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SHOP NOW-ONLY 3i DAYS! : ,_ — ;. ■ ... ~™""~ """"""" ' IMIIII j BIoUSC "Spetials" Only a'matter of days and this Great Bargain Event will Hosfefy ' be a thing of the'past—a memory—pleasant for all who v . DAINTY VOILE BLOUSES h ave partaken'of the splendid saving opportunities pre- Extra Heavy Weight REAL beautifully embroidered sente(l _( u Hof regrets for those who missed. Talefull SIUC HOSE, 15 inches of ; , finished lace, in all sizes, all a(!vanta 0 f fina ] k[gains ■ o j aillg now , m d you'll W. cotton .fender | - . clean goods and up-to-date V , ~ f • in- -n ll- i tops, perfect fitting, in black ' styles V have reason to be glad arterwards. rrices will be higher on ] y ■■ . . • i 8 y Usual Prices 18/6 to 29/6 ' so f- Sale concessions end on Saturday, and JOT goods °"%,„al P,ice l 2AS a pair TO CLEAR * ] 5/6 wu! cost rauc'a more.. Order Now! TO CI.EAR 8,11 a p,i :

A Wonderful Clearance of Winter ' Millifliefy! A FIH7 ODD LINES OF. HATS—In-Various styles and'useful shapes. •; .•" WOMEN'S AND MISSES'. COLOUKED BEAVER HATS—A splendid range' of To Clear,; 10/6, 15/6 each. smartly trimmed styles, ideal for immediate 'near, and wonderful values. SPECIAL CLEARING. LINE OF VELQTOV for .women' and Classe ln two-lots.- - ■. •-■ _•■< ' To Clear, 29/6, 39/6 each. ■ misses, smart plain bwided styles,'in a great variety of seasonable colourings. •• WOMEN'S COLOURED VELOUR HATS—Beautiful models, all in exquisite j To Claar, 25/-<each. taste, attractive styles for present wear. These have ranged into three • _ ' . * ~\. lots for final clearance. Bo sure to 6ee them. To Clear, 39/6. 49/6.-59/6. FINAL CLEARANCE .OF VELVET MODEL HATS—These are in bla'qk and col- . .now, oj/o, «/#, oj/o. ours, and represent 4he-balance. of our stock of this-class, sorted in tliree« Tlie balance of our 6tock of HAND-M"ADE HAT : BANDS to be cleared at greatly lots for clearance, -w Sale Prices,- 19/6, -29/6,- -39/6.V reduced priccs for tho last fow days., , ' ' A . Household Drapery Buy Dress Goods /. , Priccs. will soon fcc much higher. Buy now while :.; ,| v You'll : savc a lot ot money if you anticipate your .thesesavings offer. \" future needs now. A,T J .— TAMA SILK-H)8 inches wide; a new-weave'in dainty anil 6oft silk;- ■ j . does not crush; drapes, effectively, and is very durable. For • - . • -, l. I" dinner and Street wear it is'the voguei We have it in four 1 v -.HNLAT S'63-INCH TWILL SHEETlNG—flualitv F.T. Only •a! •• j shades only, and they arc excellent—in nut brown, dark reseda, . . .:limited quantity left. : Usual price 5/0, Sale Price 4/11 yard i ; mid grey, and molo. Usual price 12/6 yard. Sale price 9/11 yard | 'THE CELEBRATED "KIRKSTiIN" WHITE' TWILL SHEETING | " j tteSndSrto^r'nSS' WIM... Sale: Prifts-.S/*, 5/11 yard ' V " \ ' 70 incites wide—Usual prices 7/3,•8/6. Sale Prices -6/6, 7/9 yard. I. j nnrTTFWF T\rrm<;<;THi\ T T.' w-n he i '• t> «,v t PURE LINEN DAMASK—At in the i,,0il .usual prices. i 'n,?f ivu J'v are tti'e best , U inches .wide-' Usual prices 11/9, i 15/-V 23/6 yard ... mnut br ?™> ' Sale' Prices,2o/-yard Usual price 14/11 yard. Sale Price 9/11 yard 63 inchea .: Usual prices 21/-, 22/0; -Sale' Prices 18/-, 19/6 UNTEARABLE TAFFIETAS—3B/40 inches wide. What an advantage! 72 inches wide-r - ' : : .. . Will not tear, does not crush, and is very durable for dressy r > '" Usual pricftj 12/6,17/6; 21/-, 26/-, 29/6,. 32/6,■ 35/-j',4o/s : 45/-' yard i costume and frock wear. The shades comprise selected tones in J Sale Prices 10/9; '14/9,' 18/-, 22/-. 25/-, 28/-, 29/9. "34/-, : 38/9 .yard 'i autumn brown, light navy, beaver, zinc, and ivory. . - .' ' ■ ' !' I ,' I Usual price 15/9 yard. Sale Price 9/11 yard \> i-PUKB-LINEN-TABLE NAPKINS^-" . : ' [ : SUITINGS-5t inche3 wide./ Astounding value is tho only. •-Breakfast size- Usual prices 58/6, ,79/6,' 84/-, 100/-; als/-\dozen , tern applicable to' this cxW epewalfobno for coats, skirts, ,and Sale Prices 49/9,'67/6-71/6,-85/v 97/9? dozen V: . costumes for and old; Note the width; and we can 1 Dinner sire- Usual- price 110/-.' 'Sale Price 93/6 dozen ..i, ' • . you the quality is.right and tho shades are good; in ooral, ..... , \ .. ' - •: lavender, shrimp, dOve, sand, bramble, eoa green, mastic, and HW3 LINEN DUUSK CLOTHS-Beantifuf designs^atd' bordered 'riiimraTm VOTTTO niSv 7B^!! P9/11 y^ d iftll nrtund nt <1/. in thn i nn'oM -• .-JiMBKOIUJiKJiD VUIIiU KOIiES-3 only. All one piece, can be- ' ■ , made up to any design or; style. These have plain embroidery «• ' ' Tjlnni m : 70/ qai m i Mph .•; h •' «>und bottom of'sWrt. and trimnrings also of same design., ► *"r , Sale Prices J| ' ' tt^^tSbel^i° ne \ at. ! Size, 2 yards by 2} 3 ards— ' W. Tt Usual price 45/-. Sale Price 29/6 robe 1 I Usual prices 72/6, 90/-, 95/-, 105/-, 130/4,"each Usual price 57/6. Sale Price 32/6 robo H Sale Prices 6i;9, 1616, 80/9,89/3, , .vsHiK'EMßßOn)Eß'ED v NE^llOßls, C sAltshiprf road/for I - ' SiV/fl 2 rardi bv 3 vards- •" ,fi3C ™S ; V Mnlc .o effective froctfor-elderly lady. .They drape well i T/hiial -nricpfl 61/-- RQ/fi R7/R 110/- ■£! l<i/irAu>li and are certainly, dressy. The shades are -Light Reseda, with 1 •» . . Sals. Prices'. 53/6, 59/-, 74/6, 93/6, £6 11/-" each self-tone embroidery Black with Green and Gold embroidery, I . ■ '• and self tono; Dark Reseda with embroidery same shade— S',f.sp : UNBLEACHED LINEN DAMAGE- ' ' ' j®/": |«'® g r ' c « glji'' i M' 7 -"-'.''. '63 inches wide- "Usual• prices: 8/11, ?10/-. Sale Prices 7/7, 8/6: yard I ' t! S!! S 1 72 inches wide— p P rtet S'l2/9 15/j Sd SEQUIN 'NET- ROBES,' 4' ONLY-TTltese. are shaped' ready for fixing ! ; " i .. and :also ready to. .wear as cvernress on Silk. Goivn. Convert 91-INCH STRIPE FLANNELEiTTE—Design in pinic, -huitabler-for ' H l £ r °° k garter and newer by smiring ■ : -. .l - mfln'a fikirts -efcc— * -nripp. 2/fi , i ' one of All Black Net*, and some havo .Silver Sequin, , ( mens eoirWj pyjamas, etc. usual P n C .e m , Black, and othera shot effect Sequin. The effect- I ■ i ' ;ia'drossy and i WHITE OR CREAM PLAIN FLANNELETTE-36 inches iide, i ' "• | . -:' 6 i especially suitablo for ladies' and children's wear— V ! ■ V' -- ; ' Sff®' Sail Usuil.price 2/6.~ ; • Sale Price 2/2-yard ' ' S . | a ft® gSfg. | " A ' 1 °All' sh?d^°^ No l Qualih-- Usual price 2/11 Sale Price 2/6 vard I . lavishly embroidered in Silk;of. same shade.;. Th«y are already V- w« 9 oS' e!i. pm« 7»• •wh i . "hoped for fixmg.and can easily be made-up into the most stylish BSBSS;S?-.^^S j :-. -. i %. COVERS FOR DQWN QUILTS ready to slip <m -t ' , .. S! jS S/l* ' 8S pJEJ IS . | . «••,*>« make any ol<£ quilt look like new. Good Tange of .smart designs v Uenal price ,£5/5/- Sale Price 65/in. all. colourings. Dduble-bed size-Usual price<'ss/~. X'/.' -Usual price <£5/19/6 ■ Sale Price 69/6 j W;jV- :■ ■ ■ ;u..:-,.' Y \ Sale Price' 46/9. • ' Usual price Sale Price 63/- • : 1 Usual,price ißfi/16/- Sale Price 95/- i Rare Bargains Offering In the Fancy Department! ■ ij^pWDROP ; DRESS NINON-New season's goods at clearing prices, inches HANDSOME IRIDESCENT. GEOiRGETTE—Rich cerise, black, or ivorv deen PAi' ?• ' inivory.champagne,-lemon,eaxe, ]ade, navy, black, pink, eky. .Usual;. , .flouncing.effect one side,.trimming.for bodice on opposite edge: making com- !",• v..;, Pnce, 11/6-yard. - , s Sale Price, : ; 6/11 •' plete gown; 40 inches wide.. Usual Price, 52/6 yard. Av ; i,';;I|INSEL-BEADED• J)RE>SS.-NINON—4i) inchcs wide; designs worked in-flouncing;-. J'., * ar ?' P>M on eky.-gold on white; gold on pink, gold on black. ; Usual : : CHECK- NINON SCARVES-For street or evening':wear; in' saxe and white iTice, li/b yard. 4,- . . Sale Price, 6/11 yard.. v -rose and white, emerald and white, navy and white, black-and white - 'all ; BROCADED NETS—36,inches wido; handome allover ,loign,. gold oni >itß 3 - inoh bor<ler of P lniu * Price, 23/6 ; - 'Sale Price, '13/6. ' butterfly on bWck,. saxe blue. LONGCLOTH CAMISOLE EMBROIDERY-Superior quality, fading for thread- ' o*ie yaro,. . i . Sale Price, 2/3 yard. ,THE HAN]?KBP,CHIEI}' PO"\VI)ER IUIFP—A f;!s]iiou novelty, convenient and . COLOURED AfOTRIB FPrTT S !—T?mHv fni- a+fn/iK!ni» t/i f ~. ; ''- ' S l, 3T bl^IDg takes little room iri pUrs^or&gAUsual,. n a™Rl™S o^m? Rioe ' > - Sale Price, 3/11 each. NAVY SKIRT FRILLS-Trimmed tartan bands-in contrasting-cotouw. Usual 11 ' ' iiiu, oin. bale Price, 6/11 each, :j ; . ' / ; \ I The "Free" Sewing Machine. Toilet Soaps at Reduced Prices :> ' EVERY 'MACHINE 10 .YEARS. 1 Buy NoW ! "'I Silent and easy run- WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP-Ideal for nursery and toilof . mng, a splendid mac-, «se. . , Usual price 1/-. Safe Price /101 'S: hine ror • : home use. " 'LULLABY TOILET SOAP—In wallflower, rose, glycorine and Wn'fwlwni-lr in cuc.umber, butter-milk.- Usual'price-Ba. 6d. dozen. ' [•-, . ; polished-golden oak; . : Slf ATKINSON'S VISITORS' SOAP TABLETS-lu'violet 6 tnnn. 'A' gives the appearancie ':" II lavender. . Usual price 4/6 dozen. ' b :oUhandßomewriting .' J1 i MMSfBL'S BBOWN WINDSOR' SOApifea frfi%^ ■ f A table, when not in use • i | . • Jllii Sale Price 2/9^Xen S ;• • 111 markß:.'a new achievement in sewing machine ■ l|| ili | LEVER'S.STARLIGHT BATH SOAP—Large round tablets. > *: «ffi«en<y;;:.;M 9 ny new features and. imprbye- 1 :: || i INDASTA RATH SOAP-Usaal ments are introduced.,,-The eccentric shuttle In! | . &|; J| ATKINSON'S BATH SOAP-I/arge round tablets annroxi! ir movement . and-ball-bearing: tfeadle action cuts fli |( -Ira IB B '°f' ''V® 48 ' '» Tiolet » oatmeal, glycerine and out vibration, and. the careful adjusting of all I - . ,1 b»*r. «««. , working paits ensures a perfect movement, an lllip- A~ >r i' > I|| LEVER'S SEALSKIN BATH SOAP—Usual price 1/1 cake U,u,1F,,c.£12[12. Sale Price 111/7)6 f WMJAMR MW row D EIt-o„„ti„,, S tJft,iS £ . " 7 " ~ m --rr- iKHsa , Sale Price 1/4 tin Make the most of your Saving chances before it's too late! I NEXT SATURDAY. '

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 272, 11 August 1920, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 272, 11 August 1920, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 272, 11 August 1920, Page 2