .Newbury King, Girriebillie, and Miss O’Dille. Argue led into the straight from Gold Clip, Moutoa Lady, and Newbury King, but Girriebillie fin-

isbed very fast, and ran Argue to a length. Gold Clip was half a length away third, with Moutoa Lady fourth. Road Hog and Newbury King were the most prominent of the others. RAUMAI WELTER HANDICAP. Birthmark was backed to the extent of iust on 600 tickets in the Raumai Welter Handicap, but there was a fair amount of support for Printemps and the Beaumont-Alabama bracket. Birthmark from No. 1 was first out, and led down the back from Alabama, Prince Hal, Birthmark, and March On. Prince Hal moved up crossing the top and led into the straight from Beaumont, Alabama, and Printemps. Prince Hal hung on well enough to win by a neck from Beaumont, with Martulla, who finished just a head away third. March On was fourth and the next to finish were Alabama and Stream. GORGE WELTER HANDICAP. Purple Lilac, probablv because R. Reed was in the saddle, was first choice in the Manawatu Gorge Welter Handicap, with Revel, Fillette, and Ben Nevis all better backed Mian Velvet King. Purple Lilac was the first to move, from Tonga totoa and Fillette, while Gold Girl and Rangi Sarto were slow away. Going down the back Tongatotoa was showing the way to Purple Lilac, Velvet King, Ben Nevis, and Fillette, and crossing the top Purple Lilac dropped back, and Velvet King went up second to Tongatotoa, with Fillette, Humorist, and Beu Nevis Handy. Tongatotoa was first into the straight, but stopped quickly, and Velvet King and Filette passed him, Velvet King winning by a length. Tougatotoa was half a length away third, Purple Lilac fourth,. Blue Star fifth, and Revel next.

DETAILS OF THE RACING HACK HURDLES HANDICAP, of 130 sovs. One mile and a half. 5 Axle, Ost (D. Butler) 1 4 Suspicion, 9st. 91b. (A. Tricklebank) 2 9 Mixed Heather, 9st. (H. Gordon) 3 Also started: 3 Woden, 2 ’lou Taua, lOst. 131 b.; 7 Comedy Prince, lOst 21b; 1 Slump, 9st. 81b.; 8 Merry Queen, Ost. 31b.; 12 Bambalina, 9st. 21b.; 10 Supporter, 6 Novar, 13 Hotfirc, 11 Daphne Bruce, I'l Pilot, Ost. Won bv two lengths, third horse half a length away. Time, 2min. 49 2-sscc.-MAIDEN STAKES, of 100 sovs. Five furlongs. First Division. 2 Break o’ Day, Bst. 71b. , (B. H. Morris) 1 3 Desert Knight, Bst. 71b. (J. Barry) 2 4 Trance, Bst. 71b (H. Stuart) 3 Also started: 16 Golden Egg, 9 Kiwini 15 King of Hearts, 15 Lady Waterlow, 3 Duetto, 13 Windy Night, 11 Thomond, 20 Merry Wanderer. Won bv half a length, third horse three lengths back. Time, Imm. 2 2-5 Second Division. 5 Sleet, Bst. 71b. ... (R. J. Mackie) 1 IL 6ampyre. Bst. 71b. (A. Griffiths) 2 1 Benzora, Bst-. 71b. (J. Dombroski) 3 Also started: 14 Telephone, 7 Rawhero, 10 Regal Star, 17 Bent, 12 Bounv Louisa, 8 Takaroa, Bst 71b. Won by half a length, third horse three-quaiters of a length away, lime, lmin. 1 2-ssec.

POHANGINA HANDICAP, of JSO sovs. Six furlongs.

T Miss Hupana, 7st. 21b. (J. Potter) 1 2 Civilform, Ost. 31b. (M. McCarten) 2 3 Shuteye, 7st. 31b., (W. Jones) 3 Also started: 4 Lady Fingers; 5 Lipsol Bst 91b.; 6 Beaumont, 7st. 111 b ; 1 Gold'Box, 7st. 131 b.; 8 All Marimba 7st 91b.; 9 Papaponga, 7st. 71b.; 10 Prince Hal, 7st. 21b.; 11 Birkie 7st.; 12 Coot, 7st. Won by two lengths, third horse halt a length back. Time, lmin. 14 l-ssec. KOMAKO HACK HANDICAP, of 130 sovs. . Seven furlongs. 9 Demure, 7st (J- Mitchell) 1 3 Lin Arlington, 7st. 61b (J. H. Jones) 2 1 Catcall, 9st (L. G.Moms) 4 Also started: 2 Fillette, Bst. > 41b.; 5 Mountain Top, Bst. 21b.; 4 Copper Nob, 7st 121 b.; 10 Sole Mio. 7st. 81b.; 6 Pol'vastra, 7st. 61b.; 8 Twink, 7st.; 7 Chrissarto, 7st.; 11 Te Maire, 7st. Won bv three lengths, third horse a neck away. Time, lmin. 29 2-ssec. ASHHURST CUP, of 300 sovs. One mile and a quarter. 1 Waetea, 9st (R. Reed) 1 8 Tari, Bst. lib (J. Dunn) 2 2 Imperial Spark, Ost. (R. J. Mackie) 3 Also started: 1 Stream, 7st. 31b. (bracketed with winner); 3 Euphonium, Bst.: 4 Askari, 5 Killoch, 11 Lady Joyce, 7st. 111 b.: 6 Son o’ Mine, 7st. 51b.; 7 Pantagruel, 7st. 21b.; 10 Euchre, 9 Crown Gem, 7st. Won bv a length, two lengths between second and third. Time. 2min. 8 2-ssec., a race record. SIBERIA HANDICAP, of 130 sova Six furlongs. 2 Argue, 7st. 71b (M. Gray) 1 9 Girribillie, 7st. 71b (F. Green) 2 4 Gold Clip, 7st. 21b. (E. A. Keesing) 3 Also started: 1 Newbury King, Ost., 5 Blonde. Bst. 81b.; 7 Road Hog, Bst. 21b.; 3 Miss O’Dille, Sst. 11b.; 11 Charleston, 7st. 91b.; 6 Tawhewi, 7st. 71b. and Trance, 7st.; 12 Moutoa Lady, 10 Peshwa, 7st. 71b.; 8 Lieut. Bill, 7st. 41b.; 13 Solriuo, 14 Imperial Purse, 7st. Won bv a length, a neck between second and third Time, lmin. Issec. RAU.MAI WELTER HANDICAP, n!> 150 sovs. Seven furlongs. 4 Prince Hal, Sst. lib. (H. Stuart) 1 8 Beaumont, Bst. 91b. (H. Wiggins) 2 6 Martulla, Sst. 61b. (B. H. Morris) 3 Also started. 7 Good Sport, Ost. 71b.; 1 Birthmark, Bst. 131 b.; 5 Strategy, Bst. 111 b.; 3 Alabama, 7st, 71b. (coupled with Beaumont) ; 2 Printeraps, Bst. 31b.; 10 Many Colours, 8 Stream, 7st. 81b.; 9 March Ou, 11 Mosthenes, 7st. 71b A head way. Time, lmin. 29 sea.

SLINAWATU GORGE HANDICAP, of 130 sovs. One mile. 5 Velvet King, Sst. 61b. (M. McCartcn) 1 3 Fillette, Sst. 101 b. (B. H. Morris) 2 8 Tongatotoa, Sst. 41b. (D. Butler) 3 Also started: 6 Rangi Sarto, 7st. 51b.; 4 Ben Nevis, 2 Revel, 7st. 131 b.; 1 Purple Lilac, 7st. 121 b.; 7 Blue Star, 7st. 101 b.; 10 Bonny Louisa, 9 Humor'ist,' 11 Gold Girl, 13 Merry Wanderer, 12’Master Felix, 7st. 71b. Won by a length, third horse half a length away. Time, lmin. 44scc. LEVIN REHANDICAPS Br TsLEGUArn — Press Association. Palmerston North, November 18. The following rehandicaps have been declared for Levin: Manakau Hurdles.—Axle,,Ost. 101 b. Alakomako Handicap.—Argue, 7st. Handicap.—Demure, Bst. 101 b. Levin Cup.—Waetea, Ost. 61b. Lake Handicap.—Demure, 7st. 111 b. McDonald Memorial.—Miss Hupana, Sst. 91b. Hokio Handicap—Argue, Bst. WINTON (MEETING Y ’ HAPPY DAYS WINS CU? Br Telegraph.—Press Association. Invercargill, November 18. There was ideal weather for the first day of the Winton Jockey Club’s annual meeting. The attendance was large and the track was in good order The totalisator handled £15,996, compared with £14,744 last year. Results :— TRIAL STAKES HANDICAP, of 120 sovs. Six fui longs. 2 Paris, Bst. 71b (McKay) 1 1 Schottische; Bst. 91b 2 3 Divinial, Sst. 91b 3 Scratched:. Warscer, Solzia, Pupa, Golden Fleet. Won by three-quarters of a length, third horse three lengths behind. Time, lmin. 16sec. HOKONUI TROT HANDICAP (harness), of 160 sovs. smin. class. Two miles. I Logan’s Drive, 36yds. behind K I (J. Walsh) 1 9 Hvlas, 48yds. behind 2 7 Bricklayer, 36vds. behind 3 Scratched: Dixie Dillon, Underviewer, Erin Chimes. Won by a length, third horse six lengths back Time, 4min. 52 3-ssec. WINTON CUP HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. One mile and a quarter. 1 Happy Days. Bst. 4ib. (F. Voight) 1 4 Warliaven, 7st. J3lb. ............ 2 6 Beauty Light, 7st. 21b 3 Scratched: Highborn, Coastguard. Won bv half a length, third horse two lengths away. Time, 2mm. 6 4-5 sec. STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, of 175 sovs. Three miles. 2 Uncle Bob, list. 31b. (J. Langford) 1 4 Ngarata, 9st. 121 b 2 1 Prize Rose, list 8 Scratched: Golden Sarto. Won by twelve lengths, twenty lengths between second and third. Time, smin. 59sec. FLYING HANDICAP, of 160 sovs. Six furlongs. 1 Valdamo, Sst. 31b. (E. J. Ellis) 1 7 Blue Dragoon, 7st. 21b. .." 2 2 Set Sail, Bst. 121 b 3 Scratched: Baldowa, Bloom. Won by two lengths, third horse a length back. Time, lmin. 15sec. BARKLY HACK HANDICAP, of 135 sovs. Six furlongs. Queen Balboa, Bst. 121 b. (J. Beale) 1 6 Frivol, 7st. 51b 2 2 Apache, 9st 3 Scratched: King Cup. i Won bv two lengths, third horse three lengths away. Time, lmin. 16 4-ssec. QTAPIRI TROT HANDICAP (saddle), of 140 sovs. One mile and a half. 2 Macandra, scr (J. Cosgrove) 1 6 Hushabve, 60yds. behind. 2 3 Queen Betty, 12yds. behind 3 Scratched: Ballin Lad. Won by two lengths, third horse 12 lengths away. Time, 3min. 39 4-ssec. TRADESMEN’S HANDICAP, of 160 sovs. One mile. 2 Cornflower, 7st. 51b. (T. Metcalf) 1 2 Tommy Dodd, Bst. 91b 2 5 Bloom. 7st. 61b 8 Scratched: Warhatven, Hall Mark, Ardour. Won by half a length, third horse three-quarters of a length away. Time, lmin. 40 3-ssec. Tlie nominations for the Woodville races close this evening at 9 o’clock, and not last night, as stated yesterday. The Woodville telegraph office closes at 8 p.m.

FIXTURES. November 18 and 19—Winton J.C. Annual. November 21—Levin R.C. Annual. November 26 and 28—South Canterbury J.C. Spring. November 28 and 30—Fielding J.C. Spring. November 28 and 30—Takapuna J.C. Spring. December. 9 and 10—Woodville District J.C. Summer.


promising career cur short.

s. Walls, the well-known New Zealand cross-country riaer, who passed away at the Auckland Hospital on Monday last, will be , buned in Wellington this afternoon. While riding the horse Rafferty' in a steeplechase last Saturday week his mount fell at one of the jumps, the Jockey hung on to the reins, but the horse, in struggling to regain its feet, kicked Walls above the eye. He was removed to the Auckland. Hospital, but blood-poisoning set in, and this was the cause of death. The late Mr. Walls, who was only 25 years of age, was one of New Zealand’s best known cross-country riders. He started as an apprentice to F. D. Jones at Sockburu, Christchurch, and made quite a name for himseif by his succession of wins on Mustard Pot about three years ago. He placed many notable wins to his credit, including the Grand National Hurdles on General Advance in 1923. Last year he went over to Sydney to ride Pittsworth, on whom he won a race at Randwick. He had several mounts on Australian horses while in Syoney, gaining one first and two or three seconds. He was also sue cesstul on Kipling and Te Maire. of Mr. J. Coyle’s stable at Marton. About 18 months ago he went to the Auckland trainer J. Williamson, and had been so successful tliat he occupied twelfth position for the New Zealand jockey premiership this season. He was born and bred in Wellington, and his mother, two sisters and a brother reside here. He was very popular in racing circles, which was proved by the very large attendance which followed the conveyance of his remains to the Auckland railway station on Tuesday afternoon. About a hundred beautiful wreaths were forwarded from all parts of the Dominion.

The late Mr. Walls, besides being an accomplished horseman, was a good all-round athlete. He held the New Zealand jockey championship for boxing, and for the last three seasons was captain of the North Island jockeys’ Rugby team, which has held the shield for the past three years in succession. The funeral will leave Morris’s mortuary chapel, 60 Taranaki Street, at 2 o’clock this afternoon for Karori Cemetery, and a large number of people have signified their intention of paying their last tributes of respect to the memory of one of New Zealand’s gamest and most accomplished cross-country riders, who was cut off while at the very zenith of his powers.

SOUTH WAIRARAPA TROTTING CLUB (From Our Own Correspondent.) Carterton, November 18. At a meeting of stewards of the South Wairarapa Trotting Club, held nt Greytowu, the North Island Owners’ Association asked the club to consider putting forward its meeting to a date in January, in order not to clash with ♦he Auckland meeting. It was decided to reply that the club could not see its way clear to alter the date. The Trotting Conference advised that Mr. W. G. Garrard would be stipendiary steward at the club’s forthcoming meeting. Mr. Benton asked to be relieved of the position ,of timekeeper, and it was derided to ask him to reconsider his decision. / The secretary of the Trotting Conference forwarded £l5, being arreas collected on behalf of the club.

The gate tariff was fixed at lawn 7s. 6d. for men and 3s. 6d. for women.

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Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 47, 19 November 1925, Page 4

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THE RACING WORLD Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 47, 19 November 1925, Page 4

THE RACING WORLD Dominion, Volume 19, Issue 47, 19 November 1925, Page 4