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AUCTION SALES FORTHCOMING FIXTURES. TO-DAY. Property sale (Wheatley and Co.). Dominion Avenue, Wellington. 130 p.m.— Furniture sale (Vine and Wilson). 157 .Lambton Quay. Wellington. 1.30 p.m.— Furniture sale (Johnston and Co.). Manners Street, Wellington, 2 p.m. —Sula of home-made cakes (Vine and Wilson). SYDNEY WOOL SALES APPRECIABLE INCREASES IN PRICES. (Rec. September 15, 9.15 p.m.) Sydney, September 15. Ths fifth series of wool sales have closed. There was animated competition and rates were good. Merinos, bulky merino skirtings, and fine to medium crossbreds increased from 7j to 10 per cent., and medium merinos from 5i to 71- per cent, in price.—Press Assn. VERY GOOD COMPETITION AT LONDON. (Rec. September 15, 5.5 p.m.) London, September 14. The mixed wool sales were marked by very good competition. All prices were fully maintained. Realisations: — "Gordillo," top price 31di., average 30d: "Somerton," 19d.; "Banghee," 18d. and 17Sd. The New Zealand clip, Taratahi, realised 18d.—-Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn. The Bank of Now ' Zealand has received the following advice from its Tendon office, under date September 14: — The sales have closed firm, and withdrawals nre practically nil. Current prices are as follow-.—Coarse crossbreds, SW. to Gfd. per lb.; medium crossbreds, 6?d. to 7Jd. per lb.; fine crossbreds, 10d. to lid. per lb.; super merinos, 15d. to 16d. per lb.; inferior merinos, lid. to 12d. per lb.; halfbred, 13fd. to 15d. per lb.

LONDON TALLOW SALES FULL LATE RATES. REALISED. (Rec. September 15, 5.5 p.m.) London, September 14. There were 1657 casks of tallow offered at the London sales; 1173 were sold, realising full late rates. —Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn. Messrs. Dalgety and Company Limited report having received the following cablegram from their London house under date September 14:— Tallow.—lGGo casks offered. 1060 casks sold. Since our wire of September 7 prices for mutton, prime, are 6d. higher; prices for other descriptions are unchanged. TARANAKI FREEZING WORKS DISPUTE REFERRED TO ARBITRATION COURT. Tly ToUffraph —T’reß'M Awoclatfon. | New Plymouth, September 15. The Conciliation Council met to-day to consider .the freezing workers’ dispute as affecting the Taranaki- works. _No agreement was reached except on minor clauses, a.nd the dispute was referred 1 to tho Arbitration Court. LONDON MARKETS The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited have received the foilowing cablegram from their London house, under date September 14:— Tallow—We quote present spot values for the following descriptions:—Fine mutton, .£2 19s. Gd. per cwt.; good beef, lBs,; mixed, X2 Ils. Fairly good demand. Frozen Mutton— 5-fd. to 7fd. per lb. Frozen Lamb. —Is. Old. per lb. Frozen Beef.—Hindquarters, SLI. per lb.; forequarters, 3?d. per lb. Market dull, with downward tendency. ' New Zealand Butter.—-fill 4a. per cwt. Market dull. Cheese. —.£5 4s. per cwt. to .£5 Bs. per cwt. Market slow. WHOLESALE PRODUCE PRICES Messrs. Laery and Co., Ltd., Wellington, report wholesale prices as follow: Ground barley, ss. per bushel, sacks in; Chevalier, ss„ sacks in; Cape barley, 4s. Bd. bushel, sacks in. Peas, feed. 6s. Bd. bushel, sacks in. Oats, seed, Algerian, farmers* dressed, 4s. 3d. bushel, sacks in; machine dressed. ss. Id. bushel, sacks in: feed, Algerian, 45., sacks in. Oats, heavy Duns, choice, 4s. Gd. io 4s. IM. bushel, sacks in. Oats. Weetoats, for poultry feed. ss."bushel, sacks in; shelled oats for chickens, 6s. 3d. and 6s. 9d. bushel, sacks in. Feed, Gartons. 4s. 5d., sacks in; B Gartons, 4s. 6d. A Gartons, 4s. 7d.; crushed oats, 4s. 10<l., sacks in. Hay, choice meadow, .£7 10s. per ton; lucerne hay. -£8 10s. per ton. Chaff, oaten sheaf, Blenheim prime bright, ton lots, £7 10s. per ton, sacks in. free on trucks Wellington. lesser quantities Bs. per cwt. Ricemeal. .010 nor 'nn; nieafmeal, for poultry feed, 20s. per 1001 b. bags. Peameal, ton lots, .£l2 10s. ton, sacks-in; barleymeal, ton Into. .£ll 10s. per ton, sacks in. Pigmod, .£lO ton. Shell grit choice quality, in 1041 b. bags, 6s. 6d. per bag. Fowl wheat, 10 sack lots, whole, 9s. Id., lesser quantities 9s. 3d. bushel, sac& Is. Bd. Mfxetf fowl feed. 7s. bushel, sacks in. Poultry mash. .£l2 ss. ton. Linseed oil meal and linseed oil nuts. 14s. 3d. per 100111. bags. Fowls, hens Bs. Gd., to Ils- 6d. pair, lieary roosters 9s. to 12s. pair. Ducks. 125., 14s. pair. Geese, 11s., 13s. pair. Turkeys, Is. Gd., Is. 7d. lb. Eggs, fresh, crates, Is. 6d. to Is. 7d. dozen. Chicken raiser, 225. 6d. per 1001 b. Straw chaff, £’ 10s. ton, sacks in. Mutton birds. Tasmanian, in casks, 7Jd. each; New Zealand, in kits, cooked, lid. each. Maize, whole 7s. 1d„ crushed 7s. 7d. bushel, sacks in. Rolled oats, for chickens, 225. 6d. per 100. Onions, Victorian, choice Brown Spanish, .£8 10s. ton, sacks ' in. Potatoes, Canterbury grown table, ton lots, whites £S 2s. Gd., Red Dakotas .£5 ss. ton, sacks in, lesser quantities 10s. ton extra. Molasses, in casks, each about scwt., 41s. per cask. Mangolds, quotations upon application. Seed potatoes, nil Canterbury grown, good quality, half-ton lots or over: Arran Chief. Gamekeepers, and Northern Stars, .£5- Up-to-dates and Maori Chief, £5 10s.’: Early Puritans (extra choice), .£8; Sco'tlas, £1 10s.: Dakotas, £5 ton, sacks In; lesser quantities Is. per cwt. extra. COMMERCIAL ITEMS INVESTMENT SHARES. Yesterday’s quotations for investment shares were as follow: Buyers. Sellers. £ s. d. £ e <l.

NEW COMPANIES The “Mercantile Gazette’’ records the registration of tho following new comP National Chemical Co., Ltd. (The). Registered as a private company September 8 1921 Office: 351 Lanibton Quay. Wellington. Capital, £5OOO. into 6000 shares of £1 each Subscribers: Wellington— W A Barrett, 3000 f.p.. 100 cont.: A. N. Polson. 100 eont ; E. H. Edwards 600 cont.; A G. Macdou&all, 250 cont ; I. S. Bussell, 50 cont. Objects: To carry on the trade or business of manufacturers of face powders, face creams, tooth pastes an d powders, and other toilet requisites, and general incidental. zrm \ •» Takapurau Timber Co., (The). P e " gistered as a private company September 9 193. Office: Company s Mill near Ohin’gaiti. Capital, £2OOl, into 2001 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Ohingaiti—AF. M'Kenzio, 667; L. J. Vile, 667; T. K. Vile, 667. Objects: To carry on tho business of timber merchants, sawmillers, builders, wood-workers, and deal in timber, etc., and general incidental. . Stephenson Shoe Co., Ltd. (The). Registered as a private company September 13. 1921. Capital. £3500. into 3500 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Wanganui—W Rees Jones. 1750 f.p.u. Gisborne—l Stephenson. 1750 f.p.u. Objects: To carry on the trade or business, of boot ana shoe importers, boot repairers, etc., at Gisborne, or elsewhere In New Zealand. United Cyclo and Motc-r Traders Co.. Ltd. (The) Registered September 6, 1921. Office-" 78 Vivian Street. Wellington Capital. £50,000. into 50,000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Wellington—A. W. Cullen, 1; W. Berry, 1: T. Child, 1; B. Woodcock, 1 • W. F. Gledhill. 1; W. Woodcock, ’’00; L. Pitcher, 100 Objects: To commence and carry on business of manufacturers or importers of or dealers in bicycles, motorcycles. motor-cars, motor tracks, and lorries, and general incidental. Petley and Cording, Ltd Registered as a private company September 7, 1931. Office: Main Road. Mntiere. Capital. £lOOO into 1000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Matiere—o. Petley. 500; C. S. Cording, 500. Objects: To acquire and take over as a going concern the business non- carried on at Matiere under the style of "Petley and Cording” and all or any of the assets and liabilities of that business, to carry on the business of builders and contractors, decorators, merchants, and dealers in stone, sand, lime, etc., drapers and furnishing and general warehousemen in all Its branches, and general incidental. O’Neill’s Drapery. Ltd. Registered ns a. private company September 7. 1921 Office: 12 Brandon Street, 'Wellington. Capital. £2820, into £t shares. Subscribers: Wellington —H. Wright, 2203. Blenheim—o. n. S. Claughton, 617. Objects: To acquire and take over as a going concern the business of draper now carried on bv Mrs. Johannah O’Neill. Blenheim. to carry on, develop, and work tho business of milliners, clothiers, mercers, dressmakers, and general incidental. CUSTOMS REVENUE. The Customs revenue collected at, the port of Wellington yesterday totalled £7112 2s. 10d. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph—Prosa Association —Copyright (Rec. September 15. 9.45 p.m.) Sydney, September 15. Oats, Algerian feed. 3s. 2d. to 3s. 3d. per bushel: milling. 3s. 6d ; white feed, 3s. 9d to 3s. lOd. • Maizo. yellow, ss. 3d. to ss. 6d. nor bushel; white, ss. to ss. 3d. Potatoes. Tasmanian. £4 to £lO per ton. Onions, Victorian. £4 to £5 per ton Adelaide, September 15. Oats, milling, 2s. 7d. per bushel. MINING NEWS WELLINGTON SHARE MARKET. The quotations recorded for mining shares yesterday were as under:— Buyers. Sellers, is s. d. £ s. d. Blackwater Mines 0 5 0 Mt. Lyell 013 9 - Waihi 1 1 o 119 STOCK EXCHANGE. By Telegraph—Press Association. Dunedin, September 15 Sale—P. and O. (deferred), £355. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. London, September 14. Broken Hill, 355.; Hampden, buyers 6s. 6d„ sellers 7s. 6d.; Peninsula, and Oriental (deferred), buyers £350, sellers £360.

Inscribed Stock. 1938 Inscribed Stock, 5J per ' 91 5 83 15 ft 91 10 0 Inscribed Stock, 5i per 1930 93 0 0 War Bonds, 1930 .... 87 5 ft — P.O. Inscribed Stock, 192/ 90 15 0 Bank Australasia 90 10 n National Bank 5 10 0 5 11 6 Bank New Zealand 2 9 0 2 9 6 ■1 ■ _2 12 0 Ooldsbrouch Mort 1 11 3 National Mortsraae ...... 3 11 N.Z. Bonn and Mer. (ord.) 80 0 0 Well. Gas (ord ) ” • a 10 0 National Insurance 3 1 N.Z. Insurance 1 9 3 1 16 0 Gear Moat : 111 9 — Huddart-Parkcr (pref.).0 16 6 Union Steam (pref.) 0 18 0 0 19 0 Walptl Coal — 0 15 0 18 3 2 DT.C. (pref.) N.z Tirus; 2 16 0 _ N.Z. Paper Mills 116 Wafrarapa, Farmers (£□) — 6 6 0 Wai rar a pa Farmers A Whitcomb a and Tombs 2 14 6 —

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Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 303, 16 September 1921, Page 8

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FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 303, 16 September 1921, Page 8

FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 303, 16 September 1921, Page 8