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CHATHAM AND CHARITY CUPS GOOD MATCHES IN BAD WEATHER SENIOR KNOCKOUT GAMES Ten senior Soccer teams entered for the Chatham and Charity Cups, and six more for the Charity Cup only, played the first round on Saturday. Unfortunately a gale and heavy rain came on at half-time and militated against fast play. RESULTS AT A GLANCE Chatham and Charity Cups Waterside 7, Welgasco 1. Diamond 5, Brooklyn 2. Marist 4, Thistle 1. Y.M.C.A. A 5, South Wellington 1. Institute 1, Scottish Wanderers 0. Charity Cup Hospital 4, Johnsonville 2. Y.M.C.A. B 3, Seatoun 2. ’ Swifts 3, Petone 2.


WATERSIDERS (7) V. WELGASCO (1). Gas Co won the toss and defended the town goal against Watersiders. Dickinson set the ball rolling and Gas Co. quickly took it down field, and only weak play kept them from troubling Warrell, Ingham easily robbing Moncer when well placed. For a while Gas Co. had the best of play, and were putting plenty of ginger into their work. Case, who came on late, soon put a different complexion on things, and Watersiders resumed the upper hand. Case cleverly robbing Crewe, beat Winker, and sent Patterson away, whoso centre saw Carse test Bolesworth. The lastbrought off a great save. W’aters*£era came again and a nice pass by Dickinson to Nicholl saw the latter given off-side when well placed. Pretty football by the Waterside forwards took play into ths Gas Co. goal, and Boles•worth saved from Gilbertson, Dickinson and Nicholl, but was eventually beaten with a good shot by Carse. Nothing daunted by this reverse. Gas Co. set out to reduce the lead. Good head work by Dennison, McArdle, and Crewe enabled them to get near the Waterside goal, and good work by Irvine and Rowlands saved Varrill from being tested. Case got his forwards moving after cleverly beating three men. Dickinson sent a nice pass out to Patterson, whose centre enabled Dickinson to send in a pile-driver, a'nd Bolesworth saved at the expense of a corner, which Nicholl put behind. Gas Co. did good work midfield. but their finishing was weak, so that Ingham and Rowlands had an easy task. Turner and Doyle were doing great work and the Gas Co. halves were hampering them by crowding into their own tjoal. Nicholl next sent across a beautiful centre, which Gibbertson headed in, to 'see Bolesworth bring off a great save, tipping the ball over the bar The corner was well placed, but Turner cleared well and Crewe went away. He gave Dennison a nice pass, and when dangerous Rowlands beat him and sent downfield with a big kick. Case was playing splendidly and sent to Carse who, with clever footwork, gave to Dlickinson, who beat Winter, and, when well placed, sent Patterson a lovely pass. That player gave Bolesivorth no chance with a lightning shot. 2—o. Gilbertson increased lead with a great shot, giving the goalie no chance. Gas I Co. set up a warm attack and Varrill I had to save a hot shot from Crewe, which he safely got away. Winter again set Gas Co. going only to see Dennison send behind. From the goal kick Turner gained possession of the ball and sent to McArdle, who was robbed by Irvine, whose clever work enabled him to feed Dickinson. The last-named gave a clean, sharp pass to Patterson, and he sent in a powerful right foot drive. A—o. Just before half-time Crewe narrowly missed with a. header, which went just over the bar. During the second half Gas Co. had a little more of the play, and McArdle sent in a powerful shot which Varrill nicely, put over the bar. The corner was well placed, and only weakness in front of the goal prevented Gas Co. from reducing the lead. Case, with a solo run. beat man after man in brilliant style, and carried play into Gas Co. territory. Dickinson made no mistake with a beautiful daisy cutter. s—o.5 —0. Carse and Nicholl, supported by Walmsley. were playing fine football, and when Dickinson gave Nicholl a great pass, the latter sent in a splendid shot which Bolesworth beat down to the feet of Gilbertson, who promptly netted, btit was given off-side. With a minute Gas Co. had scored. Turner took the off-side kick, and with a hard kick sent hard downfield. Crewe broke right through, and sending in a hard shot had bad luck, the bull striking the foot of the post and coming out to the left of the goal, where Moncer was waiting, and he gave Varrill n o chance. s—l. This put life into the Gas Co., but weak shooting spoilt them when well placed. Winter shot over with wild kicks. Nicholl got the sixth with a hot shot from the wing. Bolesworth got it. but the pace earned it through. Case was trying hard and after getting the ball near naif-way. beat man after man, and finished off with a shot which pave the no chance. Soon after the whistle sounded with Waterside in the lead, 7—l.

MARIST (4) V. THISTLE (1). Soon after the kick-off, Marist had the Thistle defence in a tight corner, Taylor eventually giving relief by sending his forwards on the way to the Marist goal. The defending halves, however, proved too sound, find in a breakawav the Marist forwards beat down the defence, McElligott sending the ball through. The Greens tested Ewing again, but his resourcefulness came to the rescue of his hard-pressed clubmates. A few minutes'from half-time, Barton, with an oblique shot, added to Marist’s score. Play in the second half was uninteresting. Barton, helped cleverly by Thomas, placed the ball in the net for the second time. 3—o. Thistle forwards were extremely weak, and when given an opening broke down completely through lock of combination. Thistle's only goal wart given them through Hickey, the Marist goalie, who turned round in an endeavour to clear when bustled by two cpjr.wing forwards. .‘l—l. The strong southerly. played ducks and drakes with a»j high passing. Marist continued to press, and forced one or two corners, which had no result. Henderson, in trying to stem the attack, kicked high, the. ball being blown into his own goal, giving Marist a fourth goal, and the game ended soon after with Marist,' i; Thistle, 1. INSTITUTE (1) v. SCOTTISH WANDERERS «). Institute and Scottish Wanderers gays an exhibition of football full of merit. The newly-promoted team won by the only goal scored in the match. A draw would have been a better index of the merits of the respective sides. The early minutes of the game nearly brought disaster to Institute. Bradshaw, after beating two opponents, missed an easy goal. Wanderers early settled down to nice combination, and pl-ovad most hroubflesome to tihcl Institute defence. Jeffrey, who played an excellent game for Institute at centre-haff, passed out L nicely to his forwards, who had "Iso got into tlieir stride. Burt was tested by Lothian and Galbraith, but gatliedod

with confidence, and cleared out well to his backs. Play went from end to end of the field, with lightning -like rapidity, Both teams had opportunities in front of goal, which were thrown away. Close to the! interval Lothian headed! one which struck the cross-bar. Then Galbraith sent a penal ty-kiqk over the bar. At half-time neither side had scored. Play in the first half wan fast, but it was even more so in the second. Each bide battled fur supremacy,, without material result. Lothian and Gallaher each had their turn to gain the lead, but excellent saves by the goalies or the sound defence of the backs prevented on opening goal. Trevelyan, a new recruit in the ranks of the Wanderers was unfortunate in putting the ball through his own goal; a miskick, aided by tho wind, nonplussed Thompson. It was very near to time when this incident happened, and gaye the Wanderers little chance to equalise. An excellent game ended with Institute winners by tho ori.y goal scored. Mr. Ormrod was referee. DIAMONDS (5), BROOKLYN (2).

From the kick-off Diamonds immediately pressed, and A. McKee, who was making his first appearance this season for the Blacks, scored with a fast, low shot, that gave the goalie no chance. A fmv minutes afterwards Daniels found the net for the Blacks, making Brooklyn two down in the first ten minutes. Keeping up' the pressure, Diamonds gave Brooklyn no chance of settling down to their game, and from a centre from Bolt Findlay made the score 3—o. Brooklyn now attacked, but their shooting was bad, and Bidgood, who was in goal for Diamonds, was seldom called on to save. Shortly before half-time Pridmore sent in a low shot, which Bidgood failed to hold. 3—l. Tho strong wind and greasy ball seemed to upset Diamonds' combination, and for a time play was fairly even. Brooklyn were the first to score, a penalty kick being given against Hawkins for accidental hands. Anton scored. From now on Diamonds pressed, Daniels and Bolt on the right wing making some great runs, and from a centre from the latter McLeod, who had come into the inside position on account of McKee being temporarily disabled from a kick on the knee, scored. 4—2. Shortly before time, Daniels added the fifth goal. Mr. W. Press was referee.


Y.M.C.A. B (3) V. SEATOUN (2)

The most evenly matched teams in the competition," was the only conclusion possible to those who witnessed the game in which Y.AI.C.A. B and Seatoun struggled for supremacy, knowing that the loser would forfeit the chance of gaining tho coveted trophy. For the first half-hour beautiful weather and a good ground were experienced, but after that tho teams had to contend with a howling southerly and heavy rain. Before the weather broke there was some epod play. slightly in favour of x.M.C.A., who could not, however, shoot straight. After 20 minutes* play, during some fumbling by Y.M.C.A. in front of their own goal. Minifie got possession and made no mistake, goaling nicely. Shortly after the storm came over, and the spell ended with Seatoun in the lead. Without delay the teams changed over. Within ten minutes, Y.M.C.A.’s outside right (Mitchell), who was playing a rattling game, receivedthe ball and promptly shot at an awkward angle, equalising the score. Seatoun attacked hotly, but poor shooting spoilt gome capital combined movements. Y.M.C.A. at last got another chance, and Michelson found the net. Seatoun tried hard to get home, but effort after effort failed, until close on time Armitage got the best of a melee jn front of the goal and scored—2 all. Additional time had to be played, and very even play in the dusk made the first spell scoreloss. In tho second spell. Leadsman shot a goal and the match ended 3 —2 in favour o' Y.M.C.A. B. Mr. J. Gilbert refereed.

HOSPITAL (4) V. JOHNSONVILLE (2). Johnsonville’s pluck in entering senior ranks was not rewarded with success, although they put up a good fight with Hospital. At the start, Johnsonville were pulled, up for off-side play, a corner shot following, which was well turned by Wilkes. This was cleared and the visitors forced a corner by the aid of Matthews and Scott. Robinson led his forwards in hot retaliation, Windley’s shot going wide, and a couple, of free kicks against them having a steadying effect. A great shot by Matthews was well saved. Gibb and Ferguson checked a fast rush, and Johnsonville were kicking too hard. Hospital forced several corners, which were well placed, but the defence was sound. Scott, Mnrchmont, and Hay vice were prominent, but could not get past Gibb, Thompson and Ferguson. The game was swinging a g< od deal, but rather ragged. Dick attempted a goal from a corner without result, bid a few minutes latei Dick sent to Gibb who headed in, the spell ending I—o. On resuming, Hospital sopn got into their stride, and a faulty kick by Johnsonville enabled them to get well down tne field. Ferguson scoring at close range. 2 —o. A nice piece of play by Foutar enabled Lambert to cross to Ferguson. who goalcd. 3 —o. Hospital were dominating the play, and the visitors’ defence was severely tested, although there was some weak shooting. Two long shots found Trewick ready. A long pass from Thompson to Ferguson gave another goal 4—o. Johnsonville then broke away, Mong, Ashworth and Marchmont being prominent. The last-named coaled. 4 —l. Success livened them ur>. Trewick was penalised for carrying, and Marchniont again goaled. 4—2.. Tho game ended shortly after. Mr. Windley refereed. LOWER GRADES JUNIOR DIVISION. Institute A, 6; Island Bay, 3. Waterside. 3 (Hoe. Jenkins, Holmes); Diamonds B, 0. Diamonds A, 2 (Taylor, Dealy 1); Marist, 0. Brooklyn. 5; Karori. 1. Hutt, 7; Institute B. 1. Seatoun, 3; Swifts. 0. Diamonds A, 2 Marist, 0. Petoiio, 2, : Johnsonville, 1. Y'.M.C.A., 9; Lyall Bay A, 0, THIRD DIVISION.

Institute. 9 (Ash, Larsen, Sigglekow, Sronhand. 2. Burton, Allen, Corley, and

Jeffreys scored); Thorndon, 0. Mr. F. Campliell refereed. Seatoun, 2; Thistle, 0. Watersiders, 3 (Morgan 2, McLellan); Johnsonville, 0. Marist, 7; Karcri, 0. Hutt, 0; Petone, 0. Y.M.C.A.. 6; St. Thomas, 0. Mr. M. J. Hayward refereed. South Wellington, 3; Petone B, Z. FOURTH A DIVISION. Institute, 5 (Miles 3, Massey and Oldham 1 each); Diamonds, 0. Soatoun, 2 (Ashley); Island Bay, 0. Karori, 4; Hospital, 0. Mr. J. Hicks refereed. South Wellington, 2; Johnsonville, 1. Waterside won from. Brooklyn. FOURTH DIVISION. Islnnd Bay won from Institute. Diamonds, 3 (Jamieson. Turner, ana Harland); Hutt, 1. Mr. Bethel refereed. Seatoun won from Y.M.C.A. Waterside won from Brooklyn by default. Miramar Rangers, 2; Swifts, 0. Wadestown, 3; Petone. 2. FIFTH A DIVISION. Technical College, 2; Seatoun, 0. H. Diamonds, 1 (Taplin); St. Patricks College, 0. Marist. 3; Johnsonville, 0. Waterside won from Institute. FIFTH B DIVISION. Wadestown, 1: Stop Out, 1 (W. Ogg). Miramar Rangers, 4; Institute, 0. Y.M.C.A., 5; Hutt. 1. Island Bay 3; Technical' College, 1. Diamonds won from Marist N. South Wellington won from Marist I. SIXTH DIVISION. 5 Marist N, 3 (Condon 1. Kershaw 2); Hospital, 2. Seatoun won from Karort. • Miramar Rangers won from Institute. Petone. 2; Technical College. 1. SEVENTH A DIVISION. Miramar Rangers, 3; Marist ,0. Karori, 2; Johnsonville, 0. H. Diamonds. 2 (Barraclough); Marist 1 (Cassidy); St. Patrick’s College, 1 (Alward). Seatoun, 4; Hutt, 0. Petone, G; South Wellington, a. SEVENTH B DIVISION. Marist T, 2; Y.M.C.A., 1. Island Bay, 3; Newtown Congregational, 1. . ~ i Stop Out won from St. Patrick s College. Hutt. 1; St. Peters, 1. Diamonds, 1; Anglican Home, 1. St. Thomas’, 3; Institute, 0. EIGHTH DIVISION. Miramar Rangers 1; Institute, 0. Seatoun. 4; Y.M.C.A., 0. Marist (N) A, 1 (P. Wilson); Marist T 0 A strong team from Sunnyside, irv eluding nine Canterbury representatives, wild arrive here to-morrow mormng to try conclusions with the Hospital team at Porirua at 3 p.m. the same day. The team comprises: Knowles J. J " ck £°U Gould. R. Johnson, H. Johnson R Eer crip W Bond B. Duncan C. elements, W.’ Mizen, A. Gibson, and G. Browning, the reserves being Jackson, Hughes an Kearn. Tho visitors will return south on Wednesday evening. GAMES IN OTHER CENTRES NELSON. (BY Telegraph—special correspondent.) Nelson, May 10. Athletic 3, Thistle 1; Redwoods 2, Wanderers 2. „„„„„„ CHRISTCHURCH. By Telwiiai- • ssnruyioN. Christchurch, May 10. Nomads G, Rangers 1: Sunnyside 0, Thi.stlo 0; Kaiapoi 3, Villa 1; Western2, Y.M.C.A. 0. DTJ jj EDIN By Telegraph—Press Association. Dunedin, May Tt. Mornington 1. Old Boys 1 ; SenclilY 6, Southern 2; Kaitangata 2, Maori Hill I; Northern 0, Taieri 1. FLEET TEAM V. AUCKLAND A BRILLIANT EXHIBITION By Telegraph— Association. Auckland, May It. Tho association match, the Fleet versus Auckland, provided a brilliant exposition of the code. Over 500 were present at the Domain, including tho Right Hon. W. F. Massey. The game resulted in a draw, but on the whole the play of the naval men was superior. Auckland had the best of the opening exchanges, but the sailors, playing one back upfield, upset the local attack. Wilcox opened with a clever goal for the Fleet. Not long afterwards Dacro equalised, and another goal by Humphreys gave Auckland a lead at half-time. In the second spell the visitors dominated the play, making more use of their right wing (Glynn), who was always dangerous, and is the best outside right seen here for many yearn. The Navy drew level by a goal from Cox, and Auckland took the lead again per medium of Humphreys, but a second goal by Cox equalised. A great game finished without further score. CANADIANS IN SYDNEY METROPOLITAN MATCH DRAWN VISITORS GIVE GOOD DISPLAY (Rec. May 11. 5.5 p.m.) Sydney, May 11. The Canadian Soccer team played a scoreless draw with Metropolitan, in the presence of 20,000 people. From the commencement of the match, the visiting backs outclassed the locals, while their forwards had 75 per cent. of tho play. Cartwright was constantly peppered at the net by the visitors, but he executed a number of fine saves. Mosher, tho Canadian goalie, was called on to do little work, and always had ample room in which to move. Although the visitors failed fo secure a victory, their display undoubtedly stamps them as a team knowing how to play the Association game.—Press Assn.

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Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 194, 12 May 1924, Page 11

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ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 194, 12 May 1924, Page 11

ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 194, 12 May 1924, Page 11