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N.S.W. LADIES IN FINE FORM MISS LANCE WINS SINGLES AND WINS DOUBLES WITH MRS. LASCELLES BY Telegraph.—Special Corhbspondent. Christchurch, January 20. Much was expected of Miss Macfarlane (Auckland) at the tennis tournariient to-day, but she was beaten by Miss Lanco (Now South Wales). Miss Macfarlane played Miss Howe (Wellington) in the morning, and she simply could not go wrong. In the afternoon, against Miss Lanco, her game was very patchy., She d:d not play nearly so well against the champion as she did when she nigt her in Hastings, apd it is onlv fair to Miss Macfnrlane to say that she was palpably off form. This need not detract from merit of Miss Lance’s performance. She played like a champion throughout, and exhibited wonderful command over the ball. Mrs. Lascelles (New South AV ales), who met Miss Lanco in the semi-final, put up a very good fight. Her backhand was extraordinarily safe. Misses Clark and Macfarlane (Auckland) were unlucky to lose the first set against Misses Gray and Lloyd (New South AVales). They pulled up from I—s to 5 all, only to lose the next game and th'e set, ' In all except the finals vantage sets were played in the third sets only. ■ The game between Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascelles and Misses I’enwick a»id Howe, was not as uneven as the scores Indicate. There were many very long games, and each point was eagerly fought for. The Australians had the benefit of perfect combination. The best tennis of the tournament was seen in the final of tho doubles between the two New South AVales pairs, Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascelles and Miss Lloyd and Miss Gray. All four players played sparkling games, rally after rally raising the spectators to a high pitch of enthusiasm. Miss Lance’s neat, short volleys, and Miss Lloyd’s hard smashing were each admired, while tho base-line play of Miss Gray and Mrs. Lascelles left little to be desired. . Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascelles secured a lead of 5—3 in the first set, but their opponents took tho next three games, and led 6 —5. Play was brilliant at this stage, and it was probably the best exhibition of ladies’ doubles tennis ever seen in Christchurch. Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascalles captured the next three games after a hard struggle, and, took tho set 8—3.. Misses Lloyd and Gray were undismayed by tho reverse, and passed their game to great heights in the next set, which they took 6—3 Miss Lance was playing below pur in this set. In the next set Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascelles made a determined effort, and took tho set with the loss of one game. The players were warmly applauded bv the spectators at the conclusion of the contest.

DETAILS OF THE PLAY ■ BY TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION. Christchurch, January 21. The ladies' invitation fennis tournament concluded yesterday in fine weather. The attendance of the public on both days was very satisfactory. In the semi-iinal of the singles. in which Miss Macfarlane (Auckland) beat Miss Howe (AVellington), the Aucklander played with wonderful accuracy and vigour. She drove with precision, and some of her shots simply left her younger opponent standing. Miss Howe, certainly, was somewhat below form, but the display given sv Miss MacFarlane really gave her very little chance.

Mrs. Lascelles (New, South. Wales) made a groat fight against heavy edds in her match with Miss Lance (- ew South AVales). Miss Lance was in great form at the start, but Mrs Lascelles put up a great fight in the later stages. In the final, by defeating Miss Macfnrlane with the loss of only one game, Jfiss Lance proved herself a great player. Miss' Macfarlane did rot play nearlv so well against Miss Lanee as sho did in the North Island, but Miss Lanco played from beginning to end like a champion. Tho latter varied her play with consummate skill, and her net volleying was perfect Her fast service was excellent, and Miss Macfarlane did very well to got tho ball back as many times as she did. Tho doub’o hiatch between Mis.>es Gray and Lloyd (Now South AVales). and Snow-Clark (Napier), and Maefarlane (Auckland) provided a icry close contest. Tho Australians had tho advantage of tho better e< n binution. brought aboiit by long hfactice together, and tlib New Zealaiidcis, all things considered, put up a very good fight.

Misses Howe (AVellington) and Fenwick (Hawke’s Bay) made a stubborn fight against Miss Lance end Mrs. Lascelles, tho Now South AVales first string, in the doubles. Thev were beaten but bv no means disgraced.

Tho final of the doubles between the two Australian pairs. Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascelles and Misses Gray and Lloyd, was a magnificent exhibition of the game- ns it should be played, and formed a fitting conclusion to a smysccsful tournament. Ail four ladies proved themselves great double players. Both pairs played with perfect combination. and there were many 1 ril'dant rallies. They showed a I'nowleige of double tactics, which must have been a revelation to tho spectators. Details of the scores are: — SINGLES.

Semi-finals; Miss Macfarlane (Auckland) defeated Miss Howe (AVo’dington) 6 —l. 6 —2. Miss Lanco (.New Si nth AVales) defeated Mrs. Lascelles, 6—2. 6—3.

Final: Miss Lance defeated Miss Macfarlane, G —l, 6—o. DOUBLES.

Misses Grav and Lloyd (New S'nth AVales) defeated Misses Maef.rr'inc (Auckland) and Snow-Clark Haw re’s Bay), 6 —5, 6 —4. Miss Lance and Mrs. Lascelles Gscw South AVa’.es) defeated Misses Hewn (AVellington) and Fenwick (Hawke s Dav), 6—l. 6—‘A. Final; Miss Lance and Mrs. btißeoiles defeated Misses Gray and Lloyd, B—6, 3—6. 6—l.

PROVINCIAL TOURNEY GREAT GATHERING AT MASTERTON A RECORD ENTRY BY TELSCaAPH.—SrZCIAb COBBESPONDENT. Maaterton, Janiiarjy 20. Thera uro 210 individual players at t»ho "provincial tournament, which opened to-day, and 5/6 entries., Ihjs constitutes a record for. the 'Wellington provincial championships, and makes the meeting; practically as largo as the New Zealand championships. Over 500 matches have to be played, so that this means that the tournev ennnot possibly be over on Tuesday, as expected, ami unless fine weather prevails the whole time, it will be difficult to finish oven on Wednesday. As the Dannevirke tournament is booked to start ou Wednesday, players well

out in these competitions would have to default in one of the meetings. Arrangements are, therefore, being made with the Danncvirke authorities tor those placers still hero to be allowed to come up as soon as possible. Tho Management Committee are to bo congratulated on their arrangements, which are proving wonderfully successful. Eleven courts of the club nre being taken up, and are not allowed to remain idle for a single minute. The task of arranging matches to take the court is in the hands of Mr. H. M. Boddington, t.ho Masterton Club secretary, and no more capable man for the position could bo found. ’ The courts were very dead on Saturday morning, several players putting socks over their shoes to prevent slipping. Tho low bounce of the ball prevented plavers from hitting the ball hard with any confidence, while choppers were in their clement, getting a tremendous amount of work on tho ball. Men’s Singles, The outstanding feature wns Bussell Young’s defeat at the hands of J. Martin, Martinborough’s leading plaver. The A 7 ictoria College cult took the first set comparatively easily at 6/3, but his pla.V deteriorated in the second set, which he lost. 6/4. A regular Marathon ensued for tho deciding set. Young had five chances for set and match, but Martin wns too good, winning a gruelling match at 10/8. France was playing very well. It was his day absolutely, the ground suiting his forehand chop. He was nsinp; the side lines with wonderful facility and was never extended, to reach tho fourth round. , . „ Swan stem nlso is with him, those two. with Peacock, heading tho field, and they meet to-dav. Swanston has not been, able to get much practice lately, and is not in tho best of condition. Although not seriously extended, ho is not playing his customary came, so it looks’like another win for Frtince. Pe-cock is plnving very well, and should be the hardest man in the tournament. . Burns made a very good showing late on Saturday, with a free, easy stvlo. but tho veteran’s shots from side, to side wore of a high order, and had plenty of sting. . v Salmond has no condition, and is playing only moderately well. Men’s Doubles. In the men’s doubles. Cowpor and Walker arc playing brilliantly at times, but are inclined to bo erratic, Cowper, in particular, always going for a winner. Pope and Haigh made a "reat showing for a time against them. Pope gaining several service points, but the Victoria College pair could not keep up the pace, and neutralised fino pinv by too many errors. Peacock and Parker are in fine fettle. and make a hot combination just inside the service line. Ladles’ Singles. Most of the matches in this section were verv uneven on Saturday. Miss Howe and Miss Fenwick did not arrive from Christchurch until Sunday afternoon. Ladies’ Doubles. The most meritorious win was that of Mesdames Parkinson and Evison nvgr .Mrs. Peacock and Miss Travers. The Perone pair played good tennis, while tho Thorndon pair were rather indiffertmt, Mrs. Peacock findihg it particularly hard to cover her part of tho court and chase fast balls. The Juniors. Tho girls’ singles seem to point to Marjorie Lee on her Now Zealand tottfnamenT,' form, while the boys’ singles "should prove a gift to Andrews, of Palmerston North, the onlv _ ono likely to extend him being AVilsnn. Both boys are phenomenal players, and Andrews in particular. This boy won the AVellington chain pion ships at Palmerston last year, while AVilson beat AVilker last year at Napier.

DETAILS OF THE PLAY BY TILBGBAPW—PBEBB ASSOCIATION. Masterton, January 20. The following are the results of the matches plavod in the championships: MEN’S SINGLES. First round: Andrews heat S. Powdrell, 3—6, 6—l, 6—4; F. W. Martin beat Power, 6 —4, 7—5; J. Martin beat Tl. R. T.Youiig, 3 —6, 6 —4, 10—8 ; N. Miller beat Humphreys, 6 —l, 4—6, 6-—4-. Second round: Wilker beat Fisher, 6—o, 6—3 ; Hutcheson boat E. C. Holinwood. 4—6, 6 —o, 7 —5; Swainson heat Laughton. 6—o, 6—2 : Rollings boat Spooner, 6—2, 6 —2: Groves beat Robertson, 6—o, 6—2; Pee beat Stewart, 2—6. 6—4, 6 —2: Parkinson beat A. Martin. 6—4. 6—3: Peacock beat Lees, 6 —2, 6—3: Roydhoufie heat Tucker. 6— 3. 2—6, 6—4; Berkman beat- W. G. Martin, 6—o, 6 —l ; Wellwood beat W. G. Groves, 6 —3, 6—l; Cowan beat Blrtthwayt. 2—6, 6 —4, 6 —4; Schofield borit Burress. .6—4; B—6: Swanson Beat Reid, 6—2, 6—l: Salmond bent Bnrthol6mew. 6—l, 6 —o; ,T. Powdrell beat G. F. Wilson, 6 —4, 6-2.- , Third round: Peacock defeated Burns. 6—2. 6 —2-. Swinson defeated Scholefield, 6—TT~6—3: Erance defeated N. James, 6 —2, 6 —2. MEN’S 'DOUBLES. First round : France and Smyth heat Aounr and Welch, 7 —5. 6—l : Walker and Cowner beat. Popo and ft—4, 6—2: Goldie and Powdrell heat Wilson and Polglase, 6 —4. 6 0. Second round: Percook and Parker defeated Rovdhouse and Booth, 6 2, 6-0. LADIES’ SINGLES. First round: Mrs. Knight heat Miss Atkinson, 6—2, 6—2: Mrs. Parkinson boat Miss Caselber<r. 6 —-1. 6 —l; Miss Wellwood beat Miss G. Thomson. 6-1, 6—2. Second round- Mr/. FI. Park’nson • defeated MisS (lafce'herg. 6—l. 6—l ; Mts. Peacock defeated Mms Hodder. 6— 6— 1: Miss Pramoil defeated Miss Graham, 6—3. 6—5. LADIES’ DOUBLES. First round: Miss Malcolm and Miss Thompson beat Miss Strachan and Miss Gibbons, 3 —6 6 —l, 6—3: Mrs. Breo and Miss Williams boat Aliases K. and J. Martin, 6—o. 6—o; Mrs. Steel and Mrs. B. Booth boat Miss Madelev and Miss Gardner. 6 —3, 3 —-6, 7— 5: MisSes Wollwood and Onto beat Mcsdames Barkman and Richardson. 4—6, 6 —2. 6 —l; Misses .Casclbcrg and Hume boat Misses A. and E. Barton, ft —2. 6 —5 ; Airs. Austin and Miss Stevens boat Mrs. Groves and Miss Cripps. 6 —2, 6 —2 ; Mesdnmes Parkinson and Evison beat Mrs. Peacock and Miss Travers, 6 —2, 6-—5- Miss Atkinson and Miss C. Mcßeth beat Miss Warren and Miss AL Thompson, 6 —l. 4 —6, 6 —2; Mrs. AT. AV. Groves and Miss Cameron beat Miss M. S. Martin nnd Miss M. Kiely. 6—5 3—6, 6—2; Misses Pratmell and Bradley heat Miss Graham and Miss Viles, 6—4, 6 —3. COMBINED DOUBLES. First round: Salmond and Mrs. Austin defeated Vesty and Miss Bradley, o—2, 6 —2; White Parsons and Miss E. Williams defeated Schofield ami Miss Pragnell, 4—6, 6 —l, 6 —o; AVelch and Mrc. Bret' defeated W. G. Martin and Miss M. Martin, 7 —5, 6—2; E. Wollwood and Miss Z. Wollwood defeated' Gibson and Miss Caselberg, ft—2, 6—3: Peacock and Mrs. Peacock defeated .Maunsell and Miss Kiely, U —4 7—5 ; Melody and Miss Lee defeated Wie.kens and Miss Graham, ft—l, 6—l; Wilker and Mrs. Knight defeated Miller and Mrs. Prior, 6 2, 6—4. *

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Dominion, Volume 16, Issue 107, 22 January 1923, Page 4

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LAWN TENNIS Dominion, Volume 16, Issue 107, 22 January 1923, Page 4

LAWN TENNIS Dominion, Volume 16, Issue 107, 22 January 1923, Page 4