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AUCTION SALES ( 1 I FORTHCOMING FIXTURES. (* TO-DAY. Mastef-ton. 11 a.m —Sale of motor-ear (K. S. Gerraud). TUESDAY. Lovin Yards, 12 noon.—Stock sale. woolTmarket STRONG COMPETITION AT LONDON SALES PRICES FIRM FOR MERINOS AND CROSSBREDS I London, September 8. Both merinos and crossbreds are very firm at iho free wool offerings. There is strong competition from the Continent and home buyers. Prices were fully maintained, and the catalogues were practically all sold. Realisations: “Toorale,” top price 3l|d., average 30Jd.; "Taingd,” 20d. and 19d.; “D.R.G , New England,” 254<1., 23d., and- 21d. , - The Bradford market -shows a little , more activity, but spinners are still disinclined to follow iho Ixmdon advance. Tops prices aie: 64’b (on spot), 42d. to 45d.; October, 40d. to 42d. —Aus.-N.Z. Cable Assn. “8.A.W.R.A.” CO NFEKEKCE AGREEMENT REGARDING ALLOCA- '' TIONS. 'Melbourne, September 9. The B.A.W.R.A. Wool Conference has concluded. It was agreed to adhere to the allocations as decided uppn in last March. It was also decided to, alter tile constitution of the personnel of the Appeal Board so as to give brokers representation.—Press Assn. [The allocation agreed ujx>n in March was that London and Australia, should offer equal quantities of wool per month. If London offered, say, 150,000 bales per month, thou Australia would offer the same; if London reduced its quantities, then Australia should follow suit. Out of the quantity of wool to be offered in London ' B.A.W.R.A. should have the right to offer two bales to one of "free” wool. In Australia only free wools were to be offered.] BUTTEIiAN’DCJIEESE LONDON.- QUOTA TIONS. Australian-New Zea]anil Cable Association. London, September 8. The butter market is . very flat. Danish is at 2405. per ciyt. - It is expected* that /the Government prices will bo further reduced by about 20s. per cwt., making it possible to retail New Zealand at about 2s. 3d. per lb., and Australian at 2s. Traders hope that better business will result from prices being on this basis. Cheese is also flat. New Zealand white, 110 s. to 112 s. per cwt.; coloured, 104 s. . CANTERBURY GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ACTIVITY DURING WEEk. By Telegr^oh—Press AssociationChristchurch, September 9. The grain and produce maj'ket maintains its activity, and quite rtn amount of business has been done during the week. Oats are 'firm without any appreciable change in values. .A grade Gartons are worth’ up to 2s. lid. at nearby country stations. .\ Grass .seeds remain flrnj, with steady Aiusiness doing. White clover is worth from Is. 2d. to Is. 4d., and cowgrass is quoted at up to 2s. 2Jd. at country stations. Italian and perennial ryegrass are also in request. Cocksfoot, Ur gooi standard; machine-dressed, in worth lid., and a. sale to Australia is reported to have occurred at UJd. To the farmers good cocksfoot is worth Bd. Potatoes have recovered during the week from their Gqpinolent condition, this being duo to the reported shortening of supplies in Auckland, end the impending' departure of a couple of boa'ts. With freight available, the present, quotations ire 325. 6d. to 355. per ton. s Partridge peas have been bought at Bs., there beipg/an inquiry from Home. Rairley 'also 'is inquired for, but there is* 1 nothing 'doing at tho present nominal quotation of 3sf 6d. Another shilling wouli] be required to 'unloose the quantities held VI growers’ hands. The inis for export. JERSEY BERD (Rec. September 9, 5.5 ' London; September 9. Lord Blythe’s herd of Jersey cattle ' has been sold by auction. The King .bought one cow for 52 guineas, and two for 40 guineas, each. Forty-five head averaged .£4o.—Aus.-N.Z. Cable. Assn. FROZEN MEAT Messrs. Dalgety and Company Limited report having received the following cablegram from their London house under date September SiFrozen Meat—Fair demand all round. Lamb.— Decidedly weaker, and probably decline. Holders are anxious to sell. New Zealand prime crossbred lamb 12Jd. per lb., heavy lid. per lb. Mutton.—Market nominally unchanged. Light BJd., heavy Gd., ewes 4d. to 5Jd., but prices 'are very irregular. J3 oe f. —New Zealand prime ox beef hinds Gd., Now Zealand prime ox beef fores 4d. Better demand for best heavy, no demand for inferior light. LONDON TALLOW MARKET Messrs. W. Weddel and Co, Ltd., London, cabling on September 7 to Messrs. A. 11. Turnbull and Co., report on the ,tallow market as follows:—"At iallow auctions to-day 1480 casks were offered and 1-180 casks were sold. Strong demand spot goods have advanced Bs. first grade, 4s. inferior.” Messrs. Murray Roberts and Co. yesteiday received a cablegram from their London friends, Messrs. Sanderson, Murray and Elder Ltd., dated Septembers, reading as follows:—"Market continues very firm. Greasy merino advanced 71 nor cent, to 10 per cent.; greasy merino good shows the greatest advance: scoured Aiqriuo advanced 10 per cent.; keen demand- crossbred medium, par to 5 per cent, advance; crossbred, /me, par to 5 per cent, advance.” HIDE AND SKIN MARKET FORTNIGHTLY sales. The fortnightly sales of hides and skins were held yesterday by the various brokers , Messrs. ’Dalgety and • Co. report that they submitted a fair catalogue of all classes to an average attendance of buyers Dry skins were in poor demand, and the majority of the catalogues were passed in. Damaged, seedy and broken lots failed to elicit a bid. Sound ox of heavy substance sold well nt last sales’ rates. Calfskins and yearlings were a little easier. Tallow was very finn/and showed an advance of 3s. to 4s. per, cwt. Messrs. Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd., offered a’catalogue of GOO sheepskins and 1400 hides and calfskins. Sheepskins elicited very little competition, and most lines were withdrawn, prices being considerably below owners’ ideas of value. For hides there was keen competition nt hardening prices compared with last sale. Light-weight ox and cow hides were fully a halfpenny dearer, medium cow and ox plir to a slight advance, and heavy ox advanced fully, a halfpenny. Yearlings and kin maintained last sale's level, but calfskins were easier by Ud. to 2d. per lb. There was good competi-

lion for tallow at an advance of about 4s. to ss. per cwt. ' Messrs. ■ Levin and, Co. report that there was practically no demand for sheepskins, consequently the majority of lots were passed without eliciting any compctition. There was more inquiry for tallow at'an advance of from 3s. to ss. per cwt., according to quality. The rafigo of prices is as under: — Sheepskin*—llalfoiell, 2Jd. to 3d.; fine crossbred, 2jd- to 2Jd> ; medium to coarse crossbred, lid. to 2d.; short to halfwool, . to l?d.; lambs, IJd. to 2d.; dead'arid damaged crossbred, Id. to Id.; inferior and badly damaged, fd. to 4<1.; pelts, Id. to Id.; damp, salted and green. Is. (id. to 2s. 7d.; lambs, salted, Is. 4d. Hides. —O.x, heavy, 591 b. and over, 13Jd. to laid.; ox. medium, 501 b. to 581 b., 4Jd. to 9d.; ox, light, 491 b. and under, 5Jd. to 6Jd.; cut, -slipjiy and inferior, 2d. to 10jd.; cow, heavy, 551 b, and over, fijd. to Bd.; cow, medium, 421 b. to 541 b., 3ld. to (lid.; cow, light, under 421 b., 4]d. to Bd.; cut, slippy, inferior, Id, to 4jd.; bull,, stag, Id. to 3d.; yearlings, 111 b. to 321 b., 3Sd. to 12]d.; calf, superior, up to 101 b., 12Jd. to 17fd.; calf, medium to good, up to 101 b., lOld. to Ifrjd.; calf, damaged, up to 101 b., Id. to HJd. ■ Tallow. —In casks, 21s. Gd. to 305.; in tins, etc., 13s. fd 225. Sundries.—lforsehair, 18Jd.; cow tails, per dozen, 9d. COMMERCIAL ITEMS INVESTMENT SHARES. A sale of 5J peg- cont. Inscribed Stock, due 1933, at £9l’los., was reported yesterday. The quotations were as follow:—

CUSTOMS REVENUE. Customs revenue collected at the port of Wellington yesterday totalled £10,207 15s. Bd. 1 EXCHANGE RATES. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. London, September 8. Foreign rates of exchange are quoted as follow :-Paris, 48.68 francs to £1; Stockholm, 17 25 kroner; Christiania, 28.35 kroner- ’Copenhagen. 21.07 kroner; Berlin, 365 marks; Montreal. 4.15 dollars; New York 3.74 dollars: Calcutta, 16Jd. to I‘unee; Yokohama, 31Jd. to yen; Hong-Kong, 32Jd. to dollar. < COLONIAL AND OTHER PRODUCE. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. London, September 8. . Wheat is nuiet, but quotations for cargoes due ave firm Fffilir is dull, Australian ex store, r . 595. Oats are tending to be easier. New Zealand ex quay. 48e. to 50s. Beans are quiet, but steady. Peas are slow Tasmanian Blues, ex store, 600 b. to 6405.; New Zealand, 5605. to 600 s. Sugar is quiet, but prices Ure unchanged. LEAD IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. By Telegraph—Press Association— Copyright London, September 8. \ Lead imports are 10.845 tone; Australian 408 tons. Exports 1982 tons Prices 6f metals Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. (Rec. September 10, 1.5 a.m.) London, September 8. Copper.—On spot, £67 6b. 3d per ton; forward delivery, £6B 7s 6d. Lcad.-On spot, £23 2s. 6d. per ton; forward ndiivery, £22 12s. 6d. Spelter.—On spot, £25 2s. 6d per ton; forward delivery, £25 15s. Tin—On spot, £159 2s. 6d. per ton; forward delivery, £l6l 12s. 6d. Silver.—Bare, 363 d. per ounce standard. MELBOURNE PRODUCE MARKET. By Telegraph—Press Aaaociatiop— Copyright, Melbourne, September 9. Barley. English, 4s. lOd to sb. per bushel; Cape. 3s. 9d. 1 to 3s. lOd Oats. Cs. 6d. to 2s. 7d. per bushel. Potatoes. £3 10s. to £5 sa. per ton. Onions. £2-to £2 12b 6d. PRICES OF HIDES FIRM. By Telegraph—Preen Association— Copyright Melbourne, September 9. Hide prices,are firm for all well-cared for and good/conditioned lines. For such the market/has advanced }d ; inferior lines are unchanged. MINING -NEWS WELLINGTON’ SHARE MARKET. The quotations for mining shares recorded yesterday were as follow Buyers. Sellers. jc s. d. £ s. d. Blackwater Mines — 0 5 6 Progress , T . (J 1 u Wailii 110 — Waihi Grand Junction... 0 8 5 0 9 0 STOCK EXCHANGE. By Telegraph—Press Association. Christchurch, September 9. Sale.—Hank of New South Wales. £34. Sales Reported.—Union Bank of Australia ? £l2 10b.; New Zealand Refrigerating (£1 paid)] £1 Ils. 9d. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. (Rcc September 9, ..5.5 p.m.) London, September 8. Among the latest quotations on the Stock Exchange are the following:—Broken Hill, Block 10, 10s.; North Broken Hill, 28s '9d.; Hampton, buyers 4s. 4d„ sellers 4s. 9d. i

Buyers. £ s. d. Sellers. £ b. d. Inscribed Stock, 1938 83 7 6 — Inscribed Stock. 1935 91 7 6 91 15 0 War Bonds, 1938 83 7 6 —— War Bonds, 1930 — S8 0' 0 War Bonds. 1933 91 5 0 —— War Bonds, 1927 90 15 0 — .National Bunk 5 11 0 5 12 0 Bank New South Wales — 35 0 0 Goldsbrou?li Mort 1 10 0 — National Mortgage —• 3 12 0 Well. Trust a'nd Loan ... 5 6 3 — Well. Gas (£10) 7 17 6 8 5 0 National Insurance — 3 1 <> N.Z. Insurance' 1 9 0 — N.ft. Refrigerating (£1) 1 10 0 — N.Z llefrigeratiug- (10b.) 0.17 3 s — Well. Meat Exp (£5) ■■■! *- Well. Meat E\p. (£3 4 10 0 12s , 6d.) 4 1 0 / 3 6 0 Huddart-Paa'ker (ord.) ... — 2 3 b Huddart-Parker (pref.)... 0,16 6 •— Westport- Coal 1 7 3 1 8 0 0 15 6 Howard femith 2 0 Dental and Memcal Sup0 1- 7 0 N.Z? Driur 2 # Wairaralpa Farmers (£5) —' Wairarapa\ Fanners 5 5 0 17 fl b Whitconibe and Tombs... 2 14 0 —

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Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 298, 10 September 1921, Page 10

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FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 298, 10 September 1921, Page 10

FARMING & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 298, 10 September 1921, Page 10