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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL At a meeting of the committee of the District Nursing Guild of St. John great regret was expressed at the loss the guild had sustained in the death of Mr. J. G. W. Aitken, late member of the Board of Trustees, and a vote of con-, dolence with his relatives was passed. Dr. Agnes Bennett will be the lecturer at the Red Cross rooms to-morrow evening. Her subject will bo “Domestic Hygiene." Mrs. Porter, organiser of the Women’s National Reserve, will preside. Mrs. F. Chapman presided over a meet ing of thq Society for the Protection of Women and Children, held on Friday. Present also were: Mesdames IV. F. Ward, J. Kirkcaldie, IL A. Kirk'ealdie, and Glover. *A number of oases of neglected and ill-treated children were brought before the meeting for investigation. Others were reported as being attended to. There are also awaiting the consideration of the society some cases' of deserted wives and children, in addition to maintenance cases. Subscriptions from the following were acknowledged with thanks: —G. Lambert, J!1 Is.; Dr. Hay, 165.; Dr. Kemp, 10s.; Dr. Harty, 7s. 6d.; Mrs. Gibbs, 55.; — Jensen, 55.; —Parkes, 10s. Gd.; Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, 10s.; Mr. Jolliffo, 2a, 6d.; Ellis and Manton, 10s.; C. B. Kline, 10s.; Mrs. R. Hunter, 10s.; Wellington Bread Co, 55.; Mrs. J, Brown, 2S. Gd.; Mrs. R. Hannah, 10s.; Mrs. S. Davis, 10s.; Mrs Stowe, ss'; “M.R.B,’’ ss; Mrs R. Parker, 2s. Gd.; A. Cocks, 10s.; W. J. Jack, 10s.; Midlane Bros, ss. ; A. W. Brailsford, ,Is. 6d.; C.'Hill, 55.; Miss Denton, 2s. Gd. ; Virtue and Co, ss. The monthly committee meeting of the District Nursing Guild of St. John was held at the residence of-Mrs. W. H. S. Moorhouse. There were present: Mesdames Moorhouse (presiding) Corrigan, and Strong, Sister . Macandrew, Miss Robieson, and Miss Rowley (hon. secretary). •. Apologies for absence were received from Mesdames Tripe, Young, and Baloombe Brown. The nurses reported a large njimber of cases treated during last month, when 280 visits wbre paid to patients’ homes, and >-81 patients were tended at the office. Several of the sufferers received supplies of wood and coal. During the month 24 patients were registered, 19 were discharged, 6 sent to hospital, and two died. The following donors were gracefully thanked for welcome gifts:—Messrs. Allport and Scott, Nurse Codd, Nurse Wilson, Mesdames W. G. Reid, Moorhouse, Keene, Corrigan, W. Young, Hadfield, and Butler, x Ngaio Stocking Guild, Wellington South Nursing Division, and several \ anonymous donors. The gifts consisted of soup, puddings, eggs, apples, old linen, fire lighters, magazines, boots, and shoes, and a variety of useful garments for adults and children. The nurses would be glad of further: supidies of old clean whitb rag. Mrs. A. Bennett haS returned to New Plymouth frem a visit to Wellington; Mrs. H. T. Fulton, widow of General Pulton, who was killed in the war, is returning to New Zealand shortly, having left England by the Persic on July 22. The death occurred last week, at Sumner of Mrs. Corfe, wife of Mr. C._ C. C'orfe, at one time headmaster of Christ’s College. Her. eldest son is LieutenantColonel Corfe, D.S.O. (four bare), chairman of tho Graeco-Bulgarian Repatriation Commission, Sofia, under the League of Nations. He was a Canterbury College student, and lived for many years in Christchurch. Miss Freda Sternberg passed through Wellington at the end of last week on her way north from Chrjftchurch and Dunedin. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Nolan and Miss Nolan, of Gisborne, are visiting Christ- , church. Dance at Porirua. A most pleasant function was tho spinsters’ ball at Porirua recently. The hall was decorated with nikau palms interlaced with artificial pink flowers, and from the centre of the room pale vdllow and pink streamers were caught to the. sides. The supper room was fragrant with spring flowers, and the decorations consisted qf pale, yellow streamers and nikau palms. The floor was 'in perfect order, the musio and supper were of the best, and ma,ny pretty frocks were worn. The chaperons for the evening were: Mrs. Bennett, svho wore black charmeuse; Mrs. Pain, black crepe de chine; Mrs. Quill, black taffetas and georgette with silvay lace; Mrs. Tearnie brown velvet with fur; and-Mrs. Whitehouse, black taffeta. The committee responsible for the . arrangements were- Miss V. Ashworth, who wore pink georgette with darker pink satin; the Misses Bennett, lemon and heliotrope ac-cordion-pleated crepe de chine respectively; Miss Carter, toink silk with spotted net overdress; Miss .Dawson, anriyot crepe de chine; Misses Godfrey flame tulle with rosebud trimmings and saxe foulard silk with crepe de chine respectively; Miss Herlihy, pale blue crepe de chine; Mies Pain, yellow’ satin with powder blue georgette drapings; Miss Teague, pale pink crepe de chine with rosebuds; Miss Vickers, pale biscuit georgette with beaded embroideries; Miss Whitehouse, white taffetas with touches of vieux rose; and Miss Wilson, black satin and georgette. The honorary secretaries were Miss F. Anderson who wore nale yellow satin with pale pink net overdress and rosebud trimmings, and Miss K Brown, lemon georgette with peacock blue Mire M." Ash worth was the treasurer, and Mr. Goldsmith M.C the evening Mr. J. Harris, on behalf of the, bachelors and benedicts of Porirua, proposed a vote of thanks to tho spin'sters,. which was carried with - musical Xionoups. 4 \ SPRING FLOWERS SHOW AT HATAITAI. The spring show of the Ha taitai lloiticultural Society; was opened by the Mayor (Mr.. R. A. Wright, M.P.) ni the public school at Haitaitai, on Saturday afternoon. The Mayor was accompanied by Mrs. Wright, who ivas presented with a bouquet by Joan Lankshear and t.iere was a good attendance oi residents of the district. Mr. 11. A. Huggins (president of tho society') introduced Mr. Wright, who complimented the niembeys of the society upon the fine shoiv they had organised, and upon the d uulll >' of the exhibits, and referred to tho great advance in horticMlturo that bad been made at IBjJaitai. Dr. M.P., was another speakci',, and contrasted the appearance of Hataitai to-day with that of a few years, ago, when, instead of daffodils, the hillsides grew ti-tree, and did not hold oven the faintest suggestion of tho gardens that, were to come into existence so quickly. One of the features of the show was the fine exhibit of narcissi by H. I oole, their groat variety and quality attracting much admiration. Local residents had also sent in some interesting specimens. Amongst other exhibits were some fine cineraria. The decorative section woe distinctly good. Tho Pf‘ nc l 1 P al winners in the show were Mrs. K'.tcliinq and M r - H - A - Huggins, the liret-named securing 12 firsts Mid G seconds, and the latter 5 firsts and 5 seconds. The prize-list is as follows: — , Amateur, Class B. —Best collection of

narcissi, Mrs. Kitching, 1; H. A. Huggins, 2; 24 varieties narcissi, H. A. Hug. gins, 1; 12 varieties narcissi, Mrs. Kitc’hing, 1; W. E. Chisholm, 2; 6 varieties narcissi, Mrs. W. J. Gaudin, 1; Mrs, Chambers, 2; 1 trumpet daffodils, Mrs. Kitching, 1; 3 yellow blooms, Mrs. Kitching, 1; Mrs, W. Harper, 2; 3 bi-oolour blooms, Mrs. Kitching, 1; Mrs. W. J. Gaudin, 2; 3 white blooms, Mrs. Chambeiu. 1; Mrs. Kitohing, 2. Class C.—Six chalice cups, 3 stems,each distinct varieties: Mrs. Kitching, 1; IL A. lluggins, 2. Three chalice cups, W: E. Chisholm, 1; Mrs. Kitching, 2. Si* chalice cups: H. A. Huggins, 1; Mrs. Kitching, 2. Three chalice cups: Mrs. Gaudin, 1; Mrs. Kitching, 2. One chalice cup: Mrs. Kitching, 1. Three red cups: Mrs. Kitching, 1; H. A. Huggins, 2. Three Barii: Mrs. Kitching, 1. Three Leedsii: Mns. Kitching, 1; H. A. Huggins, 2. Three jonquils: Mrs. J. L. Arcus, 1; W. R. Chisholm, 2. Three poetg,s Mrs.; Kitching, 1. Notice, Class- D.—Six ’narcissi, any variety: Mrs Highet, 1; Mrs. J. L. Arcus, 2. Three narcissi, any varietyt Mrs. B. R. Lankshear, l and‘2. Class E.—One hyacinth, one truss: D. Binnie, 1 and Six stems grape hyacinth: Mrs. Bailey, 1. Six anemones, each distinct varieties: Mrs. M’Lean, 1| Mrs. Ponlington, 2. Three anemones f Mrs. Tinney, l; ,Mrs. Penlington, 2. Sil ranunculi: G. D. Hewitt, 1 > Mrs. Gaudin, 2. Three ranunculi: G. D. Hewitt, 1; Mi-s.. Gaudin, 2. Six sprays freesias, white: Mrs. T. Watt, 1; W. E. Chisholm, 2. Six sprays frcesias, cream: T. Watt, 1; Mrs. M'Leau, 2. Three bunches primroses, distinct varieties: G. T. Penlington, 1; Sirs. Kitching, 2. One bunch single violets: Helen Dowling, 1. Three stocks, each distinct variety: Mrs. Dowling, 1; Mrs.’Kitching, 2. Three wallflowers, each distinct variety: Mrs. Bailey, 1. Six paneios, each distinct variety: H. A. Huggins, 1. Six violasi H. A. Huggins, 1 and 2. Three camellias, any variety: H. A. Huggins, 1; ( F, J. W. Fear, 2. . „ Class F.—Twelve varieties cut flowers i Mrs. Kitching, 1. Six varieties: Mrs. Bailey, 1 and 2. Three varieties. flowering shrubs: W. E. Chisholm, 1; H. A. Huggins, 2. Class G, pot plants—One pot tra: Mrs. DL Binnie. Class H—Decora tire (only glassware to be used)Af3est decorated table; Mrs. Moeller, 1; Mrs. Feil, 2, Best decorated, table, any .ware to be used: Mrs. tortune, 1; Mrs. Harper, 2. Decorated bowl narcissi, “any foliage: Mrs Moeller, 1; Mrs. Binnie. 2' Decorated basket, any. flowers and foliage: Mrs. Fortune. 1. Best arranged vase narcissi,- any foliage. Mrs. Harper, 1; Mrs. Binnie 2. Best arranged vase, any flowers other than narcissi: Mrs. Fortune, 1; Mrs. M’Lean, 2. Best lady’s spray: Mrs. Moeller, IJ Mrs. Binnie, 2. Best buttonhole: Mw. Moeller, 1; Mrs. Binnie, 2 Bost decore ated hat, natural flowers: Mrs. Fortune,. Li: Mrs. Harper, 2 Glass I, cooking-Best nut loaf:, MrsB. R. Lankshear, 1; Mrs. Binnie, 2. White scones: Mrs. T. Watt, 1. One sponge roll: Mrs. J. L. Arcus; 1. One sponge sandwich: Mrs. B. R. Lankshear* *■ 1; Mrs. J. L. Afcus, 2. One plate shortbread: Mrs. B. R. Lankshear, 1. Class J, needlework—Best made garment, eyelet embroidery: Mrs. A. E. Dement, 1 and 2. Mount Mellick work. Mrs. Major, I.' Supper or tray cloth. Mrs. M. Brown, 1 and 2. Pillow sham; Mrs. Harper, 1 and 2. Piece work, any. kind: Mrs. Dement, 1; Miss C Kitching, 2. Table centre, coloured ittirk: Mrs. Dement, 1. Piece appnqu* iwirk: Mrs.'Warder, 1; Mrs. C. Bell, 9. Cushion or cover, coloured work: Mrs. Dement, 1; Mrs. Warder, 2. Piece erechet work: Miss Maylett, 1; Mrs Mack, 2.- Piece crochet lace: Mrs. E. A. Butt, 1 Hand-made calte d’oyley: Mrs. Fear, 1- Airs. Chisholm, 2. Knitted child s garment: Mrs. Hfehet, 1 ,Tea cosie: Mis. B. Mac Duff, 1; Mrs. C. 8011, 2. Best, piece pen painting: Aire. Dement, Ij Miss C. Kitching, 2. Bost liand-worked (blouss: Airs. Feil, 1; Miss D. ttatt, Best piece bead work: Miss Mac Duff, 1. Class K, children’s work (for child under 10 years of age)—One pot plant. Ivan Walker, 1; Eleanor Hunt, 2. One decorated basket (under 14 years of age): Denis Chambers, 1; Nancy. Beck, 2. One decorated basket (under IP years of age): ' Winton Bear, 1. One vase flowers (for child under 14 years): Dennis Chambeis, 1- Nancy Beck. 2. One vase flowers (under 10 years): Eleanor Hunt, 1| Nancy' Bayfield, 2. One lady s spiay (child-under 14 year*): Margaret Mackenzie, 1;' Dennis Chambers, 2. One lady's spray (under 10 years): Eileen Watts, 1; Eleanor Hunt, 2.' One geiitlis-' man’s buttonhole (under 14 years): hism Kennedy. 1; Dennis Chambers, 2. CM gentleman's buttonhole (under 10 yeure : Eileen AVatts, 1 and 2. Decorated table (under 14 years): Dennis Chambers, 1, ■ Vivienne Hunt, 2. Six Prieto. In. Hiahet 1; Viviedne Hunt, 2. Six as Sed cakes: Vivien-e Hunt ! Ono sponge Sandwich; Vivienne Hunt 1. One p?ate assorted sweets: Vivienne Hunt L drawing-Best drawing dong m scS Standaid Ill: Lucille Payne, 1| Gilbert Coujyr, 2. U o M & StaJ Gordon Bell, B t 1; Marjorie / Sbs 2 S hawing to Standard Comos, — " , 1-w Fortune, 2. VI: Adina. Paternoster, ’ piasticine Plasticine ■ U P s/'Best to Standard I. Pattie lto“ 0 U *" .. Keith Chambers, "Eto StaiXrd II: Leslie Shepherd Jessie Fisher, 2. Special prize: John Holmes-Edge. j f {he a The Evera?d for the decorative woX Mr. Rowlett for cookery, and Macandrew for tocy- Dr. ]Ses for h toe S best vegetable gardens, to FeiL _

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Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 299, 12 September 1921, Page 2

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WOMAN’S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 299, 12 September 1921, Page 2

WOMAN’S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 299, 12 September 1921, Page 2