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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The wedding took place at jkll Saints’ Church, Palmerston North on Thursday of Miss Mona I’aget, younger daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Paget, of Palmerston North, anil formerly of Stratford, to Mr. Maurice Patrick Malone, fourth son of the lute Lieutenant-Colonel AV. G. Malone and Mrs. Malone, of Stratford. The bride wore white silk stockinette and veil with a chaplet of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white primroses and fern. Miss Ora Paget and Miss Angela Wright, of Stratford, were bridesmaids, the former wearing yellow silk trimmed with blue, and a floral hat, and the latter pale blue shot taffetas with blue and gold hat. Mr. Hope Johnston was best man. The Rev. G. Blackburne officiated, and' after the ceremony a reception, was held at the home of the bride’s parents. The bridegroom served in Palestine for three years, and was awarded the D.C.M.. He is now farming at Ardkeen, Wairoa.

Miss Lily G. Hale, 8.A., second daughter of Mr. and Mra. H. Hale, Dunedin, has been appointed to the Girls’ College, Dunedin. <

The marriage took place at Norsewood on Thiesday of Miss Ella Lottie Grant, eldest daughter of Mr. P. G. Grant, and Mr. Eric Scandrett, elder son of Mr. AV. F. Scandrett, manager of the Invercargill branch of the Loan and Mercantile Company. Miss Mavis Grant and Miss Lyndall Scandrett attended the bride, who wore a. navy blue travelling costume with,a blue and lemon hat. Mr. .Graham Scrndrett was best man aivd Mr. Frank Stretton, of Hastings, groomsman. The Rev. 11. R. Thompson officiated. After the ceremony relatives and intimate friends of the bride and bridegroom were entertained at the residence of the bride’s parents.

Mrs. J. D. C. Crewe (Pahiatun), her daughter, and Miss Gregory are visiting Auckland.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Cnrne Bidwill, of To Maire, and Mr. nnd Mrs. David Collins, of Te Kopura, Kahutara, have left for Palmerston North, to take part in the golf tournament.

Mr. and Mrs. AA r . Ixiwrence returned to Masterton. on Thursday from a visit to England and the Continent.

The death took place at Palmerston North on Thursday of Mrs. Isabella Ling, who had been resident for many years in Otaki, but for the past year had been living with her daughter, Mrs. Percy Gillies, in Palmerston North. Mrs. Ling was 93 years of age, and had been failing for the past twelve months, not having fully recovered from the shock of being burnt out of her home at Ota-ki about a year ago. Before going to Otaki, Airs. Ling had lived for many years in AA'ellingfon, and knew it well in the early stages of its growth. Her home was widely noted for its openhearted hospitality, and many old friends of the family will regret to hear of her death. The funeral took place in the Sydney Street Cemetery yesterday afternoon. "Mrs. Ling leaves three daughters and a son —Mrs. Rolwi AVellwood (of Hastings), Air. B. Ling (of Otaki), Afre. Peat‘(of AVanganui, formerly of AAMlington), and Airs. Percy Gillies (of Palmerston North). Air. Ling predeceased his wife several years ago. 'The annual meeting of the Kelbuvn Ladies’ Croquet Club (to which attention is directed elsewhere) is to bo held at 2.30 on Alonday afternoon in the pavilion at Kelburn Park. As important matters are to be discussed,.it is hoped there, will be a good t attendance of members. The election of officers will also take place and the presentation of the year’s report.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Hayman have returned from a visit to Australia, and aro staying at Sayes Court, Aurora Terrace.

Afiss Eleanor Martin has been visiting Mrs. Oswald Percy at Te Ore Ore, Alasterton.

Airs. Al'arsh left with her brother, the Rev. Page, for Ohakuue on AVedncsday. Airs. Peter M’Laren. “Homebush,” Alasterton, is visiting Rotorua.

Mrs. A. AV. Alouat (Aurora Terrace) intends leaving next week for a visit to Auckland and Rotorua.

Gilby’s College annual dance is to be held early next month, and there is every indication that it will fee even more successful than last year. The committee comprises Misses Ingerton, Rankine, Taylor, Turner, Alessrs. Farquhar and Gilby. The chaperons aro Afesdames Farquhar, Gilby, Turner, and AVebb.

Mrs. Milne (Mastortot/ is leaving early this coming week for a visit to Rotorua.

A. well-attended and contested miniature rifle match took place at the Brook•■.•n Club, when the local club fired a friangular match against the two other ladies’ rifle clubs, the Wellington and Petono. The visitors were, not shooting up'to form, but the Brooklyn ladies excelled themselves, and camo out with an average of (>!». Ten ladies composed cncli side. A pleasant time was passed at slipper after the match, and tne prize, a hand mirror, was given to Miss Anderson, the highest scorer (with 68) among the visitors. Congratulations were given to Mrs. Graham, of Brooklyn, and to the home team for their achievement of 69 out of 70. Cheers brought a pleasant evening to a close. The championship mooting at the Drill Hall, which will be held Him month, is bring anticipated with great interest.

A verv enjoyable 'W party was riven. 77v Hast well at her residence, Wniton Road, on Wednesday evening, the guests being members of the TTataitai Croquer Club and their friends. The ladies’ prize was won by Airs. Hunt and ilio gentlemen’s prize by Mr. Scott. Ihe competition prizes went to Mrs. Pritchard. Mrs. Williams, and Miss Harris. Air. W. J. Gnudin. a vice-president o" Hie club, thanked Mrs. Hastwell or. EeTialf of the guests for the very pleasant evening, great credit being due to .*rs. Ilaslwcll and her helpers.

Mrs M'Hiirii. health patrol and Irrtu’ror for the Public Health Department will give a lecture on social hygiene at the Red Cross Chambers next Wednesdov evening for women only. On the Tuesday evening previous. Sister Brandon will lecture upon disinfectants and disinfection.

The Royal Now Zealand Society for the Health of AVomen and Children held a meeting at Potoue on Tuesday. Twelve members were present. 1 lie appointment: of a secretary was the first business. Airs. Burborougli was elected on the motion of Ali-s. Kirk. Il was reported that Nurse Al. Hallie had entered u]M>n her duties on September 1. She will give health talks to, the senior girls of tho schools in Petone. Mrs. Cook undertook to interview the head masters. Some iM'iiutifulty-made garments were handed in by Mrs. J. Cameron. These were niiide by the G.F.S. al Unit. This society was heartily thanked for jits generous help. During baby week a special effort is to be made to obtain increased subscribers. This will take place early in December. The nurse reported 277 cases under supervision. Manv very young babies had needed care during the month. Tho following subscriptions were received Airs. Levien, 55.; Airs. M'Kenzie, 55.; Miss Williams. 55.; Airs. Johnston, dll; Mrs. D. A. Ewen, A 6; Mrs. Elliot, 6s.

Our Palmerston North correspondent writes that the Plunket nurse organisation has come into such favour in the district that a branch of the New Zealand Society for the Health of AVomen and Children has been formed iji Palmerston, and a resident nurse has been appointed to look after the interests of the mothers and their babies. Alias Pattrick, director of Plunket nurses, will pay a visit to Palmerston North to-day, and will be accorded a reception nt the society’s rooms, after which she will deliver an address.

A branch of the British and. Foreign Bible Society has linen established at Eastbourne. On AVodnesday afternoon, the president, Airs. Afather, entertained the workers at afternoon tea at her home. There were present: Afesdameii Stent. Nicholas, Fitzsimmonds, AA T alters, and Ross, and the Misses Minifio (lion, secretary), and Gillies. Aliss Aliller, assistant organiser, was nlo present, and spoke of the urgent needs of the society. Districts were allotted to the workers, and it was decided to canvass East* bourne during the next two or three weeks.

On Thursday evening the Board of Directors of the Y.M.C.A., together with a number of friends, farewelled Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Falconer, who leave for Auckland early next week. Air. AV. Eglin, first vice-president of the association, presided over a large and representative gathering. In his opening remarks Air. Eglin Toferred to the long and efficient service Air. Falconer had rendered to the the young mon in the city, not only through the Y.M.C.A., but also through the many organisation with which he was connected. It was largely due t o Air. Falconer s vision and enthusiasm fhat the woik of the Y.AI.C.A. -was established and placed on the sound basis it enjoyed to-day. 1-or over twenty years Air. Falconer had been continuously a member of the Board of Directors, occupying the position of treasurer for 10 years and that of president—the position he at present holds—for two years. Air. Fnlconer had set an example of disinterested service that was unique and must serve ns an inspiration te all. Air. Eglin also referred to the splendid record of service rendered to the young women of the city by Airs. Falconer. References to tho many excellent qualities of the guests of the "evening were made by I c® srs - “' W. Kersley, A. Varney, J. E. and others. On behalf of the Board of Lireetors, Mr. Eglin asked. Mr and Mre. Falconer’s acceptance of a. framed enlargement of members of the board, together with a piece of silver five volumes of Hastingss Dictionary qf the Bible, and on behalf of the staff, a silver desk calendar. In replying, A.r Falconer stated that any service he had been able to give, was due to the influence of his home and example of his father the late Air. C. Falconer, of Dunedin. ’He had endeavoured te serve the boys and young mrn of fhe to "the best of his ability and hod found a great jov in doing so. He thanked all for the generous appreciation that had been shown to him that evening.

The garden fete at’ Island Bay next Saturday promises to be an considerable interest. One of th® tures will bo sea trips to the island on “H Al S. Iron Duke. Other attrac tions will be a railway, i t . enlus^. da SXT refreshments, and so forth. His Excellency the Governor-General will open the "fete at 2 o’clock.

Mtss Lvra Taylor, LL.B., has returned to AVellington from a visit to Englcn , !vhre she spent several most niteresting nnd pleasant months, and also visited t Continent.

I The engagement m announced of Mms Doreen Alcore. daughter of Air. C. HMoore, of the Education Board New Plymouth, to Air. Vimn Russell Hal lev of Island Bay. Y elhngton.

At Hie Y.M.C.A. Building yesterday, afternoon, on tho invitation of Auss Fraser (matron of Hie institution) and her staff, an afternoon tea was held to enable friends to take leave of Mr. J - S Falconer (president of the association) and Airs. Falconer, on the eve of fhrir departure for Auckland. Those present, in addition to Miss wc e: Mesdnmes Morris and Hickey, Misses Davies (2), Harvey (2)-. Hnzeldene At'Kinlav, Nagel, and Shields, whilst the guests, apart from Mr. ?- nd Falconer were: Airs. Vicars, Miss Murch ef Donbank Hostel) Mr. and Airs J. U. Hay, and Mr. and Airs. F P Hav. The general secretary of the association (Air L. Haj), I ”,P smiting to Mrs. Falconer on f Miss Fraser and her staff, a Winton crina vase, spoke of the happy relations that bad always existed with Mr.. an Airs. Falconer, and paid a warm f* ll ’ to Mrs Falconer for the practical way in which she had on numerous special occasions voluntarily .assisted. the staff in rnrrvin" out- their duties. MiJ Fra-r a o expressed the high appreS ton of the staff for Mrs Falconer, and their regret at her denarture. Mrs. Falconer feelingly responded, and took the opnortunitv of presenting each of her hostesses with a hoodsome bouquet Mr. Falconer spoke m a PP r ociataon of (be -eval and efficient service rendered bv Miss Fraser and her assistants in connection with a most important department of the associations activities.

Early Settlers’ Association. Another dance has been arranged by the Early Settlers’ Association, and wilt, l>n held on Wednesday evening next in ihistin’s rooms, Cuba Street. The dances will be interspersed with musical item , etc and a. good programme is Card tables will bo arranged for those unable to dance. As this is m the in-. of the younger members and their friends, a good, attendance is ex. nected The association announces that ’arraugementsi are well forward for the winter reunion of pioneer settlers and their descendants, to be held in Hie Town Hall on Dominion Night, Afonday,. September 26. As admission is by. ticket onlv, all pioneer settlors and their descendants aio reminded that tickets can be obtained from members of the committee or the secretary.

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Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 304, 17 September 1921, Page 4

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WOMAN’S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 304, 17 September 1921, Page 4

WOMAN’S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 304, 17 September 1921, Page 4