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REPORT ISSUED ALLOCATION OF PERMITS MANY CHANGES MADE The report of the Racing Commission was issued on Saturday. The commissioners were appointed under Gaming; Amendment Act, 1920, to make reeom- , mendations regarding the allocation of totalisator permits tor the racing year *i commencing on August 1, 1921. They have made very full inquiry as to racing conditions in all parts of New Zealand, and their report contains important recommendations involving many transfers of licenses as well as the issue of some additional licenses. Clubs that are to be deprived of totalisator licenses altogether include the Avondale Jockey Club, the Otahuhu Trotting Club, and i tho Canterbury Park Trotting Club. The total number of licenses is to be increased bv 27. but the increase is almost entirely i". the smaller meetings. The recommendations of tho commissioners, M far as they involve changes, are summarised below. Clubs that are not mentinned retain their present number of racing days. The commissioners recommend that the number of days on which the totalisator may be used be increased from £B9 to 816. made up as follows:— Racing clubs, 223 (at present 214). Hunt clubs, 15 (at present 16). Trotting clubs, 78 (at present 50). Ths Cities. Auckland loses six days' racing, made ■ «p as follows: — Avondalo Jockey .Club, 4 days. Otahuhu Trotting Club, 4 days. Total '■......... 8 days less two extra days given to the Auckland Trotting Club. Wellington gains four days, comprising ’ one extra day to the Wellington Racing ■ Club and three additional days to the Wellington Trotting Club, which at preeent has one day only. Christchurch loses four days, which are taken from the Canterbury Park JVrottina Club. Dunedin has no alteration. North of Auckland. The Waipapakauri Racing Club (new) deceives one day. Northern Wairoa Racing Club one day additional, making two days, Whangaroi Racing Club,* two additional days, making four days. Northland Trotting Club (new), one dav. South Auckland. Hamilton Racing Club two additional days, making four days. Rotorua Racing Club one additional day. making two days. Te Kuiti Racing Club one additional Hay, making two days. Waipa Racing Club (Te Awamutu) one additional day, making two days. Taumnrunui Racing Club one additional day, making two days. Franklin Racing Club (new), two days. Matamata Racing Club (new) ono day. Cambridge Trotting Club (new) one dav. Te Aroha Trotting Club (uew) one day. Waikato Trotting Club one additional »*ay, making two days. Hawke’s Bay District. The commissioners recommend that tho four days hitherto held by the Gisborne Racing Club be withdrawn; that the Gisborne club amalgamate with the Poverty Bay Turf Club, and that the latter .club be granted threo additional days, making seven days in all. The commissioners also recommend that the five davs hitherto granted to the Napier Park Racing Club he withdrawn, that the club amalgamate with the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club,' and that the latter club’s days be increased from seven to eight. Tolagn Bay Jockey Club one additional day, making two days. Poverty Bay Trotting Club one additional day, making two days. Hawke’s Bay Trotting Club (new) twb davs. The commissioners recommend that the one-dav license hitherto granted to the Porangohau end' Waipawa Racing Clubs bo withdrawn, and that one additional day be given to the Waipukurau Racing Club, making two days for that elub. Taranaki District. Taranaki Jockey Club one additional , dav. making five days. Opunake Jockey Club one additional day, making two days. Stratford Racing Club two additional days, making four days. Waimate Plains Trotting Club one additional day, making two days. Taranaki Trotting Club (new) one day. Wanganui District. The commissioners recommend the withdrawal of the licenses of the Ash-hurst-Pohangina Racing Club and Rangitikei Racing Club, owing to tho proximity of these clubs to Palmerston North and Murton respectively. Marton Jockey Club ono additional day. making four days. Waverlev-Waitctara Racing Club one additional day. making two days. Waimarino Racing Club (new) two davs. Wanganui Trotting Club one additional dav. making three days. Manawatu Trotting Club one additional day, making two days. Wellington District. The commissioners recommend the withdrawal of licenses from the Horowhenua Racing Clyb, Taratahi-Carterton Racing Club, and South Wairarapa Trotting Club. Pahiatua Racing Club, ono additional day, making two days. Masterton Racing Club, one additional day, making four days. Wellington Racing Club, ono additional day, making ten days. Wellington Trotting Club, three additional days, making four days. Wairarapa Trotting Club (new), two days. Afarlbonough Trotting Club, one additional day, making two days. Canterbury District. Tho commissioners recommend the withdrawal of the Amberley Racing Club’s liconso. which is granted to the North Canterbury and Oxford Jockey Club, making that club two days. Waimate Racing Club, one additional day, making two days. Mackonzio Racing Club (new), one day. Waihau Racing Club (new), one day. Timaru Trotting one additional day, making two days. Methvon Trotting Club (now), one day. Tho Cheviot Racing Club's courso was found unsuitable for racing, and a trotting liconso is allotod in lieu of a racing license, at the club's request. Westland District, Tho commissioners recommend the withdrawal of the Kumara Racing Club's license. Nelson Jockey ClZb, one additional day, making three days. Motueka Racing Club (new), ono day. Nelson Trotting Club, ono additional day, making two days. Otago District. Tho commissioners recommend ths withdrawal of licenses from tho Beaumont Racing Club, Clifdon Baaing Club, lake County Jocaey Club, Tapanui Racing Club, Vincent Jockey Club, and Walrio Jockey Club. Rivqrton facing Club, one additional I day* maJclng flu*® day*.' •

Tuapeka County Jockey Club, one additional day, making two days. Oamaru Trotting Club, one additional day, making two days. Lumsden Hack Racing Club (new), one day. Clutha Trotting Club (new), ono day. Otago Central Trotting Club (new), one day. Southland Trotting Club (new), two days. Wyndham Racing Club, one additional day, making two days. TUB COMMISSION’S CONCLUSIONS REDISTRIBUTION OF PERMITS NECESSARY. "Upon the completion of our inquiry,’’ state the commissioners, "and after careful and earnest consideration, wo, in complete unanimity, arrived at tho following conclusions, viz.: — (a) That it is highly undesirable, either by redistribution of tho licenses hitherto granted, or by tho issue of additional licenses, or otherwise, to materially increase the yolumo of totalisator betting in tho Dominion: (b) That, considering the configuration of tho Dominion, and the scattered nature of its population, the', number of race-days per year now permitted is not excessive: (c) That thoro are anomalies and injustices in the present distribution of licenses which clamour for removal and rectification: (d) That the population basis for tho purpose of distribution is o fallacious ono, but that population is ah important factor and should have due consideration in every case: (o) That ouitlying districts, and especially districts suffering under the disabilities of isolation, should receive special consideration: (f) That to achieve any approach to accurate justice a certain measure of redistribution is imperative, and the issue of a certain number of additional /censes is unavoidable : (g) That to effect this redistribution, provide the additional licenses, and remove the anomalies and remedy the injustices now present, without materially increasing tho volume of totalisator betting, it is inevitable that certain clubs enjoying privileges beyond their just deserts, or beyond tho reasonable recreation requirements of their respective dis- . trlcts, should suffer curtailment, and that others who have outlived their usefulness, or who are not really necessary to the district they purport to serve, should disappear from the racing map altogether: (h) That, with regard to what are called the metropolitan clubs, it should be recognised that the larger of these clubs are, in a sense, national institutions, catering according to l igh standards not only for the population in their immediate

vicinity, but for tho racing community at large, and should, not be interfered with unless for grave reasons; but that the suburban clubs are in quite a different position, and are entitled to much less respect and consideration: (i) That country clubs, as a class, are entitled to more sympathetic consideration than they have hitherto received, it being, in our judgment, not only strictly just, but in the public interest, that a sufficiency of recreation should be available for those living at a distance from the larger centres; but that in certain areas a quite unnecessary congestion of country clubs was apparent, and should, to some extent, be relieved. Effect of the Changes.

"It will be noted that by our finding the number of totalisator racing days has, been increased by 9 days, and the number of trotting days by 19 days," states the report. “Prior to the appointment of the commission of 1910, racing clubs held licenses covering 242 days, and trotting clubs licenses covering 62 days, a total of SCI days for tho year. Hunt clubs at this ,time held no licenses, but now hold licenses for 15 days. It will be seen that the number of totalisator days for racing clubs and hunt clubs recommended by this commission is still 4 days short of the total held in 1910 by racing clubs alone and the days recommended for trotting clubs only 16 in excess of the days held by that branch of tho sport in 1910. “With regard to trotting, in the report of the commission of 1910 it was pointed out that the peculiar concentration of trotting had been caused by the exceptional growth of tho sport in a few centres, and that this unequal distribution could not be immediately remedied. The evidence is abundant that since 1910 the sport of trotting has vastly increased in popularity, and facilities for its enjoyment are being clamoured for from one end of the Dominion to the other.

"In view .of tho provisions of section 3 of the Gaming Amendment Act, 1920 (No. 2), it has been assumed that, beyond satisfying ourselves that the hunt clubs applying for tho days mentioned in that section are genuine hunt clubs reasonably equipped, and fulfilling their functions as such clubs, we have no responsibility as to the grant of licenses to this class. "Although the allotment of twenty-eight days in excess of tho number previously authorised may, nt first sight, appear to be a violent departure from the first of the principles laid down in paragraph 3 (a), when the position is closely examined it is not really so. The davs of racing nnd trotting in Auckland, Christchurch, nnd Napier are reduced by twelve idays. Estimates made by competent authority indicate that the totalisator turnover which mfiy bo expected from the like number of days plus the additional days granted—all of which, with the exception of one day to Wellington racing nnd threo days to Wellington trotting, are distributed among country clubs, including somo in remote districts—will not materially, if at nil. exceed the turnover that might reasonably have boon expected from tho dnys withdrawn from the city and town clubs." Improvements Required. It is proposed that licenses shall bo withhold from certain clubs until improvements have been effected. These clubs include:— Waimarino Racing Club: A properly constructed racecourse and suitable appointments to tho eatisfaction of the Minister of Internal Affairs to be provided. Masterton Racing Club: Racecourse and training tracks to be improved to Minister’s satisfaction, and proper sanitary accommodation provided to outside enclosure for both soxm. Wairarapa Trotting Club: A properly constructed racecourse and suitable appointments to the satisfaction of the Minister of Internal Affairs to be provided. The commissioners define a properly constructed racecourse and suitable appointments as follows: —"A racecourse preferably a milo or more in circumference, but not less than seven furlongs (unless there are serious difficulties in procuring a course of such circumference in the district), one chain wide throughout, fully railed with regulation rail on the inside, properly graded, and made reasonably safe for horses and riders; tho appointments to include sanitary accommodation for both sexes both in the inside enclosure and the outside, adequate totalisator house, jockeys’ room with lockers, and (or reasonably near) lavatory, weighing-room, and room for officials, ambulance room with equipment, and (if and when the funds of tho club permit) a grandstand or shelter for the public. These appointments may ho considered the minimum.

These conditions apply to courses confined to trotting; but in respect of such courses the circumference may be less than seven furlongs. Reooqjmendatlons for tho improvement

of certain courses include tho following:— Dunnevirko Racing Club: Adequate accommodation to bo provided for outside public. North Taranaki Hunt Club and Eg-month-Waverlcy Hunt Club: Kennels and appointments to be improved and pack increased. Foxton Racing Club: Course requires to bo partly fenced on the outside to prevent horses running off course into the trees. Wanganui Jockey Club: The railing on the inside of this course is too low in places, and should be raised where necessary. Licenses Withdrawn. Commenting on certain clubs which «ro recommended to be deprived Of licenses, the commission says:— Napier Park Racing Club: Tho commission is unanimously of opinion that the district in tho vicinity of Napier and Hastings would be fully catered for by granting to the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club four permits, covering eight days’ racing. Porangahau Racing Club: No appointments worthy of tho name; serves very small population. Unnecessary. Waipawa County Racing Club: Appointments in a most unsatisfactory condition. The racing public of the district are Sufficiently and better served at Waipukurau, seven miles distant. Ashburst-Pohangina Racing Club: Unnecessary owing to proximity to Palmerston North and Woodville. Rangitikei Racing Club: Unnecessary owing to proximity to Marton, which adequately serves district. Horowhenua Racing Club: Unnecessary; district adequately served by Otaki, Foxton. and Manawatu Clubs. Taratahi-Carterton Racing Club: Unnecessary owing to proximity to Masterton and Wairarapa Racing Clubs. South Wairarapa Trotting Club: This club has been in existence’ many years in a flourishing district, but has made no headway, and has po course. We consider if a new club were constituted, with course in a more central position, it would be beneficial to the district, and we recommend that a license for a twodays’ meeting'be granted to a new club to be called the Wairarapa Trotting Club, to be formed to race on tho Tara. tahi-Carterton course, or within five miles therefrom, to take the place of the Taratahi-Carterton Racing Club. South Wairarapa Trotting Club, end Masterton Trotting Club. New Clubs Licensed. Following is the list of non-totalisator clubs which the commission recommends should be granted totalisator licenses: — Racing Clubs; Franklin (2 days), Matamata (1 day), Waipapnkauri (1 day), Waimarino <2 days), Mackenzie (1 day), Waiau (1 day), Motueka (1 day), Lumsden Hack (1 day); total racing clubs, 10. Trotting Clubs: Cambridge (1 day), Hawke’s Bay (2 days), Northland (1 day), Taranaki (1 day), Te Aroha (1 day), Wairarapa (2 days), Cheviot (1 day), Methven (1 day), Clutha (1 day), Otago Central (1 day). Southland (2 days); total trotting clubs, 14; grand total, 24. MINISTER’FcOMMENT REPORT AWAITS PARLIAMENT’S APPROVAL. The Minister of Internal Affairs (the Hon. W. Downio Stewart), when issuing the report on Saturday, stated de. finitely that the recommendations of tho commission would not become fully effective until they had been confirmed by Parliament. But in the meantime licenses will not bo issued to the clubs that the commission has recommended should be deprived of licenses. "It will be noticed," said the Minister, "that the commission has recommended with regard to certain clubs that licenses shall not be issued. As far as these clubs are concerned, licenses will not be. issued unless Parliament rejects the report, in • which case further considorntion will be given to tho matter and later dates may- possibly bo allocated for the meetings. The necessity for refusing licenses in these cases arises from the fact that if Parliament acquiesced in the report, there would not be sufficient days left for tho remaining clubs if some of the available days had been used by clubs that are recommended to be cut out. The additional licenses recommended by the commission will not bo issued until Parliament has had the opportunity of considering tho report.”

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Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 257, 25 July 1921, Page 7

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RACING COMMISSION Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 257, 25 July 1921, Page 7

RACING COMMISSION Dominion, Volume 14, Issue 257, 25 July 1921, Page 7