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WATERSIDE STILL LEADING THISTLE DEFEATED BY KARORI FIRST TEST MATCH IN AUSTRALIA The New Zealand Soccer team played the first Test match of the Australian tour on Saturday, and justified the opinion held of its merits over here, although it lost by 2 goals to 1. In the local championship games, Waterside only defeated Y.M.C.A. by the narrowest margin, and Karori beat the redoubtable Thistle team. Rather late in the game Welgasco gave a proof of their merits against Diamonds, but otherwise the latter had things pretty well their own way. Institute and Scottish Wanderers maintain their places at the head of Senior B list. ♦ The following were the results of the senior games:— SENIOR A DIVISION z Waterside 1 Y.M.C.A. Diamonds 4 Welgasco 2 Karori 4 Thistle 3 SENIOR B DIVISION Institute 7 Swifts 1 Scottish Wanderers 5 Y.M.C.A. 1 Brooklyn 2 Island Bay 0 S. Wellington 0 Porirua 0

i position of the senior teams in the championship are as follow:— SENIOR A.



There was a good muster of spectators to witness the Y.M.C.A.-Water-siders match at Association Park It was a very interesting game, and at times full of excitement. Y.M.C.A. turned out a strong team and quite extended the champions. Porteous was missing from his customary position, being displaced by Varrill. The weather was perfect when the teams lined as followsY.M.C. A.—Tarrant, Baker, McGirr Rarity, Atkinson, Pearson, Smith, Phillips, Trott, Hindmarsh and Bosher. Watersiders. — Varrill, Ingham. Jackson, Bell; Jones, Irvine, Brown. Palmer, Anton, Gilbertson and Paterson. y Y.M.C.A. won the toss and Watersiders. with the sun in their eyes, kicked off towards the Newtown end. Play was even during the opening stages, and it was soon seen that the “Triangles” were out to. put up a stubborn fight. Early on Phillips, by clever work, eent Smith way, and he put in a beautiful centre across, only to see Ingham clear in. fine style and set the Watersiders going. 'When dangerous. McGirr handled just outside the penalty area. Irvine took the kick but sent behind. It was a great chance lost. The Y.M.C.A. forward? were combining welh Trott was distributing the ball finely, and Bell, Jones and Irvine found their opponents very hard to hold, but with Jackson and Ingham kicking well, Varrill was rarely {troubled. Watersiders took a hand in attacking, and only fine work by McGirr kept them out. Shots by Brown, Jones and Paterson all came near, and Tarrant dealt with them in good style. Anton, Palmer and Gilbertson were all working hard, the first-named sending in numerous shots without any luck. Fine work by Trott and Hindmarsh gave Bosher a great chance, but he finished with a weak shot, which went be-

hind. McGirr at back was playing a great game, repeatedly saving his side, although sometimes he was lucky with his clearances. Watersiders’ goal had a narrow escape, as Smith, Worn a nice pass from Phillips, sent in a great shot, the ball dropping on the back of the net. Tire ’ next minute Trott handled when nearly through. Bosher and Smith both sent behind when well placed, and at the other end a great drive by Anton narrowly misseu. A pretty bit .of work by Palmer saw Anton break through, but McGirr bv sheer weight knocked him off the ball. Y.M.C.A. got away, and Jackson, with a fine screw kick, brought relief. - Brown, Palmer and Anton all tried shots, but found Tarrant in good form. A free kick taken by Jones went very close. Smith next sent across a perfect centre, which Hindmarsh and Bosher both missed—an easy chance. Palmer, by tricky work, passed the ball across the centre, and Anton sent in a lovely drive, the ball just skimming the crossbar. . The Waterside forwards were shooting more often than the Y.M.C.A. vanguard, and sheer bad luck kept them from scoring. Bell put across a lovely corner, but Tarrant cleared. There was no score at half-time. Watersiders came away from the kick-off, and Paterson sent a beautiful shot over the bar. Y.M.C.A. at the other end found Ingham very safe, and next minute offside play by Trott spoilt a good shot. Gilbertson next forced McGirr to give a corner when hard, pressed. Paterson put across nicely, and the ball came out to Bell who slammed in a kreat shot, which Tarant brought down. McGirr, with Anton and Palmer on top of him, just got his foot to it in Hie nick of time and cleared. A free kick against Jones gave McGirr a chance, but he sent behind. Anton next broke through, and although hampered by Baker, sent in a shot which . just graced the upright with Tarrant well beaten. It was a narrow squeak. McGirr the next minute robbed Palmer just in time. Bell got Brown away, and from his cross over Gilbertson nearly scored, the ball hitting the side net. Atkinson then sent Trott through and Jackson robbed him in good style.

Varrill Brought off the save of the match, a long shot from Pearson being dealt with in great style. Time was creeping on and still no score, and the spectators were getting excited. Jones, from midfield, sent a long pass out to Brown, who sent in a great ehot, which was entering the left-hand corner when Tarrant pushed it out. Gilbertson and Paterson were there, and the latter shot, but the ball struck Gilbertson and bounded out; to the right. Palmer, coming in fast, shot hard and true, the ball entering the goal well out of Tarrant’s reach. The play 'became fast and furious from one end to the other. A corner to Watersiders, well placed by Bell, saw Anton miss. Anton deserved to 'score, and. had real hard luck on several occasions. Smith, towards the finish, had two chances, but instead of sending across sent behind. Just as the whistle was sounding time Gilbertson was through, but shot over, and so ended an interesting game, Watersiders, 1; Y.M.C.A. 0. Mr. F. Campbell was referee. McGirr was the best .back on th© field and Smith. Trott, Phillips and Hindmarsh the best of the Y.M.C.A. forwards. Varrill did well in the Waterside citadel, and Jackson and Ingham were a tower of strength.

DIAMONDS V. WELGASCO. Newtown Park' was in a very greasy condition. especially near the goalmouth. and occasionally unexpected exhibitions of gymnastics were given by players on both sides. Bell took Ouinnell’s place in tho Welgasco team. Welgasco kicked off, and the Diamonds got busy early, they conceded a comer. Shortly afterwards Crundwell, who had a tendency to get offside very often, shot a fino goal, touching the corner of the crossbar and upright and going right-in. The ball was again rushed up bv the Dianjonds, who kept ‘knocking at the door,” but their opponents’ goal-keeper was nroof against a number of shots. There were several e«ca.pes through the crossbar and uprights being in the way. At last McLeod. who was playing a nice game, hit the crossbar, which deflected the ball into goal. Soon after Crundwell found the goal, but was given offside. After a short attack, Crundwell made no mistake, and the first' snell ended with the score. 3 to nil. Upon resuming. Diamonds seemed to tiro when Crundwell shot his third goal. The rest of the game was decidedly Welgascos’. who pepnered the goal times out Of number, .but thev bunched together too much. A Quarter of an hour before time "Welgasco put up a great attack, and 'Clitheroe goaled. Another goal was declared no good, on the ground of obstruction, which seemed to consist of charging tho goalie into the nef. when he had possession of th© ball. Undaunted, We] ©asco continued the attack. and scored another goal before time' was called. W’"th the score 4—2 against them. Mr. S. W’lson refereed. Diamonds suffered by the absence of A. McKee; Whnller (in goal). Newnort. Crundwell. and McLead were fl’« host o c the team. For Welgasco. McAtormy (in goal). Blackstock; and Clitheroe were most prominent.

KARORI V. THISTLE. There was'a good muster of spectators nt Ke'burn Park, where the game between Karori and Thistle was full of interest from start to finish. Ewing (Thistle's goalkeeper) gave another great display, and was not in the least to blame for the four goals registered against him. Tavlor. their full-back, gave a "ood account of himself, but he was kent busy hv the speedy Karon forwards, who all played well. Wilkins (centre-forward for Karon) signailed his reappearance by some sparkling runs, finishing a good afternoon s work by registering the fourth, goal The teams were: —Karori. —Stephenson ; Ward, Prince (capt.): Mason, Russell, Bing; Ditchfield, Eton, Wilkins, Muir. Macintyre. Thistle. — Ewing; Cordiner. E. Taylor (capt.); Pearce, Lennox. Reid; Smith, McCaskil. McLellan, W. Taylor, Patterson. Thistle kicked off, and immediately started a nice passing run, which was stopped by Prince. Thistle were soon at- it again. Patterson sending the ball behind. Another good run by Thistle saw the ball go out to Smith, who carried it along the right wing, finishing up with a good shot, which beat Stephenson, thus drawing first blood. After this reverse Karori settled down, their left wing putting in some telling work, in which they were ably supported by Bing, who was feeding his forwards well. A little later Muir shot through, but off-side was granted. Immediately after. Karon claimed a penalty kick for “hands-” in the dreadcd area, but the appeal was not allowed. Karori were keeping the Thistle defence busy at this stage.. A good effort bv Ditchfield went behind. From the goal-line Thistle made for the other end/where a good shot by W. Taylor went behind. Thistle had another try nt Karori’s goal. McLellan missing. Karori were striving hard for the equaliser, and Mason was putting in some great work at half-back. Near ,half-time a corner was granted against Thistle. Macintyre placed the ball right in the goal, where Mason seized the opportunity and headed through,

making the scores one all. The second half opened rather briskly. Wilkins passed to Eton, who slipped past the Thistle half-back. He then transferred to Wilkins, who sent the ball between th© Thistle backs, thus allowing Eton a clear run into goal, of which he availed himself, giving Ewing no chance. Karori, 2; Thistle, 1. After this reverse Thistle put on the pressure, from which they gained a corner, but the ball was sent behind. The ball was kept near the Karori end, however, but Stephenson was dealing well with the Shots. Thistle appealed for a penalty kick, which was granted. Lennox was entrusted with the kick, and he gave the goalkeeper no chance, making the score 2 all This rather took the sting out of Karori, and for a while Thistle dominated the game. However, Russell rallied his men, and sent the ball to Muir, who transferred to Macintyre The last-named ran along the wing nicely, drew the defence, then let go to Eton, who capped a good bit' of work by scoring. Karori, 3; Thistle, 2. Karori were soon at it again, Wilkins evading the goalie with a capital effort. Karori, 4; Thistle, 2. Thistle strove hard to reduce the leeway, and had'the satisfaction of seeing Patterson score a beautiful goal. Time was called soon after, leaving Karori victors by 4 goals to 3. Mr. G. Aers was the referee. Karori are to be congratulated on their win, the whole I team playing well.

SENIOR B DIVISION INSTITUTE V. SWIFTS. Institute were the victors in their match against Swifts, at Association Park, to the tune of seven goals to one. ' As a team, Institute were head and shoulders above their opponents. The display given by Swifts was of a most lifeless character; there being no punch in their attacks, and nc bracing up when put on tho defence. The Institute forwards moved with more cohesion, and swept the board, especially so, in the second half, when five goals were registered. From the kick-off Institute took the scene of action clos'e to the -opposing side’s goal, and in two minutes from the start Calvert had the ball in the net. J. Smith and Maddocks were the men who assisted him to put his side in the lead. ’Ruddle soon after was nailed on and saved two high shots in good style. Swifts for a moment broke the back of the attack, and E. Guise and Reid in a smart run had the Institute backs making strenuous efforts to clear. Davis from a scramble got possession, and made no mistake about equalising. Before the writer’s notebook had closed, a slightly rising ball from Hanson had beaten Ruddle. Institute 2, Swifts 1. On taking the field again both sides in turn developed dangerous attacks, from which only corners resulted. Swifts came near to evening up matters from a hard drive which Burt gathered, and appeared to step backin to goal with, but no goal resulted. After this the Institute forward line played ducks and drakes with the defence, goal after goal being notched, as fast as the forwards could regain Burt’s citadel from the centre. Maddocks scored two in rapid succession, and ere a minute had elapsed Hanson landed a fine one in the net, Jeffrey, at centre-half, -then came through and had a shot which baffled Buddle. Then, to can all. Hanson scored his third goal. The game ended: Institute; 7; Swifts, 1. Mn.Skinley was the referee. SCOTTISH WANDERERS V. v.M.C.A. Tho result of this match was a win for Wanderers, who richly deserved it, for the quality of the play was high throughout the game. Shortly after the kick-off, Wanderers had a try at goal, but a little bit of play in which, one man was tempted to use his hands annulled the goal that “Billy” Nichole shot from the side-line with a neat kick. Nothing daunted, the Wanderers had another try a few minutes later, and this time were successful in scoring, Nichole again taking tho shot. The play was hard and fast, neither side scoring for some time, till Lothian got the ball away through the Y.M.C.A. backs before they were aware what had happened'and with a neat shot, landed another goal. This acted as an incentive for both teams, and some bright play was seen during which time the Y.M.C.A. left-winger did some sterling work. Y.M.C.A. fin. ally managed to clear the .ball, and their forwards pounced on it and were ( away before the Wanderers could stop them, Miles, with a hard shot scoring the only goal his side notched. 'Wanderers were quick to retaliate, and a few minutes later they placed another Koal to their credit, Lothian being the scorer. During the second ihalf the play grew harded and faster, and when Wanderers scored again the spell was about half-way through. Cowan did the good work. A few minutes later, Lothian had another shot, but hit the cross-bar, the ball bouncing back into play, from where it was sent to the corner. Nichole took this, and the ball was goaled by Bradshaw. The game ended with the score in Wanderers favour by 5 goals to 1. Mr. C. Ward was referee. >

SOUTH WELLINGTON V. PORIRUA UNITED. South Wellington were fortunate in not relying upon the train service for reaching their destination (Porirua) on Saturday, but the game was started a little late. The town team won the toss and elected to play downhill. The game opened quietly, Porirua having the best of exchanges in the first spell. The second spell was more exciting, the Porirua forwards putting in two great shots one after the' other, but Gell was very safe. South Wellington took the ball upfield and kept hammering away at the goal fruitlessly. A penalty for “hands” gave them a good scoring chance, but Wilks brought'off a great save. The further kick, which was awarded for the defenders encroaching on the penalty area, mot with a mixed reception from the sideline. Reyling took the kick and drove at the goalie. From now on the excitement increased, but neither side could score. The ground was against any attempt at combined play, for, besides being on the greasy side, it was full of potholes. Mr. F. O’Connel controlled the game, wbidh ended without score.

JUNIOR DIVISION. Diamonds 3, Swifts 2. Dibbs, Dealy, and Lewis scored fjr the winners, and Marriot and Thomas for Swifts. A substitute referee controlled the game in an efficient manner. Waterside 3, Brooklyn 0. A rough game. Hendry (2) and Paile scored. Thistle 5, Island Bay 0. Institute won by default from Petone. Marist 2, Seatoun 1. Waterside 3, Brooklyn 1. THIRD DIVISION Hutt 3, Johnsonville 2. Seatoun 4, Swifts 0Y.M.C.A. 7, Diamonds 0. Karori 4, Institute 2. FOURTH A DIVISION. Island Bay 2, St. Thomas’s 1. A good even game in which the losers lacked finish. Ferkins and Morgan scored for the winners and Connor for the losers. Mr. Gilbert refereed. South Wellington 2, Waterside 0 Seatoun 1, Marist 0. f Institute won by default from Y.M.C.A. The former were on the ground and were annoyed at not receiving notice.

FOURTH B DIVISION Seatoun 2. Hutt 0. Johnsonville 3,‘Diamonds J. Hutcn ings scored for the losers. Wadestown 3, Karori 0. | Marist 5, Institute 4. FIFTH A DIVISION. Wadestown 4, Diamonds 0. Waterside 0, Petone 0. Technical College 3. Seatoun 1, Marist 9, Stop Out 0. Hutt 4, Y.M.C.A. 0. McLellan (2), Shaw, and Clendon coaled. Miramar Rangers 2, Institute 1. FIFTH B DIVISION. Wadestown 4, Diamonds 0. Mahoney (2), Wellwood, and Austin scored. Mr. Douglas refereed. Island Bay 6, Institute 1. St. Patricks 4, South Wellington 0. Gibbs (2), Hurley, and Greig scored. Mr. Colpus refereed. SIXTH DIVISION Marist (T.) i, Hospital 0. O’Connor (2), Englert, and Nattrass scored. Marist (N.) 9, Y.M.C.A. 1. Marshall (6) and Conaun (3) scored for tho winners, and Creighton for the losers. Mr. AV. Auld refereed. Seatoun 2, Technical 1. Mr. W. Auld refereed. Institute 2, Anglican Boys’ Home 0. Lyans and Simmonds scored. Mr. Martin refereed. SEVENTH A DIVISION. Marist, (N.) 1, South Wellington 1. M. Condon scored for Marist and O’Shea for South Wellington. St. Thomas’s 2, St. Peter’s 1, Mr. W. Auld refereed. Seatoun 1, Miramar Rangers 1. St. Patrick’s 3, Stop Out 0. SEVENTH B DIVISION. St. Thomas’s 2. St. Pater’s 0. .Archer scored’for the winners. Mr. Thorpe refereed. Y.M.C.A. 4, Hutt 0. Mr. Adams refereed. Diamonds 6, St. Patrick’s 0. Midland 1, Miramar Rangers 1. Kimbali (scored for Midland and Paterson for Rangers. Karori 5, Central Mission 0. It is alleged that Karori played a boy over age. Mr. Aers refereed. EIGHTH DIVISION. Marist (T.) 4, Institute 0. Marist (N.) A 3, Marist (N.) B 1. Island Bay 5, Y.M.C.A. 0. GAMES ELSEWHERE AUCKLAND.

By Telegraph.— Association'. Auckland, June 10. Ponsonbv 2. Philomel 0; Thistle 2. Brotherhood 1; North Shore 1, Y.M.C.A. 0; Northcote 2, Harbour Board 1. CHRISTCHURCH. Christchurch, June 10. Villa 3. Rangers 1; Ashburton won bv default from Lyttelton; Sunnyside 3. St. Albans 0; Western 1, Thistle, 1. TIMARU. Timaru, June 10. Watersiders 5. beat Rangers 2; Hearts drew with Rovers, one goal each NEW ZEALAND TEAM BEATEN IN FIRST TEST MATCH A SENSATIONAL FINISH (Rec. June 10, 5.5 p.m.) Brisbane, June 9.

The New Zealand Soccer team lost the first test, played in Brisbane, by two goals to one. The Australian team consisted of five New South Welshmen. and six Queenslanders. There was brilliant weather, and five thousand people were present. Australia goaled in five minutes. Braithwaite slipped, letting in the forwards, and Leonard scored. Afterwards Craxton made six fine saves. New Zealand twice nearly scored, and once the goal had arimiraculotis escape from shots by Ballard and Balk, close in. At half-time the score was: Australia, one goal; New Zealand, nil. • In the second half New Zealand improved and quickly equalised, through Dacre. Australia was over-run for fifteen minutes, but its defence prevailed. Then Australia recovered very fast. Even play ensued. There was a sensational finish, a melee in front of Craxton in the last minute of the game ending in Maunder putting on the winning goal.—Press Assn.

■ t fl -U a & S Q m ■ .a O bX fcf OJ .a £ Waterside ... 5 0 0 21 3 10 Hospital .; ... 4 1 0 19 9 8 Diamonds ........ .-... 3 1 2 9 6 8 Y.M.C.A. .i...... 2 2 2 14 11 6 Thistle ... 2 2 1 8 11 5 .... 1 4 1 9 12 3 Marist .... 0 0 3 8 10 3 Welgasco .... 0 4 1 5 29 1 Owing to the suspension of railway traffic on Saturday afternoon the Marist team was •unable to fufil their engagement with .the Hospital team. SENIOR B Institute ... 5 1 0 23 5 10 S. Wanderers .. ... 5 1 0 15 ■ 7 10 S. k Wellington .. ... 4 1 1 16 8 9 I’orirua •'••• ... 3 1 2 9 8 8 Island Bay ... 2 3 1 8 10 5 Brooklyn ......... ... 2 3 ,0 13 8 4 Swifts ... 0 5 0 5 17 0 Y.M.C.A ... 0 5 0 5 29 O

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Dominion, Volume 16, Issue 225, 11 June 1923, Page 5

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ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Dominion, Volume 16, Issue 225, 11 June 1923, Page 5

ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL Dominion, Volume 16, Issue 225, 11 June 1923, Page 5