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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Averv who has been visiting her sisters, the Misses Perry, at Seatoun. will leave to-day on her return to Hawke’s Bay. Miss G. K. Marshall has been appointed) assistant teacher at Porirua and Miss B. Gourlay at Qtaki. Mr. and Airs. Skevingtqn, their son Leslie, and Mr. B. Merrin (Tinwald, Canterbury), passed through Wellington last week on their way to Auckland. where they join the Remuera for England. Mrs. C. Prendergast Knight, after visiting her daughter. Mrs. Erie Lees, at “Branscombe,” Akitio, has returned to Wellington to meet Miss Beatrice Knight, who is arriving from England early in December. A novelty in the Arbitration Court yesterday was the appearance of Miss E. E. On gley as an applicant for the transfer of a compensation case to the Palmerston North sittings. She made the application in a clear voice, and her request was granted. The Misses E. and K. Clarke, who are leaving Masterton shortly, were entertained by Mr. and Airs. J. Allan, at Lansdowne, off Monday evening, when members of the Masterton Park Tennis Club and the Winter. Sports Club gathered together to bid them farewell. After supper had been served Air. Allan expressed the regret that was felt at the forthcoming departure of their guests, who were keen and energetic members of the clubs. Miss E. Clarke, who is leaving for America, was presented with a silver manicure set, and Aliss K. Clarke with a silver cruet and a bread fork. A very enjoyable dance was given by Airs. A. Lev}’, the Terrace, for Aliss Francie Isaacs, of Melbourne, at the Art Gallery, Whitmore Street, on Saturday evening. About 80 guests assembled and danced to excellent music provided by Braunds orchestra. The hostess was gowned in black with jet trimming, whilst Aliss Isaacs wore a gown of black filet lace with geld tissue trimmings. At supper toasts were honoured, and midnight brought the happy gathering to a close. At St. Paul’s, Knightsbridge, on October 11. the wedding took place, of Air Cecil Afarmaduke Pickthall and Mrs. Charlotte Alary Perkins. The bridegroom is the son of the late Air. W. AL Pickthall and Mrs. Pickthall /formerly of Dartmouth, Devon, and Ceylon), and th* bride is one of tho daughters of .Sir Harold Beauchamp, and tlm widow of Lieut.-Colonel J. C. C. Perkins. D. 5.0., Indian Army. Tho bride was given away by Sir Charles Greenway, and the choral service was performed bv Prebendarv Leith Boyd, Mrs. Pickthall wore a dress of deep fawn georgette, with a coatee of heavy lace to match, bordered with brown fur. and from her large hat of brown velvet was draped a lace veil. Alastor Paul Greenway, who acted as page, was in a suit of brown velvet opening over a yellow skirt. Tho three bridesmaids were the Alisses Rosemary and Lavender Masefield and Aliss Morva Hunter, who wore frocks of shot pink dud gold taffetas, and wreaths of shaded velvet flowers, with which their posies corresponded. Tho best man was Mr. Philip Oddie,, The final meeting of the Central Committee of tho National Memorial Military Chapel was held at Airs. It. H. Hunter’s. Willis Street, on November 22. The secretary, in her report, referred io the various activities of the committee, which included a jumble sale, a sale of cakes, etc., selling of nastcards and stamps, and two garden parties, the first held by tho kind oermission of Mrs. Hunter, at her liomo. and the other in the Wellington Bowling Club grounds, generously lent bv the club. The treasurer reported that £4OO bad been raised by the committee and helpers in the last two years, of which £l7O 10s. 6d. had been collected bv Airs. W. G. Brown and Mr. and Airs. Hunter, for a special nurses’ memorial in the military chapel. A vote of thanks was passed to the hostesses who had provided afternoon tea at each meeting, to the various sympathisers who had helped tho committee, to the Rev. Air. Askew for his unfailing help whenever the committee called on him. and to the Press for their kindness. In voicing the sentiments of the committee, one of tho members referred to the fact that although this memorial to those who fell in tho Great War was not yet begun, tho committee realised that in times past many years had generally elapsed betw’een the conception and beginning of many beautiful churches. They looked eagerly forward to the time when this wonderful national memorial would stand on the site that had been obtained. The wedding was solemnised at Wesley Church last Wednesday afternoon, tlie Rev. C. Eaton officiating, of Aliss Gwen Evans, youngest daughter of Airs. E. Evans, Elizabeth Street,, to Air. Henry Renata Clayton, only son of Air. anil Airs. Clayton, of Gisborne. The bride, who was given away by" Mr. IT. Oscar Hewitt, wore a gown of shell pink brocaded satin, trimmed with pink pearls and draped on oi e side with cluster of silver posies. A veil arranged in a mobcap fashion with coronet of orange blossom Was worn, and she carried a shower bouquet of roses, carnations, and sweet peas. Aliss Eleanora Gecre-W.ntson was maid of honour, and wore a frock of shot apricot with long waisted bodice of embossed velvet in a deeper shade. Her liat was of black silk French chemdle iecc, with jet and ospreys, Aliss Ray i Bond (niece of tho bride) was bridesI maid, and wore a frock of maize do • soio and black hat trimmed with maize ribbon and apricot posies. They carried bouquets of cream and apricot coloured roses. Two flower girls, Zoe Tocker a»d Gwen Evans also attended the bride, wearing frocks or organdie embroidered muslin and pink ribbons. Mr. .Tack Curtis was best man, and Air. E. F. Guy groomsman. The service, was fully choral. Mr. 11. Temple White officiated at tho organ. The reception was afterwards held in Wesley Hall, where tho usual toasts were honoured.

Wedding at Moawhango. A wedding of much interest ,to a wide circle of friends, was celebrated at Aloawhango on AVcduesday afternoon last, wlien Aliss Edith Oiroa. Batiey, daughter of Airs. R. T. Batley, of Aloa-whango, was married to Air. W. H.' Guinmer, of Auckland. 'The ceremonv took place in the private chapel on the Batley grounds, near to the homestead, which had been beautifully decorated for the, occasion with flowers and foliage. The vicar of St. Alargaret’s, Taihapo, officiated, and the chapel was filled with guests, many of whom had arrived from the East’ and West Coasts. Air. Henrieks, the organist of St. Alargaret’s, played tlie wedding music. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. G. W. Batley, 'wore a gown of ivory satin •jharmante, trimmed with clusters of silver ’lowers, and draped at the sides. Tlie tullo veil was caught to the head with spraj’s ci orange blossoms, and two little children, Kcwpie Smith and Dudley Chambers, carried the long train ef . silk net relieved with silver. A necklace of seed pearls, tlie gift of the tridegroc tn, was also worn, and she carried a bouquet of lilies and other Howers. In attendance as matron of honour was Airs. Alaurico Chambers, of Havelock North, sister cf tlm bride, who wore a frock of mauve satin charmante with panels of mauve and silver lace, and niauve hat trim ned with flowers to tone. Her bouquet was of mauve and pink The two children were dressed in Kate Greenaway fashion, pink and mauve being the colours chosen. The best man was the bridegroom’s brother, Air. R. A. Guromqr. Airs. R. 'J'. Batley, tho bride’s mother, -wore a frock of amethyst satin and toque of lilac flowers and ribbon. Her bouquet was of crimsom flowers fastened with (amethyst ribbon. Aliss G. Gummer, the bridegroom’s sister" was in a i:wk of almond green niarocain, with Oriental trimming, and hat to match; Airs. Whiti Batley wore Alary-blue erejx? do chine, uidiped with grey lace, a black hat and grey lace cape; Mrs. J. 1 . Batley, blue morocain, with hat to match, and Airs. R. W. Smith, blue inid silver brocade and hat of silver grey lace. Among the large number of guests present were Air. and Airs. Alason Chambers, of Havelock North ; Air. Allan Spence, of Auckland; Air. W. S. Glenn, M.P., and Airs. Glenn; Air., Mrs., and Aliss Gilford Ataiskall; Airs. Christie; Air. and Airs. AV. Duncan, all of AVanganni, Air. R. Vv. Smith, ex-AI.P., for , iVaimarino. A feature of the wedding was the entertaining of tho school children, who bad a largo dining-room to themselves, and a huge cake, as well rs all tlie dainties children love. The bride tiavellbtl in Wiinrtsnmiacia suit of blue anil lawn mfifocain, with blue touched with nasturtium colour*,

Airs. Horace Hunt , left Welliigton yesterday for by the Alaunganui. Airs. Hunt intends to pursue her vocal studies under Aladame d’Alvarez. Aliss G. AlcMullan, 8.A., B.Sc., nt present on the staff of tho Auckland Girls’. Grammar School, has accepted the vacancy on the staff of the New Plymouth Girls’ High Schoo], caused by the return of Miss F. Al. Urquhart, 8.A., to Canada. The Mothers’ Help Division of the AV omen’s National Reserve is holding a jumble sale in the Now Century Hall, Kent Terrace, on Friday (November 30). The sale will begin at six o’clock. Sir Donald aj)d Lady AlcGayin are abbut to bring to a close their visit to the Mother Country, states a London correspondent. They came primarily to see their son, who will shortly be passing out. of Dartmouth and entering tho Royal Navy. They are going back via tho United States, joining tho Tahiti at San Francisco in November. On Saturday afternoon, December 8, a garden fete organised by the National Council of Women (Wellington branch) is to be held in the Prime Afinister’s grounds, Ariki-Toa, Tinakori Road. All kinds of attractions are to be provided, and a particularly pleasant afternoon may be looked for. It is hoped that members of all affiliated societies will make a point ol attending the fete. At Si. Canice’s Church, Darlinghurst, Sydney, on November 21, Air. Hugh AA’ard, jun., son of Mr. Htigh Ward, theatrical manager,, was married to Miss Muriel Holdsworth, ot “Kingella,” Edgecliff, Sydney. A reception was held afterwards at “Belle-, • vuo,” Potts Point, the residence of the bridegroom’s parents. The competition in the Queen Carnival, hold in Greytown, finished on Monday night, when a great number of enthusiasts foregathered at the Town Hall. Here business was good, and at 10 p.m. the evening closed with the following results: —Aliss Ah Duff, 10,977; Airs. L. R. Jury. 10,138; Miss S. Tully, 9767. The amount so far realised is £358 Jis., and next Afonday a concert and dance will be held, and the queen will be officially crowned. The respective committees worked hard az- the creditable total shows. The proceeds go to the fupd for formtug sports grounds in the Alemorial Park, and they should bo second to none in ths AVairarapa. Tho engagement is announced of Miss Margaret Thorp to Air. Arthur Watts, both well known in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in Europe, for their voluntary war relief work for the Society of Friends. Air. AVatts has given five years’ service since tho war in reconstruction work in France, Poland, and Russia. Miss Thorp, who toured Now Zealand, about 18 months or two years ago, in the interests of the Russian Famine-Relief Fund, is in charge of the welfare work at Anthony Hordern’s, Sydney. A soap for sensitive skins. Castilevor Soap combines tho soothing purity of Olive Oil with the fragrance of sweet violets. It keeps the complexion clear oven under trying circumstances, and is specially recommended tor delicate skins. —Advt. Wo have pleasure in ndvising you that, owing to pressure of business, we have been obliged to secure larger, more central and more up-uo-date premises for the convenience cf our clients. In our new salons, Indies are assured of tho strictest confidence and privacy, and can at all times depend upon tho ability and courtesy of our professional staff; who will he m attendance at 63 Willis Street (under the Ambassador) on and after December 1. 1923. Stamford and Co., hairworkers and toilet specialists, 123 Cuba Street. —Advt. Puritv in soap is as essential as purity in food. When yon use an inferior Soap you. rub dangerous impurities into the. nores of the skin. Use McClinton’s, the only genuine Barilla. —Advt. Weddings to bo artistic, must hare Bouquets to with frocks. Miss Murray, 36 Willis Street. Deliveries anywhere in Dominion. —Advt. i

Wedding at Feilding. Beautifiil weather prevailed for the wedding of Miss Catherine lissey Lovett, daughter of Air. and Airs. C. A. J. Levett, of Feilding, to Mr. Robert Alackenzie AVatson, S AL, of Feilding, son of Air. .uid Mrs. "William AVatsoii, The Terrace, Wellington, telegraphs our- Feilding correspondent. The ceremony look place at St. John’s Anglican Church, the Rev. Petrie officiating. Tlie bride, who was given away by her father, wore a beautiful gown of pale, pink sr.tin niarocain, made with flowing lace sleeves, and drajied at one side, where it was finished with a largo silver and crystal ornament. The veil was of pale pink tulle, held in place with orange blossoms, and she carried a beautiful bouquet of paio pink mses and maiden-hair fern. Two small bridesmaids, Elizabeth Frater and Diana Hill (of Wellington), niece of the bridegroom, were m attendance, both wearing pretty crepe do chine dresses with frilled skirts, one <4 palo blue and tho ether of pale mauve, finished with silver butterfly sashes, touched with pale bine a’.d mauve. The bridegroom was artendod by Dr. Robert Stout, of Wellington, Mis. Lovett, the mother of the bride, wore black georgette with overdress and cape of lace and fur wrap, with hat I to match. She carried a bouquet of scarlet flowers. Airs. AA’illiam AA atson, motlier of the bridegroom, wore a navy coat frock and floral hat. There were about two hundred guests, who were entertained at a i eception held at the home of the bride’s parents. The going-away costume was a fawn three-piece suite with braided coat and hat to match

Airs. E. J- Gravestock arrived in Auckland from Sydney last week with lifer daughters Betty and Joan, and has ioined her husband at Napier, where Afadame Lydia Lipkovska is at present giving concerts.

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Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 54, 28 November 1923, Page 2

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WOMAN’S' WORLD Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 54, 28 November 1923, Page 2

WOMAN’S' WORLD Dominion, Volume 18, Issue 54, 28 November 1923, Page 2