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SALE of SALES! nAtmcMrnc P- «r COMMENCES COMMENCES f',£?^..T±&uai y .£ .. >«> r„. P .. y ’ merits at a big saving. HTT IT IT? ST*) AV HTMT TD’s’D A V ‘Jt with nerfect confidence select their requirements by post. Our 1 FIU AOL/n.X 1 rIUKOU/lY Country time and thought over the choice you ask for as ' mail order 8 , f Remember that “Cash with order and money willingly refunded — w-t-nt} 7°" 7° U rfe y c°dv satisfied" our strict and only method of business. MORNIinG IVTORNIInG w, P= rf «tly , £] i j but, on a n orders under this amount, ~ Receipt. . . . Doors Open 10 a.m. Doors Open > 0 a»m. Orders are executed in rotation as received. * , n ppcc COODS II Summer Frocks etc MILLINERY Manchester Goods At give away prices Show Drastic Reduction at Half Price Buy them at once HNE SPONGE CLOTH-h CLOTH—White ground, col- London tailored. Va®| ns ’ SALE PRICE 2/6 Our friends would be well adoured kno / ALE V p^ e CE 3 {^ y(1 . S A A SSAM SILK CO Z S REALLY SMART READY-TO- vised to fill their household re- , o . cpnwrr ri OTH—Artificial 46/12/6 WEARS—Comprising the sea- quirements now, as prices will 39in. SPONG rn l nlir « TUMES— PPICF £2/19/6 son’s straws and colourings; be advanced considerably within silk stripes, pretty colours. , S A £2/19/6 trim med with soft Satin Rib- the next month or so. Value 4/- LONDON TAILOKLU LIINE.IN Trails and Posv SALE PRICE 2/6 yd. COSTUMES—Smart long coats, Value 25/’ to 35/- MEDIUM WIGAN TWILL WHITE 38in. SPONGE CLOTH—Black Grey or Brown. Value £4/15/- SALE PRICE 9/11 SHEETING—Very satisfactory ground, white stripes and SALE PRICE £2/19/6 jcimfct CIIIAI ITY CREME LEG- II • in wear. 54in. Value 2/9 checks. Value 4/6 LADIES' COLOURED SPONGE FI H O RNS-Ltee7u™r?m wiih SALE PRICE 1/11 yard SALE PRICE 2/11 yd. CLOTH SKIRTS—VaIue 27/6 HORNS Lined un 38in. SPONGE CLOTH—Grey - SALE PRICE 7/6 d jainlilv with Silk and SALE PRICE 2/8 yard with black stripes and checks. WHITE GABERDINE SKIRTS— d R y finishing with 80in. Value 3/11 Value 5/11 , Two pockets, self belt. Value r/sT Cabachons Hower Trails, SALE PRICE 2/11 yard SALE PRICE 2/11 yd. 12/6 SALE PRICE 4/11 R J Value to 45/- 56in. UNBLEACHED ALL-LINEN 40in. FINE FRENCH SPONGE PRETTY STRIPED COTTON and PoBles - V?lu / 4>/ jrjsh table damask . Value CLOTH—Metal check, newest FROCKS — White grounds; 4/11 SALE PRICE 3/11 yard . colours. Value 7/6 rucked at sides; long-waisted. FINE MEXICAN TWILL UNSALE PRICE 3/11 yd. Value 10/- SALE PRICE 7/6 7 TT J ' BLEACHED SHEETING—Pure 40in. CEPEA SERGE—Light col- O.S. 1/- extra. Ladies UnderClOtning make; wears well. 54in. Value our check and stripes. Fast DARK FOULARD DESIGN COT- . 2 / 9 SALE PRICE 2/3 yard colours. Value 2/9 TON FROCKS — Novelty A,. -x' PffCpd 80in. Value 3/11 SALE PRICE 1/-yd. . Btripe3 . Value 10/6 AttfaCtlVCiy FriCCU SALE PRICE 3/6 yard 37in. STRIPED BRITISH CREPES SALE PRICE 5/11 . HEAVY HERRING-BONE TWILL —Value 2/11 Extra size 1/- extra. LADIES’ WHITE COTTON UNBLEACHED SHEETINGSALE PRICE 1/- yd. PLAIN AND CHECKED VOILE CHEMISE VESTS—No sleeves. Soft finish> w j t hout filling. 30in. JAP. CREPES—Large FROCKS—VaIue 29/6 Value 2/9 54in. Value 2/1 1 variety of stripes. Value 1/9 SALE PRICE 12/6 SALE PRICE 2 for 3/11 SALE PRICE 2/6 yard SALE PRICE 1/- yd. SELF-COLOURED LINEN LADIES’ WHITE COTTON 70in. Value 3/11 38in. SPONGE CLOTH, BASKET FROCKS—With Collars. Value CHEMISE VESTS—PIain top. SALE PRICE 3/6 yard WEAVE STRIPE—In Helio., 27/6 SALE PRICE 19/6 Value 2/9 each. 80in. Value 4/9 Lemon, Apricot, Blue, Rose. SMART AFTERNOON CREPE SALE PRICE 2 for 3/11 SALE PRICE 3/9 yard Value 2/3 DE CHENE FROCKS—New LADIES’ 42in. LONG WHITE 541 n. HEAVY BLEACHED IRISH SALE PRICE 1/- up styles, in Creme Champagne, COTTON VESTS —Value 2/9 TABLE DAMASK—Good de36in. PRINTED PE LAINETTE— Fuschia, Fawn. Value 65/- eac h. SALE PRICE 2 for 3/11 8i Value 3/9 In dark colours. Value 2/3 to 7 gng . SALE PRICE 49/6 EXTRA QUALITY WHITE COT- SALE PRICE 2/6 yard SALE PRICE 1/6 yd. . DRESSY CREPE DE CHENE TON CHEMISE VESTS—VaIue 2 7-28 in. CHECK ZEPHYRS—AII 40in. DAINTY PRINTED VOILES FROCKS—Becoming styles, in 4/5 SALE PRICE 3/8 each colours, and including a few —Light Colours. Berry de- Saxe, Nigger, Biscuit, New LADIES’ CREAM FUGIETTE plain colours. Value 1/3 yard, signs. Value 2/6 „ Brown, Mole. Value £3/19/6. BLOOMERS —Just like silk. SALE PRICE 101 d. yard SALE PRICE 1/6 yd. to £9/9/- Value 8/6 SALE PRICE 4/11 36in- UNCRUSHABLE DRESS 38in. BRITISH CRIMPOLENE— SALE PRICE £2/19/6 O.S. size (/-extra. 'LINENS—Latest art colourings. New Oriental designs. Value JERSEY ART SILK FROCKS —In LADIES’ BLACK ITALIAN Flame, Lemon, Light Brown, 2/6 i, SALE PRICE 1/6 yd. Black, Copper, Jade, Gold, Nig- CLOTH BLOOMERS —Made White, Orange, Moss Green. 38in. PRINTED FLORAL VOILES ger. Value 72/6 to 79/9 from splendid Government Value 4/6 and 4/9 yard. —Dark colours. Value 3/11 SALE PRICE 39/6 material. Value 8/6 SALE PRICE 2/11 yard SALE PRICE 1/11 yd. PRETTY EVENING FROCKS— SALE PRICE 4/1 1 36in. SCHOOLGIRL CAMBRICS 37in. RICH SILKY COTTON j n Radium Lace and Crepe de O.S. s ; zes \/ . extra. —Fast colours; all newest tones. FOULARDS —New stripes and Chene; London models. Apri- LADIES’ NIGHTDRESSES — Value 1/41 florals. Value 2/11 co t, Flame, Saxe, Jade. Value Square and round neck; long SALE PRICE 11 Jd. yard SALE PRICE 1/11 yd. £5/12/6 to £6/6/- , sleeves; trimmed insertion and 26-7 in. NURSERY FLANNEL42in. COTTON CASHMERE— SALE PRICE £3/19/6 embroidery. Value 11/- ETTE. Value lljd. yard. Pink and Grenat. Value 2/11 ALL-WOOL STRIPED COAT- SALE PRICE 8/6 SALE PRICE 8/11 dozen SALE PRICE 1/11 yd. FROCKS—Grey ground. Value NOVELTY FRENCH KNICKERS 35i„. WHITE TWILL NIGHT40in. SELF-COLOUR BRITISH 21 /_ SALE PRICE 12/6 —Elastic waist; trimmed Vai. DRESS FLANNELETTE—Quite CREPES—Soft finish; 11 col- STRIPED GABERDINE COAT- L ace an d Embroidery. Value free f rom filling. Value 1/10 ours. Value 3/6 FROCKS —Smartly tailored, for 6/H SALE PRICE 4/11 SALE PRICE 1 /5J yard SALE PRICE 1/11 yd. morning wear. Value 35/- LADIES’ DAINTY CAMISOLES — 36in. CREAM WINCEYETTE — SALE PRICE 25/6 \j and square neck; trimmed Value 1/10 —, , f , T , Also in O.S’. at 4/- extra. Wire Vai. Insertion and Em- SALE PRICE 1/3 yard Ftirnishinp' Lines WOOL GABERDINE AND FINE broidery. Value 4/9 SINGLE bed printed bed-. 1 Ulll SUITING SERGE COAT- SALE PRICE 3/6 SPREADS—Some slightly imAh Rl/v Q/ivrJt-.rVc- FROCKS—Smartly braided, in LADIES’ PRINT UNDERSKIRTS perfect. Value 9/11 each. Al Dig Davingb Navy, Nigger, Grey, Mole. —Frilled. Value 6/6 SALE PRICE 5/11 each „ A „ Value £3/3/-, £3/10/- SALE PRICE 3/11 STOUT BROWN TURKISH 36in. AEROPLANE WING FAB- SALE PRICE'39/6 LADIES’FLORAL CRIMP DRESS- TOWELS—2I x43in. Dark RlC—Cream only; wonderful WHITE VOILE BLOUSES—Em- ING JACKETS—In pretty jazz ground. Value 4/11 strength. Just like Assam silk. broidered front, scalloped edge. design. Value 8/6 SALE PRICE 3/11 pair Value 3/6 Value 14/6 ° SALE PRICE 6/11 WHITE TURKISH SEMDBATH SALE PRICE 2/3 yd. SALE PRICE 7/6 LADIES’ JAP. CREPE KIMONAS TOWELS—26 x 50. Dark 44in. BALLOON CLOTH—Cream JERSEY ART. SILK JUMPERS, —Handsomely hand-embroid- borders. Value 7/6 only; fine and light as silk, for —ln all new shades. Value 35/- ered back and sleeves. Value SALE PRICE 5/11 pair Curtains, Underwear, etc. SALE PRICE 19/6 25/6 SALE PRICE 18/6 FINLAY’S LINEN-FINISH TWILL Value 2/11 ’ STYLISH COAT-FROCKS. FINE LADIES’ REAL TUSSORE SILK SHEETING—Pure finish; 54in. SALE PRICE 1/9 yd. SERGES AND GABERDINES— BLOOMERS—EIastic knee and Value 3/9 30in CRETONNE—New patterns, Smartly trimmed, new wide waist. Value 7/11 f SALE PRICE 2/11 yard good colourings; strong, ser- sleeves. Navy, Nigger, and SALE PRICE 6/6 80in. Value 4/1 1 viceable cloth; guaranteed Mole. Value £4/10/- WOMEN’S WHITE WOVEN COT- SALE PRICE 3/11 yard washing. Value 1/9 SALE PRICE £3/9/6 TON BLOOMERS —Elastic top 70in. ALL-LINEN SATIN TABLE SALE PRICE 1/3 yd.. ALL-WOOL GABERDINE COAT- and bottom. Value 3/- DAMASK —Warranted quite en;_ SHADOW TISSUE Neat FROCKS—PIain styles, large SALE PRICE 2 pairs for 4/6 pure. Value 6/11 30m. SHADOW. TISSUE—Neat V alue 59/6 SMALL LADIES’ CREAM COT- SALE PRICE 5/6 yard small hard-weann o SALE PRICE 29/6 TON CHEMISE VESTS—VaIue 2 2-22 in. ALL-LINEN SATIN cloth. Value3/Il , LADIES’SELF-COLOURED FUGI 2/6 each DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS—PRINTED CASFMFNT SILK BLOUSES—With striped SALE PRICE 2 for 2/6 A great snip. Value 12/6 and 3 CIOTH All over natterns- collars. Value 21/- LADIES’ LONG-SHAPED WHITE 1 7/6 per idoz. CLOTH—AII-over P at^ rns - SALE PRICE 15/6 COTTON VESTS—VaIue 6/6 SALE PRICES 9/11 & 13/6 f/71vd SALE PRICE 1/4 vd LADIES’ STRIPED TRICOLINE SALE PRICE 2/11 perjdoz. 49' PI AIN FDCF MADRAS BLOUSES—Rever or high col- LADIES’ WHITE COTTON 11/4 DOUBLE BED HONEYCHEMISE VE3TS-V.IU. 2/- “MB check deaign; s«at value. rDPPP ' ' ' SALE PRICE 2 tor 1 /11 BI ” P 'sALE U PRICE 10/11 each Value I/- LADIES’ COLOURED CREPE 35in FINE HOUSEHOLD LONG4ft. PT IN L NFT R!< q E DE CHENE JUMPERS—FuII 1 CLOTH — Useful every-day 40in. CURTAIN NET Smart new three-quarter sleeve; beauti- TJ , T AW7 cloth. Value Hid. ' designs, for Casement or large fully embroidered. Dainty- HOSICfV OCCIIOn> LOW SALE PRICE 9Jd. yard scalloped edge Value co l OU rs. Value 29/6 _ . 35- FAMILY LONGCLOTH—--49 7 ECRU PLA y iN SALE PRICE 17/6 P f L eS BtlV tO-CUv and finished soft, for <O rn r C T niDTAiM Ee Z P V N NAVY ALL-WOOL SERGE COS- FriCCb* UUy IU way children’s wear. FILET CURTAIN NET—Very TUMES—Lined, braided. Value Value 1/3 strong, double thread both 69 / 6 SALE PRICE 39/6 LADIES’BLACK COTTON HOSE SALE PRICE IOJd. yard ways. Value 2/3 Seamless. Value 1/10 pair. ppypTIAN LONGCLOTH — SALE PRICE 1/9 yd. FINE NAVY SUITING COSTUME SALE PRICE 2 pairs for 2/6 llling, and finished •Wool-growers are delighted at —Value 4gns. LADIES’ BLACK COTTON . , , nec dl e . Value 1/6 the phenomenal rise in prices of SALE PRICE £3/7/6 CASHMERE-FINISH HOSE— SALE PRICE 1/- yard wool. This means prosperity to SMART COLOURED GABER- Seamless. Value 2/3 pair. . SUPERFINE LONGCLOTH the Dominion, but it also means DINE COSTUMES— Clearing SALE PRICE 2 pairs for 2/11 J _R eau tiful even weave, and dearer Blankets and Flannel. j n one ] o t, including Mo e, LADIES’ BLACK CASHMERE g remarkable wear. Value Careful buyers are laying in their £B/19/6; Grey, £7/7/-; Nut HOSE—AII wool; seamless. } g A £g PRICE 1/4 yard i stocks now before the manufac- Brown, £7/10/6; Beaver, Value 3/3 pair. a. a',; HEAVY PILLOW turers advance their prices. £7/15/- SALE PRICE 2 pairs for 3/11 ' c A | ICO—Pure and free from Medium Crossbred Wool has ad- SALE PRICE ALL £4/19/6 ] ADIES’ BLACK ALL-WOOL v»l,ie 1/3 vanced since last February from STEEL GREY COATING SERGE HOSE—Seamless. Value 3/6 PRICE IOJd. yard 9Jd. to 1/6 per lb. COSTUMES — Pockets and ROYS’ GOVERNMENT SERGE ALL PURE WOOL WHITE belt, plain style. Value £3/10/- PRICE 2 pairs for 4/11 B %oß’fS-Guaranteed pure InCOLONIAL BLANKETS-Only ' SALE PRICE £2/12/6 LADIES’ BLACK CASHMERE SFl ° Endless wear. Size 2 the best makes. SINGLE BED: LADIES’ PLEATED TWEED HOSE-All wool; fashioned d ’ g ,°3 v a aa 8/6 Values 33/6, 42/6, 39/6, 47/6 SKIRTS-All latest styles. 7/6 pair and 3 ’ sS PRICE 4/11 pair P air - Value 18/6 ; 0 SALE PRICE 4/6 pair 4 j 5 Value 10/6 SALE PRICES 28/6, 35/6, SALE PRICE 13/11 LADIES’COTTON HOSE—Seam- SALE PRICE 5/11 pair nrvmrf nrn 33/ v’| 39;6 h7M LADIES’ NAVY BLUE ALL- less; Black, White Mastic, Sizes 6 and 7. Value 12/6 VaUeS 57/6, WOOL SERGE SKIRTS—VaIue Grey, Putty. Value 3/- pair SALE PRICE 6/11 pair 59^ 6 .’,l e, /z. 22/6 SALE PRICE 12/6 SALE PRICEE 2/3 pair Sizes 8 and 9. Value 14/6 SALE PRICES 49/6, 51/6, / LADIES’ MERCERISED LISLE SALE PRICE 7/11 pair LADIES’ GABERDINE RAIN- HOSE—Seamless; Black, Mole, And in all sizes up to 17. Rise BROWN GOVERNMENT ARMY COATS—In Fawn or Grey, Beaver, Tan. Value 3/9 pair. ir# BLANKETS—Hard wearing and new shape . Value 55/- SALE PRICE 2/9 pair ~ z G P overnmcnt BLACK ITALserviceable, for beach week- SALE PRICE 42/6 LAD'ES’ ART. SILK HOSE— ]a kj CLOTH—Splendid for end, bush rugs, etc.; 90 x 60in. LADIES’ CRASH COATS—Smart "Non-ladder.”’ Tan only. ear Va]ue 4/6 Val ” SALE PRICE y/n each S /lE MCE 25/6 V ‘'"' 3/11 pal. ' SALE PRICE 2/6 ■ qq W hi

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Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 104, 28 January 1924, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 104, 28 January 1924, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 104, 28 January 1924, Page 3