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A SUCCESSFUL GATHERING OVER 100 ENTRIES FOR THE BABY SHOW As a general rule the main public celebration of St. Patrick’s Day is tacitly allowed to remain in tho hands of the Hibernian Society and those connected with the Roman Catholic schools and colleges. Proof of the wisdom of this is slio.wn by tho fact that for years past tho day in question has provided an attractive jirograr-une for those, who prefer to take their pleasure inexpensively, and, although the gathering was held the day after St. Patrick s Day, Saturday was no exception to that rule. . The weather was glorious. , Ihe dancing was pronounced by the judge as being of excellent quality, the children’s races were contested literally by hundreds at a time, the men s events were especially interesting, and the baby show was a centre of attraction. There was not a dull moment, three and four events proceeding at the same time. Altogether the hardworking officials had ample proof that their labours were not in vain. The ProcessionOn Saturday morning therep was a procession through the city. - this was rather an ambitious project, and there were some misgivings , amongst those who were not’ so optimistic as the majority of the promoters that it would not realise the expectations or the crowds who lined the streets along the route, packing the footpaths and making it very difficult for ordinary traffic. But it was a success all through, except for tho fact that it took rather longer to arrange the start than was anticipated, and so there was a delay of half an hour on tho original time-table. That was not a great disadvantage, for it enabled folk leaving their offices for the haltholiday to witness a spectacle well worth’gazing at. The procession was under the charge of Messrs. L. Murphy. M. Moloney, and R. Brown, mounted marshals, and they carrleq out their work in an efficient ijpnnor, not the slightest hitch being observable from start to finish. The novelty display aroused a good deal of enthusiasm,’ and tho spectators plainly ex " pressed their approval of the different tableaux and novelties included m the celebration. Great assistance was given by the Police Force, not only in regard to the procession, but throughout the Jay, the tact and efficiency shown proving a large factor ,in the day’s success At the head of tho procession was Mr. Herlihy’s jaunting car, driven by Mr. J. Duggan. Then came n corps of mounted men, and tho Irish Pipe Band, followed by St. PatricksCollege boys in marching order. Ihe winning tableau, St. Anno s School, Nowtown, _ 'vas drawn by Mr. Campbell’s first \prize team of horses, and displayed the mottoes, “Peace to Our Land” and “A Nation Once Again,” inscribed on the green decorations. Close came the pupils of tho convent, flanked by a second tableau, by the Dufferin Street School, with the rlqtto, “Let us be Friends.” tho lorry being drawn bv Messrs. Adams and Blvthc’s second prize horses. Then came the Petone Consent schoolgirls on two lorries, followed by the Guilford Terrace tableau, and a procession of tlie pupils. * The most attractive characteristic tableau, the signing of the Irish 'Ueace Treaty, with the boys in character, represented the Hawkcqtone Street Mnrist Brothers’ School, and attracted a lot of notice, tho boys of the school matching behind. Ihe Island Bay Sacred Heart Convent contributed an attractive tableau, followed by the pupils marching, and then came a Hibernian tableau ' with the members of the society marching after Seven motor-cars came next with Archbishop Redwood, Archdeacon Devoy Dean McKenna, Dean Lane, Dean Holly, and the Rev. Fathers Mahoney, Smith, Cullen, O’Donnell, McDermott, Maloney, Spillane, Fallon, M. fjevoy, Murphy, Gilbert, nnd Kane, as well as a number qf laymen and officials. These were, followcu by fifteen lorries with pupils from the various schools, including Kilbirnie. Island Bay, Hutt, Buckle Street. Newtown, St. Anne’s Convent, Guildford Terrace Convent, Hawkestone Street, Dufferin Street, and Northland. Considerable artistic skill was shown bv those who arranged and decorated the tableaux. At the Park.

Directly the procession reached Newtown Park, a very heavy sports and amusements programme was commenced, and tho events were carried out with consideralile celerity, the various officials doing their duty excellently, and not a .hitch occurred throughout the proceedings. Mr. M. J. Reardon, who is always a great help on these occasions, gave considerable assistance to the regular officials in the carrying out of tlie work, those y r ho deserve special recognition in connection with tho gathering are:—Executive officials, chairman, Mr. J. 1 • McGowan; director of sports, Mr. I. O’Brien; hon. treasurer, Mr. J. Liiurke ; general hon. secretary,' Mr. I. D. Hoskins; assistant secretary, Mr. A B. Boake. Sports officials: Starter, Mr J. O’Sullivan; handicapper, Mr. A C Kitto; assistant handicapper and starter, Mr. P. J. O’Neill: judges, Messrs. J. Troy, J. P. McGowan, B. A Guise, M. Burnett, J. L. Burke, AV. Ryaii. J. N' Millard; timekeepers, Messrs Coltman and W. N. Tucker; j‘arksmen. Messrs- F. Hodson and P. Alabaster: judge of walking, Mr. J. Trov; judge of wrestling, Mr. o. Doyle; clerk of course, Mr. J. Heenan; Press stewards, Messrs. J. Troy ana W Ryan • assistant sports officials, Messrs. J? Sharpe and R. Brown; result board, Messrs. W. Auld nnd H. Patton; judge of horses, Mr. ’J. J. Kerslake; mounted marshals, Messrs. L. Murphy, M. Moloney, R Brown; bovs’ events, Marist Bros.; girls, events, Mr. W. Ryan; Judge ot marchings squads, Captain •^ avlS, Messrs. J. Wilton and A. W. Travers; call stewards, Messrs. C. Simons, J. Sharpe, H. J; Pollock; director of dancing, Mr. J. D. McPhee; judge, Mr E. J. Reidy (Thames); steward, Mr W. Glavin; supervisor baby show, Mr. G. R. Harris; judge, Dr IT.. M. Cowen; judge of tableaux, Mr. Fancourt. . ' , ~r The Highland Pipe Band (Messrs. McWhannell, Morrison, and Kilpatrick) provided the music tor the dancing, an onerous task, ' capably done: and the Artillery Band enlivened tho proceedings throughout the day, and provided the music tor tho schools’ display. Tho Baby Show.

The baby show was a great success so far as numbers and healthy aj>pearance of the children were concerned, over a hundred babies being present for competition. A looker-on rightly observed that every One deserved a prize, for it is seldom there is seen together such a splendid show of fine-looking children. Tho following were the judge’s awards: —Boys: Under 12 months, Eric Kidd, 289 Taranaki Street, 1; Phillip Hansen, 280 Taranaki Street, 2. . Under six months, Henry Wagner, 15 Vivian Street, 1 ; Willie John McClure, 50 Rintoul Street, 2. Girls: Under 12 months, Joan Ngairc Bennett, 9 Angus Avenue, 1; M. Joan Sandilands, 20 Normallby Street, 2. Undcr_ six months, Jean Millicent Smith, 14 1; Dotty Dixon, 5 Hanson Street, 2. Children’s Events. Girls—Under 12 years (50yds.); B.

Charlton, 1; Clara Jupp, 2. Potato Race, under 16: V. Bassett, 1; B. Scanlon, 2. Three-legged Race, under 16: D. Charman and K. Campbell, 1: K. Guerin and K. Hennessy, 2. Under 16 (50yds.) : M. Hill, 1; K. O’Brien, 2. Under 15 (50yds.): F. McGuirk, 1; Agnes Glengary, 2. Three-armed Race, under 15: K. Braniff and S. O’Sullivan, 1; D. Taylor and Olga Du Chatau, 2. Consolation Race, under 16: V. Chevnan, 1; E. Davev, 2. Catholic Schools’ Cliampionsnip, under 16 (75yds.): O. du Chatau, 1; Rose Harris, 2. Relay Race, 440vds., four ages, each school: Hill Street School (M. Emere, D. Taylor, B. Gibbs, O. Du Chatau), 1. Boys—Under 10 years: N. McGuirk, 1; Hargreaves, 2. Under 11: J. O’Connor, 1j M. Condon, 2. Under 12: J. Bezar, 1; Prangley, 2. Under 13: Marshall, 1; Bright, 2. Under 14: Page, 1; Drew, 2. Relay Race, four ages: Newtown School, 1. 220yds.: Krebs, 1; Marshall, 2. Threelegged Race, 12 years and over: Davidson and Shaw, 1; Drew and Reid, 2. under 12 years: Lee and Smith, 1 ; O’Connor and Wilson, 2. Catholic Schools Championship: Jack Harding, 1; Page, 2. Wheelbarrow Race (seniors),: Davidson and Quirk, 1; Guise and Russell, 2. Juniors: Lee and Smith, 1; Hogan and Russell, 2. Wrestling: J. Quirk, 1. Bovs’ Halfmile Walk: A Hill, 1; J. Quirk,.'2. Boys’ Championship: Hardy, 1; Pago, 2; Krebs, 3. Time, 12 4-ssec. Dancing. Girls.—lrish Reel, under 16: P. McMil^n,-1; J. McLachlan, 2; H. Needham, 3. Highland Flitig, under 12: R. Taylor, 1; Z. Carroll, 2; E. Wright, 3. Reel o’ Tulloch, under 16: P. McMillan, 1; J. McLachlan, 2; E. Farrow, 3. Sailors’ Hornpipe, under 12 : Z. Carroll, 1; R. Bushby, 2 ; G. Smyth, 3. .Irish Jig, under 12: I. Morse, 1; E. Wright, 2; G. Smith, 3. Irish Jig, under 16; P- McMillan, 1; J. McLachlan, 2; J. Taylor, 3. Irish Reel, under 12: I. Morse, 1; K. O’Connor, 2; G. Smyth, 3. Irish Hornpipe, under 16: P. McMillan, 1; J. McLachlan, 2; L. McKay, 3. Irish Reel, open: Mav Thorne, 1; T- McKenzie, 2; P. McMillan, 3. Challenge Irish Jig: T. McKenzie, 1; P. McMillan, 2; May Thorne, 3; 12 competitors in the last event. Marching Competition. The Newtown Marist boys were awarded the first prize for marching in the procession with 90 points. St. Ann’s Convent girls second, with 87 points. Physical Drill Display. The schools’ physical drill display, by 1000 pupils, was a marvellous sight, the drill being Splendidly done, and earning enthusiastic applause. Adult Events. Irish War Pipes: T- Sharpe, 66 points, 1; W. Foully, 64 points, 2. Five competed. St. Patrick’s College.—looyds. handicap: J. Smith, lyd., 1; E. McFarland, 6yds., 2. Time. 11 2-ssec. High jump handicap: H. E. White, 2in., sft. sin., 1; H. E. Wilson and P. Thomson, scr., 6ft> 2in., 2. ( 100yds. Handicap.—First heat: F. Malmanclie,' 4yds., 1; ,W. Frederic 11yds., and H.\ G. Whitehead, 2yds., dead heat. Tiffie, 10 l-ssec- Second heat: A. Evans, 10yds., 1; H. Wilkins, 4yds., 2. Time, lOsec. Third heat: H. Bennett, 9yds., 1; H. Hayvice, 3yds., aiid H- J. White. Byds., dead heat, 2. Time, lOsec. Fourth heat: J. E. Johnston, 6yds., 1; C. B. Thomas, 7yds., 3. Time, lOsec. Final: J. C. Johnston, 1; A. Evans, 2; H. Hayvice, 3. Timo, lOsec. _ Married Ladies’ Race. 75yds. —Mrs. Ward 1; Mrs. H. M. Smith, 2; Mrs. Morley, 3. Twelve starters. St.‘Patrick’s College, 220yds. handicap.—J. Smith, ,2yds., 1; F. McFarland, scr., 2. 120 vis. Hurdles Handicap.—hirst heat:' H. E. White, Byds., 1; H. E. Wilson, ser.j, 2. Time. 17 2-ssec. Second heat: A. Jackson, 6yds and a hurdle down, 1; H. Wilkins, 10yds., 2. Time, 16soc. Final: H- E. Whyte, 1; H. E. Wilson, 2. Timo, 16sec. 100 Yards Hibernian Handicap.—U. Dcaly, 1; Goff, 2; J- Troy, 3. Milo Walk.—M. Gardner, 290yds 1; F. Hopper, 210yds.. 2; F. C. Hickhng, scr 3. Time, 6min. 47 3-ssoc. Hop, Step, and Jump.—A. G. Rogers, 2ft. 3in„ 44ft. lin., 1; scr., 2; H. S. White, 2ft. 6in., 41ft. Yards Ladies’ Bracelet.—W. R. Tullock, 32yds., 1; W. Kyle scr., 2, F. Malmanche, 10yds., 3. June, a2 Relay Amateur Club, 1; Victoria College, 2, Athletic Sports Club, 8. SPORTS AT "CHRiSTCHURCH SECOND DAY’S RESULTS. BY TBLEGEAPH—PBESS ASSOCIATION. ’ Christchurch, March 18. The second day’s events of ’ the St. Patrick’s sports were held in hno weather. There was a very large at tendance. Following are the results of the professional events:— . 880yds. New Zealand . 11 P ha I mpi rJ ]] Ue; -Trembath ( In vercargill).l.> Coulter (Geraldine), 2; Butohcr (VJ Won easily by eight yards. y Time, 21 220vd5. 4 New Zealand Championship —J. Steel (Greymouth, the All Black footballer), 1; Trembath, 2; (Christchurch), 3. A great struggle, won on the tape. Time 24sec. JOOvda. New Zealand Championship.. -Steel, 1; O’Callaghan (Greymouth), 2- Flint (Christchurch), 3. Won on the tape. Timo, 10 4-ssec. St. Patrick’s Sheffield 135yds.-E. Cook (Invercargill), ’ ] • J. O’Callaghan (Greymouth). ly<L, 2- 'Flint (Christchurch), )3lyds., 3. Won bv a yard. Time, 23 3-ssec. Professional Cycling, Half-mile New Zealand Championship. — Henry (Christchurch), .1; Wei s 2- O’Shea (Christchurch), 3. Von by a’length. Time. Imm. 1 p-, osec^ v , !, Three Miles St. Patrick s V heel naco ._Prebble, 1; Boms, 2: Welsh, 3. All Christchurch men. Mon by wheel. Time, Bmin. 15 2-osec. One Mile ’ New . Zealand Championship.—O’Shea (Chnstchurch), 1; Mells (Blenheim), 2: ThH (Christchurch), 3. Won easily. Time, 2mm. 25 2-ssec. C H. Taylor won the 220yds. Amateur Handicap.

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Dominion, Volume 15, Issue 149, 20 March 1922, Page 7

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ST. PATRICK’S SPORTS Dominion, Volume 15, Issue 149, 20 March 1922, Page 7

ST. PATRICK’S SPORTS Dominion, Volume 15, Issue 149, 20 March 1922, Page 7