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By Telegraph-Special Co-respondent.' m , „ Christchuroh, August '12: The Canterbury Jockev Club's Grand rational meeting was continued to-day in lino weather. Though a cold southerly wind was in evidence, there was a large attendance. The course was in good order 0 ' fßsl - Tl »° machine handled £72,528 10s.,- as compared with £54,680 on the second day last year. In the Woplston Handicap the runners were ridden by apprentices. The field hunched in the straight, and then Greekson shot out. He had to bo hard ridden at the finish to beat The Boss. Bill Terry was made a-' short-priced favourite in HlO Hunt Club Cup. Golden Grape led for one mile and a half, .when the favourite and Lawsuit ran to the front. They took the fences together till the last, where Liwsult came down, mil Terry- won by a furlone from Wickf.iw, who had to be ridden out to heat' Golden Grape by a leneth. • No others finished. Oakleigh was the best-backed in the Beaufort Steeplechase. At the start ho and Golden Trinco went oujt in front, and for a circuit they took- the fences together, but at the kennels double the socond time Golden Prince bumped his rider off. This left Oakleigh in front, but across .the bottom San Sebastian ran up to him. The favourite outjumped him at the brush, and cot a break, which ho maintained to the finish. Crib staved on well, and beat 6un Sebastian in the run home. Merry Lad was fourth, Orraeabv fell.

At the Btart of the Summer Handicap High Heels rushed off in front, and 50011 strung out the field. Entering the straight Blie wan two length* dear, but a'iurlong from, homo Walton fan up to her, and in a, good finish ho beat her by 11 length. Carmine was a fair third, and then caniu Benperoop and Sir Fanciful. The National Hurdles speculation took a wide range, but Kauri King finished up an absolute favourite. At - th» start Thrace showed out, but he was rooh headed by Fisher, and the latter and All Talli set a fast pace, and eoon had the field strung, out, Iwfliella and Kauri Kin., heinir in the rear. After going a mile Deviation joined All Talk in the lead, but the latter fell at Cutta's fence. Town the back _ Deviation icd daylight aim rlsher, with Locholla still in the rear, w. ° ml 1? Ga-vlißht ■ fell. Across the bottom Ladogcur and Jack Synions ran to the leader, but entdrmg the straight Hylans took.charge, and he and Kauri King, who had put In-a big run, jumped the last fence just ahead of Lado«eur. In the run to the post Hylans had Hib own way, and won easily from Jack Kyiuona.' fisher was doing good work in third Place, and Kauri King and Lado K eur hiushed close up. Lochella made no showing. He was well back at the finish. bold Kip -was made favourite in the August Handicap, with Will' Oakland and Killoweu also In the market. At the start Will. Oakland led Astinome and lion Spor. Across fho cutting Will Oakland was Bhowinsr the way to Clean Sweep. ' The • latter took charge at the distance, ana •though cha longed by Astinome he won easily; by about'three lengths. Killoweu > finished strongly ir/Hhlrd place, and then came Will Oakland and Gold Kip * Mannißh and Signyaian divided the hou°.ur" 'n the Spreydon Hurdles. •At the start General Petain and Sinnysian went out in front. Down the back Tatimi vent to the leaders, and soon after Signysian compounded. Mannish then becamo prominent, but aiross the bottom Tf.titni took charge. Two lenccs from home ho made a faulty,jump, and Ueueral l'etain again joined him. The pair jumped the last ience together, but Tatimi had inoßt ?r a v 1 ■'! L ho „ U ," Z 0 " 16 . and won easily. Mc.tcuiitoff fin shed ou in third place, and then came Wild Pilerim and Bombproof. m the Islington Handicap Warlike and Loyal Arch led a bunched field into the straight,;, where Hoval Star and Heathersprfc joined in. In. a ding-dong finish 011 bjr . tt " tck £l ™

DETAILED RESULTS. Bv Telegraph-Press Association. . WOOLSTON HANDICAP, of 200 »cm Six . „ , furlougs. Bothnia, 9st ,' ■ 3 tn A f lß n? tart u d: l rm } T J x - iirt'"miJTGoesard, 9st 21b ' 9st- 3111 >.J. Keceaaity; Tortrix and Bothnia, led to the course proper, with Gossard at the end of the others. Greekson joined in below the • : distance, and, stalling off a, late run by The Bobs, won by a length. Bothnia was '. a length away third, followed by Tortrix and Gosßard. Time,' lmiu. 19 l-ssee, ' HUNT CLUB CUP, of 200 eovb, Wo miles and a, half.. • Bill Terry, 12st. 61b (A. Wormald) 1 Wicklow, lOst. Mb 2 Golden Grape,; lOat. lolb .'."" 3 Also started: Lawsuit, 12Bt. 41b.; Dunmure, list, lib.; Nautiboy, lOst. 91b.; Southerner, 10et. 71b.; Leaflet, lOat, 71b.' Golden Grape and Leaflet made the running for half the journey, when Golden Grape went on by himself. Bill Terry and Lawsuit went to the front at tho post nnd rails, and raced in company to tho last fence, where Lawsuit fell, leaving Bill Terry to win by a hundred yard 6 from Wicklow, who beat Golden Grape by two lengths, witli Southerner fourth. Time, smnf. 12sec. BEAUFORT STEEPLECHASE, of £00 sovs. Two miles and a half. Oakleigh, 118t..41b (E, Warner) 1 Crib, list, lib 2 San Sebastian, 9st. 131b. 3 Also started: Golden Prince, list, lib.; Ormesby, 9at. 91b.; Merry Lad, 9st. 71b.; I John Bunny, 9st. 71b.; Collector, 9st. 71b.; Stone Ginger, 9st. 71b. Golden Prince, Ormesby, Merry Lad, and Oakleigh were together over the kennels double, but Golden Prince then drew out ' and led past the atand. At Cutts's fence Collector fell. Oakleigh joined Golden Prince, the pair being well clear of Worry, Lnd; San Sebastian, and Ormoßby.'' There was no change.along tho bad;, but after jumping tho kcnnela double Golden Prince 'oEt his rider. San Sebastian then ran up to Oakleigh, while Crib aho made a forward move. Oakleigh drew away. :<gain at the head of the Btraight, and won by eight lengths from Crib, who beat San Sebastian by six lengths, with Merry Lad another length away. Ormeeby fell at the last fence. > Time, smin. 2scc. SUMNER HANDICAP, uf 2CO sovs. One inilo. . Walton. lOst. 21b..... (M. M'CartenU High Heels, 9stf 41b., "••• \ Carmine, lflst. 31b. ...„\ ••• •* Also started: Sir Fanciful, llat. 91b.; Bengcroop, lOst, Mb.; Miss Camouflage, lOst. 31b.; Chaeronia, 9st. Mb.; Glentniiner. 9st. 71b.; Nautical, 9st. 61b.; Black Mountain! 9Bt. lib. „ . ,„. High Heels, Wnlton, Carmine, and Sir Fanciful made the running till well into •tho Btraight, where Walton took charge, and won easily by a length. Carmine being three lengths I clund 'High Heels.l G IAND mi NAT 7 I B ONAL HURDLES, of 1500 sovs. Two miles and a half. TTvl'ins Hat. 61b (J T. Humhprics) 1 jJck Symons. 9st. 211, M'Mullaii) 2 Fiaher "CFI/ab - W. J. Bowdcn) 3 AIM Started: Lochella, 12st. 61b.; Thrace, n«r 81b- Kauri King, Hat. 3!b.; I'araoa, ' 131b'.' Gaylight, lOst. Mb.; Kohu, 10.1. "lb'- Waima, lOst. 71b.; Deviation, 9st. II '! Ladoge r, 9st, 91b.; All Talk, 9at. 61b. Ffl'hcr led over the flnt hurdle, followed bv All Talk. Thrace, Deviation, I.adogeur, and Gavlight, with Kauri King, Lochc la, ad I'arnoa last. Bacing down ■ the. * halKht Deviation, All Talk, and Fisher were together, followed by Ladogeur and Gaylight, but leaving the straight Dcvialion and AH Talk drew out rom Fisher. AH Talk fell at ftitt's Deviation we" dear of Fisher, Ladogear Oayllght, and Kohu GaySt fell at the htiTdlo near the mile nost breaking his neck, and at the six furlong post Deviation vas ust clear nf I adogenr, with Hylans and Fisher next. ?rllowed b" Kohu, Jack Syinons and Kauri TTiW At the hurdle near the half-mile S B 'Ladog»ur and Hylans were . showC thcTaV. and racing lor the straight K.ur KinV Jh>* s y mo " B vbro band" When fairly in line for borne. Knud King joined the leading but on h niP B he hmAlc "» ln "I rCW out "ear Then Jack Symons put in a clnllenge but nylans lasted long enough ■ to'neat lira by a neck. Ftsher was four c°,,X away, followed by Ladogeur,' tor King, Thrace, and Lorhelln, with Kohu briniinc up the rear. Time. 4mm. s<Eee.' AUGUST IfANDrOAP. of 400 fovs. Six furlongs. Clean Sweep. 9»t. 91b (G. Young). 1 Aftinome, lOst i

'fieer. llßt. 21b.i Daytime. lOst.i Will Oakland 9st lllh.y General Advance, 9st. 21b.; H r .ld.. Sat.: Almoner, 9ft. '~ Will Oakland ar.d Aftmome led to tno vmr'nc proper from Killowen and rieait •ween -Th* la-'nt named took charge at the distance, and won by throe length! from Artinnmo. who was two lenptns in front of Killowen, with General Advance fourth. Time. lmin. 16 l-s;i'C. SPIUiYDCW JIirnDIiKS. of 200 soys. One mile and three-quarters. Tntimi. IPst. 6Mi IL. Hagerty) 1 (iencr.'il Main. 9st 2 JMtchikolf. list. 91b 3 Also started: Sijrnysian, list. 111).; Mannish. lOst. 31b.: Bombproof. lOst. Ulb.; Golden Potal, 9st. 31b.; King Star, 9st,;

Wild Pilgrim, 9at.; Mcntinore, 9st.; Eron Boy, 9st. Signysian and General Petain were ia the van till within throe furlongs from home, when Tatimi rushed to tho fiont and won cleverly by a length, Mcltchihoff being a .poor third. Time, 3min. 99 3-sbcc. ISLINGTON HANDICAP, of 250 eovs.' One mile. Ifoyal Star, Met. 91b !B. Decley) 1 Heathersprlg, lOst. 71b 2 Loyal Arch, 9st. 51b 3 Also Btarted: Arch Salute, 9st. lilli.; Dnintv Step, Sst. Mb,; Hurry Up, 9st. 111b.; Warlike. 9st. 71b.; Jock, 9st. 51b.; Consultation, 9st. ■ Warlike and Heathcrßprig forced the pace to the straight, where the latter took charge, only to be beaten in the last few strides, by Boyal Star, who got the verdict bv a neck, Loyal Arch six lengths away third. Time, lmin. « 2-seec. THIRD DAY'S HANDICAPS, Following are the third dn-y'n handi"HUNTERS' PLATE -HANDICAP, of 140 fovs. One mil» and a half.-Surtiyalan, I.M, 13U).: fiturdce. 12Rt,'t31b.: Inmsfalien, K't 5!h.; Gaekwar, 12st. 21b.; Nautiboy, list. 131b - .; Grim- Joke, list, ,121b.; Sport, lis .. 811..: Btaeawnj. list, Mb.: .General _Wanchone (late W&ell IW. Hb.: Fire Enter, list,"; Fair Play. list.;'W'.cklow. Ik*.: Here, weare. list.: «outh-"-uer, list.; Tumult, list • Ti»nd< Ist.- Micky Tloolan, list. - AYLESBURY ■ STEEPLECHASE, of 200 sovs. Ah-nit (wo miles nnd a .half.-Jack Rvmons. 13=t. 311..: Bill Terry, l'-st,- 111b.;. Bill, IM. 71b.: GrafMla, 12st. 31b.; Law-' suit. 12st. lib.- Barrister.'list. Ulb.: J"hn Burinv. 'llrt; 101b.: Snndringham, list. 81b.; P'x (Minder, Wst. 101b.: Dunmure. lOst. 91b.- fionni'. lOst. 91b.: Golden (irapc, lOst. i ?.'!..■ Nsnlihov. 10at. lib.: The Grand. lOst.; Kintalshoro. 9:t. 91b.: Terrin, 9st. 71b.; Mieltv Tloolan. 9rt. 71b. HEATUOOTE HANDICAP, of 3.50 sovs. Seven furlongs.-GoM Kip, lUt. 91b.: Kilrush, llßt. 31b. ; KUlowen. list. 21h.; Rnval Star. llßt. 21b.: Br.T-kcn.fteld, lOst. 111b.; HWn Sweep. lOst. Ulb.: Melee. lOst. 61b.; THintv Step. 9st. 101b.; Arch fialutc, 9st. 9'b.; Hnrrv Up. 9st. Sir Fanciful. 9st. fi11..; Loyal Arch. 9Bt. 41k; Will Oakland, 9=t. 31b: Jock. 3st. 21b.; Caverock, 9ft.: N'ehtraVdnr. 9st,; General Advance, 9st.; .Walton, 9st.: Bewreroop. 9et.-. Almoner, 9st,; Braid, 9st.; Miss Camouflage, 9rt.j flhaero'iia, 9st.; Consultation, 9st.; Killeitev. 9st. . „ STYX HURDLE HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Once round and p. di«tance.—Jack Svinons, list, 121b.: Meltohikoff, list. 111b.; Gameccok, list. 91b.; Tatimi, list. Jib.; Signvsian. list. Ilk:, Mannish. lOst, 17.1b.; Bombproof. lOst, l«hi: Tin Un. lOst. fib.; Otaura Kid. lOst, 311..; Falstaff. 9st. 131b.: Geneml Petsin. 9st Sib.; Golden Potal. 9st. 21b.: Wild PiWrim, 9st,; Oalma. 951.: Mcntmore, 9:t,; King Star, 9st.j Bandy. 9st.: flav Boy, 9st.: fitrayshot, 9st,; Golden Rupee, 9st,; Trentham Rose, 9»t.; Blozenwav. 9st.: Glcntanner, 9st.; Hands Off, 9Rt.; War Ts-v.. 9st.; Eron Boy, 9et.; Grim Tnke. 9«t.; Hercweare. 9st.

SYDFNHAH HURDLE HANDICAP, nf 5W r.nvs. Two miles.—Lochella, 12at. 71h. ; Fvlans, 12st. 6!b.; Kauri King, list. Rib.; Thrnce, list. 31h.; Loyal Arch. lOst. Ulb.; Fisher, lOst. 81b.: Kohu, lOst. 81b.i Pnraoa.' Iflst. 51b.; Paddincton Green, 9Rt. 131b.: Jack Symons. 9st. 131b.; Ladogcur, 9i>t. 131h. : Deviation, 9ft. 131b.; Mcltchikoff, 9-.t. lflb.; AH Talk. 9st, 101b.; Alteration, 9st. 10U>.; Zeue. 9st. 61b.; Kerehono, 9at.' Sib.: 'Sl»nvßlnii. 9r*. I\h.:, 9»t.; Rombnroof, 9't..; Bisingham. 98t.: Achillea, "95t..; Wild Pilgrim. 9st.: Marshal, Neil. 9st.; Cymor. 9st.; Kine Star. 9st.; Nautical. 9st.; Whipcord, 9st.; Warfarin, 9st.: Jackaroo. 9sit.: Onlma. 9st. LINCOLN STEEPLFOHASE HANDICAP, of 600. sovs. Ahbut three miles—Lochella, Wat. 131b.; Coalition. 12-.t. 131b.: Waimai. list. 31b.: Master Strowan, 12st. 31b.; First Line, list. 1111).; Oaklcijji; Hat. 101b.: Luke, llßt.- Uli.; Manwapango. list.: Crib. Mel; 1311).; Jack fivmons. lOst. 121b.: Golden, Prince, 10»t. 121b.; Focman, lOst. lib.; Penetnn, lib.: Wirokinn. . 9st. 131b.; ■Rail "Sebastian. 9st. 91b.:'fiturdce. 9nt. 91b.: Morecambc. 9st. 91b.; Oiiekwar, 9flt. 81b.; Mcrn- Lad. 9ft; 71b.: Orm'ephy, 9st. 71b.; Graftclla, 9't. 71b.:'Hill, 9«t. 71h.; Barrister, 9st. 71b.; John Bunny. 9st. 71b,; Biavolo, 9st. 71b.; Ngakanui, 9st. 71b.; Collector, 9< 71b.; Manhattan.' 9ft. 71b.; Zeus, 9at. 71b. j Nicoma, 9,«t 711 v.; Nocturnal, 9st. 71b.; Stone 9*t. 71b.: Warform, 9st. 71b. REDOLIFFS HANDiOAP. of 200 bovs. Seven furlonirß.-Tnrtrix. llpt. 81b.; Walton, list.: flembric, 10n.t. lJlb.: Benperoop. lOst. Ulb.'; Checkmate. lOst. Mb.; Adontcd. lOst. 611).; Carmine, lOst. 61b.; Phil May. 9»t. 13H).; Killceny, 9st. 121b.: High Heels, 9et. 111b.: MiP5 Camouflage. 9ft: 111b.: Chneronia.. 9st. 101b.: Golden Petal, 9st. 3\l>.; Lady Pallas. 9-.t. -31b.: Nautical. 9st. 31b.: The Ps=3, 9s"t.; Black Mountain, 9ft.; Hands Off, 9st.; Graduation, 9st.; Astray, 9st.j Mystified. 9st.; An-ent-Goncral, 9st.; Bonny Doon. 9st.: Woodrow, 9st. SELWYN HANDICAP, of 250 hots. Six furlongs —Killowen, list. 41b.: Bon Spec, lift. 21b.: Bra'ckonflcld, lOst. 111b.: Torfrcda, lOst.-.101h.i-Astinomc, lOst. 61b.; Daytime, 9st. .Ulb.; Arch, Salute. 9ft. 111b.; ' Sir Fanciful. 9.-.t. 101b.; Will Oakland, 9st. 101b.; Warlike, 9r.t. 31b.; General Advance, 9st.' 21b.; Cavcock, 9at.; Braid, 9st.; ■ Sembrie, 9«t.: Counterscarp, 9st.i Consultation. 9bL; Phil May, !>st., Jean Gluten, 98t.; Eonny Step, 9st.; Forty Winks, 9st,j Bothlna, 9st,

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 274, 13 August 1920, Page 8

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THE TURF Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 274, 13 August 1920, Page 8

THE TURF Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 274, 13 August 1920, Page 8