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TOURIST AND HOLIDAY RESORTS CHRISTCHURCH ST. ELMO PRIVATE HOTEL. Superior private accommodation. 52 Worcester Street, West End, 2 minutes from G.P.O. Beautiful lawns, Bardens, etc. Moderate tariff.—F. J- Murray, Proprietor. ROYAL HOTEL. Situated on the banks of the Avon. The loveliest snot in Christchurch. Within five minutes of tho Square. Finest cuisine. Excellent service. EASTBOURNE EASTBOURNE HOTEL. Rona Bay, for firs A-class Accommodation at seaside; handy beach and boat; tennis courts. Single and Double Rooms, tariff. £3 gg. HAVELOCK NORTH DILLSBROOK, GUEST HOUBE (Hawke’s Bay). Tins fine house is now open for Paying Guests. First-class Accommodation; good table; all home comfort, including billiard room aid tennis courts. the patronage of many of New Zea land’s distinguished residents. Tariff: Ks. Gd. per day; .£3 3s. weekly. Inquiries solicited. ISLAND BAY BLUE PLATTER TEA HOUSE. Island Bby.—Superior Board and Reeluenco. ITot-Cold Lunches. Morning and Afternoon Tea. Open through out the year. Miss E. Warte 1 - ’Phone 24—095. masterton WAIRARAPA - WELLINGTON SERVlCE—Charabanc Leaves Master, ton Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 7.80 a.m., arrive Wellington 11 a.m. Leaves opp.' Government Buildings, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays, 4 p-m.; and Lambton Garage. 4.5 p.m.. arrive Masferton, 7.30. Stops 15 minutes Kaitoke. Seats must be booked at J. W. Jones’ Photo Store, 35 Manners Street, and Lambton Garage. NAPIER CALEDONIAN HOTEL, NAPTER—This first-class Hotel is now under entirely new management. Patrons may rely upon the very best of attention, every comfort and excellent cuisine. The_ house is well furnished, and offers an ideal home to tourists and . visitors to. Namer. Telegrams end correspondence receive prompt attention. Patrick Mahoney, Proprietor. NELSON GIBBS’ MOTOR SERVICE WEBT COAST DAILY SERVICE.—Tea VP NELSON for MTSTPORT and REEFTON Daily 7.45 a.m. for NELSON Daily at 8.30 n.m. WFSTPORT for NET,SON Daily at ’.45 a.m. REEFTON for NFTA’ON Jhdlv nf 10 a.m after irriva. of Grewnnuth train. WES TPORT for REEFTON Daily at 10 a.m., connecting with Greymouth train Leave NELSON for TA .{AKA Daily at 8 a.m. TAhAKA for NELSON Daily, 8 n.m. NELSON for MOTTTEK* and RTWAKA Daily at 4 p.m. RTWAKA for MOTHER A nnd NELSON. Daily at S p.m. Leave NELSON for BLENHEIM Daily at 7 a.m.. 8.45 a.m., and 1.30 p.m. BLENHEIM for NET,SON Daily at 7 a.m.,. 8.45 n.m. nnd 1.30 p.m. (In conjunction with Pope's Ticket*? intern a rur»abi«. W. G. GIBBS. Proprietor. ROYAL MAIL & PASSENGERS—NEWMAN BROS., Ltd. NELSON, BULLER GORGE. FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER. OTTR A -nOKTTIK A—Daily. GREYAfOUTTT-HOK.TTTKA—Dai ly. L , . NET,SON-WEST COAST—Daily at 8 a.m. for Glenhope, Murchison. Westport, and Reefton. WESTPORT AND RTTWTON— Daily at 7.30 a.m. for Nelson. WESTPopt TO REV.FTON— Daily at 10 a.m. RRFFTON TO WTSTTPORT—DaiIv nt 10 a.m. NELSON-BT.ENTTETAT— Daily at 7 a.m., 9 n.m., nnd 1.15 p.m. BTENTTETV-NFT SON_T)m’lv at 7 a.m., 9 a.m., and 1.15 p.m. NELSON MOTUEKA-RTWAKA—DaiIy 9 a.m., nnd 4 p.m.. Riwaka-Mohip]<vi-Nolefin—Thrioo dAilv. 7.45 a.m., 8 n.m., and 2.45 p.m TTOKTTTKA.-FTfA'Nrz JOSEF. GLACIER—Tri-weekly. PICKED DRlVURS—Comfortnb le anA reliable cars. Head Office: CROWN GARAGF. ’Phone 121. Private Addro's: PO., Brighfwater. Branch Offices: Blenheim. Wesfnort. Reoffon. Mornei-n; Wellington (W. AT. Bannntyne and Co.): Thos. Cook and Sons, and N.Z. Govornrepn f- Tourist Branches. COMMERCIAL HOTETc—This first-elans Hotel under the patronage of H.R.n. the Prince of Woles nnd TT ; = Exc-tonncr Viscount .Tclhcoo is under entirely new management. Thoroughly renovated, with electric light throughout. Fxcellpnt cuisiup, all wines nnd smnt«. best onnlity. Letters and telegrams receive prompt attention. Frank Geo. Mason. Manager. NELSON-TAKAKA-COLLTNGWOOD EMMS’ ROYAL MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICE. Nelson—Motuek’n via Tasman daily 7.80 a.m. Nelson-Collingwood, via Takaka. Dmlv. S n.m. Head Office. Talreks. Branch Office,—Well; nv+nn T nnd W. Young Nelson Hardv Street. Mottieka. A D. Rett Pocket l imo-tables on application. Accommodation arranged .nt White Star Service Hotels. Special car meets all beats and trains. Telegrams: “EMMS.” NEW PLYMOUTH NEW PLYArnnTH-MORAH-TE KHITT TOURIST SERVTCET,eave New Plymouth (Gibson’s Aard Garage), dnilv at 7.20 a.m Leave Te Rnifi dnilv' nt 8 a.m. Booking Offices, Gibson’s Garage .New Plymouth C H. Johnston. Wnitara; A. E. Mason. To Rmti: Tlios. Conk nnd Sons, nnd NZ. Government Tourist Department Branches. C. T.. Johnston,’ A. E. Mogon, Proprietors. NIGER HOUSE. —Sunerior private accommodation. Eliot Street: b»ri. thy locality, mnrtnificent vtew. Cnisine nnsumn-wd. tariff reasonable. Free nccommodaflion for Cars. ’Phone 629. Telegrams: Niger House, Now T’lvmouth. MRS. H- G- Ottaway, Proprietress. OTAKI OTAKI SEASIDE RESORT—One of N.Z.’s Most Popular Holiday Resorts. An ideal place, specially recommended by Doctors for Henltbseekors. Tennis Courts. Croquet Lawns, nnd Ideal pl, rf Bathing. For particulars, ring or write to C- E. Cotterell. Box 26, Phone 77, Otaki. PARAPARARUMU PARAPABAUMH BEACH—Finest in New Zealand. Absolutely safe for children. Splendid climate. Hotel Majestic for first-class accommodation. ’Phono 10W. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SOUNDS ANAKTWA HOMESTEAD 8 miles from Picton. Excellent meals, morning' and afternoon tea. Boating, fishing, shooting, bathing dancing ten. nis nicies Motor road connection Picton Havelock. Nelson. Modern sanitation. Huge Jog fires. Book early. Guests. £3 3s..per week. Address. Auakiwa. Picton. Trv WHAHETTHNGA. Queen Charlotte Sound via Picton. for your Holidays Full particulars from Mr. H. D. BROWN, c/o R. G. Dniuj and Co., Nofhan’s Rnild’ngs. Wellington. Telephone 2214; nIsoTOURTST DEPARTMENT. Then nteht letter telegram: Greensill. Wharehunga. SIGHT-SEEING TOURS VISITORS! If von want to see the Beauty Sports of Wellington, come in the BELL BUS CO.’s Motor Char-a-bnncs. The Marine Drive round tho beautiful bars in our Observation Bus is the host in the Southern Hemisnhe'e. Ring 21—938, and reserve your seats. The Observation Bur leaves Government Buildings at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.. and Sundays at 10.30 n.m. nnd 2 p.m. FOR TTTAHI BAY on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays, from Government Buildings at .2 p.m. . arriving back in city at about s£o pm.- li hours at the seaside. SEATOUN B ABINGTON nOHSE. Seatoun CWellingten). opposite bathing sheAk Accommodation for Country Visitors and Permanent Boarders. Fishing, H fil in'.’: Tennis Courts on th" Promises. Reasonable terma Teiepnon* onsso"Rr,nk your rooms for the holidays. Airs. Risks. Proprietiora. WANGANUI H(VT'E r PAPHVTLLF RIDGWAY STREET. WANGANTTT tone minnWs wall- from Railway Station and G.P.0.). The Beautiful Healthy Locality ndioinin" Cook's Gardens.—Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Light througho„t Cmrfortablo Commercial and Sitting Rooms, also Free Garage for Visitors’ Cars. Tariff. Ils. 6d. per day: £2 17s. Gd. per week- Triarrrnms and Correspondence promptly attended to.— J. HODSON, Pronrietor. HOTEL RR AEBTTRN.- Most modem and up-to-date Hotel in WangnnuL Brick building, practically fireproof; hot end cold water in bedrooms, t»lc"fric liriit throughout, well furnished: cuisine second to none, and service excel’ont. Motor garage for visitors’ cots. Ideal residential hotel, on'healthy, pictureeqne site. Only a few minutes’ walk from P.O. Tariff: 14s. 6d. per day, 4 guineas a week. Special terms for lengthy residence. SOS DAILY MOTOR SERVICES— Linking up with Napier Mail rr r ,,; L „’ -v Ashhnrst Passengers can now journey from New Plymouth to Nnmfor and Wairarapa in ONE DAY, Also PnssengeTS from Napier ran leave the trato at Sshhnrst and. arrive per S O.S. Sernco Cuts in Wnnvnnri nt 330 p.m.. and there .ioin the Car leaving Wanganui for Ha-vpra at 4.15 n.m. Telegrams for all routes "Smith’s Overinnd Roryice, Waneanui Rocket Time-tables on application. Head Office, Rutland WELLINGTON (City)' THE MANSIONS Ghuznee Street. “Wellington’s Bart Private Hotel.” Frtensive' alterations have now been crnnnleted. making large commercial smokinw nnd drawing -rooms. An ideal quiet residence, now in fifth rear under present management. Tariff, 12s. ner day. Permanent flnerts bv arrangement ’Phone 22—390. Telegrams: "/Mansions, Wellton.” Mesdames Cooke nnd McGowan. Pronriefresses. HOTEL ARCADIA. Wellington’s most centrally-situated superior Private Ho!el Excellent services in every detail: close to Wharves. Trains end Government Buildings. Ipcotion: Lambton Quay and Stout Street (opnoeife Public Trust Office). Tariff: Per day 12s. Cd.; per week. £3 15s.—Mrs. Tiller. Propietrcns. C AULFTETJ) HOUSE. S 3. 35, 37 Sydney Street Eart. This firrt-clnss House has been .thoroughly renovated,’ made modern, convenient, nnd nw-t comfortable. Under entirely new management. Tariff from 10s Gd. per day.—Mrs. E. Maxwell. Proprietress. ’Phone 1763. KENILWORTH, 92 HILL STREET.—This well-known house is now under entirely new management. Superior Accommodation for nermanent and Casual Guests; every convenience, billiard room, etc. Elevated nosition; near Parliament Buildings, and one minute’s walk from Tinakori Road Tram Stow Tariff 10s. 6d. per day. Permanent Guests bv arrangement. Proprietress, Mrs E. Bennett. Telegrams. Kenilworth. Wellington. HOTEL SELWYN. CAMBRIDGE TERRACE (opp. Clyde Quay School). 51 r . S. G. Stacey wishes to announce thnt he ha« taken over the Hotel Selwyn. Permanents by arrangement. Casuals. Bs. per day, Sunday heals,2s.; week-day meals, breakfast and lunchran. Is. Gd: dinner, 2s. THORNLEIGTT. 49 BOUT.COTT S?’REET. —First-class Private Board, and Residence’: tariff 10s. por day, permanents by arrangement. Within 5 minutes of G.P.O. and Wharves. Splendid harbour view. Address; 49 Boulcott Street. ’Fhono 1671. Telegrams, “Thornleigh.” Wc.hngton. ORIENT PRIVATE HOTEL. Oriental Bay (10 minutes G.P.O.)—Now under entirely new management. First-class accommodation for permanent and casual guests; Afternoon Teas. Tariff. 12s. 6d. per day. Permanent and weekly by arrangement. Proprietor, P. J. Mnrning. late of Clarendon Hotel, Napier. Telegrams, “Kiosk-” Telephone 21—259. ITOTLL GRAN!' CENTRAL. Cuba Street, Wellington—Evans and Hen. derson (daughters of late Mrs. Cockayne, late of Arcadia Hote.), wish to announce to tho travelling public that they have taken over the Hotel Grand Central, Cuba Street, and will be pleased to see old customers and new ones. HOTEL COLUMBIA —Most central house in City: nearest to Town Hall and Theatres. A Home nwiv from Home. 100 rooms 9s. per day. £2 16s. weekly. ’Phone 1126. 38 LOWER CUBA STREET. RUTLAND PRIVATE HOTEL, Phmmer’s Steps. Terms, 10s per day, or -£3 Per wook; permanent by arrangement. Ph. 628. J. Dunean, Pro

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Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 195, 13 May 1924, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 195, 13 May 1924, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 195, 13 May 1924, Page 9